Sex before childbirth: to be or not to be? Husband’s help or intimacy for a quick birth: how to have sex correctly in order to give birth Husband therapy to stimulate labor: all the benefits and harms

To speed up the onset of labor, many couples resort to husband therapy. Sexual intimacy before childbirth can bring the birth of a child closer, but there are also contraindications.

Husband therapy to stimulate labor: all the benefits and harms

Some couples expecting a child want to bring the onset of labor a little closer.

There are several ways to stimulate the opening of the uterus, and one of them is intimate intimacy.

Benefits and harms

A normal pregnancy without complications does not prohibit sex. Sexual relations with your husband only have a positive effect on the health of the expectant mother and baby.

Sometimes couples refuse intimacy long before childbirth, fearing harm to the child. There is no need to worry about this. Indeed, during the process, uteroplacental blood flow increases, which will benefit the fetus.

Obstetricians' opinion

Modern doctors advise young parents to bring intimacy into their lives to stimulate the onset of labor. Sexual intimacy will bring the greatest effect when the baby is in no hurry to be born, and the woman is already overdue.

Husband therapy is useful because:

To speed up the results, you need to make love without a condom, since sperm contains prostaglandins that smooth the uterus.

If we talk about the dangers of sex before childbirth, then it is worth highlighting the following points:

  • Discomfort or pain during intimacy is a signal that sexual intercourse needs to be stopped.
  • Bloody discharge or the passage of a plug increases the woman’s risk of infection (only if the spouse has genital diseases).

Any unpleasant sensations during sexual intercourse should be a reason to stop sexual activity and seek advice from a gynecologist.

Popular beliefs: does it help?

To believe in beliefs or not is everyone’s business. But in the old days, our ancestors believed that intimacy between a man and his pregnant wife would lead to a difficult birth and injury to the child.

Therefore, long before the birth, the husband did not touch his wife.

When it helps to give birth faster and easier

In order for intimate intimacy to help give birth easier and faster, the cervix must naturally gradually prepare for childbirth. As already mentioned, a man’s sperm contains special substances that accelerate the smoothing of the walls of the cervix. Therefore, if a woman exceeds the prescribed period, then it is better to start active and, most importantly, unprotected sex at the beginning of 40-41 weeks.

For everything to go smoothly, the expectant mother must want intimacy. During sexual intercourse, beware of pain, pressure on the abdomen and uncomfortable positions.

How to have sex before childbirth to have an easy birth

It has long been known that husband therapy accelerates the onset of labor. Therefore, most doctors do not mind, and often even recommend that couples make love to bring the long-awaited moment closer. However, in order for the disclosure to occur correctly and painlessly, spouses need to adhere to some rules.

During sexual intercourse, consider the following recommendations:

  • Have sex by mutual consent and desire.
  • Make as careful movements as possible.
  • Choose a comfortable position so that there is no pressure on your stomach, for example, on your side.
  • During intimacy, the husband should touch the woman's nipples.
  • If pain or discomfort occurs, stop sex.

If pregnancy proceeds without complications, have sexual intercourse daily and several times a day.

During pregnancy, there are periods that are considered dangerous for sex. These are the first weeks after conception, from 18 to 22 and from 22 to 32 weeks.

Contraindications to sex before childbirth

Husband therapy is not always beneficial. There are a number of contraindications when sexual intimacy between future parents can provoke negative consequences.

Among them:

  • pathological uterine discharge;
  • placental adherence of the fetus;
  • pain during intimacy;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • threat of premature birth;
  • violation of the integrity of the structure of the fetal bladder.

It happens that after sex a woman experiences heavy bleeding. In such cases, urgent medical care.

If you follow all the advice and recommendations of the gynecologist, making love will only bring benefits and pleasure for both partners. Be careful, adhere to all contraindications, and then you will bring the birth of your child closer!

Useful video

Towards the end of pregnancy, fatigue accumulates and a woman’s vigilance becomes dulled, but this is the most crucial time, before the onset of labor. Now it is worth protecting yourself from injuries and falls, colds and other infections so that they do not complicate childbirth or harm you and your baby.

Of course, by the 40th week of pregnancy, almost all expectant mothers already know how to behave. It is important to take care of your health, get proper rest, and spend more time in the fresh air. However, in last days before giving birth it is worth showing special attention to your well-being and lifestyle. It is important to find out what you should and should not do in the last days before giving birth.

What not to do at 40 weeks of pregnancy

Considering that childbirth will begin at any moment, bans are imposed on long-distance travel and flights, and bumpy driving even 100 km from the city threatens to give birth on the road. Naturally, if you are away from home. It is forbidden to leave documents and phone number at home if labor begins at a party or on the street - this will become an unnecessary problem and nervous experience for you.
It is worth remembering that at 40 weeks of pregnancy it is strictly forbidden to do repairs - breathe in chemicals and paints, move furniture and overwork when cleaning, washing and housework. It is worth refusing to wash windows and high shelves, not using a stepladder, and not climbing high, so as not to fall and get injured. When the mucus plug comes out, you should not take a bath; you should only bathe in the shower. At the same time, lay a non-slip rubber mat on the bottom of the bath. Naturally, you should give up extreme sports and heavy lifting, even if these are bags from the store. You now need to rest and gain strength.

What to do at 40 weeks of pregnancy

During this period, you should pay more attention to yourself and your condition. You need to rest as much as possible, sleep during the day, and use additional pillows at night to find a comfortable position. You should eat varied and light, according to your appetite, you can indulge in various delicacies. It is important to spend a lot of time in the fresh air, taking leisurely walks, this will help prepare the cervix for childbirth.

You need to get as many positive emotions as possible from communicating with loved ones, your spouse and your future baby, read books and listen to music, watch good films.

Sex at 40 weeks pregnant

The question of whether you can have sex at 40 weeks of pregnancy is controversial. On the one hand, intimacy prepares the cervix for childbirth, softening it. But, if the mucous plug has separated, intimate intimacy is no longer recommended due to the risk of infection of the fetus. Naturally, it is prohibited in case of leakage of amniotic fluid, placenta previa and poor health.

Smoking at 40 weeks of pregnancy

In the last days of pregnancy, it is absolutely worth giving up bad habits, including smoking (even passive) and drinking alcohol. They negatively affect the fetus and the birth process, leading to complications during labor and the birth of a weakened baby. It is worth categorically giving up such bad habits completely.

Many young families ask specialists about the possibility of continuing intimate life while their partner is carrying a baby. Husband therapy before childbirth has its advantages and disadvantages. The gynecologist should tell you about them. You should also know how to properly use husband therapy before childbirth in order to get the maximum benefit and not harm the little body.

Natural childbirth – best option developments

When a woman feels an orgasm, her uterus becomes toned. In the early stages of pregnancy, sexual intercourse can lead to miscarriage. And before giving birth, doctors recommend that their patients resort to intimate relationships. Husband therapy promotes the timely onset of labor. After intimacy with a partner, the uterus opens more easily.

If a woman has no pregnancy-related contraindications, husband therapy will be useful. You can have sex every day and several times. It all depends on the wishes and well-being of the expectant mother. Experts recommend being as careful as possible and not putting pressure on your stomach. The doctor will tell you how to properly perform husbandry therapy before childbirth, so as not to harm the baby.

During intimacy with a partner, a woman is recommended to take a position on her side. This will minimize the risk of pressure on the abdomen. A woman can lie on her back, provided that she is comfortable in this position. A man should make sure that his partner does not feel pain. Also avoid prolonged sexual intercourse. He needs to protect her from excessive activity. If there is any discomfort, stop making love.

Many qualified specialists recommend that young couples who are expecting a baby have sex before giving birth. It is important not to forget about precautions. Consequences or complications can appear within a few hours or the next day after husband therapy.

This method of stimulating labor is chosen by doctors if the baby is in no hurry to be born. The mother is very worried at this time, as she is post-term, taking into account the timing. And this can have consequences not only for a small organism. The woman herself is under threat.

Inducing labor with husband therapy is a safe and natural way to speed up the birth of your baby. Officially, medical specialists do not confirm this fact, but many doctors and young mothers are confident in this. It is always better to give birth to a child naturally than to take medications that can be harmful not only to the female body.

Pros and cons of therapy

A normal pregnancy cannot be a serious contraindication for sexual intercourse with your husband. Having sex in this situation will have a positive effect on the health of mother and child.

Advantages of husband therapy:

  1. The general mood of a pregnant woman improves.
  2. After orgasm, endorphins are released in the body of the expectant mother. This is a hormone of joy, it is useful for mother and child too.
  3. After intimacy, the cervix softens.
  4. Husband therapy promotes the onset of labor.
  5. During sexual activity, the uterus is trained.

The composition of male sperm includes a hormone that has a positive effect on the cervix. It acquires softness and elasticity. Therefore, during labor, the cervix will open quickly and painlessly.

IN female body During sexual intercourse, natural lubrication is also released. Its effect on the cervix is ​​also positive. Softening and moisturizing it leads to a simplified birth process.

During lovemaking, the circulatory system works in an enhanced mode. This leads to an increase in uteroplacental flow. Qualified specialists are confident that for a pregnant woman before childbirth, such a phenomenon brings only benefits.

Negative aspects of husband therapy:

  1. The process is not fully understood by medical scientists. Prenatal care is not fully proven.
  2. During sexual intercourse, a pregnant woman may experience a plug. Its absence increases the risk of fetal infection if the mother or father has sexually transmitted diseases.

Sometimes intimate intimacy can cause premature birth. Qualified specialists do not recommend that future parents get involved in sex, especially at 8 months.


Husband therapy is not always beneficial. In the case of broken waters, the woman needs to go to the maternity hospital. There is no time for sexual intimacy. In addition, there is a risk of infecting the child with a sexually transmitted infection.

A woman will not receive the expected positive effect if she is not ready for intimacy with a man. On the contrary, for her it may become severe stress which will lead to a negative reaction. There are situations when pregnant women, while carrying a baby, do not feel the need for sexual intimacy with their partner at all. You shouldn’t force her, and the woman should explain to the man the reason for her refusal.

Husband therapy will be useful before childbirth if there is a mutual desire of the spouses. Despite numerous positive aspects, intimacy during pregnancy has certain contraindications:

  • the presence of pathological processes. Marital therapy before childbirth is prohibited if specialists have diagnosed placental presentation in a woman. Sexual intercourse can provoke its detachment, and therefore bleeding.
  • if there is a threat of miscarriage or an increased likelihood of premature birth;
  • appearance pain during intimacy;
  • presence of pathological discharge;
  • there is a risk of violating the integrity of the amniotic sac.

It happens that after sexual intercourse a woman begins to bleed heavily. If medical attention is needed, call a doctor. A clear liquid that may be released into the large quantities after intimacy with a man.

Experts also recommend that spouses avoid making love during certain periods of pregnancy. We are talking about the earlier time of the first trimester, from 18 to 22 weeks, as well as from 28 to 32 weeks. Most often, premature births and involuntary miscarriages occur precisely at these times.

Making love is not always harmful, especially if the partners follow the doctor's recommendations. Do not use extreme positions or forced games. It is necessary to constantly remember about caution and individual contraindications.

What should the sex life of an expectant mother be like before giving birth - in the author's column by Diana Mardas

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1. Does sexual activity really provoke an early onset of contractions?

Yes, yes and yes again! Sexual activity is a permitted “accelerator” of childbirth! 3 reasons for home stimulation:

  • Firstly, the most common thing happens mechanical stimulation of the cervix the male genital organ, but this is not the main thing.
  • Secondly, men's seminal fluid contains special hormones - prostaglandins, which have the ability to soften the cervix. It is these hormones that we, obstetricians-gynecologists, use to prepare the cervix for childbirth.

Have you heard the scary word “induction of labor”? So, special medical gels and droppers contain these same hormones prostaglandins, which we can get at home in an absolutely pleasant intimate atmosphere!

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  • Thirdly, when a woman is sexually aroused, and especially during orgasm, a production known to everyone occurs to the expectant mother the hormone oxytocin, which is sometimes used in maternity hospitals to stimulate labor.

2. Is it possible for everyone to be sexually active on the eve of childbirth?

Yes, if there is no danger of harm to health. For “husband therapy” there are strict contraindications:

  • placenta previa.

When the placenta closes the exit from the uterus, sexual intercourse can provoke placental abruption and bleeding.

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  • if there are doubts about the integrity of the amniotic sac.

If you experience discharge that looks like water (a clear, colorless liquid), you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

In this case, there is a high probability of infection of the membranes and the fetus, since one of the functions of the membranes is to protect the fetus from infection.

  • in case of any sexually transmitted infections, one of the partners should be excluded from sexual activity.

3. Why do many women experience increased sexual desire on the eve of childbirth?

For many women, sexual desire increases at 37 weeks and beyond. It's a matter of swelling the tendency to which increases towards the end of pregnancy.

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Swelling appears not only on the legs and face, but also in the genital area, where, as you know, erogenous zones are located! These areas are further stimulated by swollen tissue.

Already from the beginning of pregnancy blood supply to the vagina and uterus increases sharply. Especially on the eve of childbirth.

This determines the fact that many women experience orgasm for the first time on the eve of childbirth.

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4. Can a child hear and see how mom and dad indulge in lovemaking?

Typical male question. Once a patient called me, to whom I recommended “husband therapy” on the eve of childbirth and tearfully asked:

Please tell my husband that the child will not know or see anything!!!

That was the first time I encountered such a fear of future dads. Dear future mothers and fathers, there is no danger for the baby if you follow the rules from point 2. He will not understand anything, will not remember, will not hear and will not remember this in the fifth year of his life!

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I, as a representative of obstetricians and gynecologists, give you the green light to such a pleasant method of accelerating labor. And then, from the arms of my beloved spouse, to our maternity hospital with good mood and good cervical dilatation!

What fears did your husband have about sex life during pregnancy?

The column is led by:

Diana Mardas, director, author of the course, obstetrician-gynecologist practicing in the maternity hospital, certified specialist in the field breastfeeding, management of high-risk pregnancy and childbirth, psychology of pregnancy, developer of an assessment scale for the occurrence of cerebral palsy in a child, author of numerous publications in the field of pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, medical law, winner of international and national conferences in the field of obstetrics and gynecology.

A couple expecting a new baby faces many questions, particularly on intimate issues. Is it possible to have sex during pregnancy? Is it true that sex at 38 weeks of pregnancy can bring birth closer? In what cases is sex during pregnancy contraindicated? Do all women lose desire, or does it intensify for some? Until what stage of pregnancy can you have sex? Even experienced friends cannot always be asked about such moments.

Do you want to “peek through the keyhole” of other married couples? We have collected 3 true stories from our readers, each of which has its own point of view regarding sex during pregnancy. How long can you sleep and bring pleasure to yourself and your husband? We will try to answer this question too.


“We went to the bedroom, and after 1.5 hours I started having contractions!”

“Sex during pregnancy seemed unnecessary to me. A couple of times a month I “felt sorry” for my husband, and that was all. But in the prenatal period changes came. My baby was in no hurry to be born, and the preliminary due date has already passed for a week. The doctor said not to resort to any drugs that induce labor, try making love. It turns out that sex before childbirth is the best stimulation of the birth process. Not only mechanical stimulation helps, but also sperm - it contains a hormone that softens and prepares the cervix for the birth process! So in the evening we happily went to the bedroom. I can’t believe it myself, but after 1.5 hours I started having contractions!”

Jamilya, 26 years old

“My husband didn’t excite me at all...”

“Is it possible to have sex during pregnancy? For the first two months of pregnancy, all I heard from my gynecologist was “you need sexual rest.” The thing is that I was threatened with miscarriage, and the doctor naturally gave a ban: “Sex will become possible at 12 weeks of pregnancy.” The husband got angry, upset, and turned his attention to the computer. I was sad too. After some time, he got used to it, moved away, and again became open and attentive. But I seemed to be overwhelmed: my husband didn’t excite me at all, I could look at him. At the 5th month it became terribly annoying. So we didn't have sex at all during pregnancy. I moved away emotionally only after giving birth. And so it turned out that my husband went all 9 months without dessert.”

Irina, 23 years old

“My beloved even hid from me, said that he really wanted to, but he couldn’t…”

“During the first trimester I had severe toxicosis, I didn’t want anything. When my friends talked about their culinary whims, I rushed from the toilet to the sofa, and lashed out at everyone. What kind of sex are we talking about? Sometimes I wanted to eat, but mostly I just wanted to sleep, sleep, sleep. And in the second trimester, everything returned to normal, my mood improved, and my husband stopped getting upset over trifles.

In general, we began to have sex, but very carefully, and not too often. But during the third trimester I seemed to go crazy. At that time, I nicknamed myself a preoccupied hippopotamus... At that time, I had just gone on maternity leave, I had a lot of time and energy, and I was in earnest! My beloved sometimes even hid from me, overeated on purpose, and said that he really wanted to, but he couldn’t. I watched TV until late.

It’s funny now, but then it was offensive to the point of tears, which I didn’t regret at all. Before giving birth, I constantly referred to the need for sex as an assistant for childbirth in order to give birth faster - I read it on the Internet...

“Did you ask the doctor until what stage of pregnancy can you have sex?” - my smart husband did not give in, but I was angry. And after giving birth, I was carried away by the baby and completely forgot about sex. Everything between us stabilized only by the 4th month after giving birth.”

Madina, 25 years old


Until when can you sleep with your partner? Modern doctors claim that sex in the position is safe if everything proceeds without any complications, and there are no specific contraindications.

The idea that sex can trigger labor is wrong. This can only happen if the uterus is already mature and the estimated time is already close. In the case of a post-term pregnancy, sometimes doctors themselves recommend that the couple have sex in order to speed up the opening of the uterus.

Indeed, semen contains the hormone prostaglandin, which helps the cervix soften and open slightly. But here it is important to realize that for results you need sex without a condom.

There are special contraindications here: if you are not sure that your partner does not have a sexually transmitted infection, or in the case when the membranes have already ruptured and water has broken out. In any case, you should not be embarrassed to discuss intimate issues with your doctor; on the contrary, it is Necessarily! Whether it is possible or not is up to the doctor leading the pregnancy to decide.