Ukhta State Technical University ugtu. "Ukhta State Technical University. General guidelines

Ukhta State technical university
Original title
International name

Ukhta State Technical University

Former names

Ukhta Industrial Institute


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Year founded
Closing year

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received university status

Year of reorganization


Target capital

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Scientific supervisor

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more than 10000

International students

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Bachelor's degree

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Master's degree

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Postgraduate studies

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Doctoral studies

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Legal address

169300, Pervomaiskaya street, building 13, Ukhta city, Komi Republic, Russia.


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Coordinates: K:Educational institutions founded in 1958

Ukhta State Technical University (USTU listen)) is an institution of higher education located in Ukhta. It is a basic university for training engineers for oil and gas companies, full name - Federal State Budgetary educational institution higher vocational education"Ukhta State Technical University".

Includes 6 institutes and more than thirty departments, a technological college, primary school and two branches: in Vorkuta and Usinsk. More than 10 thousand students study at the university. The institutes and various departments employ 50 professors, teachers and researchers, including 53 doctors of science, 213 candidates of science and associate professors. Support and maintenance personnel number approximately 1,500 people.

USTU is an educational institution of federal subordination.

Received university status in 1999. Previously it was called industrial institute .

Since 1997, the rector of USTU has been Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor N. D. Tskhadaya.


  • Vorkuta branch
  • Usinsk branch
  • Institute of Geology, Oil and Gas Production and Pipeline Transport (IGNiTT)
  • Institute of Fundamental Training (IFP)
  • Institute for Advanced Studies - independent certification and methodological center
  • Construction and Technology Institute (CTI)
  • Industrial Institute (SPO)
  • Institute of Economics and Management and information technology(InEUiIT)
  • Initial secondary school"Rostock-USTU"

The university supports the hockey team "Arctic-University" and the basketball club "Planet-University", the dance group "United BIT", the dance ensemble "Nargiz", the theater-studio "Frescoes", the sports ballroom dance club "Duet-USTU", the ballroom ensemble dance "Joy", vocal and choral studio.

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  • Tskhadaya, N. D. Ukhta State Technical University: paths of formation and development. - Ukhta: USTU, 2008. - 309 p.


An excerpt characterizing Ukhta State Technical University

- Well, what did you talk about for so long? If, of course, I can know this...” I muttered offendedly.
“We didn’t talk, we thought,” the grandmother answered calmly, smiling.
It seemed like she was simply teasing me in order to provoke me into some actions that she alone understood...
- Well, then, what were you “thinking” about together? - and then, unable to bear it, she blurted out: - Why does Grandma teach Stella, but you don’t teach me?!.. Or do you think that I’m not capable of anything else?
“Well, first of all, stop boiling, otherwise steam will start coming out soon...” Grandma said calmly again. - And, secondly, - Stella still has a long way to go to reach you. And what do you want me to teach you, if even what you have, you haven’t quite figured it out yet?.. Figure it out - then we’ll talk.
I stared at my grandmother in a daze, as if I was seeing her for the first time... How is it that Stella is so far from me?! She does this!.. She knows so much!.. And what about me? If she did anything, she just helped someone. And I don’t know anything else.
My grandmother saw my complete confusion, but didn’t help at all, apparently believing that I had to go through this myself, and from the unexpected “positive” shock, all my thoughts went tumbling awry, and, unable to think soberly, I just I looked at her with big eyes and could not recover from the “killer” news that fell on me...
– What about the “floors”?.. I couldn’t get there myself?.. It was Stella’s grandmother who showed them to me! – I still stubbornly did not give up.
“Well, that’s why I showed it so that I could try it myself,” the grandmother stated an “indisputable” fact.
“Can I go there myself?!..” I asked dumbfounded.
- Well, of course! This is the simplest thing you can do. You just don't believe in yourself, that's why you don't try...
- Am I not trying?!.. - I was already choked by such terrible injustice... - All I do is try! But maybe not...
Suddenly I remembered how Stella repeated many, many times that I could do much more... But I can - what?!.. I had no idea what they were all talking about, but now I felt that I was beginning to calm down a little and think , which always helped me in any difficult circumstances. Life suddenly seemed not so unfair at all, and I gradually began to come to life...
Inspired by the positive news, all the following days I, of course, “tried”... Not sparing myself at all, and torturing my already exhausted physical body to pieces, I went to the “floors” dozens of times, not yet showing myself to Stella , because I wanted to give her a pleasant surprise, but at the same time not lose face by making some stupid mistake.
But finally, I decided to stop hiding and decided to visit my little friend.
“Oh, is it you?!..” a familiar voice immediately began to sound like happy bells. – Is it really you?! How did you come here?.. Did you come on your own?
Questions, as always, poured out of her like a hail, her cheerful face was shining, and it was a sincere pleasure for me to see this bright, fountain-like joy of hers.
- Well, shall we go for a walk? – I asked, smiling.
And Stella still couldn’t calm down from happiness that I managed to come on my own, and that now we can meet whenever we want and even without outside help!
“You see, I told you that you can do more!..” the little girl chirped happily. - Well, now everything is fine, now we don’t need anyone! Oh, it’s really good that you came, I wanted to show you something and was really looking forward to seeing you. But for this we will have to walk to a place that is not very pleasant...

Currently, USTU is the largest technical university in the European North. There are 370 teachers and researchers teaching at the university. Among them are 33 doctors of science, professors; 160 candidates of science, associate professors. Among them are 10 academicians, 6 corresponding members, as well as 8 honored workers of the Komi Republic.

In the structure of the university, the faculty of pre-university education, 6 faculties of full-time education and the faculty of full-time education carry out multi-level training of bachelors and certified engineers in 18 specialties. On the basis of the Faculty of Continuing Education, training is being carried out in 2 new forms of education: external studies and distance learning.

  • Oil and Gas Production Faculty;
  • Faculty of Information Technologies;
  • Faculty of Forestry;
  • Faculty of Geology and Exploration;
  • Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering;
  • Faculty of Economics and Management;
  • Faculty of Humanitarian Education;
  • Faculty of Lifelong Learning;
  • Faculty of Pre-University Training.
The university has close contacts with relatives in the field educational institutions in various countries of the world and cooperates with educational institutions in Canada (Edmont Institute of Technology and Calgary), Germany (Freiberg Mining Academy and Technical University Clausthal-Zellerfeld), the Netherlands ( graduate School in Groningen), Great Britain, USA, France (highest economic school in Reims), China ().

The university's material resources include 8 educational and laboratory buildings with a total area of ​​78,437 sq.m. Closed-circuit television system (UZTVS) is used in teaching students. A full functional INTERNET network node has been created via a satellite communication channel. The laboratories of the departments are equipped with modern computers.

The university has 6 multi-storey dormitories, three canteens, cafeterias in academic buildings, a first-aid post and its branch. Sports training complex "Burevestnik", two ski slopes in Ukhta and the Polar Urals, a hockey stadium, a training and experimental forestry enterprise.

The main scientific directions of Ukhta State Technical University:

  • Current scientific and technical problems of geological, geophysical and prospecting work in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Improving oil and gas production and transportation systems
  • Development of technical means and technology for drilling deep and ultra-deep wells in the European North
  • Development and improvement of life support, control and security systems environment in the Far North
  • Development of new effective materials, methods for calculating the manufacture of structures and construction technologies in the conditions of the Timan-Pechora complex facilities
  • Development and improvement of technological means and technologies for the rational development of forest resources in the Far North
  • Socio-economic problems of regional development (based on materials from the formation of the TPK)
  • Theoretical foundations of organic and inorganic chemistry
  • Physics of the Earth, solid, plasma
  • Problems of higher education
The Faculty of Pre-University Training has a preparatory department, where students are prepared for entry into technical specialties at a university or technical college, preparatory courses for grades 9-11, which help students improve their knowledge in mathematics, physics, Russian language, literature, social studies, chemistry, biology, Russian history, foreign languages, drawing and better pass final exams at school, enroll in the desired university or college, courses in computer science and computer technology (starting from grade 5) allow beginners to learn about computers, those who continue to study computers to deepen their knowledge, prepare for entering a university, and university students master special programs (AutoCAD and ArchiCAD).

VIDEO - Ukhta State Technical University

Demchenko Natalya Pavlovna
Director of IGNiTT, Ph.D.

Goncharova Elena Ivanovna
deputy directors
on sports and educational work

Ovchinnikova Vera Vladimirovna
deputy directors
for extracurricular activities

Belova Evgenia Mikhailovna
deputy Director of Academic Affairs

Nefedova Elena
deputy Director of Research

Berezina Irina Afrikanovna

Mikhlyueva Galina Sergeevna
senior dispatcher of the INiG directorate

Avtomonova Maria Viktorovna
dispatcher of the INiG directorate

The Institute of Oil and Gas (INiG, former oil and gas production faculty, NGPF) is the base of the Ukhta State Technical University, an oil and gas university.

The history of NGPF begins with the Order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary special education Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (MV and SSO RSFSR) dated June 16, 1967, No. 295. Based on this order, the following departments were included in the faculty:

  • geology;
  • geophysics;
  • drilling;
  • general, analytical and organic chemistry;
  • hydraulics.

Based on the decision of the scientific council of the institute and order No. 1744 of October 20, 2004, the geological exploration faculty was separated from the NGPF. The department of MONiGP was transferred from the Faculty of Mechanics and Technology to the NGPF.

The following structure of the NGPF has been approved:

  • Department of Development and Operation of Oil and Gas Fields and Underground Hydromechanics (headed by Rudolf Mikhailovich Ter-Sarkisov);
  • Department of Drilling (head of department Logachev Yuri Leonidovich);
  • Department of Design and Operation of Main Gas and Oil Pipelines (headed by Evgeniy Leonidovich Poluboyartsev);
  • Department of Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection (headed by Berdnik Alexander Grigorievich);
  • Department of Machinery and Equipment for the Oil and Gas Industry (headed by Igor Yurievich Bykov).

The deans of the faculty were:

  • Eduard Vasilyevich Pyadichev from 10/11/67;
  • Evsey Fabianovich Kreinin from 03/01/68;
  • Rauf Abdrakhmanovich Tanatarov from 02/24/69;
  • Evsey Fabianovich Kreinin from 10/17/69;
  • Fedor Makarovich Anikushin from January 26, 1970;
  • Yuri Ivanovich Vologzhaninov from 01/01/73;
  • Vladimir Lvovich Zubkov from 04/09/74;
  • Ivan Nikolaevich Gaivoronsky from 10/01/79;
  • Alexander Antonovich Mordvinov from 10/05/81;
  • Arvit Rudolfovich Bench from 09.29.93
  • Poluboyartsev E. L. since 01.02.02
  • Ponomarev N.S. since 11/30/07

The NGPF consists of five departments, all of them graduating. About 1,400 students study at the faculty in five specialties.

The Department of Development and Operation of Oil and Gas Fields and Underground Hydromechanics (headed by Rudolf Mikhailovich Ter-Sarkisov) was founded in December 1967 (Order of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education No. 532 of December 19, 1967) and is graduating for specialty 130503 " Development and operation of oil and gas fields." Since September 1994, the department has been replenished with the “Underground Hydromechanics” section, which provides training for specialists in almost all specialties of the university. The current composition of the department mostly consists of its
graduates: S.V. Voinov, N.V. Voronina, E.I. Karakchiev, O.M. Korokhonko, O.A. Miklina, V.A. Sokolov, E.L. Poluboyartsev.

Certified specialists are engaged in designing the development of fields and oil and gas production systems, analyzing and regulating the operation of onshore communications and wells, fluid filtration processes in formations, increasing hydrocarbon recovery from formations, introducing thermal and other methods of influencing formations.

They work in oil and gas fields, in research and design institutes. Qualification – engineer.

Many graduates of the department grew into major leaders: V. Abmaev, S. Azovtsev, N. Alekseev, V. Anisimov, A. Bortnikov, I. Gammerschmidt, V. Ivanenko, E. Iglin, N. Irbakhtin, S. Kuznetsov, A. Kozhevnikov, V. Kapustin, T. Korchevskaya, V. Musienko, V. Neredov, L. Nekrasov, Y. Nikoforov, G. Petrov, E. Poluboyartsev, V. Polyakov, I. Sapsay, A. Sizov, V. Fedorov, S. Yakimenko and others.

It should be noted that among the graduates of the department are the director of SeverNIPIgaz N. Dolgushin, the deputy director of SeverNIPIgaz E. Gurlenov, the first vice-president of Transneft OJSC V. Kalinin, the chief engineer of Bitran OJSC V. Pitirimov, State Prize laureate E. Reshetnyak, deputy General Director of "AmKomi" I. Sergeeva, Deputy Director of the PechorNIPIneft Institute V. Smolin, Chief Engineer of OJSC "Lukoil-Kaliningradmorneft" M. Sobolev, Deputy General Director of OJSC "Yarega Oil-Titanium Company" V. Filonov, General Director of CJSC "RKM OIL" V. .Jung.

The department of design and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities (headed by Aginey Ruslan Viktorovich) was founded in 1995 on the initiative of the Ukhta Industrial Institute and the Severgazprom enterprise and produces specialty 130503 “Design, construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities.”

Certified specialists are trained mainly for the enterprises of LLC Severgazprom and OJSC Northern Trunk Oil Pipelines. This specialty is relatively young for our university; the first graduate was made in June 1999. Circle production activities very clearly formulated in the name of the specialty. Such specialists are also needed by oil and gas fields, design organizations, and research organizations.

Qualification – engineer.

The first graduates of the department work in the Lukoil-Komi Company, Severgazprom LLC, Northern Trunk Oil Pipelines OJSC, Samartransgaz OJSC, PechorNIPIneft and SeverNIPIgaz institutes.

The Department of Drilling (headed by Yuri Leonidovich Logachev) was organized in December 1967 and produces specialty 130504 “Drilling of oil and gas wells" and direction 130500 "Oil and gas business".

The department consists of graduates of oil universities in Russia, including more than half are graduates of the department: S.V. Kamenskikh, Yu.L. Logachev, M.A. Mikheev, Yu.M. Solodkova, N.M. Ulyasheva, A. S. Fomin.

In 2001, the department conducted its 30th graduation of specialists and the first of masters into independent life.

Certified specialists design, build, test and develop oil and gas wells. They work in research, development and drilling enterprises.

Qualification – engineer, bachelor and master of engineering and technology.

Graduates of the department, thanks to their diverse knowledge, work in various sectors of the fuel and energy complex as managers and leading production specialists: Director of the Northern Branch of Burgaz OJSC A. Beznosikov, General Director of Usinskgeoneft OJSC V. Bezruk, General Director of Tebuk LLC P. Bakhmetyev, General Director of Pechorneftegazrazvedka OJSC S. Zorin, Head of the Department of the Ministry natural resources Republic of Komi N. Korepanov, General Director of Proektnefteservis LLC I. Mishakov, Deputy Head of the Department of Gazprom OJSC V. Pinchuk, Director of the Bank Branch V. Sevastyuk, Chief Engineer of the Komi Oil Company Engineering Center G. Skryabin, Director of Komi Oil Company LLC Samb" A. Syasko, head of the customer department of Severgazprom LLC V. Yudin and others.

The Department of Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection (headed by Nikolai Denisovich Tskhadaya) was organized in 1967 and produces specialty 280102 “Safety of Technological Processes and Production” and direction 280000 “Life Safety, Environmental Management and Environmental Protection”.

Region professional activity engineers of this specialty: analysis and identification of hazards, protection of humans and nature, economic objects from natural and man-made hazards; examination of the safety, sustainability and environmental friendliness of technologies, technical objects, projects, conducting research in the development of new technologies and equipment, means of protection against dangerous and harmful factors.

In 2006, the first graduation of students took place.

The Department of Machinery and Equipment for the Oil and Gas Industry (headed by Igor Yurievich Bykov) was organized in 1970 and produces specialty 130602 “Machinery and equipment for oil and gas fields” and direction 150000 “Metallurgy, mechanical engineering and metalworking”.

A modern mechanical engineer with a specialty 130602 “Machinery and equipment for oil and gas fields” has a universal set of knowledge that allows him to carry out his work in all industries involved in the search and exploration of oil and gas, rational exploitation of oil and gas fields.

Since 1995, the department switched to a multi-level system of training specialists (bachelor - master; bachelor-specialist).

The first graduation of bachelors took place in 1999. The department graduated 24 bachelors in technological machines and equipment.
The second release took place in 2000. The department has graduated five bachelors and one diploma with honors.

At the Department of MES and GP, the scientific supervisor of the master's program 551829 “Methodology of designing machines and equipment for drilling oil and gas wells” is Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor I.Yu. Bykov.


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education

"Ukhta State Technical University"


Tests by discipline




for students directions

training 080100 ECONOMY

faculty of lifelong learning

(abbreviated program)

UDC 51(075.8)

Sotnikova, O. A.

Tests in the disciplines “Linear Algebra” and “Mathematical Analysis” [Text]: method. instructions / O. A. Sotnikova, E. V. Plastinina, M. N. Gabova. – Ukhta: USTU, 2012. – 15 p.

Guidelines with control tasks are intended for students studying in the shortened program, direction 080100 “Economics”, Faculty of Life-Learning at USTU.

The basic (mandatory) part of the “Mathematical” cycle of the main undergraduate educational program in the field of study 080100 “Economics” provides for the study of the following compulsory disciplines: “Linear Algebra”, “Mathematical Analysis”.

The guidelines were reviewed and approved by the Department of Higher Mathematics (protocol No. 5 of January 19, 2012).

Reviewer: A. V. Muzhikova, Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics, Ukhta State Technical University

Editor: M. N. Gabova, senior. Rev. Department of Higher Mathematics, Ukhta State Technical University

The guidelines take into account the comments of the reviewer and editor

Plan 2012, position 17

Signed for publication on 02/06/2012. Computer set

Volume 15 s. Circulation 100 copies. Order No. 245

© Ukhta State Technical University, 2010

169300, Komi Republic, Ukhta, st. Pervomaiskaya, 13.

USTU Printing House.

169300, Komi Republic, Ukhta, st. Oktyabrskaya, 13.

1. General guidelines…………………………………… ...4

1.1. The procedure for performing control work……………………… ......................4

1.2. Formation of option test work………………………………..4

1.3. The main content of the discipline “Linear algebra”………………………5

1.4. The main content of the discipline “Mathematical Analysis”…… .……….5

1.5. List of references……………………………………………………… .…..6

2. test on the topic “linear algebra”……… .7

3. test on the topic “mathematical analysis”……………………………………………………… ...…..11

1. General guidelines

1.1. The procedure for performing control work

You should complete the test only after studying the relevant theoretical material from the textbook and reviewing examples of problem solving.

Every work should be done in separate student notebook, on the cover of which you should indicate the name of the discipline, test number, full name. the student who completed the work, code (according to the grade book).

When submitting solutions, you must indicate the task number and task number. The problem condition should be written off fully. Solutions to the problem must be accompanied by the necessary comments. On each page, it is necessary to leave margins of at least 3 cm wide to evaluate the solution of problems and the comments of the person checking the work. Tasks should be completed in ascending order of numbers.

If the test work after checking is marked “for revision”, then the student must at the end of the same notebook make a subtitle “Working on errors”, correct the solution to incorrect solutions to problems. The work is submitted for re-review. If a student encounters difficulties while completing the test, he or she can contact the Department of Higher Mathematics for consultation.