Prophetic dreams according to Miller. Dream book Miller: distinctive features and characteristic features

Why do people strive to solve dreams? Probably because they want to understand why this or that image visited them, and what it could mean. Sometimes a picture is so realistic and bright that it is impossible to forget it. And it is then that a person begins to look for an explanation for his funny, scary or sad dream. For an explanation, you need to consult dream books. But not every one of them can boast of objectivity and accuracy in the interpretation of certain phenomena. Among their diversity, one stands out and has become a legend - Miller’s dream book.

Who is Miller?

Gustav Hindman Miller - this practicing psychologist from the States became world famous as the author of the largest and most truthful collection of dream interpretations. Despite his irrational passion, this man was quite sane. The spirit of a businessman lived in him, which allowed him to get rich and occupy leadership positions. It was this synthesis of the rational and philosophical that allowed him to find the right approach to the interpretation of various phenomena and events that he sets out in his collection. This interpreter relied simultaneously on the theoretical foundations of psychology and on his own practice. His book was based on analyzed stories of night visions of several tens of thousands of people. It was precisely in the ability to analyze and draw parallels that the psychologist’s rationalism manifested itself.

Legendary dream book: interpretation of Miller's dreams

The beginning of a new century was the beginning of a new era in the interpretation of dreams. It was in 1901 that the legendary work of this psychologist, which became a classic, was born. Of all such dream books, it has become the most complete, incorporating a record number of words and combinations - 10,000! And each of them is given a detailed description. Moreover, many of the described phenomena have several interpretations depending on the details and options for the development of actions. More than one generation has learned their fate from this book. For many, the descriptions from it served as a real guide to action. Someone built their personal life, guided by recommendations or warnings from the book, someone made a career, and someone learned to find mutual understanding with people.

What makes this work stand out from other similar ones?

  • Accuracy and consistency are the two main characteristics that speak most clearly about it.
  • It is impossible not to note the simplicity and clarity of the presentation - no riddles, subtexts, or reading between the lines.
  • The depth and completeness of the meanings will help you look into the future and, perhaps, even change it somewhat.

Naturally, age has left its mark on the collection. Some words and meanings from there are outdated, and you won’t be able to find some new ones there. But our dreams can take us back to the 19th century, and maybe even further.

Miller's Dream Book online: accessible and free dream interpreter

To have the most complete collection of dreams, you don’t have to go to a bookstore. Just go to our website. Here you can view any interpretation that interests you at any time. If you make it a rule to check each of your vivid dreams against this online collection, you will be able to exercise control over your life, learn to understand a lot, solve problems in a timely manner and even prevent their occurrence. Moreover, access to online versions- free. We will help you make friends with this storehouse of wisdom and revelation. Use your imagination, intuition, analyze, compare, and with each new dream you will become wiser, and your actions will be more thoughtful. Over time, even the most confusing and, at first glance, scary plot will reveal itself to you in all its simplicity.


Zlata 2019.03.29 20:44

Please tell me. I dreamed about my late grandmother. She was drunk in her entrance (as usual, she was looking out of the window on the 2nd floor.) I come up and say from below, “don’t drink.” And her hair is stained with sugar. She gets down, kind of hugs me, or kisses me (I don’t remember) and becomes pure and cheerful, says “no no, I’m normal.” Then I look from the window in this entrance, she’s running in the yard cheerful and happy in a yellow dress, I tell her I scream, “Don’t run, you’ll fall!!” (I was still afraid that she was drunk and would fall). She screamed at me, “I won’t fall.” In the end, she fell and cried that her legs hurt. they didn’t let me take her, but they didn’t let me. I ran after them. The hospital was closed, they decided to take her to another one. But then it turned out that she was in my arms (but not her image, but some big incomprehensible thing). We all go and one of the doctors in the crowd says, “Well, look at her heart, because normal people die immediately with this disease, but how do you even live,” as if he was even scolding her, and this thing (which is supposedly my grandmother. in my arms, upset and crying), and I was crying and woke up in tears, upset. Please tell me what this means? P.s. Grandma was found dead alone at home, sitting in the kitchen. In conclusion, the experts wrote that it was heart disease. My heart just stopped and couldn't stand it.

Dreams are a reflection of reality. In them we can see not only our past and present, but also our future. Surely, almost each of you has a dream book at home. And if there is no dream book in printed form, then you can always use its analogue - online interpretation of dreams.

There are many various dream books: French, Assyrian, author's dream books. Moreover, the meanings of the same dreams may differ in them. Most a good option will take advantage of the works of the American psychologist Miller, who described about 10 thousand elements and symbols of dreams.

Miller's Dream Book It is interesting in that its author does not directly quote his predecessors, although, of course, when writing the dream book, he read many works, including very ancient ones. In this book you can find the meaning of any dream. Of course, what is now offered to you on the Internet and in print publications is not the original. The fact is that if you read the original, you would hardly be able to use the descriptions in practice. They are too “lag behind” the modern state of affairs, our everyday life, because this dream book was written back in late XIX century. But modern “versions” are not bad at all. There you can even find what it means to make love in a dream. This was definitely not the case in the original dream book. Meanwhile, thousands of people see such dreams every night...

Let's look at the most common signs that come to us in a dream, based on Gustav Miller's dream book. One of the most common dreams among women 20-40 years old is their own pregnancy. See the description in modern version dream book It turns out that this bad dream, which means an unhappy marriage and the birth of ugly children. This description of the dream clearly cannot be trusted. Otherwise, a good half of women would be unhappy in marriage. This is an all too common dream. It is very often seen by women planning pregnancy, future and real mothers. And there is an adequate psychological explanation for this. Our thoughts are reflected in dreams...

More interesting is the dream in which we see our own hair. It can be interpreted in different ways. For example, if a woman combs her beautiful hair in a dream, long hair, then this prophesies her frivolous actions in real life, which she will later regret. Seeing multi-colored (dark and light) hair on your head in a dream means big doubts. And see on your head gray hair young man or a girl - not a good sign. It symbolizes troubles and possibly losses.

Seeing yourself as a guest at someone else's wedding means solving a complex problem and getting rid of worries. A dream in which the image of a snake appears can be interpreted differently. Killing a snake in a dream (as you probably already guessed) means victory over your enemies, triumph. If you see in a dream how a snake stings you, then this may mean that in real life ill-wishers can harm your work and interfere with your career growth. If a snake coils around your body, then this is an omen that your enemies will gain the upper hand over you, as well as illness. Thus, a snake in a dream is always an image of an ill-wisher. And the dream itself is interpreted depending on the behavior of this mammal.

Dreams with children are very contradictory. If you dream of contented, happy children, then this promises a joyful event. If children (or a child) cry, then this is a sign of illness. And if a woman has a dream in which she lulls a child, then this is a sign of deception loved one.

Unpleasant dreams and even nightmares sometimes also signify good events. For example, bad dream about the funeral of a loved one (or a deceased person), most often, is an omen of a happy turn in fate.

Traditionally, a dream about fish is interpreted as a sign of a woman’s imminent pregnancy. If you look at the interpretation of dreams in Miller’s dream book, you can see a slightly different interpretation (however, not excluding the first). Fish in clear water - for a significant event, perhaps marriage. Dead fish are a bad dream.

The dream in which a dog came to you also needs to be interpreted depending on some nuances. If a dog cuddles up to you, then this is a sign of strong friendship. If a dog barks or bites, then this is the machinations of enemies. Barking dogs in a dream means receiving bad news in reality.

If you had a “bad” dream, then do not despair. Just take note and be more careful. It is not a fact that this sign will actually come true. Don't set yourself up for bad things.

Miller's Dream Book: interpretation of dreams free online:

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It is a delightful mystery that begs us to unravel.
Irwin Yalom

The interpretation of dreams has always occupied the best minds of mankind. Napoleon, Shakespeare, and Goethe believed in the reality of dreams - and, moreover, in their ability to predict a person's future.

Human dreams have always remained a mystery to science, although it is possible to offer some kind of scientific interpretation of dreams in different times Outstanding psychologists and psychoanalysts tried. One of the most successful such attempts was the dream book of Miller, a scientist who tried to explain unsteady and foggy dreams using a scientific, systematic approach.

Gustav Hindman Miller, author Miller's dream book- a scientist and practicing psychoanalyst who has been involved in the interpretation of dreams for decades. Miller was born in 1857, and in 1901 he published the first edition of his famous dream book entitled “Scientific and Practical Interpretation of Dreams” - “Whats in a Dream; A Scientific and Practical Interpretation of Dreams". Since then, the dream book has “survived” several reprints - some after the death of Gustav Miller himself in 1929 - and today Miller’s dream book includes more than ten thousand dream interpretations.

Dreams are the royal road to the unconscious.
Sigmund Freud

Miller's dream book, published in the second half of the nineteenth century, is still considered one of the most accurate and true dream books from the point of view of dream interpretation. This, however, is not surprising: unlike all other dream books, this dream interpreter, Miller’s dream book, is based on the most accurate statistical data. For several decades, Gustav Miller, a practicing psychoanalyst, analyzed dreams and collected data on plots and images from human dreams. This is exactly how the most complete dream book- thousands of meanings of the most common symbols from dreams.

Gustav Miller managed to discover the relationship between what a person dreams and what subsequently happens in his life in reality. The psychologist himself believed that those events and images, those symbols and objects that a person sees in a dream are not at all random. Dreams, according to Miller, are a kind of encrypted “message”, which, once solved, can predict events in real life. The dream book compiled by a psychologist is in fact a set of symbols and their “decodings”. Guided by Miller's dream book, you can easily understand what a dream means and what it warns a person about - if you use Miller's dream book, the interpretation of dreams turns into a very simple task. Moreover - as Miller's dream book indicates, prophetic dreams are, in fact, any dreams, it is only important to solve them correctly.

Dreams play a very important role in human life. Much suggests that night visions reflect those things that may happen, or those that will inevitably happen soon or sometime in the future. Many experiments confirm this observation.

The vast majority of residents of this part of the galaxy have books in their apartments containing the decoding of certain dreams. They are also called dream books. However, with the development of technology and the digitization of books, people are trying to find the answer to their fate on the Internet. This is noticeably cheaper than buying the book yourself.

Over the centuries of its existence, humanity has compiled many different dream books. They can be found in libraries and on the World Wide Web. On our website there are dream books of such famous people like Vanga, Nostradamus, Freud and Jung. There are also lesser-known dream interpreters. However, this does not mean that they cope with their task worse than their popular counterparts.

It is no coincidence that we have posted so many dream books. The fact is that each oracle, medium or psychologist approaches the interpretation of dreams in his own way, and different specialists will interpret the same dreamed image in different ways. One of those interpreters who inspire the most confidence is the dream book of Gustav Hidman Miller. This book contains information about more than ten thousand images that may appear in your visions. That is why, when interpreting dreams, it is very important to find out what Mr. Gustav Miller thought about this.

Miller's Dream Book and Interpretation of Dreams

This collection in its current form is completely different from its first edition, which appeared at the border of the 20th and 19th centuries. You really shouldn't think that the book has gotten worse. Yes, it has become more difficult for non-specialists to understand. But the complication of the structure served to better systematize the information presented in the dream book. In addition, throughout its existence, the book was supplemented by some dream images that Miller’s colleagues contributed to it. Thus, in the first edition, for moral and ethical reasons, there were no erotic dreams. But the work of Sigmund Freud showed that such dreams can tell a lot about a person's unconscious.

As Erich Fromm stated, human night visions must be understood. This skill is akin to art. It requires not only skills, but also endurance. Based on the host of fleeting meanings contained in image decoding, Gustav Miller was a well-rounded psychologist. Miller's Dream Book is the cornerstone of dream interpretation; it will be consulted for a long time.

This psychotherapist's book is notable in that it does not borrow from earlier works on this topic. But this only applies to direct quotation. When compiling the dream book, Miller relied or relied on both mediums and fellow psychologists, but never quoted them directly. Gustav was also an innovator, using his own approaches in the interpretation of dreams.

The main thesis that guided Miller when writing the interpreter is that dreams are not limited to reflecting the patient’s unconscious world. Miller's dream book believes that visions are intended to hint at something to a person. On what was, is, will be, or what he should do in the current situation. But this data is encrypted in the human mind, and can only be understood through associations. The author himself often used his theory in life, which helped him achieve his goals.

Images in dreams and their interpretation according to Miller

Now we will try to give examples of decoding the most common dream symbols, after which we will interpret them according to Miller.

Often female representatives from twenty to forty years old dream about an “interesting situation.” The latest edition of the dream book says that this is a bad sign. One of the interpretation options is an unhappy marriage in which a sick baby will be born. But there are other interpretations. It is possible that the vision is a reflection of the woman’s worries or her thoughts before bed.

Another common dream is a woman doing something with her hair. There are many ways to understand this dream. Miller's dream book says that the key to understanding will be the condition of the hair in a dream. Beautiful curls promise a lady rash actions. And dirty hair with gray hair is a warning of problems.

A dream that portends trouble is not a reason to panic. Most likely, the dreamer just needs to be a little more careful. And do not forget that the prediction does not always come true - this is just a hint of one of the possible options future.

Below you can find, in alphabetical order, all the dream interpretations from Gustav Miller. To interpret what you saw more accurately, you need to formulate your dream as succinctly as possible. And to get acquainted with other opinions, use the search in all dream books.

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Miller is a successful businessman who solves dreams. Gustav Hindman Miller is a famous American entrepreneur, farmer, writer, financier and company owner. He was respected for his intelligence and subtlety of thought in commercial circles, revered as a writer of picturesque stories, but his innate ability to conduct in-depth analysis of dreams brought him worldwide fame.

Miller, by nature, was distinguished by his desire for psychological analysis of facts, understanding the circumstances of situations, the root cause of consequences and identifying the nature of dreams - such abilities, coupled with decency, apparently helped him achieve a worthy position in society, as well as become the most famous author of a dream book in the world .

Rock and fortune

Difficult childhood

Gustav was born in the Texas frontier in 1857, under the roof of small house at the ranch. His father died when he was not yet five, and his mother had another one-year-old child, his brother Frank. She married a second time, and the children were raised in her father's house. Soon the grandmother died, and the grandfather married a young widow with two children, who subsequently bore him four more. This is how Gustav grew up in a crowded house, during the years civil war, in deprivation and gloomy living conditions. However, his grandfather was distinguished by high morality and a tough character; he despised deception in trade, and treated many merchants with disdain, because he considered them “unclean.” His grandfather's credo left its mark on the way Miller conducted his affairs in life.

The beginning of the journey

As soon as Gustav received his secondary education, he decided to improve his life, and, having received the position of a clerk, began working in a store. At the age of 21, Miller married a beautiful girl from a wealthy family, and a year after the wedding, he opened his first grocery store with his brother, and they called their business Miller Brothers and Company. The Millers began to succeed in the store business. They sold essential goods, but unfortunately the store burned down, leaving behind only ashes. Unshakable will and faith in success helped the brothers open a new store, and then the largest department store on the entire southern bank of the Ohio River, which very quickly was able to gain popularity, and the business of the business brothers began to flourish.

Recognition and career

Miller's fame as a businessman grew every year, he succeeded in many things, and was known as a respected citizen in America. Over the years, Gustav Miller became president of the Hamilton National Bank, founder and president of the Mills (hosiery) company, co-owner, president and director of the Miller Brothers & Co. department store, and owner of a controlling interest in the investment firm Ross-Hindman Miller.


The Millers' quiet family life was undermined by misfortunes associated with children. In total, the Millers had seven children, but the first three died when they were still babies, the fourth died at 21, and only the last three lived to an old age.


In Gustav’s busy life, there was also room for creativity. He devoted his evenings to literary pursuits; several books were published from his pen and received the reader’s favor, including “Lucy Dalton”, “Is Marriage a Mistake”, “The Jew” .

Miller's famous dream book

The acuity of perception of the outside world, genius in psychoanalysis, the ability to see the background of facts and the ability to unravel signals of the subconscious helped Miller to compile a dream book, which even today surpasses all known ones in popularity. More than 1,500 objects were interpreted in the dream book, which Miller analyzed not only on the basis of his own dreams, but he also used in his creation the knowledge gained from mastered ancient teachings about the providence of dreams. His theory about an unconscious journey into the world of dreams is based on the belief that the human subconscious remembers everything that happens in reality, analyzes the past and present, and then in a dream sends an encrypted message to consciousness, which, if interpreted correctly, can predict many events in one’s life and prevent trouble , abandon the planned risky business in time, or, on the contrary, expect success in your endeavors.