The Soviet Union was a slave state. How did the common man live in the USSR? How good was life in the USSR

Childhood memories of the USSR
kotichok :
my grandmother told me a lot about the 30s, 40s and 50s
I especially remember the story of how in 1939, when Soviet power came, half the village came running to see how the Soviets drank vodka with granchaks
Grandma told me that they used to have a wedding with a bottle of vodka - and everyone had fun
* * *
my father built the Moscow, Kharkov and Kyiv subways
he worked a lot, seemed to earn money, but had no connections
everything had to be obtained
I remember when we “got” tangerines, bananas and “Evening Kyiv” candies, my parents made sure that I didn’t eat everything at once and get diathesis)))

topof , "Eaglet 1988 stew Chinese wall":
One of the lucky ones was in the All-Russian camp Orlyonok in the summer of 1988... there were many children from all over the country...
there were only 2 people from my city, after we were given a dry ration of Chinese stewed meat Great Wall... I realized that the USSR would soon no longer exist00))... at that time ours still knew how to make normal stewed meat.. .
I experienced the second shock a couple of years later, when I arrived in the village to visit relatives instead of cream from my cow at 3 liter jar as usual, we started spreading Rama butter from a plastic jar... it was gone agriculture))))

tres_a :
Kyiv, late 80s.
White bread could be bought only in one store and only within an hour after delivery - in the morning and at lunch. I still don’t understand where there was a stale one among the loaves.
Chocolate-covered ice cream was rarely brought and only in milk (a special store with dairy products; other grocery stores rarely brought milk and it was stale).
In all the stores there was a smell of bleach and rot (even in the central ones).
Children stood on public transport if there was an adult (from 4-5 years old).
There are only a few overweight people; there are generally only one or two children for the entire school (in those schools that I know there were up to 1000 students at that time).
They could pull your ears for a cigarette and take you to your parents. The police did 150% of this.
Clean-up days and other voluntary-compulsory events (I still don’t understand why I have to clean if someone gets paid for it).
Politics and adult topics were not discussed in front of children.

tol39 (born 1975):
You could buy bread from us before lunch, and after lunch you could fly by, because bread was usually taken away during the lunch break, which was from one to two in enterprises, and from two to three in stores. We had four types of ice cream - in waffle cups, we didn’t have it on sale, my father brought it from the city. Eskimo, expensive and not very often found, still in bulk, very tasty, in such sleeves. And the products from our local dairy - in paper cups and with ice crystals. There was a specific smell in the stores, but it wasn’t rotten, that was the smell of the barrels that were always kept in the back rooms.
Well, first of all, it was my childhood, and it was good, I was born in 1975. Until 87-88, everything was generally wonderful, and then the word “deficit” appeared. Actually, it existed before, but it belonged to the category of things that were not very significant in everyday life. There was a feeling of imminent change, exciting, like what happens when you roll down on a springboard in order to take off, but the takeoff did not happen. At full speed we crashed into the dirty mess of the nineties. Black T-shirts, chains, nunchucks, Royal alcohol and all that. How I survived, who knows.

true_frog (born 1952):
My year of birth is 1952. This means that my entire adult life was spent in the USSR.
Childhood. All the most interesting things were on the street and in the yard. It was impossible to bring children into the apartment. In the evening, windows and vents were opened: mothers called their children from the yard. We played calm and active games, tennis, volleyball. On rainy days they played in the entrance. Even in winter, in the dark, we girls were not forbidden to walk. We moved a lot. We only went to school on foot, no matter how far it was. For some reason it was not customary to travel by bus. Overweight children - "fat trusts" - were a rarity and despised by everyone.
Starting from the first grade, schoolchildren first did a little cleaning in the classroom, and then washed the floors in the classrooms themselves.
They collected scrap metal, empty bottles, and waste paper. It was not scary to send children to unfamiliar apartments.
There were a lot of different circles. Only at the music school tuition was paid; all others (sports and art) were completely free. A huge House of Pioneers, where you could do anything for free - be it ballet or boxing. Every child could try himself in any activity.
Even preschoolers were sent to pioneer camps. They lived there in one-story dachas, half for boys, half for girls. The toilet with a hole in the floor is on the street, the water is only cold in the washbasins, also on the street. In the morning, general exercise is mandatory. The children themselves were on duty at the gates to the pioneer camp and in the dining room. The dishes were not washed, but the bread was cut and the dishes were arranged.
Yes, “the key is under the rug” - this was everywhere in childhood, even in the city, and in the late 70s, in our youth, in a small village in the Far North, we inserted a stick into the latch when we left home. In the early 80s again in the city entrance doors I locked it only at night, sometimes I forgot, and they slept unlocked all night. When we moved into a new apartment, they closed the door at night washing machine until the lock is inserted.

From my youth. In the first two years of university - cleaning. We are a little surprised why the collective farmers work their backs in their gardens while we throw grain on the drain, but in general we have a great time: we learn to light a stove, cook our own food on it, ride horses, drive a motorcycle, and organize concerts.
In the 70s, at dances you can still see a brass band, which has not yet been replaced by electric music.
Girls and young women are supposed to walk with collected hair. Ponytail is cool. And loose hair - well, that’s only in foreign movies.
They dressed, of course, in drab clothes. I went to the first harvest in a padded jacket, because jackets were rare, I sewed my first jacket in a studio. It was strange to look at the bright clothes of Soviet film heroes in the movies: they never dressed like that in real life. I remember being amazed by the bright red jacket of the professor’s daughter from Gentlemen of Fortune.
It was possible to dress differently than everyone else only in the studio, but getting there was not easy: there was also a line. Nice but worn items could be bought in thrift stores.
Well, I’ll make my contribution to the discussion of the food program. In the 60s we first lived on Far East. There were no problems with the products. In 1963 we lived in Tuva for a year. That's where people lined up for milk all night long. In 1964 we moved to Tyumen and saw a food paradise. Cans of condensed milk decorated the counters; sausages were bought in 200 grams, fresh, and all sorts of compotes in cans in bulk. I don't remember when it all disappeared.

razumovsky4 , "The key is under the rug....":
That's right. 1951. Hide and seek, catch up, rounders, table tennis, badminton, wars with swords, swords, toy pistols, bicycles, a river in the weather, and, of course, the king of all games - football. From morning to evening. On the small gate.
And also girls in “hopscotch” and “shtander.” And so on until dark. And it got dark - so some more games with running around with flashlights with Chinese or German daimons. On my feet are either Chinese, Vietnamese or Czech sneakers. Sports pants like harem pants and a shirt. Always covered in abrasions, bruises and scratches. In winter, skates - from snowmen - to knives, skis, sleds, hockey.
There was no time for lessons. An hour at most - and then somehow, you need to quickly run into the yard and kick the ball.
There are plenty of circles in the House of Pioneers. In the summer - yes, a pioneer camp, with hikes and a river and a forest and amateur activities - the same games and competitions. Not boring.
That's right, there were practically no fat people. Thin and agile. And they almost didn’t swear (until a certain age). And there’s nothing to say about girls. They didn't smoke on such a large scale. And we’ve never even heard of pedophiles and drugs. You're flying home, there's a note at the door - "The key is under the mat"))))

lexyara :
But I’ll draw a note. A little bit. (63-76 years of the last century)
I was born and lived in the city of Krasnoyarsk. My father was a pilot and often flew to our capital. From there he brought all sorts of goodies. There were no goodies in Krasnoyarsk (or rather, there were some, but they were kind of “clumsy.”)
By “clumsy” it is meant that... Everyone wanted unsalted butter, and the stores were full of salted butter. There were no bananas or oranges. There were no batteries for the flashlight either (junk dealers came and exchanged scraps for batteries, caps and other nonsense).
The bread and rolls at the Bread store were always fresh. Vegetables, pasta (long ones, like the modern ones) ballpoint pen), sugar, salt, matches, soap, etc. were always in stores. Even if rumors were spreading - “Tomorrow there is war, there will be no salt.” She was.
Of course, there was no shortage to buy. This - toilet paper(important), glazed cheese curds, Bird's Milk cake, "Bear in the North" or "Squirrel" candies. Dad brought this from Moscow. There was always ice cream. “Leningradskoe” appeared quite rarely (once or twice a week, everyone knew in advance when they would bring it). Cereals - there was a lot of that. It's a problem with sausages and frankfurters. But sometimes it was not lying on the floor. I wasn’t familiar with alcohol at that time, so I won’t say anything. Cigarettes were always on sale (although I didn’t smoke, I remember).
The clothes somehow didn’t interest me. I didn’t iron my pioneer tie every day. There was no uniform at school.
That's what was interesting. You could walk the streets at any time. Without the fear that they will stop you and shake out all the change from your pockets. If some incident happened in the area, then people talked about this incident for months. Children could go to all sorts of “circles”, “studios”, etc. For free. I went to the “aircraft modeling circle”. As a matter of fact, Gazprom has never dreamed of financing such a circle to this day (the toad will strangle).
And there were machines there, and they provided us with materials (the pleasure is expensive), and they took us to various competitions.
In the summer it was possible (again for free) to go to a pioneer camp. They fed "for slaughter". I didn’t observe any “hazing” there.
About everyday life. In the evenings, the neighbors gathered in the yard and played dominoes, lotto... and just chatted in a friendly manner. Our neighbors (who had children) gave us theatrical performances (with our participation). There was a puppet show, slide shows on sheets, etc.
Yes. Not everyone had a car (some of them did, of course).
From a material point of view (sausage, delicacies, clothes, cars, roads) everything was quite deplorable. I don't deny this. But there were also many advantages.

General impressions and thoughts

alexandr_sam :
1965 USSR. Mom is a railway worker, dad is an electrician in a mine, then due to health reasons he left as a refrigeration unit operator. Salary for the whole family is 200 rubles. I am 7 years old, my sister is 5. No one has ever given us any apartments. All their lives they lived in their hut and also built something like a house, if you could call it that - amenities in the yard.
I bought the refrigerator when I was already married in the mid-80s. ABOUT smoked sausage As children we only dreamed. There was never enough money. They bought us ice cream once or twice a year. They kept their own chickens - eggs, meat. They planted potatoes, corn, and seeds in the garden (outside the city). Oil (unrefined) was obtained from the seeds.
Television appeared in the late 60s. It was called "Zarya". Black and white. The screen size is the same as the iPad now. ;-)
I don't even want to remember. I dreamed of a Penza bike. True, they still bought a used "Eaglet". I used it to go to State Farm to plow in the summer. He carried water and watered the cucumbers. They paid about 40 rubles a month. I bought myself a watch. And the stupid teacher forbade them to be worn to school. Unacceptable luxury, they say.
Only employees of the city committee, the city executive committee, and all the trade and audit scum lived and lived in our city. Until 1974, beggars constantly walked our streets. Their mother usually gave them a piece of bread and a couple of eggs. And there was nothing more to give. There was food in stores until 1977, but there wasn’t enough money. And by the end of the 70s, everything began to disappear for us. We carried sausage and butter from Ukraine, fortunately it was nearby.
They stole everything. It was possible to steal from the state - no one condemned it. The land of nonsense.
Then the army. Hazing, lies about Afghanistan, the CPSU, political studies, drills and stupidity.
Finally, Perestroika and glasnost. Glory to Gorbachev! He delivered us from that shameful and gray life.
I felt free only in the late 80s - early 90s. It was difficult, I don’t argue, but it was better than with advice.
Now Russia lives as it has never lived before. Putin is a chance for Russia. At the same time, I ask my future critics to note that I have never held government positions and have nothing to do with oil and gas. He didn’t steal a single budget ruble and never had anything to do with budget money either.
That's it in a nutshell. I lived 55 years and I know what I'm talking about. I've seen a lot on my life's journey. And I laugh at thirty-year-old idiots who praise Soviet power and the Soviet Union. You wouldn't even live there for a week. They would burst out of there like eagles!
I don't need this USSR. God forbid my children from such an artificial and deceitful country.
Everything was mixed up with lies and hypocrisy. Still hiccups. Do you think today's corruption is the invention of Yeltsin and Putin? Horseradish! Its foundation was laid by Lenin and Stalin. Just dig deeper, gentlemen, and don’t point at the kings. There was little left of them after October 1917...

mariyavs :
I won't be original. Those of my grandmothers who did not have problems with food and clothes due to the positions they and their grandfathers held, have only joyful memories. Sanatoriums with trade union vouchers, free travel to and from vacation destinations, children's vouchers to camps, order tables, officer's department stores... And who was "simpler" - shortages, queues, give - take (whether you need it or not, you'll figure it out later) , "sausage tours" in Moscow time. But, of course, there were some good things. Children's leisure was organized and accessible to the majority; there was an atmosphere of friendship and trust in one's neighbors. Of course, there were plenty of nasty things back then too. But the children were allowed into the courtyards alone and were not afraid.

psy_park :
There was a lot of bad and a lot of good - as, indeed, always and everywhere in the world. But about the bread - it was much better than the current one. There were no leavening agents, flavorings, taste improvers, etc. back then. I especially miss wholemeal rye for 16 kopecks - there is no such thing in Moscow now. And, of course, hearth white - 28 kopecks each. and gray - 20 kopecks each. They don't exist now either, unfortunately.
Yes, in bakeries there were special large two-pronged forks or spoons tied or simply lying around to check the “softness” of the bread, and many poked and crushed the bread with them. Although the bread was almost always from the same machine and all the same, but since the fork was there, many people used it. True, these were mostly old women. In our bakery, in the next department - in the "grocery", you could not only buy sweets, gingerbread cookies, but also drink a glass of tea or coffee (black or with milk) near the standing table. Tea with sugar - 3 kopecks. Coffee - 10-15 kopecks. The taste is not great, of course, but quite tolerable. And if you also buy a bun - from 10 to 15 kopecks - then you could easily have a snack. It’s banal, but now there’s no such thing, which is a pity. All this is Moscow. In Leningrad it’s about the same. And in other places the food supply was not so good, unfortunately. Although, no one has ever gone hungry. Naturally, in the period from the late 50s - early 60s. until 89-91. Yes, I can’t resist - and the ice cream was not made with palm oil.

raseyskiy :
In Soviet times, there were no chocolates in stores; people had to line up for dairy products at 6 am (Moscow doesn’t count). There was no meat in the stores, and there was no sausage either. There was a term for “throwing out” a shortage on sale, well, for example, instant coffee - there was a queue of hundreds of people, although there were people queuing for coffee in Moscow.
... a number of cities were supplied relatively well, while in others even sprat in tomato was a rarity. ...70s and 80s. In those years, for the most part, everyone and everything was bought in Moscow, Leningrad, Kyiv, Minsk... i.e. on vacation, business trip, etc.

tintarula :
I spent my childhood in a private house on the working-class outskirts of Vladivostok, and, like any childhood, it was full of sledding, tinkering in the garden, vegetables and berries “from the bush,” games, friendship and betrayal - in general, everything is normal. There were few books in the house, but children's magazines were subscribed to me, the school library, and the neighbors had a TV. At that time there was almost no deficit, there was a small amount of money.
More or less conscious age is the end of the 60s, and then the 70s. I studied this and that, worked. In general, “what they don’t know, they don’t feel.” I was generally satisfied with everything. Well, yes, the sausage began to disappear (dry - almost completely, but Vlad is a sea city, there was a lot of fish (it never ran out, so even during the “Gaidar famine” we did not starve, and the stories of friends from Russian centers are strange to me, how It was difficult to get food). to Leningrad and Luga (where they knew each other, including acquaintances of acquaintances - they had to live somewhere).
The shortage of books was a big hindrance, but my friend’s sister worked at the Research Institute of Marine Biology, and the people there were advanced, the Strugatskys got them in manuscripts, and my friend and sister copied them by hand. And I rewrote The Master and Margarita. That is, we were “in the know.”
And yet it was youth, and therefore good. And in general, in my opinion, “good” and “bad” are personal, private feelings that are not too dependent on the circumstances of life. “The wild 90s” weren’t wild for me either; they arose in the 90s role playing games- and in the same way we went to Khabarovsk, Krasnoyarsk and Irkutsk (to Khabar - in a common carriage), and it was good.
Yes, it’s good now.

ular76 :
I come from two specifically counter-revolutionary families.
therefore, I have no complaints against the Soviet government.
childhood was happy and carefree.
I experienced no restrictions in education, sports, food, recreation and happy pastime.
for which I have deep gratitude to all the Soviet people.
no illusions to the liberal-thieves domestic policy modern Russia I don’t suffer, but calmly observe the natural course of changes and transformations.


belara83 :
50% of some kind of nonsense was written, queues have been a phenomenon since 1989, before then there were 5-10 people there, they sat down to something like that. No one was starving, Everyone had work, but there was no luxury, there was a shortage of imported things, but now people have problems with a lot of choice.. I lived in the village, my mother bought us ice cream in boxes for our children.. Bread was always available and cost 16 kopecks , and the white one is 20 kopecks!!! Sausage 2.2 r kg, 2.8 kg - this is boiled meat.
But people lived more calmly, they understood that there is tomorrow, today everything is nervous tension, they don’t know what will happen to them tomorrow. Nothing happened to us without imported clothes and everything else, there was no need to destroy the whole country, something could have been changed and a lot left, no, “to the ground and then” as a result, ordinary people suffered....

How did we live in USSR?

People tend to remember mostly only the good things in life. And this is a very useful evolutionary acquisition. Thanks to him, we live like people, and not like angry dogs barking at everything around us for no apparent reason. Almost everyone who shares their memories of life in Russia (these are those who were already adults 25 years ago) writes that they still have the kindest feelings about that time; Evoking a storm of emotions, memories of carefree childhood, first love, ice cream for 9 kopecks, cheerful student life and many other, of course, pleasant and positive events. Without denying the pleasantness of good feelings and remembering that assessments of the same events can be completely different if they are analyzed for different purposes, I will try in this article to briefly understand not the feelings that different people caused different events, and with that, what the USSR really was.

This must be done because today many public and politicians very persistently, rather even intrusively, they praise the USSR, tirelessly repeating that there we supposedly had free education, free medical care; supposedly free housing, free or very cheap vacation; and a lot of other things, just as tasty, beautiful and also supposedly free. This enemy Zionist propaganda, promoted with all its might by enemies, is designed primarily for youth, which at one time did not have time to take a good look at all the “delights” of the Soviet way of life and therefore is forced to take such clever oracles at their word.

In order to understand what the USSR was really like, we need very little:

  • Find out who invented communism and when?
  • Find out why the USSR was created?
  • Find out who received the main benefits from this project?

So let’s look for answers to these questions, especially since today there is more than enough information to think about.

Who invented communism and when?

It is generally accepted that communism was invented by two Jews: Karl Marx And Friedrich Engels. In 1848 they published the Manifesto of the Communist Party, in which the following lines stand out: “Communists consider it a despicable thing to hide their views and intentions. They openly declare that their goals can only be achieved through the violent overthrow of the entire existing social order. Let the ruling classes tremble before the Communist Revolution..." However, it is known that these works of “German” philosophers were generously paid.

“Communism is the brainchild of the Jews!”

In 2001, a book by an American historian and publicist appeared in Russia David Duke entitled "The Jewish Question Through American Eyes." The author describes how, while still a schoolboy, he accidentally stumbled upon the truth about the creators of communism in America, while working as a volunteer in the office of one public organization. But he did not believe what was written in the newspapers and decided to check everything himself... Now he has been speaks the truth loudly about the actual role of Jews in many social processes on the planet, from the organization of the slave trade to wars, revolutions and environmental disasters. Dr. David Duke contains its own website on the Internet (on English) and constantly posts on his channel in YouTube video messages dedicated to the latest revelations of the subversive role of the “chosen people” on Earth. We translate these small, unique films into Russian and post them on Sovetnik and Molvitsa...

“The CPSU was created by Jews!”

On April 24, 2013, Nikolai Starikov very well described on his website who, how and when founded the party RSDLP, which later became known as CPSU. You can read about this in the article. The author writes that there is a house-museum in Minsk, where on March 1-3, 1898, constituent The first congress of the RSDLP (Russian Social Democratic Labor Party - predecessor CPSU). All programmatic and other necessary documents of this party were adopted later, at the Second Congress in 1903 in London. And this congress was only supposed to create a party. The founders of the future were the following Jewish comrades:

  • Eidelman Boris Lvovich (1867-1939)
  • Vigdorchik Nathan Abramovich (1874-1954)
  • Mutnik Abram Yakovlevich (1868-1930)
  • Katz Shmuel Shneerovich (1878-1928)
  • Tuchapsky Pavel Lukich (1869-1922)
  • Radchenko Stepan Ivanovich (1868-1911)
  • Vannovsky Alexander Alekseevich (1874-1967)
  • Petrusevich Kazimir Adamovich (1872-1949)
  • Kremer Aaron Iosifovich (1865-1935)

This is a comprehensive answer to the question: “ who invented communism?. I repeat, communism was invented by people of Jewish nationality who have the Jewish religion. Why is this so important? Because these people had the misfortune of being chosen by certain Forces to achieve certain goals. Information about what Powers elected them, and what tasks they set for the Jews, is discussed in detail in the book of the academician Nikolay Levashov .

This is more or less clear. Now the next question: “ Why was communism invented??».

This question is answered "Manifesto of the Communist Party", which the text turned into "Project of the Communist Creed", written in early 1847 by the son of a merchant, Friedrich Engels, and his partner, the son of a rabbi, Karl Marx, members of the “Communist League” based in. Here is a relevant quote from the Manifesto: “The history of all hitherto existing societies has been the history of class struggle... Modern bourgeois private property is the last and most complete expression of such production and appropriation of products, which is based on class antagonisms, on the exploitation of some by others. In this sense, communists can express their theory in one statement: destruction of private property…»

I hope everyone understands that if private property is destroyed somewhere, i.e. is taken away, then in another place (from the customers who paid for the work of the authors), it arrives, i.e. increases. Those who do not understand this “law of property conservation” can remember how the Jews carried out privatization in Russia in the early 1990s. That's the whole answer. Although, it can be supplemented a little to expand, so to speak, one’s horizons...

If you look at least a little closer at the revolutions organized in France and in other countries, and compare the methodology with modern so-called. " orange revolutions", then we will see a striking coincidence! Moreover, communist slogans "Equality, brotherhood, happiness" were used by the Jews during the organization of the first revolution ( coup d'etat) in Persia in the 4th century BC! And then - again during the second coup and robbery of Persia in the 5th century AD. (they then substituted the vizier Mazdak in their place).

Why was the USSR created?

The Treaty on the Formation of the USSR was signed on December 29, 1922, and the next day, December 30 of the same year, the First All-Union Congress of Soviets promptly and unanimously approved it.

Knowing who created the communist idea and for what purpose and brought it to life in , the answer to the question posed can be obtained almost automatically: the USSR was created by Jews for enslavement, subsequent robbery And destruction Russian Empire, the Russian people and subsequently the entire white race on the planet. You can read about how the founders of the ideology of communism actually treated the Slavs in general and the Russians and Russia in particular in the article by A. Ulyanov. Hatred of the highest degree and a wild desire to destroy these “unhistorical”, reactionary peoples standing in the way of the world revolution, as “special enemies of democracy.”

It was for this purpose that he arrived in Russia from New York with a lot of money, weapons and hired bandits. Leiba Bronstein(Leon Trotsky), on whose conscience were later millions of ruined lives of Russian people. Leiba Trotsky, among many others, was supplied with money, weapons and bandits by his distant relative Jacob Schiff- American banker and pathological Russophobe.

Comrade Bronstein was an ideological enemy of everything Russian and did not hide this, openly expressing the aspirations of his sponsors: “...We must turn Russia into one inhabited by white blacks, to whom we will give such tyranny that the most terrible despots of the East have never dreamed of. The only difference is that this tyranny will not be on the right, but on the left, and not white, but red, for we will shed such streams of blood, before which all the human losses of capitalist wars will shudder and turn pale...”

During civil war Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council Leibe Trotsky was actively helped by both Americans and Europeans. They even sent him a special armored train, equipped with the most modern means of communication at that time and many other miracles. This is how Leiba Davydovich himself wrote about this miracle of technology: “...It was a flying control apparatus. The train had a secretariat, a printing house, a telegraph, a radio, a power plant, a library, a garage and a bathhouse. The train was so heavy that it had to travel with two locomotives. Then we had to split it into two trains..."

Trotsky managed to do a lot during the time that he was actually at the helm of the USSR (Trotsky's Revolutionary Military Council was a government body parallel to Lenin's Council of People's Commissars). And he would complete his work - until the last Russian, if, fortunately for us, he had not been stopped Joseph Dzhugashvili(Stalin). Comrade Stalin, after consulting with his other comrades, rightly reasoned that since they had seized power in Russia, it was no good to give the country and all the goods completely to the Americans and the British, but it was better to try to reign to your heart’s content, especially since the banksters had everything investments in "Revolution" They returned it, and with huge interest.

Stalin and his comrades also had plans to take over the world. They sought to create the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of the World ( USSR). Speaking to the delegates of the Fifth Congress of the Comintern on July 17, 1924, the chairman of the executive committee of the Comintern, Grigory Zinoviev, said: “There is no victory yet, and we still have to conquer five-sixths of the earth’s land so that there is a Union of Soviet Socialist Republics”. It is clearly visible that the name of the state does not even contain a hint of either nationality or territorial affiliation. And the purpose of this state was quite clearly expressed in the Declaration of its formation, namely: “ will serve as a true bulwark against world capitalism and a new decisive step towards uniting the working people of all countries into a world Socialist Soviet Republic» . The slogan of the USSR was the call: “Workers of all countries, unite!”, and the anthem until 1943 was “Internationale”.

This is how the country, which will soon be called USSR, and in which absolutely everything leadership positions always belonged to Jews, some of whom were accomplices of a comrade Trotsky(Trotskyists were mostly Jews Sephardim), and some were accomplices of a comrade Stalin(they were mostly Jews Ashkenazim). In order to obtain documentary evidence of who really led the Union, I recommend reading the wonderful book by Andrei Diky “Jews in Russia and the USSR”.

What was wrong in the USSR?

Trotsky's Sephardim constantly fought with Stalin's Ashkenazim. It was an old war that Levites managed to arrange it in order to be able to somehow control their hyperactive fellow tribesmen. And although in 1937 Comrade Stalin slightly thinned out the ranks of the Trotskyists, this struggle has not subsided to this day and has a decisive influence on most of the events taking place in Russia. We need to understand well that USSR created by Jews NOT for Russians, but for yourself. In addition, we must remember that the Sephardic Trotskyists are still carrying out the task of total destruction on the planet. But the Ashkenazis do not interfere with this, but only try to make sure that there are enough slaves left for them in Russia. Those. in reality they are hostile towards the Russian people and Trotskyists(Sephardim), and Stalinists(Ashkenazi). But the former want to destroy the Rus completely, and the latter agree to leave a few Rus for their service. That's the whole difference between true creators USSR!

Now let’s briefly analyze point by point several specific statements about what and how it was in the USSR, especially since the author lived almost his entire life in and personally observed and was a participant in much of what happened there. Let me remind you that I am trying to analyze what really happened to us in the USSR, and not what it seems to someone today or what some circles want us to think.

1. Public ownership of the means of production. This is pure water deception(enemy propaganda), because apart from these words, the “general people” never had anything else. The Constitution actually contained such a general phrase, but there was no specification, what kind of people in the Soviet multinational state is this owner, and nowhere was it written down exactly how this nationwide form of ownership is implemented. In fact, none of the people had even the slightest opportunity to dispose of any parts of the public property, and therefore, in fact, were not its owner or co-owner! CPSU just brainwashed semi-literate population, masking the fact that the real owner of Russia was Russia, which had long lived under communism, even during the war. So, there was no “public ownership” of anything in the USSR, and Nikolai Levashov quite rightly wrote that “socialism is state capitalism, plus the slave system!”

4. Free housing. And this is a brilliant example of communist ingenuity and Jewish shamelessness! If in the West almost the entire population has long been buying housing, cars and much more on credit (there are big problems with credit there, because 200-300% is paid for the loan), then in the USSR it was done it's the other way around! The workers received supposedly free housing, but after standing in line for 15-20 years, and in fact paying in advance the cost of housing, education, and medical care. service, and everything else “free” through your hard work throughout your life. So cunning "free of charge" was in the USSR. And at one time so much was shown and written about the quality of the housing being built that only the blind, deaf, and dumb did not know about it. By the way, today they build housing almost the same way as they once did in the Soviet Union. And not because they don’t know how, but because they deliberately deceive apartment buyers, trying to save money wherever possible and impossible, from the thickness of the walls to the lack of ventilation, central heating, poor windows and doors! But the prices for this shame are set as if everything were made of pure gold...

5. The country's governance system was truly democratic. Many probably remember that the country was called Soviet, i.e. all power was formally concentrated in all sorts of advice, starting from townships and villages, and ending with the Supreme Council. This was done so that the official could avoid personal responsibility for the decisions made: they say, the Council decided so, and “bribes from him are smooth.” But real power belonged everywhere party bodies. The little party god of the regional scale was a real king in his fiefdom, but at the same time he was completely subordinate to another god, who sat on the floor above; and so on, all the way to . This is how they lived: decisions were made by some, carried out by others, and popular discontent, which very often took place in the USSR, was suppressed by others. Reading newspapers with various Resolutions and Decisions, it was impossible to understand anything, just like today, and only much later the picture began to gradually become clearer...

6. Real poverty reigned in the USSR! Of course, not everywhere! In the Union, in addition to party secretaries and instructors, workers of numerous Soviets lived well, and, most importantly, a populous caste of trade workers. Managers of enterprises and organizations, workers in hazardous professions, and very few artists and writers were more or less able to make ends meet. And the bulk of the population (percent 90-95 ) had great difficulty making ends meet. For example, my parents were doctors with higher education. But they were honest and decent people and did not stoop to extorting gifts from the sick, i.e. lived on salary. Therefore, I remember that, although we lived very modestly, for many years my mother could not make ends meet in the family budget and constantly borrowed several rubles from neighbors "before payday". And this despite the fact that dad never spent money on alcohol, because he didn’t drink because of a stomach ulcer he received while still a student. People's salaries were extremely low, and with this system of remuneration the population was deliberately lowered professionally, morally, and ethically. In order to live more or less tolerably, people were forced to use chemicals– to steal, i.e. break the law, become criminals! Thus, the Jewish Soviet government, following the precepts, slowed down or even completely stopped the evolutionary development of the population, slowly but surely turning it into a large herd of rams (rams).

7. Nepotism and protectionism reigned in the USSR. It was possible to get to any leadership positions only (!) through patronage. And the positions, relatively speaking, higher than the head of the housing office, could only be obtained through Jewish protection, which non-Jews could never receive in principle. The only exceptions are those cases when it was impossible to do without a goy specialist, when he had to carry out all the work. But basically, all positions of any significance were occupied by persons of revolutionary nationality. One of the confirmations of this may well be the following example, which I saw for several years in the main building of the Donetsk Polytechnic Institute, where I happened to study at one time. There on the long wall near the Rector's office hung large portraits all exes rectors this once highly respected university. And walking past this gallery hundreds of times, I gradually read almost all the names of the “patriarchs”, which, of course, turned out to be every single one. Then I didn’t see anything unusual in this, because we were taught internationalism from the cradle. And now, remembering this small touch of my student life, I also remembered that all the vice-rectors, all the deans and all the heads of departments at that time were also Jews And… communists. And then I noticed that the secretaries of district committees, city committees, regional committees, and chairmen of councils at all levels, and all the rest of the “boss” were either Jews (in most cases) or representatives Semitic peoples(Armenians, Georgians, Chechens and others (more than 30 nations)).

8. In the USSR there was complete lawlessness and total. This was inevitable in conditions when all power was concentrated in the hands of party functionaries who were not responsible to anyone. no responsibility for your actions. Therefore, in the USSR it was not the Law that reigned, but a real tyranny of party secretaries and punitive authorities. And the entire population was forced to submit to this evil will. Because, in case of any disobedience, any person could simply be destroyed, deprived of his job and, accordingly, his means of livelihood, or put in prison or a psychiatric hospital on fabricated grounds or even without them. The party bosses were not afraid of anyone or anything, because they diligently carried out "party line", which had sufficient power to quickly neutralize any person or organization. You can get some idea of ​​the level of corruption in the USSR from articles and many others.

9. In science, culture and art almost everything was occupied by Jews. Accurate estimates will probably someday emerge, but offhand we can say that about 90% of all figures in these areas were Jews. One of the documentary evidence of this is the text of the memorandum of Agitprop of the Central Committee M.A. Suslov “On the selection and placement of personnel in the USSR Academy of Sciences” dated October 23, 1950, which also states as a direct test that the Academy is sabotaging work in the most important areas... To understand the situation with culture, you can read the short article “Russian culture with a Jewish mark.” And be sure to read the wonderful books of the real Russian writer Ivan Drozdov, who began his writing career immediately after the Great Patriotic War, and became a victim of the victorious Jewish wars for Russian literature.

This is far from a complete list of what those people who sincerely regret the collapse of the USSR do not know or have forgotten. As Vladimir Putin recently very aptly and accurately noted: “Whoever does not regret the collapse of the USSR has no heart, and whoever wants its revival has no head!” But besides the CPSU, there was also the KGB, there was the Ministry of Internal Affairs, there was the ObkhSS, there was the Army, in which All leadership positions always occupied by people who defended the interests of the ruling government, and Not Russian people. Let us remember, for example, in August 2008, organized by the United States and Israel: the Russian military authorities did not dare to resist the Zionists! Vladimir Putin, being at that time the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation (the Supreme Commander-in-Chief was then President D. Medvedev), he urgently left the Olympics in China and flew to organize a rebuff to the aggressor! And only then did Russia begin to fight... Those who wish can always find a lot of additional and confirming materials on the Internet and make sure that it was for real slave state, only slavery was organized not as shown in the movies - with chains and shackles, but in a modern way, when slaves consider themselves free people and independently work for the slave owner!..

Who destroyed the USSR and how?

The USSR was the creation of the Jewish financial mafia, it fulfilled its functions of keeping a huge country in slavery very well, and, of course, no one was going to destroy it! The imitation of the confrontation between the “two systems” was necessary to divide the peoples of the planet and instill hatred among the peoples of the whole world towards the Russians, whom the Jews presented as the creators. And, of course, neither the Sephardim, who are led by the Rockefeller family, nor the Ashkenazim, who are commanded by the Rothschilds, nor the Levites, nor other clans more high level had no plans to destroy the “system of socialism”, with the help of which a good half of the white race of the planet was kept in slavery...

Author unknown:

Here are two more opinions about life in the former USSR.

So, the opinion of blogger Mr Wednesday:
I quite often tell others about life in the Union. I’m telling you because, especially young people, they know almost nothing and think about the Union in some kind of propaganda terms. I will immediately make a reservation that I am not a fan of communism; moreover, in those years, I was to some extent a dissident who did not like the Soviet system. However, I want to write about the USSR, about the good country that we had, influenced by what I see now) On the one hand, such memories are nostalgic and pleasant, on the other hand, I write because sometimes I hear, well It’s just nonsense, at the level that there was nothing to eat then, etc. I do not pretend to fully cover the entire Union, both now and then, there were many different places, perhaps with their own characteristics, the country was large)

I’m not sure that I’ll fit it into one article, because I have a lot of impressions and if I get inspiration, I’ll write in parts and put it on my blog. Still, I think it is important that people do not have a distorted idea of ​​those times. I will also write about the bad things that happened in the USSR in my opinion. I am writing about the period starting from the 70s because then I was already quite conscious) I will also be glad for objective additions) My experience of those years applies to the central cities of some republics and smaller cities, it does not apply to Moscow and Leningrad, since there I got there later) Although I lived part of the Union in St. Petersburg as well and met perestroika there, but more on that later.

Let's start with the main thing -

Food in the USSR))

The first and most important thing I want to say is that all the main types of products have always been there, and they have been good quality unlike modern times. This was really real milk, on which cream was formed, good butter... The advice was somewhat conscientious and not so cunning as to fake products) Now attention - it was difficult to buy or “get”, as they said then, only certain delights - shortage, I give you a few examples, evaluate for yourself the importance of these products (someone can add)

I’ll put sprats in first place)) well, who doesn’t remember how carefully they opened and often put this precious product right in a jar, which is now probably the cheapest of all fish)) Sprats were sometimes pronounced reverently and the treasured jar appeared on festive table)) Next come - dry sausage, Bulgarian canned food, grilled sweets, a bear in the north... I was told that there was no meat, I’m not a meat lover, but I don’t remember that there wasn’t any, there was always some kind of meat, maybe not there were some cuttings, maybe the meat wasn’t great, maybe it was sold out in the evening, but I remember, for example, there was no soup without meat, the very concept of “soup” in general meant that someone’s remains were floating there) In the canteens, and then very We ate a lot in canteens, it was fashionable in its own way, there was always meat. It was believed that “without meat it’s not food,” I don’t agree with this)) but I’m writing objectively, people ate meat)) Well, they even had a fish day in public catering, it was Thursday in my opinion) But it’s clear that on Thursday, it was worth the money)

There were all kinds of seasonal vegetables. There were normal potatoes, cabbage and more. Nobody bought apples by the piece)) I think if in those days someone came up and said, “weigh me 2 apples,” they would have thought that the person was mocking or lost his mind, how can you buy 2 apples?)) Well, they took a kilogram at least. All these products were not expensive, milk, apples and others, I don’t remember the prices now, well, everything was in kopecks. Prices were fixed, no one could sell for more, state prices rarely changed, remaining the same for years. I'm not saying that there was paradise or that there were no problems, there were problems, but many of the problems of that time look just cute, against the backdrop modern problems) There was always food (pun intended), it was not expensive and available to everyone.

There was always black and white bread, buns, ice cream, simple sweets... squash caviar)) Here is red and black caviar, there was a shortage) From bakeries, I don’t remember a shortage. There was also a shortage of chewing gum; it simply wasn’t available in the union. well, for children it was the ultimate dream and every child knew that foreigners had chewing gum) Western life for children was associated with chewing gum, for teenagers it was associated with jeans and plastas (vinyl records).

Now about clothes

There were all types of clothes in the USSR. The assortment of clothes was small, sometimes it was unsightly, but in principle it was quite good. There was no problem with shoes or anything else, the only thing was that there was a shortage of Western clothes, mainly from socialist countries, since the capital countries were quite far from us at that time. In general, the West seemed like a kind of paradise, where everyone wears jeans and listens to cool music and everyone has a treasured headset) Where everyone has a car!! (wow). A lot of people listened to Western voices and secretly or openly dreamed of their clothes or going to Bulgaria or Poland... a trip to Germany and especially to the USA, this was completely unrealistic for most and those who were there perceived them as gods. America seemed like a paradise, by the way, I didn’t understand why we thought so)) Ahhh, well, because there were jeans there)) Cool guy, it was the one who had jeans, long hair, and a “Japanese” cassette recorder (Chinese soap box), this was really a “value”, but most of us had an apartment, milk, etc., well, no one thought about it, since it was the norm. Well, I’ll tell you about the apartments a little later.

The biggest mistake of the Soviets, I think, was that they did not show real life in the West. If the Soviets had really shown or given a sense of what the West was, there would have been no perestroika. Perestroika began mainly because everyone was under the illusion that “over there” it was good. We must give credit to the CIA, they worked efficiently, one of the main reasons for the collapse of the USSR was not the lack of housing products and other things, but there was simply a stupid dream, faith in the USA. No matter how funny or paradoxical it is. Now, going abroad is no longer perceived as something mystical and wonderful. The West is full of difficulties and it is very controversial to say that it is good there, it is very controversial, although it is clear that someone lives, but many have returned, and some simply simply cannot return, being stuck there.

Perestroika did not begin as a revolution, in fact, no one was expecting it, not even the USA)) Perestroika did not begin that there was nothing to eat in the country, everyone lived completely normally. Perestroika began as a kind of positive cry, as the beginning of a new era, as an improvement of what is, and not as a fight against what is. We got used to stability, we didn’t like a lot of things, but this didn’t apply to everyday life, basically. A new generation grew up listening to the Voice of America, including Gorbachev)) People simply didn’t know what the real USA was, what the market was, etc., everyone thought “well, we’ll live well.” I’ll write my opinion on this later, because a whole chapter is probably needed. Now, the new generation simply doesn’t know what happened, of course, if people think that there would be nothing to eat, well then now it really is paradise) But I lived then and what is happening today in everyday life... it’s very difficult to say what is better now... I will say that life was probably better then, not now. This is objective. There are other pros and cons, I may summarize later, but overall it was better then.

As for the deficit, remembering this is very touching and cool) You see, as Raikin said then - “let there be everything, but let something be missing” - the deficit was the highlight of Soviet society)) You see, it made life more fun) the deficit was not something pressing, pressing, it was some kind of philistine dream and, in fact, if not the destruction of a lot of good things, the dream is quite harmless) In fact, in the USSR there was everything, there was the necessary furniture, clothes and so on, there was simply nothing unusual) From memories - one woman “thieves”, she went abroad to a capital country (oh a dream...) and bought a beautiful curtain for the bath with foreign currency) That’s about the level the need was in the USSR) Or in the movie “Enjoy Your Bath” when she tries on her boots, like this it was very, very typical. Just like it's very typical there to receive new apartment, this is not a New Year's fairy tale, it really happened.

Apartments in the USSR

People received free housing from the state. Of course, all this was not easy, an apartment is a serious thing, we stood in queues for years, but getting an apartment was a reality. Just as it was realistic to increase living space for a growing family - getting a larger apartment to replace the existing one. Almost anyone could get an apartment and they all did - young professionals, in many cases they were given benefits, families, young families, single mothers, directors, etc. And the builders received 250 percent of the apartments, just go to the construction site, work, get paid and in 5 years you will also have an apartment, well, at least I knew this situation and real people who received apartments this way. Also less, but they built cooperatives, single mother, 120 rubles salary, paid the cooperative not even that long and paid for about 10-15 years, 2-room, in the center, large city Union.

So, in general, they didn’t save for apartments; they received apartments from the state. Public utilities the prices were quite reasonable. The highlight with the apartments was according to the following scheme - how quickly you can get it (but my boss, a scoundrel, got it after 2 years, and we are all standing in line). - What size will it be (we have two children, we need a three-room apartment). Then there were conversations about who had which floor, balcony, etc. (they have loggias there...) There were a lot of new buildings and housewarmings, the situation with light steam was very common in those years. A typical house - yes, a typical building, in which basically everyone lives to this day.

They didn’t save for apartments, they saved for cars...

(End of the first part)

Of course, there is a lot to talk about - school, college, army, work, factories, trade union committees, trips to pioneer camps, rest homes, treatment, dissidents, communication between different nationalities, etc., what the children were like, everything evokes very fond memories) Well, tell me what I really didn’t like about the Union) But to say that life was bad seems very difficult to me) In the end, there were also rich people there who lived richly)

And here is the opinion of another blogger, Eduard R.:

What we ate in the USSR

I also wanted to have a hand in memoir texts about the Soviet past. It was just interesting to refresh my memory. At the time of the death of the USSR, I turned 21, and, in theory, I should remember. The most interesting thing is what we ate. After all, I was born in the very outback. Mining town in the Urals, 50 thousand inhabitants. It seems like there was nowhere worse than us.

The supply of the townspeople was managed by the Labor Supply Department (OSD). It included: a vegetable warehouse, a vegetable storehouse, a beer and non-alcoholic shop and all the shops.

I remember myself from the age of four. On the way from kindergarten, my mother and I went to Khlebny. They asked me what candy we would buy today? I chose either Karakum or Red Poppy, my mother took 100 grams. There were also chocolate truffles from delicacies, chocolate medals from foil. I didn’t like the candies with white fudge. My parents alternated chocolate with hematogen, but that was okay. I also remember the big red circles of cheese from that time (in a shell).

Closer to school (76-77 somewhere) the chocolate and cheese ran out. For a long time, ersatz “Alenka” and toffee bars reigned. But there were “petrels” and “daisies”. Since then, I have ceased to have a sweet tooth.

What about the fruit? There were always watermelons, melons, and grapes in season. And guests from the south also supplied ORS. There were no bananas. The “northerners” ate their own pears.

In general, natural farming was extremely developed. Everyone kept “gardens” and planted potatoes. Potatoes are a different story. We planted a lot, for future use. Once we planted 8 acres and the Harvest happened. I remember I almost died, we dug all day. In the fall, old The potatoes were distributed to pig breeders.

Pig farming was also widespread. Apparently, that’s why there were really no problems with meat. When my grandfather chopped a pig, it went into full use. From the head of boiled pork, the bones for jellied meat, the liver for pies, the stomach and intestines went into delicious blood sausage. There were problems with feeding livestock. that was not the case. Numerous canteens with slops were the chiefs of livestock breeders. And also feed mills in the surrounding collective farms and gray bread for 14 kopecks per loaf.

They also kept rabbits. Also meat. And I spent my entire childhood wearing rabbit hats. A huge number of skins were lost. Rabbit fur coats weren’t fashionable or what?

My sacred duty was to deliver milk home. Every day I carried six bottles. If in the states they drink beer from refrigerators, my father and I drank milk from the refrigerator, quenching our thirst. Only my mother drank tea in the family.

Our most popular dish was fried potatoes in lard with meat and some horseradish pickles. After such a meal, milk was not recommended; we had to drink blackcurrant juice.

Another mystery of that time. We didn’t have mayonnaise. After all, what’s simpler is vinegar and egg powder. We didn’t have it. But we did have sour cream.

Of course, I stood in lines to my heart’s content. When they “threw away” the smoked sausages. They gave me one and a half kilos per person, so my mothers and grandmothers pulled me out of the fun of the streets.

By the way, you didn’t get sick. In the winter it’s -25, you’ll throw off your hare’s fur coat and checkered coat, maybe some kind of acute respiratory infection, you’ll be excused from school and continue on to hockey. No big deal, bummer.

In short, they lived somehow no worse, but differently than now. It’s also interesting about the social atmosphere, but that’s a different story.

Thanks for reading.

Many people still feel nostalgia for the Soviet Union. Those who lived in this huge country remember a carefree childhood, songs around the fire, pioneer everyday life, affordable prices, and a caring state. And those who were born later listen to the sad stories of older comrades or relatives and imagine how it was good before. Not like now...

Did Soviet citizens glow with happiness like that? Or were there more disadvantages in the life of the builders of communism? We are unlikely to ever come to a clear conclusion, because there will always be supporters Soviet Union, and those who casually call this huge empire Sovk.

Editorial today “So Simple!” will tell about the USSR in the words of eyewitnesses - those who felt all the comfort of living in the Land of the Soviets. These people knew that what was Soviet was not always of high quality, and that food and clothing had to be “obtained.”

How did they live in the USSR?

“I was born in 1977 in relatively wealthy St. Petersburg. I remember how my parents were embarrassed to make friends with their unlucky neighbor Vasya, but they did it because he worked in a grocery store. Uncle Vasya was always dirty and often drunk, but he could get decent meat. And my parents needed to somehow feed me and my sister.”

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“I come from 1980. I remember when I was 8 years old, the only shoes I had were green sandals, which didn’t match any outfit, because I didn’t have any other green things. But I was wearing sandals and didn’t dare ask. And winter boots! When you walk to school in the snow, your feet instantly get wet. Neither I nor the other guys had replacement shoes. So we walked around with wet feet.”

« Food products in the USSR- a separate story. The lines for bread were so long that they lasted for an hour and a half. The wait for meat was even longer. If “Hercules” was thrown onto the counter, then the parents bought boxes in reserve. In general, vodka was sold only with coupons.”

There are some very interesting stories told about the last point. Some cunning people submitted applications to the registry office to receive coupons for vodka. The application was later withdrawn, but the alcohol remained. By the way, alcoholic drinks were in great short supply. Therefore, even non-drinkers tried to get their hands on alcohol - it could be exchanged profitably for something.

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“They say that in the USSR everything was most natural and healthy. Yeah! Blue hens lay on the counters, apparently dead from starvation and abuse. There was also milk and sour cream by weight. Luckily, my grandmother knew the store manager, so we got the milk before it was diluted with water. And to get sour cream was considered a great success.”

“Mom was sometimes sent on business trips to Moscow, and she brought from there everything she could get. I remember how one day she locked those damn bags, slid down to the floor dressed and quietly cried from fatigue...”

“If someone managed to travel abroad or even to a large neighboring city, then they brought home as much food as they could. Sausage, fruit, butter, cheese..."

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There are many such stories about life in the USSR. And yet there are people who deny that there was a shortage. These claim that the shelves were indeed empty, but everyone had everything at home. Because they knew how to get...

Indeed, today it is simple: if you want it, you buy it. Too everyday and uninteresting. But before, you had to get any thing by standing in lines, or buy it under the counter from black marketeers, risking not only money, but sometimes your own freedom. That's where the romance was!

What do you remember about life in the Soviet Union? Was life really better than now?

He dreams that people will treat nature more carefully. In the future he plans to engage in the protection of wild animals, protection environment and others useful things that will improve the condition of the planet. Bogdan believes that such work makes more sense than any other! He wants to one day return to Finland, which amazed him with its crystal clear lakes and friendly people. I would also like to come to St. Petersburg for a long time to get to know the city better. Bogdan is an energetic and cheerful football player. Our editor's favorite book, after reading which he began writing articles, is “Martin Eden” by Jack London.


The “period of developed socialism,” as the era of stagnation in the USSR was officially called, was not as carefree as many people think now. Very low wages for the majority of the population and a shortage of high-quality consumer goods and food products added a very large fly in the ointment to the socialist ointment.

And yet positive aspects Life had a lot in those years. First of all, life during the stagnant years was very calm. There was no crime. That is, it’s not that she was completely absent, but the press preferred to keep silent about her. Crime in the USSR, according to party ideologists, was considered a relic of capitalist vulgarity. And many Soviet people willingly believed in this. Indeed, it was almost safe to walk the city streets, and cases of bloody maniacs and other murderers were carefully hidden from society. For the same reason, there were “no” man-made disasters in the USSR.

Medical care in the Soviet Union was absolutely free and medicines were very expensive. But buying good, especially imported, drugs was very problematic.

The Soviet education system was considered one of the best in the world. It was also free. But in order to enroll in a prestigious university, Soviet applicants either had to have high-ranking parents or pay considerable bribes. And in the Central Asian republics, the bribe system existed in almost all universities and was almost legalized.

State free housing prevailed in the USSR. However, there was also cooperative and private housing. Everyone in need of improvement had the right to receive an apartment free of charge living conditions Soviet citizen. Another thing is that for this it was necessary to stand in a queue for many years. Sometimes her term reached two decades. People who wanted to speed up this process joined housing cooperatives. But in order to build a cooperative apartment, it was necessary to pay for it several annual earnings of a simple engineer or teacher.

The provision of food to the population in the Soviet Union was extremely uneven. The most secure in terms of food were the cities of Moscow and Leningrad. In stagnant years, a Moscow grocery store was considered good if its shelves included fresh meat and poultry, 2-3 varieties of boiled sausage, a couple of varieties of fresh frozen fish, butter, sour cream, eggs, chocolates, beer and oranges. But in many stores, even in Moscow, products in such an assortment were available only at certain times of the day and not every day. In the Russian outback, the food situation was much worse: meat on coupons, sausage on holidays. But almost all the products were high quality and very cheap.

Domestic manufactured industrial goods were of extremely poor quality. Therefore, imports were held in high esteem. Imported items were often incredibly expensive, but they were still in crazy demand.

Soviet ideologists, proving the superiority of the socialist system over the capitalist one, constantly emphasized that in the West money decides everything, but in the USSR there are other, much greater human values. And indeed, money is for Soviet people were nothing compared to blat. The presence of useful connections, for example, in the areas of trade and catering, opened up real access to socialist benefits.