Correct entrance to the site on your private territory. Concrete driveway to the house

Our company Amarant LLC provides a wide range of services and can also offer you the design of an entrance area on your private territory. The entrance to a summer cottage or to the courtyard of a private house is an important element that harmoniously combines with the common space on your “land”. The place near the gate or gate needs to be properly designed and rationally thought out. The convenience of the location, as well as the practicality and quality of the entry itself, will determine the ease of use and comfort, both for pedestrians and for cars that may enter your site.

Preparatory work

When planning the entrance area, it is worth considering the area of ​​the future parking space, because your car must freely enter the territory of a summer cottage or into the courtyard of a private house. Choose a form of parking, take into account the pattern of entry into the garage, as well as the approach to the porch of the house. A parking space is most often placed either in front of the garage itself, or immediately behind the gate (gate).

The specialists of our company Amarant LLC will be happy to help you plan your entry to the site correctly. Qualified craftsmen, taking into account the characteristics of your private territory, will create a designer architectural model, blank, future project. After consultation with our specialists, you will be able to make the right choice.

One important factor and mandatory element at the entrance to the site is the covering, the area where the vehicle will be located. It is important that the base is made of durable and long-lasting material. Concrete today is the most effective solution tasks related to the improvement of the arrival. It is important to take into account the dimensions of your own car, as well as follow the minimum indicators. The width of the passage must be more than 3.5 meters. For each personal vehicle, you need to allocate an area one meter larger than the dimensions of the unit itself.

The concrete platform is designed taking into account special requirements and rules. Initially, precise leveling is carried out on the ground surface. If necessary, the top layer is compacted. The gravel-sand cushion serves as a kind of drainage under the site itself. After the base is prepared, you need to pour the formwork with elements of special reinforcement. For our work, our company uses only factory-made high-quality concrete. Laying of the material is carried out taking into account proper vibration and smoothing. After the site has been poured, it is necessary to ensure proper care of the hardening concrete mixture.

You should also remember that in order to protect your car from negative natural factors such as sun and rain, you need to build a canopy. Our company Amarant LLC will help you arrange your territory so that the entrance area is safe and reliable. We work with such high-quality materials as corrugated sheets and polycarbonate. These products are ideal for canopies and roofs.

Entrance to the site for a summer residence or any country house makes the first impression on your guests and creates a comfortable mood for you every day. Usually its arrangement is carried out at the stage of constructing paths, but it can also have an independent character. Is it possible to do this quickly, will it be expensive? It all depends on your financial capabilities, time and skills. You can do everything with your own hands, just like when arranging. However, it is worth considering that entering the site may have several construction options. Therefore, you need to consider everything to choose the best one for your specific situation.

Why is it necessary to organize entry to a suburban area? If you own a car, you must enter the site. It needs to be formed as a high-quality section of road for cars to enter, which can withstand different weather conditions and serve the owners for a long time.

Roads to summer cottages used for:

  • delivery of soil or sand;
  • unloading furniture or other interior items;
  • for the delivery of construction materials.

Registration of the entrance to the summer cottage

If you sometimes live outside the city in winter, then having a check-in is a must, because without it you won’t be able to get to your house. Also, entry to the site is necessary for the delivery of firewood. A well-equipped driveway to your dacha is especially important in winter, when you have to clear snow, since a smooth, high-quality path is easier to clean.

Use of drainage pipes

Often used in gardening drainage ditches, which are laid between the road and the street to drain the soil, this is especially true for peat bogs. If you have a ditch or ditch in front of the entrance, you will have to build the entrance using drainage pipes. Such a procedure will require additional financial expenses and someone’s physical strength.

So, it is recommended to put a layer of crushed stone in the ditch, which will form a kind of cushion. Thanks to such a simple move, a pipe made of steel or reinforced concrete will not fail. Gravel and crushed stone are used for the upper embankment; sand is added to increase density. The same work is carried out at.

The construction of the entrance to the site also involves the use of stones or tiles, from which you can make kind of walls with your own hands that do not allow the structure to creep apart. She will be able to perform her functions for a long time. The “bridge” across the ditch can withstand passenger vehicles well, even with a load. However, this construction approach is associated with a number of disadvantages:

  • arrangement involves the use of special equipment, which you cannot do without with your own hands;
  • a pipe through a ditch is quite expensive building material, which, of course, can be replaced with previously used designs, however, it is better not to skimp on your safety.

Video of the arrangement of the entrance to the site

Entry to the site using sleepers

Railway sleepers are a material widely used in construction projects. It is impregnated with resins and a special composition, due to which the sleepers acquire special strength and endurance in operation. The construction of an entrance to the site involves laying such material to create a bridge that can even be used for the passage of loaded vehicles.

Another important advantage of this equipment is its low cost. A pipe thrown through a hole will cost much more. Sleepers guarantee long term use, since special impregnation promotes long-term protection from moisture. Arrangement of the entrance can be fully organized with your own hands, without the use of additional mechanisms.

Reinforced concrete structures

Arranging the entrance to the site with your own hands is done using reinforced concrete slabs. This option is relevant if the soil base is sufficiently solid. If you decide to make a driveway from slabs, you can count on the durability and strength of the structure, which can easily withstand the pressure of even large vehicles.

However, working with reinforced concrete can have its drawbacks:

  • requires the use of special equipment;
  • the material is highly expensive;
  • Before making a reinforced concrete road, it is necessary to conduct an analysis of the soil rocks, which will also require additional financial costs.

Some road equipment details

Special attention should be paid to installing gates and creating a parking lot. So that any vehicle can easily pass into the yard, the gate must have a width of at least three and a half meters. It is recommended to install a gate nearby. The parking lot is being formed directly next to the garage using concrete.

Creating a road to a site is a complex and time-consuming process. However, if you know some of its subtleties, you can significantly save money and time resources.

Concrete driveway to the house are a very useful addition to your home. Which can improve it appearance, give to children safe place for games, and will keep your car clean. Installing a concrete entrance is quite labor-intensive and expensive. But for those who want to do this, we will describe in detail the sequence of all actions.

Draw a plan for your road. You want your concrete driveway to be functional, aesthetically pleasing and durable. Here are some thoughts.

Consider where you will walk around your car to go outside? If your home is nearby blind corner, where oncoming traffic may be dangerous, you may want to take a short detour , so you had an advantage in visibility.

    If you are building on an uphill (or downhill) slope, you need to reverse special attention on soil drainage to reduce erosion. And also be careful that let's go isn't too steep and that you don't touch bottom part of your car.

    What obstacles are in the way of your project? Large rocks or trees can be difficult to remove without heavy equipment, and it is often advisable to leave them in place.

Make an estimate for travel expenses.

To do this, you will have to calculate the amount of concrete. . Also, do not forget about the reinforcing material that you will include in the concrete slab. You should also estimate the cost of any equipment you will be renting (such as a plate compactor). As well as labor costs, if of course you are going to hire workers.

Determine the condition of the soil.

For soft, loamy or sandy soils, additional measures are required. This can be done by adding clay to sandy soil, sand or gravel for loamy material. Or by mechanically compacting existing material. If you have any doubts, consult an experienced builder or, better yet, a structural engineer to avoid wasting your money.

Make markings on the area.

The simplest option is posts with stretched ropes. This will help you visualize the concrete driveway.

Remove turf or other plant material from the desired area of ​​the road.

If the soil is particularly soft or unstable, it is necessary to remove enough of the top layer to create a bed of sand and gravel. Which is very useful in cold climates. Capillary fill such as crushed stone or gravel is essential to prevent cracks from forming due to water expansion when freezing.

Determine if there are underground utilities.

Typical ones are:

Wires for outdoor lighting
- water supply or sewerage
- water pipes for irrigation
- telephone lines
- underground storm sewer pipes

Install formwork for the concrete slab.

Typically this will be edged board(20-30) mm, from fresh saw. It is fixed to pegs driven into the ground in 1 meter increments. For curved shape will do plywood or OSB, they are strong enough to withstand the load of concrete.

Use a plate compactor to compact the pad under the slab.

You can rent a vibrating plate for one day, which is quite enough. The compacted soil will support the weight of the concrete as well as subsequent vehicle loads. Therefore, sealing the base or cushion is a very important component of the stable operation of a concrete slab.

Install the reinforcing mesh.

This can be a masonry mesh or a mesh tied in place from reinforcement. 8-10-12 fittings, depending on conditions and requirements. A cell size of 150x150 mm will be sufficient. Another option is to add polypropylene fiber to the concrete mix at the plant.

Concreting the site.

You will need necessary tools for work. The best option, of course, is to take concrete from a mixer. You can't do without helpers here. Or making concrete on site using a concrete mixer. This is the most time-consuming and expensive part of the work.

Maintaining the level of the concrete entrance.

If you want to get a level base, pay attention to the level. To avoid shells or bumps. Make sure there are no places where water could stand. And that the entire plane of the concrete slab is quite smooth.

Strengthening the surface layer.

This is done by creating a barrier to retain moisture on the surface of the concrete. This is done with a layer of cement or using special mixtures for ironing the floor. Industrial self-leveling floors are also suitable. Remember, you must protect your concrete slab from extreme weather conditions for at least the first week after pouring the concrete. Until it reaches its maximum strength.

Test drive your road. After the concrete has stood for 7-10 days, you can use your concrete run to its fullest extent.

Be sure to repair the lawn along the edges where it was damaged during construction.

    Consult with experienced people in your area to determine the specific requirements for this type of work in your area. Very often in organs local government There are certain thickness requirements.

    Consider using alternative check-in materials. Such as broken bricks for a pillow or paving stones. .

    Choose your move-in location carefully, taking into account future plans for possible additions to the home.

    Study the properties of the materials used, such as the quality and grade of concrete.

    Be careful, concrete mixer trucks delivering concrete to your site often weigh over 10 tons. In areas with soft or even slightly damp soils, these heavy trucks will often leave deep tire marks in the turf. Which will be very difficult to restore later. Caution should be exercised when driving heavy vehicles onto curbs and manholes, as they can crush the edges of curbs and push through manhole covers.