Construction company Norman Desyatino 1st progress of construction. What are the reviews of residents about the residential complex

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"Norman" - construction company, which appeared in St. Petersburg in 2004. During this time, the developer managed to put into operation 15 residential complexes and detached houses. But recently, Norman’s shareholders have been experiencing great inconvenience due to the delay in the construction of high-rise buildings. What is the situation with problematic new buildings from the Norman company? The official website does not contain such information, but there are many groups in social networks- yes. Let's take a closer look.

1. Residential complex "Desyatkino 2.0" - a complex consisting of three houses, and located next to the metro station "Devyatkino". The residential complex “Desyatkino 2.0” (1st stage) was supposed to be transferred to shareholders before 09/01/2016, but shortly before this date it became known that the developer would not have time to fulfill its obligations. According to information taken from the official website, the expected delivery date for apartments of the 1st stage is until July 31, 2018. The deadline for completion of the residential complex “Desyatkino 2.0” (2nd stage) is until January 31, 2019. See photos from construction site and you can get acquainted with the opinion of shareholders about the residential complex “Desyatkino 2.0” in Contact in a special open group. Judging by the posts of citizens, construction work are underway, but not fast enough. Currently, builders are installing roofs in sections 9, 10 and 11 of houses of the 2nd stage. Reviews from shareholders about the Desyatkino 2.0 residential complex itself vary: some like the distance from the noisy metropolis, while others think that the infrastructure of the complex should have been better.

2. Residential complex “Three Oranges”. Residential complex “Three Oranges” “Normann” (2nd stage) was supposed to be commissioned in the first quarter of 2016, but the estimated deadline was postponed until 01/31/2018. According to the developer's news, active landscaping and installation of stained glass windows are currently underway. Shareholders of the Three Oranges residential complex Norman confirm this information.

3. "Norman" "Bright". The first orange-blue monolithic high-rise buildings in the village of Yanino-1 were supposed to be commissioned in the first quarter of 2017, but now this deadline has been pushed back to September 30, 2018. The houses of the 2nd stage are planned to be completed by December 31, 2019. The delivery dates for houses 3, 4, 5 are unknown. According to the shareholders of the Norman company, the progress of construction of the Yarky residential complex has completely stopped: equipment has been removed from the construction site, and there are no workers.

4. Residential complex “On Zarechnaya”. The residential complex “On Zarechnaya”, or rather, the high-rise buildings of the first stage, was planned to be commissioned in the first quarter of 2016, and the houses of subsequent stages - in the fourth quarter of 2017. A year has passed since the date expected by the shareholders, and Norman has changed the deadlines: the developer plans to deliver the residential complex of the first stage by November 30. 2017, and the houses of the third stage - no earlier than October 31, 2019. Shareholders of “Norman” “On Zarechnaya” can watch the progress of construction online through special web cameras installed at the construction site. The priority shareholders, apparently, should not worry: at present, the installation of stained glass windows and the installation of plaster facades are almost completed.

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5. Residential complex “Izhora Park”. The houses of the first three stages of the Izhora Park residential complex were successfully commissioned by the developer, but problems arose with the new building of stage 4. Shareholders were expecting the keys to their apartments back in the fourth quarter of 2015, but the construction of the Izhora Park residential complex was never completed. It is noteworthy that shareholders of the Izhora Park residential complex, stage 4, can regularly learn about the progress of construction on the official website of the developer, but not a word is written there about the deadlines for the delivery of houses. Judging by the news about the Izhora Park residential complex (4th stage), workers are now installing heated towel rails and elevator equipment.

6. Residential complex "Moroshkino" St. Petersburg. The developer promised to deliver the houses of the first stage in the first quarter of 2017, but the deadlines were subsequently postponed by exactly 1 year. Phase 4 of the house is scheduled to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2019. Reinforcement and concreting work is currently underway, but concerned shareholders are convinced that Moroshkino is a long-term residential complex. This conclusion is made on the basis that construction is being carried out at an extremely low pace, which does not even fit into the updated schedule.

Shareholders of "Normann" in St. Petersburg: what should deceived citizens do?

Shareholders of Desyatkino 2.0 and other complexes can:

  1. Execute unilaterally and get your money back.
  2. for failure to comply with the deadlines for providing an apartment, as well as losses incurred.
  3. Execute in court.
  4. Apply to the arbitration court to declare the developer bankrupt.

To find out which option is most suitable for your situation, please contact.

It is currently pointless to talk about the pros and cons of this residential complex. Everything has already been said in earlier opinions of the portal, and besides, the question that primarily matters is when and who will eventually complete the construction "Desyatkino 2.0".

Since the publication of last year’s opinion on our portal, nothing has changed at the construction site of the residential complex. Construction has been frozen and there is currently no one to resume it. Norman LO company, part of the group "Norman"(rating reduced to “C-”), in a state of bankruptcy. But, as we know, the problems are not limited to the subsidiary structure. Norman's debts in total amount to about 15 billion rubles (according to media reports, citing audit data conducted in 2018). If we talk specifically about “Desyatkino 2.0”, then according to media reports the developer received more than 3 billion rubles from buyers for apartments in this residential complex, and invested about 1.3 billion in construction. Thus, the damage caused to shareholders is about 1.8 billion rubles There is currently no investor who would be willing to enter the Desyatkino 2.0 project.

The only encouraging factor for shareholders can be that the administration of the Leningrad region has committed itself to completing the construction of all regional Norman facilities in 2021. Four residential complexes, including Desyatkino 2.0, are included in the list sent to Moscow to DOM.RF. In addition, the governor of the region confirmed that no later than July of this year, 2 billion rubles will be allocated from the budget of the Leningrad region, intended for the completion of problematic facilities. True, it is not specified which ones, since this list includes not only “Norman” long-term construction projects. Earlier, regional authorities stated that they were ready to buy apartments in problem properties from developers at a reduced price and directly invest money in completing the construction of these houses. In addition, shareholders are encouraged to create housing construction cooperatives and take the completion of construction into their own hands. The regional administration undertakes to help such housing cooperatives in every possible way. True, people are in no hurry to change their status from shareholders to shareholders, fearing that at some point they may be left alone with the problem.

In the official VKontakte group “Shared Construction” Leningrad region", operating under the auspices of the regional authorities, there is information that the Normannovsky residential complex "Desyatkino" is currently being transferred to the company that will complete its construction. The object is inspected, a defect list is drawn up, and a work schedule is prepared. According to Desyatkino 2.0, this is not happening yet.

To summarize, the prospects for this residential complex are currently unclear. We can hope that the regional administration will fulfill its promise to solve the problem of long-term construction in 2021. But so far there is no understanding of who will undertake the completion of construction, and there is no work schedule.

In the current situation, there is, of course, no talk of buying apartments in Desyatkino 2.0. Unless someone dares to take it by assignment. But it is clear that the matter is risky. For those who choose an apartment in the western part, we can recommend the nearby residential complexes: “GreenLandia 2” (developer rating “A+”, object on the White List of New Buildings, residential complex “Colors of Summer” from (rating “A”), residential complex “Murino" Park" and "Murinsky Heights" (rating "B+"), objects (rating "B+") - the completed residential complex "Forward" and the residential complex "Urbanist" under construction, as well as the residential complex "Lampo" (rating "B"), the residential complex "Vitamin" » from (rating “B”, due date postponed), etc.

Opinion, April 2018 April 13, 2018

"Norman" received a low score of “B-” from the experts and there is nothing to be surprised about. The company has previously failed to meet deadlines for the delivery of its houses. And currently she has several projects that are classified as long-term construction. And if something is being done on some of them (for example, in the Desyatino residential complex some work is underway), then about "Desyatkino 2.0" This, alas, cannot be said. The construction has stalled at the stage at which it was in December 2017 - this is the time of the last photo report on the official website of the developer. In the first and second buildings, the laying of external walls at the level of 11-16 floors was underway; in the third building, monolithic work had not yet been completed. However, what about December: if you compare photographs from the construction site a year ago with what we have now (early April 2018), then there is not much difference either. At the beginning of April, construction is ongoing. And it is clear that there can hardly be any talk of commissioning the first stage of the residential complex in July of this year, and the second in January next year. No one can say now when the residential complex will eventually be completed. Unfortunately, there’s not much to talk about here. All forecasts are akin to fortune telling using coffee grounds. According to media reports, the authorities of the Leningrad region and St. Petersburg set a condition for the developer: he will not receive new construction permits until he completes the construction that has begun. At the same time, if the company had previously noted a decline in the number of sales and, as a consequence, a lack of money to finance the construction of houses, then where will the money come from now?

At a recent meeting in the regional administration, it was discussed that Norman would have to sell part of its assets and unfinished projects in order to find money to complete the remaining ones. The regional authorities promise the company assistance in negotiations with investors. Our portal has already written about this in the publication: . According to media reports, the date when certainty should appear in the fate of Norman's long-term construction projects (financing sources have been identified, completion schedules have been drawn up, etc.) is April. Well, let's wait, the month is not over yet. You can read about what buyers of apartments in the Desyatkino 2.0 residential complex “breathe” on forums on the Internet. In short: general uncertainty associated both with the delay in deadlines and with the fact that the residential complex is transferred from one of the Norman structures to another, part of the same group of companies. Contacts to the developer, personal or through a lawyer, do not particularly clarify the situation. They do not give clear answers regarding the timing.

The developer currently does not advertise the number of apartments that remain unsold in Desyatkino 2.0. Prices are low, but in general it is obvious that buying housing here before an investor appears and active construction resumes would be reckless. Norman is not alone in missing deadlines. Nearby there are sales in several more residential complexes where there is a similar problem: these are from ("B"), from (rating "B-"), from "LenSpetsStroy" (rating "C"), etc. It is worth considering the options presented in them soberly. Among the more reliable neighboring new buildings we can name (rating “A+”), from “Zapstroy” (rating “B+”), from (rating “B+”) and a number of others.

Opinion (December 2016) December 28, 2016

November 23, 2015

"Norman"- one of the most famous St. Petersburg companies. It has been building for a long time, there are many objects put into operation, but there are different reviews. Along with positive opinions (and there are many of them), one can come across complaints about the quality of construction, failure to meet delivery deadlines, and the level of customer service.

Apartments in Devyatkino are bought by people who are initially ready for a compromise. The low price of housing compensates for all the delights of living in a growing microdistrict, where there are construction sites all around, and where there is no sufficient social infrastructure. The government of the Leningrad region some time ago put an end to the arbitrariness of local authorities, thanks to which development in Devyatkino was carried out without complying with the most important requirements for the development of related infrastructure. Now in this part of the Vsevolozhsk region there are some restrictions regarding construction. The issues of providing new neighborhoods with communications and social facilities are being gradually resolved. As for the environmental component, we can only rely on the gradual landscaping of the territory. To complete the picture, let’s add the complete lack of landscape advantages - what special views are there among the former state farm fields?

And yet, unlike a number of other new residential areas beyond the ring road, Devyatkino has an undeniable advantage - it has its own metro station. And we must pay tribute Residential complex "Desyatkino 2.0" is not far from it, which makes life much easier for future residents. However, by the time the residential complex is occupied, a whole city of new buildings will grow up around it and there is a serious fear that the station will simply not be able to cope with the increased loads during peak hours.

A very difficult situation is developing here in terms of motor transport. Constantly overloaded exit to the Ring Road along Toksovskoe Highway ( headache Murino) residents "Desyatkino 2.0" worries to a lesser extent, because they focus on the Ring Road interchange on Kultury Ave. But given the volume of housing being built to the west railway and stations metro station "Devyatkino", we can already predict traffic jams during peak hours, which will inevitably await local residents if a road with good capacity is not built to the Ring Road.

Regarding the apartments offered in "Desyatkino 2.0", then we can state that the developer relied on young, mobile people, on families with a maximum of one child. Apparently, this is why there are very few three-room apartments here, few two-room apartments, and for the most part there are studios and one-room apartments. However, the layouts for economy-class housing are very attractive; in particular, a number of one-room apartments have large kitchen-dining rooms with an area of ​​almost 18 square meters. meters.

The price set by the developer is quite reasonable, especially considering that this is a brick-monolithic house. In this location "Desyatkino 2.0" is now one of the most interesting options. However, buyers have a choice. There are several properties close in price level nearby. This (from the same developer), as well as “Alphabet”, “Constellation”, “Swallow”, and a number of others.

The Desyatkino residential complex is a development from the Norman company in the north of St. Petersburg. Economy class housing will be located in an area with good transport accessibility and satisfactory infrastructure. By the end of construction, 2 brick-monolithic 17-18-storey buildings will be built here.

Object characteristics

The residential complex "Desyatkino" is being built on a plot of 2.44 hectares, on the territory owned by SAZT "Ruchi". The complex is planned to be 47 thousand square meters. m of living space and 1.6 thousand sq. m. m commercial - for offices and shops. Metal-plastic profiles with double-glazed windows will be installed in the windows, and glazing of balconies and loggias will be carried out.


The developer of the residential complex "Desyatkino" - "Norman" - chose a location somewhat remote from the city. There are several shopping centers and shops, cafes, beauty salons, sports complexes and other establishments. In the area nearby there are several schools and children's preschool institutions, but they may not be enough for such a number of residents.

The ecology of the microdistrict, without a doubt, deserves praise. The residential complex "Desyatkino", due to its distance from the city center, will be located in an ecologically clean area where you can not only stroll through the parks, but also relax in the nearby large ski resorts - "Okhta-Park" and "Northern Slope".

Norman also intends to equip the internal infrastructure of the Desyatkino residential complex. The courtyard area will be landscaped: maximum landscaping will be carried out, sports grounds will be built, and recreation areas with benches will be equipped. A parking area of ​​2.5 thousand square meters is planned. m.

Transport accessibility

Transport accessibility of "Desyatkino" is satisfactory. The station is located within walking distance from the complex. metro station "Devyatkino". Several major highways pass nearby and there is the Northern Bus Station, the Murino railway station and the Devyatkino metro station.

House type:
Monolithic with ventilation facade

Number of storeys:
17-18 floors


Nearest metro station:

New building address:
Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsk municipal district, Murinskoye rural settlement, village. Murino, Shuvalova street, 10/18

Coordinates of the new building:

  • latitude 60.0550003052
  • longitude 30.4277000427
  • new building on Yandex.Maps


  • The new residential complex "Desyatkino" will be located in the Vsevolozhsky district of the Leningrad region, within walking distance from the "Devyatkino" metro station.
  • Convenient transport links with different areas of the city and the Leningrad region.
  • Near the facility there are several major transport hubs: the Northern Bus Station, the Murino and Devyatkino railway stations. Suburban trains run from the Devyatkino railway station to the Finlyandsky Station.


  • Metal entrance doors to apartments
  • Landscaped area
  • Sports grounds and recreation areas
  • Maximum landscaping of the complex
  • Metal-plastic windows with double-glazed windows
  • Glazing of loggias and balconies
  • 7 minutes from the metro station "Devyatkino"

The new residential complex "Desyatkino" has many advantages and one of them is location.

Quickly and conveniently find and evaluate a location you can do it yourselfYandex.Car tah . And also you can use its coordinates:

  • latitude 60.0550003052
  • longitude 30.4277000427

The facility is located just a 7-minute walk from the Devyatkino metro station in an area with good environmental conditions.

How to get there today:

Murino is an important transport hub and has convenient connections with different areas of the city and the Leningrad region. You can get to work or city entertainment either by metro or by car.

Main transport route- Murinskaya transport interchange as part of the ring road around St. Petersburg . The interchange is located at the intersection of the Ring Road with the St. Petersburg - Matoksa highway and includes 8 overpasses, 13 exits and a 600-meter tunnel.

On weekends you can easily go on holiday to Karelia, ski resorts in the Leningrad region and even to Finland, because not far from the Desyatkino complex there are:

Northern bus station (bus routes to Finland, Igora, Northern Slope, Tuutari Park);

Railway stations "Murino" and "Devyatkino" (Priozerskoye and Ladoga directions).

Existing infrastructure:

Development of the area:

Apartmentsfrom the developerV residential complex"Desyatkino"

When choosing an apartment in St. Petersburg, clients are usually guided by: location, the presence of socially significant facilities, as well as landscaping of the building. Buying an apartment in a new building that meets these parameters is difficult, but possible. And an example of this is the new residential complex “Desyatkino”, located in the village of Murino. The Desyatkino residential complex is located a seven-minute walk from the Devyatkino metro station, close to the Ring Road. The village of Murino is the largest administrative center of the Murinsky rural settlement with an actively developing infrastructure. In the project internal structure LCD: glazed balconies and loggias, double-glazed windows, metal doors, central heating and silent elevators. In addition to this, fiber optic cables are installed in each apartment, which will make it possible to connect to the Internet, television and radio. . If you are looking for apartments in the Vsevolozhsk region, then the choice to buy an apartment in Desyatkino may be successful for you.


Presented for your choice various types apartments: studio apartments, one-room, two-room and three-room apartments. When choosing studio apartments in St. Petersburg, clients prioritize maximum free space, which can be divided at their discretion. For example, a studio apartment with a total area of ​​27.7-31.9 square meters, with two windows, is designed so that it can be divided into two zones by a partition, thereby creating a spacious room and a small kitchen. Thus, you zone the space of your apartment in a way that is convenient for you.

Convenient design solutions

The project layout includes horizontal heating distribution. This system will allow you to remove risers in apartments and maximize the area of ​​the premises. Also, this system will provide individual heat metering, which will help reduce utility costs.


Clients wishing to buy apartments under construction in St. Petersburg highlight the availability of green spaces, recreational facilities and playgrounds for children, as well as safety and comfort. The project for landscaping the territory of the Desyatkino residential complex involves maximum landscaping: the creation of a mini-park area for walks with the whole family, the improvement of children's playgrounds, as well as sports grounds. Security is ensured by fencing the area and installing access control systems including intercoms and barriers.

The Desyatkino residential complex is being built in Murino, in the Vsevolozhsk district of the Leningrad region. The new economy class complex is being built by Normann.

The Desyatkino residential complex is being built in two stages. The first stage involves the construction of an 8-section monolithic building of variable number of floors - from 17 to 18 floors. As part of the second phase, a three-section, 18-story monolithic building is being built. Both houses are equipped with a ventilated facade.

Buyers can purchase studios, 1, 2 and 3-room apartments ranging from 27.68 to 82.34 sq. m. m. All apartments are equipped with a balcony or loggia with cold glazing. The apartments are handed over to buyers with a “ready-to-finish” finish.

Own infrastructure of the Desyatkino residential complex

The first floor in both buildings of the Desyatkino residential complex will be used as commercial premises: shops, cafes and offices. Each front door has a room for a concierge.

On the adjacent territory of the complex there will be three children's areas, a sports ground, places for recreation, as well as seven open parking lots for 57 cars. In addition, landscaping work will be carried out.

Environment and transport accessibility

The Desyatkino residential complex is being built at the intersection of Mendeleev Boulevard and Shuvalov Street, in the village of Murino, located almost on the very border of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. 900 meters from the complex are the Devyatkino metro station, the Devyatkino railway station and the Northern bus station.

3 km from the complex there is an exit to the Ring Road and Kultury Avenue, 4 km from the exit to Suzdal Avenue, 5 km from Prosveshcheniya Avenue. In general, the transport situation in the area is satisfactory, however, when leaving the Ring Road you can get into a traffic jam.

The infrastructure within walking distance from the Desyatkino residential complex is poorly developed. Near the Devyatkino metro station there are grocery stores, a pharmacy and bank branches. Most of the infrastructure is located along Suzdal Avenue and Prosveshcheniya Avenue, within the Ring Road. There are kindergartens and schools, the Northern Mall shopping center, O Kay and Karusel hypermarkets, sports and medical institutions.