Melon liqueur. Melon drinks for the winter. Chinese melon vodka

Good vodka, especially melon vodka, is a sip of pleasure for true connoisseurs of alcohol. strong drink has a wonderful aroma, pleasant softness and occupies one of the first places among fruit alcohol. It is important that such a product does not contain synthetic additives, flavor enhancers, and has a combination of notes of ripe fruit, the aroma of vanilla, and ginger. Based on this aromatic drink, you can prepare many original cocktails. It is also used as an additive to baked goods and impregnation for biscuits.

Vodka made from melon pulp and rinds

Fragrant sweet drinks have always been in the trend of alcoholic art. Vodka combined with melon can be both a classic drink and a base for cocktails.


  • Melon – 5 kg.
  • Sugar – 4 kg.
  • Pressed yeast – 50 g.
  • Water – 20 l.

Cut the fruit and remove the seeds. Add 4 kg of sugar to the pulp along with the melon peels, which will give the vodka a pleasant bitterness. Leave in a warm place for 4 days, then add water (there should be a total of 25 liters of total volume) and add yeast. Remove for 7 days, then distill in a moonshine still. Filter the resulting alcohol, put it in a dark place for 14 days, then distill it again. It is advisable to dilute the finished drink with melon syrup.

Melon vodka with rose hips

Melon vodka, prepared at home, is not only tasty, but also healthy, has an anti-cold effect, strengthens the immune system, and has a positive effect on the stomach and cardiac system.


  • Melon – 1 pc.
  • Honey – 100 g.
  • Strong alcohol – 500 ml.
  • Rose hips – 25 g.
  • Water – 200 g.

Remove the fruit pulp from the peel and seeds and throw it into the juicer. The resulting juice should be left to settle for a while. Grind the rose hips and boil in water over low heat for 10 minutes. When the broth has infused for about 4 hours, it needs to be strained. Mix alcohol, honey, settled juice and rosehip infusion in a glass container and leave for 8 days in a dark, warm place. Take no more than 3 spoons before each meal.

Chinese melon vodka

This recipe for melon vodka has come to us from China, where the sacrament of preparation is passed down in almost every family. Over the years, the recipe has been improved and diversified. Chinese melon liqueur has become very popular, especially for lovers of stronger drinks.


  • Melon – 1 pc.
  • Sugar – 200 g.
  • Water – 100 ml.
  • Vodka – 900 ml.

Peel the melon, cut into pieces, put in a jar, fill with alcohol. Seal the container with a lid, leave for 15 days in a sunny place, stir occasionally. After this, the contents must be filtered through gauze.

In another bowl, prepare sugar syrup and add the alcohol infused with melon. The whole mass needs to be heated, and when it cools down, pour it into a bottle and hide it in a cool place for a week. After this short aging, the liqueur can be consumed.

Melon vodka liqueur

There are several recipes for a good liqueur made from vodka and melon.

To prepare you will need:

  • Melon – 1 pc.
  • Vodka – 900 ml.
  • Sugar – 300 g.
  • Water – 300 ml.

Cut the peeled fruit into cubes, place in a jar and fill with alcohol. All this must be kept in the warmth and darkness for a week.

Next, the content needs to be filtered. Return the pulp to the jar and cover with sugar, place in a dark place for 4 days, where the sugar should dissolve. Then pour water into the mixture and strain again through cheesecloth. Add water to the resulting liquid to obtain a volume of 500 ml, which needs to be heated. Mix the warm syrup with the tincture until sediment appears, about 3 months. Before serving, the drink must be strained through a cloth.

Despite the identical recipes alcoholic drinks with melon, thanks to the nuances of preparation taste qualities completely different every time. This allows you to choose exactly the option that suits your taste.

Knowing how to make melon vodka or liqueur correctly, you can prepare an excellent product for an aperitif or digestif without much effort or financial expense. This is a drink for true gourmets, for those who are accustomed to finding true pleasure in ordinary things.

Melon drinks for the winter, description and photo

Melon drinks for the winter - tasty and unusual, a variety of options. Stocking up on melon compote for the winter is a must!
A fragrant melon is always a pleasure to eat. She is an excellent dessert that you can enjoy with pleasure all year round. After all, melon is delicious not only fresh, but also as a preserve. It quenches thirst quite well, so it is very organic in compotes.

The fragrant liquid can not only be drunk, but also soaked in it biscuit dough, pancakes, pancakes. And pieces of melon are appropriate to add to pies, cakes, ice cream, enjoying a summer delicacy amid the winter cold.

Melon drinks for the winter - general principles of preparation

Fruits used to prepare a drink for the winter must be ripe, but not overripe. Inside they have elastic and hard flesh. Otherwise, the drink will turn out cloudy and of poor quality.

We wash and dry the melon. We cut the fruit in half and, armed with a spoon, remove the seeds. Then cut the melon into slices and remove the skin.

Cut the fruit pulp into medium cubes. They must either be thrown into the hot water or boil the syrup first, then add the melon pieces and simmer for a few minutes. It is allowed to pour boiling sweet solution onto pieces of fruit placed in containers.
The following equipment will be useful for your work:
glass containers and lids;
wooden spoon;
kitchen towel or thick gauze;
well sharpened knife;
clean cutting board;

We sterilize the washed jars either over steam or in the oven (150 degrees twenty minutes). When we heat the container with compote additionally, it is quite enough to simply wash it clean.

Fill the jars with the finished drink, screw it tightly and turn it over. For greater safety, we wrap the container and send it for storage only after it has completely cooled.

1. Melon nectar for the winter “Fragrant”


650 gr. Sahara;
20 gr. citric acid;
liter of water.

Cooking method:

We heat the water and add the sweet ingredient into it, and then citric acid. Cook sweet syrup.

Remove the skin from the melon. Cut the pulp into medium pieces.

Dip the melon into the sugar syrup, stir and blanch for three minutes.

We transfer the fruit pieces into a clean glass container. Fill it to the top with syrup.

Sterilize the jars for no more than 10 minutes and seal them hermetically. It doesn’t hurt to turn the jars over and cover them with at least a towel.

After the drink has cooled, transfer it to a cool and dark room. And we don’t think about melon compote until winter comes.

2. Melon compote for the winter “Fragrant drink”


liter of water;
half a kilogram of sugar;
one spoon tbsp. citric acid (without slide).

Cooking method:

We wash the melon and dry it. Cut the fruit in half and remove the seeds.

Cut the prepared melon into slices. Cut off the peel from each and cut into small cubes. We place them in a deep bowl.

Prepare the jars: wash and sterilize.

Place the melon pieces into a glass container. Shake the jars periodically so that the delicious cubes fit more tightly.

Pour cold water into a saucepan. Add citric acid and sugar. Mix everything and bring to a boil.

Remove the finished syrup from the heat and pour it into a glass container filled with melon pieces. There should be enough sweet solution for four liter jars.

Cover the containers with compote with lids and sterilize them in a pan with a towel on the bottom for 15 minutes.

We twist the jars and wrap them.

3. Melon drink for the winter with almonds


800 gr. melons;
one kg of granulated sugar;
1000 ml water;
200 gr. almonds

Cooking method:

We remove the fragrant melon from the skin. Cut the pulp into medium-sized cubes 2×2 (cm).

Place pieces of fruit in a clean jar in layers and add a handful of almonds.

Pour sugar into a ladle, fill it with water and stir. Cook thick syrup.

Pour the prepared sweet mixture into the jars with melon pieces and almonds.

Cover with lids, place in the bottom of a wide saucepan with water and sterilize.

Then we roll it up, turn it over and cover it with a blanket.

After a day, we transfer the jars with fragrant melon compote to a place intended for storing supplies.

4. Melon nectar for the winter with lemon juice


Two small melons;
water - liter;
half a kilo of sugar;
1 spoon teaspoon vanilla sugar;
two tbsp. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Cooking method:

We divide the peeled melon into equal and small slices. Place more tightly into prepared jars.

Boil water in a saucepan and add regular sugar, vanilla and lemon juice.

Cool the sweet syrup. Pour it into jars with melon.

Sterilize the container in boiling water and close it.

We turn the jars over and wrap them for a day. Then we hide it in the pantry.

5. Melon drink for the winter with ginger


One melon;
four tbsp. l. Sahara;
two slices of ginger root;
citric acid - a pinch;
half a liter of purified water.

Cooking method:

We wash the melon, divide it in half, and then cut it into thin slices.

We take one such piece in our hand, make vertical cuts on the fruit and cut the pulp from the crust.

Peel the ginger root. Cut a few slices from it.

Place the ginger in the bottom of a clean liter jar, and then add the melon cubes, placing them tightly next to each other.

Mix sugar with citric acid. Sprinkle the dry ingredients onto the melon pieces.

Boil water and pour it to the very edge of the jar. You need to leave minimal space for air.

We take out the container and close the lid tightly.

Turn over and cover with a blanket or blanket. Do not touch until completely cool.

We hide the compote with melon in a cool place until the right opportunity.

6. Melon compote for the winter with spices


One kg of already peeled melon;
two mugs of lemon;
a small piece of orange peel;
two cloves;
a centimeter piece of cinnamon stick;
two and a half glasses of water;
citric acid - five grams.
0.65 kg sugar.

Cooking method:

Place the melon pieces in a deep bowl.

Pour into liter jar sugar with citric acid, mix. Add water and stir everything again.

Pour the solution onto the melon pieces and leave for a day.

Pour the water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.

Add the melon pieces and boil them until transparent.

We remove the fruits with a wooden spoon or slotted spoon and place them in dry, clean and warm jars.

Place lemon slices and spices on top.

We bring the syrup to 100 degrees, then pour it into jars.

We screw the lids on the containers and turn them over. Throw something warm on top. After the jars have cooled, place them in the pantry for storage.

7. Winter melon drink with plums


Three hundred gr. melons;
sugar – 1 glass;
ten plums;
three glasses of water;
50 gr. wines from sweet grapes;
citric acid – 10 grams.

Cooking method:

Cut the melon into pieces.

Remove the pit from the plums.

Cook the syrup by adding sugar to hot water. Dip pieces of plums into it and bring to a boil.

Let the syrup cool and pour the wine into it.

Add melon pieces and citric acid.

We wait until the compote boils, and immediately pour it into jars and roll it up.

8. Melon compote for the winter “Assorted”


Melon – 100 grams;
apples – 80 gr.;
two tight and juicy plums;
half a liter of purified water;
sugar - four tbsp. l..

Cooking method:

Cut the melon into slices.

Peel the apples and remove the seed box. Remove the pits from the plums.

Pour boiling water over the apple peel and boil for about fifteen minutes.

Then strain the broth and add sugar. Bring to a boil.

Add apples to the broth and cook for five minutes.

Add plums, after a minute - pieces of fragrant melon. Boil for another 120 seconds and place the vegetables and fruits in sterile jars.

Pour the liquid part of the compote into a glass container and twist.

9. Melon nectar for the winter “Refreshing”


One kg of melon (prepared pulp);
450 gr. strawberries;
600 gr. sugar sand;
four and a half glasses of water;
mint sprigs.

Cooking method:

Place a mint sprig at the bottom of clean jars.

We wash and dry the strawberries.

Prepare sweet syrup. When it boils for about five minutes, put a colander with melon pieces into it. Boil for three minutes and unload into clean jars.

We distribute the strawberries into jars.

Heat the sweet syrup until it boils and pour it into a container.

Sterilize the jars with compote and screw them up. Place it upside down and cover it.

After a day, we transfer the canned drink for storage to a quiet and dark room.

It is advisable to drink this compote cold; you can even add pieces of ice.

  • We must not forget about the wayward nature of the melon. In particular, if you risk combining pieces of fruit with milk, you can expect digestive problems with almost one hundred percent probability.
  • Melon seeds can be used beneficially. Consuming them in crushed form increases male strength.
  • The amount of sweet ingredient can be changed depending on taste preferences.
  • Before use, glass containers should be checked for chips and cracks.
  • When sterilizing jars, you need to be careful and very careful: they can easily burn. It's definitely worth arming yourself oven mitts or mittens, wear a thick apron.
  • The temperature of the water in the pan and inside the cans of drink at the beginning of the sterilization process should be approximately the same.
  • Melon compote can be prepared with other (preferably sour) fruits in arbitrary proportions

During the harvesting season, they do not only preserve vegetables and fruits. A lot of time is also devoted to preparing homemade alcoholic drinks. Most often, wine is prepared from grapes, cherry tinctures, and viburnum. But these are already familiar recipes. Lovers of gourmet treats will love the melon liqueur. This drink has a delicate aroma and delicate taste, and in addition is very beneficial for the body and can be used in medicinal purposes. Alcohol is practically inaudible. The strength is about 25-30%.

Healing tincture of melon

Most often, alcohol tinctures are used externally for medicinal purposes. But not melon liqueur. In itself it is very useful. Being a valuable source of vitamins, melon in any form is recommended for consumption by people who have problems with digestion and the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Rose hips contain a sufficient amount of vitamin C to support immunity, and honey helps restore vitality and activates natural potential to fight many diseases.

The tincture helps cleanse the gallbladder and helps cure diseases of the genitourinary system, heart and blood vessels. It is also recommended for use in atherosclerosis.


  • melon – 1.5 kg;
  • rose hips – 25 g;
  • honey – 100ml;
  • pure alcohol – 300 ml.

Peel and seed the melon and cut into cubes. Pass through a juicer or grind in a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice using gauze. Pour 300 ml of water over the rose hips and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. Cool, let stand for 4 hours, strain. Mix all the ingredients and let it brew for about a week in a cool, dark place. Take 2-3 tablets. spoons three times a day before meals.

Important! Consult your doctor before use.

Popular recipes

The rest of the recipes are also good for the body, but you just need to drink them in moderation. Despite the small strength, you can quickly get drunk.

A simple vodka tincture of melon and mint

A very pleasant drink with a rich melon aroma and a refreshing aftertaste, which is achieved through the use of mint.


  • liter jar of melon cubes measuring approximately 3 by 3 cm;
  • 3-5 sprigs of mint;
  • 600 ml of vodka or moonshine with a strength of 45-50%.

Pour vodka over the melon, place mint on top, cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator for 4-5 days. Then strain. If the melon liqueur is not too sweet, you can add a couple of tablespoons of sugar. Leave it in the cold for another 10-14 days and you can taste it.

Vodka on melon with cardamom

Classic melon liqueur, supplemented with cardamom, turns into an exquisite treat for gourmets. It turns out to be slightly spicy, moderately strong and with a very long, interesting aftertaste. Just be careful with the seasoning. If you add more cardamom than indicated in the recipe, the melon aroma will not be complemented and highlighted, but will be interrupted.


  • melon – 1 kg;
  • 500-600 ml vodka;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • clove bud;
  • cardamom box;
  • a pinch of ground nutmeg.

Cut the melon and pour vodka, leave for 14 days in a cool, dark place. Strain. Add spices to the infusion and leave for another 3-5 days. Cover the melon pulp with sugar and place in a warm place for the same amount of time to form a syrup. Combine the tincture with syrup. You can try it right away, but if it sits for at least 3 weeks, it will turn out even tastier.

Melon tincture with moonshine and ginger

Sometimes moonshine is much better quality than vodka of unknown production. Therefore, if you are confident in this homemade alcohol product, you can use it. The tincture according to this recipe is very aromatic thanks to ginger. Ingredients:

  • melon – 2.5-3 kg;
  • liter of moonshine;
  • 5 grams of fresh ginger root;
  • sugar – 100-250 g depending on the sweetness of the melon.

Peel the melon and cut it. Grate the ginger on a fine grater. Place in a jar and fill with moonshine. Leave at room temperature for 2 weeks in a dark place. During this time, shake several times. Strain.

Prepare syrup separately by dissolving sugar in minimum quantity warm water. Mix with tincture. Leave the tincture to mature for another 10 days.

Sweet melon tincture in alcohol with rum

Using this recipe, you can not only make homemade wine, but also make a Polish drink, which in the original is very expensive. Ingredients:

  • melon – 4 kg;
  • alcohol 95% - 1 liter;
  • light rum – 120 ml;
  • half a liter of water;
  • 20 ml freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • 800 g sugar.

Cut the melon and put it in a jar, pour hot syrup made from water and sugar, add lemon juice and leave everything for a day. Strain, mix with alcohol and rum, bottle and place in the refrigerator or cellar for a month. Then carefully pour into other containers so that sediment remains in the bottles (decant).

Melon peel tincture

Another tincture recipe with an original name. When serving, it’s one thing to tell guests that this is homemade liqueur, but quite another thing is Chinese melon vodka. The simplest option is to pour vodka over the melon rinds so that they are covered, let it sit for a week, strain and drink. But if you make a drink from pulp and crusts, it will turn out much tastier.


  • melon – 3 kg;
  • a liter of vodka or moonshine without a distinct odor;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 5 grams of vanillin;
  • glass of water.

Peel the melon from the seeds, cut it with the peel and put it in a jar. Pour in alcohol and leave for a week in a dark place. Boil syrup, add vanillin. Mix with strained infusion. Leave in the refrigerator for another 2 weeks.

Take note! Try replacing vanilla with ginger. You will get a completely different taste and aroma.

Melon vodka liqueur

Liqueurs, unlike tinctures and liqueurs, are thicker and sweeter. But that drink also has its fans. And to smooth out the cloying, you can add lemon juice or mint to it before drinking, or serve finely chopped citrus fruits as a snack.


  • melon – 2-2.5 kg;
  • 70% alcohol – 300 ml;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • water.

Peel the melon, cut into small cubes, pour in alcohol. Leave in a warm place for a week, during which time you should shake several times. Strain. Cover the remaining pulp with sugar and leave for 3-5 days until it is completely dissolved. Dilute the syrup with a glass of water, stir, strain. Add water to make the total volume half a liter. Mix the tincture and syrup and leave for three months. Then carefully drain so as not to disturb the formed sediment.

Classic melon liqueur

In general, having learned how to prepare a classic tincture, you can invent your own original recipes, experimenting with additives and spices.


  • melon – 2-2.5 kg;
  • 500 ml vodka;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 80-200 grams of sugar.

Pour vodka over the melon. Place in the sunniest window and leave for 2 weeks, stirring regularly. Boil the syrup. Pour the strained tincture into it, heat over low heat, but do not boil. Cool and let sit for another week.

Melon liqueur

You can also use melon as a container for infusion. The drink turns out pleasant, aromatic and quite strong. You can also infuse vodka in the melon and let the moonshine ripen. Ingredients:

  • small melon;
  • vodka or moonshine.

The melon must be taken in such a shape that the pot made from it is stable. Cut off the top and scoop out the seeds with a spoon. Pour alcohol inside and cover with a lid. Leave for at least a day. When serving, serve the pulp cut into slices as an appetizer.

Advice! If you need a weak drink, you can infuse alcohol in melon for a week or more, but just keep in mind that it will mix with the juice released from the melon. Therefore, you should not fill the melon “pot” to the top.

To make a melon liqueur successful, you need to choose the right fruit. Unripe ones will not give the necessary aroma and taste, just like overripe ones. You should not take a melon with rotten rot or even beginning to show signs of spoilage, so that the drink does not have an unpleasant odor.

Alcohol matters too. All you need from him is a “degree”. If you take moonshine, which has additional impurities, it will interrupt the taste of melon. But homemade “cognac” perfectly emphasizes the aroma of such liqueurs.

You should not add sugar even in the amount indicated in the recipe. You must first try to see how the tincture turns out. Perhaps the fruit is so sweet that additional sweeteners are not needed.

Melon liqueur will be very useful at any festive table. Try cooking it using each of the proposed recipes to determine the most suitable one for yourself.

If you want to treat yourself to something tasty, make a melon liqueur or liqueur. To do this, you need very little: a ripe, fragrant sweet melon, high-quality alcohol and a little patience.

Classic melon liqueur recipe


    Ripe melon – 1 pc.

    Vodka - how much melon requires

    Sugar - per 1 liter from 180 to 500 g of sugar (to taste)

Cooking method

    Take a ripe but not overripe melon, peel it, cut it into small pieces and put it in a bottle.

    Pour vodka over the melon so that it completely covers the pieces and let it brew.

    After 2 weeks, strain and squeeze the contents of the jar through cheesecloth in 4-5 layers. Then filter the infusion and sweeten to taste (for 1 liter of infusion - from 180 to 500 g of sugar), pour into bottles and seal.

Melon liqueur with cognac brandy

Melon with cognac is as classic as gin with currants, vodka with pepper or rum with coconut milk.


    Melon – 1 kg melon pulp

Melon liqueur from the Poles

Typically Polish, a strong, sweet, somewhat show-off drink.


    Melon – 1 or 2 pcs. (total weight – up to 4 kg)

    Pure grain alcohol (95 degrees) – 1 l

    Light rum – 120 ml

    Water – 500 ml

    Lemon juice – 20 ml

    Sugar (preferably cane) – 800 g

Cooking method

    Prepare the melon and transfer it to a suitable sized jar.

    Boil a simple one from water and sugar.

    Pour hot syrup over the melon, add lemon juice, close the jar tightly and leave it for a day in a dark, warm room.

    Then strain the liquid, squeeze the cake into it through thick gauze, mix with alcohol and rum, and then bottle it.

    Leave the drink for a couple of months in the cellar or refrigerator. Before serving - .

Liqueur a la Midori

If you are lucky with the melon (it should be especially sweet and aromatic), you will get a completely analogue of the famous Japanese drink. At the same time, if you want it to acquire the goggle-eyed look characteristic of the original green, you can, following the example of manufacturers from the Land of the Rising Sun, add 5-6 drops of dark green and yellow food coloring to it.

The cocktail liqueur you receive, like the authentic Midori, can be used to prepare drinks like: “Melon Breeze”, “Salem Witch”, “Japanese Slipper” and the like.


    Melon – 2-2.5 kg

    Pure grain alcohol – 500 ml

    Water – 500 ml

    Cane sugar – 400 g

Cooking method

    Wash the melon, halve it and cut off the peel, taking about half a centimeter of pulp (the rest of the pulp can be used to prepare the above drinks or simply eaten).

    Cut the peel into one and a half centimeter cubes, place in a two-liter jar and fill with alcohol.

    Keep the tightly closed container in a cool, dark place for 30-40 days, carefully shaking the contents every 3 days.

    After the specified period, cook a simple one.

    While the syrup cools to room temperature, filter the alcohol infusion.

    Mix both liquids thoroughly, pour into a clean jar, close it tightly and return to a cool room for a week.

    Strain the drink through thick gauze soaked in alcohol, pour into bottles and seal tightly.

    Allow the liqueur to mature, keeping it for 3-4 months in the basement or refrigerator.

Melon liqueur fast (in 4 hours)


    Melon – 1 pc. (about 1-1.2 kg)

    Sugar – 200 g

    Red table wine – 1.5 l

Cooking method

    Peel the melon and remove seeds and cut into small cubes.

    Place in a jar or enamel container, cover with sugar and pour in wine.

    Keep covered in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

    Strain and drink immediately with ice and champagne.

Many lovers of homemade alcohol consider melon to be an unsuitable raw material from which specific drinks are obtained. In fact, properly made homemade melon liqueur retains the aroma and taste no worse than other fruits. Main secret recipe - special sugar syrup and aging.

To prepare the liqueur, you can use any kind of melon, as long as the fruits are ripe and not rotten (cut out the spoiled parts). A good result is also obtained from dried melon (100-150 grams of well-dried pulp per 1 liter of 40% alcohol and sugar to taste).

The preferred alcohol base is high-quality vodka or ethanol, diluted with water to 40-45%. Flavorless moonshine or cheap cognac will also work (light tannic notes will appear in the liqueur).

The amount of sugar depends on individual preferences and the initial sugar content of melons; average sweetness is obtained by adding 200-250 grams.


  • ripe melon – 1 kg;
  • vodka (alcohol 40-45%, moonshine) – 0.5 liters;
  • sugar – 150-400 grams.

Melon liqueur recipe

1. Wash the melon, cut it into two parts, remove the core and seeds. Remove the peel.

2. Cut the peeled pulp into pieces approximately 2x2 cm, then put in a jar for infusion.

3. Pour in the alcohol base (it should cover the layer of pulp by at least 2-3 cm), if necessary, add more alcohol than indicated in the recipe.

4. Close the jar tightly with a lid. Infuse for the first 5 days in a warm, bright place, for example, on a windowsill. Then transfer to a dark room at room temperature for 10 days. Shake once a day.

5. Filter the finished melon infusion through cheesecloth, lightly squeeze out the pulp and put it back into the jar. The liquid part is hermetically sealed and placed in the refrigerator or basement.

6. Add sugar to the pulp, close the jar, shake several times. Place in a dark, warm place for 5 days.

7. After the sugar has completely dissolved, filter the melon syrup through cheesecloth. Mix with the infusion obtained at the 5th stage. Add more pure sugar if desired.

8. Close the container and leave it in the refrigerator or basement for 2-3 months to mature.

Attention! Immediately after preparation, the drink is obtained with a pungent odor and a specific taste, not very reminiscent of melon. After a few months of maturation, this problem will solve itself.

9. After aging, drain the prepared melon liqueur from the sediment and filter through cotton wool to remove turbidity (optional). Shelf life – up to 2 years. Strength – 33-36%.

The color shade depends on the type of melon