Diagram of a heating riser in a multi-storey building. Heat supply systems for apartment buildings. Purpose and principle of operation of the elevator unit

How does the heating of a residential building work? Rising tariffs encourage the transition to autonomous heating of apartments; but the refusal of central heating in an apartment building, in addition to a mass of bureaucratic obstacles, also means a number of technical problems. To understand how to solve them, you need to imagine a coolant distribution diagram.

Heating system design

Elevator unit

The heating system of residential buildings begins with inlet valves that cut off the house from the route. It is along their flange closest to the external wall that the division of the areas of responsibility of housing and heating workers passes.

  • Hot water taps on the supply and return pipelines. The implementation may be different: each pipeline may have one or two tie-ins; in the second case, a flange with a retaining washer is mounted between the taps, creating a pressure difference to ensure continuous circulation. This is necessary so that the water in the hot water risers is hot around the clock, and the heated towel rails powered by hot heating remain hot.

Useful: in winter, when the supply temperature is below 90C, the DHW in this case is connected between the connections on the supply, and above - on the return. In summer, the circulation mode of the hot water supply system is from supply to return.

  • Actually, it provides heating for a multi-storey building. In it, hotter water from the supply, due to greater pressure, is supplied through a nozzle into the socket and, through a suction, draws part of the water from the return pipeline into a repeated circulation cycle through the heating circuit. It is the diameter of the nozzle that regulates the heating in an apartment building - it determines the real difference inside the heating system and the temperature of the mixture, and therefore heating devices.
  • House valves allow you to cut off the heating circuit. They are open in winter and closed in summer.
  • After them they are mounted discharges- valve for draining or bypassing the system. In some cases, the heating system of a residential building is connected through a valve to the cold water supply system - solely to ensure that the radiators can be filled with cold water for the summer.

Spills and risers

The word “bottling” among professionals refers to both the direction of water circulation and the thick pipe through which water flows to the risers.

Typical heating of a 5-story building is made with bottom bottling. The supply and return pipes are routed along the outer contour of the house in the basement. Each pair of risers is a jumper between them. The risers are connected to each other upstairs - in an apartment on the top floor or in the attic.

A couple of nuances:

  • Jumpers placed in the attic are pure evil. It is almost impossible to ensure ideal thermal insulation of the attic and maintain a constant positive temperature in it. Any stop of heating means that after half an hour there is ice in the jumpers instead of water.
  • An air vent is mounted at the top point of the jumper. In typical Soviet-built houses, it is a simple and extremely fail-safe design - the Mayevsky tap.

Bottom filling is associated with a problematic start of circulation after each discharge: the jumpers become air-filled, and for normal operation of all risers it is necessary to bleed air from each jumper. It can be problematic for locksmiths to get into all apartments, to put it mildly.

Two options for implementing bottom filling. In the first case, one of the paired risers is single; in the second, heating devices are mounted on both.

The heating system in a nine-story Soviet-built building is often somewhat different: the supply bottling is located in the attic. An expansion tank with an air valve is also mounted there; there is also one of a pair of valves that cuts off each riser.

After stopping and resetting the heating, problems with defrosting are extremely rare:

  1. When the bottling is laid at the correct slope and the vent is open, ALL water from the bottling and the top of the risers is discharged in a matter of seconds.
  2. Despite thermal insulation, bottling losses are large enough to warm up the attic even with minimal thermal insulation of the room.
  3. Finally, bottling is a pipe with a diameter of at least 40-50 millimeters with great thermal inertia, which, even with water without circulation, will not freeze in five minutes.

Top filling has a number of other features:

  • The temperature of the radiators decreases linearly from floor to floor, which is usually compensated by their large size. It is clear that already cooled coolant enters the heating devices below; Therefore, heating of the first floor is usually carried out with the maximum number of radiator sections or the total area of ​​​​convectors.

In addition: the temperature in the basement is usually lower than in apartments. Losses through the ceiling on the outer floors are usually much greater.

  • Starting the heating is very simple: the system is filled; both house valves open; then the vent on the expansion tank opens for a short time - and ALL risers are involved in circulation.
  • Resetting a separate riser, on the contrary, is more difficult and involves a large number of movements. You first need to find and turn off the required riser in the attic, then find and turn off the second valve in the basement, and only then unscrew the plug or open the vent.

Heating devices

In Soviet-built houses, two types of heating devices are typical:

  1. . The huge mass and heat transfer of 140-160 watts per section, not very aesthetic appearance and constant leaks of paronite gaskets between sections have recently made them unpopular in city apartments.
  2. In the 80-90s, central heating was often installed in an apartment building steel convectors. The heating device is a turn or several turns of a solid DN20 pipe (3/4 inch) with pressed cross plates to increase heat transfer.

In the same 90s, they were massively replaced with radiators due to the very optimistic heat transfer calculated by the builders: due to lack of funding, the temperature schedule was rarely maintained, and it was very cold in the apartments.

Nowadays, heating of residential buildings with central heating is usually carried out with bimetallic radiators, which consist of a core with channels for the movement of water made of corrosion-resistant steel and an aluminum shell with developed fins. The price of the section is quite high - 500-700 rubles; however, this type of heating device combines extreme mechanical strength with excellent heat dissipation (up to 200 watts per section).

When installing heating devices with your own hands, it is worth considering one thing: important point: if any throttling fittings (throttle, valve, thermostatic head) are placed in front of the radiator, then a jumper must be present in front of them, closer to the riser.

What is this instruction related to? With the fact that in the absence of a jumper, your throttle will regulate the flow rate not of your radiator, but of the entire riser. Your neighbors will be happy...


There are a number of restrictions and regulations related to temperatures inside a living space.

  • SNiP sets the following temperature standards: living rooms - 20C, corner rooms - 22C, kitchen - 18C, bathroom and combined toilet - 25C. It is better to focus on them if you are planning to switch to autonomous heating.
  • In no utility service inside a residential building should the temperature exceed 95 degrees. For preschool educational institutions, the norm is even lower - 37 degrees. This is why in kindergarten groups you can see batteries of such a terrible size.

However: in the heating main at the same time there may be 140C at the supply.

How to cut heating

How to refuse heating in an apartment building?


We will only partially touch on the documentary part. The problem is quite painful; permission to disconnect from the central heating center is given by organizations extremely reluctantly, and often it has to be obtained through the courts. It is quite possible that in your case it would be much more useful not to read a technical article, but to consult a lawyer knowledgeable in the Housing Code.

The main steps are:

  1. Let's find out if it is technically possible to disable it. It is at this stage that most of the friction will occur: neither housing and communal services nor heat suppliers like to lose payers.
  2. Technical specifications are being prepared for autonomous system heating. You need to calculate the approximate gas consumption (if you use it for heating) and show that you are able to provide a temperature regime in the apartment that is safe for the building’s structures.
  3. The fire inspection act is signed.
  4. If you plan to install a boiler with a closed burner and exhaust of combustion products to the facade of the building, you will need a permit signed by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority.
  5. A licensed installation organization is hired to draw up the project. You will need a complete package of documents - from instructions for the boiler to a copy of the installers’ license.
  6. After installation is completed, a gas service representative is invited to connect the boiler and start it up for the first time.
  7. The last stage: you put the boiler on permanent maintenance and notify the gas supplier about the transition to individual heating.

Technical side

Refusal of heating in an apartment building is due to the fact that you need to dismantle all heating devices without disrupting the operation of the heating system. How is this done?

In houses with bottom filling, it is worth considering two cases separately:

  • If you live on the top floor, you obtain the consent of the lower neighbors and move the jumper between the paired risers to their apartment. Thus, you completely isolate yourself from the CO. Of course, you will have to pay for welding work, installation of an air vent, and cosmetic repairs to the neighbors’ ceiling.
  • On the middle floor, only heating appliances are dismantled, with welding and cutting off the hoses. A jumper of the same diameter as the rest of the pipe cuts into the riser. Then the riser along its entire length is carefully insulated.

Please note: refusal of central heating does not deprive you of the obligation to provide housing and communal services with access to the riser passing through your apartment upon first request.

If you live on the top floor of a house with a bottom bottling and there is a non-residential premises below you, everything is simple. In the photo the risers have already been cut off. All that remains is to install the jumper with the air vent.


You will find additional information about how the heating systems of residential buildings work in the video attached to the article. Warm winters!


In Russia, the central heating system of an apartment building is usually used, the coolant is supplied from a city boiler house or thermal power plant. In this case, the water circuits are arranged according to different schemes, since they come in single-pipe and double-pipe. Typically, heat consumers are of little interest in such nuances, but if it is necessary to repair an apartment and replace old batteries with new modern heating radiators, it is advisable for residential property owners to understand such subtleties.

Individual heating in residential buildings

In addition to the central one, you can find autonomous heating of an apartment in an apartment building; usually such a heat supply is rare and in recent years installed in new buildings. Local heat supply systems are also used in the private residential sector. When the boiler room is usually located either in the building itself in a separate room or close to the house, since it needs to be regulated.

In addition, dependent heating systems are used in apartment buildings. In this case, the coolant is transported to apartment radiators without additional distribution directly from the thermal power plant. In this case, the water temperature is determined regardless of whether it is supplied through a distribution point or directly to consumers.

Types of heating systems in an apartment building can be open or closed (more details: "").

In the latter option, the coolant from the thermal power plant or central boiler house, after entering the distribution point, is supplied separately to heating radiators and to the hot water supply. In open systems, such a separation is not provided for by the design and heated water for the needs of residents is supplied from the main pipe, so consumers are left without hot water supply outside the heating season, which causes many complaints about utility services. Read also: "".

Single pipe heating system

Single-pipe heat supply to an apartment building has a lot of disadvantages, the main one of which is significant heat loss during transportation hot water. In this circuit, the coolant is supplied from the bottom up, after which it enters the batteries, gives off heat and returns back to the same pipe. Hot water first reaches the end consumers living on the upper floors in a barely warm state.

There are cases when a single-pipe system is further simplified, trying to increase the temperature of the coolant in the radiators. To do this, the battery is cut directly into the pipe. As a result, it seems that the radiator is its continuation. But only the first users of the system receive more heat from such a connection, and the water reaches the last users almost cold (read also: " "). In addition, the single-pipe heat supply of an apartment building makes it impossible to adjust the radiators - after reducing the coolant supply in a separate battery, the water flow along the entire length of the pipe also decreases.

Another disadvantage of such heat supply is the impossibility of replacing the radiator during the heating season without draining the water from the entire system. In such cases, it is necessary to install jumpers, which makes it possible to disconnect the battery and direct the coolant through them.

It does not matter how the battery is connected - to a riser pipe or a sun lounger, the coolant has a constant temperature throughout its transportation through the supply pipes.

One of the important advantages of two-pipe water circuits is the regulation of the heating system of an apartment building at the level of each individual battery by installing taps with a thermostat on it (read also: ""). As a result, the apartment automatically maintains the desired temperature. In a two-pipe circuit, it is possible to use heating radiators with both bottom and side connections. You can also use different coolant movements - dead-end and associated.

Hot water supply in heating systems

DHW in multi-storey buildings is usually centralized, with water heated in boiler rooms. Hot water supply is connected from heating circuits, both single-pipe and double-pipe. Tap temperature from hot water in the morning it can be warm or cold, which depends on the number of main pipes. If there is a single-pipe heat supply to an apartment building 5 floors high, then when you open a hot tap, water will flow out of it for half a minute. cold water.

The reason lies in the fact that at night, rarely do any residents turn on the hot water tap, and the coolant in the pipes cools down. As a result, there is an overconsumption of unnecessary cooled water, since it is drained directly into the sewer.

Unlike a single-pipe system, in a two-pipe version, hot water circulates continuously, so the above-described problem with hot water does not arise there. True, in some houses, a riser with pipes is looped through the hot water supply system - heated towel rails, which are hot even in the summer heat.

Many consumers are interested in the problem with hot water supply after the heating season has ended. Sometimes hot water disappears for a long time. The fact is that utilities are required to comply with heating rules apartment buildings, according to which it is necessary to carry out post-heating tests of heat supply systems (read also: ""). This type of work is not done quickly, especially if damage is discovered that needs to be repaired.

Features of heat supply in an apartment building, details in the video:

Radiators for heating systems of high-rise buildings

Cast iron radiators, which have previously been used for decades, are familiar to many residents of multi-storey buildings. If it is necessary to replace such a heating battery, it is dismantled and a similar one is installed, which is required by the heating system in an apartment building. Such radiators for centralized heating systems are considered the best solution, since they can withstand fairly high pressure without problems. The passport for a cast iron battery indicates two numbers: the first of them indicates the operating pressure, and the second indicates the test (pressure) load. Typically these values ​​are 6/15 or 8/15.

The higher the residential building, the greater the operating pressure. In nine-story buildings it reaches 6 atmospheres, so cast iron radiators are suitable for them. But when it is a 22-story building, then for the working functioning of centralized heating systems, 15 atmospheres will be required. In this case, steel or bimetallic heating devices are needed.

Experts do not recommend using aluminum radiators for central heating - they are not able to withstand the operating condition of the water circuit. Professionals also advise property owners, when carrying out major renovations in apartments and replacing batteries, to change the coolant distribution pipes to ½ or ¾ inches. Usually they are in poor condition and it is advisable to install ecoplast products instead.

Some types of radiators (steel and bimetallic) have narrower water flows than cast iron products, so they become clogged and subsequently lose power. Therefore, at the point where the coolant is supplied to the battery, a filter should be installed, which is usually mounted in front of the water meter.

Central heating in an apartment building, cottage, private or country house and other buildings, designed for their high-quality heating. This happens with the help of one thermal center in which heat generators or heat exchangers are located. They can be located either in the building, for example, in a boiler room or heating point, or outside it, for example, in a central heating station, thermal station or combined heat and power plant.

Central heating is divided into water, steam and air. Combined heating has also become widespread in recent years.

Central heating installation for an apartment building

To heat apartment buildings, water central heating is most often used, consisting of the following elements:

  1. Inlet valves that cut off the house from the heating main. With their help, the pipeline is divided into external and internal parts. Thermal service employees are responsible for the serviceability of the first one. Responsibility for the internal part lies with the utility workers.
  2. Insertion of hot heating pipes on supply and return pipelines. With their help, water is distributed to heated towel rails located in apartments.
  3. A heating elevator, with the help of which the water temperature in the system is regulated. This is possible due to the fact that hot water in it is mixed with already cooled water from the return. The volume of the latter depends on the diameter of the elevator opening. It can be changed, which allows you to adjust the water temperature in.
  4. House valves necessary for cutting off an apartment building from the heating main during unheated periods.
  5. Drains are valves through which, in the event of repairs, water is drained from the system.

Attention: Central heating in a multi-storey building requires the presence of special spills inside the building, which are pipes through which the coolant enters the vertical risers. If you live in an old Soviet five-story building, then in the basement there will be lower spills, from which there are risers that connect to each other in the attic or in the upper part of the building.

But this type of connection has a significant drawback. There is a high probability of freezing of the central heating coolant of an apartment building in winter if the water circulation is stopped. To avoid this, you should pay attention to their high-quality insulation. Ventilators are usually located at the top of the building to release excess air. Quite often they are represented by the Mayevsky crane.

If you live in a nine-story building, then the spill will not be in the basement, but in the attic. This arrangement makes it possible to almost immediately distribute water through the risers when heating is started. There are no problems with air getting into the risers. This is the great advantage of the upper spill over the lower one.

Indoor heating devices and temperature conditions

The type of batteries installed in apartments depends on the year the building was built. If it was built in the Soviet era, then one of the following types of radiators will be installed in the apartments:

  1. Steel convectors having a metal body in which there are coils of DU-20 pipe and connected by a cross section.
  2. Cast iron sectional batteries, which not only have a significant weight, but also significant heat transfer. Each radiator provides up to 150 W. Their disadvantages include the risk of leaks and unattractive appearance.

The size of radiators or sections in them depends on what floor the apartment is on and what type of coolant circulation in the house. For example, if it is upper, then the coolant reaching the first floor will lose its temperature. This means that in order for the heating of an apartment building to be effective, in the apartment, if it is located on the lower floors, the number of sections should be increased or larger radiators should be installed.

In modern multi-storey buildings, bimetallic radiators are usually installed. Of course, if it is water. Attention: Such radiators are made of aluminum and have excellent heat dissipation, which is approximately 200 W per battery. But the cost of such radiators is quite high. But their efficiency is also excellent. The apartment owner must answer a fairly common question - whether to install bimetallic batteries or not - by deciding for himself whether he is ready to “fork out” so that he can have heat.

The temperature regime in apartments is indicated in the current provisions of SNiP. If there is central heating, it is:

  • bathroom – 25 degrees;
  • living rooms and bedroom – 20 degrees;
  • kitchen - 22 degrees;
  • corner rooms - 22 degrees.

The maximum water temperature in the heating system pipes has also been established. It should not exceed 95 degrees.

Centralized heating of an apartment building allows you to effectively warm the room, but at the same time, the temperature in the apartment completely depends on the operation of the boiler room and other external factors. In this, this system is significantly inferior, which is devoid of this drawback.

Central heating in a private house

The presence of central heating in a private house is quite common. It has a lot of advantages. The concept of central heating implies the presence of a coolant generator, the function of which is taken over by the central boiler room.


Heating connection occurs after the conclusion of an appropriate agreement between the owner of the building and the organization providing this service. There are three options for connecting central heating to a private house:

  • dependent direct-flow circuit;
  • independent circuit;
  • dependent circuit with installation of an elevator.

Each house presented above has its own advantages and disadvantages that should definitely be taken into account.

Independent system

Quite often, it is used for heating private houses. It is ideal in cases where for some reason it is not possible to increase the heating system. Most often this happens for structural reasons. In particular, if a residential building has a heating system consisting of plastic pipes, an independent circuit using a circular pump will be required. In the house, the system can be filled from the water supply or from the heating plant using a special shut-off valve. But it must have an expansion tank.

Dependent circuit

Central heating of a country or private house can also be done using a dependent circuit. But it requires the installation of a transition device. This function is performed by an individual heating point with an elevator unit. The latter is designed to transfer heat energy. After all, in a central heating system, the coolant temperature is approximately + 150 degrees, while in the house itself, it should not be more than + 90 degrees.

Attention: The elevator is responsible for reducing the temperature. It is worth noting that despite the temperature of +150 degrees, the water in the central system does not boil. High blood pressure prevents this.

The elevator is necessary to transfer heat from the main heating network. Thanks to the presence of an injection nozzle, it makes the water flow in the home heating system much faster. Thanks to its presence, the water will be heated due to partial mixing with the coolant from the central heating system, the temperature of which is very high. The elevator has a steel body with a mixing chamber located inside it. It is also equipped with a nozzle in the form of a narrowing hole.

Rapid mixing of water in the heating system of a house occurs due to its high speed at the outlet of the nozzle. Its rarefaction occurs behind the jet. Already cooled water from the return heating system enters this rarefied space.

If you have an elevator, you can also control the amount of hot water consumed. This occurs due to the ability to adjust the cross-section of the nozzle. Control occurs by blocking part of the hole with a “needle”, which has the shape of a cone with a slight slope on top. It moves using a special mechanism equipped with an external control handle. Proportional to the heating temperature of the water, its flow rate changes as it passes through the nozzle.

The elevator also simultaneously serves as a temperature regulator, mixer and pump. These devices are characterized by quiet operation and reliability. Thanks also to them, the dependent water circulation scheme is very popular.

Dependent direct-flow circuit

The simplest central heating scheme for a country house is dependent direct-flow. This system does not have mixers, expansion tank, mixer and other additional elements. It consists only of pipes and radiators. The system, even at high pressure and temperature, perfectly ensures the safety of the elements. But it also has a significant drawback. The temperature in a private house depends entirely on the central boiler room.

Attention: Plastic pipes, which are now in great demand, should not be used in a dependent flow circuit.

Experts believe that of the three systems listed above, with the help of which central heating is produced in a cottage or in a private house, the most universal is the dependent one, which has an elevator. This is due to the fact that it does not require the use of a bilge pump.

Despite the presence of some disadvantages, central heating is the most common. With its help, you can effectively heat an apartment or private house even in severe frosts.

Reading time: 11 minutes

The heating system of an apartment building is designed to provide residents with warmth during the cold season. Owners of residential premises are rarely interested in organizing a heating system. Everything changes if residents decide to replace radiators or completely abandon centralized heat supply, making it autonomous. Let's discuss the types and design of heating systems and figure out how to disconnect from public heating.

Types of heating systems

To understand how heating works in apartment buildings, it is important to navigate the variety of types of heating systems. They are classified according to several criteria, in particular:

  • structure and device;
  • wiring system;
  • location of boilers;
  • characteristics of coolants.

Let's take a closer look at the most common classification criteria.

According to the placement of heating equipment

Depending on the location of the sources generating heat, the following types of heating systems in an apartment building are distinguished:

  • Apartment heating. This system involves placing a heating boiler in each apartment, usually in the kitchen, in a specially designated room or in the corridor. The system is typical for two-story houses built in the 50s.
  • Central heating. The most common heat supply system in a typical structure. The principle of operation is to transfer the generated heat from the central thermal power plant to local heating points and boiler houses, which distribute it to homes.
  • Individual heating. It is typical for a separate high-rise building to have its own boiler house, serving one or more nearby houses. It is maintained by the management organization (housing and communal services company), but is the common property of the residents, who independently decide on its launch.
  • According to the properties of the heat carrier

    Depending on the coolant used in the systems, the following types of heating are distinguished:

  1. Vodyanoe. The most common coolant is heated water, transmitted to the premises through pipes and radiators. In this system, water circulation can be natural (gravity flow) or artificial (using a pump). The system is characterized by large radiators and significant heat losses when transferring heat over distances.
  2. Steam. The heat carrier is water vapor. The system is characterized by small radiators, low-cost heat production and the absence of losses in heat exchangers. At the same time, due to the high temperatures of the carrier, according to modern building codes, steam is considered dangerous and is prohibited for use in residential premises. It is often combined with a water system, when heat from the boiler room to the building is transferred by steam and then transferred to a liquid carrier.
  3. Air. Air as a coolant is successfully used in individual residential buildings, industrial buildings, and retail spaces. Its essence is to generate hot air and forcefully blow over the area. The advantage is the ability to control temperature and air flow in real time depending on needs.

According to the method of system wiring

The layout of the heating system in high-rise buildings is traditionally divided into horizontal and vertical.

Depending on the method of placing pipes in the premises, the wiring can also be:

  • top,
  • bottom,
  • combined.

Horizontal wiring method

Horizontal distribution of the heating system presupposes the presence of one thermal riser on the territory of the house, from which the floor-by-floor distribution of internal heating mains is carried out.

Such a system has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • installation of metering devices in each apartment;
  • the ability to disconnect individual residential premises;
  • individual design of heating in an apartment.

As a rule, such a system is used for low-rise apartment buildings. This is due to the fact that its effective operation is possible only by ensuring the necessary coolant circulation and maintaining high pressure in the line.

This is what the horizontal wiring diagram looks like.

Vertical wiring method

Vertical wiring has been used in the design of heating systems since Soviet times. It is characterized by the presence of several thermal risers on the territory of the apartment building, to which radiators are connected.

This method allows you to minimize heat loss and independently regulate the temperature in each battery, which is why it is widely used in apartment buildings of standard construction above 5 floors.

In addition, the vertical system allows for both upper and lower pipeline routing, and installation of lines under the ceiling or under the floor. At the same time, it has a number of features:

  • allows you to install a thermostat or weather regulator on each individual battery to maintain a comfortable microclimate in the room;
  • a used heat meter is installed on each riser, since it is impossible to install individual meters for all apartments;
  • In the event of a breakdown, it is easy to disconnect any radiator from the system.

Vertical and horizontal wiring have their own advantages for a separate layout.

Both heating system schemes for apartment buildings can be single-pipe or double-pipe.

According to the method of connecting devices

The choice between single-pipe and two-pipe heating systems depends on the method of connecting the water riser to the radiators.

Single-pipe main

As the name suggests, a single-pipe system involves connecting heating devices along one circuit and connecting them with a single pipe. It is characterized by a sequential arrangement of batteries and a gradual flow of coolant from one to another. Because of this, the single-pipe heating system of a multi-story building has a negative feature: each subsequent radiator in the chain is colder than the previous one.

This disadvantage can only be compensated for by installing batteries with a large number of sections - the higher the floor, the larger the heated radiator area should be.

There are other disadvantages:

  • It is not recommended to change the system configuration so as not to affect its performance;
  • It is impossible to install thermostats and other control devices.

Given the relatively short length of the system, a small number of pipes are needed, so the user saves on installation.

Two-pipe main

A two-pipe heating system involves the installation of a riser consisting of two elements: a supply pipe and a return pipe. The supply pipe is separately supplied to each radiator along the main line, providing them with coolant of the same temperature, regardless of the floor and place in the circuit. After this, water at a lower temperature passes into the return line, through which it leaves for the next heating.

The advantages include:

  • the ability to change the backbone configuration without loss of performance;
  • the ability to install control devices;
  • saving the surface of heat transfer devices.

It is not surprising that the two-pipe scheme is so common in residential construction.

How does the MKD heating system work?

To see how the heating system works, you need to go down to the basement of a multi-story building. But we will help you understand the structure of the heating main without this.

The system begins with a valve, which cuts off the intra-house fragment from the heating main of the central heating supply. The valve is a line of division of responsibility: before this element, the heating network bears responsibility for the main line, after that - the management company.

The centralized heating circuit of an apartment building located behind this valve looks like this:

Elevator unit: mud traps, hot water valves, elevator, heating circuit valves, water discharges from the system → filling pipe → risers and jumpers → heating devices → return riser and so on.

All these key nodes have their own characteristics. We propose to dwell on each of the elements of the system in more detail - without this it is difficult to understand how heating works in an apartment building.

Elevator unit

The elevator unit begins immediately after the inlet valves. Next to them are:

  1. Mud traps are devices that trap persistent mechanical particles in water, such as scale or rust.
  2. Hot water taps on the supply and return pipes. It is practiced to place one or more taps, which ensures a round-the-clock supply of hot water to the system.
  3. Heat metering unit, which is usually mounted between the hot water supply point and the elevator.
  4. Elevator is a key device elevator unit. Thanks to it, we get water at the required temperature in the system. The fact is that water heated to 110-150˚C circulates along the heating mains. The design of the elevator allows the supply liquid to be mixed with cooled return water, releasing coolant into the system at a temperature of 90-95˚C. Using this design, the heating system is adjusted: the wider the hole in the nozzle for supplying water to the elevator, the higher the temperature in the batteries.
  5. Heating circuit valves are valves that repeatedly disconnect the house from the central mains and heat supply.
  6. Reset valves are taps for draining the system in case of repair or replacement of hot water with cold water in the summer.

Filling pipes, risers and circulation direction

Immediately after the discharge valve on the supply, a pipeline begins that goes into the risers. It's called a "fill pipe". Heating risers in an apartment building diverge from it.

The principle of installing risers is always the same - it is a system that delivers coolant to radiators on floors. Depending on the construction and design of the house, the direction of water supply and circulation may differ.

The designs of risers are different. Taking into account the direction of water circulation, systems with top and bottom filling are distinguished.

Top filling system

Heating with top filling – standard scheme for mass multi-storey Soviet residential development.

Although all the key elements are located in the basement, the bottling pipe leads to the attic of the house, where the entrances to the risers are mounted. The first tap is located here, allowing you to disconnect the riser from the system, expansion tanks and air valves. The second tap is placed in the basement, at the end of the riser.

The return line is located in the basement. It is mounted parallel to the supply filling pipe in such a way that each riser acts as a jumper for the supply and return pipes.

The upper heating distribution of a high-rise building has a significant disadvantage - a linear drop in the temperature of the coolant to the lower floors. Such losses are compensated by increasing the area of ​​heating devices, the number of their sections or the number of radiators.

Top filling has other characteristic features:

  • starting the system is simple - just open both supply valves and air valves for circulation to begin by itself;
  • disconnecting/connecting individual risers, on the contrary, causes problems, because the valves are located both in the attic and in the basement;
  • With proper design, discharging media from the riser takes a few seconds.

Bottom filling system

Houses with bottom pouring can be either five or nine storeys. Heating according to this scheme involves the installation of supply and return pipes in the basement with alternate pairwise connection of risers to them.

At the top of the system, paired risers are connected to each other by jumpers. This happens either in the attic or in an apartment on the top floor. There is an air valve on the jumper, which creates certain problems for mechanics:

  • if the jumper is placed in the attic, this is fraught with freezing of the system even with a short stop in circulation - the lack of thermal insulation affects it;
  • when the jumper is in the apartment, access to it is limited, which creates difficulties when starting the system during the heating season.


Since large-scale construction was carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation during the Soviet period, in most houses there are three types of radiators:

  • Cast iron. They are characterized by impressive weight, poor heat transfer (up to 150 W per section), regular leaks and unaesthetic appearance. Because of this, apartment owners are trying to get rid of them, replacing them with more modern models.
  • Steel (convectors). This type of radiator became widespread in the 90s. Its design consists of a tube wrapped in coils, with welded steel plates that increase heat transfer.
  • Bimetallic. The most modern type of heating equipment is MKD, which was installed en masse in the 2000s. Modern design and high-tech materials (steel and aluminum or copper and aluminum) ensure the strength of the radiators and high heat output (about 200 W per section).

Since heat in apartments becomes more expensive every year, residents of houses are increasingly replacing old heating devices. There are several important points to consider:

  1. The diameter of the heating pipe in the apartment. When replacing radiators, you should not change the pipes themselves. This can affect performance and cause the system to become unbalanced. If replacing, use pipes of the same diameter (usually 20-30 mm).
  2. When installing a device in front of the radiator that regulates the flow of coolant, be sure to place a jumper between it and the riser. Without it, the regulator will affect the flow not only in the radiator, but throughout the riser.
  3. Replace appliances during the warm season. For those who are interested in whether water is drained from the heating system in the summer, we answer: the liquid is constantly in the radiators. However, it is in the summer that replacing radiators creates minimal discomfort for the owner and other residents. In addition, restarting the water system allows you to ensure that there are no leaks before the heating season begins.

Starting heating in a high-rise building

The performance of the heating system depends not only on its design features, but also on the correct launch. Uneven heating of individual floors or risers, air vents, and massive leaks are common consequences of a mechanic’s inattention to starting rules.

To properly start heating in an apartment building, you need to adhere to the following order:

  1. Pre-pressure testing is a hydraulic test of the system for its tightness and integrity.
  2. Carry out a smooth launch of the coolant through the intra-house pipeline. The circulation pumps are started at minimum speed so that water slowly fills the system.
  3. Fill the pipeline through the return line to reduce the unnecessary load on old radiators and displace air from the system.
  4. Release the remaining air at the highest points of the system through the air valves.
  5. When heating is supplied to apartments, you should check the degree of heating and the functionality of all radiators in the house. If residents do not complain, the radiators warm up, there are no leaks, heating and circulation pumps are started at the required power.

Installing a heating meter

Many are not satisfied with paying for heat at an average tariff based on consumption standards. In this regard, some people prefer to install a heat meter and pay only for the heat received.

The design features of heating systems, in particular, the widespread vertical wiring, do not allow apartment-by-apartment accounting of consumed heat, be it open or closed system heating of high-rise buildings.

The only way out is door-to-door accounting. In this case, the procedure will be as follows:

  1. The management organization develops technical specifications for the installation.
  2. Housing departments or residents purchase a heat meter on their own.
  3. Based on the documents for the meter, a project for its installation is developed and agreed upon with the heat supply organization.
  4. The metering device is installed, the heat supply representative seals the meter and draws up the corresponding report.

Temperature standards

It is quite difficult to regulate heating in a residential apartment building. Even if residents have access to the system and the ability to increase/decrease the heat supply, it is not always possible to find common language with neighbors. In this case, it is worth focusing on the current regulations.

Temperature standards are regulated in accordance with GOST R 51617-2000, approved. Resolution of the State Standard No. 158-st dated June 19, 2000. According to this document, the minimum temperature in apartments during the heating season should be:

  • in living rooms, toilets, and kitchens - at least 18˚С;
  • in the bathroom - not lower than 25˚С;
  • in corner rooms, regardless of purpose, as well as for families where disabled people live - 2˚C above the established norm.

If the readings in your apartment are lower, you can safely demand an increase in temperature.

What to do if the batteries are cold

What could be worse than cold radiators in winter? This is not only discomfort and violation of temperature norms, but also the threat of getting sick.

It is important to know that Government Decree No. 354 of 05/06/2011 limits the timing of possible emergency heat shutdowns. They should not collectively exceed 24 hours per month, and last no more than 16, 8 and 4 hours in a row, if the temperature is not lower than 12, 10, and 8˚C, respectively.

If the radiators remain cold during the heating season, you need to contact:

  1. To the heating network dispatch service. If they do not know the cause, they are required to check for the lack of heat.
  2. To the management organization (or others). Perhaps they are the ones carrying out the repair work.
  3. To the city housing inspectorate with a complaint about violation of housing standards.
  4. To law enforcement agencies (Rospotrebnadzor, prosecutor's office), if the heat is not restored on time and the problem is not solved.

If the heating network does not see a problem, an independent heating expert may be required.

Is it possible to install an individual boiler in an apartment?

Many Russians would like to switch to individual heating. Today this is more real than 10 years ago, but it is still associated with a considerable number of obstacles.

Since installing an individual boiler involves rebuilding the heating system in an apartment building, the apartment owner needs:

  • obtain the consent of neighbors;
  • obtain permission from the heating network to disconnect from central heating and dismantle heating devices;
  • if a gas boiler is being installed, obtain specifications for its installation from the local city gas company;
  • draw up a VDPO conclusion on the presence and serviceability of the chimney;
  • agree on a new heating project in the heating network, if the reconstruction is technically possible, and pay for installation work.

And these are not all the problems that await the owner.

Failure and cut-off of heating in the apartment

Refusal of central heating is the most difficult stage of installing an individual boiler. However, not wanting to put up with the policy of local heating networks, some decide to completely cut off the central heating supply to an apartment in an apartment building, without installing their own boiler.

Whatever the reasons for this, the initiator of such a decision will face stiff resistance from representatives of the heating network, housing departments and, probably, other residents of the apartment building.

According to clause 6 of the Rules, approved. According to Government Decree No. 491 of August 13, 2006, the heating system (risers, heating elements, any other equipment on the main line), even if it passes through a specific apartment, is the common property of the residents.

This single system is designed to heat the entire house, not just one apartment. Therefore, intervention in public communications is possible only with the consent of all owners of residential premises. In practice, few neighbors will agree to such pruning, because this can cause imbalance and disruption of the entire system.

The house is designed for uniform heating. If one of the apartments is not heated, a temperature difference will arise, which will lead to the slow destruction of the house.

The only chance to cut off the radiators is to obtain a court decision that the in-house heating system is not the common property of the residents.

What documents are required for trimming?

In order for the court to allow pruning and reconstruction of the system, in addition to the statement of claim and other standard papers, the initiator must provide:

  • registration certificate and title documents for housing;
  • consent of the residents of the entire house to interfere with the heating system or proof that it is not the common property of the residents;
  • conclusion of a specialized expert organization on the technical feasibility of rebuilding the heating system;
  • house heating project, taking into account changes that will be made after pruning;
  • calculation of residual heating from risers and sunbeds.

Shutdown procedure

If the court makes a positive decision, the pruning procedure will look like this:

  • trimming radiators with welding and cutting off all connections;
  • inserting lintels into risers;
  • if this is an apartment on the top floor, move the jumper between the paired risers to the neighbors below;
  • thorough insulation of the riser along its entire length in the apartment;
  • drawing up by a heating network employee a certificate of disconnection from central heating and termination of the contract for the provision of heat.

Even in the case of cutting batteries, the homeowner is obliged to provide mechanics with access to the risers.


The heating system of a high-rise building can have a different design. The diagram of its structure arouses the interest of ordinary people only when the carousel of everyday problems related to heating begins. Leaks, low temperature in the apartment, installation of a meter or an individual boiler force residents to delve into the design of the system. It is important to remember: any changes to the heating configuration must be agreed upon. Otherwise, you can cause a heating breakdown, and a substantial fine will be imposed for the act itself.

Video: Heating installation in an apartment building.

Lawyer. Member of the Bar Association of St. Petersburg. More than 10 years of experience. Graduated from St. Petersburg State University. I specialize in civil, family, housing, and land law.

High-quality heating plays a very important role in creating a pleasant atmosphere in apartments in apartment buildings. Nowadays, the heating system of an apartment building is somewhat different in design from the autonomous one; it is this system that provides warmth in the apartments even in the most severe cold weather. Below we will talk about what types of systems there are, what is the optimal temperature in them, and how repairs are carried out.

What features does the heating system of a residential apartment building have?

The heating system of any modern multi-storey building requires mandatory compliance with the conditions specified in the regulatory documentation - SNiP and GOST. According to these standards, the temperature in the apartment should be maintained with heating within 20–22 o C, and humidity – 30–45%.

It is possible to achieve such indicators with the help of a special design and installation of high-quality equipment. Even during the design of a heating system in an apartment building, that is, the creation of a diagram, professional heating engineers calculate all the necessary characteristics and achieve the same coolant pressure in the pipes on both the first and upper floors.

One of the key features of a modern centralized heating system for a high-rise building is its operation on superheated water. It goes from a combined heat and power plant with a temperature in the range of 130–150 o C to the heating system of an apartment building and a pressure of 6–10 atm. Due to the high pressure, steam formation does not occur in the system. In addition, it allows you to direct water even to the highest point of the house.

The temperature of the water flowing back through the system (return) is approximately 60–70 o C. In winter and summer, this indicator may differ, since the values ​​​​depend only on the environment.

Types of heating systems for apartment buildings

In our country, the central heating system of apartment buildings is widely used. Here the city boiler house (CHP) supplies coolant. However, water circuits can be constructed according to two different schemes: one-pipe and two-pipe. In most cases, consumers are rarely interested in such issues. However, as soon as the time comes to make repairs and install new modern heating radiators, you need to know these details.

  • Individual heating in residential buildings

This type of heat supply is not used often, but has become more common in new homes over the past few years. In addition, local heat supply systems are installed in the private sector. If there is an individual heating system in an apartment building, the boiler room is located in a separate room located in the same building, or in close proximity, since it is important to control the degree of heating of the coolant.

The price of this type of heating in an apartment building is quite high, that is, it is more profitable to run one boiler room that can warm and provide hot water to the entire neighborhood.

  • Central heating system of an apartment building

The coolant flows from the central boiler room through main pipelines to the heating unit of the apartment building, after which it is distributed throughout the apartments. Its additional adjustment according to the degree of supply is carried out at the heating point itself using circular pumps.

The various schemes for organizing central heating developed in our time make it possible to figure out what kind of heating system is in an apartment building and make several classifications into certain categories.

By thermal energy consumption mode:

  • seasonal, heating is necessary exclusively during the cold season;
  • year-round requiring constant heating.

By type of coolant used:

  • Mermen– the most widely used type in MKD. The advantages of operating such heating systems in an apartment building are ease of use, the ability to transfer coolant from afar (without compromising quality indicators, centrally regulating the temperature if necessary), and good sanitary and hygienic qualities.
  • Air– such heating systems for apartment buildings are capable of both heating and ventilation of buildings; Due to the high price, this system is used less widely.
  • Steam- are recognized as the most profitable, since small-diameter pipes are used for heating, the hydrostatic pressure in the heating system in an apartment building is low, this makes it easier to maintain. True, this type is recommended for objects that require, in addition to heat, the supply of water steam (this includes mainly industrial facilities).

According to the method of connecting the heating system to the heat supply:

  • Independent heating system of an apartment building - water or steam circulating through it in the heat exchanger transfers heat to the coolant (water) located in the heating system.
  • Dependent heating system of an apartment building - The coolant heated by the heat generator is directly supplied to consumers via networks.

According to the method of connection to the hot water supply system:

  • Open heating system of an apartment building - heated water comes from the heating network.
  • Closed heating system of an apartment building. Here, water is taken from the public water supply, and thermal energy is transferred to it in the central network heat exchanger.

Installation of a heating system in an apartment building

  • Single-pipe heating system for an apartment building

Due to their economy, single-pipe heating systems for apartment buildings have many disadvantages, and the main one is the large heat loss along the route. The water in this circuit is directed from the bottom up, entering the radiators of all apartments and transferring heat to them. The water that has cooled in the device goes into the same pipe. It arrives at the last apartments having already lost significant amounts of heat. For this reason, residents of upper floors often complain about the cold.

In some cases, this scheme is made even simpler, in an attempt to increase the temperature in the radiators - they are cut directly into the pipe. The battery then becomes part of the pipe.

From such intervention in the heating system of an apartment building, the users whose apartments are closest to the beginning of the circuit benefit, while the water reaches the last consumers even more cold. In addition, it is now impossible to regulate the heat level in the apartment, since if you reduce the flow in such a radiator, the water flow in the entire system will decrease.

While the heating season is ongoing, the owner will not be able to replace such a battery without invading the intra-house heating system of the apartment building and draining the coolant. For such cases, jumpers are installed that make it possible, by turning off the device, to maintain the flow of coolant.

If there are single-pipe systems, the most reasonable approach would be to install batteries according to size: small ones should be installed at the beginning of the system, and, gradually increasing the size, in the last apartments the largest devices should be connected. Such a move would overcome the difficulties of uniform heating, but, obviously, it is not used in practice. Thus, financial savings on installing a heating circuit are followed by difficulties with heat distribution and complaints about cold apartments.

  • Two-pipe heating system for an apartment building

A two-pipe heating system in an apartment building can be open or closed, but it allows you to keep the coolant at the same temperature for radiators of any level. Look at the radiator connection diagram, then it will become clear what this feature is connected with.

The principle of the heating system in an apartment building with a two-pipe circuit is as follows: the lost thermal energy The fluid from the radiator is not directed into the pipe through which it came, but goes into the return channel. It does not matter how the radiator is connected: from a riser or from a sun lounger. The bottom line is that the heating level of the coolant is stably maintained throughout the entire supply pipe.

Another important advantage of a two-pipe circuit is that residents can regulate each battery individually or install taps with a thermostat that automatically maintain the required temperature. In addition, such a circuit allows you to select batteries with side and bottom connections, dead-end and associated movement of the coolant.

Adjusting the heating system in an apartment building

Adjustment of this system in MKD is necessary, since it consists of pipes of different diameters. The speed and pressure of the liquid together with steam, and therefore the level of heat, vary directly depending on the diameter of the pipe opening. To ensure this procedure is carried out correctly, products of different diameters are used.

The heating system pipes of an apartment building of maximum size (100 mm) are located in the basements. The connection of the entire system begins with them. At the entrances for uniform distribution for thermal energy, pipes with a diameter of no more than 50–76 mm are installed.

Unfortunately, such adjustment does not always contribute to the desired heating effect. Residents of the upper floors suffer from this, where the temperature drops sharply. This process can be balanced by starting a hydraulic heating system. This step involves connecting the vacuum circulation pumps, which ensures that the automatic pressure control system begins to operate. Installation and start-up take place in the collector separate building. The heating distribution system for the entrances and floors of an apartment building changes accordingly. When the number of floors exceeds two, the startup of the system is necessarily accompanied by pumping for water circulation.

How to calculate payment for heating in an apartment building

Very often, after paying heating bills, residents complain about the management company. In some apartments people are constantly freezing, in others, on the contrary, they open windows to cool the room. These examples clearly demonstrate how imperfect the heating system of an apartment building can be (its operating principle, diagram), and the payment for heat is unfairly high.

You can deal with these problems by installing apartment heating meters. The maximum benefit will then be received by owners who are also planning to install a thermal energy controller as the final stage of preparing the premises for insulation.

Which meters are suitable for the heating system in an apartment building with different schemes?

  • Single-pipe circuits with a vertical type of wiring - one meter is installed per riser and a separate temperature sensor for all batteries.
  • Two-pipe circuits with a vertical type of wiring - it is necessary to install a meter and a temperature sensor on each radiator.
  • Single-pipe schemes with a horizontal type of wiring - one meter per riser is enough.

In houses with the first two wiring schemes, residents usually prefer installing a common house meter. When the wiring is made according to the third type, the choice of one device per apartment is more justified.

Ultrasonic or mechanical thermal energy consumption controllers are used in the form of measuring instruments that make it possible to determine the volume of coolant passed through each radiator.

Structurally and functionally the simplest are considered mechanical type counters. Their operating principle in a heating system in an apartment building is based on the conversion of the translational energy of the coolant into rotation of the measuring elements.

Ultrasonic models measure the time difference during the passage of ultrasonic vibrations in the direction and against the flow of liquid. The majority of such devices are powered by autonomous energy sources - lithium batteries. They last for more than a decade of uninterrupted service.

To install a separate meter in an apartment building, the owner needs:

  1. obtain information about technical conditions from the heat supply organization or from the balance holder of the building;
  2. create an installation project together with licensed craftsmen in this field;
  3. install the heat meter in full accordance with technical specifications and the originally developed project;
  4. sign an agreement with the heat supplier on payment based on meter readings.

The most widely used option for a multi-storey building is installation of a common meter to calculate the thermal energy used.

In the case of installing one device on the riser of an apartment building, the formula is used for calculation:

Po.i = Si * Vt * TT,

where Si is the total area of ​​the apartment building; Vt – average volume of thermal energy consumed per month based on the readings of the previous year (Gcal/sq. m); TT – tariffs for thermal energy consumption (RUB/Gcal).

  • divide the meter readings by previous year at 12;
  • Divide the resulting number by the total area of ​​the house, taking into account all heated rooms: basements, attics, entrances. You will get the average amount of thermal energy consumed per square meter per month.

True, several natural questions arise from the above.

Where can I get the indicators of energy consumption for the previous year, given that the general meter has just appeared? There is nothing complicated here. During the first year from the date of installation of the meter, owners pay, as before, according to the tariffs. Only after a year will it be possible to use this formula to calculate the monthly payment.

How to calculate the required amount of heat based on the area of ​​the apartment

There is an easy formula for this. On average, 10 square meters of living space require no more than 1 kW of heat. The value is adjusted according to region-specific coefficients:

  • for houses in the south of the country the required amount of energy is multiplied by 0.9;
  • for the European zone of the country (for example, the Moscow region) take a coefficient of 1.3;
  • for the Far North and eastern regions, the need increases by 1.5–2 times.

Let's look at a simple calculation. Let's imagine that it is important for us to find out the amount of thermal energy for an apartment in an apartment building in the Amur region. This region is characterized by a fairly cold climate.

The area of ​​this room in a multi-storey building is 60 m2. Let's take into account that heating 10 m 2 of housing requires approximately 1 kW of thermal energy. According to the climate characteristics of the area, a coefficient of 1.7 is selected.

We convert the area of ​​the apartment from units to tens, this gives us the number 6, multiply it by 1.7. As a result, the required value is 10.2 kW, otherwise 10,200 W.

The calculation method described here is very easy. But it entails significant errors associated with the following situations:

  • the amount of thermal energy required directly depends on the volume of the apartment. Obviously, to warm a living space with ceilings 3 meters high, more will be needed;
  • a large number of windows and doors, which increases the consumption of thermal energy when compared with monolithic walls;
  • the location of apartments at the ends or in the middle of the building also greatly affects heat costs if standard radiators are installed in the heating system of an apartment building.

The basic, standardized value of sufficient thermal power per 1 cubic meter of living space is 40 W. Based on this figure, it is easy to find out how much heat is required for the entire apartment or for individual rooms.

If you want to most accurately calculate the required amount of thermal energy, you will have to not only multiply the volume by 40, but also apply approximately 100 W to all windows and 200 W to the doors, after which the same regional coefficients are used as when calculating by area apartments.

What is pressure testing of a heating system in an apartment building?

Pressure testing of a heating system is a hydraulic (or pneumatic) test of its components, which allows you to find out its tightness, ability to operate at the design operating pressure of the coolant, as well as during water hammer. This procedure makes it possible to detect areas of potential leaks, strength, quality of installation, and ensure stable operation throughout the cold season.

Pressure testing, that is, hydraulic (water), in some cases, pneumatic (compressed air) tests of heating systems are started:

  • immediately after the heating system of an apartment building is installed and put into operation;
  • in systems that have already been used;
  • as a result of repair work, replacement of any part;
  • during inspections before all heating seasons;
  • at the end of the heating season (in MKD).

In multi-apartment residential buildings, industrial and administrative premises, pressure testing is carried out by certified employees of the services that operate and maintain these systems.

The progress of pressure testing of the heating system of an apartment building varies in accordance with the type and number of floors in the building, the complexity of the system (number of circuits, branches, risers), wiring diagram, material, wall thickness of elements (pipes, radiators, fittings), etc. Typically, such tests are carried out hydraulic - carried out by pumping water. However, pneumatic ones are also possible - with excess air pressure. Since the hydraulic type is more common, let's talk about it first.

  • Hydraulic pressure testing in an apartment building

Before starting such tests, preliminary work is carried out:

  • inspection of the elevator (supply unit), main pipes, risers and other parts of the system;
  • inspection of the presence and integrity of thermal insulation on heating mains.

For a system that has been operating for more than 5 years, it is recommended to flush it using a compressor before pressure testing to flush the heating system of an apartment building.

Hydraulic pressure testing goes like this:

  • the system is filled with water (if it is just installed, it has been flushed);
  • excess pressure is pumped into it using an electric or manual pump;
  • using a pressure gauge, check whether the pipes maintain pressure (within 15–30 minutes);
  • if the pressure is maintained (the pressure gauge readings do not change) – the system is sealed, without leaks, the elements cope with the pressure of the pressure test;
  • if there is a decrease in pressure, all parts are checked (pipes, connections, batteries, additional equipment) to detect water leakage;
  • after identifying this place, it is sealed or the entire element is replaced (part of the pipe, connecting fitting, shut-off valves, batteries, etc.), tests are duplicated.

The water pressure during such checks depends on the operating pressure of the system. It can change due to the material of pipes and batteries. For new systems, the crimping pressure should exceed the working pressure by 2 times, for those already in use - by 20–50%.

All types of pipes and radiators are manufactured under a certain permissible pressure. Taking this into account, the maximum operating pressure and test pressure are established. For cast iron batteries, the operating pressure in the heating system of an apartment building is a maximum of 5 atm. (bar), but remains within 3 atm. (bar). The test is carried out here by pumping up to 6 atm. And systems with convector-type batteries (steel, bimetallic) are subjected to greater pressure, up to 10 atm.

Crimping of the input unit is carried out separately, with a discharge of at least 10 atm. (1 MPa). This requires electric pumps. The tests are considered successful if the indicator drops by no more than 0.1 atm in half an hour.

  • Pressure testing of the heating system of an apartment building with air

System air checks are rarely performed. They are possible in small buildings when hydraulic tests are not suitable for some indicators. Let's say we want to find out whether the system is installed well, but water and equipment for injection are not available.

Then an electric air compressor, a mechanical (foot, hand) pump with a pressure gauge is connected to the make-up or drain valve, and excess pressure is created. It can be no more than 1.5 atm. (bar), since if the connection depressurizes or the system ruptures at high pressure, there is a possibility of injury to the inspection specialists. Instead of air valves, plugs are installed.

Pneumatic tests involve greater exposure of the system to high pressure. Since air is compressed, which is not the case with liquid, therefore, long-term stabilization and equalization of pressure in the circuit is necessary. At the first stage, the pressure gauge may show a decrease in readings, even if everything is sealed. After stabilizing the air pressure, it is important to maintain it for another half hour.

  • Pressure testing of open heating systems

To pressurize a heating system in an apartment building with an open design and operating principle, it is necessary to seal the connection point of the open expansion tank. This can be done with a ball valve mounted on a water pipe. When pumping liquid it plays a role air valve, and as soon as the system is filled, that is, before the pressure is pumped up, the tap is closed.

The operating pressure of such heating systems in an apartment building usually varies depending on the height of the expansion tank: per 1 m of its deviation from the level of the return boiler input, 0.1 atm of excess pressure is given in this place. IN one-story houses it is placed under the ceiling, in the attic. The water column then corresponds to 2–3 m, and the excess pressure is 0.2–0.3 atm. (bar). If the boiler room is located in the basement or in two-story houses, the difference between the level of the expansion tank and the boiler return reaches 5–8 m (0.5–0.8 bar). Then, for hydraulic testing, a lower excess fluid pressure is created (0.3–1.6 bar).

Apart from this feature, crimp testing of open systems (one-pipe and two-pipe) does not differ from testing closed ones.

Repair of the heating system of an apartment building

There are three main types of repair of heating systems.

  • Emergency. Necessary for restoring the functioning of the heating system after an accident: a break in the riser, separation of the battery connection, defrosting of the heating in the entrance.
  • Current. Allows you to identify minor faults, carry out a routine check of the performance of shut-off valves, their revision and installation of a new one instead of an already used one. Some of these problems are discovered by residents, others make themselves known during scheduled inspections, and the rest when preparing the system for winter.
  • Major renovation associated with a complete or partial change of equipment. Here, all pipes can be dismantled, replaced with metal-plastic ones, and radiator plates can be installed instead of those that have expired.

Now let's talk about the malfunctions that each type of repair of the heating system of an apartment building struggles with.

  • Emergency repair of the heating system of an apartment building

Let's look at the most common system "diseases" that emergency locksmith crews encounter and their normal treatments.

There is no heating through the riser. They look at the valves and the heating system of an apartment building: uncoordinated repairs are often to blame. If no faults are found here, the risers are transferred to discharge in both directions, which allows the fault to be localized. The problem can be caused by a piece of slag in a pipe bend or a stuck screw valve. If the problem is resolved, and water flows through the riser without a hitch, be sure to bleed the air on the top floor.

Fistula in the heating pipe. It happens that there is no risk of complete destruction of the riser or liner, then the emergency crew makes a bandage that eliminates the leak. Then the brigade current repairs brews the place.

The locknut in front of the radiator is leaking. The riser is reset, the thread is rewound. If it is damaged due to corrosion, the connection on the liner is replaced by welding and manual threading.

Heavy leakage between sections of radiators. The reason here is a burst nipple. The risers are reset, the battery is removed and rebuilt.

The flush valve does not close after flushing the radiator. The riser is reset and the faucet gasket is replaced.

The access heating is defrosted. The riser is turned off, the affected sections are removed, and the working radiator is started. The emergency crew restores connections, registers, etc. by welding.

Defrosted driveway heating radiator. You just need to disconnect the last sections.

  • Current repair of the heating system of an apartment building

Below we will talk about the repair of heating systems carried out by housing and communal services workers in preparation for the cold season.

Inspection of shut-off valves in the elevator heating unit. Here they look at the operation of all relief valves, control valves, and gate valves (if necessary, they are repaired). Periodic maintenance is carried out: oil seals are filled, rods are lubricated.

Valve repair consists of replacing the gasket. Even a beginner can do this himself without serious skills, but inspection and repair of valves will be more difficult.

If necessary, carried out replacing the spacer wedge between the cheeks, its welding, grinding in mirrors in the body, on the cheeks, restoring the rod, replacing the pressure ring on the oil seal and other work in the heating system of an apartment building.

Inspection of a cast iron valve on a stand. By appearance This part is difficult to understand the need for repair.

Inspection and repair of shut-off valves on risers is an equally important task. Even with a small leak, the entire house has to be reset. In cold weather, this can lead to defrosting of parts of the circuit, which is most important in entrances.

Rewinding locknuts on riser pipes should also be carried out periodically.

Replacing heating risers, eliminating various small pipe leaks and welds between them. The solution to this problem is chosen according to the situation: a small fistula in the apartment is welded, and a heavily corroded section of the pipe of the heating system of an apartment building is replaced. In the basement, small fistulas are most often bandaged with a clamp with a gasket, thick rubber and annealed wire.

Maintenance crews also carry out heating system maintenance: starting, stopping heating, eliminating air jams (if the residents of the upper floors themselves cannot) and annual hydropneumatic flushing of the heating.

  • Overhaul of the heating system of an apartment building

There is a certain sequence for signing contracts for major repairs of the heating system.

  1. A defective statement is written for the planned overhaul with an approximate list necessary work and consumables.
  2. A tender is announced for the supply of equipment and repairs. Any municipal or private enterprise that has “heating system repair” among the services offered (OKDP code 453) can participate in it - it is entered upon registration.
  3. An agreement is signed with the winning company, which includes a list of necessary services, the procedure for calculation and control, guarantees and responsibilities of the parties, and a dozen more points.
  4. Further work ends with the satisfaction of the parties or legal proceedings.

But in practice, an agreement is often concluded with a service organization and its emergency and routine repair teams, who repair the heating systems of apartment buildings in their free time. This method justifies itself: the contractor strives to do everything perfectly, because troubleshooting after poor-quality repairs will fall on his shoulders.

What kind of work falls under the term “major repairs”? Their list is small:

  • complete or partial replacement of risers and heating lines;
  • complete or selective replacement of heating devices;
  • replacement of the entire elevator unit or shut-off valves in it;
  • complete or partial replacement of heating spills.

All work is carried out in the warm season, after the heating season.

  • How to get rid of overpayments for heating

Why do you need to flush the heating system in an apartment building?

The efficiency of the heating system of an apartment building decreases for two inevitable reasons.

1. Heating radiators and horizontal sections of pipes become silted over time. This becomes a problem in places where the coolant flows slowly: spills, connections to the radiator and directly to the heating radiators.

Where does the sediment come from? It includes sand, rust crumbs, scale from welding work, everything that heating mains carry. The thermal power plant constantly takes in and heats such large volumes of liquid that it is impossible to purify them to an ideal state.

2. Disease steel pipes without anti-corrosion coating - mineral deposits . Calcium and magnesium salts narrow the lumen, forming a hard coating on the inner walls. This is only a problem with steel pipes. Galvanized steel and pipelines with an internal polymer coating are not susceptible to such deposits.

Silt, sand and other suspended matter reduce the speed of water movement in the heating device. Gradually their volume grows, and water enters only the first sections. Deposits sometimes cause a section of the circuit to become inoperable when the lumen of the pipe becomes clogged.

Consequently, flushing of this system, documented by an act, restores the required efficiency. It is important to remember that for MKD, the frequency of flushing this system is specified in SNiP 3.05.01-85 and is equal to 1 year.

How to flush the heating system in an apartment building

  • Chemical flushing of the heating system of an apartment building

Chemical flushing works in the following situations.

1. It is necessary to restore the functioning of the heating system of the apartment building, which has been in operation for several decades. Siltation, which cannot be avoided, and clogging of steel pipes during this time lead to a frightening decrease in efficiency.

But non-galvanized steel pipes are so severely damaged by corrosion over decades that the benefits of the treatment may not be visible. The fact is that chemicals eat away rust, and during pressure testing many new leaks are discovered.

2. It is necessary to remove deposits from the gravity system consisting of steel pipes. Most of them accumulate in the heat exchanger of the boiler or furnace; sludge is distributed throughout the bottling, large volumes are observed at its lower part.

When flushing, a chemical is poured into the heating circuit instead of water. It is a solution of an alkali (usually caustic soda) or an acid (phosphoric, orthophosphoric, etc.). Then the pump, which is part of the equipment for flushing the heating system of an apartment building, starts continuous circulation in the circuit, lasting several hours. Afterwards, this reagent is drained and a new pressure test is carried out.

The cost of the washing reagent starts from five to six thousand rubles per 25 liters. According to the rules of housing maintenance, you cannot pour the used substance into the sewer, although, if there is no other way out, this composition is neutralized with a special means.

  • Hydropneumatic flushing of the heating system of an apartment building

This flushing of the heating system has long been widely used in the domestic housing and communal services sector and has proven itself well. But it is only effective when used correctly.

The instructions for flushing the heating system are not so complicated: the circuit is discharged into the sewer system, first from the supply to the return, then in the opposite direction. At the same time, a powerful air pump forces air into the water. The pulp, passing along the entire contour, washes away some of the scale and silt.

Flushing the heating system used in housing and communal services works as follows:

  • the house valve is closed on the return pipeline;
  • a compressor is connected to flush the heating system of an apartment building to the supply metering valve after the house valve;
  • the return discharge opens;
  • when the pressure in the ballast tank of the compressor has reached 6 kgf/cm 2, the valve connected to it opens;
  • Groups of risers are alternately overlapped so that ten, no more, are open at the same time. So, flushing heating risers and heating devices connected to them will give a good result.

The time of the procedure can be selected by visually checking the contamination of the water coming out after it. If the liquid becomes transparent, you can proceed to another group of risers.

When all the risers are washed, the heating switches to reset in the opposite direction:

  • the discharge valve, to which the compressor is connected, is closed;
  • the house valve closes on the supply and opens on the return;
  • the supply discharge opens, the compressor is connected to the metering valve on the return pipeline, it opens.

Washing of groups of risers takes place again, but with the pulp flow in the opposite direction.

At whose expense is the heating system of an apartment building drained?

A well-functioning heating system is essential for a fulfilling and enjoyable life in any type of home. It happens that residents need to install new batteries, eliminate leaks, or move the riser to the wall.

Such actions with the system, obviously, should not be carried out without draining the water inside - it is impossible to open the pipes when the network is full. Therefore, before repair and maintenance work, it is necessary to drain the water from the riser of the heating system of an apartment building.

The proper operation of communications in apartment buildings is the responsibility of the management company. This means that the drain is agreed upon with her in advance. For this reason, residents have such questions.

1. Does the owner have the right to set the day for this procedure independently?

Doesn't have it. The term is chosen by the management company. But asking for work to be done at a specific time can be achieved by coordinating this with several management specialists.

2. Who pays for draining the riser?

Owner. Funds are charged for approval and for the activities of the craftsmen. Tariffs vary depending on regions and companies. It is impossible to name the price in advance: in some localities it will cost 1,000 rubles, in others – 5,000 rubles. This includes shutting down the system, draining the fluid, and refilling.

If there is a need for repairs during the heating season, the owner will have to spend time convincing the management company to pay a much larger amount. When the temperature outside is -30 o C, the procedure will not be allowed. This rule does not apply to accidents.

3. Is it always necessary to drain the riser?

Minor repairs and installation of a new battery instead of the old one are not associated with draining water in the entire heating system of an apartment building. In almost any apartment it will be possible to shut off a specific radiator without affecting the circuit itself. This is done like this:

  • turn the tap on the riser, turn off the flow of water;
  • open the outlet valve on the battery/unscrew the plug wrench, drain the water into any container.

It happens that the system is not equipped with either a plug or a drain valve, then disconnect the radiator and drain the liquid.

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