How to choose an insurance company: comparison of MTPL, how to properly insure. MTPL “with repair” - how to choose an insurance company and service? Lawyer’s advice How to choose an insurance company

According to a special study National Agency for Fiscal Research, 30% of business representatives prefer to insure risks, in particular, to protect them with the help of insurance products employee health. The economic crisis has forced companies to act even more economically and prudently. When asked how they choose insurers, the companies responded as follows:

  • First of all, 17% of users, in the new economic conditions, pay attention to price services offered.
  • In second place among the indicators are reputation(his fame and reliability), this point was noted by 14% of respondents.
  • In third place is availability flexible terms programs, selection of options. This factor is important for 11% of entrepreneurs.

Among other factors, corporate clients noted the presence of a personal manager, a bonus system, the opportunity to open a personal account and consult with experts.

Head of Analytical Department at AMarkets Artem Deev believes that client companies underestimate such a factor as the size of the insurance company. Business volume matters a lot. This factor, in turn, influences another important indicator, which also must be taken into account: the amount of its own financial resources that the insurer can attract in the event of a major insured event, or use to offer the client favorable financial insurance conditions.

It is important for an insurance company to participate in ratings, Deev is sure: reliability must be confirmed by an independent rating agency. The higher the rating, the more likely it is that the insurer's business will be resilient even in the event of financial turmoil in the market.

An equally important aspect is the geography of the business. In order to work with a client company that has a developed branch network, the insurer itself must have a developed regional network.

A serious argument in favor of the insurer is the affiliate network. If we're talking about voluntary health insurance, then the company as partners must have clinics of different profiles operating in all price segments in order to satisfy the needs of the insured.

Thus, there are nine criteria that influence the choice of insurer. We have arranged them in random order because we believe that each company can independently decide which criteria are decisive in its case.

Nine criteria for choosing an insurer

1. Cost of insurance

4. Business volume

5. Volume of own financial reserves

6. Flexible insurance conditions

7. Geography of business

8. Development of the partner network (clinic networks)

9. Personal approach (personal manager, online account...)

Did we not name some important factor? Leave a comment under the post and add to the list.

There are at least four more factors that influence the client company's decision when choosing an insurer. Three of these are “client-side” and the fourth relates to the collaborative experience.

Vice President, Head of Corporate Insurance for the Eastern and Southern Europe (ESE) region of the company "MetLife" Alexander Lazarev, believes that the combination of these factors will be different in each case, because no two client companies are the same. “The choice of insurer is strongly influenced by factors such as client's business status. Some companies can afford more insurance coverage, others less. The choice will be strongly influenced by factors such as decision maker's views on insurance, this could be the owner or co-owner of the business, CEO. Accordingly, the HR director and members of the tender committee, one way or another, when formulating an insurance policy, will take into account what the owner or manager of the company thinks about this. However, companies cannot ignore industry practice. If leading airlines offer serious insurance coverage to pilots, then other air carriers will one way or another follow this tradition so as not to lose specialists. They will look for an insurer that can provide policies to the flight crew. Now the same situation is developing in the IT industry, but since the staff of an IT company is seriously different in composition from the staff of an airline, the insurance products in this case need different ones. Finally, an important criterion when choosing an insurer is experience of cooperation. If the client company has been cooperating with insurance company N for several years, then it is likely that next year it will choose company N. And this will be the right decision, because the change

OSAGO is a compulsory type of insurance. It was assumed that this policy would cover all losses of the victim in an accident, and the person responsible for the incident would not have to pay compensation.

But with the introduction of this system, many related problems arose - unscrupulous insurers, scammers from “pseudo-legal” firms, false examinations and others.

Since 2014, a Unified method for calculating the amount of compensation for damage has been in effect, and this was supposed to help in the situation, but often worsened it - since the adoption of the unified methodology, the ruble exchange rate has fallen noticeably, and prices for spare parts, repair services, i.e. the original data remained the same, which ultimately significantly underestimates the cost of compensation.

In order to deal less with the above problems you need to make your choice of insurance company consciously, choosing a reliable and profitable insurer. To do this, it is worth analyzing a number of data on the SC, namely:

Important! Not all companies can afford to turn to a rating agency for services, and sometimes there are “closed” small companies for a narrow circle of clients.

Next, you will watch a video about what criteria exist when choosing an insurance company:

Car insurance price

The MTPL civil liability policy is mandatory throughout Russia, and therefore its cost is determined by the Central Bank.

The price of the policy is calculated according to the formula developed by the Bank of Russia, cooperating with the Russian Union of Auto Insurers. You can also calculate it using. This formula consists of the base tariff multiplied by adjustment factors.

The latter take into account various indicators and cost adjustments to calculate the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance. Data taken into account when calculating:

  • base tariff, according to Bank of Russia Directive N 5000-U, for a specific category of vehicle;
  • territorial coefficient (can increase or decrease the cost);
  • KBM (system for recording “driving class”, accident rates and calls to the Investigative Committee);
  • age and driving experience;
  • seasonality, service life;
  • insurance period;
  • technical data about the car.

Insurance companies can only use the method of calculating the cost of a policy according to PCA, but there are amendments when bonuses and discounts are possible during registration - for legal entities that register many cars at once and for regular customers with a good driving history (low accident rate).

Territorial accessibility of the UK

This criterion for choosing a company is important, especially for some regions. When the Internet is generally accessible, this factor is not so important, although it remains very important. To make sure that the selected insurance company has a representative office in your city, just use the special section on the website.

Current technologies have allowed many companies to serve customers even at a considerable distance from their geographical location. Nowadays there are a large number of opportunities to purchase a policy via the Internet. with delivery to a convenient location using a courier or other types of delivery.

In this way, companies expand their area of ​​activity, and clients can obtain a policy right at home or in any convenient location.

Electronic OSAGO policies have recently been approved for use. This method of purchasing is just gaining momentum, but has already gained its fans. These policies are mainly used in large populated areas, since in the periphery, traffic police officers may not have the necessary equipment to verify the authenticity of electronic compulsory motor liability insurance.

The appearance of the policy is very similar to the original forms– but can be printed in any way, and of course does not have security marks.

When purchasing OSAGO, its cost significantly depends on the place of registration of the car owner. Depending on the region, the price may double or become half as much.

Reference! Some car owners use a trick and register their car to relatives who live in “cheaper” regions. But this path does not always pay off.

Expert rating: top 10 best companies for insurance

We have already mentioned the expert rating above, now we will talk about it in more detail and present the TOP 10 companies that received their ratings.

Rating agencies are organizations that analyze a company’s activities according to certain criteria. To complete the procedure, company representatives contact the RA by paying for their services. Expert commissions collect the following data for subsequent analysis:

  1. Financial reports and internal documentation. Rating agencies study all documents to create a complete picture of the company’s performance. Her financial activities and income.

    The accounting of an insurance company is the main evaluation criterion for the rating, since it is payments and receipts, and certain ratios of them, that make it possible to determine how the company is developing.

  2. Insurance company survey.
  3. Conversations with the management of the insurance company.

This method of obtaining information is effective, as it gives an idea of ​​what forecasts it has in the future, what development should be expected and how important this is for its managers.

A conversation with a top manager of an insurance company makes it possible to determine the vector of development and predict whether its financial position will be stable.

In Russia, the most popular rating agency is Expert RA.. This company compiles ratings of insurance companies according to international and domestic rating systems.

Table 1 is a list of the TOP 10 best insurance companies by reliability rating.

Rating SK name Reliability class
1 Liberty insuranceruAA+
3 ruAAA
4 VTB insuranceruAAA
6 RESOgarantiyaruAA
7 AllianzruAA
10 MAXruAA-

People's assessment: choosing an insurance company based on online reviews

The Internet allows everyone to leave their own review of the company they have used. This rating has two sides: you can read real reviews and form your own idea about the insurance company, or you can also find “bought” reviews that are written to order.

Always analyze several sources (several forums, questionnaires). Remember that everyone's subjective opinion will not give a complete picture of the company's reliability. But the presence of overly positive and overly negative reviews should alert you.

Rating Name
1 AstroVolga
2 Energy guarantor

The choice of an insurance company should be taken with great responsibility, because making the wrong decision is fraught with loss of money and long legal proceedings. If you unintentionally caused damage to someone else's property, crashed a car or ended up in a hospital, your insurer will provide you with immediate financial assistance. How to choose an insurance company in order to feel a reliable shoulder of financial support in difficult times?

Main criteria for choosing an insurance company

Large insurance corporations are usually universal and deal with all types of insurance, including such complex areas as retro insurance in construction or protection of financial risks. Lesser insurers usually specialize in one or more areas of activity. They compensate for their narrower specialization with more attractive conditions for concluding an insurance contract. How to choose the right insurance company without relying on rumors and without taking into account “tasty” commercial offers?

The main parameter of choice when analyzing an insurance company is reliability. This refers not only to customer reviews that can be artificially created (purchased). The brand’s popularity and very specific financial indicators are taken into account, which we will discuss below.

Financial sources

How to choose an insurance company if the offers of large insurers do not suit you for a number of reasons? The first step is to rely on financial and legal information that can be found in open sources.

If the insurer is small and not very well-known, it is advisable to first check whether it has a license allowing insurance activities. In Russia, such a register is available on the Bank of Russia website. There is also information about where the company's office is located. If the insurer does not have branches in the Russian Federation and indicates the address of its company in the near or far abroad, you should find out whether it has permission to operate in Russia. The right to choose an insurance company is granted to everyone, but preference should be given to “native” companies or those accredited to work in our territory. You should also be careful when choosing companies that have recently entered the insurance market. According to statistics, stability in the insurance business is achieved only after ten years of work in this market.

Assessing the reliability of the insurer

Rating indicators in general do not guarantee the stability of a given insurer, but they are still worth emulating. All financial companies whose portfolio includes insurance activities can be classified into four reliability classes. Here “A” is the most reliable indicator, class “E” means license revocation and the highest risk group. Group “A” has additional designations that reveal the company’s reliability: “high level” means a stable level of trust in the company from potential clients and investors, “exceptionally high” means an absolute level of trust in the company.

Reliability indicators also make it possible to assess the insurer's chances of strengthening its credit rating.

Features of company evaluation by ratings

To form your own opinion, according to the company’s rating, you should know:

  • Reliability assessment is an expensive procedure; only some rating agencies with an impeccable reputation can engage in such activities. If a company does not have a rating, this does not mean that this insurer is unreliable. Perhaps the insurer's management simply did not consider it necessary to evaluate the rating of its own insurance organization at this stage.
  • For a more accurate assessment, you should also read reviews about this insurer. They can be found on various review sites, where advice is published on which insurance company to choose. Reviews are not always objective: positive reviews can be bought, negative reviews can also be bought - but by competitors. Each review should be analyzed a little: many general phrases (the company is good, the company is bad) indicate that you should not listen to such reviews. Pay attention to the specific assessment of certain actions: quick paperwork, the arrival of a tow truck at the scene of an accident, etc.
  • When assessing a company's rating, results should be taken over a long period. This way you can evaluate the dynamics of growth (decline) of the insurer.

Financial stability parameters

Reports on the financial activities of the organization can tell you how to choose an insurance company. Even those who do not have an economic education can draw conclusions based on financial indicators. Let's take a closer look at how to choose an insurance company based on a financial report.

  • Authorized capital. By law, it must be at least 240 million rubles for those companies that have included life insurance services in their portfolio. For general insurance services, the fund must be 12 million rubles or more.
  • Company assets. This includes funds of the enterprise that can bring profit. These are bank accounts, investments in real estate, property, and various material assets. If in the dynamics of financial statements there is a tendency towards an increase in such assets, this indicates an increase in the reliability of the insurer.
  • Not all assets are equally reliable. Particular attention should be paid to the share of securities of various companies in assets. If this share exceeds 5-7%, this indicates that the company is highly dependent on the growth of stock exchange quotations of securities, and if shares fall, it will no longer be able to fulfill its responsibilities.
  • Insurance portfolio. This figure shows the amount of insurance contracts concluded and accepted for execution. The amount of the insurance portfolio must be adequate to the company’s assets and its authorized capital.
  • Payments and fees. The percentage of payments will tell you which insurance company to choose. If the company is in no hurry to pay its obligations, this indicates that in the event of an insured event it will not be easy to obtain compensation. If the payout percentage is too high, the company risks losing its assets in the very near future. The optimal percentage of payments to insurance premiums is up to half the value of assets.

If you have decided on the general choice of an insurance company, let's decide what you should pay attention to when choosing an insurance company for the most popular insurance packages.

What to consider when choosing an insurer for compulsory medical insurance

How to choose a compulsory medical insurance company? Compulsory medical insurance is one of the most popular types of insurance. Every resident of our country should have a compulsory medical insurance policy. To apply for a policy, it is not at all necessary to contact the insurance company directly. Insurers have transferred part of their powers to special bodies - territorial compulsory medical insurance bodies. It is thanks to such organizations that you can receive preferential or free medical care on the territory of the Russian Federation. And before you think about how to choose a compulsory medical insurance company, you should contact a medical insurance organization, which is an intermediary between the insured person and the insurer.

Authorities providing compulsory medical insurance: main differences

When choosing a compulsory health insurance provider, you should not look for various bonuses and discounts in their offers - tariffs for compulsory health insurance are set by the state. But there are some differences in organizations providing compulsory health insurance policies, and you should be aware of them.

  • Companies offering compulsory medical insurance can be regional or federal. The former operate only within one region. The effect of the latter extends to the entire territory of the Russian Federation. Therefore, if you find it difficult to determine which insurance company to choose for compulsory medical insurance, think about whether you will be leaving your region this year.
  • The larger the insurance organization, the more opportunities it has to attract serious specialists to protect citizens.
  • The information provided by a territorial company about a particular insurer can be checked in open sources.

If you don't like the service provided by a particular insurer, you can change it. But this procedure can only be performed once a year.

OSAGO and "Single Window"

Now let's figure out how to choose an insurance company for compulsory motor liability insurance. First of all, it should be remembered that this type of insurance is also charged by the state. But it has various reward systems for conscientious drivers. In regions where the purchase of an MTPL policy is limited to a few offers, the service can be purchased through the Single Window portal. In this case, there is no question of which insurance company to choose for compulsory motor liability insurance: using a computer, the insurance company is determined automatically by the car number.

Independent choice of MTPL

For those who are going to choose insurance themselves, there are minimum selection criteria:

  • permission from the Central Bank for the insurance company to service the MTPL package;
  • quality of insurance claims settlement;
  • the number of customer complaints about the company’s service;
  • level of payments for this type of insurance.

In order not to think every year about how to choose an insurance company for compulsory motor liability insurance, review the organization’s work programs with its clients: how the “bonus-malus” system works for exemplary drivers, what discounts are provided for an accident-free driving record. It is possible that attractive compulsory insurance packages are provided for regular customers.

Due to the fact that currently monetary compensation under compulsory motor liability insurance has been replaced by the possibility of free car restoration, you should limit your choice to those insurance companies that offer to repair the vehicle at proven service stations. Each insurance organization has a list of companies with which contracts for car repairs have been concluded.

What to consider when choosing a CASCO insurer

If you have already decided which insurance company to choose for compulsory motor liability insurance, it would be a good idea to inquire about voluntary CASCO insurance packages.

Unlike an auto insurance policy, a CASCO policy will help you repair your car, regardless of how or through whose fault it was damaged. At the same time, the cost of the policy varies within fairly wide limits.

Important Factors

Many companies have developed online calculators to calculate the cost of a CASCO policy, taking into account the type of vehicle, driving experience and region of residence. The total amount will depend on how many times you signed a CASCO agreement with this insurance company.

Of course, you decide for yourself which insurance company to choose, but before signing up for a policy, it would be a good idea to pay attention to the following:

  • Is wear and tear taken into account? Is the replacement of spare parts specified in the contract? Please note that according to statistics, it is not advisable to insure cars older than 10 years under CASCO.
  • Is it possible to pay CASCO in installments? And from what date in this case the policy validity period will be calculated.
  • Is there a condition for compensation of funds from: theft, actions of third parties, damage in an accident, in the event of force majeure, etc.

Asking questions

Read the contract carefully and do not hesitate to ask the insurance representative about the most trivial situations:

  • how compensation is calculated for scratches on a car received while parking;
  • will the cost of the wheels be compensated if they were removed in an unguarded parking lot;
  • does the insurance include tow truck services not only to the garage, but also to the service center;
  • if you choose in-kind compensation (repair) of the car, where it will take place;
  • what is the cost of maximum compensation in the event of irretrievable loss of the car, etc.

Summing up

There can be many similar questions, and each of them determines how much time and money it will take to repair your car in the event of sudden damage. To ensure satisfactory answers to these questions, ask them not to intermediaries, but to direct representatives of the insurance company.

Take an interest in insurance program packages; many of them, VHI + OSAGO, for example, will be very useful for inexperienced drivers. And remember, you and your car have only one friend - yourself. Take care of yourself in advance so as not to be left without a car or without health later.

How to check and choose an insurance company? What does the rating of the most reliable insurance companies in Moscow look like? How to sue an insurance company if it refuses to pay?

Hello, dear friends! Welcome to the HeatherBober business magazine and me, Denis Kuderin, an insurance expert.

Today we will talk about insurance companies. The publication continues a series of articles on the principles, methods and types of insurance for citizens and legal entities.

The material will be of interest to anyone who wants to insure themselves or their property with maximum benefit.

1. What is an insurance company and how does it work?

Issues of safety and security of property are relevant for every citizen. Every day we risk our health, lives, real estate, personal finances and property.

How to fully compensate for the damage caused by unforeseen life circumstances? The correct answer is to insure yourself with a reliable insurance company.

But first, let's find out what such structures are and how they work.

– an organization engaged in insurance of citizens and legal entities. The document confirming the fact of insurance is the insurance policy.

The goal of any insurance company is to make a profit. Therefore, each policy recipient is required to pay an insurance premium. Even if the policyholder does not pay out of his own pocket, the employer does it for him.

The client pays for the confidence that if an insured event occurs, compensation for damage will be paid to him in full. Since there are always more insureds and premiums than insured situations, the recovery usually significantly exceeds the cost of the policy.

There is a redistribution of capital: those clients for whom nothing happened pay those who experienced an insured situation. All operations of insurance companies are regulated by current legislation.

Functions of the insurance company:

  • formation of a cash fund for payments to clients;
  • compensation for damage and material support for policyholders;
  • prevention of insurance situations and minimization of losses;
  • customer protection;
  • investing insurance finances to increase profits;
  • financial and economic activities;
  • marketing, attracting customers and developing new markets.

There are hundreds of companies of various levels and specializations operating in the modern insurance market. There are one-stop organizations ready to cater to the most exclusive needs of clients. There are highly specialized offices that deal only with transport or, say, compulsory health insurance.

Citizens and legal entities are provided with the broadest opportunities. They can choose the most inexpensive insurance or, conversely, use the services of an elite brand with appropriate rates. You can go to the office located in a neighboring house, or get insurance online.

In the following sections, we will help readers decide on the choice of company. However, we warn you in advance: there are no universal criteria for evaluating an insurer. Be guided not only by the reliability and reputation of the company, but also by your own goals and objectives.

3. How to choose a reliable insurance company - 7 useful tips

Choosing an insurer is a responsible undertaking that must be approached with appropriate preparation.

The determining criterion when choosing an insurance company is its reliability. All other indicators are secondary. The main thing for the policyholder is to receive compensation on time and in full, otherwise the very meaning of insurance is lost.

Here are 7 expert tips for choosing an insurance partner.

If a company does not yet have a well-known name on the market, you should definitely check its license and find out whether the company has an official permit to operate.

The register of insurers is located on the electronic resource of the Bank of the Russian Federation Service for Financial Markets. The territory of registration is important. You should not trust insurers registered in another country or offshore zone.

Tip 2. Assess financial stability

The financial status of the company directly affects the timeliness and volume of payments. Checking an insurer's financial affairs is easier than you think.

Data on the authorized capital of the company must be officially available. For companies involved in life insurance, this figure should exceed 240 million rubles, for other organizations - 120 million.

Pay attention to the assets of the enterprise, which include cash investments and tangible property. The more available funds a company has, the higher its solvency.

Also check the total amount of payments, insurance reserves and profit margins of the company at the end of the year or quarter.

Visit forums and thematic sites where clients of insurance companies exchange their opinions on the quality of service and other issues.

If there are too many negative reviews about a company online, this is a warning sign. But remember that the more popular the organization, the more ill-wishers it has. And people are more willing to share problems than write thanks.

Tip 4. Analyze the range of services that the company offers

Analyze the company's services and study the areas of insurance. It is important to evaluate services from a comprehensive perspective. The balanced structure of the insurance portfolio and the presence of a variety of products indicate the high level of the insurer.

Tip 5. Pay attention to the founding date

Everything is simple here - the more experience a company has, the more reliable it is. A long period of operation indicates the stability and sustainability of the company. The most trustworthy organizations are those that have been operating in the insurance market for 10 years or more.

If the insurer is consistently present in the TOP, the chances that it will go bankrupt in the near future are minimal.

Tip 7. Listen to friends and acquaintances

First-hand reviews are the most valuable in terms of information content and objectivity. If your friends have already used the services of specific companies and received payments, then you also have a definite chance of success.

Read the article on a related topic - "".

4. Who offers the best insurance conditions - rating of the TOP 7 companies providing services

1) Alpha Insurance

The company slogan: “Service of the future in the present.” The company is truly famous for the highest level of customer service and offers them the most relevant modern insurance products.

It is the leader of the domestic market in the field of medical insurance, protection of travelers, motorists, and apartment owners. Here you can insure yourself in case of a tick bite, loss of luggage during a trip, or a flood in your apartment.

Clients have access to a mobile service and the ability to apply for insurance remotely. There are savings insurance programs that allow you not only to receive compensation in case of insured events, but also to accumulate funds for a pension or a child’s coming of age.

The most famous insurance company in the Russian Federation. Reliable and convenient programs for all occasions, including insurance against illness and accidents. The company is also a non-state pension fund and provides social security to citizens.

"Rosgosstrakh" is the legal successor of the state organization GOSSTRAKH: thus, the company has a record operating life of more than 90 years.

3) VTB Insurance

A subsidiary of VTB Bank. In just a few minutes, clients can buy travel insurance, protect themselves from accidents, and insure a house, cottage, apartment, or office. The authorized capital is more than 5.5 billion rubles. At the end of 2015, the company's collections amounted to about 50 billion rubles.

Consistently included in the top ten best financial companies in Russia. A universal insurer offering its clients reliable protection for health, property, transport and real estate. In 2012, Ingosstrakh made the largest payment in the history of Russian insurance - 7.5 billion rubles under the space insurance program for the Express AM4 spacecraft.

5) Renaissance Insurance

Part of the group of companies of the Renaissance Bank corporation. The company is committed to the full trust of its clients and considers its mission to be the protection of ordinary citizens of the Russian Federation. It has branches in all major cities of Russia. Clients have the right to inform the organization’s management at any time of the day about fraud or any illegal actions of employees.

Registration of policies online and in company branches throughout the country. A huge selection of insurance programs for private and corporate clients. Life, health, transport, real estate insurance, reinsurance. The company regularly holds promotions with prizes for ordinary policyholders.

International company based in Germany. Protection of health, life, private and corporate property. Complex products, cargo and transportation insurance. It has 85 million clients in 70 countries. In 2014, the total volume of Alliance assets approached 2 billion euros.

Insurer Year founded
1 Alpha Insurance A++ (highest level of reliability)1992
2 A++1992, before that the company was called GOSSTRAKH
3 VTB Insurance A++2000
4 A++1947
5 Renaissance Insurance A+ (very high level of reliability)1997
6 A++1993
7 A+1890