I want the perfect body: Miranda Kerr’s diet. Miranda Kerr (Miranda Kerr): biography, body measurements and personal life (photo) Miranda Kerr in full growth

To look sexy on any beach on our planet - who, if not the famous model of the Victoria's Secret brand, knows how to achieve this!

Sports girl - model Miranda Kerr

Miranda Kerr is a true athlete - she grew up in Australia, playing basketball and doing gymnastics.

Miranda Kerr's parameters (height, weight)

Height- 175 cm

Weight- 49 kg

Options - 85-58-90

She was always very active and led healthy image life. Sports are an integral part of her work. “Learn to cherish yourself. No man will remain indifferent to a girl who accepts herself for who she is. However, a stunning swimsuit and a little tan still won't hurt!” advises Miranda.

Miranda Kerr played basketball and did gymnastics as a child - she was always very active and led a healthy lifestyle. Sport is something that remains constant in her life to this day.

“I don’t really differentiate between exercises for different muscle groups and body parts. I just know that when I work out, I have a huge boost of energy and my work becomes much more productive.” Even though she doesn't have much time for team sports (“I literally work 6 days a week for months, except for Christmas,” Miranda says), she practices yoga every day.

After all, a couple of simple asanas can be performed literally without stopping from work. “Sometimes I even sit in some asana during breaks during a photo shoot!”

Nutrition Miranda Kerr

Miranda Kerr is also very concerned about what she eats.“I would say I'm 80% organic and 20% foodie.”

She likes mixed vegetables(spinach, carrots, beets and ginger pureed in a blender), but sometimes, when she’s really not in the mood, she can eat a good steak.

Secrets of a beautiful body

Bronze or golden skin tone makes any body more attractive and slender. But models do not forget to be careful when dealing with the sun. “I grew up on the beach, but I always wore a wide-brimmed hat. In Australia, it is simply necessary to always protect yourself from the sun,” says Miranda Kerr.

How tall is Miranda Kerr?

On the Internet you will find information that Miranda Kerr's height is 175cm
so we are told that Miranda Kerr is 175 cm tall and many people don’t really think about it and believe it... And they don’t understand that in the modeling business every centimeter of models is worth its weight in gold... For greater clarity, we have in the list of celebrities whose model height is almost 175 cm and he is almost one hundred percent correct. With this famous model we'll compare Miranda, this is Heidi Klum, so let's look

Do you see Miranda Kerr being on par with Heidi Klum?? We personally don’t see it...maybe it’s the shoes???

And here are Miranda Kerr’s shoes... as we can see, the heel has nothing to do with it... it won’t add that difference. So someone didn’t want to stand straight + the difference in heels... as an option... look at the next frame

In this photo, Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr. Both are wearing nothing. Both are standing on level ground. Both are stooping. The difference in height between them is hardly 2-3 cm. Orlando Bloom's height during the day in shoes (in the boots of the movie Pirates of the Caribbean) is slightly higher than 179 cm, that is, without high-heeled shoes, he will be 176 cm during the day, and by the evening he will be 1-2 cm even lower. Based on this and the difference between him and Miranda, the model’s height can confidently be placed at about 170 cm. In the English-speaking space, there is an opinion that the model’s parameters are hardly higher than 168cm. Therefore, you can choose for yourself what height she is in reality. Those who saw her live say about a maximum of 168 cm. If you compare her height from the photo, she looks different from 160-something cm to 170cm and a little taller. Well, modeling agencies estimate that she is 175cm. The choice is yours. As soon as new footage and information appear, we will add it to this model

Miranda Kerr's height is about 170cm

Miranda Kerr is an Australian-born model who became famous for collaborating with Victoria's Secret from 2007 to 2013 and being one of the brand's "angels".

Miranda May Kerr, better known to us as Miranda Kerr, was born in Sydney in April 1983. But soon the parents and their little daughter moved deep into the province of New South Wales. There the family settled on a horse farm. So Miranda's childhood memories are connected with these animals.

Multinational blood is mixed in the veins of Miranda Kerr. English, Filipino, Scottish and French - this multi-colored “cocktail” was clearly manifested in the girl’s character. Miranda turned out to be a temperamental and purposeful child. And also beautiful.

But Miranda Kerr did not dream of a modeling career. Already at the age of 13, the girl outlined a serious profession for herself - a nutritionist. Fate decreed otherwise, changing the plans of the young beauty.

Modeling business

It was the magnificent model appearance that determined Miranda’s future biography. One day a girl tried her hand at the “Australian nation-wide model” modeling competition. Unexpectedly, Kerr won. Then the girl was barely 14 years old. The organizers of the competition arranged a photo shoot for the winner, which soon appeared in one of the glossy magazines.

The success was enormous, but with a scandalous flavor. Guardians of morality thought that photographs of an underage girl in a swimsuit resembled child pornography. To which Miranda Kerr herself objected that Dolly, the magazine in which the photos appeared, was intended for teenage girls, not adult men.

After the “loud” photo shoot, Miranda Kerr instantly became famous. Fashion industry gurus loudly praised the “angelic” beauty of the young beauty. It’s no wonder that the beauty immediately received a tempting offer from a modeling agency in Melbourne and was hired as a staff member. At that time, Miranda's education culminated with a high school diploma.

Miranda Kerr- the highest paid Australian model, one of the main angels of Victoria's Secret and the owner of a gorgeous body.

Biography of Miranda Kerr

Miranda was born on April 20, 1983, in Sydney, and spent her childhood on a farm. At thirteen years old, the girl wins a modeling competition and at 14 goes for the prize - a photo shoot for a fashion magazine. This first shoot brought her not only popularity, but also a scandal - the photographers were accused of child pornography, a photograph of Miranda in a swimsuit was enough for these conversations, they did not hesitate to ask the girl herself.

Subsequently, the girl will put on angel wings to demonstrate her underwear, and, according to Kerr herself, demonstrating swimsuits is more preferable for her than catwalk outfits. The body of this bright girl will allow you to be on the list of the highest paid models.


Miranda signed her first contract with the Chic Management agency and immediately received a number of offers from brands such as Roxy, Tigerlily, One Teaspoon, Billabong Girls and advertises mainly swimwear.

The next modeling agency NEXT Model Management opens Miranda's doors to the world of high fashion and top fashion houses; the girl can be seen on the catwalks of Blumarine Swimwear, Levi's, L.A.M.B., Betsey Johnson, John Richmond, Seafolly Swimwear, Anna Molinari, Rock and Republic, Roberto Cavalli and others . She also graced the covers of Elle, Australian Vogue and Harper's Bazaar.

“It’s not easy at all, especially the modeling business. Very often you will receive a huge number of refusals, and you must be very strong man to stand it up. But if this is your dream and you believe in it and follow it, then never forget about yourself in this process. To be your absolute best, you need to take care of your body, treat it with respect and give it everything it needs - nutritionally, emotionally and physically. Your body cannot radiate health on the outside if everything is not fine on the inside.”

2006 was a significant year for Miranda - she signed a contract with the cosmetics company Maybelline New York, which brought her significant success.

In 2008, Forbes magazine ranked Miranda 10th in the ranking of the highest paid models; Kerr's fees were $3.5 million a year.

In 2009, the girl went under the wing of a new modeling agency - IMG Models. The contract with Victoria's Secret practically took everything away

Miranda's time, but in 2010 she opened the doors to the world of high fashion. The first offer came from the fashion house Balenciaga, followed by an invitation from Prada.

The girl’s talents cover not only the modeling sphere; in 2010, Miranda Kerr released a book for teenagers, “Treasure Yourself,” with advice on self-improvement and the ability to love oneself.

Miranda Kerr - Victoria's Secret Angel

In 2007, Miranda signed her famous contract with Victoria's Secret. Kerr became the first Austrian angel model of a popular brand, in addition, she replaced the legendary Gisele Bundchen in this post. Now the name of Miranda Kerr is inextricably linked with Victoria's Secret.

“Fashion starts with lingerie, and it starts with Victoria's Secret.”

Miranda Kerr and Orlando Bloom

In 2003, Miranda met with broker Adrian Camilleri, but this union did not bring happiness to the girl - he was involved in financial fraud and the model completely breaks off relations with him.

However, in 2007, the famous romance between Miranda Kerr and Orlando Bloom begins. The whole world is watching this couple to this day. In 2010, their engagement became known and then they got married - according to the model herself, the ceremony was modest and few people knew about it. 2011 was marked by the birth of their son, who was named Flynn Christopher Blancard Copland Bloom.

“I always wanted children. My ideal situation is to live on a farm, in a house full of sun, with a hammock and a small garden. When this is all over, that's where I'll be."

Miranda Kerr, one of the Victoria's Secret models, has a truly chic appearance. It combines elegance, fragility and sophistication.

Miranda Kerr, one of the Victoria's Secret models, has a truly chic appearance. It combines elegance, fragility and sophistication. But Miranda’s beautiful figure is by no means a gift from above, but the result of hard training and work on herself. Fitness, proper nutrition and diet are the three keys to an ideal supermodel figure.


Playing sports is the basis of all the basics of a good figure. Miranda has chosen several types of fitness for herself.

  1. Class in the gym with a personal trainer. Visits to the gym three to four times a week. Most exercises are aimed at developing legs, because models constantly keep them in sight. To keep the body evenly developed, Kerr also focuses on the muscles of the arms and core. The set of exercises in the gym also includes stretching.
  2. Miranda enjoys practicing Kundalini yoga. This technique teaches you to balance and find a foothold. This technique will be useful to anyone, and even more so for models with a busy schedule and constant flights. The basics of Kundalini yoga (energy release and breathing) help fight stress, get healthy and improve yourself. Miranda even managed to set a record - she stood in the plank exercise for 10 minutes!
  3. Miranda Kerr also pays a lot of attention to running. This sport helps to develop the endurance the model needs so much, while maintaining amazing slimness. Typically, Miranda runs three or five kilometer distances. If suddenly there is not enough strength, the model does not stop, but takes a step. Having normalized her breathing, she picks up the pace again. Running gives Miranda pleasure; she specially sets aside a day or two for her favorite sport.

Learning to balance with Miranda

To do this, you need to stand straight and transfer your weight to your left leg, while lifting your right. In this situation, you need to find balance. After this, take your leg back and tilt your body forward. Place the ball on the crook of your leg and hold it, continuing to balance on your leg. For this to be beneficial, you must strive to hold the ball for at least 25-30 seconds.

Then the exercise is repeated on the other leg.

Diet and nutrition of Miranda Kerr

The model’s entire diet is based on a clear amount of fluid intake and special nutrition for weight loss. There is nothing unusual about drinking fluids; many have heard about the mandatory eight glasses of water a day. If you don’t have the strength to drink plain water, Miranda recommends drinking freshly squeezed juices and green tea.

A proper diet consists of a certain number of meals. Usually, these are 3 main ones (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and 2 additional ones. When choosing products, Kerr focuses on the table of products according to blood type. Viewing such a table will not be difficult; it is available on the Internet on many sites.

The secret of a model's ideal figure is simple, and every woman can listen to at least one. Doing yoga or drinking more water can change your life to be more colorful and healthy. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

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