Liquid heating of a dacha. The correct scheme for heating a dacha with your own hands. Two-story house - gas and stove heating

Heating for country house gas

Methods of heating a dacha

When solving such an issue as heating a dacha, the options can be very diverse. The choice of the optimal solution to this problem largely depends on the intensity of use country house during the cold season, as well as from the budget.

In addition, the following factors influence the determination of the heating method for the dacha:

  • presence of power lines;
  • presence of a gas pipeline;
  • purchase and possibility of storing in sufficient volumes solid (briquettes, firewood, coal) or liquid fuel (diesel fuel);
  • technical parameters of the building itself (its dimensions, degree of insulation and fire safety).

Boilers can operate on different types energy carrier:

  • solid fuel;
  • natural gas;
  • electricity;
  • liquid fuel(diesel).

If heating in a country house can be connected using any of the energy carriers, then the determining factor when choosing the type of country boiler is the cost of the equipment and heating costs. In addition, the duration of use of the country house is important: if the house is used only for summer living, it is more advisable to use portable heaters powered by electricity, and for year-round use, stationary systems based on heating boilers or stoves.

The most affordable energy sources for heating in the country are natural gas and wood. To heat the house with gas, you will have to install a gas boiler and a piping system. For heating with wood modern structure It is not at all necessary to use an archaic stone stove, especially since it is characterized by large heat losses and uneven heat distribution in the room.

One of the oldest ways to heat your home is to light the stove. In small houses, such heating will be ineffective; it will take a very long time to warm up the room, even with a small living space. Heating with wood in a dacha can be realized either using a stove, fireplace or a modern solid fuel boiler.

The potbelly stove is easy to install and operate; it not only heats the room, but also allows you to cook food. However, it can heat relatively small country houses (up to 60 sq. m.). As for the fireplace, it has excellent decorative properties and will decorate any home; it will warm you in damp weather, but will cope poorly with heating in winter.

If the area of ​​the house is higher than specified, then it is more advisable to use a solid fuel boiler. Such a heat generator will help not only effectively heat the room, but also significantly reduce labor costs for servicing the device (a solid fuel boiler produces much less soot and combustion waste, and loading firewood can be done only once a day.)

Electric heating

The easiest way to organize heating in a dacha with your own hands is to use electricity. The undoubted advantage of heating with electricity is that it can be arranged using both complex heating systems and household oil electric heaters or infrared panels.

Electric heating of a country house using complex systems allows you to programmatically regulate the degree and time of heating, which makes it possible not only to create the most comfortable environment, but also to save money. But the use of complex heating devices is impractical in a small home.

Portable and portable electric heaters

Country houses are designed only for seasonal living, and installation of a complex heating system will cost a significant amount. In this case, it is much more effective to use portable electric heaters. The latter include oil batteries and infrared panels.

The principle of operation of these heaters is diametrically opposite: the oil heater heats the air around it, and the infrared panel heats the objects (floor, walls, furniture) on which the infrared rays fell. That is, it acts on the principle of solar rays, which makes it possible to demonstrate an efficiency of 92%.

But all portable heaters have a common advantage - they can be easily moved from room to room, heating only the room that is needed at the moment, or taken away to heat an apartment. If the home is not used year-round, in this case, the use of portable heaters will come in handy.

Electric boiler

The most profitable option for heating a country house is an electric boiler, which heats it and, using a built-in pump, pumps coolant (water or antifreeze) through the pipeline system.

Heat from radiators spreads throughout the house. This system has only one drawback - to implement such a scheme, you will have to take care of the installation of heating pipes, which will significantly increase the cost of organizing the heating of a country house. This option is suitable when the dacha is used for winter living, is a two-story building, or heating is needed for a long period and in several rooms.

Gas heating of a country house

If at the dacha it is possible to connect to the main gas pipe, then the question of how to choose heating for a country house disappears by itself: the boiler is capable of heating a country house in a short time, and the cost of the energy spent will not be too burdensome for the owners.

Small, low-power ones are suitable for dachas. wall models, they are more than enough to heat a small house. In a gas boiler, the coolant, just like in an electric one, is water or antifreeze. This heating scheme assumes the presence of an installed pipeline heating system in the house.

When heating a country house, a gas boiler can operate completely autonomously (without consuming electricity). In this case, the water in the pipeline does not circulate forcibly due to the operation of the pump, but independently according to the principle of convection. That is, hot water, expanding when heated, pushes cold water into the heating zone, and so on without interruption. However, to install a non-volatile boiler, it is necessary to take into account the slope of the pipes and the height of the heat generator relative to the radiators and heating pipes.

Despite the fact that a gas boiler can be installed with your own hands, it is unlikely that you can do it without a service specialist; his responsibilities include connecting the boiler to the gas main and starting the heating unit for the first time.

If you are determined to take advantage of the benefits of a gas boiler, but do not have the opportunity to connect to pipeline gas, then you will have to install a gas tank. These welded cylindrical or spherical tanks are made of steel and are installed underground. They store liquefied gas under high pressure. The container is replenished as needed. It is worth noting that such a gas supply scheme for a dacha will entail significant costs not only for the installation of the tank itself, but also for its regular replenishment.

Regardless of whether it is a gas or electric boiler, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of water freezing in the pipelines and, as a result, their destruction. Using antifreeze as a coolant or using pipes with a heating cable under insulating insulation will help to avoid such an accident. In addition, the boiler protection unit will help to protect the heating system. Since its operation requires electricity, emergency power supply to the boiler from a diesel generator should be provided.

Alternative methods of heating a summer house

If there is a need to organize efficient heating of a country house, but the lack of gas and electricity on the site does not allow this problem to be solved in the usual way, you will have to use boilers with an alternative energy source: solid (coal, peat, firewood) and liquid fuel (diesel fuel, gasoline) are suitable for this role couldn't be better.

Of course, the heat they produce will cost significantly more than that of a gas boiler. But considering that its tasks do not include heating large rooms in harsh winters and the ability to work on non-standard energy carriers, such a model may be the best option for country houses located in remote places.

Bottom line

To choose the best option for heating your cottage, select the type of fuel that is most suitable for you, calculate the power, or contact our specialists for help with the choice.

Before buying a heat generator, take care of the thermal insulation of the house - the use of modern heat-insulating materials will minimize the cost of the coolant and save money on its purchase.

For country houses, one of the most pressing issues is the organization of heating. Although most spend little time there, this question still important. Especially when it’s damp and cool outside. Every person wants to relax in a dry and warm room. So, where to start heating a country house? First of all, you need to collect all the necessary documents. The rules require this. Next, you need to decide which heating system will be installed and what materials are needed. Next, we’ll tell you in more detail about how to make heating in a dacha.


Country houses were built in different times from various materials. Therefore, when selecting heating for a summer house, it is recommended to take into account the following points:

  1. Find out what the walls and the base of the building are made of.
  2. You also need to clarify whether there are insulating materials in the construction of the house. The fact is that insulated buildings can retain heat inside much longer.
  3. It is necessary to determine how fire hazardous the building is. The fact is that there are heating systems in the country that can lead to a fire.
  4. In addition, you need to find out which coolants are most convenient for you to purchase. Perhaps there is a point selling firewood, coal or diesel fuel nearby. Obviously, the further you have to travel for fuel, the higher the cost of heating a country house will be.
  5. The cost of heating is also affected by the cost of storing coolant.

The heating options available today can be divided into several groups.

So, depending on the coolant used, it can be:

According to the energy source, heating can be divided as follows: electric, gas, liquid fuel, solid fuel (coal or wood).

Each heating system has its own advantages and disadvantages. The most expensive type is considered to be diesel fuel, and the cheapest is heating the dacha with gas. But it is gas that is most difficult to supply to a suburban area. Therefore, this type of heating is used very rarely in the country.

How to determine the piping layout

When choosing a heating device, you need to start from how the pipes are located in the country house. The calculation of the boiler power also depends on this. Today there are two schemes for heating a dacha:

  • single-pipe,
  • two-pipe.

Let's take a closer look at each of these types:

  1. Single-pipe scheme. This system is the easiest and most economical to install heating. This is due to the fact that no additional pipeline is required for this. This option is most suitable for heating a country house with an area of ​​up to 90 sq.m.
  2. Two-pipe scheme. It allows you to heat large areas, both in one-story and two-story buildings. In both cases, heat distribution occurs evenly between all heating devices. Circulation in the system can be either natural or forced. In the latter case, a circulation pump is installed. In any case, it is very important to maintain the slope of the heating pipes during their installation.

It is recommended to use systems with vertical risers. To heat an attic with a large roof angle, the use of a horizontal wiring diagram is prohibited. Therefore, it is better to heat country houses with such an attic using a two-pipe scheme with natural circulation, using upper or lower wiring. If the boiler is installed in the basement, then the height of the pipe must be more than 11 m.

Thus, the main criteria for choosing a heating method for a country house are as follows:

  • cost of coolant and equipment;
  • existing pipe arrangement system in the country house;
  • the cost of installing heating at the dacha;
  • price of maintenance and repair work of the heating system.

In addition, you need to estimate how long you are going to spend at the dacha during the cold season. After all, it is during this period that heating is required.

Boiler selection

Next, when installing a heating system in a country house, it is necessary to correctly select the boiler power. It is calculated depending on parameters such as the area of ​​the building and the specific power of the installed boiler. To perform the correct calculation, you must know the area of ​​the country house. Next, you will need to divide this value by the specific power. About 25% power should be added to the result obtained. It will be a reserve in case of severe frosts.

To determine the power of the unit, you can use the table:

Boilers produced today are usually equipped with “smart” automatic machines that can regulate the temperature and also control circulation pump and hot water supply circuit. Thanks to temperature control, the units can operate most of the time in the so-called “gentle mode,” while saving fuel.

Depending on the installation location, the boiler can be built-in or floor-standing. The choice of one option or another depends only on you. Next, when installing heating in a dacha with your own hands, you need to prepare the place for installing the heating unit. To do this, the room must be cleared of existing furniture and other items that may interfere with the conduct of the installation work.

Main characteristics of radiators

When you have chosen a boiler, it’s time to select suitable heating devices, which are usually used as radiators or radiators for a summer residence. Let's look at how to choose them correctly.

Basically, these systems differ in the material of manufacture:

  • For example, aluminum radiators are available for sale. They are most suitable for the private sector. Their advantages include fast heating, good heat transfer and good appearance. Disadvantages include high cost and poor tolerance to pressure changes. In addition, they should not be used in rooms where there is already central heating. Bimetallic radiators are less sensitive to pressure changes. Their base is made of steel, capable of withstanding any pressure and its changes, which is typical for central heating. It is through this pipe that heated water (or other coolant) moves.
  • Radiators are often made of steel. Due to its quality and reasonable price, this equipment option has become quite popular among consumers. The only disadvantage that can be noted is that upon contact with air, steel oxidizes. This threatens the formation of rust. These radiators are most suitable for use in closed systems from which water is not drained in summer.
  • One of the most commonly used options are cast iron radiators. Their advantages include durability. These radiators can withstand almost anything. So, they are not afraid of pressure surges, poor quality water, unknown chemical composition, frequent entry of air bubbles into the system.

The heating system also requires high-quality pipes. It’s sometimes difficult to choose the right option without the necessary knowledge. Today you can find pipes made of steel, metal-plastic, polypropylene or copper on sale. For private country houses, the most suitable option is considered polypropylene pipes.

"Warm baseboard"

For heating country houses, a panel system is often used, which is called “warm baseboard”. It is mounted around the perimeter of the room. When using it, the generated heat is distributed along the wall, from where it rises. This creates a thermal shield that prevents heat from escaping from the room. In addition, it prevents the formation of condensation on the walls. When using such a device, the walls of the room are evenly heated. That is, there are no cold zones or frozen corners. In addition, heated walls begin to radiate heat inward, making the room more comfortable.

What does it represent this system? This is a collapsible aluminum box with a height of 140 mm and a width of 30 mm. It is mounted in place of a regular baseboard. Water or antifreeze is usually used as a coolant in such a device. Inside such a housing there is a heat exchanger consisting of a pair of copper pipes. A warm baseboard is connected in almost the same way as a regular radiator. There are special devices on sale that connect directly to the power grid.

When installing a “warm baseboard”, it must be connected to the supply and return pipelines supplied from the collector. For this you can use PVC or polyethylene pipes. Each “warm baseboard” can be equipped with a thermostat, with which the temperature is regulated, maintained at a minimum level when the owners are absent, and thereby save heat, but maintain comfortable conditions.

Such a heating system, which includes a “warm baseboard” and an electric boiler, allows you to maintain a minimum temperature in the country house when the owners are away. It may seem that such heating requires a lot of costs. But in fact, an electric boiler is very suitable for a well-insulated small dacha. You can install it yourself. It is safe and reliable.

Electric heating for the cottage

Perhaps, an electric boiler, as mentioned above, will be the best option for heating a country house. It has a lot of advantages: it is easy to install, does not require the installation of a chimney (unlike a stove for heating a summer house) and the allocation of a separate room. But, the most important thing is that such equipment is equipped with a gsm unit, which allows you to control the operation of the unit remotely using a regular mobile phone.

This boiler is quite safe; there is no open fire in it. It is capable of operating at almost any coolant temperature. In addition, it can independently restore its operation after a forced stop due to a power outage, which could happen, for example, during a failure. The only disadvantages that can be highlighted are the high costs of operating such equipment - electricity still cannot be called cheap. Therefore, every calorie of heat that is generated by such a unit should not be wasted. To do this, the dacha needs to be properly insulated, which will reduce heat loss. In addition, you should use more efficient heating devices rather than simple radiators.

Heating a cottage: video

Do-it-yourself heating in the country: stove, water and electric systems

For many modern inhabitants of the concrete jungle, the dacha serves as a refuge from the bustle of the city, both in summer and in winter. winter time. But in order to relax comfortably in a country house on rainy autumn days and in winter frosts, you need to provide warmth and comfort there. In this article we will describe various types of heating systems for suburban buildings.

The easier and faster it is to achieve comfortable temperature at the dacha from the heating system, the more popular it is

Methods of heating a country house

Of course, in the case of detached housing construction, especially at a considerable distance from large populated areas, exclusively autonomous heating options are used. Each homeowner solves this problem in his own way, but there are, of course, indisputable rules that must be taken into account.

Autonomous country heating with your own hands directly depends on several conventions:

The heat loss through various building elements is clearly shown as a percentage

  • The scale of the building.
  • The nature of the materials from which it is built country house.
  • Fire safety level of the building.
  • Is it possible to connect to a centralized source of energy supply or gas mains?
  • Availability of other energy resources.

For your information! During construction work on a summer cottage, where there is still no possibility of connecting to a constant source of electricity, it is advisable to rent a diesel generator for the summer cottage.

Its power will be quite enough to operate construction tools and simple household appliances.

In principle, heating systems, depending on the heat source, can be divided into:

  • Stoves.
  • Electrical.
  • Mermen.

We will describe the above options in more detail in the following sections.

Stove heating

A stove can be a classic option, but not everyone can arrange such heating for their dacha with their own hands; they will need the skills and abilities of a mason, which, unfortunately, most owners of suburban areas cannot boast of.

Attention! Stove heating device in wooden house undesirable from a fire safety point of view.

For wooden log house Electric or water heating is better.

Another thing is installing a steel or cast iron stove at the dacha.

The modern market for these products offers us huge selection products where everyone can choose what they need according to any of the criteria:

In the absence of a central gas supply, this is perhaps the most economical heating method country house.

In addition, factory-made cast iron and steel stoves have a number of other advantages:

  • Such fireplaces are easy and simple to install.
  • They can warm small house in 40-50 minutes. until a comfortable temperature is achieved.
  • The service life of these units with proper operation, as the instructions say, is practically unlimited.
  • You can use raw materials available in the region as fuel.

Interesting! Now many people are assembling country houses from block containers.

For these mobile and prefabricated buildings, heating using a cast iron stove for a summer residence, which is both quickly installed and dismantled for moving to another place, is perfect.

Small mobile stoves are convenient for temporary housing, or for installation during renovation work

The only disadvantages of this type of heating include the need to periodically add fuel and clean the ash pan from burnt-out residues. And also control draft for high-quality combustion and timely removal of combustion products.

Water heating

Modern materials and technologies for creating water heating systems make it possible to have almost urban comfort and convenience far beyond its borders. A similar do-it-yourself heating scheme in a dacha, in which a radiator is installed in each room, will allow you to achieve uniform heating of all rooms.

In addition, when thinking about how to make the most optimal heating option for a country house, one should not forget the economic side of the issue. This is especially true for large houses (from 100m2 and more), where stove heating It’s not entirely effective, but the electric one takes a toll on your pocket.

The main disadvantage of a water system is that a separate room is required to install the tank, wiring and pump.

What does a DIY dacha heating scheme look like?

Fundamental components:

  • The boiler is the main source of heat. It can run on:
    • Electricity. Such a boiler makes the owner energy dependent, which is impossible in some areas where the electricity supply is summer cottages carried out seasonally.
    • Gaza. The most optimal option for trouble-free and uninterrupted heating.
    • Solid fuel.
  • Heating devices - radiators. According to the rules, radiators should be installed under windows and next to front door, so it’s easy to independently calculate how many products you will need. For cast iron radiators, the number of sections is calculated based on the heated area (one per 1.5-2 m2). The radiator should be positioned in relation to other structures as follows:

The number of pipes depends on the selected heating system (in the photo there is a two-pipe version - separate supply and outlet)

    • No closer than 7 cm from the windowsill.
    • 10 cm from the floor (at least).
    • At a distance of 3-5 cm from the wall.
  • A system of pipelines that supplies coolant (hot water) and returns it (in cooled form) back to the boiler.
  • Shut-off valves. Without skimping on installation shut-off valves for each heating device, you will have the opportunity to repair or replace the radiator without shutting down the entire system.
  • The circulation pump is installed directly in front of the boiler.
  • Expansion tank.

Important! When the heating is turned off in cold weather, the water-filled system may fail due to rupture of pipes and damage to radiators.

If it is necessary to turn off the boiler in winter, it is better to empty the heating system by draining the water or initially add an anti-freeze agent to the coolant.

The shapes of the radiators make it possible not to hide them behind false walls, but to emphasize a certain design of the room

Electric heating

As for the last type of heating of a living space, it can be called one of the most expensive, since it directly depends on electricity, which, in turn, is considered an expensive fuel. On the other hand, the arrangement of such a system does not require initial planning and design - electric radiators are simply mounted on the wall and connected to the network. (See also the article Convection heater for a summer residence: features.)

Stylish electric “batteries” that only require a connection to the network - affordable heating of a dacha with your own hands


Along with the classic methods of heating a home, there are several options for alternative heating that have proven themselves and are quite suitable for a summer house. Don’t forget also about energy saving; in our case, this means minimizing heat loss through the structures of a country house that are not sufficiently insulated. In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

Underfloor heating system is a good option for heating residential premises

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Heating options for a summer residence

In cold weather, heating the dacha is required when the owners spend time there not only in summer, but also in winter. It is clear that this means a more or less permanent structure, and not some windswept iron trailer. The organization of heating of a country house has its own characteristics and depends on many conditions. You need to consider heating methods taking these conditions into account; this article will help you choose the best option.

What determines the choice of heating method for a summer house?

As a rule, a summer house is an object of periodic use, especially in winter. People travel outside the city to relax and enjoy clean air, and some even live in their dachas permanently.

The country houses themselves vary greatly - from light and poorly insulated to real cottages with several floors.

When choosing heating options for your dacha, you need to consider a number of important points:

  • frequency and duration of stay in winter;
  • what energy resources are available and will cost the least;
  • distance from populated areas and organization of security of the holiday village;
  • need for hot water supply.

In each case there may be additional nuances. For example, a dacha is combined with a bathhouse and it is more correct to provide one heat source for them. Or you have a large family, then you need to maintain a higher temperature in the rooms. The nuances must be taken into account when choosing a heating method.

Special attention It is worth paying attention to the issue of security, this is one of the features that distinguishes a dacha from an ordinary private house. Unfortunately, security in holiday villages is often poorly organized or non-existent, and burglaries are not uncommon. Imagine that you bought and installed expensive electric convectors, and they were stolen after you left. It turns out that the massiveness of the heat source plays an important role, so that it cannot be dragged away. These include heavy boilers, brick fireplaces, stoves, and so on.

Heating system requirements

Depending on individual conditions There may be different requirements for heating a country house, but there are also general ones that will always be relevant:

  • quick heating of rooms;
  • the heating system must use available energy carriers, possibly several;
  • reasonable cost of equipment and installation work;
  • efficiency and economy;
  • the ability to function in periodic mode and withstand frost during downtime without consequences.

In order to make it easier for you to choose the optimal method of heating your dacha, we will consider real options for heating with different energy sources and how they meet the listed requirements. Then you can add your wishes to them and determine which method is better.


At the moment, most holiday villages are not gasified, but electricity is available almost everywhere. Accordingly, electric independent heating without gas is of great interest and deserves consideration as one of the most affordable options. Its advantages are speed and low cost of installation, relatively low cost of equipment and reliability in terms of frequency of operation.

As for economy and efficiency, any electric heaters take first place in this regard. Their efficiency is 98-99%, which is higher than when burning any type of fuel.

On modern market We offer a wide selection of means to heat your dacha with electricity. For well-guarded dachas or those where residents stay permanently, any of them are suitable:

  • convectors and fan heaters;
  • oil radiators;
  • systems infrared heating;
  • cable and film heated floors;
  • water heating with electric boiler.

Electric fan heaters and convectors warm up the room the fastest, at least according to human sensations. Oil radiators take a little longer, but they also take longer to cool down. All these devices heat the air in the house and do not require installation, except for wall-mounted convectors. This household appliances It can easily withstand the cold, and its maintenance boils down to periodic cleaning.

In an apartment, the light weight and size of an electric heater are an important advantage, while in an unguarded dacha this is a disadvantage; the devices are easy to steal. In addition, such electric heating will not provide the house with hot water, and for a certain part of people it causes discomfort and affects well-being.

Infrared heating devices have the same disadvantages, only the higher cost of equipment and installation work must be added to them. The exception is portable infrared heaters, but they feel like they warm up rooms too slowly. To feel the heat emanating from them, you need to be in the radiator’s coverage area. On the other hand, infrared heating does not have a negative impact on human well-being.

Stationary heating means with electricity

Electric cable or film floors are perfect for heating a dacha. True, you will have to incur costs for the purchase of heating elements and installation under the floor covering or in the screed. But such equipment starts easily from subzero temperatures, and it is also impossible to steal.

Disadvantages are long-term heating of the premises and the inability to heat water; this requires an electric boiler or a separate water heater.

The most convenient and functional is the traditional heating method - water system with an electric boiler as a heat source. His negative aspects– significant financial costs for the installation of the system and a long heating time for the building. In addition, during your absence, the water system is in danger of defrosting. But by installing a small boiler in addition to the boiler indirect heating, you can get hot water for household needs at your dacha.

To avoid defrosting, you need to purchase antifreeze, and use it to prepare and pour liquid into the heating system.

Important disadvantages of electric heating in general are the high electricity tariff and the limited power consumption limit. Regarding various heaters, you could see for yourself that they all have pros and cons; the appropriate option is selected individually.


Of course, gas heating is one of the most convenient for a dacha; there will be quick heating and hot water. The efficiency of the installations is high, reaching 92%. But the price of the resource differs greatly in different countries. In the Russian Federation, heating a dacha with gas is realistic, in Belarus or Ukraine it is already problematic, where its price is much higher. And gas mains are not laid in dacha cooperatives, with rare exceptions.

When the house is gasified, heating in the dacha can be done in two ways:

  • install a double-circuit boiler and mount pipelines with radiators;
  • install gas convectors in the premises, thereby organizing air heating.

The main difficulty with the device gas heating– obtaining permission to connect to the highway. Carrying out the procedure in relation to a country house is not economically feasible. The solution is to heat with liquefied gas, but this only makes sense in Russia, where the price of fuel is acceptable.

Stove and solid fuel boiler

Heating a dacha with wood is easiest if you are not in the desert. There is no need to obtain any permits, and it is impossible to drag away bulky equipment. Both the stove and the boiler feel normal at low temperatures, this is important for periodic use. The exception is boilers equipped with electronic control units; this modern technology may fail when started in cold weather. So it is better to organize heating of a country house with a solid fuel boiler of a simple design, without electronics. The efficiency of such units does not exceed 75%.

The heat generator, as in the case of gas, will have to be connected to a water heating system, filling it with antifreeze. Expect a significant investment initially cash, since equipment, piping elements and heating devices with pipelines will not be cheap. When the house is small, this is irrational; it is better to organize stove heating. Choice metal furnaces extremely wide, you can choose the right one both for money and for every taste.

Metal and brick stoves with water heating quickly heat up and warm up the room, in addition they can supply heat to radiators in neighboring rooms, and also prepare water for hot water supply. But the efficiency of the furnaces is low - about 60%.

Building a brick stove is not always expensive; here you need to choose a successful design, for example, build a Dutch stove or a small Swedish stove. It can include a hob for cooking, an oven and a water tank. For aesthetes, we can advise you to build a fireplace out of brick or purchase a ready-made metal one.

Despite all their advantages, stoves and fireplaces require chimneys and also take up a lot of space. A solid fuel boiler can be taken outside into an extension, but the stove will take up useful space in the house.

Diesel fuel

This case is appropriate if the owner of the dacha no longer has any energy resources at his disposal. This really happens, diesel heating comes to the rescue when there is no gas, the limit on electricity consumption is too small, and transporting firewood is too far or expensive. The cost of the equipment is comparable to gas, as is the efficiency (92%), only connection permits are not required. This is where the positive aspects end, the reason is the price of diesel fuel, the operation of a diesel boiler cannot be called cheap.

To heat a dacha with diesel fuel, in addition to the boiler, you still need the same water heating system and radiators filled with antifreeze. The water heating function is also available if you purchase a dual-circuit heat generator. A warning is appropriate here: it is better to take the unit with a minimum of electronics, which can fail at subzero temperatures.

For those who like to do the heating installation themselves, there is an alternative: a homemade boiler using waste oil. You can make it yourself, spending a minimum of money. The game is worth the candle, provided that such fuel is available to you.


As a result of the review, we can conclude that for most summer residents it is most convenient to use electricity or burn solid fuel. By the way, you can significantly reduce the cost of purchasing wood-burning boilers and stoves if you make them yourself.

Heating in the country: simple and interesting options

A person’s desire to take a break from work and the bustle of the city arises not only in summer, but also in winter - it is for this reason that one should think about heating a country house. To do this, it is not even necessary to hire specialists and pay them huge amounts of money to perform installation work - today’s technologies allow you to create such systems yourself. Don't believe me? Then let's figure it out together. In this article, together with the site, we will look at the most simple ways, with which you can make heating in your dacha with your own hands.

Heating installation in a dacha photo

Heating in the country: homemade heaters

By and large, craftsmen have learned to make almost any type of heating systems - solid fuel heaters, liquid heaters, electric heaters, and even gas heaters are no exception in this regard. But, naturally, electric heaters break all records. Do you know why? Because current is the easiest to control - in addition, it is much easier to steal, which in dachas, with their old meters, is not a problem at all. But this is not the point - among all that the “Kulibins” have done over the past half century, there are quite worthy options.

You can see the types of modern heaters for summer cottages in this video.

Alternatively, you can consider self-production electric heating boiler - based on the same old water heating tank It's not that difficult to assemble. To do this, you will need welding - take a pipe with a diameter of 100 mm, cut into it a coupling with a thread for a heating element and a pair of pipes for connecting the return and supply. The heating element is screwed in and the boiler is ready - all that remains is to assemble the water heating and enjoy your labors. By the way, such a system has one drawback - it takes a very long time to warm up, especially if we are talking about a heating system with natural coolant circulation.

How to make heating in a country house: electric convector

This, one might say, is generally an elementary option that allows you to heat your dacha with electricity very quickly. Moreover, unlike everything written above, modern electric convectors, which you will have to purchase in a store, warm up rooms very quickly. And that’s not all – among the advantages we can highlight the independence of each convector. What does this give? And the fact is that, at your discretion, you can regulate the temperature separately in each room - in addition, if necessary, you can always not heat a particular room at all.

Do-it-yourself heating in the countryside photo

All this, of course, is good, but this simple heating in a dacha has one significant drawback - you will need to completely replace the dacha electrical wiring. The power consumption here is calculated in kilowatts, and old wiring simply may not withstand the load. Alternatively, you can not completely change the wiring, but simply make a new one for the convectors - stretch the cables and install a standard grounded socket at the place of their installation. Again, you should remember the banal protection - circuit breakers, grounding and quality equipment.

Do-it-yourself heating in the country: solid fuel stoves

In addition to electric heating in the country, it is not so difficult to independently make a heating system that runs on solid fuel - naturally, this is more complex systems heating, but nothing unrealistic. A little theory, desire and everything will work out in the best possible way. There are many options for solid fuel heating.

In principle, other possibilities can be considered, or rather heating devices that use a different type of fuel. For example, with mastery of welding, you can make a heater that runs on liquid fuel (waste oil or kerosene). Also, you shouldn’t give up on classic heating systems, which perfectly show their advantages when heating large houses. In general, there are quite a lot of options, and, as they say, there is plenty to choose from - the main thing is to make this choice consciously and taking into account local circumstances.

And to conclude the topic about heating in the country, a few words about full-fledged water heating systems - for a small house, assembling them with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Having in hand a wiring diagram and a boiler piping diagram, which are abundant on the Internet, as well as some theoretical knowledge of working with modern pipes, which can also be gleaned from the Internet, it is not difficult to assemble heating for 2, 3, or even 4 devices. Moreover, as mentioned above, if you have the skills to work with a welding machine, you can also easily assemble a simple electric heating boiler.

Arrangement of a veranda at the dacha with your own hands

Many are accustomed to considering the dacha purely summer construction. As a last resort, people relax there during more or less warm seasons. Not quite the right opinion. More and more people are leaving for the countryside for the weekend, even in bad weather conditions. The problem of warming up a country house, which is sure to arise, can be solved with the help of various electric heaters.

Why electricity?

Should I install gas or water heating in my dacha? If you use the structure irregularly in cold weather, it is not advisable to install such systems.

In addition, not all holiday villages are connected to the central gas supply line. And although heating with electricity is not the most economical, it is ahead of many other methods in terms of environmental friendliness and efficiency.

Electric heaters

Modern heating devices not only successfully cope with heating a dacha, the degree of comfort in using such equipment is quite high. Setting the thermostat allows you to maintain the set temperature in the room even during your absence.

Some models are equipped with a timer that can be programmed to turn on the device before traveling out of town. Such “smart” devices can be controlled by sending SMS messages. In this way, you can both turn on and off the electrical appliance.


The most common devices designed for electric heating today are special convectors. Installation of such devices does not take much time. Most often they are installed on the wall, in rare cases on the floor. The operation of the device is based on the principle of air convection.

The convector provides uniform heating of the entire room. A heating element built into the bottom of the device heats the air passing through it. Warm air currents quickly heat the room. The heater's thermostat maintains a constant temperature in the home.

Oil radiators

Inside the body of such devices there is oil, which is heated by a heating element. The surface of the device heats up and transfers heat into the room. To speed up heat exchange, some models are equipped with fans.

Infrared heaters

Usually installed on the ceiling. The infrared waves emitted by such devices are absorbed by surrounding surfaces and transformed into thermal energy. When heated, the surfaces give off heat to the air in the room.

Using such devices, it is possible to organize heating of a specific area in cases where it is not necessary to heat the entire room. The capabilities of IR heaters can significantly reduce energy costs.

Warm floor

Heating with electricity can be organized using cable heating. A special heating cable is laid on the floor, connected to a power source, and a covering is laid on top. It is best to implement such heating at the stage of construction or major renovation.

Autonomous heating system

It is better to heat a large country house or cottage using a boiler. To do this, you will need to install pipes and install radiators. But as a result, you will get a reliable, efficient, environmentally friendly heating system.

Modern electric boilers– compact, easily controlled devices that create a comfortable temperature regime in the room. They have a high efficiency and do not require the purchase, transportation and storage of fuel.

Electric boilers are available in three varieties:

  1. induction;
  2. heating elements;
  3. electrode.

Heating a house with an induction boiler will cost less than with a heating element, but the device itself is more expensive. An electrode heater is considered the most economical, but it cannot be used to heat floors.

Combination boilers

In rural areas, the most practical and cost-effective option is heating with electricity and wood. This method involves minimum costs for equipment and its maintenance.

The advantage of the combined device is that both solid fuel and electricity can be used to operate it. The design of the device allows you to maintain the set temperature for a long time, even during your absence from the dacha. Moreover, the device will operate at the lowest power.

Possible power outages are also not a big deal; you just need to stock up on firewood for the winter.

The process of building a country house, in addition to erecting walls, installing floors and roofs, includes many activities that subsequently ensure the comfort of residents. One of the most important stages of work is the installation of a heating system, which ensures the possibility of living in the cold season. Improvement and distribution construction technologies allow you to make the best choice from a variety of heating options for a country house.

Types of heating - pros and cons of different systems

Despite the periodic emergence of new types of heating, such as solar heating, the vast majority of owners country houses They use classic heating methods that have been proven for decades. The most common of them:

  1. 1. Heating with solid fuel.
  2. 2. Gas heating.
  3. 3. Electric heating.

In addition, at the moment there is a large selection of solutions that use combined fuel, that is, they can heat a building both through electricity and through combustion various types fuel.

Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. The simplest and cheap way Heating a country house involves using a gas-fired boiler. Its advantages are obvious - low cost of fuel, heating according to the “turn it on and forget it” principle, the ability to adjust the required temperature in the rooms, safe operation thanks to modern equipment. Gas heating has only one drawback - if there is no centralized gas main near the country house, you will have to install a separate pipe at your own expense. The costs of such work are comparable to the cost of building a house.

Boilers running on solid or liquid fuel will cost less, but their feature is an increased fire hazard. It is also necessary to constantly monitor the availability of the fuel necessary to generate heat, so this option cannot be called autonomous. Such solutions are perfect for those cases when a country house is used periodically, upon arrival the boiler is flooded and fuel is added throughout the entire period of stay in the country house to maintain the optimal temperature in the premises. Operating heating systems using wood, coal or fuel oil will cost more than using gas equipment, however much cheaper than electricity.

Heating systems using electricity are the most convenient and safe to use. The advantages of this solution are its complete autonomy, no need for fuel storage, and the ability to automatically adjust the temperature in the room without outside intervention. Modern electric heating systems even have the ability to be adjusted remotely from a smartphone, if there is a cellular connection in a suburban area. The disadvantages include the high cost of electricity and equipment when using individual devices in each room.

Also, for each specific country house, the choice of heating system will depend on the area and duration of operation:

  1. 1. A small country house with an area of ​​up to 30 m², used in the summer. It is preferable to use solid fuel convection boilers that do not require connection to coolant lines, or gas boilers, operating independently from a liquefied gas cylinder.
  2. 2. One- or two-story house with an area of ​​up to 100 m², used for year-round living. In this case, it is advisable to use a centralized heating system with coolant supplied through pipes to the heating radiators. In this case, you can use a gas, electric, solid fuel or combined type of boiler, depending on the availability of energy resources.
  3. 3. Country house with an area of ​​100 m². Buildings of this type are usually built in holiday villages where there are centralized boiler houses, or where a gas main runs throughout the village. It is recommended to use central heating or gas, however, in the absence of such an option, you can also use boilers of any type with a circulation system with a liquid coolant.

Calculation and preparatory work

Modern heating boilers, especially those using natural gas as fuel, require fairly high qualifications during installation. However, with the proper desire, it is quite possible to install heating in a dacha with your own hands.

Regardless of what type of boiler is used as a heat generator, the pipe layout and coolant circulation principles are the same and depend on design features home and materials used.

When calculating the power of the boiler and installed radiators, the following standards should be adhered to per 10 m²:

  1. 1. For southern regions – 0.8–1.0 kW/10 m².
  2. 2. For middle zone– 1.0–1.5 kW/10 m².
  3. 3. For northern and cold regions – 1.6–2.5 kW/10 m².

Before starting work, you must purchase everything necessary equipment and consumables:

Single-circuit heating system

A single-pipe or single-circuit heating system, also called “Leningrad”, involves the following stages of work. First, the cold coolant is heated in heating device(boiler) to the desired temperature. Then, as a result of the operation of the circulation pump, the heated liquid moves through the pipes and sequentially enters the heating devices, releasing thermal energy to the rooms in turn. Thus, the liquid cools down on each radiator and the coolant reaches the last radiators already cooled down, as a result of which the room farthest from the boiler turns out to be the coldest, and the whole house warms up unevenly.

Work on installing the heating system should begin by installing heating devices (radiators), an expansion tank and a heating boiler at pre-selected locations. In this case, you must adhere to some rules:

  1. 8. The distance from the window sill to the radiator must be at least 70 mm. This is necessary to form an optimal flow of heated air.
  2. 9. The distance from the heating device to the wall is at least 50 mm, otherwise, due to poor circulation, the radiators will not have time to warm the air flow to the desired temperature.
  3. 10. The expansion tank is located near the boiler, usually in the attic.
  4. 11. We install the circulation pump at the final stage of the water flow cycle in front of the boiler.
  5. 12. If a boiler with an open flame is used, it is necessary to provide metal pipes– adapters 0.5–1 m long, to the ends of which metal-plastic or propylene pipes will already be attached.

After all the devices are securely fixed in their regular places, we begin the installation of pipes. For greater aesthetics, it is advisable to carry out all work using a building level.

  1. 1. At the end of the first adapter pipe, screw in a tee, to one end of which we connect the pipe going to the expansion tank, to the other - the pipe going to the first heating device.
  2. 2. We must connect the inlet pipe from the boiler to the upper (inlet) hole of the radiator.
  3. 3. We connect the outlet pipe from the first radiator to it from below and connect it to the inlet (upper) hole of the second radiator.
  4. 4. Similarly, we connect all remaining heating devices.
  5. 5. Connect the outlet pipe of the last radiator to the inlet of the circulation pump.
  6. 6. Connect the pump output to the boiler inlet adapter pipe.

Important! When using a circulation pump in a liquid heating system, we strongly recommend using a backup (bypass) path for liquid movement. This will greatly facilitate the replacement of the device in the event of its failure, which is not so rare.

After installing the system, it is necessary to check it for leaks. To do this through expansion tank Fill in the coolant, turn on the circulation pump and carefully monitor the devices and connections for leaks until all elements are completely filled with liquid.

Double-circuit heating system

A two-pipe heating system for a summer residence requires greater material consumption and, accordingly, labor costs. Its main difference from the one described above is the use of two circuits, one of which supplies hot coolant simultaneously to all heating devices, and through the second the liquid moves back to the boiler. Thanks to this scheme, heating of all rooms of the house is carried out evenly. The main features of installing such a system are as follows:

  1. 1. We lay pipes of both circuits along the entire perimeter of the house.
  2. 2. Using tees, we remove a piece of pipe from the supply (hot) circuit to each heating device and connect it to the upper (inlet) hole of the radiator.
  3. 3. We also take a piece of pipe from the outlet of each radiator and connect it with a tee to the return (cold) circuit.

Thus, the cold circuit begins at the first heating device and ends with a connection to the circulation pump, and the hot circuit pipe begins at the tee at the heating boiler and ends with a connection to the inlet of the last radiator.

Electric heating is more expensive, but safer

Heating using electrical energy can be done in two ways. The first is the use of a boiler powered by electrical network, which, similar to gas or solid fuel, heats a liquid coolant, which, in turn, heats the premises of the house.

The second method is to use autonomous heating devices in each room of the dacha. This option is more expensive, but has several advantages:

  • The absence of liquid circuits simplifies the installation and further operation of the entire heating system.
  • Individual temperature control is possible in each individual room.
  • Modern electrical appliances have built-in overheating protection and short circuit, which significantly increases the operational safety of the entire system.

The most commonly used electric heating devices in the country include: an infrared emitter installed on the ceiling or wall; convector heater; a mobile system of warm electric floors, which is made in the form of a film and can be easily spread (removed) if necessary.

If you intend to equip your dacha with a heating system, then first decide on heating equipment. To do this, you need to analyze the following parameters:

  • material used in the construction of the house;
  • available energy resources;
  • distance from the site to the nearest power line.

Based on this, select the type of future system.

First, decide what the heating system will be like. In this case, everything depends on the specific circumstances, so we will consider the most common options.

Option #1. Small country house

If the cottage is small and is used only in the summer, then you can equip the simplest system.

Attention! You can do electric heating. Firstly, it is quite easy, and secondly, the costs will be insignificant, since the system will be used infrequently.

There is another option - install a small-sized convection oven (for example, “Buleryan”). Such units can operate for quite a long time, and one load is enough for a long time. And if we take into account power outages, then this heating method is preferable.

Option #2. Two-story house (area less than 150 m²)

Such cottages can be used for year-round living. If there is no gas supply, you can choose one of two possible options:

In the second case, antifreeze must be used as a coolant, otherwise the system will need to be drained before each departure and refilled upon return.

Attention! In order to reduce heating costs, it is worth insulating the cottage with high-quality thermal insulation material.

Option #3. A complete country house

If the house is located in a cottage community and has all the amenities (including gas), then it can be used for permanent residence. In this case, water heating is more suitable.

If possible, you can additionally equip a “warm floor” system.

Attention! As you can see, in most cases it is advisable to use water heating. It is important that it be as autonomous as possible, so it is better to opt for natural circulation.

The system can be of two types:

  • open;
  • closed.

If antifreeze will serve as the coolant, then choose the second option.

By the way, you can also read about installing heated floors yourself on our website.

Stage 2. Calculation of equipment power and number of radiators

It is better to entrust this procedure to specialists, but if you wish, you can make all the calculations yourself - using the formula (1 kW x 10 m²).

Increase the resulting figure by the coefficient of reference to the location of the site:

If you plan to use hot water for domestic needs, then add another 25% to the resulting value (the boiler in this case must be double-circuit), then another 20% for unforeseen situations.

Attention! The easiest option to implement is considered to be a single-pipe closed system, popularly known as “Leningradka”. About her in a thematic video.

Video – “Leningradka”

Stage 3. Installation of the boiler

Installation of the heating system begins with the installation of the boiler. If possible, place the boiler in a separate utility room- this will allow you to equip ventilation system. This is especially true for solid fuel devices, which emit a lot of soot during operation. If you install such a boiler in your house, you will have to breathe soot all the time, and interior decoration will be hopelessly damaged.

If you cannot use a separate room for some reason, install the boiler in one of the non-main rooms - for example, in a pantry or hallway.

Stage 4. Piping

Wiring is perhaps the most important and responsible stage.

To complete it you will need:

  • radiators (according to the number of windows);
  • building level;
  • pipes (more details about their choice are at the end of the article);
  • pencil;
  • shut-off valves;
  • brackets;
  • expansion tank (its volume should be equal to 110% of the volume of the entire circuit);
  • circulation pump (to determine the power, multiply the total area of ​​the house by one hundred watts).

Attention! Bimetallic radiators or aluminum products are most suitable for dachas. They heat up fairly quickly and are light in weight.

The wiring procedure is as follows.

Step 1. Using special fasteners, pipes are installed (according to a pre-drawn plan).

Step 2. Heating radiators are hung.

Step 3. Shut-off valves are installed.

Step 4. An expansion tank is installed at the highest point of the system.

Carry out all work in exactly this sequence and move from the heat generator to the radiators. Upon completion of installation, remove the film from the radiators and perform piping (its technology depends on the material from which the pipes are made).

Attention! The distance between the radiator and the window sill must be at least 7 cm, and between the radiator and the floor - 10 cm. In addition, the gap between the device and the wall must be at least 5 cm.

Stage 5. Installation of “warm floor”

As an additional source of thermal energy, you can use a “warm floor” system. It is advisable to purchase an infrared system, but there are also water ones.

Before starting installation, take care of:

  • hydro- and thermal insulation material;
  • infrared film;
  • thermostat;
  • final coating (the best option is laminate).

Step 1: Clean and level the floor surface.

Step 2. Install a thermostat on one of the walls of the room (at a height of 0.7 m).

Step 3. Place the thermal insulator and secure it with mounting tape.

Step 4. Lay down the infrared film. Leave the areas where large stationary furniture will be placed “empty”. Insulate the joints with bitumen tape.

Step 5. Connect electrical cables to the outer sheets of film.

Step 6. Connect cables to the thermostat and test the system.

Step 7. Cover the floor with laminate.

Oh more detailed instructions For information on installing film heated floors, read on our website.

Alternative - “warm baseboard”

An alternative to water heating can be a radiant panel system, which is installed around the entire perimeter of the room and is called a “warm baseboard”. Thermal energy, generated by such a system, is distributed along the walls and rises along them. A kind of heat shield is formed that prevents heat loss and moisture condensation.

Attention! When using a “warm baseboard”, the surface of the walls warms up evenly, without any cold zones. At the same time, the walls themselves begin to radiate heat, which creates the most comfortable conditions in the house.

About the working principle

This system is a prefabricated aluminum box. The height of the box is 14 cm, width is 3 cm. “Warm plinth” runs on coolant (it is advisable to use antifreeze) and is installed instead of a regular plinth. In the box itself there is a heat exchanger - a pair of copper tubes on which brass lamellas are strung. The system is connected in the same way as conventional radiators.

Attention! There are modifications of the “warm baseboard” that can be connected directly to the electrical network.

After installation, the “plinth” is connected to the hot water supply and “return”, for which you can use polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride pipes. Each “plinth” can be equipped with a separate thermostat, thanks to which the minimum temperature will be maintained in your absence. This way you will save significantly on electricity.

Such a system in combination with an electric boiler is a real godsend for a summer house. “Warm baseboard” is reliable, safe, and will pay for itself in the shortest possible time. Its only disadvantage can be considered its dependence on electricity, the supply of which, as is known, often fails.

Pipe selection

When choosing pipes, consider not only your financial capabilities, but also the area of ​​the house, the material used in its construction, as well as the type of heating system chosen. The modern range of such products is quite wide, but all products can be divided into three large groups.

Results. How to save on heating your dacha

As you know, the efficiency and speed of heating a room largely depend on heat loss. It has been proven that through the old wooden windows About 1/5 of the total heat escapes, the same amount through the doors, about 2/5 through the walls, and another 1/10 through the floor. Therefore, before the start of the heating season, try to eliminate all sources of heat loss and insulate the dacha. In this case, within an hour after arrival you will feel no less comfortable than in a city apartment.

And one last thing. In terms of consumption, the most economical fuel is gas. Therefore, if it is possible to connect to the central gas supply, then take advantage of it.

Video - Do-it-yourself heating at the dacha