Take a consumer loan from VTB. VTB Bank loans For how long do you give such a loan

General conditions

Loans for consumer needs from VTB Bank are credit lines in the amount of up to 5,000 rubles, which can be issued without a certificate of income and a guarantee.

Loan calculator

In addition, the calculator will help you determine the amount you can save on interest if you are prepared to keep your loan payment at the same level.

Online loan processing

Using the order form, you can apply for a loan in 1 minute, after which the bank will contact you and inform you of the decision and determine the location (branch) for processing all the necessary documents.

Documents for obtaining a loan

  • Passport or residence permit;
  • Certificate of income (for loan amount over 3,000 rubles).

Basic requirements for the borrower

  • Resident of the Republic of Belarus. Confirmed by a passport of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus or a residence permit in Belarus.
  • Work experience. Confirmed by information about the employer (name of the organization and telephone number of the accounting department or a certificate of income if the loan amount exceeds 3,000 rubles.

Loan repayment

  • Through a cash desk at a bank branch
  • Using the Internet and mobile banking
  • Using Internet banking and mobile banking of other banks, if they are connected to ERIP
  • Through ATMs and information kiosks of other Belarusian banks connected to the ERIP system.

Today, VTB holds a strong position in the consumer lending market individuals. The bank offers favorable rates, large sums, quick consideration of the application and a simple registration procedure.

VTB consumer loans - interest rate and conditions

For individuals, VTB operates credit programs such as refinancing and cash loans for consumer needs. On this page you will find 2 loan products of this bank. What conditions apply this year:

  • amount from 100,000 to 5,000,000 rubles;
  • interest rate from 10.9 to 19.2%;
  • reduced rates for salary card holders.

In 2020, a consumer loan from VTB is provided without guarantors or collateral. The bank offers salary clients registration without certificates.

How to get a loan for consumer needs at VTB

In order for your application to receive money to be considered in a short time, we suggest sending it through our website. Take consumer loan at VTB you can already on the day you contact the bank. To sign an agreement, a standard list of documents is required: passport, income certificate, work book.