What does the status of a child’s disability mean? What diseases are included in the disability? The activities of the PMPK are a necessary condition in the selection of an individual route for accompanying the child

Hello my dear readers. Tatyana Sukhikh is with you, and today I will try to answer the question: can a certificate for children with disabilities make it easier for a student to study at school, including passing the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam? One of my readers asked me this question and, unfortunately, she is not the only parent who has to ask this question today.

Every year, “educational” ministers raise the level of knowledge for the younger generation, hoping to raise worthy replacements. Along with this, humane state managers united children with disabilities together with students who do not have them, without adapting the educational program for such an innovation. A health education certificate can save a child from unbearable stress, but how to get this document and won’t the process of obtaining it become another shock to the psyche of an unformed organism?

If you are reading this article, then, most likely, you are already familiar with the concept of HIA and its decoding - limited health capabilities. However, this status includes a fairly extensive list of diseases, for one or more of which a certificate may be issued to the child. Therefore, it is easier to list the types of classifications of violations of the basic functions of the body:

  • If the medical examination reveals deviations in the student’s perception, thinking, emotional-volitional reactions, memorization and attention, then we are talking about a violation of mental processes.
  • Impaired vision, smell, touch, or hearing suggest a sensory disorder.
  • A child with atypical respiratory, metabolic or circulatory function, as well as with disorders of the excretory system and internal secretion, can receive the status of a disability.
  • Finally, a disorder of static-dynamic function, or rather a disruption of the musculoskeletal system.

In the case of the reader who applied, the child was diagnosed with bronchial asthma and angiocerebral dystonia with vasomator cephalgia against the background of vertebrogenic pathology, hemodynamic disorders in the vertebral arteries. That is, we are talking about two serious diseases that belong to different classifications of dysfunctions of the body: deviations in the functioning of the respiratory system and vascular tone of the brain. The latter disease actually leads to:

  • increased fatigue,
  • deterioration of memory and attention,
  • headaches,
  • depression,
  • and in some cases to dizziness,
  • deterioration of vision,
  • difficulty breathing,
  • numbness of the limbs
  • and even disorders of taste and olfactory functions.

Simply put, overwork, stress, sleep disturbances, that is, everything that accompanies preparation for exams, as well as lack of treatment in the case of angiocerebral dystonia can lead to irreversible consequences. This is not just about the difficulties of schooling, but about the health and life of your child as a whole. Regular attacks can subsequently trigger a stroke.

From theory to action

However, it is quite difficult to prove that it is difficult for a child to master the school curriculum due to the diagnoses and, as the experience of parents in similar cases shows, most likely the girl will be given additional time to pass 4 exams, and not reduce their number to 2, as the mother suggests 9th grade students.

One way or another, the status will provide the opportunity for additional examinations and treatment from the appropriate doctor. And in order to make the learning process easier for the student, he should go to the clinic to undergo the CEC.

= KEC - This is a clinical expert commission, which includes doctors and heads of medical institutions, as well as specialists from medical institutes, who give an opinion in the form of a certificate about the health status of the applicant. =

Theoretically, a certificate issued by this commission can exempt the child from school exams, as well as from physical education lessons. This commission should also include your attending physician, so in addition to the neurologist, you should still resume visiting your general practitioner so that he can confirm the presence of bronchial asthma. Remember that it is the attending physician who issues the request for CEC, so you should first seek advice and further instructions from the neurologist who diagnosed you with the above-mentioned diagnosis.

After this, you will have to undergo another stage of examination with PMPCa commission that comprehensively diagnoses the child by various specialists to determine the presence of diagnoses and determine the possibilities of education in a comprehensive school. =

Both teachers and parents (guardians) can equally submit to the commission. The commission should include a psychiatrist, psychologist, speech therapist, defectologist and teachers. Typically, this examination is carried out in children during the period of study from 1st to 4th grades. But if the teachers themselves recommend that you do something, then I’m sure they will be able to direct you and your daughter to take the PMPK.

Undoubtedly, both of these complex diagnostic processes will take up a lot of your time, so you should hurry up with the registration. Exams are just around the corner!

Help on organizing education for children with disabilities

Finally, I would like to add on my own behalf that the acquired HIA status, unfortunately, will not relieve you from the heavy loads of the school curriculum (if you plan to remain in it after the 9th grade) and will not improve the child’s health. It just so happens in our state that, first of all, we are given a task and only then are they explained how to solve it. I'm talking about inclusive education, which involves bringing together children with disabilities and students without this status.

At the moment there is no unified educational system for joint education of children. Students with health problems find it quite difficult to comprehend material in large groups. They need an individual approach and conditions, that is, classes in shortened classes (groups) of 2-3 people or individual classes at all. That is, the teacher must allocate additional time for this within the walls of the school or within the walls of your home.

In the current working conditions, teachers cannot fulfill this task. Therefore, in order to implement the requirement of the Ministry of Education and Science, they turn to additional literature, as well as webinars And offline courses for advanced training . Parents often register a disability status for a schoolchild, after which they give preference to home schooling. This is a very convenient option for a child with increased fatigue. There is only one drawback to this method of teaching - the lack social adaptation.

Will a 2nd year university student be able to receive benefits or special study conditions if she had the status of “Student with disabilities” established by the PMPC? What is necessary for this, since the PMPK examines only people up to 18 years of age?

Lawyer Anna Basova answers:
According to Art. 79 of the Federal Law “On Education in Russian Federation» educational organizations higher education Special conditions must be created for students with disabilities to receive education.

In the question you did not indicate whether you have a disability and for what disease? If yes, then based on the conclusion of the ITU and IPR, you should be provided with benefits and special training conditions. The university website should have a special section reflecting the presence of such conditions (clause 1.4 Methodological recommendations on the organization of the educational process for training disabled people and persons with disabilities in educational institutions of higher education, including the equipment of the educational process (approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on April 8, 2014 N AK-44/05vn). For example, on the RUDN website.

If there is no disability, everything is much more complicated from the point of view of confirming the status of a student with disabilities.

The fact is that the very concept of “student with disabilities” is given in Art. 2 of the Law, which means a person with physical disabilities/ psychological development, confirmed by PMPC and preventing the acquisition of education without the creation of special conditions. That is, the Law connects this concept with the conclusion of the PMPC, which, as you correctly noted, is issued only to children under 18 years of age (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of September 20, 2013 N 1082).

At the same time, the legislation provides special conditions for obtaining higher education for persons with disabilities - in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 5, 2017 N 301 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialty programs, master's programs" (special textbooks, assistant services, additional remedial classes, etc.).

That is, there is some confusion with the concepts: on the one hand, there are special conditions for persons with disabilities when receiving HE, on the other hand, this status is assigned by the PMPK, which examines persons until they reach adulthood.

The following can be proposed as a practical solution. If the PMPC conclusion is still valid (within a year from the date of its signing), you can submit it to the university administration. The website of the mentioned RUDN University talks about a document confirming limited health capabilities or disability without any specifics. If the conclusion is no longer valid, you can try to provide a doctor's report with a diagnosis and information about the need for special educational conditions.

However, given the extremely formal approach to granting special rights and benefits by institutions, I recommend that you undergo an ITU examination if possible. Disabled status allows you to officially demand organization special conditions when receiving higher education.

Adapted educational program — an educational program adapted for training persons with disabilities, taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities and, if necessary, providing correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation of these persons;

Student with disabilitiesindividual, having deficiencies in physical and (or) psychological development, confirmed by a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission and preventing the receipt of education without the creation of special conditions.

The activities of the PMPK are a necessary condition in the selection of an individual route for accompanying a child.

Diagnostic procedures are carried out with the mandatory accompaniment of the child by legal representatives. At this stage, legal representatives become familiar with the protocols and preliminary results. It is allowed to conduct a comprehensive (simultaneous) examination by specialists: young children, children with moderate and severe mental retardation.

Moreover, it is necessary to take into account whether the PMPK is a separate organizational structure or whether it is a structural subdivision of the center for psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance, which consolidates the resources of specialists in various fields.

Part 3 of Article 55 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” establishes that children with disabilities are admitted to study in an adapted basic general education program only with the consent of their parents (legal representatives) and on the basis of recommendations from a psychological -medical-pedagogical commission.

A student may have special needs in physical and (or) mental development and (or) behavioral deviations, but may not have the status of “disabled” and may not even have sufficient medical grounds to obtain this status. However, in educational purposes the student may require special psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance and a special organization of training and education, the need for which is established as a result of a comprehensive psychological, medical and pedagogical examination. Such an examination is carried out by a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission. She also prepares appropriate recommendations for educational organizations.

The status of a student with disabilities is determined by whom

As for the organization of education, we all understand perfectly well that these categories of children have two development paths according to the families’ choice. This could be either teaching children in a special correctional school or providing a Moscow family and their child with the opportunity to receive an inclusive education. In an inclusive regime, a child is educated in a general education institution, where, on the one hand, special conditions are created for him taking into account his diagnosis, and on the other hand, he is given the opportunity to fully feel like a member of the community of children of the general education organization in which he finds himself, starting from attending lessons and receiving educational services, including it in all school-wide events of this organization conducted within the framework of extracurricular activities. Today we are talking about the fact that, at the request of the family, all these opportunities are equally provided to the child.

We submitted documents to the Moscow City Duma that show all the models of teaching children with disabilities and children with disabilities that exist in the capital’s education system today. Let me emphasize: if we are talking about educating children, then this is related to their education and our department; if we are talking about rehabilitation, then this falls under the competence of the Department of Social Protection of the Population. The education system considers the issues of education and the creation of appropriate conditions for the education of disabled children and children with disabilities.

Rights of children with disabilities

New law“On education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ guarantees public availability and free preschool, school, additional and secondary vocational education of children. The law prescribes in detail how the education of children with disabilities and disabled children should be organized. The state undertakes to provide free high-quality education to children with disabilities and disabled children at all levels of education.

7. Students with disabilities living in an organization carrying out educational activities are fully supported by the state and are provided with food, clothing, shoes, soft and hard equipment. Other students with disabilities are provided with two free meals a day.

Organization of education for children with disabilities in a general education institution

The legislation of the Russian Federation, in accordance with fundamental international documents in the field of education, provides for the principle of equal rights to education for persons with disabilities - both adults and children. Guarantees of the right of children with disabilities to receive education are enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Federal Laws of August 22, 1996 N 125-FZ “On Higher and Postgraduate Education” vocational education”, dated November 24, 1995, 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”, dated June 24, 1999 N 120-FZ “On the fundamentals of the system for preventing neglect and juvenile delinquency”, dated July 24, 1998 N 124 -FZ “On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation”, dated October 6, 1999 N 184-FZ “On general principles organizations of legislative (representative) and executive bodies state power subjects of the Russian Federation", dated October 6, 2003 N 131-FZ "On the general principles of organization local government in the Russian Federation."

An individual educational route is determined taking into account the individual characteristics of the preschooler’s personality (health status, level of physical development, features of the development of mental processes, interests, inclinations, abilities, temperament, personality, level of mastering the program)

The status of a student with disabilities is determined by whom

  • the child studied in a special class for less than 2 school years;
  • when, due to the complexity of the disorder, the presence of deviations in the emotional-volitional sphere, behavioral and psychological problems, the child’s stay in an integrated class has a negative impact on the effectiveness of development general education programs the rest of the class.

3.5 Current and milestone results of adaptation and integration, advancement in development, formation of skills in educational activities, mastery of general education programs, indicators of the functional state of their health are recorded in the pedagogical map and class register.

Article 79

6. Features of the organization of educational activities for students with disabilities are determined by the federal executive body, which carries out the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, together with the federal executive body, which carries out the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation. regulation in the field of social protection of the population.

11. When receiving education, students with disabilities are provided with free special textbooks and teaching aids, other educational literature, as well as the services of sign language interpreters and sign language interpreters. The specified measure of social support is an expenditure obligation of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in relation to such students, with the exception of those studying at the expense of budgetary allocations federal budget. For disabled people studying at the expense of federal budget allocations, the provision of these social support measures is an expenditure obligation of the Russian Federation.

Student with disabilities - Dictionary of financial and legal terms

This version of the dictionary contains only terms whose definitions are given in normative legal acts. For example, the definition of the term “tax” is given in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, and it is this definition that is used in the dictionary. The dictionary is regularly updated with new terms.

". 16) student with disabilities - an individual who has deficiencies in physical and (or) psychological development, confirmed by a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission and preventing them from receiving education without the creation of special conditions; "

Material (class) on the topic: REGULATIONS on inclusive (integrated) education of children with disabilities

2.4. Special assistance to students enrolled in integrated education can be provided either under agreements with TPMPC or other educational institutions, or by creating a special assistance service at the school itself. In the latter case, financing of the activities of such a service is carried out at the expense of a special standard at the disposal of the educational organization (institution).

In these Regulations, inclusive education means training in a joint educational environment for children with disabilities and children who do not have such disabilities, by providing children with disabilities with learning conditions and social adaptation that do not reduce the overall level of education for children without them. restrictions.

27 Jul 2018 1387

HIA - what is it? Children with disabilities: training, support.

“Child with disabilities” is a pedagogical term.

The Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273 interprets it as follows: “a student with disabilities is an individual who has deficiencies in physical and (or) psychological development, confirmed by a psychological-medical-pedagogical commission and preventing them from receiving education without creating special conditions.

This means that not all children who have a medical diagnosis fall into the group of children with disabilities, but only those who need special conditions training: special programs; special techniques and teaching methods; special textbooks and textbooks; special technical means of training for individual use; assistant services and other conditions.

These are mainly children: with severe speech impairments; significant impairment of hearing, vision and musculoskeletal system; delay mental development and mental retardation.

The status “Child with disabilities” is established by the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission.”

It must be remembered that the status can be changed if the child experiences positive dynamics as a result of the psychological and pedagogical assistance provided.

A person with disabilities has certain limitations in everyday life. We are talking about physical, mental or sensory defects. A person therefore cannot perform certain functions or duties.

What does the status of “child with disabilities” mean?

This group of children has significant bonuses while in the education system:

1. the right to free correctional and developmental classes with a speech therapist, psychologist, special teacher in an educational organization;

2. the right to a special approach on the part of teaching teachers, who must take into account the psychophysical characteristics of the child, including an individual-oriented assessment system;

3. at the end of grades 9 and 11, the right to choose the traditional form of passing the state final certification (state final exam) or in the form of the main state exam ( test tasks);

4. rightfor free 2 meals a day at school;

5. Disciplinary measures are not applied to children of the disabled group throughout the entire period of study.

You are a second mother for us,
You are a mentor for children.
You are proud of all of us,
You are the cutest in the world.

We congratulate you together.
On this brightest day
We wish you happiness and love,
Faithful, devoted friends.

Let the salary rise
And your career will go up.
Let the rent decrease
Great success ahead

Blanks for booklets

Total 8 backgrounds

Summary of an open individual lesson: “Sound production (w)” (ONR)


1) Educational: improve the ability to answer questions in complete sentences, practice the use of nouns in the genitive case, singular.

2) Correctional and developmental: teach the correct pronunciation of the sound “sh”, automate the sound in open syllables, at the beginning of a word; develop phonemic hearing and perception, articulatory motor skills, visual attention and memory.

3) Educational: to cultivate diligence and accuracy when performing tasks.

Equipment: mirror, pictures for the sound “sh”, cut-out picture “Snake”, diagram “Soap Bubbles”.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment (mood for the lesson, induce a joyful mood):

The sun is shining through our window,

It shines into our room.

We clapped our hands.

Very happy about the sun

Pronouncing a speech:

The lesson has begun, everything is in order, (fold your hands on the desk)

One, two, three, four, five, let's think and answer! (straighten your back)

2. Articulation gymnastics:

Speech therapist: “Each of our classes begins with performing articulatory gymnastics. I recite the poem, you do the exercise.”

a) “Smile”: pull the corners towards the ears, smile like a frog.

b) “Fence”: we smile broadly, our teeth are visible, we don’t laugh.

c) “Pipe”: we pull our lips forward, our pipe sings.

d) “Window”: the sun is warming up a little, so we opened the window.

e) “Spatula”: here is a wide spatula to dig up a garden bed for mom.

f) “Cup”: we’ll pour tea into mom’s cup and won’t spill a drop.

g) “Brushing the upper teeth”: the baby elephant has a toothache, Doctor Aibolit treats it.

g) “Painter”: a lazy rhinoceros paints the ceiling with a brush.

h) “Horse”: what kind of sounds? who's knocking? It's the sound of hooves!

i) “Mushroom”: in a clearing under an aspen there is a red mushroom on a long stalk.

j) “Trick”: the kind magician Matvey amuses all the children.

3. Exercise “Assemble a picture”:

Speech therapist: “Now our hands will work a little. I prepared a picture for you, but it fell apart. Let’s try to put it together and see what was drawn there.” (The picture shows a snake associated with the sound “sh”)

4. “Catch the sound “sh”:

Speech therapist: “Who is in your picture? (It's a snake). Well done! Let's play with her. All snakes make the following sound: sh-sh-sh. Get your palms ready and listen to me carefully, if you hear the snake’s song shhhh, then clap.”


5. Setting the sound “sh”:

Speech therapist: “Let us also try to hiss like a snake. Open the “window”, make a “cup”, hide it behind your upper teeth, round your lips and blow (you can press on your cheeks). The air stream should be warm. Well done!"

Exercise “Merry paths” (the child moves his finger along the colored paths, while pronouncing the sound “w”).

6. Finger gymnastics “Snake”:

Speech therapist: “The snake is a little tired and wants to rest. Let's take a little rest."

Between the hummocks along the path (put your palms together)

Dinka the snake crawls! (depict the movement of a snake)

7. Automation of the “sh” sound in open syllables:

Exercise “Soap Bubbles”

Speech therapist: “How does a snake sing? (sh-sh-sh). Now we will blow soap bubbles together with her.”

The child moves his finger along the arrow from the circle with the sound “sh” to the circle with the sound “u”, combining two sounds into a syllable, the result is “shu”, similar to “sho”, “shi”, “she”, “sha”.

8. Automation of the “sh” sound at the beginning of a word:

(The speech therapist offers the child pictures starting with the sound “sh”: fur coat, neck, spikes, tire, hat, shawl)

9. “Counting to Five”:

The speech therapist asks the child to count “fur coats” and “hats” to five: one fur coat, two fur coats, three fur coats, four fur coats, five fur coats.

10. Game “What’s gone?”:

The speech therapist asks the child to remember four pictures: a hat, a fur coat, a splint, a neck. Then the speech therapist removes one picture, the child determines what is missing. (For example, the hat is gone).


Speech therapist: “What sound did we play with today? Who came to our class? What words with the sound “sh” do you remember?

Results: (praise the child)

Since 2016, inclusive classes have been introduced into the education system in Russia. It is through these mechanisms that children with disabilities in the Russian Federation in 2019 can receive socialization.

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But besides training, there are many nuances in raising such a child. After all, first of all, he needs to obtain HIA status and receive special payments and benefits in order to be able to develop.

General points

Socialization of children with disabilities - main task, which faces the state.

Since for a long time the main program was the separation of such children into separate classes or schools. This prevented them from becoming full-fledged participants in society.

In 2019, the standard of inclusive education makes it possible to place a child in a classic school class.

But in any case, he will need to register special needs. After all, the school must have appropriate equipment to work with it and specially trained teachers and other workers.


Children with disabilities (CHD) These are children from birth to adulthood. Moreover, such children may also include those whose official documents do not recognize the presence of such a physical or mental disability on a permanent or temporary basis. These may be special children with developmental delays, poor hearing or vision
Inclusive education An education system designed in such a way that children with special needs can study in general classes in classical schools
Benefit This is social assistance from the state to the most vulnerable segments of the population. This is how orphans act. They can all count on receiving benefits
Society This is the child’s sphere of communication, which is not limited to relatives. For personal development, it is necessary to create all conditions so that a child with disabilities can receive the fullness of communication with peers and other people.

What does status give?

Since children with disabilities require special conditions for their treatment and development, the state provides several additional opportunities.

Most of them relate directly to school, education and socialization of the child:

Free classes with speech therapists, psychologists or social educators Usually provided from two lessons per week, which would help the student develop his skills and improve communication with others
A special approach to communication with teachers and grading Here everyone educational institution sets its own special rules. But the only guideline is to find an approach to the child and identify his talents and develop them
Exams At the end of the final 9th ​​and 11th grades, a student with a disability status can independently make a choice in favor of the state final certification or apply the form of the main state exam - in the form of a test survey
can use Which are provided to him free of charge
Disciplinary sanctions cannot be applied to children with disabilities Such punishment is not used throughout the child’s education in an educational institution.

Who belongs to the group

The main characteristic of children who are classified as having limited health capabilities is a violation of psychophysical indicators, which leads to the need to apply special methods to them for correction in terms of training and education.

Standard participants in such a group include children who have the following disorders:

Musculoskeletal system. Behavior and communication with other people. These children also include those who have mental retardation or mental retardation.

In addition, such violations can be cumulative and not be isolated phenomena..

Social and legal protection of the child

This aspect of the state’s care for children with special needs is expressed in several points:

Legislative level At this stage, the state can provide the child with protection even in moral terms. Therefore, in case of any violation of the rights of a child, you can sue
In this regard, the state ensures access to qualified assistance and provides benefits. This helps reduce the financial burden on parents of a child with disabilities
In this area, a system of inclusive classes has been introduced, which allows a child to quickly adapt to life in society and socialize him as much as possible. Plus, this technique has a beneficial effect on improving the student’s psychophysical problems

The child’s parents receive the help of qualified specialists who will work to eliminate disorders in the student’s psyche.

Therefore, such children have many chances to restore lost abilities and develop new talents.

Regulations rules

If parents intend to obtain a special status for their child, they need to understand what rules exist in this legal field.

The most basic provisions are:

If you follow all the rules for registering a position, you can count not only on a quick procedure, but also on a professional response from the school.

Since in most cases, it is the parents who must talk to the management so that they receive information about the child’s condition and can instruct the teachers of the educational institution.

Species classification

There are several classifications of HIA. So, the most common is the British scale.

It contains three steps:

In the Russian approved classification there are a number of types on which the division of violations by OBC is based:

The first, second and fourth categories are disabled children. And they are among the majority of children who are classified as OBC.

It is because of this that the state provides for a separate treatment of this group of students in schools and other educational institutions.

Registration of the conclusion

In order for a child to receive additional assistance from the state, a number of actions must be taken:

  1. Determine the educational center where you can undergo the PMPK examination.
  2. Collect a package of documents necessary for the commission.
  3. Obtain a referral from the school or the child’s attending physician for an examination.
  4. Pass the examination and receive a certificate of status.
  5. Provide the educational institution with the commission’s findings.

It is enough for a parent to contact a specialized educational institution or the territorial Department of Education in a particular city.

And after passing the PMPC, you can enjoy all the privileges of this status.

List of documents

Obtaining the status of a child with OSD requires the provision of a number of documents to the PMPC:

Statement To conduct a commission or parental consent if it was prescribed by a doctor
Child's passport document or birth certificate Photocopies must be made
Parent's document Which could identify the child's parent or guardian
From educational center or medical facility
During this conclusion, psychologists, speech therapists, social teachers at the child’s school form their opinion about the level of his development and the presence of violations.
Previously issued
Extract from the child’s outpatient card In particular, a detailed history of development, taking into account all medical opinions. It can be obtained at the place of registration - at a local medical institution
Characteristics from school and written work in several subjects In the Russian language, mathematics, as well as creative work. If parents have other documents about research and examinations, they should also be attached to the package of papers

What benefits are there for this category?

Therefore, when applying for this status for a child, you should not count on financial assistance. Although the state is going to expand funding in this direction.

For example, it is proposed to make payments to parents of children with disabilities to make it easier for them to care for them. However, there are no official documents or statements under consideration yet.

Questions of interest

Children with disabilities are a fairly new concept in the Russian legal sphere. And not all parents understand how to apply for this status and why to do it at all.