How to catch bream in May. Feeder fishing from"а" до "я". Ловля леща на пряди шелковника - отдельная тема!}

Bream fishing in May

The end of a long winter always brings joy to all amateur fishermen, because in the spring-summer period the fishing season for many species of fish opens. Separately, we can note the fishing for bream in May. Before going to spawn, this fish gathers in schools, and its activity in terms of obtaining food increases greatly.

May bream fishing and its features.

Usually, ice disappears from the surface of reservoirs by the end of April, if the spring is not long. In May, the water becomes clearer and its temperature rises, which makes the fish more active in search of food.
During spawning, schools of bream gather closer to the shores of reservoirs, where the water is warmer and there is more food. Bream is a shy fish and it is important for fishermen to know that even a small noise near a pond can scare away a school and good fishing will no longer be possible. It is in May that bream bites especially well.

Favorite habitats of bream in late spring.

Until spawning begins, bream feed on various insect larvae and worms, which are very abundant in bays with an abundance of aquatic plants. River mouths are the favorite habitat of this fish, if it spawns in the river. If the river is large, then bream often gathers near dams or near pits. The spawning of this fish can continue for a long period of time: first, small specimens spawn, and then large specimens. Weather has a big impact on the length of the spawning season.

Tackle for catching bream in May.

During this period, bream are caught using fishing rods equipped with floats, or using bottom tackle - a feeder. Rods 6-7 meters long, equipped with reels with fishing line whose diameter does not exceed 0.27 millimeters, are ideal for catching this fish. The leash is made from a thinner fishing line (0.2 millimeters). To track the depth of the fish, fishermen often make another leash located above the sinker. Hooks should be chosen thin and not very large, so that delicate bait can be attached comfortably.

Bottom tackle is used when bream moves away from the shore to deeper places, preparing for spawning. Fishermen often catch trophy large bream using bottom tackle. The good thing about feeders is that they are very convenient for fishing when the waves are big and the wind is strong. The length of the rod should be 3 meters, the diameter of the fishing line should be 0.25 millimeters, and the leash should be at least 20-50 centimeters long with a fishing line diameter of 0.16 millimeters.

Bait of bream.

You can easily make it yourself or buy bait boxes in the store in the form of a pyramid or rectangle from metal mesh. The mesh cells can be made small if the bait contains bloodworms or maggots.

When fishing for bream in May in a certain permanent place, complementary feeding is of great importance. You can buy ready-made bait in the store and then mix it with porridge cooked from oatmeal, pearl barley or peas. If you fish with a worm, then add finely chopped worms to the bait. For binding, you can use clay mixed with sand. You can also add ground crackers to the store-bought mixture, corn grits. It’s good if turbidity forms when the bait is immersed in water. This can be achieved by adding a few spoons of cocoa to the mixture for feeding bream. Schools of bream gather well for bait with a sweetish aroma, therefore, you can use all sorts of fruit essences for supplementation.

Places for catching bream in May.

If you intend to fish for bream in May, then choose those parts of the rivers where the bottom is rocky or covered with clay. As for the fishing depth, it can exceed 1 meter. The shallows covered with shells often hold a lot of fish and your catch will always be good.

Bream likes to feed near snags or stones, and large bream become prey for fishermen when fishing on sandbanks, where the depth does not exceed half a meter.

About baits for May bream fishing.

In May, bream bite well if bloodworms, maggots or small earthworms are used as bait. The caddisfly is also well suited for this purpose. You can put two small worms on one hook at once. At the end of May, when the water becomes warmer, bream also take baits such as boiled pearl barley, peas, boiled or canned corn, as well as bait made from dough flavored with anise drops or cinnamon extract.

Now, knowing the peculiarities of catching bream in May, you will not be left without a magnificent catch.

Due to artificial breeding, bream is quite common in our country today. It is found in quiet, deep lower reaches of rivers, where the current is slow and the water is warm, as well as in channels and creeks. It can often be caught in deep holes and flooded sand or gravel quarries, characterized by a soft bottom.

General information

This fish prefers bends and places above dams, as well as depressions or holes, always trying to stay away from the shore. In reservoirs overgrown with vegetation, it stays in the depths during the day, and in the evening moves to shallow water to the surface. Bream lives in groups, migrating during the day in search of food. As a rule, it avoids areas where the bottom is rocky.

This fish is caught mainly in the summer, although it also takes bait in the warm autumn. And in some water areas below reservoirs you can catch it even in a non-freezing winter. In very hot weather, bream practically does not bite. And in established clear and windless weather, it can be caught both early in the morning and late in the evening, but provided that the water at the depths is clean. However, many anglers are interested in bream in the spring. The reason is that it is during this period that this fish can be caught almost right next to the shore.

Spring fishing

It is at this time, according to many avid hunters, that catching this inhabitant of reservoirs is most interesting. Bream is most active in the spring, and this, accordingly, affects both the quantity and quality of the catch.

And although it is believed that it is better to catch this fish in the summer, nevertheless, many go to the reservoirs for it precisely after winter has receded, considering this time to be the most suitable for fishing. In the spring before spawning, bream gather in schools and feed intensively. This, in turn, also gives fishermen a certain advantage. But not everything is so simple: it is not always possible to boast of a great catch. Bream fishing in the spring has its own characteristics. You need to know about this in advance in order to properly prepare, because without this you can return home empty-handed.

Fishing time

You can start fishing for this fish in the spring as soon as the ice melts. The water should at least slightly return to its usual level in the reservoir. In order for fishing to be successful, experienced fishermen take into account such an indicator as the degree of water transparency. This time usually falls at the end of March or beginning of April. The bream bite improves as the water clears and its temperature increases. The closer the spawning period, the larger the size of the school and the closer the prey comes to the shore. At this time, it is important for the fisherman not to frighten the fish with rustling noises or awkward movements. Bream bites most consistently in the spring in May.

catchable places

Before starting, it feeds on worms and insect larvae at the very edge of aquatic vegetation, especially in shallow bays. If spawning occurs in rivers flowing into a reservoir, then it must be caught at their mouths. Here this fish actively feeds, and as soon as the water warms up, it goes upstream to the spawning grounds. Knowing how to catch bream on the river in the spring, you can return home with a fairly large amount of catch.

In large waterways, before spawning, this fish accumulates near dams and near pits, as well as next to oxbow lakes, where it then spawns. In some rivers, bream remain in their permanent habitats for a long time, heading to the spawning grounds at the very last moment. The spawning period, even in one reservoir or river, can last almost a month and begin only in May, depending on weather conditions.

On the donk

Properly selected gear for catching bream in spring is the key to success this lesson. First of all, this fish is fished for, which, according to many anglers, is the most effective. There are quite a lot of devices for this fishing method. Often, for their production, a spinning rod is used, which is converted in such a way that with its help the bait can be thrown far enough and, most importantly, in the right direction.

The diameter for the main line should be in the range from 0.3 to 0.35 millimeters, and for leashes 0.25 mm is usually enough. Hooks are used with a long shank, sizes five to seven. The donka is equipped with two or three stings. Fishing in spring is best done with red dung worms. It is advisable to feed the future fishing spot in advance. And as complementary food, experienced hunters use boiled wheat with the addition of sunflower cake or chopped worms.

The fishing distance from the shore with this type of gear for catching bream in the spring can be up to twenty meters from the shore. It is very convenient to use the donkey even in strong winds or when there is a large wave in the pond. In this case, the rod must have a length of at least three meters, and the leash must have a size of 0.14-0.16 millimeters with a length of up to fifty centimeters. The feeder should be selected depending on the speed of the flow and the composition of the complementary food.

Catching bream on a feeder

In spring, on the river, this fish swims quite close to the shore. This circumstance must be taken into account; when equipping gear for catching bream in the spring, it must have a long rod with a plug.

Considering the fairly high cost of such a feeder, many opt for a six or seven-meter telescopic version with passage rings. But it should have two features: lightness and quality.

A main line with a diameter of 0.25-0.27 millimeters with a leader thickness of 0.2 mm is wound onto a spinning reel. Sometimes a second copy is mounted above the sinker. This way, according to some anglers, it is easier to track in which horizon the bream feeds.

The hook should be made of thin wire and not very large: such that bloodworms and worms can easily attach to it. The float should be teardrop-shaped with a load capacity of one to three grams.

It is preferable to fish in spring from late April or early May. At this time, the prey, having already fattened up a little near the shore, goes to the spawning ground. And it is on the feeder that you can catch trophy specimens.


This method of spring fishing for bream from a boat, which deserves no less attention, is suitable for relatively shallow reservoirs in which there is a quiet and even current. It is preferable to select a place for fishing based on the bottom: it should be dense and sandy-clayey. When fishing with bait, feeding is mandatory. Red dung worms are used as bait, and maggots also work well.

In the spring, bream prefers peas, steamed wheat, and pearl barley as bait. The most optimal time for fishing is early morning or late evening. Most often, it is during these periods that you can count on a bite of respectable specimens.


You need to fish for bream with the following baits of animal origin: bloodworms, maggots, worms and caddis flies. If the first option is preferable in reservoirs rich in this larva, then the other baits are better suited for catching trophy specimens, especially when the water is warm enough. “Sandwiches” made from maggots with worms, bloodworms and maggots are also catchy. As the reservoir warms up and spawning time approaches - early May - some experienced bream fishers also fish with various plant baits: steamed pearl barley, peas, canned corn, bread crumb, semolina porridge and even pasta.

There are also artificial catchable baits. Bream also bite well on foam balls, as well as dough balls into which a piece of thread is implanted. Then they are boiled and dried. The pellet is hooked onto a hook using a protruding piece. This bait “works” well on the river during bottom fishing.

Bream on the feeder in May.

It is no secret that the most desirable fish when fishing with a feeder in a reservoir in the spring is bream. You can catch it both in a standing body of water and on rivers and lakes. In recent years, catching this river “king” using a feeder has become extremely popular. The already beloved feeder is becoming more and more popular, especially since this fishing is always exciting and interesting.

Fishing for bream on a feeder in May.

According to encyclopedic data, the body length of a bream can reach 80 cm , and the mass is almost up to 7 kg . Naturally, knowing such data, any feeder is eager to catch this beautiful fish in a reservoir.

Basically, medium and large bream in May stay in small groups and mainly in deep places of the reservoir, which gives a direct advantage to feeders in catching bream in the spring. Large bream are quite careful and neat.

When searching for food at the bottom and in the mud of a reservoir, bream has a huge advantage over
other types of fish have a convex mouth shape. Only hatched bream “babies” feed on zooplankton. Slightly older fry switch to benthos. But sexually mature bream eat quite a variety of food, while browsing a lot or, as they say, “turning their nose.”

Often large individuals of bream gather in large schools, this is especially noticeable in large lakes or rivers. These flocks actively “clean out” the sandy or muddy bottom and, having selected everything edible, move further in search of food, leaving behind the cleared “tables”. It is not difficult to see such “movements” in the floating gas bubbles that emerge after the bream “vacuums” a certain area of ​​the bottom.

Bream becomes sexually mature from about the 3rd year. They spawn on grassy shallows, in small bays, and are accompanied by loud splashes. At this time, the male develops numerous small blunt-conical tubercles on his body, first white, then amber-yellow. The temperature required for spawning is about 21 degrees.

Where to catch bream on a feeder in May.

Bream is most active from the beginning of May until the second ten days of July, after which the bite is restored from the second half of August and continues until October. Large bream prefer deeper places, and smaller bream are found closer to the shore.

When the feeder wants to catch a trophy, he will have to get a medium-strength feeder and a large dough for casting large quantity bait for deep areas of the reservoir distant from the shore. The feeder allows you to catch bream in the spring on almost any body of water and is much more effective than with a regular fishing rod.

Large bream always moves along the channel edges, exploring all holes, edges, areas with
weak counter or reverse current, areas of rocky, muddy and sandy bottom.

The ideal time of day for catching bream with a feeder in May is dawn. The morning bite lasts until 9 am. In the evening, especially in summer, bream are reluctant to feed. But trophy specimens look for food at night.

Equipment for fishing with a feeder for bream in May.

If you thoroughly prepare for fishing with a feeder, then you can get great pleasure from fishing, especially if you hook a solid specimen.

The feeder equipment for bream in May is basically the same as for the whole summer.

Basically, a feeder form of at least 3.7 m with dough from 70 to 120 g (depending on the distance of the fishing site from the shore). If you plan to fish on a large river, then you can take a longer feeder.

The reel should be in the range from 3000 to 4000. When fishing for bream at night in May, preference should still be given to a reel with a baitrunner.

The fishing line or cord when fishing for bream depends on the rod itself. The diameter of the leash must be no less 0.10 mm . As the main fishing line on a river, you must definitely use a braided cord or monofilament, and on a stagnant body of water you can also use a regular nylon fishing line of thick diameter.

The weight, shape and size of the feeder for catching bream is determined by the fishing location. For a lake or pond, round or oval feeders made of metal or plastic weighing 30- 60 g . When fishing in the current, you will need rectangular or triangular metal feeders weighing 60- 120 g .

The length of the leash is not very important; sometimes it can reach 1.5 meters with a weak bite. But still, you should start putting a leash when fishing for bream from a length of 25- 40 cm .

The size and thickness of the hook directly depends on the choice of attachment and bait when fishing for bream in May. An acceptable option would be hooks No. 8-16.

Of the large variety of feeder rigs when catching bream in the spring, the paternoster and asymmetrical loop have proven themselves to be the best.

Bait for catching bream in May on the feeder

If you want to get unprecedented adrenaline when fishing for bream with a feeder in May, you need special attention attach bait. You need to prepare the bait directly on reservoir so that it is fresh and has time to swell before being thrown into the reservoir. The bait for catching bream must contain those components that will be used as bait.

To keep large “heads” at the fishing point, bloodworms, maggots, chopped worms, steamed peas, pearl barley, and canned sweet corn are also added to purchased ready-made baits.

When preparing bait, you need to take into account the speed of the current. When there is a strong current, you need to use a more moistened bait, and in a stagnant body of water - a looser one.

What to use to catch bream with a feeder in May.

Depending on the time of year and water temperature, bream eats almost everything. As
Bait uses red worms, bloodworms, and insect larvae. The “sandwich” bait has also proven itself well: maggot with a worm, maggot corn, maggot bloodworm.

Vegetable baits such as star pasta can also be used. And preparing them is quite simple. Pour boiling water over a third of a glass of pasta and cover with a lid for 50 seconds. Then drain the water and open the lid, let the stars brew for 8-10 minutes. To prevent the pasta from sticking together, you need to add a few drops of vegetable oil. Peas are one of the favorite delicacies of bream, but only if he is accustomed to it. Peas are used mainly in the summer, when the activity of bream on animal baits decreases.

Medium and large bream are good at distinguishing bait by smell, so it would be a good idea to flavor the bait with vanillin, anise or garlic. You need to experiment with the selection of aroma directly on the pond.

Tactics for feeding bream fishing grounds in May.

After stopping at the bream fishing spot, you need to decide on the casting point, only after which you need to start feeding the place. This is done quite simply - fill a feeder of the selected size and weight with bait, throw it into the fishing place (you need to clip it in place so as not to lose the fishing spot and feed the same place). Starter feeding should be done in the amount of 10-15 full feeders. Only after
At the start of feeding, a leash with bait is attached and the process of catching bream with a feeder begins in May. After casting, wait for a bite for 5-9 minutes on reservoirs with a current. If there is no current (that is, fishing on a pond), you need to wait 15-20 minutes for a bream bite. This time is enough to wash out the fertilizer. If during this time there is no bite, we re-cast the tackle with a full feeder. As a rule, the bream begin to bite first, and a little later the large bream.

When catching bream on a feeder in May, a trophy specimen is grabbed confidently and sharply, the hook should be the same. The bream tries to go as deep and as far downstream as possible, turning its body across the current to use the power of the water to help itself. The feeder needs to try to turn the bream in his direction and carefully raise its head above the water, after which the bream will swim behind the line with virtually no resistance. You definitely need to take the bream out into the landing net, since very often this beauty jumps off the hook almost on the shore.


Everyone's favorite bream is caught almost all year round with short breaks. But fishing for it in the spring is especially interesting. Our “fishing” spring can be divided into three periods, which practically coincide with the division into calendar months:

  1. March. Early spring. Fishing by the last ice.
  2. April. Mid-spring. Pre-spawning zhor after the opening of reservoirs.
  3. May. End of spring. Transition of fish to a mixed diet during the recovery period after spawning.

Since water bodies, standing and flowing, in the same region are freed from ice at different times, being tied to the water temperature, it also takes place at different times. This means that you can catch your favorite fish without stopping all spring – from early to late.


Spring streams penetrate under the ice in increasing numbers, saturating the water with oxygen and reviving the fish. In early spring, bream begin to rise from their wintering holes and take bait more and more willingly. One of the favorite periods for winter fishermen is approaching - the last ice.

At this time, bream is caught on fishing rods equipped with a nod. Depending on the fishing conditions, the following equipment is used:

  • The diversion leash is used both in current and in still water.
  • The paternoster is tied on a fishing rod for the current.
  • Jig tackle for lakes and rivers with slow currents.
  • A simple winter float fishing rod, equipped with a hook loaded with lead pellets.

There are mainly four types of bait used in early spring:

  • bloodworm;
  • worm;
  • semolina;
  • dough.

Fishing on the last ice will be more successful if you use various baits. They should not saturate the fish, but only attract and keep fish on the bait table. Therefore, mixtures and porridges for ice fishing are poorer in calories than summer ones, and are also more crumbly compared to them.


The ice has melted and the fish are preparing to spawn. It becomes possible to catch bream in the spring using a feeder and a float rod. It's time to get out and prepare your gear for open water.

During the pre-spawning period, bream in April is caught with different gear:

  • Float fly rod.
  • Plug rod.
  • Donka, including with a rubber shock absorber.
  • Feeder.

Considering that the fish’s belly is swollen with eggs and milk, it is offered a small-sized but high-calorie bait on the hook. Plant baits are practically not used; it is better to equip the hook with animal baits:

  • worm;
  • bloodworm;
  • maggot.

The bait, too, as in winter, should be poor and fine-grained so that the belly of the fish does not swell beyond normal. The aroma of the bait should be spicy and mild.

In April, you should look for bream at the edges bordering shallow waters, where bream will spawn in the future. And before the spawning itself, it’s worth fishing for future spawning grounds.

The bite on the rivers at this time is very greedy, but it is difficult to guess where a school of bream stands on the migration route. And strong currents in rivers complicate the fishing process. For every successful fishing trip, there are two unsuccessful trips. But if you get caught in the course of a school, you won’t be able to catch the bream. The school of adult bream also includes silver bream and white bream, which will be an addition to the by-catch.

Fishing for bream and bream in April on a still body of water is more predictable, but less productive. The principle here is: “a little bit of good.” Every fishing trip will be successful, but nothing more. The catch will mainly be dominated by bream that are not ready for fertilization, and catching an adult bream can be considered a success.


Bream fishing in May is characterized by a change in the diet as the fish recover from spawning stress. Increasingly, fish are becoming interested in plant baits. Along with ordinary worms and maggots, the following baits are also asked for on the hook:

  • peas;
  • corn;
  • dough;
  • bread;
  • pasta;
  • semolina;
  • steamed wheat;
  • pearl barley.

In addition, sandwiches in various combinations become effective. This bait showed itself to be excellent:

  • corn grain;
  • pasta;
  • maggot.

Don’t forget the recently popular attachment made from foam balls.

The bait should be voluminous, because bream really love such baits: a bunch of worms, maggots or a large piece of dough. If a bream sees a bunch of worms, it, apparently, fearing that they will crawl away, grabs it more readily.

Changes in the taste preferences of fish lead to changes in bait mixtures. The empty stomach of the bream requires more voluminous food, which means that porridges containing barley or corn grains come to the fore.

For example, the famous “salapinka” can already be cooked for bream fishing trips in May.

In addition to the porridge from Salapin, another bait is also interesting.

This is a version of the recipe from Yuri L. with minor copyright edits:

  • breadcrumbs (3 parts);
  • shortbread or ground biscuit (1 part);
  • wheat bran or chaff (1 part);
  • corn flour or crushed boiled corn grains (1 part);
  • oatmeal 1/3 part);
  • crushed sunflower seeds (1 part).
  • powdered milk or 3 tablespoons of condensed milk per glass of water for mixing bait.

At the end of spring and beginning of summer, bait mixtures and cereals can be flavored using “sweet” smells:

  • vanilla;
  • cinnamon;
  • strawberry;
  • tutti-frutti;
  • caramel;
  • chocolate;
  • cherry.

Do not forget that the inclusion of bait components in bait activates the bite and brings success in fishing. The fish gets used to picking up pieces of worms, maggots, pearl barley or corn from the feeding table and is not afraid to take bait or bait.

In addition to taste preferences, bream locations also change. Having spawned, bream occupy their usual places near the riverbed edges, and catching them at a fairly large distance from the shore with a float rod becomes problematic. Bottom gear and, above all, the feeder come into play.

Feeder gear allows you to throw a treat to the treasured edge, feed the fishing spot well and keep the fish there. When using this fishing method, the hook with bait is located directly in the feeding zone. The main thing here is to correctly select all the elements of the gear so that it is as sensitive as possible.

When fishing in the current, you need to optimally choose a feeder so that it holds the tackle in place. Best option: triangular models or flat with a wide lead plate.

Each fisherman chooses a feeder rig for bream fishing to his own taste, but the clear leader in sensitivity, in the general opinion of practicing fishermen, is an asymmetrical loop.

Catching bream in May without a feeder is currently rare. Less long-range gear than the English donka will not allow you to throw the bait to a school of bream. They can be used from a boat, but during this period fishing from watercraft is still prohibited in most regions.

At the end of May you can start night fishing for bream using a feeder.

On warm, short nights, bream rise from riverside edges and holes and go out to feed in shallow water. If such sections of the river are known and tested, fishing can be excellent, and the likelihood of catching a trophy specimen increases.

Bream is probably familiar to every fisherman in Russia. This fish is quite large and schooling, of commercial importance. It lives almost everywhere middle zone: in rivers, reservoirs - large and small. River bream grows up to four kilograms or more, and its counterpart in the stagnant water of the reservoir can reach even more large sizes. The time when bream begins to bite in the spring is catchable for most fishermen. As a rule, they group into schools and begin to feed intensively, which gives the successful fisherman a lot of advantages. However, even in this “cool” time, not everyone manages to return home with loot. What does fishing depend on? When does it start to bite? What tips should you take into account in order to catch this fish? How to apply the relevant knowledge gained in practice? We will try to answer these and some other questions in our article.

The beginning of the annual fishing

When does bream start biting in the spring? You can go after this fish almost immediately after the ice melts on rivers and other bodies of water. As a rule, this occurs in late March or early April. True, the current climate warming should definitely be taken into account, since winters are no longer what they were before - snowy and long. Accordingly, the ice on the water disappears earlier, sometimes even quite significantly! So it’s quite difficult to answer the question about what month in the spring bream starts biting. It all depends on how early the spring was and how well the water warmed up, since the early pre-spawning bite improves significantly with the clearing of the waters and an increase in habitat temperatures. Moreover, the closer the spawning gets, the more the fish tend to flock together, coming close to the shore itself. And here it is important to try not to scare away the cautious bream with loud sounds or careless movements.

What does bream prefer in natural conditions in spring?

When does bream start biting in the spring? Before spawning, which can begin in May and sometimes last for a month in some reservoirs, bream feeds on various insect larvae, worms - at the very edge of vegetation in the water, in bays that are not too deep. If spawning is expected in the river, then you can find bream at the mouth. And as soon as the water warms up well, the fish move up in schools to their spawning grounds. If there is a dam in the reservoir, then the fish can accumulate there, actively feeding before spawning, next to the oxbow lakes, where spawning will take place in the future.

At what temperature does bream begin to bite in spring?

Right on this question, probably, even the most avid fisherman, who has caught more than one large bream, will not be able to answer. But everyone knows that bream begins to feed after the ice melts, which means the water temperature is plus 5-10 degrees. In some reservoirs this can only be determined experimentally. It is also typical for bream to begin spawning at water temperatures exceeding 15-18 degrees. Accordingly, an experienced fisherman should act in this temperature range, and at what water temperature in the spring bream begins to bite depends on many conditions.

Some fishing features

Well, on the other hand, you won’t be constantly running around with a thermometer and measuring the temperature “overboard”! So, for example, Muscovites fishermen begin to catch this fish quite early. Almost at the beginning or mid-April, a bite already occurs on the Moscow Canal, but it can be quite short-lived. But when bream starts biting in the spring in the Urals, May may already be in full swing. It all depends on the climatic conditions and the location of the reservoir designated for fishing. So, when bream begins to bite in the spring in St. Petersburg, spawning may already stop and begin.

Gear and methods

Most often, spring bream is caught using a float rod or feeder, which is the original. It is quite doubtful to catch bream on a spinning rod. For an ordinary snack or donk, it’s possible, but not entirely productive. For example, using jig tackle from a boat, it is also not difficult to catch sometimes, but not too often. So let's focus on the two most popular gear.

Float fishing rod

When bream begins to bite in the spring, it comes quite close to the shores, which also needs to be taken into account when making the right choice tackle. The clear winner will be a long rod - a plug. However, it also costs a lot. Therefore, in the absence of a plug, you can use a telescopic rod 6 to 7 meters long with rings for passing the line for bream fishing. The rod should be of high quality and light.

Collecting tackle

You need to take a spinning coil (size - 3 thousand). The fishing line is 0.25 or 0.27, no thicker, since bream is a cautious fish and well aware of the trick. Leash - up to 0.20 mm, or better yet thinner. Sometimes a second leash is used, located above the sinker. This makes it easier to track the horizon where the fish may be located. The hook should not be too large and made of thin wire. It will be easy to attach a bloodworm or worm to it. The float is taken in a teardrop shape and with a load capacity of up to 3 grams. And when the bream begins to bite in the spring, having collected such gear, you can start fishing directly. But many still prefer bottom gear. And here's why.


When bream begins to bite in the spring, catching it on a feeder is still the most effective. Thus, the feeder is one of the most effective gear for this period. Its design features allow you to cast at the distance you need, and place the bait close to the baited hook, thereby attracting fish.

Collecting tackle

As a rule, it is preferable at the very end of April or at the beginning of May (the dates are indicated for central Russia), at a time when the bream have already gained fat, feeding close to the shore, and are about to go to spawning grounds. Then this high-tech tackle sometimes allows you to catch the fish of your dreams - a trophy specimen. The best fishing distance is 20-30 meters from the shore. The design allows the tackle to be used even in strong side or head winds, as well as in fairly strong waves.

Feeder design features

  • We choose a fishing rod that is at least 3 meters long, telescopic or composite. The main thing here is strength, since bream weighing over 4 kilograms or more can be caught, and for these purposes this part of the tackle must best meet the assigned tasks.
  • The inertia-free reel is 2-3 thousand in size.
  • We take 0.25 mm fishing line. The leash is 0.15, and its length is from 50 to 70 centimeters.
  • A few words about the main part of the gear. To choose the right feeder, it is necessary to take into account that, having sunk to the bottom, it should lie as still as possible and not be displaced, since such an action can scare away sensitive fish. As a rule, rectangular, triangular, and teardrop-shaped feeders are used. Know-how can also be found in the form of excellent homemade products with wire mustaches that cling to the bottom. It is important here that the feeder is as resistant to capsizing as possible.
  • We use similar hooks as for float fishing rods, not too large and thinner.

Fishing on the river

When bream starts to bite in the spring, for example), you first need to choose the right place for fishing. The most productive areas will be those sections of the river where the bottom is clayey or rocky. The fishing depth varies, but not less than one meter - shallower fish simply won’t do! But sometimes the method of fishing in shallow waters works - shell shallows near riverbeds or holes, since bream in windless and warm weather tend to visit the shallows and feed there. And the bite will be especially good when there is a breaking wave. Interestingly, a fairly large bream can be caught on a sandy beach and at a depth of 0.5 meters. And the right bait, if you don’t get to the bream place, can attract fish. By the way, experienced fishermen determine the presence of fish when bream begins to bite in the spring on the Oka or another river, in shallow places in circles and splashes when the fish rises to the surface. This phenomenon can usually be observed both in the morning and in the evening.


In spring, worms and bloodworms, maggots and caddis flies are usually used as bait. You can mix by placing a whole “sandwich” of worms and maggots, bloodworms and maggots on one hook. As the water warms up, you can move on to plant species baits: pearl barley, peas, corn and semolina with bread crumb.


Various mixtures are used as complementary foods, for example, rolled oats, pearl barley and peas, chopped worms. Mixed store baits, where clay can act as a binding ingredient, also work well.