My period was on the 12th when I ovulated. How to accurately calculate when ovulation will begin after your period. Reasons for different cycle lengths

The long-awaited moment has come when a young family or couple begins to think about the appearance of a little man who will become a continuation of their family. In the early stages of this period, difficulties and pitfalls begin to appear, because every fourth family has difficulties conceiving a child. Lack of ovulation is the limiting factor.

Any woman who is planning a pregnancy should understand what day after her period ovulation occurs. Ovulation is a process accompanied by the release of a mature egg from a ruptured follicle. Let's understand this process a little. any woman is divided into two important points- follicular and At the beginning of the cycle, exactly until the middle, the follicle matures, ruptures and moves the egg ready to merge with the sperm into the abdominal cavity. All this occurs under the influence of the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone, produced by the hypothalamus and the endocrine system as a whole. This is ovulation. If fusion does not occur, then the mature egg, together with the inner layer of the walls of the uterus, comes out in the form of bleeding. Maturation is determined by the middle of the menstrual period. Ideally, with a 28-day cycle, it will occur approximately 13-15 days after the start of menstruation. There are cases when ovulation occurs twice during the menstrual cycle. This is due to any infectious diseases, malfunction of the endocrine system, or stress.

Every girl who has reached puberty should be able to calculate her menstrual cycle. On average, its duration is 21-35 days. But there are cases when the cycle lasted less than 18 days and more than 45. Menstruation can be disrupted depending on various situations: childbirth, abortion, lactation. And during pregnancy they stop moving altogether.

Many couples raise the question “on what day after menstruation does ovulation occur” in search of an answer only to use the calendar method to insure against the possibility of getting pregnant. But this does not need to be done, because, as stated above, the maturation of the egg in critical situations can be repeated in one menstrual cycle. Yes, and ovulation due to health conditions may shift by 1-2 days within the cycle. Even if you manage to get between the “dangerous days,” this will not protect you from infection.

Some women experience increased desire, or so-called libido, during the maturation of the reproductive cell. Heavy discharge is also associated with rupture of a mature follicle. A sharp decrease and then increase in temperature measured rectally may be an echo of incoming ovulation. But all these methods are imperfect and do not provide a 100% guarantee. The most accurate diagnostics can be called studies carried out using ultrasound radiation.

What day after menstruation does ovulation occur?

Let's still figure out what day after menstruation ovulation occurs. Let's take the standard 28-day menstrual cycle as a basis. When dividing in half, we get the 14th day, from which we should start. After menstruation, a mature egg leaves the follicle in search of sperm. If we take into account that the life span of a sperm is no more than three days, in some cases up to a week, and the egg is ready to wait only 12-24 hours for a meeting, then the number of “dangerous” days is at most equal to a week.

When answering the question about what day ovulation occurs, it is worth highlighting the main points:

The menstrual cycle is calculated from the first day of menstruation of the previous month until the first day of menstruation of the next month;

Ovulation occurs exactly in the middle of the cycle or may shift by 1-2 days;

The absence of ovulation may be due to a number of reasons, which must be diagnosed under the supervision of qualified specialists;

If you should immediately contact an antenatal clinic.

Absolutely all women want to know the date of ovulation. Only the goal is different - some want to determine it in order to conceive a child, others want to prevent pregnancy. Ovulation is the determining factor in a woman’s ability to conceive. These days there are several ways. Some of them give 100% results, exact date.

A full menstrual cycle, regular periods are considered a sign of strong women's health. But the arrival of the next period does not mean at all that ovulation was present in it. It is considered normal if there are no more than 2 such cycles per year. The date of ovulation, theoretically, coincides with the middle of the menstrual cycle. In practice, it can move up or down. This is due to numerous external and internal factors. This is the main difficulty of accurate .

Numerous transformations and hormonal changes occur in the body throughout the menstrual cycle. This affects general condition health and well-being of women. You can determine the moment of release of the egg by your own feelings. But not everyone succeeds in doing this.

The beginning of a new menstrual cycle coincides with the 1st day of menstruation. The maturation of the egg begins. In the absence of unfavorable factors, the process lasts about 13 days. The date of ovulation is 14-16 days of the menstrual cycle. The egg is ripe to meet the sperm and is ready for fertilization. After the egg is released, its further functioning depends on whether it meets a sperm or not. It remains in working condition for 24 hours. And everything would be simple if it weren’t for the vitality of sperm. One day in the middle of the cycle, refuse sexual intercourse, there is no pregnancy. But then difficulties would arise for those women who long to conceive. Nature has provided the following.

The sperm, entering the vagina, remains in working condition for several days. In some cases this period is 7 days. The meeting can occur immediately after the release of the egg. Or the sperm will enter the uterus when the egg is in working condition. This means that pregnancy can occur through sexual intercourse a week before the release of the egg. And within 2 days of the ovulation period.

Methods for determining egg yield

Determining ovulation puzzles women of all generations. Currently there are several ways. From fairly simple to complex ones using special equipment. And of course, with varying accuracy in determining the date. Some of them are extended over time, allowing you to assess the situation six months or a year later. Others require adherence to a certain sleep, nutrition, and sex schedule. Still others are currently inaccessible to the general public due to their high cost.

Ovulation is determined using:

  • calendar method;
  • test use;
  • observation method;
  • ultrasound examination;
  • measurements basal temperature.

The most common method for determining ovulation at home is measurement. Taking into account the data of the calendar method, monitoring one’s own body. Using the test is not a procedure accessible to everyone. Some pharmacies simply don’t have them, while in others the price is high. Ultrasound examination It is usually carried out in case of problems with conception. A woman will not undergo this procedure every month to prevent pregnancy.

Determining ovulation using the calendar method

The method is quite simple in terms of implementation. But the result can be obtained after 1 year of regular entries and marks on the calendar. It is necessary to note the day of the beginning and end of menstruation. The notebook contains notes about illnesses, stressful situations, all factors that could affect the duration of the menstrual cycle and egg maturation. It is necessary to analyze the resulting picture. The longest menstrual cycle and the shortest are calculated. To determine the date of the earliest release of the egg, it is necessary to subtract 18 days from the shortest menstrual cycle. To find out the latest date for the release of an egg, you need to subtract 11 days from the long menstrual cycle. The interval between the obtained values ​​will indicate the period of ovulation. But it is impossible to determine the exact date using this method. Theoretical calculations.

An example of determining the release of an egg using the calendar method

A woman's short menstrual cycle is 25 days. The long cycle lasts 31 days.

  • Earliest date of egg release: 25-18=7. A week after the start of menstruation, ovulation may occur.
  • The latest date of release of the egg: 31-11=20. The onset of ovulation can occur 20 days after the start of the menstrual cycle.

The moment of release of the egg can be from 7 to 20 days. If your menstrual cycle is regular, the results will be more accurate.

It is not entirely logical to rely on the fact that ovulation will occur on days 12-16 of the menstrual cycle. Because the female body is not a clockwork mechanism. Possible failures. Sometimes ovulation occurs just before menstruation. And in some cases, 2 eggs manage to mature, or ovulation occurs 2 times during the entire cycle. All this must be taken into account

Determination of ovulation by monitoring the state of the body

For a woman who is sensitive to her own feelings and monitors her health, determining the date of ovulation will not be difficult. Signs by which you can find out when the egg is released:

  1. Selection changes. Before ovulation, the discharge becomes profuse with a yellowish tint. During ovulation they look like egg white. Transparent, viscous, plentiful. In some cases, rupture of the follicle is accompanied by bleeding. The discharge becomes pink or brown. They need to be assessed every day.
  2. Stomach hurts. Unpleasant sensations are observed on one side of the abdomen. They can be aching, cutting, cramping.
  3. Increases libido. A strong desire for intimacy is dictated by nature. At this moment conception should occur. This symptom is especially noticeable in women who have an irregular sex life. It is necessary to listen to desires.
  4. There is a change in the cervix. To ensure the release of the egg, the cervix softens and opens slightly. The woman herself will not be able to see this, but feeling it is quite possible. It is necessary to carry out the procedure several cycles in a row every day. Then the change will be noticeable.
  5. Breast pain. Hardening, swelling of the nipples, painful sensations occur immediately before ovulation, and during the process. If in the middle of the cycle changes appear in the breasts for no apparent reason, this is the date of ovulation.
  6. Crystallization of saliva. You'll have to get a microscope. Scientists have determined changes in a woman's saliva immediately before the onset of ovulation and during its process. Under a microscope you can see that it crystallizes and looks like frost. You need to do this every day.
  7. Changing taste preferences. A woman may suddenly want something that she didn’t want before. Be it sweets, salted fish, chips, hot dog, milk, beer. The sense of smell is heightened. A woman refuses perfumes or uses others. Notices the smell of furniture, clothes, paper.
  8. Flatulence, intestinal upset. Observed increased gas formation, diarrhea, pain in the lower abdomen.

The accuracy of determining ovulation by this method is very questionable. Signs appear on the eve of ovulation, during its process, or are weakly expressed.

Determining ovulation by measuring basal temperature

Throughout the monthly cycle, body temperature changes. You can get a complete picture and draw a conclusion about the date of ovulation after 3-6 months of constant measurements. The basal temperature method requires compliance with the following rules:

  • You must use 1 thermometer throughout the month.
  • The temperature is measured immediately after waking up. Sleep should be at least 6 hours.
  • You can measure in the mouth, vagina, rectum. The last method gives the most complete picture. You cannot change the method until the end of the cycle.
  • Temperatures are taken from 6 to 8 am. At other times, the data is distorted.
  • The duration of temperature measurement is from 5 to 10 minutes.

Additional notes must be kept in the notebook. Since changes in basal temperature are influenced by several factors:

  • taking medications;
  • cold, viral infection with increasing temperature;
  • alcohol;
  • nervous tension, stress;
  • physical fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • sexual intercourse;
  • moving;
  • heightened emotional state.

All temperature measurement data is transferred to the graph. The X axis should indicate the day, and the Y axis should indicate the basal temperature. In the first half, the temperature remains at 36.3-36.8 degrees Celsius. The day before ovulation, the temperature drops sharply. This is followed by an increase to 37-37.5 degrees. This is the moment of ovulation. After 2 days the temperature drops slightly and remains until the onset of menstruation. Directly in front of them it descends again.

The method of determining ovulation by measuring basal temperature gives a complete picture. You can accurately determine the moment of possible conception. But due to the influence of a large number of internal, external factors quite complex.

Determining ovulation using a test

You can determine ovulation using a test. Morning urine is used for analysis. The analysis is carried out daily. The result is based on the level of LH hormones. They are constantly present in urine. . The day before ovulation, a change in the balance of hormones occurs. The second stripe is clearly visible. This way you can determine the moment of possible conception. The method is quite simple. It does not require women to follow the rules or extra effort. A false result can occur with diseases of the thyroid gland, reproductive system, and adrenal glands. When pregnancy occurs. In other cases the result is 100%. Typically, such tests are used not to prevent pregnancy, but to determine the favorable moment of conception.

Ultrasound examination

This method allows you to accurately determine the moment of ovulation. You will need to do 3-4 ultrasounds. The first study should be carried out 5-8 days after the start of menstruation. On the monitor, the specialist will see the location of the egg. 2 An ultrasound must be performed to determine its movement. Based on the data obtained, you can determine the moment of ovulation. 3-4 ultrasounds must be done to confirm the result. The accuracy is 100%. Couples who cannot conceive a child resort to this method. The doctor helps to identify a favorable moment.

To independently determine the date of ovulation, you need to listen to your own body, observe the discharge, and measure your basal temperature. Keep notes in a diary and analyze the situation.

When planning a pregnancy, it is important for a woman to determine the day when the oocyte, that is, the egg, will release from the ovary. You can calculate on what day ovulation occurs after menstruation using a formula, and then confirm the result with a pharmacy test or temperature measurement method.

Married couples calculate the day on which ovulation occurs after menstruation, when they are planning a child or, conversely, want to delay conception. Every month, the dominant follicle matures in the ovaries - it contains an egg, the release of which marks the beginning of the fertile phase - that is, those hours when fertilization is possible.

Ovulation occurs when the egg leaves the follicle. It moves along the fallopian tubes towards the uterus. During the period when the reproductive cell reaches the uterus, you can become pregnant with a high probability.

If sexual contact occurs at the same time and the sperm connects with the egg, a zygote is formed, which is implanted in the uterus. To achieve this, hormones actively stimulate the growth of the mucous membranes of the uterus.

If the fusion of germ cells does not occur, two weeks after ovulation the increased tissues peel off and a new menstrual period begins.

Couples who want a child calculate the onset of ovulation so that they can try to conceive at this time. If it is necessary to avoid conception, the ovulatory phase is calculated to limit sexual contact during this period.

Formula and calculations

The period from the fertile phase to the start of a new cycle is the luteal phase. Usually its duration is constant, which makes it possible to calculate how many days after menstruation ovulation occurs. Simply put, if a girl is healthy, it doesn’t matter what her cycle is - 22 days or 35. The second phase (from the moment of ovulation until the start of the next period) still lasts 14 days. But the first phase is different for everyone. The differences are due to the duration of follicle maturation.

To calculate, you need to subtract 14 from the total number of days of the cycle. This will be the day from the beginning of menstruation on which the ovulatory phase begins. Formula for calculating ovulation:

Hov = Dtsikla – Dlf,

where Hov is the day of ovulation from the beginning of the cycle,

Dcycle is the duration of the cycle,

Dlf – duration of the luteal phase (14 days).

A cycle with a duration of 21-35 days is considered normal. Calculation examples:

  • Cycle duration = 24 days. 24-14 = 10 days after the start of menstruation - this is the estimated date of ovulation.
  • Duration 26 days: 26-14 = 12 day.
  • With a 28 day cycle: 28-14 = 14 day.
  • 30 day cycle: 30-14 = 16 day.
  • Duration 32 days: 32-14 = 18 days.

Using the same logic, for any duration, you can calculate the day on which the egg leaves the follicle.

For example, as a result of the calculation, it turned out that the egg is released on the tenth day after the start of menstruation. The ovulatory phase is from days 9 to 11 inclusive. This will help you identify the most suitable days for conception.

  1. 32 – 14 = 18 – the ovulatory phase falls on this day from the start of menstruation.
  2. 18 – 5 = 13 – so many days after the end of the discharge, the egg matures.

The calculation will be as accurate as the woman’s cycle is constant. If it is short and amounts to 21 days, then ovulation occurs within a week after the start of menstruation. Thus, you can get pregnant immediately after the end of the discharge.

The calculation method is less suitable for determining ovulation during an irregular cycle. Menstruation will be delayed or start earlier. Therefore, you need to either recalculate each month according to the actual arrival of menstruation, or use other methods of determination.

Other ways

To determine on what day ovulation occurs, use or measure the temperature in the rectum. Pharmacy tests respond to luteinizing hormone, the concentration of which increases during ovulation. Algorithm for using a test strip:

  1. wash with soap with a minimum content of fragrances and dyes;
  2. collect urine in a sterile jar - any vessel or pharmaceutical container for testing;
  3. lower the test strip into the container to the mark;
  4. hold for 10 seconds;
  5. place on a flat surface;
  6. evaluate the result in ten minutes.

The evaluation of the results is the same as in pregnancy test strips. The appearance of two stripes indicates that the ovulatory phase has begun.

If your periods are inconsistent, it is convenient to use the method of measuring basal temperature. During the exit of the germ cell from the follicle, the temperature rises to 37-37.1 oC, the rest of the time - 36.6-36.8 oC. Measurement algorithm:

  1. Prepare a thermometer in the evening and place it near the bed;
  2. In the morning, before getting out of bed, turn on your right side;
  3. insert a thermometer into the rectum;
  4. remove after 3-5 minutes;
  5. record the temperature in a log.

A calendar or diary is used as a journal. Measurements are taken every day and the results are recorded. So, over the course of two to three months, the day on which the fertile phase begins for each cycle is determined.

Early release of the egg

This is the name given to ovulation, which occurs before the 11th day of the cycle. This condition is considered pathological if the fertile phase usually fell on the period from 11 to 18 days, and then shifted.

This happens during the reception medicines, when changing sexual partners, changing climate or lifestyle. The cycle normalizes over several months, and during this period you can calculate the days of ovulation using a pharmacy test or by temperature.

In cases where a stable cycle is 21-22 days, there is nothing to worry about the onset of early ovulation. You can calculate how many days after ovulation you can use the formula for the regular arrival of menstruation.

Late release of the egg

If ovulation occurs more than two weeks after menstruation, the release of the egg is called late. When the cycle is stable and is 33-35 days, this is a normal situation.

If ovulation usually occurs 8-10 days after the end of menstruation, but in recent months delayed, you need to look for the reasons for the deviation from the norm. This happens when there is a deficiency of the hormones FSH, LH, and low function of the corpus luteum. Insufficiency of the second, luteal phase with a low concentration of progesterone is also the cause of infertility, even when the egg is released.

Determining the day on which the fertile phase begins is necessary for planning a healthy pregnancy. Calendar methods are suitable for women with a regular cycle.

If the actual date of the onset of discharge differs from the calculated one, it is recommended to calculate ovulation by temperature or using pharmacy test strips. Deviations from the norm require examination by a gynecologist and correction of the condition.

For a successful conception, girls are interested in what day does ovulation occur after menstruation. To calculate the desired day, you need to know the length of the cycle, listen to changes in the body and carefully read the article.

What is fertility?

Fertility refers to the viability of sperm and eggs. A female cell lives for a day, two at most. During this short time, a sperm must have time to fertilize her. The quality, quantity and lifespan of sperm depends on the man. On average, male cells live from 2 to 10 days in a female body.

Some factors negatively affect the fertility of both eggs and sperm:

  • smoking, alcohol, drugs suppress fertility;
  • improper daily routine, insufficient rest and sleep reduces the chance of getting pregnant;
  • wearing synthetic underwear is harmful to the health of the reproductive organs;
  • food products create a vaginal environment (sperm live longer in one, less in another).

Features of the menstrual cycle

Sometimes the day the egg is released may shift to the beginning or end of the cycle. Such changes occur under the influence of certain factors:

  • heredity;
  • failure in the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • pathologies of the gonads;
  • sudden change in weight;
  • taking certain medications;
  • sudden climate change;
  • depression, frequent nervous tension.

Girls with an unclear bleeding schedule, who avoid or, on the contrary, plan pregnancy, wonder whether ovulation can occur immediately after menstruation. If the damage to the follicle is asymptomatic, the girl may not feel the shift in ovulation. To calculate how many days after menstruation ovulation begins, you need to visit a gynecologist or use home remedies:

  • calculate your basal temperature every day and keep a chart;
  • apply ovulation tests;
  • monitor changes in the body.

If all stages of the cycle are correct, in order to find out on what day ovulation will occur in a 26-day cycle, you need to make an easy mathematical calculation. Subtract 14 from 26. 26-14=12 – the egg is most likely to be released on the 12th day.

Stages of the menstrual cycle

The size of the cycle depends on the hormones produced. Ovulation after menstruation occurs approximately 10-20 days. The ideal time for an egg to be released is on the 14th day of a 28-day cycle. Conventionally, the cycle is divided into 3 stages.

  1. The first lasts about 10 days, due to estrogen, which prepares the reproductive system for conception. The hormone is responsible for the thickness of the endometrium, into which the fertilized egg is implanted. An increase in estrogen levels provokes an increase in the amount of follicle-stimulating hormone in the blood.
  2. At the second stage (1-2 days), there is a rapid decrease in estrogen levels and an increase in luteinizing hormone, which provokes damage to the follicle - ovulation.
  3. After the second stage, progesterone is actively synthesized (at least 14 days). He creates necessary conditions for implantation of the zygote into the uterus and supports a possible pregnancy. If fertilization does not occur, progesterone decreases and a new cycle begins.

How to recognize ovulation?

The changes occurring in the body cause minor discomfort. Most girls clearly feel them, so it’s not difficult to find out on what day after menstruation ovulation occurs.

The main symptoms of the ovulation phase include:

  • chest pain;
  • pain on the side above the pubis;
  • clear discharge similar to raw protein;
  • increase in sexual desire.

A couple of days before the final development of the female cell, the canal in the cervix widens so that sperm can reach the egg. Cervical mucus thins and becomes viscous, which helps male cells reach their target. You can most successfully plan a pregnancy at this stage.

Many girls notice pain in the side of their abdomen on the day of ovulation. Tingling sensations occur in the ovary, where the female cell is maturing. If, after unpleasant sensations, a small spot of blood appears on the underwear, it means the follicle has been damaged and ovulation has already occurred.

On these same days, prolactin is actively synthesized. It prepares the body for breastfeeding and causes heaviness and discomfort in the chest. These symptoms go away in last days months when pregnancy did not occur and prolactin ceased to be produced.

Due to the fact that fertilization is possible only during the ovulation phase, nature dictates that on these days a woman more often wants sexual intercourse than during other phases of the cycle. A large number of sexual acts increases the possibility of conceiving a baby.

Taken together, all these signs clearly indicate the days of ovulation. In addition to them, it is possible to find out about ovulation days by conducting special urinary tests, measuring basal temperature, ultrasound and blood tests for the amount of hormones.

Normal course of ovulation

On average, a female cell grows and develops for 2 weeks. The same amount of time must pass after ovulation until the end of the cycle so that the egg has time to go through all stages of development. Therefore, a cycle lasting 28 days is considered ideal.

The release of the egg takes less than a minute. After the release of hormones into the body, the female cell damages the wall of the follicle and ends up in the fallopian tube. If at this stage a female cell is fertilized by a sperm, a zygote is formed. The resulting cell divides very actively and reaches the uterus in 1-2 days. There the zygote attaches and develops into an embryo.

If fertilization does not occur, the female cell that leaves the follicle reaches the uterus within a few days and dies. The amount of hormones decreases, the body prepares for a new cycle.

Why ovulation may not occur

The absence of ovulation is called anovulation. Not every cycle the body has time to prepare for the expected pregnancy, so sometimes cycles pass without ovulation. For girls under 25 years old, the norm is 2 or fewer such cycles per year, for girls under 35 years old – up to 4 anovulatory cycles.

You should visit a gynecologist if the ovulation phase has not occurred for 3 months in a row or longer. A diagnosis of anovulation means infertility. At an early stage, the disease can be cured, so it is important to monitor your health and undergo timely diagnosis in case of any problems.

Anovulation can be caused by:

  • thyroid gland;
  • adrenal glands

When there is a disruption in the amount of hormones they synthesize, an anovulatory cycle occurs. This means that even a woman’s unstable mental state can be the cause of anovulation. Constant thoughts about a desired pregnancy or possible infertility create a psychological barrier that prevents ovulation. Therefore, many couples find out about a long-awaited pregnancy after deciding to adopt a child. Psychological relief and relaxation help to become parents.

Ovulation is unstable after childbirth or abortion. Normally, everything should return to normal in 1-1.5 years. Also, in women after 35-40 years of age, the egg matures less frequently than before. This process means a slow decline in reproductive function, and then its complete cessation.

Important and interesting facts

  1. There is an opinion that frequent sexual intercourse leads to anovulation. This is a misconception; the number of sexual acts does not in any way affect the maturation and release of the female cell.
  2. The volume of blood released over 3-7 days is 10-80 ml (1-3 tbsp). On average, a woman loses 30-40 ml of blood. Interestingly, girls who lose less than 30 ml of blood consider their periods to be heavy. And those who lose about 80 ml consider bleeding normal or even scanty.
  3. If you take progesterone within a day after your monthly bleeding begins, the discharge will stop. This method helps preserve pregnancy when there is a threat of miscarriage.
  4. Girls with underweight do not always feel on what day of the cycle ovulation occurs. Lack of body fat affects ovulation - girls with too little weight have difficulty conceiving.
  5. Sometimes girls are interested in what day ovulation occurs when bleeding is too short or, conversely, long. Rejection of the endometrium in the first days of the cycle does not affect the growth of the follicle and egg. Normally, the female cell enters the tube 10-14 days after menstruation, regardless of the duration of the bleeding.

Every girl needs to at least know approximately how many days after her period she ovulates. This information helps to conceive or, conversely, to protect yourself on “dangerous” days. The frequency and day of ovulation may indicate various pathologies. If you know how many days after menstruation ovulation occurs, you can even try to conceive a baby of a particular gender with a low probability.

Author Bozbey Gennady Andreevich Update date: December 3, 2018 0

1 201

Pregnancy can be the greatest joy for some women, but for others it can be an undesirable life event. We can discuss and condemn them for a long time, but we’ll leave that to psychologists, priests, girlfriends or spiteful critics. It’s better to talk about when ovulation occurs after menstruation, because this information is important both for those who want to get pregnant and for those hoping to avoid it.

What processes occur in the female reproductive system every month?

The menstrual cycle is a cycle of natural processes necessary female body in order to successfully conceive a child. Changes in the body occur, if not drastic, then quite significant. However, in a healthy woman they most often affect only the reproductive sphere, so all ideas about a “hormonal storm”, neuroendocrine explosions and an estrogen-progesterone apocalypse are nothing more than nonsense of Internet scribblers. The truth is much simpler and, at the same time, more complicated.

So, it all begins during intrauterine development, when, during the division of a fertilized egg, some of the cells turn into oocytes. At the time of a girl's birth, there are about 2 million of these egg precursors. By the time of puberty, about 200-400 thousand of them remain, each of them is located in a microscopic vesicle - a primordial follicle, which are approximately equally divided between both ovaries. Further phases of oocyte development occur during the ovarian cycle.

Expert opinion

Svirid Nadezhda


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With each cycle, 3 to 30 primordial follicles begin to develop simultaneously. This process is influenced by the follicle-stimulating hormone of the pituitary gland, which promotes the production of estrogens, as well as insulin-like growth factor C. As a result, primordial follicles turn into primary follicles.

Transforming into secondary ones, one of which develops faster than others, becoming dominant. The rest undergo atresia (reverse development) and gradually resolve. During this process, the production of follicle-stimulating hormone sharply decreases, and the production of luteinizing hormone increases. Because of this, the growth of the remaining follicles is blocked.

Tell me, how many days after menstruation does ovulation occur? Inna, 19 years old

Inna, it is more correct to count not the days after menstruation, but the days before menstruation. Unfortunately, it is impossible to know exactly when it will occur, so we recommend studying your cycle for at least six months, recording the days on which your periods begin. If the cycle is regular and identical, then approximately in the middle of it there will be an ovulation day. However, it is possible to accurately determine the moment of ovulation only with the help of folliculometry performed by a doctor.

The dominant one grows quickly, turning into a tertiary follicle, or Graafian vesicle, from which an egg ready for fertilization “hatches”. With a 28-day menstrual cycle, this occurs on average on the 14th day, counting from the first day of menstruation. 28-36 hours before this event, the level of luteinizing hormone increases sharply, and this causes the reaction of special ovulation tests.

After ovulation, which begins to produce increased amounts of progesterone, a hormone that helps maintain pregnancy. Its maximum concentration occurs 8-9 days after ovulation, that is, approximately at the moment when the fertilized egg is implanted into the uterine wall, if conception occurs. After this, the corpus luteum remains for 12 weeks until the placenta is formed, which takes over the function of producing progesterone. If fertilization does not occur, then by the end of the cycle the level of progesterone drops, which leads to the rejection of the functional layer of the endometrium (uterine mucosa) and the onset of menstruation.

What day does ovulation occur after menstruation?

If you walk down the street and ask a lot of women this question, most of them will answer 14. They are partly right - this is an average figure used by specialists to roughly calculate the day of conception when registering a pregnant woman. However, not everything is so simple.

On average, a woman's menstrual cycle lasts 28 days. On average, ovulation occurs on the 14th day. On average, menstruation lasts 4-5 days. But all this is on average, that is, usually, for the majority of women. In reality, the cycle can be either 21 days (polymenorrhea) or 35 days (oligomenorrhea). Ovulation, even with a standard 28-day cycle, can occur 8-21 days (in fact, a week before menstruation, and this is a completely possible scenario). By the way, with 5-6 days of menstruation, this can be considered “immediately after menstruation.” The only thing that can be said with certainty is that ovulation does not occur during menstruation.

How often do you visit a gynecologist (not during pregnancy)?

Please choose 1 correct answer

Once a year

Total score

I don't remember the last time I was

Total score

Once every six months

Total score

Every 2-3 months or more often

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Once every 3 years or less

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Once every 2 years

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Anovulatory cycles, or will there be periods if there is no ovulation?

There is such a phenomenon as an anovulatory or single-phase cycle. In this case, the woman does not ovulate, the corpus luteum does not form, and instead of two (follicular and luteal) there is only one phase of the cycle - the first. The result of this situation is the inability to conceive during this cycle in the presence of relatively normal menstruation. However, menstruation can often be delayed in time due to some disruptions in the hormonal regulation of the cycle.

The reasons for the lack of ovulation are conventionally divided into physiological and pathological. The first group includes anovulatory cycles that occur as a result of the natural course of events in a woman’s body (premenopause, adolescence) or under the influence of certain external factors. In the latter case, the disappearance of these factors leads to normalization of the cycle. Pathological causes are any painful conditions that cannot disappear without certain medical intervention.

Can there be ovulation if there is no period? Valeria, 30 years old

Valeria, the question was posed incorrectly. Ovulation itself occurs between periods. However, if you haven't had your period for several months, anything is possible. You need to understand that the absence of menstruation in a woman of reproductive age is a sign of a disease that needs to be treated.

TO physiological reasons include:

  • Anovulatory cycles of adolescence. In girls who have just entered the menarche stage (the time after the appearance of the first menstruation), the hormonal status is not yet sufficiently balanced. Estrogen can be produced too much or too little, the same applies to progesterone, prolactin and pituitary hormones. As a result, ovulation often does not occur. This condition persists for the first two years, gradually smoothing out. By the end of puberty, anovulatory cycles in a healthy girl are the exception rather than the rule.
  • . This is a period of age-related decline in reproductive functions. Hormones are produced less and less, anovulatory cycles become more frequent, menstruation gradually stops and the woman enters the final phase of decline of reproductive functions - menopause.
  • . During stress, the adrenal glands produce too many catecholamines, which switch the body into “survival” mode. For ancient people, it provided the ability to fight or flee from danger. Biologically, we are not far from primitive man, and although now the dangers are not saber-toothed tigers, but rather evil bosses from whom you cannot run away, the biomechanisms of stress work as before. According to researchers, nature simply makes sure that a woman does not conceive in unfavorable living conditions.
  • Previous births. After childbirth, a woman throughout the entire period breastfeeding is produced large number hormone prolactin. This substance stimulates the growth and development of the mammary glands, launches and maintains biological mechanism milk production. At the same time, it inhibits ovulation, inhibits the development of the endometrium and prevents conception. Some scientists believe this is a natural defense mechanism for the first child. If a woman becomes pregnant again, she will not be able to pay enough attention to the first baby. So even with regular periods restored, half of women do not ovulate for a long time.
  • Significant weight loss of any origin. On the one hand, the body also perceives this as stress with the scenario described above. On the other hand, when there is a deficiency of adipose tissue in the body, the estrogens necessary for ovulation are produced in much smaller quantities. Because of this, at first a situation arises in which there is no ovulation, but there are menstruation, and then menstruation disappears.
  • Taking oral contraceptives. These drugs change the levels of hormones in the blood. Some of them just block the possibility of a fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus. Others may completely inhibit ovulation.

Anovulatory cycles can occur in healthy women. However, they are isolated, rare and do not entail any problems either with health or with reproductive function. It's another matter if they become permanent. In this case, we are talking about pathological causes and medical supervision becomes mandatory.

After ovulation, my stomach feels like before my period. What to do? Irina, 24 years old

Irina, this is unpleasant, but quite within the acceptable limits. Ovulation is the rupture of the ovarian wall, resulting in a small wound. Moderate nagging pain during ovulation is very common, but if it is sharp, stronger than usual, if it is accompanied by pallor, weakness, dizziness, you may have an urgent need to go to the hospital.

Pathological reasons for lack of ovulation:

  • . This hereditary disease is caused by a defect in the cellular mechanisms of regulation of the menstrual cycle. It develops until the age of 35. At the same time, in adolescents, menstruation is regular, but over time it becomes more rare and scanty, completely disappearing by the age of 35. Anovulatory cycles are very frequent and gradually become permanent.
  • . At the same time, the ovarian wall becomes denser. As a result, the egg cannot break through the barrier, remaining in place. Fluid accumulates around it, turning the follicle into a cyst. This process takes quite a long time, many cysts are formed and polycystic disease begins. Menstruation is irregular and often disappears altogether.
  • Metabolic syndrome associated with obesity. Because of this, hormonal balance suffers; the pituitary gland produces too much prolactin, which inhibits the development of follicles, and follicle-stimulating hormone, which is needed for ovulation to occur. Excess weight in metabolic syndrome is 10-30 kg or more, and at the same time there are menstrual irregularities, often combined with diabetes mellitus.

Tell me, how does your stomach hurt during ovulation? How about menstruation? Larisa, 18 years old

Hello, Larisa. The main difference between ovulatory pain and menstrual pain is its constant nature. During menstruation, they are often paroxysmal due to contractions of the uterus, expelling parts of the mucous membrane. During ovulation, pain is not spastic. Their intensity can be anything, from weak to very strong. They appear suddenly, usually last 1-2 days and gradually subside.

How to count ovulation after menstruation

Only one reason for searching for how to count ovulation after menstruation is important - knowing the day when the probability of conception is maximum. Some people need this in order to subsequently experience all the joy (and, of course, all the difficulties) of motherhood; others, on the contrary, strive to prevent an unwanted pregnancy due to various circumstances.

Experts say that the calendar method is one of the most unreliable. The fact is that ovulation does not occur on a fixed day during each cycle. Moreover, even when the menstrual cycle is constant and equal to 28 days, ovulation can occur on the 14th, 11th, or 16th day. This means that the time period when the egg has left the follicle and is capable of fertilization is quite long, and its duration may differ from cycle to cycle.

My menstrual cycle is 22 days. How to calculate ovulation? Ella, 24 years old

Ella, with this menstrual cycle, ovulation can occur literally 2-3 days after your period. Or maybe later. For greater confidence, use the basal temperature measurement method or purchase a test.

It’s another matter if you need to know the day of ovulation in order to conceive a child. Everything is simple here: do not miss the slightest opportunity for sexual intercourse during the calculated period, and if there are no other problems with the ability to conceive, pregnancy is inevitable, as New Year. But how to count ovulation after menstruation?

Is it possible to ovulate just before your period? Elizaveta, 30 years old

No, Elizabeth, that is impossible. After ovulation, several days pass until the lining of the uterus is ready to receive a fertilized egg. After this, it takes a few more days for the hormonal levels to “reconfigure” and begin to act. And a little more time is needed for the processes in the endometrium to lead to its stratification and separation of its functional layer from the basal one.

The essence of the calendar method

The calendar method of determining days favorable for conception is the simplest and least reliable way. To do this, you first need to keep a calendar of menstruation for at least six months, noting their first day. Then, having data on the duration of the cycle, it is already possible to predict the onset of the next menstruation and subtract 14 from the expected date obtained. This figure is quite stable, regardless of the duration of the cycle. For example, with a 29-day monthly cycle, ovulation will occur on the 15th day (29-14=15).

However, when calculating days for conception, it is better to use this method in a more detailed form:

  • for calculations, take into account the longest and shortest cycles (with an irregular cycle);
  • subtract 10 from the duration of the long one;
  • from short duration - 19;
  • the resulting two digits are the period auspicious days.

Expert opinion

Svirid Nadezhda


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For example, if the shortest cycle is 26 days, and the longest is 30, then days 7 to 20 will be favorable for conception.

Remember that it is not advisable to use this method for contraception, since a regular cycle, which is usually stable, can suddenly lengthen or shorten under the influence of various factors, and this is impossible to predict.

When does ovulation begin after menstruation and how long does it last? Maria, 22 years old

Maria, the day of ovulation is an individual thing and not always constant. If for one woman this happens on the 14th day, for another it can happen on the 8th day from the first day of menstruation, for a third - on the 17th. Moreover, the same woman can ovulate in different days under the influence of external and internal factors (illness, stress, stress, hormonal imbalances, etc.) Regarding its duration: this is a moment. One moment the egg is still in the ovary, and the next moment it is already outside it and is ready for fertilization within 24 hours. If you are interested in her ability to fertilize, then this is a day or two.

Basal temperature measurement

The second method is measuring basal temperature. This indicator is determined by placing a regular thermometer in the rectum in the morning immediately after waking up. It is important to take your temperature before you begin any daily activity, even before getting out of bed. It is better to put the thermometer on the bedside table in the evening so as not to get up.

Measurements should be taken at the same time every day without skipping for several months (preferably six months). You can place a thermometer in both the mouth and vagina, but these methods are somewhat less accurate. In any case, it is necessary to measure only one way all the time, since the temperature in the rectum, vagina and mouth differs by several tenths of a degree.

If your period started on the 15th, what date will you ovulate? Oksana, 27 years old

Oksana, the information you provided is not enough to answer. At a minimum, you also need to know the duration of the menstrual cycle. Without this data it is impossible to answer your question.

The value of basal temperature is influenced by both hormones released in the ovaries and other factors. Therefore, during the measurement period it is necessary to abandon alcoholic drinks, avoid stress, prolonged unusual physical activity. If everything is done correctly, the measurement data will be something like this:

  • in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, the temperature of a healthy woman is always below 37ºC;
  • immediately before ovulation there is a slight decrease of 0.1-0.2ºС;
  • ovulation itself provokes a jump of 0.3-1ºС;
  • During the entire luteal phase of the cycle, the temperature almost very rarely drops below 37ºC.

The method of measuring basal temperature is quite accurate. Its disadvantage is that it only shows the moment of ovulation itself. If it is used to determine favorable days for conception, you will have to hurry - the egg dies within 24 hours from the moment of ovulation. That is, you only have a day of maximum probability of conception. However, you can try to combine the calendar method with the temperature method to increase the chances of a successful outcome

When does ovulation occur after menstruation with a 30-day cycle. Alena, 23 years old

Hello, Alena. In a healthy woman, ovulation usually occurs within two weeks, counting from the first day of menstruation. With a 30-day cycle, it can be between 9 and 21 days, but the most likely days are from 12 to 16.

How to accurately determine the moment of ovulation

Special tests that can be purchased at a pharmacy have maximum reliability. First, you will need to use the calendar method to determine the approximate time period in which ovulation is most likely. Then, every day you will need to use a test that will show the presence of luteinizing hormone - the same hormone that provokes the release of an egg from the ovary.

Tests can be different:

  • a test strip that is dipped into the urine and wait for two lines of different colors to appear;
  • electronic reusable test that can be used repeatedly.

Determination of the moment of ovulation is also carried out in the morning, when the concentration of urine accumulated overnight is maximum, which means the result will be more accurate.

When to do an ovulation test after menstruation? Ekaterina, 28 years old

Ekaterina, before you start doing an ovulation test, you need to calendar method calculate the approximate period in which ovulation is most likely and start conducting tests daily.

A woman wishing to conceive a child should be examined in advance and prepare for a planned pregnancy. For this it is not enough just to receive positive test for ovulation. It is necessary to thoroughly examine, cure (or at least qualitatively suppress) all foci of chronic infection in the body, since if something worsens during pregnancy, treatment will be quite difficult. So get treatment, plan, calculate your fertile days and get pregnant.

I sometimes bleed after ovulation and before my period. Is it dangerous? Inna, 30 years old

Inna, only menstrual bleeding is considered normal for the female reproductive system. Anything else is a pathology. Consult your doctor, you may have a hormonal imbalance, a blood clotting disorder, or something else.

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