Creams for hair removal in intimate areas. Cream for depilation of intimate areas: the best products and reviews. Depilation wax

In their quest to have smooth skin in the bikini area, women are ready to try more and more new products to remove unwanted hair in intimate places.

Today, the following means, methods and techniques for removing body hair are considered the most common:

  • hair removal using a razor;
  • chemical depilation using special creams;
  • sugaring;
  • mechanical hair depilation;
  • waxing;
  • hair removal with a laser device.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, as well as contraindications. Therefore, each woman chooses her ideal way to achieve the desired result.

Popular products (depilatory creams) for hair removal in the bikini area

Name of the product (cream) Photo Approximate price
Depilatory cream PhytoCosmetic chamomile for bikini/armpit area 25 ml 58 rub.
Depilatory cream PhytoCosmetic with avocado oil, for sensitive skin, 50 ml47 rub.
Depilatory cream FitoCosmetic for the region. bikini and armpits Quick removal from extra. chamomile 25 ml.47 rub.
Depilatory cream Natural. with aloe vera and lavender oil. For sensitive skin 100 ml.79 rub.
Cliven depilatory cream- soft cream for depilation of the bikini area, face, arms and armpits.310 rub.

Depilatory cream Kracie Epilat

950 rub.
Cream Velvet- inexpensive cream for hair removal in the bikini area, armpits and legs95 rub.
Easy Depil depilatory cream- effective cream for depilation of the bikini area 270 rub.
Sally Hansen - effective remedy for removing excess hair in the bikini area, face and arms.500 rub.
Veet cream for depilation for sensitive skin 100 ml330 rub.
Shary - depilatory cream, which can be used to remove even the coarsest hair in intimate areas, arms and legs.240 rub.
Hairoff- an inexpensive product for depilation of intimate places, hands and face.330 rub.
PhytoCosmetic – Depilatory cream with Aloe vera extract(for bikini area, armpits, sensitive skin) 25 ml 51 rub.

Epilation and depilation - what are the differences?

In both cases we are talking about hair removal.

The difference lies in the method of achieving the goal: depilation implies the removal of hairs (superficial effect), the direction of hair removal is the destruction of the hair follicle.

For depilation use a razor, creams, sugar, wax, depilatories

Manufacturers call the hair removal device an epilator. But since it removes hair without damaging the hair follicle, then, accordingly, it performs depilation. Therefore, it would be correct to say – depilator.

The impact on the hair follicle during hair removal is carried out using a device - a laser.

Bikini depilation - shaving: advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of this method: accessibility, simplicity of procedure, does not require spending a lot of time.

However, the resulting effect lasts for just a few days.. There is a risk of infection due to damage to the skin surface. And many people experience unpleasant sensations after shaving, which is due to skin irritation.

Thus, the choice in favor of shaving is obvious if you have a small amount of time at your disposal to get yourself in order. In other cases, preference may be given to more effective methods.

Depilatory gels and creams

Gels and depilatory creams have a more gentle effect than wax or razor; This is why they are great for the delicate bikini area. This product for hair removal in intimate places dissolves keratin, thanks to the inclusion of special substances in its composition: calcium hydroxide, emollients, thioglycolate.

Additional substances of gels and creams (oils, extracts, extracts) nourish and soften the skin, prevent irritation

However, in case of damage to the skin (scratches, abrasions), this product cannot be used. It is also contraindicated for pregnant women and people prone to allergic reactions.

Chemical hair removal of the bikini area

The active components of creams destroy the hair structure, after which it is easily removed with a special spatula. The smoothness of the skin after chemical depilation remains for a longer time than after shaving.

Special creams have been developed for different areas of the skin: for depilation of the body, bikini area, and armpits.

They also differ in the time required to achieve the effect. Some destroy hair in 3 minutes, others will need to be left on the skin for 10 minutes.

Before carrying out the procedure using the cream, you must definitely carry out a test, which the manufacturer always reminds you of on the packaging. To do this, it is enough to remove hair from a small area of ​​skin and track your feelings during and after the procedure.

The occurrence of burning or redness may indicate that you should not use this product for removing hair in intimate places.

A contraindication to chemical depilation is also the presence of irritation and wounds on the skin. And this method is not suitable for those who want to remove unwanted hair before going to the beach, since exposure after the procedure is not recommended sun rays on treated skin areas throughout the day.

Bikini waxing

For two weeks of smooth and soft skin, it’s worth enduring a little pain. You can think something like this when deciding on this product for hair removal in the bikini area or other particularly delicate areas of the body.

This method of depilation is performed using cold and warm means. Specialized salons may also offer hot wax for hair removal. And in a regular cosmetic store You can purchase wax strips for hair removal at home.

Waxing may not give the desired result if the hairs are very short.

Be careful! Waxing is contraindicated for papillomas, rosacea, diabetes mellitus, herpes, skin damage. Also, the presence of moles on the treated area of ​​the body may be a reason to abandon this method.

Pain relief during hair removal: what products to use

Since painkillers for oral administration have low effectiveness, local anesthesia is recommended. These products include lidocaine spray. It should be applied 3 hours before the procedure.

It should be applied an hour or two before depilation. However, it is less effective than lidocaine spray. Many women do not notice any changes in sensitivity at all.

Another good way– use of painkillers intended for tattooing (for example, “Xylocaine”, “Golden Rose”, etc.).

Sugaring - sugar hair removal of the bikini area

This product uses a method of removing hair from intimate areas using sugar, originally from Egypt. It quickly gained popularity due to its versatility. It is used to remove unwanted hair not only in the bikini area, but also in almost all areas of the female body.

Our women quickly mastered the method of preparing sugar paste at home. The hair removal paste contains available ingredients such as sugar, water and lemon juice.

Sugar depilation takes longer than waxing and involves a more complex application and removal procedure.

Homemade epilator for the bikini area

The principle of operation of epilators is to pull out hairs. The procedure is simple to carry out at home. To achieve smooth skin, simply run the machine over the treated area several times.

The need for repeated depilation, as a rule, arises no earlier than after 10 days.

Those who are afraid of pain, have sensitive skin prone to irritation, and have encountered the problem of ingrown hairs will find it difficult to choose this product for hair removal in intimate places, despite its benefits.

Electrolysis of the bikini area

Among professional cosmetologists, this method of hair removal is considered one of the most radical., since it is based on the effect of current on the hair follicles.

As a result of the death of the hair follicle, a new hair root will no longer grow in its place.

This is the main advantage of the method and its difference from the others.

With this type of hair removal, various methods of electrolysis are used (thermolysis, electrolysis, blend, flash) and various needles (nickel-chrome, Teflon-coated, gold). All these methods are absolutely safe and are not considered traumatic.

Photoepilation of the bikini area

This modern method remove hair using high-pulse light. The melanin pigment in the hair follicle absorbs light rays, after which it heats up and is destroyed.

After a certain period of time (up to a day), the hair falls out. This is an absolutely safe procedure; doctors say that burns are excluded.

In addition, a special cooling gel is applied to the skin. The disadvantage of this method is that sometimes it takes up to 5 sessions to stop hair growth. However, the result has been pleasing for many years.

Laser hair removal bikini

The essence of the method is to disrupt the structure of the hair follicle and, as a result, the impossibility of further hair restoration. And although laser hair removal promises permanent removal of unwanted hair; in some cases, under the influence of hormones, the problem returns.

Preparatory procedures involve complete hair removal by shaving for better penetration of laser beams into the deep components of the hair follicle. After which the problem areas are treated using a special device.

As a rule, several sessions will be required to obtain the expected result. salon procedure, which is not cheap.

Enzyme bikini hair removal

The essence is the thermochemical effect on the hair follicles with enzyme preparations. These are enzymes, which are specific catalyst proteins. Those. they change the rate of chemical processes.

They disrupt the structure of keratin and high-molecular bonds of hair follicles.

Important to know!
The disadvantage of the procedure is that it is a rather slow process. Therefore, it is often combined with other means for removing hair in intimate places (sugaring, waxing).

Ultrasonic bikini hair removal

This method combines three types of effects: wax, chemical depilation, and then ultrasound, i.e. exposure to ultrasound using a specialized device.

Pay attention! In the bikini area, this procedure is performed extremely rarely, since in addition to the hair follicles, destruction of the delicate intimate areas.

There is no way to achieve smooth skin that would suit absolutely everyone. To ensure that the desire to look perfect does not lead to new problems, you need to know about the specifics of a particular procedure, the possible negative consequences and contraindications.

Useful video about methods and means of hair removal in the bikini area

Today, depilation is a fairly popular procedure. It allows you to quickly and completely painlessly remove unwanted hairs. However, in order for depilation to take place efficiently and safely, you should choose the right quality depilatory cream. Today we will talk about the features of depilatories and highlight some of the best hair removal products.


Features of depilation of the bikini area

Removing hair from sensitive intimate areas requires special care and attention. This part contains many nerve endings, so the procedure can be very painful. In addition, the skin in the bikini area is very delicate and sensitive. This feature does not allow the use of most depilation methods. Let's consider the most popular methods of depilation in intimate places.

Using special electroepilators allows you to quickly remove hair. However, a significant disadvantage of this method is severe pain. To reduce pain, it is recommended to slightly stretch the skin and shave the hairs against the growth direction. You can also use special pain-relieving creams or gels.

Another popular method of depilation is with wax. It is recommended to use hot wax for depilation of the bikini area. High temperature helps open pores and reduce pain. The effect of waxing lasts for more than a month.

Today, a relatively new method of depilation is becoming increasingly popular - sugaring. This is hair removal using sugar. This technique is suitable for almost all women. Sugar is gentle on the skin, preventing irritation, and quickly removes even the coarsest hairs.

Remains no less in demand chemical depilation which involves the use of depilatory cream.

Mechanism of action of depilatory cream

Depilatory cream has a very high level pH. Thanks to this, it quickly dissolves hairs and removes them from the surface of the skin.

Depilatory creams have a gentler effect than wax or razor, so they are suitable for sensitive and delicate areas.

In order to understand how depilatory cream works, you should consider its composition.

  • Thioglycolate is an alkaline salt that has an unpleasant odor. Calcium thioglycolate destroys keratin proteins.
  • Calcium hydroxide is a white powder that creates an alkaline environment. This chemical reaction is necessary for the depilatory cream to effectively destroy keratin.
  • Emollients are fat-like substances that carefully care for the skin, making it soft and tender. Mineral oils, paraffin, and petroleum jelly are often added to depilatories. All these substances create a protective layer on the surface of the skin that retains moisture.

In addition to the above components, hair removal cream may contain additional substances (fragrances, vegetable oils and extracts). Depilatories may contain the following natural ingredients:

  • Olive oil. It contains a large amount of squapene, a moisturizing element. In addition, the composition olive oil includes vitamins A, E, D, calcium, iron and other trace elements.
  • Silk extract contains valuable amino acids, smoothes the skin and promotes cell regeneration.
  • Shea butter is rich in triglycerides, substances formed by fatty acids. Thanks to this, Shea butter moisturizes and softens delicate skin.
  • Aloe extract penetrates into the deepest skin and moisturizes it.
  • Hops extract improves skin tone and restores fat balance.

The mechanism of action of such drugs is quite simple. The chemicals in their composition destroy keratin (the structural element of each hair). Thanks to this, the hair on the surface of the skin dissolves, and the hair follicle remains intact.

Additional components of depilatory creams moisturize and nourish the skin, giving it a healthy appearance and elasticity.

Advantages and contraindications

Depilatory cream has many advantages over both razors and wax:

  • It has a gentle effect on the skin in intimate areas.
  • Provides absolutely painless depilation.
  • This method of removing unwanted hair belongs to the budget category. Unlike expensive laser hair removal, creams are inexpensive, and one tube is enough for several times.
  • Depilatory cream is an effective remedy. It efficiently removes even the coarsest and longest hairs.
  • It does not leave unpleasant consequences in the form of irritation, peeling and itching.
  • The procedure can be carried out independently at home without much difficulty. Moreover, it does not take much time.

Despite all the advantages of this method of depilation, it has a number of contraindications. Depilatory cream should not be used if the skin has mechanical damage, irritation, benign or malignant tumors. In addition, this procedure is contraindicated for pregnant women (as chemical components can cause allergic reactions, itching and irritation).

How to use

The depilatory cream is quite easy to use. You can use it to remove hair in intimate places on one's own, without the help of specialists. So, how to use depilatory cream?

To do this, apply a small amount of cream on your wrist and observe the skin reaction. If after 5-10 minutes no itching or redness appears, then this product is safe for your skin.

The depilation procedure using a special cream is carried out in several stages:

  1. Thoroughly cleanse your bikini area using a gentle soap and gel. Dirt and grease interfere with the action of the depilator and reduce the effectiveness of the procedure.
  2. Dry the skin with a soft towel. Remember that you can only apply the cream to dry skin.
  3. Apply a thin layer of cream evenly to the skin in the bikini area.
  4. After 15 minutes, use a special thin spatula to remove the cream along with thinning hairs.
  5. Rinse off any remaining products and hairs with warm water. Gently dry your skin with a towel.

Top 7 best depilators

We present to your attention the 7 best creams for depilation of intimate areas.

« Velvet» – an inexpensive cream for hair removal in the bikini area, armpits and legs. The product contains chamomile and verbena extracts, which have an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect.

"Easy Depil"– an effective cream for depilation of the bikini area. The product contains extracts of dwarf oak and other plants, wheat proteins and almond oil. Thanks to this, the “Easy Depil” depilator moisturizes and softens the skin, and also forms a protective layer, which prevents moisture loss.

« Veet» – a gentle cream designed to remove unwanted hair in intimate places, in the armpits, legs and arms. The main advantage of this product is its high efficiency. The cream dissolves hair in a few minutes. In addition, Veet products contain aloe and chamomile extracts, which moisturize and nourish the skin, preventing irritation and unpleasant itching.

"Sally Hansen"– an effective product for removing excess hair in the bikini area, face and arms. The cream contains collagen and vitamin E, which give the skin a healthy appearance, making it soft and elastic.

– soft cream for depilation of the bikini area, face, arms and armpits. The product contains vegetable oils and extracts, as well as lanolin (animal wax). These substances make the skin soft and velvety, nourish it and retain moisture.

"Shary"– a depilatory cream that can be used to remove even the coarsest hair in intimate places, on the arms and legs. The product contains almond oil, which has strong regenerating and moisturizing properties.

– a relatively inexpensive product for depilation of intimate places, hands and face. The composition contains chamomile extracts, vitamins C and E, aloe juice. Hairoff works quite quickly. As a rule, 5-7 minutes are enough to remove hair.

  1. As a rule, after depilation using a cream, hair in intimate places begins to grow after 5-7 days. For a longer lasting effect, it is recommended to choose products that slow down hair growth.
  2. It should be remembered that such products contain many chemical components that, if used regularly, irritate and damage the skin. You can use depilatory creams no more than once a week.
  3. Before the procedure, be sure to read the instructions for the depilator. Remember that the cream cannot be left on the skin for longer than the specified time. This can lead to clogged pores and irritated skin.
  4. Before the procedure, it is recommended to exfoliate the skin. The scrub will help remove dead skin cells.
  5. After depilation of the bikini area, it is recommended to use special products that slow down hair growth and fatty creams.

Depilation is a procedure whose features every woman should know. This method of removing unwanted hair is not only the safest, but also the most effective.

The entire beautiful half of humanity strives for perfection. Often, this path takes place in the fight against nature: with the help of diets we fight overweight and poor metabolism, with the help of cosmetic products we rejuvenate, using various means we try to get rid of unnecessary vegetation. Girls get rid of hair all over their body or selectively (legs, arms, face, etc.), special attention, paying attention to the bikini area.

Why remove hair from intimate areas?

Most girls don’t even think about whether it’s worth removing hair in an intimate place. The ideal bikini area is not only a matter of modern lifestyle trends.

Removing unwanted hair in intimate areas helps get rid of bacteria that accumulate on the hair, especially if hygiene rules are not strictly followed.

Hair that is visible from under underwear or swimsuit panties does not give the bikini area any aesthetic appearance. In intimate relationships, excess hair also does not add sexuality to a woman.

Methods for depilating pubic hair

There are many ways in which you can get rid of hair in intimate places. Each girl must choose an acceptable and suitable method for removing pubic hair. Depilation of intimate places (removal of the visible part of hair) can be mechanical (using a razor, tweezers) and chemical (various depilatory creams).

· use of a razor. The easiest and most painless way to remove hair, including pubic hair. When performing intimate depilation in this way, it is recommended to use disposable machines with a moisturizing insert to avoid infection. You should also use special creams and gels that help the razor glide better. This will help minimize possible cuts. Unfortunately, you will have to resort to this procedure often, since its results are short-term: stubble may appear the very next day after shaving.

· use of depilatory cream. This method Depilation is the most painless and most common. Simply apply the cream in a thick layer to your hair, wait a while, and then remove it along with your hair using a special spatula.
The principle of action of depilatory creams is as follows: special chemical elements, included in the composition, promote the dissolution of keratin, thereby softening the hair. The active ingredients of the cream destroy only the outer hair and do not have any effect on the hair follicle. The main advantage of this method is the absence of wounds and cuts after depilation. The disadvantages include the fact that it is not recommended to use such a cream for the “internal” hair of intimate places, that is, next to the mucous membrane.

Review of depilatory creams

When using a cream for depilation of intimate areas, you should only take those that are marked that they are intended for the bikini area. Depilation creams for the intimate area are softer and more gentle and contain more moisturizing elements. Some manufacturers add various vitamins, herbal extracts, vegetable oils and other useful components to such creams. This helps make the effect of the cream softer, moisturizes the skin and relieves inflammation.

The modern market of cosmetic products offers a large number of depilatory creams of various types. brands. They differ both in cost and in the country of origin, as well as in some of the components included in their composition. Some of the most popular depilatory creams are the products of “Veet”, “Eveline”, “Sally Hansen”, “Velvet”, “Cliven”, now we will try to understand which of these creams is better.

Veet depilatory cream

This depilatory cream is in great demand. It is among the favorites due to the fact that it can be applied in a thin layer and its action time is quite fast. Veet is good for sensitive skin and does not cause irritation. The set for depilation in the bikini area includes: depilation cream, a special and comfortable spatula for application, a soothing cream after depilation of intimate areas. The average cost is 350 rubles.

Depilatory cream “Sally Hansen”

This bikini area depilation cream is quite expensive (approximate cost 540 rubles), but is popular among girls with very sensitive skin. It is less irritating to the skin, as it contains a large number of moisturizing components. In addition to the cream, the Sally Hansen kit includes a special applicator brush.

Velvet depilatory cream

Velvet cream is a budget hair removal product. The average market value of this product is about 60 rubles. Despite its cost, the cream is quite effective. The cream has a thick consistency and a pleasant smell. Does not cause irritation. Velvet is sold with a spatula.

Eveline 9 in 1 depilatory cream

This cream has 9 signs of effective removal of unwanted hair. It is effective, safe, helps slow hair growth, moisturizes the skin, does not cause irritation, and ensures smooth skin. The average cost of such a depilatory cream is 95 rubles.

The choice of bikini depilation cream should be approached with special responsibility, since even the most expensive cream can cause irritation.

Other types of hair removal in intimate areas

  1. Epilation (hair removal from the root) is carried out using wax or sugar (sugaring), as well as using professional cosmetic equipment (laser hair removal, photoepilation and electrolysis).
  2. waxing (waxing). Unwanted hair is removed by applying hot wax to it. Then a special strip is applied to the surface of the skin and pulled off with a jerk along with the wax and hair. Irritated skin should be lubricated with a special soothing agent. The waxing method of hair removal is quite painful.
  3. sugaring. The procedure is not as painful as waxing, but the techniques are similar. The point of sugaring is that excess vegetation is removed using thick sugar syrup.
  4. hair removal using special cosmetic equipment (photoepilation, laser hair removal, electrolysis). Such methods allow you to get rid of unwanted vegetation forever in just a few procedures. The procedures are carried out using lasers, photo flashes or exposure to the hair follicle. electric current. The above procedures are expensive, so not every girl can afford them.

All of these hair removal methods, including the use of depilatory cream, are suitable for men. Let's tell you a big secret - men's hair has the same structure as women's!

Whatever method of getting rid of hair in an intimate place you choose, it is worth observing how your skin reacts to a certain procedure. If there is no irritation or dryness, the skin is velvety and soft, then the method is suitable for you, but if on the contrary, try another method of getting rid of unwanted hair in the bikini area.

Since time immemorial, women have tried to get rid of body hair. Greek women lost unwanted hair by burning them with lamps or manually plucking out each hair. Ancient Egyptians used clever methods - they removed hair in intimate places using a sharpened stone, juice poisonous plants, wax-honey mixture. Modern women have escaped the fate of their ancestors, because professional means for depilation of intimate areas have appeared in their arsenal. What is the effect of depilatory creams, which of them work flawlessly, and which are not able to cope with the task, and what do women themselves think about this?

Depilation is a simple and painless way to remove body hair. At home, depilation is carried out using a shaving machine or a special cream. The first method is primitive and well-known; no one has any difficulties with it. But with the use of depilatory cream, not everything is so simple.

The mechanism of action of the cream for removing hair in intimate places is as follows: the active ingredients react with the protein compounds of the hair shaft (keratins), which ends in the complete destruction of the latter. Simply put, the cream destroys the hair structure, and they are easily removed using the special spatula included. The process takes 10–15 minutes, the skin becomes smooth.

Unlike hair removal, depilation does not destroy the hair follicle, so the hair grows back quickly, but it appears soft and light.

To make the depilation process quick and painless, chemicals are added to the cream. They often cause allergies, burns and discomfort in the bikini area.

The composition of depilatory cream differs from one manufacturer to another, but the following substances are found among the active ingredients:

  • thioglycolate - destroys the structure of the hair shaft. After contact with this substance, the hair becomes jelly-like and can be easily removed with a spatula. In contact with skin, thioglycolate provokes irritation and an allergic reaction, burns are possible. It has an unpleasant odor, but quickly and effectively removes hair;
  • calcium/sodium hydroxide - “corrodes” hair due to its alkaline effect. The substance acts slowly and does not always completely remove hair. The woman’s skin is not damaged, allergies and burns never occur;
  • emollients are substances that compensate for the aggressive effect of the active component - calcium hydroxide or thioglycolate. Their presence in the cream significantly reduces its effectiveness, but burns and redness are not terrible. True, it is not possible to completely remove hair in the bikini area in one go;
  • diluents - designed to give the cream a cream-like consistency (mass) and do not affect its effectiveness;
  • excipients (herbal extracts, natural plant esters, flavors) - essential oils and plant extracts soothe, disinfect the skin, slow down hair growth, and flavors “mask” the unpleasant odor of the active ingredients.

Video: features of using depilatory cream

From personal experience I will add that the presence of chamomile extract, shea butter, green tea and other additives - just a marketing ploy to inflate the cost of the product. Their concentration in the cream is negligible, so it is impossible to obtain the promised effect. It is much more useful to treat the skin with a liquid tocopherol solution from a pharmacy or Bepanten baby cream after depilation.

Table: pros and cons of depilatory cream for the bikini area

Benefits of bikini area depilation using creamDisadvantages of bikini area depilatory cream
Painless. If a woman does not have individual intolerance to the cream or skin sensitivity, the hair removal procedure takes place without pain.Short-term effect. Although manufacturers claim that after depilation with cream, the smoothness of the skin remains for about 10 days, but in fact, the stumps grow back on the third day.
Fast and efficient. The cream is applied for 5–20 minutes, then easily removed with a spatula or bath sponge. Hair is completely removed without damaging the hair follicles.Difficulty in removing dark and coarse hair. If the hair is very hard, the cream does not work on it, so you have to repeat the procedure several times. Another disadvantage is that after hair removal, distinct black dots (hair roots) remain in their places.
Availability. Depilatory cream can be purchased at a supermarket, cosmetic store, or pharmacy. The price varies between 150 and 800 rubles. The cream is easy to use on its own.Pungent smell. Adding fragrances and essential oils does not eliminate the unpleasant odor of the chemical reagent.

Deep bikini depilatory cream

Special attention should be paid to deep bikini depilation - complete removal of hair on the external genitalia. For these purposes, experts advise using either waxing or sugaring (sugar is used instead of wax). Deep bikini depilatory cream is not suitable because it causes burns upon contact with the mucous membrane, painful sensations, disrupts the vaginal microflora, and hair grows into delicate areas of the skin.

If you are not allergic to the composition of the cream, you can safely perform deep bikini depilation using the cream. The main thing is to avoid contact of the cream with the mucous membrane. This is easy to do: apply a pea-sized amount of baby cream or sea ​​buckthorn oil on the mucous membrane, and then cover it with cotton pads. After this, you can safely apply the cream. This method has never let me down.

Rules for using cream for depilation of intimate areas

The modern choice of depilatory cream allows each of us to choose the most suitable option. It’s easy to use, you just need to follow the rules given by the manufacturer. Only in this case will depilation be successful and without consequences.

The first stage of depilation in the bikini area is eliminating allergies and preparing the skin:

  1. We perform an allergy test. Apply a pea of ​​cream to the bend of the elbow for 15 minutes. If there is no skin irritation, the cream can be used.
  2. Degrease the skin in the bikini area. Using soap or a special intimate hygiene product, we carry out hygiene procedures, then wipe the skin and hair dry.
  3. We cut our hair. If the hair in the bikini area exceeds more than 1 cm in length, it is advisable to trim the hair. This will increase the effectiveness of the cream and save your money.

Advice! If you have very sensitive skin, it is better to skip the bikini area degreasing procedure. This will reduce the aggressive effect of the cream on the skin. Also, do not use soap to wash off the depilator, but simply rinse your skin with cool water.

The second stage of depilation of the bikini area is the application of depilatory cream:

  1. Squeeze the cream onto your palm or spatula and apply it to the bikini area.
  2. The recommended layer thickness is 2–5 mm depending on the length of the hair - it should be completely covered with cream. It is important not to apply the cream to the mucous membrane to prevent burns.
  3. Let the cream sit for 5 to 15 minutes. The expiration date is always indicated on the packaging and may differ from one manufacturer to another, so be sure to read the instructions before using the cream.

Important! Under no circumstances exceed the recommended time of use of the cream, otherwise you will get a chemical burn. If you experience a burning sensation before the required expiration date, the cream should be washed off immediately and not used again - this is a symptom of hypersensitivity and this remedy is not suitable for you.

The final stage is removing the depilator:

  1. If the time is up, remove the depilator with the spatula that comes with the cream. Often this plastic tool causes discomfort and leaves scratches on the skin, so it can be replaced with a sponge.
  2. Movements should be directed against hair growth. The hair will be better removed together with the cream and will not grow into the epidermis.
  3. Then rinse off the remaining cream with warm water, dry the skin with a towel and apply anti-inflammatory lotion or milk.

Advice! Before applying depilatory cream, make sure that you have no contraindications to the procedure. There should be no skin damage, pimples, moles, signs of skin inflammation, or papillomas in the bikini area.

The skin after depilation needs careful care. Moisturizing and disinfecting the skin is ensured by the use of a special cream after depilation. If you don’t have such a tool, you can replace it:

  • Penthenol ointment;
  • a solution of Chlorgeskidine and Miramistin (antiseptics sold in pharmacies);
  • a mixture of vegetable oils, for example, olive oil (1 tbsp.), eucalyptus ether (5 drops) and ether tea tree(7 drops);
  • Rescuer ointment;
  • chamomile decoction.

Use of the product during pregnancy

Women always try to maintain their body in beautiful view. The pregnancy period cannot become an obstacle to this. But using depilatory cream during pregnancy seems unacceptable, because it contains many chemical components. But using a razor or applying wax in a special position is also not always appropriate.

The answer to the question of whether it is safe to use depilatory cream for the bikini area during pregnancy is ambiguous. Some doctors categorically prohibit resorting to depilation with cream, while others, on the contrary, consider it a useful and necessary hygienic procedure.

Most gynecologists and obstetricians note that depilation with bikini area cream can be performed by women who have no problems with skin sensitivity and are completely allergic to the cream. In addition, depilation may be simply necessary if a pregnant woman experiences increased hair growth and sweating.

The use of bikini area depilation cream during pregnancy has its own characteristics:

  • Considering the unpleasant smell of the product, it is advisable to carry out the procedure in a well-ventilated area so that the woman does not become ill.
  • Hormonal fluctuations accelerate hair growth, so you will have to wax more often.
  • During pregnancy, it is better to use depilatory creams that are designed for sensitive skin. and on the packaging there is the inscription “hypoallergenic”.
  • It is important to give preference to those depilatory creams that contain a minimum of additional chemicals.

Rating of creams for depilation of the bikini area

No. 1: Veet depilatory cream

One of the first to appear on the market. The cream is intended for depilation of sensitive skin and the bikini area, therefore it is suitable for complex hair removal in intimate places, including the anus, as well as for the armpits, upper lip, legs

The product has a pleasant smell, delicate texture. The cream easily copes with even the coarsest hair and rarely causes allergies or burns. After depilation, the skin becomes soft, perfectly smooth, and smells pleasant.

Veet cream is distinguished by its affordable price and product line. The cream is equipped with a multifunctional spatula, which can be used to remove hair from hard-to-reach places.

Apply the cream with your hands or a spatula for 10 minutes. It is not allowed to be applied to the mucous membrane. You can wash off the product with a shower, a washcloth and the same spatula.

The average cost of Veet cream is 400 rubles.

No. 2: Velvet Intim depilatory cream

Domestic depilatory cream. It is distinguished by excellent quality and low cost. The cream has a safe composition without aggressive ingredients; it additionally contains chamomile and verbena extract.

Velvet cream also comes with a spatula, but many women note that it is uncomfortable and leaves scratches on the skin. There are also difficulties with the time of its action: instead of 10 minutes, the cream has to be left on for 15–20 minutes.

In general, Velvet does an excellent job with hair in the intimate area, and even slows down its growth a little. The price of the product is also pleasing - 125 rubles.

No. 3: AVON depilatory cream

AVON depilatory cream is ideal for sensitive skin in the intimate area. Thanks to meadowfoam oil extract, the cream prevents skin irritation.

The set includes a functional curved spatula. The cream acts for 10–12 minutes, then it can be washed off - the hair is destroyed during this time.

You can buy it on the official AVON website. Cost - 560 rub.

No. 4: Eveline depilatory cream

Eveline depilatory cream is available in two types - Argan Oil and Eveline 3 in 1. The first version of the cream is enriched with argan oil, which allows you to moisturize the skin and prevent inflammation after depilation. The second cream is suitable for ultra-delicate skin. It contains silk and aloe extract.

The effect of the cream lasts about 5 minutes. The manufacturer indicates that the cream slows down hair growth and copes with the rigid structure of the hair.

The average cost of a tube is 200 rubles.

No. 5: Tanita depilatory cream

A popular product for depilation of intimate areas and the body in general. The manufacturer offers a choice of a whole series of depilatory creams - for sensitive skin, hard and soft hair, women prone to allergies, with essential oils and fruit juices or without them. In general, for every taste.

Different types of cream smell differently: chamomile, citrus, mint. Another advantage of Tanita cream is the ability to perform deep bikini depilation. In addition, depilation will require 3-4 minutes of your time.

The cost of the cream is 175 rubles.

No. 6: Lowa-Lowa depilatory cream

A whole Lowa-Lowa care complex has been created for women for depilation of the bikini area. It consists of a cream for and after depilation. The peculiarity of the product is the rapid destruction of hair, softening of the skin and the gradual cessation of new hair growth.

The manufacturer assures that the product contains only natural ingredients. If you follow the instructions on the package, your hair will disappear forever after 16 days.

The cost of the depilation complex is 990 rubles.

Beautiful Lowa-Lowa slogan “Get rid of hair in 16 days!” captivating and encouraging. I believed it too, but the effect was disappointing: the hair remained, and in addition, skin irritation appeared. Conclusion: advertising and high cost do not guarantee 100% quality of the product.

Bacteria living on groin hair can cause rashes and severe infections. Dermatologists advise removing hair with a disposable razor or wax. Depilation of intimate areas with cream is a solution for everyone who has a low pain threshold and who cares about their hygiene and aesthetics.

Chemical preparations for hair removal also kill bacteria living on them. The cream does not require preliminary preparation of the skin, and the depilation process takes a maximum of 15 minutes.

The cream removes not only the visible part of the hair, but also a millimeter of its subcutaneous part. The top end of the hair remains rounded rather than pointed, as when using a razor. As such hair grows, it is less noticeable and noticeable when touched. This method does not cause cuts or wounds. The risk of irritation is very small.

The main advantage of depilation with cream is that it is painless. The downside is that experts do not recommend using it near mucous membranes. Hair grows back faster than after waxing, but slower than after shaving with a machine.

How does intimate area depilatory cream work?

Depilatory cream for intimate areas dissolves hair with potassium or calcium thioglycolate. The penetration of the destructive component is helped by alkalis and emulsifiers. They soften hair and degrease the skin.

The first hair removal creams were created in Central Asia in the 16th century, based on poisonous arsenic and lime diluted in water. Only a few years ago, products of this kind began to include health-safe elements, moisturizers with fragrances.

How does intimate area depilation cream work?

Oils and natural ingredients soften the skin after chemical hair removal. Modern cream painlessly destroys the hair structure, namely the keratin in the hair shaft, and does not injure the skin. At making the right choice Depilation products should not cause redness or irritation of the skin.

Contraindications for use

It is prohibited to use a depilatory cream for intimate areas that has expired; it will cause irritation or burns. The cream should also not contain components that can cause allergies in the user. A negative effect can also arise from the beneficial components of the product that the manufacturer added to soothe and nourish the skin.

  • treat the pubic area (2-3 cm) with cream;
  • wait 15 minutes;
  • rinse off the cream with warm water.

If during the test there were no unpleasant sensations or burning sensations, and after cleansing with water there were no traces of irritation on the pubis, this cream does not cause a negative reaction. If the skin begins to pinch and burn, it is recommended to immediately complete the test, wash off the cream and refuse to use it in the future. It may be worth choosing a different manufacturer and a product with a different composition.

Even if the product does not cause an allergic reaction, it is prohibited to use it for waxing.

  • with unhealthy skin;
  • with skin disorders;
  • owners of moles, warts;
  • pregnant women.

How to choose a cream according to your skin type

Dermatologists recommend purchasing cream for depilation of intimate areas exclusively at pharmacies and specialized cosmetic stores. The manufacturer must indicate on the box or tube that the product is intended for the bikini area.

The developers of these creams include useful ingredients in the formula that moisturize the skin of the pubic area. This is especially important for users with dry skin.

Oils, as well as vitamins E and B, simply must be present in the formula of the product if it is chosen by a user with problem skin. These products have less traumatic impact and promote rapid restoration of the skin surface.

The product from Opilka is suitable for sensitive skin types. It contains vitamins A, B and E, it has a gentle composition that eliminates allergies. It is offered by dermatologists to those with sensitive skin for frequent use. A component in the composition such as aloe vera should reduce the risk of irritation.

Instructions for using depilatory cream

Before the procedure, you need to remove dead skin particles using a scrub. This will prevent the formation of ingrown hairs.


Can I use depilatory cream during pregnancy?

Therefore, pregnant women are recommended to carry out depilation with a special cream in a room with good ventilation. Be sure to take a walk in the fresh air after hair removal is complete.

When choosing a hair removal cream, a pregnant woman needs to carefully read the composition of the product. It is better if the product is without aromatic additives, created from natural ingredients, contain skin moisturizing elements.

Before purchasing, you should read the included instructions from the manufacturer. If pregnancy is not indicated in the “contraindications” column, the product can be used, observing all the rules for using the product.

Veet cream review

Anyone with any skin type can choose a depilatory cream from the Veet brand. Products with shea butter have been developed specifically for consumers for sensitive, normal, dry and combination skin prone to dryness. A spatula for removing cream is included in the package.

Veet cream has a high speed of action. In just 3 minutes. it will remove unwanted hair from intimate areas. For products from the line designed for sensitive skin, the action time is 5 minutes.

In addition to the usual depilatory cream, the line includes a cream spray and a cream that can be used in the shower without fear of being washed off with water.

Cream spray "Veet". Sold in 150 ml cans. A plastic spatula is included. The manufacturer produces two types of sprays: with aloe vera and with shea butter. The aloe vera spray is for those with sensitive skin, while the oil spray is suitable for those with dry skin. Keep the depilatory cream spray on the skin for 3 to 5 minutes.

Veet shower cream has a unique waterproof composition. The cream is presented in 3 modifications:

  • For normal skin;
  • for dry epidermis;
  • for a combined type of cover.

What comes with the 150 ml tube is not a spatula, but a special sponge.

This device is used not only to wash off the cream from the skin, but also to apply it. The cream should be removed against the direction of hair growth.

The composition of Veet cream is considered very aggressive, as it has a short duration of action. Veet intimate area depilatory cream should not be left on the skin for longer than the 3-5 minutes specified by the manufacturer.


The production of Velvet cream is located on the territory Russian Federation. Velvet hair removal products are considered hypoallergenic, moisturizing and prevent ingrown hairs. Velvet cream copes with coarse hair. At the same time, its composition is gentle; aggressive, potent components in the formula are minimal.

By this, the manufacturer has reduced the likelihood of an allergic reaction to almost nothing, while simultaneously increasing the time that the cream needs to achieve results - 20 minutes must pass to achieve the effect.

To minimize the harmful effects of the cream, it contains chamomile and verbena.

Velvet can slow down hair growth. Chemicals destroy the hair follicle and, when used repeatedly, weaken and lighten the hair. The hair begins to resemble fluff.

Manufacturers of the Velvet brand offer a line of 2 in 1 creams:

  • with mint;
  • with tropical fruit extract;
  • with jasmine;
  • with pearl powder;
  • with wild inflorescences;
  • with aloe.

Each box of cream includes a spatula.


Girls who use this cream note that to achieve results, it is necessary to keep it on the skin longer than the time stated by the manufacturer. It is noted on the packaging that the action time of the cream is 5 minutes. In fact, the cream removes hair in 10-15 minutes. The advantages of the product include the fight against dark spots that remain in intimate areas after shaving.

Regular use of Batiste cream leads to a noticeable reduction in the rate of hair growth. The product contains aloe vera extract, but experts recommend that you treat the skin with moisturizers after the procedure.


Products of this brand are distributed not only in Russia, but also outside the country. The “8 in 1” cream stands out in the line. The manufacturer claims ultra-fast action time.

To remove hair, just apply a thin layer of cream to the groin area for just 3 minutes. The product contains a large number of alkaline components, so keep it on the skin for longer than the stated 3 minutes. forbidden. The cream destroys not only the hair itself, but also its bulb. Therefore, growth slows down after depilation.

The cream contains extracts of cucumber and melon to moisturize the skin. It is recommended to use this product no more than 2 times a month.

To remove hair from intimate places, the Evelyn line offers a special cream. Its composition is less aggressive, but the duration of action of the product recommended by the manufacturer is only 3 minutes. Harmful effects on the skin are minimized by the Tahiti and shea butter contained in the composition. The moisturizing function is assigned to the mango extract.


Added to Faberlic cream:

  • papaya leaves;
  • hop;
  • sage extract.

These components allow you to safely and permanently get rid of hair in intimate areas. To prevent dehydration of the skin in the bikini area, the cream contains aloe vera and cucumber. The product must not be used one year after opening the package.

Some nuances of using the product:

  • After keeping the product on the bikini area for 5 minutes, use a spatula to remove the product from small space skin and treat the area with water;
  • if the product has not split all the hair, you should leave it on for another 5 minutes;
  • For owners of thick and coarse hair, the manufacturer advises applying the cream three times with a five-minute break, then removing the product 5 minutes after the last application.

The procedure must be completed by moisturizing the bikini area. There is a special product for this in the Faberlic line of products. It is available in the form of a cream-gel and is aimed at reducing discomfort, namely: allantoin and bisabolol prevent skin irritation, and aloe moisturizes the skin. Cream-gel is suitable for daily use.

Lowa Lowa

This manufacturer has developed a set of products that includes not only depilatory cream, but also a care product that must be used after the procedure. Each tube contains 100 ml of product.

The undoubted advantage of the product is that it contains only natural substances:

  • mint;
  • essential oil;
  • aloe;
  • panthenol;
  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • jojoba oil

With this product you can get rid of unwanted body hair in less than 3 weeks. At first, the hair will grow slower, and then it will completely disappear from the skin. A depilation kit will cost customers 1,000 rubles. The manufacturer emphasizes that the products have been tested by dermatologists and have a certificate.

Tip for use: Use the cream exclusively on dry and clean skin. Otherwise, due to moisture, it will be difficult to distribute the product evenly over the bikini area.

Painkillers for depilation

Some depilatory products contain analgesic components. But for the majority, it is necessary to first use painkillers.

Lidocaine spray

The spray must be applied to the area before depilation at least 3 hours before. Be sure to keep the skin covered with film.

The drug “freezes” the surface of the skin. It is possible to be allergic to the product.


The cream contains lidocaine and prilocaine. The substances have an effect not only on the surface of the skin, but also on its deeper layers. To treat intimate areas, experts recommend purchasing 2 tubes of the product, 5 g each. "Emla" is applied to the skin in a thick layer and covered with a film. The hair removal procedure can begin after an hour.

The product may cause the skin to temporarily turn pale or, on the contrary, turn red. Some users experienced burning and itching. The drug may cause anaphylactic shock.

"Light Dep"

The product has a cream-gel structure. Developed with water base. The composition contains anestoderm, which provides good pain relief during depilation.

The effect is achieved an hour after applying the product and lasts up to 4 hours.

Other means

Other painkillers and their costs:

  • “Doctor Numb”, from 450 rubles.
  • "Depilflax", from 700 rub.
  • "AneStop", from 1200 rub.
  • “Golden Rose”, 1700 rub.
  • "Menovazin", 18 rubles.
  • “Deep Numb”, 550 rub.

Home methods:

  • steaming;
  • compress;
  • cooling;
  • skin tension;
  • local massage;
  • scrubbing.

Differences between women's and men's depilatory creams

Depilatory preparations for women contain a smaller amount of active substances that destroy hair than is necessary to remove male hair. Accordingly, the main difference between drugs for men and women is the concentration of alkaline components.

There are few offers for men in cosmetic stores. Cliven Young cream has been a leader in sales for a long time. It has an optimal price-quality ratio. It contains vegetable oils, so it does not irritate the skin. The product for men was also created by the developers of Veet. The cream should be kept on the skin for 6 minutes. It can be used in the shower. Users note the pleasant smell of this product.

Prices of depilatory creams

Product name Price in Moscow Price in St. Petersburg Price in regions
Veet with velvet rose scent and essential oils 328 rub. 300 rub. 266 rub.
Velvet 129 rub. 134 rub. 87 rub.
Batiste 103 rub. 96 rub. 77 rub.
Evelyn 132 rub. 199 rub. 140 rub.
Faberlic 229 rub. 229 rub. 229 rub.
Lowa Lowa 990 rub. 990 rub. 990 rub.
Cliven Young 310 rub. 260 rub. 260 rub.

Skin care after depilation

Depilation in intimate areas with cream should not be completed with a shower. After the procedure, it is necessary to treat the hair-free area with a moisturizing care product. Dermatologists recommend doing this not immediately after depilation, but after 15 minutes.

Manufacturers who offer post-depilation care products with the function of slowing down hair growth:

After depilation, you can also use a turmeric mask. It should be diluted with warm water and applied to the skin for 20 minutes. The product is effective against irritation.

As a treatment after chemical hair removal, a homemade oil-based cream is suitable. You need to mix the same amount (3 spoons) of almond oil with water and add Shea butter (7 spoons).

How to avoid burns during depilation and methods of their treatment

Depilation results in burns in the following cases:

  1. The skin is classified as delicate. She does not tolerate chemical exposure. Hair removal is possible only with the help of a specialist.
  2. Incorrect product selection. Depilatory cream must be selected taking into account the characteristics of the skin and the area of ​​the body being depilated.
  3. Incorrect use of the product. Keeping the cream on the skin for longer than the period specified by the manufacturer is prohibited.
  4. Skin irritation when washing off the product. Burns, irritation and redness may occur if you wash off the cream with a hard washcloth.

Warnings for burns:

Treatment of burns:

  1. Special ointment. At the pharmacy you need to buy “Bepanten” or “Rescuer” for burns. Regular use of the product will help the skin recover within a week.
  2. Mask. You will need cold milk and turmeric. The mask is effective for 15 minutes.
  3. Aloe. Should only be used to treat burns mature plant and only the lower leaves.
  4. Sea ​​buckthorn. The plant oil should be used to treat the affected area of ​​skin twice a day.
  5. Chamomile. Large quantity chamomile flowers need to be boiled over low heat, add mint. The affected area should be treated with a cooled decoction.