If you often come across the number 13 in life. What do higher powers warn about if you are haunted by the number (13)

The meaning of the number 13 in Numerology

13 is a spirit striving for love. And although among the common people the number is loaded with dark mysticism and terrible things are attributed to it, in fact it has been unfairly slandered. We are sure that after reading this article, you will take the number 13 into your arsenal and begin to use its bright energy for your benefit.

But first things first.

Symbolism of the number 13 in Numerology

13 is truly a spiritually strong number. But popular rumor distorted its meaning, fearing the power that stood behind it. In Christianity, the number symbolizes love for God - the triune. This is the spiritual ten and God's Trinity. In the Jewish religion, the number is also God's and is interpreted as positive.

People consider 13 to be the number of devilish bad luck. This is a black cat, and salt spilled on the table, and food from a knife. These are all disasters and adversities that fall on a person’s head. Hopeless bad luck, doom, curse. The most black and ungrateful thing. Often the number is adjacent to another unlucky 6. Together these two numbers are the devilish combination of 613. One might say, hell in the world of numbers.

But in numerology everything is not like that. There 613 is a person’s participation in the celebration of God’s love. This is pure energy of love. The love of man for God and of God for man. And no matter how much a person slanders the innocent 13, it does not change, just as all numbers do not change, remaining at their unshakable level.

Meaning of 13 in numerology

13 is the desire to love. Desire of the spirit, or flesh. After all, it has 11 incarnations. This is a strong craving for love and all its manifestations. Under its influence, man and every living creature wants love and receives it from the source to which he strives. Obviously, Valentine's Day should not be February 14 at all, but should have the number 13 in its component.

If a person’s numerological horoscope contains 13, then he is under the influence of a powerful and uncompromising number. This is unbridled love and passion at the level of fantasy. To appreciate all its power, try to remember yourself at the peak of love - your first love. Love to the point of tears and insanity. And then feel free to multiply these feelings and emotions by a million. This may be a terrible number, but only because of its formidable power of Love. It is impossible to come to an agreement with him. Its power is greater than anything that can be offered for exchange or trade. It’s the same as giving up your house to a tornado as a ransom for your life. He will take everything, not being satisfied with just one building. So 13. She will take what is hers and nothing will stop her.

There is no logic in 13, and therefore this number is considered the patron of madness, and not just love. Just as love does not listen to reason, so does an ordinary madman lack it. 13 - the number of witches whom the Holy Inquisition burned at the stake in the Dark Ages. These were indeed innocent children of 13. Unknown and transcendental love.

13 also protects holy fools. But this number in your birth and numerology horoscope will not bring bad luck. Don't be afraid of him. On the 13th you can get married, have children, enter into contracts, live on the 13th floor, and so on.

13 are not created for a “normal” life and, thank God. Normality promoted by society is a death sentence. People under the auspices of this number become vessels of great spiritual strength. They crave love. Real, without words, which is not really needed. For cheerful people, the number will become a real panacea for everything, it will save them, exalt them, and bring them the greatest happiness. Resisting him is useless and destructive. It gives flexibility and adaptability to life, gives three-dimensional thinking. While under the influence of 13, it is necessary to turn only to goodness and love, otherwise its power will become disastrous and fatal.

Number "13" has been exciting human minds for many centuries. There has always been increased attention to people born on the thirteenth.

Every fifth European is wary of this number. And Friday the thirteenth is generally considered a bad day, since there is an opinion that on this day evil spirits go hunting.

“13” among the peoples of the world and beliefs associated with it

Americans treat thirteen with particular caution and negativity, where airlines do not even have thirteen flights, and buildings do not have a thirteenth floor, and planes do not have a thirteenth row.

In France, if there should be thirteen guests at the table, an additional guest is hired; there is even a special profession “fourteenth guest” or another set of cutlery is added to the table and a doll is seated at it.

On this day of the month, people do not want to enter into marriages and important transactions, because it is believed that what is started on this day will not be successful, but, on the contrary, will bring troubles and problems.

“13” bothers people so much that scientists have even identified a separate phobia. Triskaidekaphobia - it's the fear of thirteen and everything connected with it. There are people who are so afraid of Friday the thirteenth that they don’t even go out on this day and try not to communicate with anyone so as not to harm themselves or others, and don’t even answer phone calls.

Fear of the number thirteen has religious motive. At the Last Supper there were thirteen apostles and Christ at the table. This is where the belief came from that when thirteen people gather at a table, the first one to leave the table will pass into another world within a year.

According to ancient beliefs, there are thirteen gates in the heavens and one of them hides a star that will soon explode and lead the Earth to a fateful meeting of light and darkness.

The thirteenth arcana of the Tarot deck is called “Death”. This card has many meanings, depending on other cards in the layout, it can mean either physical death or the end of something in life and the beginning of a new one.

According to the legends, the magical coven has thirteen participants, 12 witches and the devil himself - the thirteenth.

Among the ancient Israelites, the words “death” and “thirteen” are consonant. That is why it is also called the number of death, which cannot but be alarming. The presented figure worries some people so much that they even made many films about the number and Friday the thirteenth.

But skillful and talented businessmen have successfully used, especially in recent years, the day “Friday the Thirteenth”, hold grand sales and make many customers happy.

"The Devil's Dozen"

This number is so worries some people that he was even eerily nicknamed “the devil’s dozen.” This name comes from the word dozen - a piece counting measure used to indicate the number of twelve pieces of homogeneous objects.

The concept of "devil's dozen" supposedly originated in medieval England, where the concept of "baker's dozen" existed. This is because bakers were severely punished for underweight loaves of bread, so they had to add a thirteenth piece to every dozen loaves.

The meaning of the number "13" in numerology

But number 13 in numerology means only good things. On the contrary, “1” and “3” are very positive numbers; they mean strength, leadership, and climbing the career ladder.

Such people have the following character traits:

  • purposeful;
  • energetic;
  • sequential;
  • creative.

These two numbers give very good and positive characteristics; people who have one and three in their date of birth are happy, because they give them ambition and confidence.

The sum of the numbers “1” and “3” is equal to 4. Let’s look at the characteristics of the four. The number “4” is characteristic of melancholics and pessimists; they are rarely satisfied with themselves and what they have, and very often give up without finishing the work they started. The meaning of the numbers individually and in total is directly opposite and gives rise to some conflict, perhaps even internal and hidden, an obstacle to success.

As a result, it is clear that in numerology the number thirteen does not mean anything bad, but can create some kind of conflict, which, in principle, does not represent anything supernatural; such things accompany us every day, regardless of the numbers. Happy and unlucky days happen regularly, as do various kinds of situations. And numerology advises to strive for one and three, and not for four, as if hinting that you should not take failures too seriously and become despondent, repeating thoughts about your failures. Because patience and desire will definitely bear fruit and positive results.

So maybe this number is not so bad, contrary to stereotypes? Maybe it’s not the number that influences fate?

Number "13" for the Slavs

If among the ancient Slavs “12” was considered the number of the Sun, then “13” was the number divine And going beyond the solar system. This number was considered a mediator between God and man.

For this reason, 13 has always been a lucky number among the Slavs, so the number of domes for consecration in the temple was thirteen. It is likely that thirteen was considered lucky because the number of months in a year was thirteen.

It is worth remembering and not forgetting that “13” brings happiness and good luck to people who strive for spiritual growth and prosperity. The desire for material things in combination with the number thirteen will lead to collapse and destruction.

Number "13" - date of birth

Those people who were lucky enough to be born on the thirteenth are quite cautious and reasonable, often treating many things with caution. And quite in vain. After all, in fact, these are people who want and crave love.

If a person born on the thirteenth believes that he is haunted by bad luck because he was born on that unfortunate ill-fated day, then he is deeply mistaken. After all, in fact, failures haunt him only because he does not fulfill his destiny given to him at birth. And its purpose is to realize the energy of love in any form, be it love for a partner, a child or God - it doesn’t matter.

The main thing is that no matter what kind of person is, born on the thirteenth, he is definitely kissed by God.

Moreover, the implementation of the mission, as is usually the case, can be difficult and have obstacles, and the greater the power of love, the more serious they are. This is a kind of karmic lesson. A situation that will continue in a circle until the soul finds the right solutions. But the mission of those whose date contains thirteen is simply wonderful - to bring love to the masses. It is not surprising that many successful people in the field of art and politics were born on this date.

Celebrities born on the 13th

Among the famous people born on the thirteenth are the following:

  1. Fidel Castro (August 13, 1926). This Cuban leader always revered his date of birth and, contrary to superstition, believed that he came into the world to help the Cuban people.
  2. Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen (June 13, 1986). Charming and quite successful twin actresses. There are no prejudices associated with their date of birth.
  3. Robert Pattinson. He is very superstitious, does not like and is afraid of his date of birth. But many girls liked him in the role of the charming vampire from the film “Twilight”. And he makes pretty good money too.
  4. Orlando Bloom (January 13, 1977). A handsome man and quite a successful actor.
  5. Alfred Hitchcock (August 13, 1899). This number had an effect on him. “The King of Horror” was born on Friday the thirteenth, and it was he who came up with the idea of ​​​​creating this cult film of the same name. It can be said that Hitchcock's purpose is directly related to 13. Which, by the way, is what made Hitchcock successful and famous. And rightly so, it would be stupid not to take advantage of this for your own purposes.

As can be seen from the example of celebrities born on the 13th, this number can both bring good luck and prosperity to those who believe in its good meaning and take advantage of it, and create problems and troubles for those who are wary of it.

In principle, for people born on the 13th, not everything is so bad. This is a pleasant mission in life - to live for love. But what does 13 mean in the domestic sphere?

Number "13" in everyday life

As mentioned above, the number thirteen does not accept despondency and pessimism, as well as long thoughts. You need to think, make decisions quickly and correctly and not be afraid of anything. Otherwise, don’t expect luck and victories! This is what living in the thirteenth house, traveling on the thirteenth bus and 13 in the passport number obliges us to do - it’s either hit or miss!

If you follow all the rules, live harmoniously and measuredly, and don’t give up on the path to your goal, then success is guaranteed.

What to do if you were given a “damn dozen” flowers in a bouquet? Therefore, if you were given so many flowers, then you definitely shouldn’t be sad. Because the one who decided on such a gift is clearly not indifferent to you. The number of flowers clearly indicates the serious intentions of the fan.

We talk all the time about the mystical meaning of the number “13”. I wonder what the Orthodox Church says about this.

Number 13 in Orthodoxy

It is precisely the Orthodox Church that treats the “devil’s dozen” with a smile and bewilderment, as, indeed, with many superstitions like black cats crossing the road, and all sorts of similar nonsense. Moreover, the church generally does not accept beliefs in magic and considers them a sin. A believer who lives by God's law should not have such nonsense.

And even, on the contrary, 3 in Christianity, a symbol of the triune God: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. In addition, 13 is “1” and “3”, so it can be said that these numbers speak of three essences of one God.

Since the church accepts the number “13,” then maybe the situation is completely different, and thirteen has a positive meaning? And why does this number bring good luck to some and not to others?

Lucky meaning of the number "13"

Looking at the number thirteen on the positive side, we can highlight the following examples:

As you can see, the opinion about the “devilish dozen” differs for each nation and each individual. Therefore, everyone has the right to decide for themselves whether the number 13 is lucky or not. You just have to remember that thought is material. And according to numerology, 13 brings happiness to those who believe in it, and takes revenge on those who fear it.

Attention, TODAY only!

The number 13 is a difficult number. He is considered unlucky, but this is incorrect and based on prejudice. Numbers 1 and 3 are very strong and mean success in your career. They are practical, good planners and carry out their plans energetically and systematically. They are smart, creative, and have very definite views. Independent, proud, pays debts quickly. They are ambitious, very firm, and always finish what they start. The combination of these two numbers is simply amazing. Now consider the sum - 4, this number is exactly the opposite of 1 and 3. There is innate pessimism, constant despondency. These two contradictory tendencies give rise to an extremely unhappy state of mind. On the one hand, there is a powerful ambition, the desire for success to climb the career ladder, and on the other, uncertainty, pessimism, refusal of chances, no matter how reliable they may be. Lost opportunities prevent you from achieving success, and you can imagine the disappointment that occurs. Number 13 has a tenacious mind and the ability to grasp everything. These people learn quickly, extremely systematically and methodically. They are very efficient and get the job done with a minimum of effort. One might assume that with these qualities, the number 13 will always achieve success, but this is not the case. Such people are doomed to failure if they do not pull themselves together. They are rarely satisfied with what they have and always want more. This shows the ambition of numbers 1 and 3.

Emotional Features. The emotional and sexual life of the number 13 is complex and difficult. Again there is a conflict between two opposing numbers. On the surface, the number 13 is confident, but this is only on the surface. Internally, such people crave encouragement, and they need someone who can give it to them. They need to be pushed all the time. The number 4 plays a very important role in their emotional life. Number 4 does not easily become attached, but once attached, it remains loyal for life, so the sincerity of number 13 is beyond doubt. Oddly enough, emotion plays very little, if any, role in sex. They are very sexy and have a Pantagruelian appetite, but are devoid of feelings. Even if they are with a loved one, all this is purely physical and serves only to satisfy animal desire. Their desire arises very quickly and is almost uncontrollable in strength.

Harmonious relationships. The number 13 is a very complex partner and to be happy he needs a partner who has the qualities of many different people. First of all, they need support and confidence. Mentally, they are always in a constant state of sadness, so their partner must be able to dispel such thoughts and channel them into more positive thinking. Despite this, the number 13 is a leader by instinct and a commander by nature. Their partners must be able to follow them. The easiest way for the number 13's friends and spouses is to help it develop the many good qualities of mind and soul that it possesses. High spiritual qualities, efficiency and devotion make them outstanding people.

Lucky numbers – 1, 10, 28; 3, 12, 21, 30.

Hostile numbers – 4, 13, 22; 5, 14, 23.

Happy dates– 1, 10, 28, in addition, 12, 21, 30.

Happy days– Sunday, Saturday, Thursday.

Lucky colors- blue and gray.

lucky stone– blue sapphire.

Diseases– liver, in addition, back pain and headaches.

Flaws. The main drawback of the number 13 is extreme pessimism. This can negate all his positive qualities. These people are also jealous due to lack of self-confidence. Although they are not quarrelsome by nature, they can make enemies for themselves, since their pessimism irritates others. They are never satisfied with what they have, even if they have everything they could dream of, they always want more. This can lead them to disappointment and despondency.

Recommendations. Number 13 needs to overcome pessimism and look at the bright side of life. Such people are happy owners of good qualities and should develop them instead of negative ones. Success is very close to them and they should not drive it away by missing out on opportunities. They have the qualities of leaders and commanders, and are also serious. There is nothing that stands in the way of success in their lives. The only downside is the negative attitude towards everything they do. They must overcome this through positive empowerment and willpower.

the beginning of a new cycle

In ancient times, long before the emergence of Christianity, the number twelve was considered complete and perfect, and thirteen meant the beginning of a new cycle, a new life and therefore became a symbol of death, at the same time carrying the idea of ​​renewal (the end of one cycle is the beginning of another).

O Apparently, in memory of the Last Supper (13 people were sitting at the table: 12 apostles and Christ, who died after the betrayal of Judas), the number 13 acquired an ominous connotation. The same idea underlies the symbolism of the XIII Arcana of the Tarot, Death (an inexorable fate, an inevitable mistake, the cessation of something with its subsequent resumption, but in a diametrically opposite direction). After all, death is considered by Kabbalists to be the 13th Path of Wisdom (that Principle that nourishes and devours transitory forms, controls transformations and changes), corresponding to sleep, the butterfly pupa and the night.

O For the Aztecs, 13 is a cosmogonic number associated with the daytime and heavenly worlds. They divided the sky into 13 levels. The 1st, closest to the Earth, contains clouds, the Moon and planets. 2nd - the abode of the gods of the night sky, the Milky Way and stars. The sun rotates in the corridor of the 3rd sky. Birds and earth goddesses live on the 4th, and shooting stars, comets, and fiery snakes live on the 5th; The winds are blowing in the 6th, or Green, Sky. 7th, or Blue Sky - the abode of the god of the Sun and war; on the 8th, obsidian knives fight each other; 9th - White Sky of the evening star. 10th, or Yellow, Sky - the abode of the sun gods; 11th, or Red Sky - the god of fire; from the two upper levels, belonging to the couple of ancestors, where the milk tree grows, children descend; stillborn babies are also returned there.

O Number 13 also represents the unit of time of the ritual calendar, which is based on the cycle of 52 years (13 x 4), or the minor cycle, consistent with the lunar period and serving to determine dates: a series of 13 days associated with the 20 signs of the zodiac, form 260 combinations, or binomials, which are what dates are called (5th of a snake, 13th of a flower, etc.). The number four is taken from the cult of honoring the main gods of the countries of the world.

The great cycle of 104 years (13 x 8) was a purely astronomical period.

O The number 13 appears frequently in Gallic romances: 13 jewels, 13 wonders of Brittany, 13 royal

treasures, etc., which may represent a set of numbers corresponding to the 13 consonant letters of the Breton alphabet.

The number "13" symbolizes disharmony, disaster, death, ruins; curse; treason; contradiction, inconsistency. As a number that immediately follows the “lucky” number, it is considered (since ancient times) hostile, bringing evil, but at the same time sacred. In the Middle East - a figure of the underworld, bringing disaster to the cosmic order.

It was on the 13th of the month of Nissan that the royal adviser Haman summoned scribes and judges to prepare charges against the Jews living in Persia - they were threatened with complete destruction (Book of Esther 3: 12). On the 13th of the month of Adar, the day of Jewish retribution came, and it was cruel: Haman and all his relatives were hanged. There were 13 participants at the Last Supper. In the 13th chapter of Revelation, its author talks about seeing two beasts, which are two hypostases of the Antichrist. During the Trojan War, King Agamemnon was killed on the 13th day of the month Gamalion, and Clytemnestra declared this day sacred. When Philip II of Macedon ordered his statue to be carved from marble and placed next to 12 other statues depicting the main Greek gods, then at the next festival, by someone unknown, his daughter Cleopatra and her husband Alexander from Epirus were killed.

12 witches and the 13th Satan always took part in the devil's sabbaths and orgies. In Black Magic ceremonies, demons are summoned 13 times.

Even today, in many European hotels there are no rooms numbered “13”. In Italy, in various lotteries there are no tickets with this number. In Paris, the numbering of houses skips the number "13". By the way, in France it is customary for there to be exactly 14 guests at the table - if it is shared. Sailors do not go to sea on the 13th day of the month...

The occultists called the number “13”: “Death”. There are 13 evil spirits in Kabbalah. Proverb: “13 is a damn dozen.”

The “unlucky” number also has a second, not at all frightening, meaning. “...Ishmael his son was thirteen years old when his foreskin was circumcised” (Genesis 17:25). King Solomon took thirty years to build his palace (1st Kings 7:1). "13" is both a symbol of death and birth. He can be happy if high and good significance is added to him. Jacob had 12 sons. Jesus has 12 disciples-apostles. King Arthur has 12 knights of the Round Table, Charlemagne has 12 paladins. Hence the 12 jurors - and the judge. The year in the Jewish and Celtic calendars consists of 13 months, and many lucky talismans have the number “13” on them.

There are 13 articles of faith, as well as 13 principles of the doctrine of Judaism, developed in the 12th century by the philosopher Moses Maimonides.

“Bar Mitzvah (Hebrew - “Son of Nakaz”) is a Jewish ceremony for accepting a boy into the religious society of adults on his thirteenth birthday.

When Merlin, the sage and sorcerer from the Arthurian cycle, left

Earth and reached other worlds, he took with him 13 objects that had their own magical meaning: a basket, a cauldron, a cart, a chess, a glass, clothes, a bridle, a knife, a cloak, a feather, a tray (for bread), a sword and a whetstone.

Thirteen. In Christianity, during the evening services of the last week of Lent, thirteen candles (Catholics call them Lebengae) are extinguished one after another, which symbolizes the darkness that came on earth after the death of Christ. The number thirteen is considered unlucky because it is the number of Judas along with Jesus and the apostles. It is also the number of the witches' coven. The Mayans numbered thirteen Heavens, each ruled by a separate god. Thirteen is an important number in the Aztec calendar, which consisted of thirteen-day periods. In addition, this number is used in fortune telling.

"Thirteen" is almost always an unlucky number; Hesiod had already warned the peasants who began sowing on the 13th. In the Babylonian leap year there was a leap month under the sign of the "raven of misfortune". According to legend, 12 witches must cohabit with the devil as the thirteenth.

In many traditions, 13 was perceived as an unlucky number, perhaps because early lunar calendars required the addition of an "extra" 13th month, which was believed to bode ill. The belief that prohibits sowing on the 13th of any month dates back at least to Hesiod (8th century BC); Satan was called the number “13” in witch rituals. In Tarot cards, Death is the 13th card of the main arcana. In Central America, 13 was considered a sacred number (based on the 13-day week of the religious calendar). The “remainder” of five days formed at the end of the 20-month Mayan calendar was considered an unlucky time.

One of the most mystically ambiguous numbers is the number 13. Some consider it a lucky number, others consider it a source of all kinds of misfortunes. Finally, others consider its mystical properties to be pure superstition, even if they recognize the magic of other numbers. However, it should be borne in mind that filling the number 13 with magical meaning is a relatively recent “conquest” of humanity, and you will not find any ancient amulets that appeal to its power.

the beginning of a new cycle In ancient times, long before the emergence of Christianity, the number twelve was considered complete and perfect, and thirteen meant the beginning of a new cycle, a new life and therefore became a symbol of death, at the same time carrying the idea of ​​renewal (the end of one cycle is the beginning of another) . Apparently, in memory of the Last Supper (13 people were sitting at the table: 12 apostles and Christ, who died after the betrayal of Judas), the number 13 acquired an ominous connotation. The same idea underlies the symbolism of the XIII Arcana of the Tarot, Death (an inexorable fate, an inevitable mistake, the cessation of something with its subsequent resumption, but in a diametrically opposite direction). After all, death is considered by Kabbalists to be the 13th Path of Wisdom (that Principle that nourishes and devours transitory forms, controls transformations and changes), corresponding to sleep, the butterfly pupa and the night. For the Aztecs, 13 is a cosmogonic number associated with the daytime and heavenly worlds. They divided the sky into 13 levels. The 1st, closest to the Earth, contains clouds, the Moon and planets. 2nd - the abode of the gods of the night sky, the Milky Way and stars. The sun rotates in the corridor of the 3rd sky. Birds and earth goddesses live on the 4th, and shooting stars, comets, and fiery snakes live on the 5th; The winds are blowing in the 6th, or Green, Sky. 7th, or Blue Sky - the abode of the god of the Sun and war; on the 8th, obsidian knives fight each other; 9th - White Sky of the evening star. 10th, or Yellow, Sky - the abode of the sun gods; 11th, or Red Sky - the god of fire; from the two upper levels, belonging to the couple of ancestors, where the milk tree grows, children descend; stillborn babies are also returned there. The number 13 also represents the unit of time of the ritual calendar, which is based on a cycle of 52 years (13 x 4), or a minor cycle, consistent with the lunar period and used to determine dates: a series of 13 days associated with the 20 signs of the zodiac form 260 combinations, or binomials, which are what dates are called (5th of snakes, 13th of flowers, etc.). The number four is taken from the cult of honoring the main gods of the countries of the world. The great cycle of 104 years (13 x 8) was a purely astronomical period. Found in Gallic romances: 13 jewels, 13 wonders of Brittany, 13 royal treasures, etc., which may correspond to the 13 consonants of the Breton alphabet. Disharmony, disaster, death, ruins; curse; treason; contradiction, inconsistency. As a number that immediately follows the “lucky” number, it is considered (since ancient times) hostile, bringing evil, but at the same time sacred. In the Middle East - a figure of the underworld, bringing disaster to the cosmic order. It was on the 13th of the month of Nissan that the royal adviser Haman summoned scribes and judges to prepare charges against the Jews living in Persia - they were threatened with complete destruction (Book of Esther 3: 12). On the 13th of the month of Adar, the day of Jewish retribution came, and it was cruel: Haman and all his relatives were hanged. There were 13 participants at the Last Supper. In the 13th chapter of Revelation, its author talks about seeing two beasts, which are two hypostases of the Antichrist. During the Trojan War, King Agamemnon was killed on the 13th day of the month Gamalion, and Clytemnestra declared this day sacred. When Philip II of Macedon ordered his statue to be carved from marble and placed next to 12 other statues depicting the main Greek gods, then at the next festival, by someone unknown, his daughter Cleopatra and her husband Alexander from Epirus were killed. 12 witches and the 13th Satan always took part in the devil's sabbaths and orgies. In Black Magic ceremonies, demons are summoned 13 times. Even today, in many European hotels there are no rooms numbered “13”. In Italy, in various lotteries there are no tickets with this number. In Paris, the numbering of houses skips the number "13". By the way, in France it is customary for there to be exactly 14 guests at the table - if it is shared. Sailors do not go to sea on the 13th day of the month... The occultists called the number “13”: “Death”. There are 13 evil spirits in Kabbalah. Proverb: “13 is a damn dozen.” The “unlucky” number also has a second, not at all frightening, meaning. “...Ishmael his son was thirteen years old when his foreskin was circumcised” (Genesis 17:25). King Solomon took thirty years to build his palace (1st Kings 7:1). "13" is both a symbol of death and birth. He can be happy if high and good significance is added to him. Jacob had 12 sons. Jesus has 12 disciples-apostles. King Arthur has 12 knights of the Round Table, Charlemagne has 12 paladins. Hence the 12 jurors - and the judge. The year in the Jewish and Celtic calendars consists of 13 months, and many lucky talismans have the number “13” on them. There are 13 articles of faith, as well as 13 principles of the doctrine of Judaism, developed in the 12th century by the philosopher Moses Maimonides. "Bar Mitzvah (Hebrew - "Son of Nakaz") among the Jews is the ceremony of accepting a boy into the religious society of adults on the day of his thirteenth birthday. When Merlin, the sage and sorcerer from the "Arthurian" cycle, left the Earth and reached other worlds, he took with him 13 objects that had their own magical meaning: basket, cauldron, cart, chess, glass, clothes, bridle, knife, cloak, feather, tray (for bread), sword and whetstone. In Christianity, during the evening services of the last week of Lent, thirteen candles (for Catholics - tenebrae) are extinguished one by one as a symbol of the darkness that came on earth after the death of Christ. The number of Judas along with Jesus and the apostles. Witches' Sabbath number. The Mayans numbered thirteen Heavens, each ruled by a separate god. Thirteen is an important number in the Aztec calendar, which consisted of thirteen-day periods. In addition, this number is used in fortune telling. Almost always an unlucky number. Hesiod warned the peasants who began sowing on the 13th. In the Babylonian leap year there was a leap month under the sign of the "raven of misfortune". According to legend, 12 witches must cohabit with the devil as the thirteenth.

The number 13 in numerology does not carry a negative meaning, as is commonly believed. People themselves endow it with mysterious and negative properties. It is not known for certain where this superstition originates.

It should be noted that prejudice against the number 13 is more typical for the Christian religion. This may be due to the fact that, according to the Bible, 13 people were present at the Last Supper with Jesus Christ, and the thirteenth was Judas Iscariot, who later betrayed Christ.

In some religions, such as Judaism and Taoism, the number 13 is considered to bring good luck. The ancient Egyptians had a similar attitude towards this figure, who compared it with the afterlife.

Modern interpretation

In modern numerology there is no separate description of the number 13. In numerology, all numbers are single-digit. And therefore, a two-digit symbol is converted into a single-digit one by adding all the digits that make up it. If we analyze the number 13, we get the number 4 (1+3).

The main characteristics include stability and constancy. For example, the four cardinal directions, four seasons, and four elements (fire, water, earth, air) remain unchanged. As we see, this figure does not contain anything anomalous.

The negative meaning attributed to this number can be explained by the fact that some sad events are associated specifically with it. For example, according to some sources, in the 14th century, all the Templars from the monastic Order of Christ and the Temple in Jerusalem were arrested on the 13th. The crash of the Apollo 13 spacecraft also contributed to the creation of mystical confirmation that 13 is a symbol of misfortune.

However, people tend to see only what they want to see. By highlighting individual mourning events that occurred on the 13th, or otherwise related to this number, no one pays attention to the fact that many more tragedies happen on other dates that are in no way connected with the ill-fated number.

Other numerology theories

In the science of numerology, as in all others, there are several trends that largely intersect with each other, but, at the same time, have some differences. Without going into details and classification of all currents, we note differences in the interpretation of the number 13.

Some numerologists associate the number 13 with the human spirit of love. This is an expression of a person’s inner energy, which has only one purpose - to selflessly love all living things.

It is believed that the human spirit can simultaneously be in twelve dimensions of consciousness, and the 13th is the quintessence of higher feelings and the unity of all dimensions of existence.

What qualities does the number 13 impart?

A person whose personal numerological chart contains the number 13 is endowed with characteristics inherent in both one and three. On the one hand, he is influenced by the number 1, the meaning of which is practicality and hard work. On the other hand, the meaning of three in this union endows a person with creative thinking and extraordinary abilities.

Separately, these numbers can cause extreme manifestations of the described characteristics, and influence fate somewhat one-sidedly. In close conjunction, numbers 1 and 3 harmoniously complement each other. And the four, formed by adding these signs, foreshadows the achievement of all intended goals. However, for this you will have to work hard and endure hardship and live in need for some time.

On a personal level, for owners of a pair of one and three, the most suitable partners for a stable relationship are people whose numerological chart contains the number 7 or 9. In such a union, the partners will have equal rights and will not experience dissonance in each other’s worldview.

  • The Unit will suppress the owner of the number 13, impose its views on him, which will ultimately lead either to the degradation of 13 as a person, or to a painful separation.
  • A person with the number 13 in their date of birth may not be interested in a two at all. This occurs due to the low energy potential of the two.
  • With a five and a six, an alliance is possible, but it will be devoid of sincerity and sensuality. Such partners will be close to each other only if they have serious motives. But this closeness will not give anyone moral satisfaction.
  • A person under the influence of 13 can be incredibly drawn to the number eight, both spiritually and physically. However, this attraction will be more painful than pleasant. Such a union will last exactly as long as the passion between the partners lasts.

If your birth date contains the number 13 and you notice that it has a negative impact on your destiny, try to consider some recommendations that will help transform the negative meaning into a positive one.

To begin with, decide on the characteristics that the theory of numerology relates to your number. Find out what qualities are inherent in you and divide them into positive and negative. Consider what you would like to change and what impact you would like to neutralize.

Then you can start improving your characteristics. To do this, you should not take actions that contradict certain qualities. For example, if you are not satisfied with such a characteristic of a unit as excessive self-centeredness, you should not forcefully try to be an altruist.

Accept this fact, and under no circumstances reproach yourself for it. If you are endowed with this quality, then it should help you achieve your goal.

At the same time, develop your positive characteristics. For example, the creative thinking inherent in the triple, with the right approach, can greatly facilitate your path to success. Unlike less creative people, you won't have to put in the effort to generate big ideas.

Just trust your destined line and listen to your inner voice. Author: Ekaterina Volkova