Particle of Harmony farming. Where to farm Spirit of Harmony? Alternative methods of extraction

– crafting material added in Pandaria. It is an analogue of the previous “elements”, but, unlike them, it is not divided into fire, water and others, but is one of a kind. It is assembled from 10 units of simpler material - Particles of Harmony.

10 Motes of Harmony = 1 Spirit of Harmony

Motes of Harmony, in turn, can be knocked out from any creatures in Pandaria.

Spirit of Harmony is used to create actual items by all professions except Enchanting and Alchemy. Some things require as many as 8 units of this material!

The main problem is that the Spirit of Harmony, as well as Particles of Harmony, is a personal item. All crafters are forced to personally farm this reagent to create epic armor and weapons.

In the guide we will look at all the ways to obtain Spirits of Harmony, but we will concentrate on farming. Let's start with simpler methods.

  1. Purchase with honor points and conquest points.
  2. Farming
  3. Obtaining from chests
  4. Farm directly

Purchase with points

In patch 5.1, the ability to purchase harmony for points of honor and justice was added to the game.

The number of particles obtained will depend on the number of sown beds:

  • 12 particles – 12 beds (requires Revered)
  • 16 particles – 16 beds (requires Exalted)

Obtaining from chests

Spirit particles can also be obtained from various "containers". Despite the fact that specifically farming chests is perhaps even worse than farming monsters, the method is worth mentioning.

Particles can be found in 5 types of chests (wowhead list). Pay attention to the Sealed Box - during the fair you can catch it well on Darkmoon Island.

Also worth mentioning is the Treasure Chest. It can be found in loot if you have the effect of a Greater Potion of Luck (made by alchemists) or the effect of Lotus of Luck (hangs after collecting the Golden Lotus). The chance of getting a Piece of Harmony from a Chest is about 2%. It’s not worth farming them specifically, but if you go to farm monsters (see the next point), it’s a good idea to collect chests at the same time.

Farming Spirits of Harmony

All pharma videos below are at English; but it won’t be difficult for you to understand where and who to kill.

Valley of the Four Winds

Summit of Kun-Lai

The mischievous snow spirits in the cave in the center of the Kun-Lai Summit have a 10% chance of dropping Particles of Harmony. True, they do not appear very often. But there is a lot of ore and grass in the cave.

Eerie Wasteland

Now another piece of information has accumulated that is neither here nor there. Of course, it doesn’t pretend to be news, but it would be a shame to miss such pleasant little things.

Fishing without a fishing rod
In Pandaria, players will be able to fish without removing their weapons. True, in this case the “default fishing rod” will be used - just a clumsy stick with a fishing line tied to it. Accordingly, you do not receive bonuses. But in the context of intensified confrontation between factions and a much more populated world, such a solution can save a couple of seconds on switching weapons in the event of a gank. And even save a life.

By the way, regular pickaxes and skinning knives now also provide a bonus to the corresponding skill. And you don't have to wear them. Perhaps fishing rods will work in a similar way.

Eric the speaker
At the Alliance base, the half-mad preacher Eric Thibault is hiding in the shadows of the corridor. Or maybe he's just a cowardly deserter. Or an agent of the Horde. It is difficult to draw a clear conclusion from his words =) But this whisper, heard every time you pass by, clearly demoralizes the troops.

As I have repeatedly mentioned in posts, the Spirit of Harmony is a key reagent for many professions, and besides, it also doubles as the local currency. At his base, the player can exchange the Spirit of Harmony for rare and not so rare reagents. This .

Temporary mounts
In various locations there are elite animals that are not “rare”, but have given name. They drop special items that give the effect of a temporary mount.

When using this item, the character sits on a virtual copy of the killed elite soldier and rushes forward. It is impossible to stop the beast, you can only give it a direction to run. An important positive effect is that mobs do not attack the character. Well, at least for now =)

And it's just fun.

Legendary Weapon
And thanks to Chaud (by the way, where is BB, he hasn’t been seen for a long time, has he sold his share of MMO-Champ?=) we have information about what awaits players after the continuation. You need to knock out 20 legendary items from any raid bosses in Pandaria. Moreover, they also drop from Raid Search bosses. And then another thing with and . As a reward for completing this quest, the player will have the opportunity to choose: +500 agility, strength or intelligence. Stones can only be inserted into special Sha-touched weapons:

I note that only the last two items fall into the Heart of Fear. The rest are obtained from Terrace of Eternal Spring, the top dungeon in Pandaria's launch raid content. If you missed the schedule, I will remind you that you will be able to visit there only a month after the add-on is released.

The stone, apparently, does not give the weapon “legendary” status, because the end of the chain is with steamships and fortresses.

And yes, if everything remains as is, you can get a legendary simply by searching for raids, although it will be much weaker than the legendary from heroic. Whether it is possible to “re-select” weapons or upgrade them is still unknown.

The Spirit of Harmony, a reagent for most professions in WoW, was added to the game in the Mists of Pandaria expansion as a replacement for the elements (but more on that later). The spirit of harmony is necessary in most recipes that create items of rare quality (blue) and higher, also, thanks to the use of the spirit of harmony, you can reset the daily CD for creating reagents and learning new recipes for all professions.

For the spirit of harmony, you can buy recipes and diagrams - for tailors, blacksmiths, tanners - from merchants located at the Horde and Alliance bases in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

In order to create one spirit of harmony, you need 10 particles of harmony that need to be combined.

Now let's move on to mining particles of harmony.

Farming the Spirit of Harmony

As mentioned above, to create the spirit of harmony you need particles of harmony, which are obtained from killed mobs.

Fact. Particles of harmony fall only from mobs whose HP is above 56 thousand.

Where to farm particles of harmony? I offer you a couple of places where you can farm them by killing mobs.

1) Here it is best to farm the spirit of harmony (particles). Kill Rogues Stone Mountain in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, the mobs have only 236k health, plus these mobs summon adds (from which they also drop), and these mobs also drop Sky Shards - necessary to obtain the mount. Well, besides all this, they are great for farming fabric and various things.

2) In second place in terms of farm is the River Blade Destroyer, they are found in the Karsagan jungle. The advantage of these mobs is that most of them are wounded and are beaten by NPCs (characters) friendly to you. Therefore, they are not difficult to kill, even at level 85.

Alternative mining methods

1) Farm. The spirit of harmony can be cultivated! More precisely, you can grow particles, which are then combined into a spirit. In order to grow it on the farm, you need to have a reputation - exalted, in order to buy the Bell Seed Bell Seed - you can collect particles from it. From the 1st hole you will receive 1 particle, with 16 seeds planted - 1 harmony and 6 more particles.

2) The spirit of harmony can be bought for PvP currency - honor points - 600 points for 1 spirit.

Exchange of spirits

Spirits of harmony can be exchanged with traders for Pandaria reagents. Merchants with whom you can exchange them are located at faction bases in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Each faction has its own merchant - Crystal for the Alliance; and Danki - from the Horde. Traders stand near the entrances.

Here's what you can exchange 1 spirit for:

1 — Iron Paw Token – the chef’s reward for daily specials, required for cooking;
1 – Restored artifact – archaeology;
1 – Starlight Ink – outline;
20 - Wind-wool fabric;
1 – Pandarian herbs – the bag will contain 20 pieces of various Pandarian herbs;
2 - Golden Lotus;
20 - Spirit Dust;
5 - Mysterious substance;
1 - Astral fragment;
20 - Ghost Iron Ore;
20 – Cyparite;
5 – Black trillium ore;
5 – White trillium ore;
20 — Exotic leather;
20 - Prismatic scales;
1 -Snake's eye is a jewelers' stone.


The spirit of harmony replaced the elements that were previously mined in various ways. Previously there were 4 elements: fire, water, air and earth. The spirit of harmony has replaced everyone for crafting in Pandaria.

The spirit of harmony cannot be transferred, it is personal (5.1).

Blizzard specifically made the extraction of the spirit of harmony from mobs in order to “kick out” players from the cities in which they were staying. Although, this did not really change the situation with players being in cities... But it completely killed the economy of crafting with twin items.

A very important reagent that allows you to create special gems, better enchantments for weapons and wrists, and good things for followers of other professions high level. If you have a large farm, then you can grow the spirit of harmony there, but grinding is still one of the ways to get it. I'll give you a list best places for farming while pumping.

Pearl Fin Village
If you play for an alliance, then good choice there will be a Pearl Fin village. Start doing quests and stop at the task Seize the moment, in which you will have a small army of NPCs at your disposal to help you kill the endlessly appearing Hozen. You must damage as many mobs as possible while avoiding aggro. In a couple of hours you will have a ton of Pieces of Harmony, and there is also a good chance of knocking out several recipes from jewelers.

If you have already completed this task, you will still be able to kill endlessly spawning hozens, but in this case you will not have help from NPC allies, so it is no longer as effective.

Zhu's Watch
Are you playing as a horde by an absurd accident or have you completed the quest described above? Then Pearl Fin Village will no longer exist. To others good option is Zhu's Watch. Go to Ken-Ken, do a couple introductory tasks, starting with What's Eating Zhu's Watch? , stop at Zhu's Despair and start farming.

In this quest, you will be transported to a special phased area and given an NPC guard. You can stay there until you kill the big mob in the center, so focus on the Essence of Despair. They were slightly nerfed in 5.1, but they still drop spirit of harmony, recipes, green and blue items (BoE).

Even an 85 character can handle their farming; for example, a level 86 paladin kills entities so quickly that you have to wait for them to appear. In two hours I received 6 recipes and 21 particles of harmony. But don't forget that the recipes you already have will no longer drop, so over time there will be fewer and fewer of them.

If you want to relax a little, you can run into the tavern. Since this is a phasing quest, the mobs will disappear. And to return, talk to Ken-Ken in the tavern.

Half Mountain Market
Last but not least is the way to obtain the spirit of harmony. The simplest and least time-consuming. By raising your reputation with the Farmers, you will be able to buy and plant Bell Seeds, which grow into particles of harmony. Of course, on a farm you won’t be able to get too many spirits of harmony and make serious money, but if you don’t want to spend hours farming mobs, then you can get at least some benefit from the crafting profession.

Hard grind
If you need particles on a level 90 character and none of the methods above are suitable, then you can go to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. For example, at