The future tense of verbs is easy! Video lesson “Futur proche. Near future tense We conjugate verbs fun and easy

In previous lessons you have already become familiar with the forms of past and future tense. They may have seemed complicated to you, but the good thing about the French language is that it allows you to express the same idea in different ways, and the same time - in different ways. This is exactly what we will talk about in this lesson.

Name of the species-time form Passé composition is already familiar to you, but there is one more thing in French "passé"Passé immediat or Passé recent or Passé Proche.

Education Passé immediat

Temporary form Passé immediat used to denote an action that took place very recently - in Russian this time is conveyed using adverbs “just now”, “recently”. For example: Je viens de voir ce beau film.— I just watched such a good film.

This tense is formed very simply: using the required form of the auxiliary verb venir in the present tense, preposition de and the infinitive of the semantic verb.

venir + de (d’ – before vowel and silent h) + infinitive

Let's remember the verb conjugation venir in the present tense:

je viens nous venon
tu viens vous venez
il/elle vient ils/elles viennent

ne And pas are placed before and after the verb venir, for example: Je ne viens pas d'arriver de Paris, je sius arrivé il y a deux heures. “I didn’t just arrive in Paris, I arrived two hours ago.”

Education Futur immediat

How is the future tense formed in French you know from the previous lesson. But to talk about what will happen, you can use another tense, and it’s called Futur immediat or Future Proche.
This tense is very simple in education and is built using an auxiliary verb aller. This tense is most often translated into Russian using the phrase “going to...”. For example: Je vais regarder un beau film.— I'm going to watch a good film.

So, the education scheme Future Proche looks like this:

aller + infinitive

Don't forget the verb conjugation aller in the present tense:

je vais nous allons
tu vas vous allez
il/elle va ils/elles vont

In negative sentences the particle form ne And pas are placed before and after the verb aller, nothing new.
As you can see, both of these times are formed quite simply, which means you can complete the tasks without difficulty!

Lesson assignments

Exercise 1. Unfold the brackets using Passé Proche.
1. Il (boire) un verre de thé. 2. Nous (terminer) l’examen final. 3. Vous (allumer) la télé. 4. Il (lire) ce roman. 5. Elles (chanter) cette chanson. 6. Je (parler) à la radio. 7. Le train (arriver). 8. Je (rentrer).

Exercise 2. Open the brackets using Futur Proche.
1. Je (parler) au professeur. 2. Vous (sortir). 3. Il (acheter) une maison. 4. Nous (manger) de la glace pour le dîner. 5. Tu (aller) au supermarché. 6. Vous (chanter) dans le club. 7. Je ne (conduire) pas la voiture. 8. Elle (faire) les courses.

Answer 1.
1. viens de boire 2. venons de 3. venez de allumer 4. vient de lire 5. viennent de chanter 6. viens de parler 7. vient d’arriver 8. viens de rentrer

Answer 2.
1. vais parler 2. allez sortir 3. va acheter 4. allons manger 5. vas aller 6. allez chanter 7. vais conduire 8. va faire

Futur immediat in French is more often used in colloquial speech, however, the near future tense is also found in written texts. Today we will talk about this tense, about cases of its use and learn how to conjugate verbs in Futur immédiat.

Let's conjugate verbs fun and easy!

Futur proche indicates a future action that will occur soon, close to the moment of speech. This tense of the verb is translated into Russian using a verb in the future tense, which is accompanied by the words “now, gather, intend, now, immediately, just about, immediately”, etc.

Verb conjugation scheme in Futur proche: verb Aller in Présent + infinitive of the conjugated verb.

As you can see, dear readers, everything is extremely simple, the main thing is to know the conjugation of the verb Aller - to go. So, an example of a verb conjugation:

Partager - to divide

Je vais partager - I will share
tu vas partager - you will divide
il, elle va partager – he, she will divide
nous allons partager - we will divide
vous allez partager - you will share
ils, elles vont partager - they will divide

Meaning of Near Future Tense

Now, friends, pay attention to how the near future is used in sentences, and, consequently, in speech:

  • Attendez-moi, s’il vous plaî t, je vais revenir tout de suite. - Waitme, Please, INowsameI'll be back.
  • Il va descendre lui-mê me jusqu'à l'aéroport. “He intends to get to the airport himself.”
  • Je vais telephoner à Bertrand. - INowI'll callBertrand.
  • MonsieurDupontvavotercontreceproject. - Mr. Dupont is going to vote against this project.
  • Ne partez pas, s’il vous plaî t, ils vont venir. - Notgo away, Please, Theysoonwill come.
  • Je vais annoncer cette nouvelle à Marie. - II'll let you knowthisnewsMaria.
  • Nous allons appeler Didier tout de suite. - WeNowsamelet's callDidier.
  • Ils vont chercher Patrice. - Theywill lookPatrice.
  • Ellevaparleravecsonmari àproposdecetteproposition. She is going to talk to her husband about this proposal.
  • Je vais prendre le taxi et j'arriverai à temps. - INowI'll take itTaxiAndII'll have time.

In modern French, Futur proche is used quite widely and is very often used instead of Futur simple. However, it should be remembered that Futur proche means an action that is related to the present. And the use of Futur simple implies a gap between the present (the moment of speech) and the future (the moment of action):

  • Ne vous inquiétez pas, parce que tout va s’arranger. - Notworry, That's whyWhatAllget settled.
  • Nous allons partir dans trois ans. – We are going to leave in three years.
  • Un jour je vais vous raconter cette histoire. - One dayIto youI'll tell youthishistory.
  • Jevaisvisitormesgrands-parentssamedi. — I'm going to visit my grandparents on Saturday.
  • Nousallonsparticiperdanscettecompétitle. – We are going to participate in this competition.

The near future tense can be used in speech to mean imperative mood, thereby expressing an order, an expression of will. For example:

  • Vous allez leur expliquer que c'est très important et nécessaire. - Youexplainthem, WhatThisVeryimportantAndnecessary.
  • Tu vas me rendre ce livre mercredi, pas plus tard. – You will return this book to me on Wednesday, no later.
  • Vous allez lui raconter toute la verité! - Youtell meto himallthe truth!
  • Nousallons écrirecettelettre! – We will write this letter right now!
  • Tu vas comprendre comment c’est important pour moi. - Youyou'll understand, HowThisimportantForme.
Verb conjugation in the near future tense

As you noticed from the previous examples, in Futur immédiat personal pronouns, which are objects in the sentence, are placed before the infinitive:

  • Jevaist'explainercettegle. – I’ll explain this rule to you now.
  • Nous allons vous déranger un peu. - We'll disturb you a little now.
  • Il va nous chanter cette chanson. - Hewill singusthissong.

Futur proche dans le passé - what is it?

We can say that Futur proche dans le passé is the younger brother of Futur proche. This is the same near future tense that is used when agreeing on tenses in terms of the past tense. It also denotes an action that is about to take place. It is usually translated into Russian using the words “soon”, “getting ready to do something”, etc.

The conjugation scheme for this tense is as follows: the verb Aller in Imparfait + the infinitive of the conjugated verb.

Voyager – travel

J'allais voyager - I'm going to travel
tu allais voyager – you are going to travel
il, elle allait voyager – he, she is going to travel
nous allions voyager - we are going to travel
vous alliez voyager – you are going to travel
ils, elles allaient voyager - they are going to travel

Most often, Futur proche dans le passé is used to agree on past tenses in indirect speech. Pay attention to the example:

  • Michel a dit: “Je vais gagner cette compétition.” – Michellesaid: "II'll winThiscompetition».
  • Michel a dit qu'il allait gagner cette compétition. Michel said that he will win this competition.
  • Ilsontdit: " NousallonsinviterNicolecheznousdimanche." “They said, 'We're going to invite Nicole over on Sunday.'
  • Ilsontditqu'ilsallaientinviterNicolechezeuxdimanche. They said that they were going to invite Nicole to their place on Sunday.

Futur immediat in French is quite easy to learn, you just need a little practice. We hope, friends, that you will become friends with him!

You may also find it useful:

The future tense in French is divided into several types. Each of these types is very important in coordinating tenses in a sentence. Below we will consider in detail the conjugation and agreement of the future tense.

Le Futur Simple - the simplest future tense

LeFutureSimple is the most commonly used future tense in French. It is called simple because no auxiliary verbs are involved in its formation. FutureSimple is formed as follows: verb infinitive + special endings. These endings are suitable for all three groups of verbs. We conjugate one verb for example and highlight the endings so that you can understand:

J'entrer ai
Tu enterr as
Il/elle enterr a
Nous enterr ons
Vous enterr ez
Ils/elles entrer ont

Since verbs Avoir And Etre stand apart and have a special meaning in the French language, they are conjugated in the simple future tense in their own way:

Tu auras/seras
Il/elle aura/sera
Nous aurons/serons
Vous aurez/serez
Ils/elles auront/seront

  • Je parlerai avec Eugene demain. – I’ll talk to Evgeniy tomorrow.
  • Jean enverra sa lettre la semaine prochaine. — Jean will send his letter next week.
  • Nous les verrons après demain. - Wewe'll seetheirday after tomorrow.

A few more words are worth saying about the simple future tense. Verb envoyer in the future tense changes the stem: envoyer - enverr~ –j'enverrai etc. change by person.

Most verbs of group III form the future tense according to the rule. BUT: verbs ending in -re, lose the ending -e (attendre - j'attendrai).

A number of verbs of group III in the future tense change the stem:

  • aller - ir~
  • apercevoir - apercevr~
  • avoir - aur~
  • courier - courr~
  • devoir - devr~
  • être - ser~
  • falloir - il faudra
  • faire - fer~
  • mourir - mourr~
  • pleuvoir - il pleuvra
  • pouvoir - pourr~
  • recevoir - recevr~
  • savoir - saur~
  • tenir - tiendr~
  • valoir - il vaudra
  • venir - viendr~
  • voir - verr~
  • vouloir - voodr~
Conjugation of verbs 1, 2,3 groups in Futur Simple

Le Futur Immédiat – near future tense

Le Futur Immédiat or, as it is also called, Proche, indicates an action that you will perform in the near future, soon, in a second, you are going to perform it now, in a moment.

It is formed using an auxiliary verb Aller(go) + infinitive of the conjugated verb:

Je vais chanter
Ty vas chanter
Il/elle va chanter
Nous allons chanter
Vous allez chanter
Ils/elles vont chanter

Verbs Avoir And Etre in the near future tense they are conjugated according to the same principle.

  • Je vais commencerà lire ce texte tout de suite. - II'll startreadthistextNowsame.
  • Anne va te dire quelque-chose d'important. - Annawill sayyousome-Whatimportant.

There is also LeFutureImmédiatdanslePassé, which expresses an imminent future action in relation to the past (should have, soon, was about to, was about to do something). Used to coordinate tenses if the story is told in the past tense.

The education scheme is as follows: Aller V Imparfait+ infinitive of the semantic verb:

  • Maurice allait sortir lorsque son ami est venu. – Mauricewas going toget out, WhencamehisFriend.

Le Futur Antérieur – for writing

This future tense is used to express a future action that precedes another future action. It is not used in spoken language - only in written language. LeFutureAnterieur formed like this: verb Avoir or Etre(12 special verbs) in FutureSimple+ participepassé conjugated verb:

J'aurai réussi
Tu auras réussi
Il/elle aura réussi
Nous aurons réussi
Vous aurez réussi
Ils/elles auront réussi

Le Futur Antérieur used in a sentence after conjunctions quand- When, lorsque- When, après que- after, des que- as soon as aussitôt que- as soon as and after si in an indirect question:

  • Ilnousremercieraquandtout aura fini . - He'll thank us when it's all over.
  • Jean ne sait pas si Catherine aura réussià le convaincre. - JeanNotknows, it will be possiblewhetherCatherinehisconvince.

The so-called brother of this future tense - LeFutureAnterieurdanslePassé. Such a future tense expresses a future action that will take place before another future action from the past. Used to coordinate tenses.

The pattern is as follows: auxiliary verb ( Avoir or Etre) V FuturedanslePassé +participepassé conjugated verb:

  • Armandaditqu'onauraitplusderenseignementsaussitotqu'on aurait fini l'enquete. – Arman said that he will have more information as soon as he finishes the survey.

What is Le Futur dans le Passé for?

This type of future tense is used to coordinate tenses in a sentence. If the main sentence is built in the past plan, and the action subordinate clause needs to be expressed in terms of the future, then it is used LeFuturedanslePassé.

LeFuturedanslePassé formed as follows: verb infinitive + endings Imparfait:

Je parler ais
Tu parler ais
Il/elle parler ait
Nous parler ions
Vous parler iez
Ils/elles parler aient

  • Je leur ai dit que je ne réussirais pas de terminer cet article. - Ithemsaid, WhatINotI'll have timefinishthisarticle.
  • Jeannousaannoncéqu'iln'yirraitpasavecnous. – Jean told us that he would not go there with us.

Verbs Avoir or Etre conjugated in FuturedanslePassé on the same principle.

As you can see, dear readers, the future tense in French has many aspects. Of course, not all of them are needed for speech, however, it is necessary to be familiar with them. See you again in the future, friends!

There are several ways to express the future tense, and in this lesson you will become familiar with the aspectual tense form. Future Simple.

Education Futur Simple

Form Future Simple formed by adding certain endings to the verb: -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. If you look closely, you will realize that these endings are similar to verb forms avoir in the present tense: in all persons except 1st and 2nd persons plural. Only a few letters match there.

Verbs of the 1st and 2nd groups, as well as verbs of the 3rd group ending in -ir, form the future tense by adding the endings listed above to the indefinite form of the verb. Let's look at several examples of conjugating verbs of different groups and their use in the future tense:

Singular Plural
je parler ai finir ai partir ai nous parler ons finir ons partir ons
tu parler as finir as partir as vous parler ez finir ez partir ez
il, elle parler a finir a partir a ils, elles parler ont finir ont partir ont

Je parlera au professeur- I'll talk to the professor.
Ill habitera en France.— He will live in France.

When using verbs of the 1st group in Futur Simple, the letter "e"(from the ending of the indefinite form) is not read or pronounced as [uh].

For verbs of the 3rd group -re in the future tense the final tense appears "e". For example:

Some verbs of the 3rd group change the stem, after which the same endings of the future tense are added to it. The basics of these verbs need to be remembered:

aller venir
tu iras
il/elle ira
nous irons
vous irez
ils/elles iront
je viendrai
tu viendras
il/elle viendra
nous viendrons
vous viendrez
ils/elles viendront
pouvoir voir
je pourrai
tu pourras
il/elle pourra
nous pourrons
vous pourrez
ils/elles pourront
je verrai
tu verras
il/elle verra
nous verrons
vous verrez
ils/elles verront
vouloir etre
je voudrai
tu voudras
il/elle voudra
nous voudrons
vous voudrez
ils/elles voudront
je serai
tu seras
il/elle sera
nous serons
vous serez
ils/elles seront
faire avoir
je ferai
tu feras
il/elle fera
nous ferons
vous ferez
ils/elles feront
tu auras
il/elle aura
nous aurons
vous aurez
ils/elles auront

As you can see, there are few such verbs, and the stems of the future tense are mainly consonant with the indefinite form.

Futur Simple in interrogative and negative sentences

Interrogative and negative sentences are constructed according to the same rules that are already familiar to you: questions - using inversion and turnover "est-ce-que" negation - using particles “ne…pas.”

In sentences after the particle "si"(=if) the future tense is not used.

As a rule, these are complex sentences with a subordinate condition (one of the sentences in the complex that answers the question “under what condition?”). Such sentences are translated into Russian using the future.

For example: Si il est libre, il ira au cinéma.— If he is free, he will go to the cinema.

As can be seen from the example, the form of the future tense Futur Simple is used only in one part of the sentence, and after "si" is put Present.

Important! Future Simple can express not only an action that will happen in the future. It can be used to express polite requests, for example:
Je voudrai une tasse de the. — I'd like a cup of tea.

Also Futur Simple with verbs "etre" And "avoir" may express uncertainty and doubt: Où est-elle? – Elle sera à l’école. Where is she? - She's probably at school.

Futur Simple is also used to express an order or advice: Vous prendrez garde!- Be careful!

Do you remember everything? Test yourself by completing several tasks!

Lesson assignments

Exercise 1. Translate into French.
demain - tomorrow
dans - through
une chanson - song
chanter – to sing
jour - day
en excursion – on an excursion

1. I will watch this film tomorrow. 2. I will sing one song. 3. You can leave in ten minutes. 4. They will buy a big house. 5. Students will talk to the professor. 6. We are leaving in three days. 7. I will live in England. 8. We will finish work tomorrow. 9. Will you go on an excursion?

Exercise 2. Open the brackets using either Futur Simple or Présent.
1. Nous (visiter) la ferme, si nous (avoir)eu le temps. 2. Si vous (donner) votre adresse je vous (trouver) vite. 3. Si il (aller) au magasin, il (achèter) du pain. 4. Si je (etre) libre demain, je (venir) chez toi. 5. Je (écrire) une lettre, si je (avoir) eu le temps.

Answer 1.
1. Je verrai ce film demain. 2. Je chanterai une chanson. 3. Vous pourrez partir dans 10 minutes. 4. Ils acheteront une grande maison. 5. Les étudiantes parlera au professeur. 6. Ils partiront dans 3 jours. 7. J'habiterai en Angleterre. 8. Nous finirons le travail demain. 9. Iras-tu en excursion?

Answer 2.
1. visiterons, avons 2. donnez, trouverai 3. va, achètera 4. suis, viendrai 5. écrirai, ai