Human freedom is synonymous with permissiveness. Social studies test. B) Both judgments are correct

The test on the topic "Man" is presented in two versions. Compiled based on FIPI materials. Consists of part A (30 questions) and part B (7 tasks). Corresponds to the structure of the Unified State Exam. It can be used both to prepare students for the Unified State Exam and to control the knowledge of knowledge on this topic.



Topic: "Man". Option 1

A1 . Individuality is

1) specific features inherent in humans as a biological organism

2) a person’s temperament, his character

3) the unique originality of both natural and social in man

4) the totality of human needs and abilities

A2. The sign that distinguishes a person from an animal is

1) manifestation of activity 2) goal setting

3) adaptation to the environment 4) interaction with the outside world

A3 . Are the following judgments about human life in society true?

A. The ability to live in society is inherent in man by nature itself.

B. Personality can only be formed in human society.

A4 . The results of industrial, social and spiritual activity of man and society in the aggregate can be called

1)culture 2)economics 3)worldview 4)history

A5 . Human activity and animal behavior are characterized by

1) setting goals 2) self-control mechanism

3) conscious choice of means 4) satisfaction of needs

A6 . Work as opposed to communication

1) is a human need

2) can give a person pleasure

3)directly transforms objects environment

4) assumes the presence of a goal

A7 . Are the following statements about human freedom true?

A. Human freedom is synonymous with permissiveness.

B. Human freedom is impossible in conditions of social connections and interactions.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A8 . Human needs, determined by his biological nature, include the needs for

1) self-preservation 2) self-realization 3) self-knowledge 4) self-education

A9. Personality qualities are manifested in

1) traits of a person as a biological organism 2) hereditary predisposition

3) characteristics of temperament 4) socially transformative activities

A10 . Are the following judgments about the manifestation of individual and social in a person correct?

A. Individual and social in man are the result of biological evolution.

B. Individual and social development of a person are in no way connected with each other.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A11 . Both humans and animals are capable

1) use objects of nature 2) make tools using other tools

3) transfer labor skills to subsequent generations 4) understand one’s own needs

A12 . Such types of human activities as communication and play have in common that they

1) allow the use of certain rules or regulations

2) require the presence of a partner

3) are conditional in nature

4) prescribe mandatory observance of rituals

Gradual evolution from the ape to man himself?

  1. I.I. Mechnikov 2) I.P. Pavlov 3) C. Darwin 4) J. Cuvier

A14 . Which of the following features is characteristic of humans and is absent in animals?

  1. metabolic processes
  2. creative activity
  3. work of the senses
  4. need for food

A15 . In cognitive activity, in contrast to labor:

  1. means must correspond to ends
  2. the goal is to obtain reliable knowledge
  3. the subject is an individual
  4. the result is a new product

A 16. Will is

  1. power over oneself, control of one’s actions, conscious regulation of one’s behavior
  2. the ability to fight back against the offender
  3. the ability to fundamentally oppose any point of view other than one’s own
  4. ability for the most dangerous and brutal struggle

A17 . A student for a teacher is:

  1. object of activity 2) competitor 3) subject of activity 4) colleague

A18. Are the following personality statements true?

A. The main thing in characterizing a person is the person’s participation in social relations and creative activities.

B. A newborn person is a person.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A19 . Agents of secondary socialization do not include:

  1. Radio journalist 2) cousin 3) university teacher 4) company manager?

A20 . Are the judgments correct?

Formal interpersonal relationships:

A. They are built depending on the individual characteristics of the individual.

B. Standardized and impersonal.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A21 . Complete the statement: Man, a being who embodies the highest stage of life development, is most likely based on human ability

  1. organize together with other people into cohesive groups to defend their interests;
  1. resist any aggressive attacks against him;
  1. adapt to environmental conditions that are not always favorable for him;
  2. to creative creative activity based on developed, improving consciousness (thinking, imagination, intuition, etc.)

A22 . Existential needs include:

  1. comfort 2) communication 3) knowledge 4) self-esteem

A23 . Are the following statements about self-awareness true?

A. A person can determine what he is like by comparing himself with other people.

B. A person can determine what he is like without being interested in other people’s opinions about himself.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A24 . Are the following statements about a person true?

A. Man remains part of the natural world.

B. Man develops through the process of social and cultural evolution.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A25 . Are the following judgments about the outstanding abilities of a person true?

A. Nature makes a person a genius.

B. Mental talent is a quality determined by the biological nature of a person.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A26 . Practical activities include

  1. production of material goods
  2. knowledge of the laws of natural development
  3. formation of religious ideas about the world
  4. composing music

A27 . Activity as opposed to communication

  1. is a human need
  2. can give a person pleasure
  3. presupposes a goal
  4. directly transforms environmental objects

A28 . Are the following statements about individual freedom true?

A. Human freedom presupposes a person’s responsibility to society for his actions and deeds.

B. Freedom is the ability to choose a method of action to achieve a goal.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A29 . Choose the correct answer from the list below.

A person as an individual representative of the human community, a bearer of individually free traits is called:

  1. An activist 2) an individual 3) a leader 4) a person

A30. The highest moral meaning of human activity is given by

  1. Dedication 2) material gain 3) pride in what has been accomplished 4) enjoyment of mastery.

Part B

B1 . Complete the phrase: “A characteristic manifestation of human activity, expressed in the transformation of the internal and external world, is


B 2. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, are related to the concept of “activity structure”.Find and indicate a term not related to this concept.

Subject; target; funds; individual; object; result.


B 3. Establish a correspondence between the types of activities given in the first column and their characteristics given in the second.

B 4 . Write down the selected letters in the table, and then transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer form (without spaces or other symbols).

Find in the list belowbasic human needs

  1. Need for law
  2. Need for communication
  3. Need for moral improvement
  4. Need for interaction
  5. The need to achieve truth
  6. The need for increasing goodness


At 5 . Read the text below, each sentence of which is numbered. Determine which sentences are: 1) actual character; 2 ) the nature of value judgments

(A) Apparently, the time has come for the level of development and progressiveness of society to begin to be assessed by what a person becomes, in which direction he changes from year to year. (B) Civilization conquers nature, achieving high level scientific and technological progress, but turns out to be helpless in understanding the essence of man. (B) The rapid development of science and technology, according to many experts, is accompanied by the destruction of nature and the spread of lack of spirituality. (D) It seems that a person becomes a slave to technology and his own meanness, and begins to pray to the “yellow devil.”


At 6

“In recent decades, psychologists have made a number of remarkable discoveries. One of them is about the importance of communication style with a child for his _____ (1). It has now become an indisputable truth that _____ (2) is as necessary for a child as food. A baby who receives adequate nutrition and good medical care, but is deprived of constant _____ (3) with an adult, develops poorly not only mentally, but also physically: he does not grow, loses weight, and loses interest in life. If we continue the comparison with food, we can say that communication can be not only healthy, but also harmful. Bad food poisons the body; improper communication “poisons” ____(4) the child, jeopardizes his emotional well-being, and subsequently, of course, his fate. The main features of a favorable communication style in the family were determined as a result of the enormous work of humanistic psychologists, theorists and practitioners. _____ (5) in education is based primarily on understanding the child - his needs and _____ (6), on knowledge of the patterns of his growth and development of his personality.”


At 7 . Find in the list belowhuman properties of a social nature. Write down the numbers in ascending order.

  1. Ability for joint transformative activities
  2. The desire for self-realization
  3. Ability to adapt to natural conditions
  4. Stable views on the world and your place in it
  5. Need for water, food, rest








Option 2

A1. The "second nature" or "inorganic body" of man is

  1. The world of social and artificial objects created by man.
  2. The world of the supernatural, mysterious and enigmatic.
  3. The sphere of the true and present, in contrast to everyday, boring and monotonous life.
  4. The result of overcoming or denying the first - natural-biological nature of man.

A2 . Human nature

  1. This is an innate biopsychic constitution common to all people.
  2. There is nothing more than the totality of his basic needs.
  3. Represents the basic and unchangeable qualities of a person.
  4. This is a set of qualities such as reason, conscience, duty, and the gift of communication.

A3 . Human needs determined by society include the need for

1) labor activity 2) preservation of the species 3) self-preservation 4) physical activity

A4 . Distinctive feature the concept of “personality” is (are)

1) articulate speech 2) consciousness and thinking

3) ability to take responsibility 4) presence of physical needs

A5. Are the following statements about self-knowledge correct?

A. The ideal “I” is the idea of ​​how others want to see me.

B. An integral part of self-knowledge is self-esteem.

A6 . The main factor in personality formation is

1) natural environment 2) communication with others 3) mechanism of heredity 4) innate tendencies

A7. Personality is

  1. a person living in society and possessing a system of socially significant traits, properties and qualities
  2. a person's temperament, his character
  3. unique psychophysiological characteristics of a person
  4. the totality of original human abilities

A8 . Are the following judgments about the separation of man from nature correct?

A. The separation of man from nature occurred due to the presence of consciousness and reason in him.

B. The separation of man from nature occurred due to the presence of a certain set of instincts in him.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A9 . The concept of “individuality” captures:

  1. single representative of the human race
  2. features of a person’s temperament, his character
  3. human labor activity
  4. the unique originality of a person, implying not only his appearance, but also a set of socially significant qualities.

A10 . The guidelines of human activity are:

  1. values ​​2) drives 3) needs 4) interests.

A11 . Are the following judgments about the formation of continuity in human behavior correct?

A. The functions of innate instincts characteristic of animals are replaced by norms (rules) in humans.

B. Culture acts as a unique program for human behavior.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A12 . What sign characterizes a person as a person?

1) active life position 2)physical and mental health

3) belonging to homo sapiens 4) appearance features

A13 . “Individuality is the unique identity of a person, a set of his unique properties.” This statement is an example

1) artistic image 2) mythological knowledge

3) religious norm 4) scientific knowledge

A14. The properties and roles of a person, which he acquires only in interaction with other people, characterize him as

  1. individual 2) individuality 3) organism 4) personality

A15 . What is common in the activities of inventors, writers, and artists is that it is

  1. administrative 2) practical 3) material 4) creative

A16 . Both humans and animals have needs for

  1. self-realization 2) self-preservation 3) self-knowledge 4) self-education

A17 . Man, unlike animals, is capable

  1. perform habitual actions 2) pre-think about your behavior

3) show emotions 4) take care of offspring

A18 . Unlike animals, man is capable

  1. react using feelings 2) develop conditioned reflexes

3) satisfy needs 4) predict the results of actions

A19. Human social needs include the need

  1. breathe 2) eat 3) sleep 4) communicate

A20. Scientific discoveries are the result of activities

  1. material-production 2) social-transformational

3) practical 4) spiritual

A21. Play, learning, work act as

  1. criteria of truth 2) types of activities 3) social qualities 4) biological needs

A22 . Indicate one of the signs of human activity that distinguishes it from the behavior of animals:

  1. manifestation of activity 2) goal setting

3) adaptation to the environment 4) interaction with the outside world

A23 . What is the name of the process in which a person comprehends the essence of his “I”?

  1. self-education 2) self-knowledge 3) self-preservation 4) narcissism

A24 . The result of self-knowledge, in particular, is

  1. accumulation of knowledge about man and nature 2) knowledge of the values ​​of society

3) studying social norms 4) understanding one’s abilities

A25 . The process of self-knowledge includes the accumulation of knowledge about the characteristics

  1. own appearance 2) different types of temperament

3) moral and legal norms 4) interaction between man and nature

A26 . The statement that a person is a product and subject of socio-historical activity is a characteristic of his

  1. social essence 2) biological nature

3) physiological characteristics 4) psychological qualities

A27 . Man is a unity of three components: biological, psychological and social. The social component includes

  1. knowledge and skills 2) feelings and will 3) physical development 4) age characteristics

A28 . Are the following personality statements true?

A. Personality is a product of biological evolution.

B. Society has the greatest influence on the individual.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A29 . Are the following judgments about the connection between activity and communication true?

A. Communication is a side of any joint activity, since activity involves interaction.

B. Communication is a special activity based on the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and actions.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A30 . The basis of human existence is

  1. consumerism 2) activity 3) love 4) friendship

Part B

B1 . Complete the sentence:

“Human needs are based on...”

Answer: ___________________________________

B 2 . Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, are related to the concept of “human biological needs”.

Reproduction of the species; nutrition; breath; movement; communication; rest.


VZ. Establish a correspondence between the definitions given in the first column and the concepts given in the second column.

Write down the selected letters in the table, and then transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer form (without spaces or other symbols).

At 4. Find in the list belowmanifestations reflecting the social nature of man. Write down the numbers in ascending order.

  1. Interests
  2. Worldview
  3. Makings of
  4. Skills
  5. Heredity
  6. Ideals


At 5. Read the text below, each sentence of which is numbered. Determine which sentences are:1) factual nature; 2) the nature of value judgments

(A) More and more more people people all over the world use mobile phones: they not only make or answer calls, but also correspond using SMS messages. (B) The habit of communicating using short simple texts can lead to a person forgetting how to talk heart to heart, delve into the intonations of the interlocutor, and sympathize with him. (B) In a number of European countries, dozens of phone users have been diagnosed with “SMS addiction.” (D) Specialists from the bad habits department of one of the clinics recorded that people suffering from this disease can write SMS messages for seven or more hours a day.


At 6 . Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list below the words that need to be inserted in place of the releases. There are more words in the list than you need.

“In work, learning, ____(1) all aspects of the psyche are formed and manifested.

A special question arises about how relatively stable mental properties are formed and consolidated. Mental properties ____(2) - her abilities and character traits - are formed in the course of life. The innate _____(3) of the organism are only ____(4) - very ambiguous, which determine, but do not predetermine the mental properties of a person. Based on the same inclinations, a person can develop different properties - ____(5) and character traits, depending on the course of his life and _____(6) are not only manifested, but also formed. In work, study and labor, people’s abilities are developed and developed; Character is formed and tempered in life’s deeds and actions.”


Q 7. Find in the list givenresults of educational activities. Write down the numbers in ascending order.

  1. Teachers
  2. Computer software
  3. Knowledge of basic sciences
  4. Visual aids
  5. Students
  6. Ability to apply knowledge
  7. Practical skills


Answers on the topic “Man” option 2:







Option 1

A1. A single representative of the human race, a bearer of social and mental traits

A. Man in. Personality

b. Citizen of the city Individual

A2. The motivation for activity related to the satisfaction of needs is called

A. Goal c. Motive

b. Result d. Ability

A3. Activities that result in the creation of new material and spiritual values ​​are

A. Communication into creativity

b. Understanding d. cognition

A4. Are the following statements about human freedom true?

A. Human freedom is synonymous with permissiveness.

B. Human freedom is impossible in conditions of social connections and interactions.

A5. Are the following statements about human activity true?

A. Human activity transforms the world around us and changes the person himself.

B. A person does not always manage to plan and control his activities.

A. Only A is correct. both judgments are correct

b. only B is true d. both judgments are incorrect

A6. The theory of the origin of man, which considers the process of his emergence and development, is called

A. Sociogenesis c. Anthropogenesis

b. Egocentrism d. Dualism

A7. Are the following statements true?

A. Outside of society, an individual cannot become a person.

B. A newborn baby is a person.

A. Only A is correct. both judgments are correct

b. only B is true d. both judgments are incorrect

A8. The farmer cultivates the land using special equipment. The subject of this activity is

A. land in. cultivated crop

b. farmer's equipment

A9. Are the following judgments about human life in society true?

A. Only A is correct. both judgments are correct

b. only B is true d. both judgments are incorrect

A10. Agents of primary socialization are

A. television employees production colleagues

b. officials parents

Q1. Below are the names of the needs. All of them, with the exception of one, are names under which natural human needs are presented in various classifications.

Biological, physiological, social, organic, natural, primary.

1) social attitudes

2) communication

3) interests

5) needs.

6) beliefs

Q3. Read the text below, each position of which is numbered.

1. Avicenna, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin - these are a few names of child prodigies whose genius has revealed itself to its full potential over the years. 2. Ufologists consider the appearance of child prodigies to be the intervention of aliens. 3. According to biophysicists, prodigies are “made” by geomagnetic waves that affect the fetus. 4. The Earth’s geomagnetic field varies and its intensity depends on the Sun and other planets.

Determine which provisions of the text are

A) factual nature B) nature of value judgments.

B6. Read the text below, in which a number of words (phrases) are missing. Select from the list of words (phrases) that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

The simplest, most accessible type of activity is ______________ (1). It bears a conditional ___________(2) and fulfills the child’s need for activity and knowledge of the world around him based on the assimilation of human forms of behavior. A more complex type of activity is __________(3), aimed at mastering scientific ______(4) and acquiring relevant skills and abilities. The most important activity is considered___________ (5). It ensures not only the existence of human __________(6), but is also a condition for its continuous______(7). Among its types, they distinguish between objective-practical and abstract-theoretical, or the first is often called physical, and the second - mental.”

G) development

I) society

K) sign

(Give a detailed answer to the tasks in part C.)

“Psychic properties are not an initial given; they are formed and developed in the process of individual activity. Just as an organism does not develop first and then functions, but develops while functioning, so a personality does not develop first and then begins to act: it is formed, acting, in the course of its activity. In activity, personality is both formed and manifested. Being, as a subject of activity, its prerequisite, it is at the same time its result.<...>In work, learning, and play, all aspects of the psyche are formed and manifested. But not all mental content of a person’s action or deed, not every mental state can equally be attributed to any stable properties of a person that would characterize some aspect of his mental appearance. Some acts in their mental content rather characterize the circumstances of some transitory situation, which is not always significant and indicative of the individual.

Therefore, the question especially arises of how relatively stable mental properties of an individual are formed and consolidated.

The mental properties of a person - his abilities and character traits - are formed in the course of life. The innate characteristics of the body are only inclinations - very ambiguous, which determine, but do not predetermine the mental properties of a person. Based on the same inclinations, a person can develop different properties - abilities and character traits, depending on the course of his life and activity, not only manifest themselves, but are also formed. In work, study and labor, people’s abilities are developed and developed; Character is formed and tempered in life's deeds and actions. This way of action, in unity and interpenetration with the objective conditions of existence, acting as a way of life, significantly determines the way of thoughts and motives, the entire structure, makeup, or mental appearance of the individual.”

NW. What two mental properties of personality does the author name? Indicate any two features of the process of their formation.

C4. Do, in your opinion, the objective conditions of a person’s existence influence his mental appearance? How does the author justify his opinion? Based on your knowledge of the course and your own experience, give two arguments that support the author’s opinion.

Final work on the topic “MAN”

Option 2

A1. Characterizes a person as a person

A. type of temperament c. belonging to a certain race

b. external appearance traits d. ability to communicate with other people

A2. A conscious image of the expected outcome towards which human activity is aimed is called

A. Goal c. motive

b. Result d. Need

A3. Self-knowledge is aimed at

A. knowledge of social norms and values ​​c. awareness of one's capabilities

b. reflection of objective reality d. knowledge of the laws of beauty

A5. Are the following judgments about human life in society true?

A. The ability to live in society is inherent in man by nature itself.

B. Personality can only be formed in human society.

A. Only A is correct. both judgments are correct

b. only B is true d. both judgments are incorrect

A4. Human needs, determined by his biological nature, include the needs for

A. Self-preservation c. self-knowledge

b. Self-realization d. self-education

A5.. Are the following judgments correct?

A. Socialization represents the process of a person’s spontaneous assimilation of a certain system of knowledge, norms, and values ​​that allow him to act as a full member of a given society.

B. Socialization acts as a process and a result of the child’s inclusion in society.

A. Only A is correct. both judgments are correct

b. only B is true d. both judgments are incorrect

A6. Personality qualities are manifested in

A. features of man as a biological organism c. characteristics of temperament

b. hereditary predisposition d. socially transformative activity

A7.Musical theater artists perform a classic performance. The objects of this activity are

A. Decorations in. musical instruments

b. Performers and spectators

A8. Agents of secondary socialization are

A. close relatives c. teachers

b. parents d. friends

A9. Constructing in your mind the desired outcome of an activity

A. Fantasy c. motivation

b. Intuition d. imagination

A 10. . Are the following statements about human activity true?

A. Human activity is predominantly conscious.

B. Human activity is always creative.

A. Only A is correct. both judgments are correct

b. only B is true d. both judgments are incorrect

B1. Below are a number of human qualities. All of them, with the exception of one, are social qualities of the individual.

Decency, intelligence, hard work, humanity, law-abidingness.

Find and write down the name of another type of need that “falls out” from this series.

Q2. Find the motives for activity in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. social attitudes

2. communication

3. interests

5. needs.

6. beliefs

B3. Read the text below, each position of which is numbered.

I. Art uses an artistic image for knowledge and expresses an aesthetic attitude to reality. 2. Hesiod argued that the muses tell lies that resemble the truth. 3. The fact is that in an artistic image two principles are combined: objective-cognitive and subjective-creative. 4. An artistic image is a reflection of reality through the subjective perception of it by the artist himself and those who perceive the work of art.

Determine which provisions of the text are: A) factual in nature; B) the nature of value judgments.

Q4. Read the text below, in which a number of words (phrases) are missing. Select from the proposed list of words (phrases) that need to be inserted in place of the gaps

“Abilities have natural prerequisites -_______(1), but their manifestation depends on individual development __________-(2). Much also depends on the environment, because gifted children can spend hours doing what they love, which is both work and (3) for them. But adults sometimes use coercive measures that only cause resentment and reduce ________(4) to this lesson. Totality

a person’s mental abilities and his ability to apply them in different situations are called _____________ (5). If a person has achieved such results in his activities that influenced the entire history of mankind, became world famous, and constituted an entire era in the life of society or the development of culture; then in such cases they talk about _________(6).”

A) Talent B) inclinations

B) Personality D) person

D) genius E) game

G) intelligence 3) interest

Part C

Give a detailed answer to the questions in Part C.

“Every individual of Homo sapiens is endowed at birth with the constitution of a primate animal, but lacks any culture. Culture is acquired in the process of individual development, as a result of learning in a broad sense. In the first years of development, each individual passes from the state of a humanoid animal (at birth) through the barbarian stage (child) to the human state. And this mental development of the individual occurs as a result of the formative influence of social factors and education<...>

In the light of evolutionary biology, man is a mammal, more precisely a primate, even more precisely an anthropoid, even more precisely a representative of a very highly developed anthropoid type. These successive stages, or grades, of organic evolution are inherent in the human body. But man is more than an animal; it is a product not only of organic but also of cultural evolution. Cultural evolution adds another layer , or, if you like, a series of layers, to human nature. A dual constitution - partly biological, and partly cultural - is embedded in humanity through the process of its evolutionary development. The uppermost layer of the stratified constitution of man, the layer imposed by cultural evolution, is the decisive layer by which man differs from animals. Man is an animal endowed with culture<...>

Cultural heritage, or inheritance of traditions, is the entire body of knowledge, ideas, arts, customs and technological skills that a given human society at any given moment in its history. This entire sum of knowledge and traditions is the result of discoveries and inventions made by previous generations. It is and will be transmitted from generation to generation through education in the broadest sense of the word. Each generation can contribute something new to the cultural heritage, and all these contributions will also be passed on to subsequent generations through the same learning process<...>The differences between twentieth-century man and Stone Age man in morphological characteristics, including cranial capacity, are relatively small. However, the differences in their culture are huge. The changes that have occurred with Homo sapiens from the time of the Paleolithic to the present stage of its development are caused mainly by cultural evolution."

C2. What factors shaping the human condition does the author name?

NW. How does evolutionary biology define humans? What definition does the author give to a person?

C4. What is the role of learning in the development of humanity in a person?




C - 1 option

C1. A) People are not born with personality.

§ personality is not formed first and then begins to act:

§ Being, as a subject of activity, its prerequisite, it is at the same time its result.

C2. " In activity, personality is both formed and manifested.”

“In work, learning, and play, all aspects of the psyche are formed and manifested.”

C3 . Mental properties: abilities, character traits

Process Features :

· People's abilities develop in work, study and labor

Character is formed in actions and actions

· Abilities are not innate, they are formed during life

· Inclinations develop into abilities during life.


Rationale : “The way of actions in unity and interpenetration with the objective conditions of existence, acting as a way of life, significantly determines the way of thoughts and motives, the entire structure, makeup, or mental appearance of the individual.”

Arguments: Mowgli cannot develop like people,

in dysfunctional families, children's deviations in mental development are more significant.

C - option 2

· « endowed at birth with the constitution of an animal"

· « this is a mammal, more precisely a primate, even more precisely an anthropoid, even more precisely a representative of the anthropoids of a very highly developedlike"


· "process indievisual development,

§ result of trainingVin a broad sense."


· « Culture is acquired through the process ofvisual development as a result of trainingVin a broad sense

· “the mental development of an individual occurs as a result of the formative influence of social factors and education<...>

· « IN in the light of evolutionary biology, man is a mammal, more precisely a primate, even more precisely an anthropoid, even more precisely a representative of the anthropoids of a very highly developedlike."

· « These successive steps, or grades, of organic evolution are embedded in

human body."


· allows you to accumulate knowledge, ideas, develop art, preserve customs...

· Contributes to the transfer of knowledge

· Provides renewal and replenishment of culture

Social studies lesson in 10th grade on the topic

"Freedom in human activity"

Target: study and analysis of the various meanings of the concept of “freedom” and the creation of a model of a free society.


1. Educational – gain new knowledge on the topic “Freedom”; develop general educational

skills – work with additional literature, competent command of oral, monologue-

chesk and dialogical speech; be able to work collectively; choose rational ones

ways of doing work.

2. Developmental - to develop students’ thinking, the ability to master basic thinking

nal operations - analysis, synthesis, generalization, etc.

3. Educational – to form moral ideas about freedom, humanity

choosing freedom of activity and behavior; develop a critical attitude towards one's own

behavior and respect for the law.

Lesson type : lesson - learning new material.

Basic concepts: freedom, absolute freedom, freedom is a recognized necessity.

Equipment : multimedia projector, screen, textbook for educational institutions(basic level) edited by L. N. Bogolyubov, N. I. Gorodetskaya, A. I. Matveev. M., “Enlightenment” - 2010; T.P. Begeneva. Lesson developments in social studies, grade 10 (basic level). M., "VAKO" - 2010.

Lesson Plan .

1. The concept of “freedom”.

3. Boundaries of freedom:

a) “external necessity” and its various directions;

b) “internal” regulators of freedom.

4. What is a free society.

Progress of the lesson.

I . Organizational moment .

II. Motivation.

Today we are starting to study new topic, the content of which, its core, is the concept of “freedom”. (sl. 1). At all times, and especially in recent centuries, freedom is the most important value of humanity. Let's remember the essence and content of the concept of “freedom” from previously studied social studies courses and determine what issues we have to discuss. (sl. 2).

III . Updating students' knowledge .

1. Individual-group form of work

Frontal conversation with the class. Two students work using individual cards.

Complete the definition.

Freedom is...

Express your opinion.

I'm free -...

Reading out the completed tasks on the cards completes the work on the first question.

IV . Learning new material.

2. Can freedom be absolute?

Teacher's story.

Conclusion: a person cannot be absolutely free. What restrictions on human freedom can there be? You will have to find the answer to this question yourself.

3. Work in pairs. Students work with the text of the textbook on pages 220-221, making notes in their notebooks.

Two students receive individual task cards.

Explain the meaning of Voltaire's statement:

“Freedom consists in being dependent only on laws.”

Explain the meaning of F. Bacon's statement:

“A person, by ruling over others, loses his own freedom.”

Operating time – 10 minutes.


Students' responses on external restrictions on human freedom are heard.

The first statement completes the work of external restrictions on human freedom.

Students' responses on internal limitations of human freedom are heard.

The second statement completes the work on the internal limitations of human freedom.

Teacher's summary.

We have looked at external restrictions on freedom and internal prohibitions that a person determines for himself. What is the main thing that determines a person’s exercise of freedom?

Conclusion: (offer the students to do it themselves, the teacher corrects the answer).

Generalization: how the external circumstances of a person’s life are refracted in his consciousness, how a person projects himself into the world, what goals he sets for himself, what meaning and significance he gives to the surrounding reality. This is what predetermines the choice from the variety possible options behavior. A truly free person himself chooses not only the action, but also its reasons, general principles their actions, which acquire the character of beliefs. Such a person, even in conditions of progressive degeneration of the human race or with complete stability of any political regime in his country, will not reach a state of spiritual decline.

Phys. pause

4. So, people interpret the concept of “freedom” differently, sometimes diametrically opposed.

Reflecting on this matter, we agree that truly free activity cannot exist in the absence of choice. Freedom means the state of a person who is able to act in all important matters on the basis of choice.

What kind of society can provide such a choice?

It is obvious that societies where arbitrariness and tyranny of individuals or groups of the population prevail, where the rule of law is violated, where the state exercises complete (total) control over the lives of its fellow citizens, cannot in any way be classified as free.

Does this mean that neither the state nor the community of citizens should interfere in the life of an individual? Of course not. We have already figured this out for you.

Consequently, only a society where the interference of the state and society in human life will be minimal will be free. This is a free-thinking society. And the point here is not that everyone has the right to say or write whatever they want, but that any idea can be discussed. People's lives are regulated only by democratically accepted laws and generally accepted moral standards. True freedom also presupposes a person’s self-realization, which is based not only on individual, but also on joint experience, a joint search for solutions, and the creation of a common good. Therefore, freedom is complemented by responsibility, justice, i.e. all the values ​​that society should provide.

V . Consolidation of what has been learned: test.


Operating time – 5 minutes.

A1. Are the following statements about freedom true?

A. Human freedom is synonymous with permissiveness.

B. The only limitation on a person’s freedom is his moral values.

A2. Are the following statements about human freedom true?

A. Human freedom is permissiveness, the ability to act in accordance only with

to your desires

B. Human freedom in society presupposes making an informed choice and accepting

take responsibility for it.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

A3. Are the following statements about human freedom true?

A. Human freedom in society is the opportunity to act only in accordance with one’s desires and aspirations.

B. Human freedom in society is limited by the interests of other people, society as a whole.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect.

A4. Are the following statements about human freedom true?

A. Human freedom presupposes the possibility of realizing his interests and needs.

B. Human freedom is manifested in conscious adherence to established rules.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

A5. Are the following statements about human freedom true?

A. One of the manifestations of human freedom is the ability to act as one pleases.

B. Freedom is the absolute absence of restrictions on human activity.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect


A1 – 4

A2 – 2

A3 – 2

A4 – 3

A5 – 1


VI . Homemadeexercise : paragraph 20, pp. 223-224 (questions 2,4,6,7), essay *

VII . Summing up the lesson . Reflection “Ladder of Success”.

Making marks.

Test option 1

1 Unlike nature, society

A) is a system

B) is in development

B) acts as a creator of culture

D) develops according to its own laws

2 Human activity and animal behavior are characterized by

A) setting goals

B) a self-control mechanism

B) conscious choice of means

D) satisfaction of needs

3 Are the following statements about human freedom true?
A. Human freedom is synonymous with permissiveness.
B. Human freedom is impossible in conditions of public relations and interactions

A) Only A is correct

B) Only B is correct.

C) Both statements are correct.

D) Both judgments are incorrect.

4 Work as opposed to communication

A) is a human need

B) can give a person pleasure

C) directly transforms environmental objects

D) assumes the presence of a goal

5 Among the listed sciences are functions and forms state power studies

A) economics

B) sociology

B) cultural scientists

D) political science

6 Everything that is created by man is collectively called

A) society

B) culture

B) art

D) science

7 The state in a command-administrative economy

A) legislates the dominance of a single form of ownership

B) develops laws limiting the activities of monopolies

C) introduces preferential taxation for small businesses

D) provides economic independence to producers

8 Family functions include

A) socialization of the individual

B) definition minimum size wages

B) establishment of a school education system

D) determining the amount of utility bills

9 What is the function of the executive branch?

A) creation of laws

B) development of the state budget

B) administration of justice

D) development of election programs

Test option 2

1 Choose the correct statement about education in the Russian Federation.

A) Secondary education in the Russian Federation is provided only by secondary schools

B) The Russian Federation provides for the possibility of completing secondary education secondary school in the external education system.

C) Secondary complete (general) education is compulsory in the Russian Federation.

D) A student cannot be expelled from a secondary educational institution

2 The income received by the owner of shares is called

A) profit

B) capital

B) rent

D) dividend

3 Budget execution in our country is ensured

A) parliament

B) judicial authorities

B) government

D) law enforcement agencies

4 Are the following judgments about the functions of the state in a market economy correct?

A. The state, in market conditions, organizes public works necessary for citizens, which private entrepreneurs do not undertake due to lack of benefits.
B. The state in market conditions is interested in protecting the economic interests of entrepreneurs and consumers.

A) Only A is correct.

B) Only B is correct.

C) Both statements are correct

D) Both judgments are incorrect.

5 Official pre-revolutionary Russia advanced in service, receiving another rank in accordance with the “Table of Ranks”. This example illustrates

A) social inequality

B) social mobility

B) social sanctions

D) social control

6 Conservative ideology is characterized by recognition

A) values ​​of tradition, continuity

B) class struggle as the engine of history

C) state ownership as the basis of the economy

D) property equality

7 The Constitution is

A) doctrine foreign policy states

B) code of laws

IN) basic law of the state

G) form of government

8 A citizen of the Russian Federation no younger than

A) 21 years old

B) 25 years old

IN) 30 years old

G) 35 years old

9 The law enforcement system includes

A) Federation Council

B) Presidential Administration

IN) Government of the Russian Federation

G) prosecutor's office

Test option 3

1 Are the following statements about the media true?

A) Only A is correct.

B) Only B is correct.

C) Both statements are correct.

D) Both judgments are incorrect.

2 The compilation of the expenditure side of the state budget illustrates economic activity in the field

A) consumption

B) exchange

B) production

D) distributions

3 Prescribed status includes

A) race

B)level of education

B) income level

D) occupation

4 What characteristic is inherent in a nation as an ethnic community?

A) national identity

B) federal government structure

B) the presence of a national army

D) separation of powers

5 What is characteristic feature totalitarian political regime?

A) concentration of power in the hands of elected bodies

B) the presence of a single ideology implanted by the state

B) censorship-free media

D) developed civil society

6 Indicate the correct definition: "RightThis..."

A) the science of society

B) regulator of public relations

IN)mode of existence of democratic regimes

D) element of government

7 Are the following judgments about the offense correct?

A. Propaganda of racist and extremist views and beliefs in the media is an offense.
B. An offense can be expressed either in action or inaction.

A)Only A is correct.

B)Only B is correct.

IN)Both judgments are correct.

G)Both statements are incorrect.

8 Are the following statements about a political party correct?

A. A political party must include representatives of one social group, class.
B. Political party unites adherents of similar ideological positions.

A)Only A is correct.

B)Only B is correct.

IN)Both judgments are correct.

G)Both statements are wrong

9 The organizational subsystem of the political system includes



