Equipment for heating a house with gas. Gas heating of a private house. Options, diagrams, selection of equipment. Water heating systems

Prices for gas heating of a private house on a turnkey basis

Choosing one heating scheme or another country house, the property owner strives to ensure maximum living comfort, but at minimal cost. For many reasons, it is rightfully considered ideal for private homes. gas heating, which is characterized by the greatest practicality and efficiency.

To achieve the optimal combination of gas heating efficiency and costs, it is important to take into account all factors, from the costs associated with the design and installation of the heating system, to the calculation of upcoming operating costs, including the cost of purchasing energy resources. It is also necessary to choose the right equipment, as well as evaluate your own wishes for such a method of improving the comfort of your stay. We will try to analyze all this more clearly in this article.

Types of gas fuel

The design features of the gas heating system of a private house are largely determined by the types of fuel used.

The most common for many reasons is natural gas. Almost all property owners give preference to it, but not everyone has access to such an energy resource. And although most of our country is considered gasified, there are settlements so remote from the main highways that connecting to them will require incredible financial and resource costs. Therefore, along with the supply of natural gas, today there are other types of supplies of such energy resources.

As an alternative to connecting to the central gas main, a propane-butane mixture is used, which is otherwise called liquefied gas. It can be supplied in cylinders if its consumption is small, for example, for country houses, or delivered in tanks for subsequent refilling of gas tanks - special tanks installed on a private plot. These containers are placed underground to protect their contents from exposure to solar energy or freezing temperatures. Considering the cost of preparing such a mixture and transportation costs, the price for this type of fuel is obviously several times higher than for natural gas. Therefore, such a system is less preferable, but it is widely and universally used as a way out in difficult situations.

Advantages of gas heating:

  • efficiency. Gas is produced on the territory of our country, and is not imported from abroad, and therefore is considered one of the cheapest types of fuel. If we compare it with diesel, the discrepancy in favor of natural gas is ten points, and coal is 3 times more expensive. In addition, the gas does not leave combustion residues in such volumes that the burner can be cleaned with high regularity.
  • comfort. Due to the almost complete combustion of fuel in gas boilers, the degree of wear is significantly reduced, due to which they are characterized by excellent durability. And the design itself is simple enough to master the functionality without any special knowledge. The almost silent operation of such heating equipment is also considered convenient, which reduces additional costs for the appropriate arrangement of the boiler room.
  • automation. Gas is more controllable than other types of energy resources, so automation on such equipment is today an example of human genius. There are already models whose operation does not require the participation of the owner at all.
  • environmental friendliness. Incineration waste is so insignificant that the risk of causing damage to nature during its disposal is minimal.
  • high explosion hazard. Both natural and liquefied gas are considered explosive. But subject to a gross violation of current rules and regulations both in the process of creating such heating and when using it. Strict adherence to the recommendations of the manufacturers of this equipment, as well as the requirements of SNiP, is guaranteed to protect the house and its residents. However, in order to comply with all the regulations, which are strictly controlled by special supervisory authorities, you will have to incur some material costs.
  • terms of Use. For the normal functioning of gas equipment, a number of requirements must be met. The pressure in the gas pipeline must correspond to the established parameters. It is also necessary to ensure that there is no dirt in the boiler room. This is not always possible to achieve, so it is better to get help from an experienced specialist who will assess the specific operating conditions and give advice on selecting the most adapted equipment.

If the advantages of gas heating relate to the period of operation, then the owner of a country house will have to face the disadvantages at the stage of arranging this system.

Automation of gas equipment performs several functions - from maintaining temperature, according to individual comfort requirements, to adjusting energy consumption parameters. The latter has become possible today after the use of special “outboard” temperature sensors in the circuits, in accordance with the readings of which the burner operating mode is set. Therefore, such “smart” equipment is able to independently determine in what volumes energy resources should be consumed depending on the time of day or weather conditions. On average, savings from such implementation reach 30%.

Gas boilers are perfectly synchronized with each other, thanks to which they can be used to assemble a perfectly functioning boiler room, the power of which will be unlimited. As practice shows, two boilers of lower power, but totally equivalent to one powerful one, will better cope with the task with higher efficiency. A classic of a modern heating system is the synchronization of two medium-power boilers used simultaneously in winter, and in summer - one of them for heating hot water.

Wall mounted gas boilers.

Wall-mounted gas boilers are considered optimal for private homes due to the fact that they take up minimal space.

Gas heating of a private house - turnkey gas heating installation services in private houses

Our company's specialists will help provide gas heating. Calculation, design, equipment delivery, installation. Affordable prices!

Gas heating in a country private house

Electric heating boilers are not installed in country houses

The affordable cost of liquefied gas has led to an increase in the popularity of its use as the main type of fuel for heating private country houses. In most cases, a gas heating system in a private house is organized by connecting natural gas. But even if there is no access to the main gas pipeline, you can always install equipment that runs on liquefied bottled fuel.

Benefits of using gas

Installing fuel boilers using natural or liquefied gas has a number of advantages compared to organizing a heating system based on liquid and solid fuel boiler units.

Among the most important, the following factors should be noted:

  • Affordable cost of equipment, its installation, and the fuel itself.
  • High reliability and durability of heating systems running on blue fuel.
  • The small dimensions of the equipment make it possible to install it in almost any room.
  • Double-circuit boilers make it possible to provide a country house not only with heat, but also hot water.
  • Compared to other types of heating systems, those that run on gas are the most environmentally friendly, since gas causes the least damage to the environment when burned.
  • Depending on the type of gas heating equipment selected, it can be installed both in the house and in a specially designated room, that is, in the boiler room.

Gas equipment calculation parameters

In order for gas equipment for heating a private home to fully meet its objectives, its selection is made on the basis of calculation. In this case, different parameters are taken into account, so it is better to entrust the calculation to specialists.

The main parameters are:

  • Boiler power or total power of all boilers in the installation.
  • Power of pumping equipment required for the installation of gas heating systems with forced movement of coolant.
  • Technical parameters of heating radiators that heat rooms in the house.
  • Possibility of installing additional heating systems, for example, heated floors.
  • Availability and number of hot water consumers (sinks, baths, Jacuzzis, swimming pools, etc.).

Equipment selection

Heating is a comprehensive solution to many issues

The operating principle of gas boilers is based on heating the coolant by burning fuel. In order for engineering systems to operate uninterruptedly, it is necessary to select the right equipment for gas heating of a private home.

Such equipment must meet a number of requirements:

  • Economical operation.
  • Safety and reliability.
  • Ease of use.
  • Minimum maintenance.
  • Suitable design (floor/wall).
  • Aesthetic appearance.

It is also worth considering the presence or absence of a special room where a boiler room can be equipped. There are models on the market that can be mounted directly into residential buildings, but most high-power units will require boiler room equipment.

Wall-mounted models are ideal for installation in areas such as the kitchen. Such units have an open or closed combustion chamber. If you have a chimney in your house, you can purchase a boiler in which the combustion chamber is open. If a chimney is not provided, only boilers with a closed chamber and a coaxial chimney can be installed.

Power, as noted above, is calculated based on the dimensions of the room. This can be done using a simple formula - the total area is multiplied by the height of the ceilings and the resulting result is divided by 25. The final figure will be the coefficient that is suitable for a private home. It is better to opt for a model with a little more power than the calculated one.

The last thing I would like to note when talking about choosing a boiler is the ability to switch between various types fuel. Universal boiler equipment represented on the market by almost all manufacturers. Most models have the ability to use two types of fuel. And the choice of option depends on which fuel is more available in a particular area.

Installation of a boiler room for a private house

When installing a heating system in a private home, the boiler room remains the most important component. The uninterrupted operation of the entire system, its safety and heating costs will depend on how correctly it is installed.

Requirements for these premises:

  • they are required to be equipped with a chimney, which must have a height of the outer pipe of at least 50 cm above the level of the roof ridge;
  • the room must have ventilation openings in the form of windows in the window opening and in the chimney;
  • the room must have a separate exit to the street and a doorway width of at least 80 cm;
  • Gas equipment should be installed at a distance of at least 30-40 cm from the wall.

In addition, for the installation of gas devices, you will need to draw up a project with the gas and technical supervision authorities and conclude a maintenance agreement. Without these pieces of paper, no master will agree to install gas devices, and the owner may receive high fines.

Automation for boilers

The main elements of the boiler room are:

  • A boiler that heats the coolant.
  • Boiler automation.
  • Recharge system.
  • Boiler (when installing a hot water supply system).
  • Security group.
  • Collecting and mixing equipment (collectors, pumps and other devices that distribute coolant along circuits).
  • Expansion tanks.
  • Chimney.
  • Boiler piping.
  • Boiler room wiring.

The most important equipment for the boiler room layout is the boiler. Its power directly determines not only the functioning, but also the configuration of the heating system.

Important! When choosing a unit, you need to take into account not only the calculated indicators, but also the total power of the remaining elements of the system and its additional components.

There are several main types of boilers, and each has its own technical, design and operational features. Boilers are:

  • Wall-mounted.
  • Floor-standing.
  • Single-circuit.
  • Dual-circuit.
  • With open camera.
  • With a closed camera.
  • Condensation.

Wall options

They are wall mounted and suitable for small houses and cottages. They do not require the installation of a special boiler room, since their package already includes everything necessary additional equipment, automation, security group, etc.

Their important advantage is the affordable cost - both of the equipment itself and of the system piping.

The main disadvantage is a shorter service life.

Floor models

They are ideal for installation in a boiler room. The heat exchanger of such units can be made of either steel or cast iron.

Cast iron equipment has a longer service life. But there is a risk of microcracks forming in the body of cast iron due to careless transportation or installation. As a result, equipment quickly breaks down.

However, cast iron heat exchangers have a unique function of replacing a part that has failed, which distinguishes them from steel devices.

Single-circuit and double-circuit devices

Schematic division of boilers

The first ones have only a heating circuit in their design. If it is necessary to install a hot water system based on it, it is necessary to organize indirect heating of water from the boiler.

Single-circuit devices have special outputs for connection to the boiler. This solution allows the system to easily cope with even peak hot water consumption, ensuring complete uninterrupted water supply.

Double-circuit devices, as their name implies, have two circuits inside the housing - heating and hot water supply, which makes it possible to power two engineering systems from one unit.

Water for domestic hot water will be heated directly in the boiler through a second heat exchanger. According to the principle of operation, the heat exchanger resembles a conventional instantaneous water heater. Despite all the advantages of dual-circuit units, we must not forget that the priority is the DHW circuit. As a result, during water heating, the heating circuit is turned off, which leads to a gradual cooling of the radiators.

Such equipment is more suitable for small houses with minimum quantity consumers of hot water or for houses with periodic residence.

Installing dual-circuit devices allows you to reduce the cost of installing a boiler room. All necessary additional equipment is integrated into the unit body. In fact, when installing a boiler room based on double-circuit models, it is enough to install only the boiler without additional equipment, which allows you to significantly minimize the cost of piping the boiler room.

Boilers with closed and open combustion chamber

Range of modern heating equipment

Units in which the combustion chamber is closed, or so-called coaxial, do not require a chimney. Their design uses a forced-air burner, as a result of which combustion products are forced out, and air is also taken from the outside.

The main disadvantage of models with a closed chamber is the noise that the fan built into the forced-air burner makes during operation. Therefore, these models are more suitable for arranging a separate boiler room than for installation in a residential area.

Boilers with an open combustion chamber are equipped with an atmospheric burner. In this case, the products formed during the combustion of gas or other fuel are discharged to the street through a regular chimney.

Such devices have a simple design and do not require complex maintenance. Their drawback is the need for a full-fledged chimney, which is best incorporated into the architecture of the building at the design stage. If the chimney was not provided, it will have to be installed, which will lead to a significant increase in the cost of equipping the boiler room.

Condensing boilers

Such units appeared on the market relatively recently. During operation, they use not only the energy generated as a result of fuel combustion, but also the energy of condensation of steam from flue gases.

Pay attention! The most important advantage of condensing-type devices is their high efficiency and, as a result, energy efficiency of use.

Another important advantage is the absence of the need to install a full-fledged chimney. The exhaust gas combustion products are removed using plastic smoke exhaust systems.

Viessmann Vitocrossal 200 cm2

The boiler room is piped with polypropylene, copper or steel pipes. Polypropylene strapping is low cost and easy to install. When choosing this method, it should be taken into account that the material may deform over time. Despite this, for piping boiler rooms in private homes polypropylene pipes are used most often.

Copper piping is not only durable, but also aesthetically pleasing. However, it is used extremely rarely due to its high cost. Steel pipe was traditionally used for piping, but today it has been almost completely replaced from the market by modern materials.

When installing boiler equipment of very high power, only steel piping is possible, since this material can easily withstand even very high loads.

Heating system design

Installation of a heating system is one of the most difficult engineering tasks when building a private house. Experts do not recommend installing such systems yourself.

All installation work is carried out on the basis of a project developed only by qualified specialists. The project includes power calculation and complete set of everything necessary equipment, as well as heating main wiring diagrams, location of heating devices and additional system elements.

Schematic diagram of an apartment water heating system

The actual installation work is carried out in several stages:

  • Laying communications (on the ceiling, in the floor, in the walls).
  • Boiler room installation (direct installation of the boiler).
  • Installation of heated floors if necessary.
  • Installation of radiators.
  • Checking the installed system and putting it into operation.

Pay attention! Work on the installation of gas equipment must be carried out by persons who have permission and a license to carry out this work.


Despite the complexity of installing autonomous heating systems in individual country houses, they are becoming increasingly popular. The most appropriate is the installation of such systems based on gas boiler equipment. Manufacturers present a variety of models that allow them to meet the urgent needs of any homeowner.

Heating in a private house with gas boilers - what a homeowner needs to know

Heating in a private house can be carried out from various sources energy - solid, liquid fuel or electricity. But the most popular and inexpensive are gas heating boilers different functionality and location.

Gas heating of a country house

Among benefits can be distinguished

  • ease of operation;
  • high efficiency of gas boilers, which means high efficiency of the system as a whole;
  • almost complete automation;
  • rapid heating of rooms of any size;
  • high efficiency associated with low fuel costs and low operating costs.
  • environmental cleanliness and safety, since the percentage of harmful substances in emissions is very small.

High requirements for safety and reliability apply to gas heating at home, since heating is carried out through the use of flammable combustible substances using sophisticated equipment. Therefore, in order to avoid accidents, all design, installation and commissioning work must be carried out by highly qualified specialists with experience. Also, during the operation of a gas heating system, it is necessary to periodically monitor and prevent gas burners, taps and automation. To avoid such work emergency situations it should also be entrusted to specialists from service centers.

Among the disadvantages can be noted

  • the need for mandatory compliance with fire safety rules when using gas equipment;
  • mandatory presence project documentation, certified by the relevant authorities, before starting the installation of a gas heating system;
  • It is necessary to have a pipeline for fuel supply and a chimney;
  • the need for periodic preventative maintenance.

But, despite the above disadvantages, gas heating, due to the low price of fuel, continues to remain the most popular option for heating country houses.

Types of gas equipment for summer cottages and cottages

Gas boilers are usually divided into floor-mounted and wall-mounted.

Boilers There are steel and cast iron. They are no different in power, but steel ones are several times lighter, although the service life of cast iron ones significantly exceeds the service life of steel ones, so when installing a gas system, it is better to choose a cast iron boiler.

The correct design, installation and operation of the heating system has no less influence than the heat exchanger material on the service life of the boiler.

Wall-mounted boilers can be called a “boiler room in miniature”, because in a small case there is not only a burner, a heat exchanger and a control device, but also one or two circulation pumps, an expansion tank, a pressure gauge, a thermometer, a system that ensures the safe operation of the boiler and many other elements, without which the operation of a normal boiler house is indispensable.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that according to the method of removing exhaust gases, boilers are divided into models with natural and forced draft. In forced draft boilers, exhaust gases are removed using a fan built into the boiler. Such models are ideal for rooms without a traditional chimney, since combustion products in this case are discharged through a special coaxial chimney, for which it is enough to make only a hole in the wall.

Estimates of finished work

Types of gas equipment for summer cottages

The cottage's gas equipment is not represented by single models.

Boilers are made of steel and cast iron. They are no different in power, but steel ones are several times lighter, although the service life of cast iron ones significantly exceeds the service life of steel ones, so when installing a gas system, it is better to choose a cast iron boiler.

The advantage of this type of equipment is that you may not need repairs in the future.

Installation of gas heating

If you need to provide high-quality, reliable systems with gas, we suggest contacting our specialists who have extensive experience. Our company carries out technical calculations for heating a residential building, selects the optimal equipment, and installs gas heating or gas boilers. We offer a safe, economical solution for heating a cottage at affordable prices.

Gas heating boilers in a private house - installation, installation, repair of a gas heating system for a country house

Our experts will tell you how to properly organize a gas heating system. Specially designed gas heating for the cottage will keep the whole family warm and calm.

Gas heating of a private house: main gas and bottled gas, choice of equipment

To solve the issue of gas heating in a private home, you need to decide on the source of gas supply: connecting to a gas main or using liquefied bottled gas. The second task is to make a choice of gas equipment: install a gas boiler, convector, or both. Now we will analyze all the components of this task in detail.

Connection to the gas main

It is possible to connect to an existing pipeline if a gas pipeline is nearby. To do this, turn to specialists. Gas is a deservedly popular fuel, environmentally friendly, but if handled incorrectly it can be dangerous. Therefore, they turn to gas workers and create a house gasification project, where a wiring diagram is drawn on the house plan gas pipes, place of installation of gas appliances. The situational plan shows the location of the tie-in into the existing gas pipeline and the supply of gas pipes to the house. The specification indicates all materials and in what quantities they are needed to complete the gasification specified in the project. IN explanatory note describes the necessary safety actions.

The underground part of the gas pipeline is made of polyethylene pipes. Overhead gas pipeline made of electric-welded steel pipes.

If there is a gas distribution substation, it receives main gas and reduces the pressure in the pipes that lead gas to residential buildings. Now they often use another method of lowering the pressure of gas flowing into homes. Gas distribution substations are not being built, which reduces the cost of gasification, for example, of villages. The main gas flows through the streets at medium pressure, and when the gas pipeline enters the territory of a household, a reducer is installed that reduces the pressure in the pipe to low pressure.

For the owner of a house that is being gasified, it matters which heating device he chooses. Read separately about heating systems in a private home.

A) Heating device: boiler

If the household will be heated using a gas boiler, then it is necessary to install steam heating in the house. The design must provide for a sufficient slope of the heating pipes so that the system is gravity-flowing and warms up well; the movement of water in the system can be forced by installing a pump.

The boiler power is determined by the heated area and heat losses of the household, and a thermal engineering calculation is made. You can calculate the required boiler power based on the volume of water in the system.

Floor standing boiler installed in a small room - a furnace room. The combustion products are removed through the chimney. The combustion room is provided with natural and supply and exhaust ventilation. A window is made in the room. The door to the furnace room is cut by 3 cm; the door should open outward. An exhaust hood is installed for supply and exhaust ventilation.

Safety precautions provide for a gas alarm in the room where the boiler is installed at a height of 0.5 m from the ceiling and at a distance of one meter from the heating device. Read more about the room requirements for installing a gas boiler here.

Wall boiler in many ways more convenient and comfortable than floor-mounted. Installed on the wall, does not require much space. Supplied with a pump.

Single-circuit ones provide space heating, double-circuit ones also solve the issue of hot water supply. A wall-mounted boiler is called a “furnace in a box.” For such boilers there is no need to build chimneys or break through the ceiling of the house. Combustion products are forced out through a special pipe in the wall.

The wall-mounted boiler has an electrical connection. This point contains possible disadvantages in operating the boiler. If the light turns off, the boiler will not work. Required good quality supplied electricity.

b) Heating device: convector

A gas convector is a device that resembles a fireplace or a free-standing radiator or heater. Modern convectors have a decorative, neat appearance. There is a large selection on the market from different manufacturers.

In a room with a convector, an exhaust hood must be installed. This is due to the property of gas, when there is a leak, to rise upward and create an accumulation, for example, under the ceiling. When sparked, the gas can explode; it is not for nothing that it is called “explosive”. Leakage is unlikely and is possible only from pipe joints if some processes have occurred there over time. Gas workers call this event reinsurance. The convector is considered a safe device.

Gas convector – has its pros and cons:

+ the convector has such a device that when heating oxygen in the room is not burned, air intake for combustion is done outside the living space,

+ combustion products are removed outside the living space, no additional measures are necessary,

+ the room temperature is easily regulated, the set mode is maintained,

Having a convector in a room may cause some inconvenience,

Through hoods installed in a room with a convector, fresh air enters the room, but also cold during the cool season, so users plug them with something.

The principle of heating with main gas: main gas from the point of connection through the gas pipeline leading to the household is supplied to the furnace room to the boiler, which heats the water in the heating system or the gas pipeline supplies gas to the convectors.

Use of liquefied bottled gas

Household heating with bottled liquefied gas is one of the varieties autonomous heating. Any boiler can be configured to operate on liquefied gas; the burners are replaced. When choosing a boiler, you should pay attention to the minimum pressure at which it can continue to operate. This will help the boiler to consume the gas from the cylinder as much as possible. Convectors can be used to operate on liquefied gas, this is one of their advantages.

If main gas is not available, you can heat with liquefied gas. For the device you will need: cylinders, combs and reducers, hoses.

Device principle

Cylinders are combined into a group - usually from three to ten.

In a house with an area of ​​120 square meters, with heat loss measures taken: fiberglass windows, no drafts, cracks sealed, the house is insulated, approximately 12 kg of gas will be consumed per day for heating, which means that 8-10 fifty-liter cylinders will be required per month.

A cylinder or group of cylinders is placed outside the living space, the gas from them is supplied through a small gas pipeline to the boiler room where the boiler is located or directly to the convectors.

More modern method liquefied gas heating devices using special tanks - gas holders. Gas tanks are placed above the ground or underground. You will need: gas pressure regulators, relief valves and safety shut-off valves, shut-off valves, instrumentation, pipelines, gas tanks. A gas pipeline is installed from the gas tank to the boiler room (furnace) or to the convectors. The gas tank is located at a distance of at least ten meters from the house.

A house with an area of ​​two hundred square meters, heated with liquefied gas from a gas tank with a capacity of five cubic meters using a boiler with a capacity of 20 kilowatts, uses one or two gas tanks of gas per year. The installation of this heating system is carried out only by specialists.

Advantages and disadvantages of heating with liquefied gas:

Gas is environmentally friendly pure species fuel. Private house Heated by gas, it becomes more comfortable and cozy. For all possible cases of country life, you can find a convenient and suitable option for gasification of a household.

Gas heating of a private house: selection of equipment

Gas heating of a private house, main gas and bottled gas, heating with boilers and convectors, principle of construction.

The concept of “autonomy” implies independence. If we talk about heating, then there is still a dependence – fuel. Today, the most popular “refueling” is gas. Therefore, to create such a system, you will need a gas boiler, which will be located in the house or an extension to it. Autonomous heating should be considered at the stage of purchasing or building a home. This is something worth talking about.

Equipment for arrangement

The creation of any heating system requires financial investment. But a lot depends not only on the quadrature, but also on the gas itself. When it is possible to connect to the central highway, then problems with “refueling” do not arise. But what to do when there is no such option?

The main task is to think through the delivery and storage of gas. Today it has become very popular to install gas tanks on your property. They are metal containers large sizes, where gas is pumped using special equipment. Such a “barrel” is dug into the site so that it is below the freezing point of the soil. But in some cases they can make an exception and install a container on the surface (if the region has mild winters or the gas tank is protected from frost). As for volumes, it all depends on fuel consumption.

It’s worth saying right away that a gas tank is not cheap, and it’s extremely difficult to install it yourself. In order to somewhat reduce the costs of arranging such autonomous system, you can agree with the owners of nearby plots on joint acquisition. By calculating individual gas consumption, you can select the optimal volume of the gas tank. Then the specific installation point is simply determined.

Also, the autonomous gas system will contain other mandatory elements:

  1. Gas heat generator. The power of the boiler depends on the size of the house it will heat. There are two main types of installation - on the floor or on the wall. This does not affect the functionality of the equipment in any way. Floor-standing models are chosen by those who cannot, for some reason, mount the boiler on the wall, for example, if it is framed with plasterboard.
  2. System of pipes and batteries. These elements touch almost every room in the house. Here it is worth paying attention not only to the price, but also to the performance characteristics. To do this, you will first need to decide on the boiler, because each model has its own heating range. Today, the most optimal material for pipes is metal-plastic. Well, as for radiators, everyone chooses them themselves, focusing on aesthetic preferences.

  1. Shut-off valves. It is mounted in the circuit to enhance the saving effect. It is designed to control the supply of coolant and open the circuit. The main elements are shut-off and ball valves for radiators, needle valves and gate valves. Although these elements are small in size, the reliability of the entire system depends on their quality.
  2. Operation control and regulation systems. Such elements allow you to achieve even greater savings in heating. Automation provides control over gas consumption, focusing on the temperature in the rooms. The pressure control system in the boiler also helps to optimize operation. Modern equipment, in most cases, already has these systems built-in. But if you wish, you can purchase a simpler model and gradually improve it.

It is important not only to want to make the house warm, but also to make miscalculations from the standpoint of economic feasibility. This will require a project plan. It indicates all the required components of the system, down to the name of the equipment and its power. If you wish, you can do this work yourself. But if there is no basic understanding, then it is better to entrust all the work to professionals.

Autonomous heating options

Electric and air heating systems are popular abroad. Water or antifreeze is used as a coolant. The main problem is choosing a heat source. The most popular boiler options are gas, electric and diesel. But there are also combined devices.

For private homes, it is important to choose a heating system that not only fits within a certain financial framework, but also pays off as quickly as possible. There are three main options:

  1. Radiator heating. In this case, batteries and gas convectors are used, through which the heated coolant will flow. Heating radiators are devices of the convective-radiative principle. Their design contains round or elliptical sections, which are located separately from each other. Can be made of cast iron, steel, aluminum or bimetal. If we talk about convectors, then these devices operate on the principle of convection. But radiator heating causes the air in the room to move, causing all the dust to rise.

  1. Warm floor. A pipe system is installed in the floor through which the coolant will circulate. With this option, the room is heated evenly. But here it will be necessary to carry out major work - leveling the rough base, calculating the length of the coil, pouring a concrete screed, laying the final coating. Here the coolant will have a lower temperature than in the previous version, which causes fuel consumption to decrease.

    And the installation cost is 15-20% lower than that of radiator heating.

  1. Air heating. Here air acts as a coolant. This approach is relevant for rooms where there is high humidity, for example, a swimming pool or garage. In this case, financial investments will be minimal. But the air mobility is the highest here, and the largest heat losses are also observed.

For maximum effect, it is better to try to combine all of the above options into one system. Just choose your own heating type for each room.

Turnkey services

When there is no desire or knowledge to do all the work with your own hands, then there is always the opportunity to turn to professionals. Competent and trained people will not only provide finished project or they will carry out the entire installation, but also offer to purchase all the elements at once from the company. Of course, all this will cost money.

The price of autonomous heating depends on the following factors:

  • the size and number of floors of the housing with which to work;
  • what is the total power of all additional elements (swimming pool, bathhouse, sauna, etc.), if any;
  • will it be necessary to carry out extra work, for example, increase the length of the gas pipeline or dig pits;
  • does the client want to create any other protection systems in addition to the standard set;

  • if the client has specific wishes for equipment companies.

All these points will affect the final figure of the project. But usually firms already have standard development plans.

On average, services look like this:

  • purchase of a gas boiler with medium technical indicators– price 25,000 – 50,000 rubles;
  • all materials and components of the autonomous system – 35,000 – 50,000 rubles;
  • materials and components for creating a hot water supply system - price 7,000 - 10,000 rubles;
  • installation of radiators - from 1000 rubles per piece;
  • installation and connection of a heat generator to the system: wall-mounted type - from 7,500 rubles, floor-mounted type - from 10,000 rubles;
  • fixing and connecting a boiler for heating water: ordinary - from 1800 rubles, indirect type - from 5000 rubles;
  • replacement of old batteries – from 2000 rubles per unit;
  • boiler room piping (up to 40 kW) – from 15,000 rubles;
  • installation and connection to the radial heating system of the collector - 2500 rubles per piece;
  • manifold with standard equipment (mixing unit and pump) for heated floors (installation and connection) – 2600 per sq.m.;
  • arrangement of an internal cabinet for the collector - 1200 rubles per piece;
  • installation of a water floor with a substrate - 250 rubles per sq.m.;
  • installation of an in-floor radiator – 3,500 rubles per piece;
  • installation of a single-circuit heat generator together with indirect boiler– 7500 rubles per piece;
  • installation of a pipeline for a heating system: metal - 125 rubles per meter, PPR - 85 rubles per meter, cross-linked polyethylene - 60 rubles per meter, copper - 125 rubles per meter;
  • piping of a single-circuit floor-standing boiler – 2500 rubles;
  • piping of a wall-mounted double-circuit boiler - 2000 rubles;
  • arrangement of heating points - price 40 rubles per point;
  • pipeline insulation – 40 rubles per meter;
  • installation of a floor-standing gas boiler - from 8,000 rubles per piece;
  • arrangement of a combined type boiler room - from 15,000 rubles;
  • boiler copper piping – from 7,500 rubles;
  • creation of a pumping group - price 3,000 rubles;

  • installation of a chimney pipe: turbocharged type - from 2000 rubles, galvanized - from 5000 rubles;
  • boiler house project – from 3,000 rubles;
  • installation and adjustment of boiler equipment - from 7,500 rubles;
  • preparation of documentation for an autonomous system - 45,000 rubles.

All the above figures are approximate, since a lot depends on the image of the company and the region.

Creation of autonomous heating with a gas holder

Today, many people prefer complete independence. For this purpose, they install a special gas tank on their site - a gas holder. Depending on the volume, such a refill may last for at least 2-3 years. From a financial investment point of view, this is a very good option. But how much will the arrangement cost?

Project for a house 50-100 sq.m.:

  • purchase of a gas tank for 2700 liters - from 150,000 rubles;
  • installation in a finished pit (gas main, concrete slab with clamps, consumables, basement inlet) - from 60,000 rubles;
  • installation with excavation work using equipment - from 78,000 rubles;
  • installation of a condenser – 10,000 rubles;
  • purchase of a gas boiler: single-circuit – from 29,000 rubles, double-circuit – from 33,000 rubles.

Total: approximately 400,000 rubles.

Project for a house of 100-350 sq.m.:

  • purchase of a gas tank for 4850 liters - from 175,000 rubles;
  • installation in a finished pit - 64,000 rubles;
  • preparation of a pit using equipment – ​​79,000 rubles;
  • gas protection system – 6,000 rubles;
  • gas shut-off valve – 6,000 rubles;
  • installation of a pressure gauge – 4,000 rubles;
  • equipping the system with anodic-cathodic protection – 12,000 rubles;
  • purchase of a gas boiler: single-circuit – from 29,000 rubles, double-circuit – from 37,000 rubles, single-circuit condensing – 62,000 rubles.

Total: approximately 415,000 rubles.

Project for a house of 350-500 sq.m.:

  • purchase of a gas tank – from 240,000 rubles;
  • installation without ordering excavation work - from 64,000 rubles;
  • installation with excavation work using company equipment - from 84,000 rubles;
  • installation of a condensate system – 14,000 rubles;
  • gas protection system – 6,000 rubles;
  • gas shut-off valve – 6,000 rubles;
  • installation of a pressure gauge – 4,000 rubles;
  • equipping the system with anodic-cathodic protection – 12,000 rubles;
  • purchase of a gas boiler: single-circuit – from 29,000 rubles, double-circuit – from 33,000 rubles, single-circuit condensing – from 62,000 rubles.

Total: approximately 460,000 rubles

Project for a house of 500-700 sq.m.:

  • purchase of a gas tank for 9150 liters - from 350,000 rubles;
  • installation in a finished pit - 69,000 rubles;
  • preparation of a pit using equipment – ​​89,000 rubles;
  • installation of a condensate system – 14,000 rubles;
  • gas protection system – 6,000 rubles;
  • gas shut-off valve – 6,000 rubles;
  • installation of a pressure gauge – 4,000 rubles;
  • connecting a remote level meter – 15,000 rubles;
  • equipping the system with anodic-cathodic protection – 12,000 rubles;
  • purchase of a gas boiler: single-circuit – from 30,000 rubles, double-circuit – from 39,000 rubles, single-circuit condensing – 65,000 rubles.

Total: approximately 600,000 rubles.

Projects with gas tanks are an order of magnitude more expensive than installing a simple gas heating system. Although you can compare prices from different representatives, the difference here will not be significant. But they create complete autonomy from any gas mains. True, such equipment must be serviced every year, and from the company that installed the equipment.

Using gas heating in a private home is one of the most effective and economical options when choosing heating systems. However, in order for the system to work properly, many details must be provided before installation. In particular, you will need to select equipment suitable power, develop an effective piping that will ensure minimal heat loss, and decide which gas source will be used to operate the equipment.

Gas sources

Natural gas is a universal type of fuel, which can be obtained from a transportation pipeline (provided it is available nearby) or liquefied gas can be used from special storage tanks. The main advantage of gas is its high energy efficiency. At an affordable price, it has a high combustion temperature, allowing an efficiency of 95% of the power of boilers and boiler equipment.

Main pipeline

Gas heating when connected to a main pipeline is the cheapest and most energy-efficient option for a country house. If there is a gas main in the village or near your home, you need to arrange a connection to it and receive fuel in the required quantity. The use of main gas pipelines has the following advantages:

  • stable pressure in the network, no need to calibrate boiler equipment, or worry that if the pressure drops, the heating efficiency will decrease;
  • high quality fuel. The gas in the pipeline meets supply standards, has a high degree of purification and calorie content, ensuring effective heating;
  • affordable price compared to other energy sources, as well as liquefied gas.

The only drawback, perhaps, is the inability to control the pressure, turning on and off the main gas supply. If the gas supply in your area is unstable, you need to be prepared for this in advance.

Gas holder

Gas heating using a gas holder is an effective solution for facilities that do not have the ability to connect to main lines, but require a significant fuel resource to ensure the operation of several heating points, heating and water heating at once. The gas holder is a steel container designed for operation in conditions high pressure. The tank is equipped with shut-off valves and other devices for injection and subsequent release of gas into the domestic gas pipeline system.

The use of gas holders has the following advantages:

  • independent control of gas supply parameters, you can adjust the pressure and other characteristics in the gas system;
  • independence from failures in the main system, completely autonomous heating in the house;
  • quite a large supply of gas. Refilling is required once a month with reasonable consumption and choosing a container of suitable capacity.

The disadvantage of a gas holder is that it is actually a container with a flammable substance located on the territory of a suburban area. To eliminate any malfunctions and the likelihood of emergencies, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules for the installation and operation of gas tanks. The rules are developed by the equipment manufacturer and are specified in the state standard for conducting installation work. In addition, in order to install a gas tank and conduct gas from it, it is necessary to obtain permission from the authorities, for which the project will need to be approved by the city gas department.


Heating using liquefied gas cylinders is a rather labor-intensive process. Since gas cylinders have a small volume (up to 100 liters), they often have to be changed and refilled. This option for individual heating is used in cases where we are talking about seasonal housing, where the owners stay for several weeks throughout the winter. In such conditions, installing a gas tank is impractical due to the high price and complexity of the project. Gas supply using cylinders has the following advantages:

  • suitable for situations where heating is needed for several weeks throughout the winter;
  • allows you to save money by eliminating the need to operate complex gas equipment;
  • no project development or approval is required.

In the case of gas cylinders, the same problem occurs as with a gas holder. Operating containers with flammable substances can be dangerous if the rules are not followed. A separate room must be equipped for cylinders to prevent the possibility of overheating and accidental fire with subsequent detonation of other containers. If technological rules are observed, risks are reduced to a minimum level.

Choosing a gas boiler

Gas equipment includes boilers, without which heating a home is impossible. The choice of a gas heating boiler should be approached extremely carefully, taking into account the fact that there are many models on sale, designed for different operating conditions.

Boilers differ in the following parameters:

  • installation location (wall, floor);
  • number of circuits (single-circuit only for heating and double-circuit, combining the functions of heating and heating water for domestic needs);
  • type of traction (natural or forced);
  • burner option (atmospheric or supercharged);
  • type of combustion chamber (open or closed with afterburning of condensation gases, which increases the efficiency of the boiler).

Many boilers are equipped with an automation system that monitors the presence of fire when the gas is on and shuts off the supply when it dies out, as well as automation that regulates the temperature of the coolant. Modern gas boilers have electronic or analogue controls that allow you to regulate the heating temperature with high precision.

Pay attention! An important factor is the power of the boiler. It is calculated based on the fact that 1 kW of energy heats 10 m2 at standard height ceiling.

These figures may fluctuate slightly depending on how well the room is insulated. When calculating, you need to take a gas boiler with a margin of 10-15% of the maximum required power. This will allow the equipment to operate without overload and extend its service life.

Thanks to its fairly simple design, you can install gas boiler equipment yourself. The challenge is to correctly connect the water circuits, gas supply and exhaust of the chimney system.

Installation Requirements

Any heating project requires approval from the City Gas Agency and a number of other services and authorities. Permission to install the boiler will only be given if the installation of the equipment is carried out taking into account the current regulations.

The basic rules for installing gas equipment are as follows:

  • a special room must be allocated for the installation of a gas boiler; it is prohibited to install boilers in corridors, kitchens and living rooms;
  • the installation room must have supply and exhaust ventilation, a window or a vent for air circulation;
  • the boiler is installed on a durable, non-flammable base made of concrete, stone, brick or other similar material;
  • the boiler must be equipped with a chimney to remove combustion products and prevent their accumulation in the room where the equipment is operated;
  • there should not be any in the room with the boiler gas cylinders and other flammable and explosive items.

It is also necessary to agree design requirements when installing gas tanks. Gas tanks must be installed outdoors, at a certain distance from residential and technical facilities, at a depth that meets safety requirements.

If installation rules are violated, you may receive a fine from the inspection authorities, even to the extent that the equipment will be sealed until all deficiencies that could lead to an accident are corrected.

Other important equipment

Instead of gas boilers, convectors can be used for heating. They convert energy from gas combustion into infrared (thermal) radiation. Such gas equipment is suitable for additional heating, installation in a country house, garage or country house, subject to a temporary stay there. Many gas convectors are portable equipment. There is no need to obtain permits for their installation; you just need to adhere to basic safety rules.

Do not also forget that when connecting gas, additional equipment will be required, such as meters, pressure sensors, pumps, pipes for the chimney and for the water circuit. Radiators will be required and, most likely, gas stove for cooking.

Heating device diagram

In order for the heating to work efficiently and without failures, it is necessary to correctly wire the system. Wiring refers to all the equipment used and the methods for connecting it to the network.

The following heating device schemes differ:

  • gravity flow. Their advantage is their comparative cheapness, since they do not require pumping equipment; water circulates under the influence of gravity. However, such systems can only be used in small one-story buildings. If the system has a significant volume of coolant and has a complex circuit route, then this scheme will not be suitable;
  • forced. The coolant moves using a circulation pump. The advantage is that the rapid movement of the coolant allows the temperature to be uniformly transferred throughout the entire system, eliminating overheating or cooling of the pipes. The disadvantage is the need to purchase additional circulation pumping equipment.

To increase the efficiency of boilers and the heating system as a whole, storage tanks can be installed. The heat storage tank should be located in close proximity to the gas boiler and connected to the hot and cold circuit. Accumulates in the container hot water, which allows you to stabilize the temperature difference at the inlet and outlet of the boiler, and also provides a small reserve of prepared coolant after the boiler is turned off.

There are many connection schemes using various useful components that increase the efficiency of heating. Before drawing up a project, it is recommended to consult with a specialist in this field.

Natural gas is constantly becoming more expensive, but gas heating still remains the most popular option for heating a private home. The main reasons: efficiency, ease of use and reliability of power supply - the pipe is closed much less often than the electricity is turned off. The price of fuel depends on the country and region of residence.

To make a gas heating system for a country cottage or summer house, you need to clarify a number of points in advance:

  1. Assess the possibility of connecting main gas or installing a container for a supply of propane-butane mixture - a gas holder.
  2. Select a heat source designed to burn gaseous fuel.
  3. Develop a scheme for efficient heating of rooms.

Methods of gasification of a residential building

There are 3 options for supplying natural gas for heating needs:

  • connect to the nearest highway;
  • install an underground (ground) gas tank in the local area and install a fuel supply pipe into the building;
  • use fuel in cylinders.

Reference. Centralized gas supply networks supply methane, gas tanks and cylinders are filled with a liquefied hydrocarbon mixture (abbreviated as LPG) propane + butane.

Scheme of autonomous gasification of a home from a ramp with propane cylinders

Each of the listed methods has its pros and cons. The simplest and cheap option– mount the gas cylinder ramp inside a metal cabinet installed outside the house. Permits and professional installation you won’t need it – you can do all the work yourself. The problem lies in the operation of the installation:

  • to properly heat a home for 2-3 days you will need at least 4 cylinders plus two in reserve;
  • twice a week you will have to refill empty tanks with bottled gas - carry and transport heavy containers;
  • during transportation you may be stopped and fined by a police officer, the reason is transportation of dangerous pressure vessels in a regular car;
  • In winter, the cabinet with cylinders must be heated, otherwise the propane will stop evaporating, and electricity costs will be added to the total cost of heating.

Preliminary conclusion. Heating a residential country house using propane cylinders is extremely inconvenient and expensive. This option is suitable for a small dacha, where autonomous heating is turned on periodically, 5-6 days a month.

How to install main gas

The procedure for connecting heating equipment to an external gas network in the post-Soviet countries is approximately the same. If the low pressure line runs close to your home (no further than 200 m), collect the following package of documents:

  • project documentation - layout of the land plot (with all buildings), building passport;
  • certificate of ownership;
  • situational plan - part of the diagram of a populated area with a gas pipeline;
  • an application in the prescribed form indicating personal data, residential address and other information;
  • fuel consumption, m³/h.

Calculation example. A two-story house with an area of ​​200 square meters is planned to be heated by an economical gas boiler with a closed chamber, productivity - 20 kW, efficiency = 92%. Fuel consumption in maximum combustion mode will be V = 20 / (9.2 x 92 / 100) = 2 m³/h.

You submit the collected documents to the customer department of the gas supplier organization. After approval you will be given technical specifications for connection, which are the basis for designing external and internal fuel networks. You order a project, agree with the service provider and begin installation.

Laying a gas pipeline aboveground (left) and underground (photo on the right)

Important point. If gas equipment for the home can be installed independently, then the laying of pipelines and connection to the main line is carried out only by a specialized company. Upon completion, certificates of completed work and readiness of the facility for operation are drawn up. A detailed description of the procedure is given in the article on the heater.

The cottage heating system, which consumes main gas, is very convenient and profitable to operate (excluding countries where the price of fuel has increased 5-10 times). Now about the disadvantages:

  1. Unreasonably high cost of connecting to a centralized gas supply network. In the Moscow region. In the Russian Federation, the price of the service often reaches 7500 USD. e. (more than 500 thousand rubles), residents of remote regions can meet 1000 USD. e.
  2. Bureaucratic red tape when obtaining permits and concluding contracts.
  3. Dependence on an external source of blue fuel supply. IN recent years users in the CIS countries note the supply of low-calorie gas, presumably diluted with nitrogen.

Before installing the gas pipeline, you need to buy a meter, shut-off valves and pipes specified in the project

To install or replace equipment in a gasified home, you must, again, contact Gorgaz - obtain permission and make changes to the project. Setting up individual heating in an apartment in a multi-storey building is an almost impossible mission.

Autonomous heating with liquefied propane

The installation of independent gas heating involves placing an underground or above-ground tank in the area adjacent to the house and laying a supply pipeline. For clarity, we will give a more detailed list of design, construction and installation works:

Important addition. Before installing an LPG tank, you must obtain permission from the district architect and agree in writing on the placement of the tank with your neighbors. A package of documents - a building passport, a site plan, a certificate of ownership and various certificates as required by the architectural department. Unauthorized construction is unacceptable - the facility will not be accepted for operation, and no one will fill the gas tank without permission.

When installing the container, you must maintain the specified distances to the nearest objects

It will not be possible to carry out the entire complex of work with your own hands - you will have to hire a specialized company. The cost of turnkey construction starts from 1500 USD. e., which is comparable to connecting the main methane. What pitfalls await you when choosing a container and paying for installers:

Advice. It is better not to buy overtly cheap gas tanks; such tanks are made from used metal vessels. The service life of a restored tank is 10 years, a new one is at least 25 years.

Don’t rush to sign a service agreement for the tank, since there is nothing to repair or clean, and you will have to pay money. We recommend listening to the opinion in the video:

Conclusion. Both options - heating the house with liquefied and natural gas - are expensive to implement. In terms of operating costs, methane clearly wins, and in terms of autonomy, LPG wins. But if you offer another choice - gas or electric heating, then the latter will clearly lose in terms of the average cost per kilowatt, even taking into account the preferential night tariff.

Choosing heating equipment

To burn gas to heat private houses, 4 types of heat generators are used:

  • hot water boilers;
  • gas convectors and fireplaces;
  • infrared heaters;
  • heat guns.

From the name it is clear that gas boiler units are designed to work with water heating systems - radiators or heated floors. Infrared devices heat objects and open surfaces, transferring heat to the indoor air. Fireplaces, convectors and fan heaters are purely air units.

Heat gas guns and infrared heating devices are practically not used for full heating of residential buildings. Such equipment is ideal for small country houses and outbuildings - greenhouses, sheds, construction sites and so on. Therefore, we propose to focus on stationary heat sources - boilers and convectors.

Types of water heating devices

Gas boilers can work with any water systems - heated floors, radiators, in-floor convectors and baseboard heaters. In large-area cottages on 2-4 floors, a more modern solution is often implemented - the device prepares the coolant for the units air heating– water heaters or fan coils.

According to the principle of operation, boilers are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Atmospheric ones with an open chamber work thanks to the natural draft that occurs in a chimney pipe of a certain height (4...6 meters or more). The air required for combustion is drawn into the furnace from the boiler room; the efficiency of the devices lies in the range of 86...90%.
  2. Turbocharged ones with a closed chamber are more economical. Here, air is forced inside the sealed firebox by a fan connected to a double-walled coaxial chimney. Natural draft is not required, the efficiency of the units reaches 93%.
  3. Condensing heat generators are similar in structure to turbocharged models. The difference lies in the design of the burner and the main cylindrical heat exchanger. In low-temperature mode, the boiler uses the latent heat of combustion of gas, causing efficiency to increase to 96%.

Classification of boilers using natural and liquefied gas

Comment. 99% of all heaters are capable of burning main gas and LPG without loss of efficiency. To do this, it’s enough to replace the burner jets and adjust the automation settings; you don’t need to change anything.

All types of boilers are offered in floor-mounted and wall-mounted versions. Most stationary models operate without an electrical connection, while wall-mounted versions are mini-boiler rooms equipped with a built-in circulation pump And expansion tank. To provide the home with hot water, double-circuit modifications with a flow-through heat exchanger are available.

There are combined versions of heaters designed to use gas, wood and coal, or supplemented with an electric heater. Combining a solid fuel chamber with a gas chamber increases the size and weight of the product, but reduces the efficiency of fuel combustion. Another thing is adding a heating element, which does not take up much space and does not affect the efficiency of the boiler.

Electric-gas (left) and coal-gas heat generator from the Atem brand

Consideration of each type of natural gas heat generators is a rather extensive topic that deserves a separate description. Here we provide several recommendations for choosing a boiler for gas heating of a home:

  1. Take the thermal performance of the unit with a margin of at least 20%. If you plan to heat water for domestic hot water needs, increase the power by 1.5-2 times.
  2. Choose a heat generator according to your financial capabilities. If your house has a chimney, buy an inexpensive atmospheric boiler; if you don’t have one, buy a supercharged one. Installation chimney from a sandwich costs more than a turbocharged model along with a coaxial exhaust gas outlet.
  3. A dual-circuit version of the heater is quite sufficient for one water collection point. To simultaneously use hot water in two bathrooms, it is better to install a single-circuit unit plus.
  4. For a gravity-flow heating system, take a non-volatile floor-standing boiler, for example, a budget option like AGV.
  5. Any wall-mounted heat generator is perfect for working with underfloor heating and a closed-type system. The choice of manufacturer and number of heater functions depends on your budget.
  6. When installing individual heating for a home in an apartment building, choose a wall-mounted turbocharged version of a gas boiler with a coaxial chimney.

Due to their prohibitive price, condensing heat generators continue to be a luxury for the average homeowner. The second negative point is the complex control electronics, which will be expensive in the event of a breakdown, for example, due to power surges.

Application of gas convectors and fireplaces

We have combined these types of heaters because they work approximately the same way - they burn gas and heat room air. By appearance and the method of emission of smoke, the convector resembles a parapet boiler - the device is placed close to external wall, the pipe is led out into the street through building structure. The fireplace will require a traditional chimney.

Reference. Unlike convectors, gas fireplace releases infrared heat into the room, creating a comfortable atmosphere in the room. In this regard, the unit resembles a classic stove, equipped with a transparent panoramic firebox door.

Features of gas convective heating:

  • heaters are located in every room except the corridor;
  • the air temperature is regulated directly on the room heater;
  • From the outside, pipes with fuel are supplied to the devices, connected to the gas network or LPG tank;
  • fuel combustion efficiency is in the range of 85...90%;
  • There are no pipes or batteries inside the home.

A fireplace is an expensive product; such devices cannot be placed in all rooms. A decorative gas fireplace is placed in the living room, serving as a source of warmth and home comfort.

In our opinion, the use of convectors is justified in small houses with 2-3 living rooms. It is better to heat more spacious cottages with boilers. Reasons:

A clear disadvantage of air heating devices is the inability to heat the lower zone of the room. An alternative solution - electric heated floors + gas convectors - will be too expensive.

Finally, about water heating schemes

To distribute heat throughout the rooms of a country house, 4 main schemes are used:

  • two-pipe dead-end;
  • single-pipe ring, otherwise - “Leningradka”;
  • collector (radial);
  • gravity or gravity.

Gravity distribution with natural circulation of water from the boiler, the pump operates when electricity is available

Note. As a rule, the first three circuits are made closed, that is, the system operates under excess pressure. When it is necessary to ensure energy independence of heating, open-type gravity distribution is installed.

The heating scheme for a private house with a gas boiler is the most versatile and easy to install. 2 pipes are laid from the heat source to the batteries - supply and return; if necessary, the system is divided into floor branches, as shown in the figure below.

If you plan to assemble the circuit yourself, definitely use the two-pipe version. Other types of wiring are more difficult to calculate and install correctly. "Leningradka" is limited by the number of radiators; the radial system lines must be laid in the floor. discussed in detail in our other material and described by the master in the video.

To solve the issue of gas heating in a private home, you need to decide on the source of gas supply: connecting to a gas main or using liquefied bottled gas. The second task is to do: install a gas boiler, convector, or both. Now we will analyze all the components of this task in detail.

Connection to the gas main

It is possible to connect to an existing pipeline if a gas pipeline is nearby. To do this, turn to specialists. Gas is a deservedly popular fuel, environmentally friendly, but if handled incorrectly it can be dangerous. Therefore, they turn to gas workers, create a project for gasification of the house, where a diagram of the distribution of gas pipes and location is applied to the house plan. The situational plan shows the location of the tie-in into the existing gas pipeline and the supply of gas pipes to the house. The specification indicates all materials and in what quantities they are needed to complete the gasification specified in the project. The explanatory note describes the necessary safety actions.

The underground part of the gas pipeline is made of. Overhead gas pipeline made of electric-welded pipes.

If there is a gas distribution substation, it receives main gas and reduces the pressure in the pipes that lead gas to residential buildings. Now they often use another method of lowering the pressure of gas flowing into homes. Gas distribution substations are not being built, which reduces the cost of gasification, for example, of villages. The main gas flows through the streets at medium pressure, and when the gas pipeline enters the territory of a household, a reducer is installed that reduces the pressure in the pipe to low pressure.

For the owner of a house that is being gasified, it matters which heating device he chooses. Read about it separately.

a) Heating device: boiler

If the household will be heated using, then it is necessary to install steam heating in the house. The design must provide for a sufficient slope of the heating pipes so that the system is gravity-flowing and warms up well; the movement of water in the system can be forced by installing a pump.

The boiler power is determined by the heated area and heat losses of the household, and a thermal engineering calculation is made. Can be done based on the volume of water in the system.

Gas heating boilers are:

  • floor,
  • wall-mounted

Floor standing boiler installed in a small room - a furnace room. The combustion products are removed through the chimney. The furnace room provides for natural and supply and exhaust air. A window is made in the room. The door to the furnace room is cut by 3 cm; the door should open outward. An exhaust hood is installed for supply and exhaust ventilation.

Wall boiler in many ways more convenient and comfortable than floor-mounted. Installed on the wall, does not require much space. Supplied with a pump.

Single-circuit ones provide space heating, double-circuit ones also solve the issue of hot water supply. A wall-mounted boiler is called a “furnace in a box.” For such boilers there is no need to build chimneys or break through the ceiling of the house. Combustion products are forced out through a special pipe in the wall.

The wall-mounted boiler has an electrical connection. This point contains possible disadvantages in operating the boiler. If the light turns off, the boiler will not work. Good quality of supplied electricity is required.

b) Heating device: convector

A gas convector is a device that resembles a fireplace or a free-standing radiator or heater. have a decorative, neat appearance. There is a large selection on the market from different manufacturers.

Must be in a room with a convector. This is due to the property of gas, when there is a leak, to rise upward and create an accumulation, for example, under the ceiling. When sparked, the gas can explode; it is not for nothing that it is called “explosive”. Leakage is unlikely and is possible only from pipe joints if some processes have occurred there over time. Gas workers call this event reinsurance. The convector is considered a safe device.

Air circulation diagram in a gas convector

Gas convector – has its pros and cons:

+ there is no need for steam heating, which significantly reduces the cost of gasification of households,

+ the convector has such a device that when heating oxygen in the room is not burned, air intake for combustion is done outside the living space,

+ combustion products are removed outside the living space, no additional measures are necessary,

+ the room temperature is easily regulated, the set mode is maintained,

to install each convector, a hole is punched in the wall,

Having a convector in a room may cause some inconvenience,

Through hoods installed in a room with a convector, fresh air enters the room, but also cold during the cool season, so users plug them with something.

The principle of heating with main gas: main gas from the point of connection through the gas pipeline leading to the household is supplied to the furnace room to the boiler, which heats the water in the heating system or the gas pipeline supplies gas to the convectors.

Use of liquefied bottled gas

Heating a home with bottled liquefied gas is one of the types of autonomous heating. Any boiler can be configured to operate on liquefied gas; the burners are replaced. When choosing a boiler, you should pay attention to the minimum pressure at which it can continue to operate. This will help the boiler to consume the gas from the cylinder as much as possible. Convectors can be used to operate on liquefied gas, this is one of their advantages.

If main gas is not available, you can heat with liquefied gas. For the device you will need: cylinders, combs and reducers, hoses.

Device principle

Cylinders are combined into a group - usually from three to ten.

In a house with an area of ​​120 square meters, with heat loss measures taken: fiberglass windows, no drafts, cracks sealed, the house is insulated, approximately 12 kg of gas will be consumed per day for heating, which means that 8-10 fifty-liter cylinders will be required per month.

A cylinder or group of cylinders is placed outside the living space, the gas from them is supplied through a small gas pipeline to the boiler room where the boiler is located or directly to the convectors.

A more modern method of heating with liquefied gas using special tanks - gas holders. Gas tanks are placed above the ground or underground. You will need: gas pressure regulators, relief valves and safety shut-off valves, shut-off valves, instrumentation, pipelines, gas tanks. A gas pipeline is installed from the gas tank to the boiler room (furnace) or to the convectors. The gas tank is located at a distance of at least ten meters from the house.