Didactic game “Seasons” card index on the topic. Multimedia didactic game “Seasons” Board educational game tree seasons

Didactic manual for kindergarten. Tree "Seasons"

Fomicheva Natalia Albertovna, teacher, kindergarten No. 30 "Teremok", Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region.
Description: This development will be of interest to teachers preschool education, parents. The multifunctionality of the didactic manual suggests the possibility of its use in working with children of all periods of preschool childhood.
Target: formation in preschool children of knowledge about the changing seasons.
– To develop knowledge about the characteristics of the seasons, their main features, turnover, periodicity and cyclicity.
– Develop sensory perception.
– Stimulate children's creative activity.
– Foster love and caring attitude towards nature.

One of the main tasks in the formation of temporal concepts in preschoolers is: to provide knowledge about the sequence of changing seasons.
Children must understand and remember the so-called annual scheme “winter-spring-summer-autumn”.
We present to your attention a teaching aid: the “Seasons” tree.

The frame is made of fiberboard and attached to a rounded stand.
The model of the tree turned out to be of good quality, strong, and stable. Which is important. After all, it is intended for preschoolers.
Each sector is designed in accordance with seasonal changes in nature. Filled decorative elements(flowers, leaves, snowflakes, fruits) and miniature figures of animals and birds.
The winter tree resembles an oak.

Painted with snow lying on the branches. The snow caps seem to be jammed onto them, hanging in waves.
Tits and bullfinches, made using the technique of dry felting from wool, scurry about in the branches.

They flock to the feeder. The feeder is made from a matchbox. In order to give naturalism to this scene, sunflower seeds are fixed at the bottom of the feeder with PVA glue.

A cowardly little bunny is hiding in a snowdrift under a tree. The snow is made of cotton wool, and the bunny, like other animals and birds, is made using the felting technique.

The soft powder is imitated by shiny, silvery snowflakes.

The spring tree looks like an apple tree in blossom.

Swollen buds are drawn on the branches. White flowers are glued on top. A birdhouse (made of a matchbox) is attached to the trunk. Just below is a nest (made of wool) with eggs (made of polystyrene foam).

A stream is drawn on the ground. A paper boat (from a newspaper) floats along it. The tree is buried in young grass made of threads. A curious frog has already climbed out to the water.

Cherry tree in summer.

The thick green crown is filled with felt leaves and artificial flowers. The cherries are cut in half and glued with quick-fix glue (“Moment”). There are butterflies and bees in the crown.

At the foot of the tree there are many colors. Bright and colorful. Ladybugs crawl on the grass.

Apple tree in autumn.

A rich harvest has ripened on the tree. Apples are green, yellow, red. Bronze crown. There is a hollow on the trunk. A squirrel lives in it, which is difficult to find among the red and yellow foliage.

The grass has withered and withered. It is perfectly imitated by knitting threads of the same name “grass”. A hedgehog ran out into the clearing. Someone leaned a rake against the tree. We don’t see who exactly, but we understand that he went to rest. After all, in the fall there is so much to do in terms of harvesting and preparing the garden for winter.

Didactic game for children of senior preschool age "Seasons"

Suprunova Lyubov Vladimirovna, teacher at MBDOU GDS "Fairy Tale", Gorodishche village, Volgograd region.
For children of senior preschool age.
Target: To consolidate children's ideas about the characteristic features of different seasons.
- learn to establish temporary representations between the autumn months, winter months, spring months and summer months.
- develop children's horizons, cognitive abilities, attention and intelligence;
- consolidate children’s understanding of the characteristic features of different seasons; the names of the months, their sequence and belonging to a certain time of year;
Equipment: blue, green, red and yellow cardboard, A4 format; cards with numbers from 1 to 12.

Progress of the game:

The teacher asks the children riddles about the seasons.
1. We put on white hats at home,
They are cold - it has come...(winter)

2.I open the buds into green leaves.
I dress the trees, water the crops,
Full of movement, they are calling me... (spring)

3. I am made of heat, I carry warmth with me,
I warm the rivers, “swim!” - I invite you.
And you all love me for this, I... (summer)

4. I bring in the harvests and re-sow the fields,
I send the birds south and strip the trees,
But I don’t touch the pines and fir trees, I... (autumn)
Children are asked questions:
- How many seasons are there?
- Name it characteristic features every season.
- What color can we decorate each season of the year? (winter-blue, spring-green, summer-red, yellow-autumn.)
- How many months are there in a year?
- Name the months in order.
- How many months does each season have?
- Name the winter months (summer, spring, autumn).
- Is it possible to rearrange the months? Why?
Exercise: arrange the cards with numbers so that they correspond to the seasons.

Children lay out the cards, working in pairs. Then they change places and mutual checking takes place.

- Guys, which ones do you know? literary works, where can you meet all four seasons?
(Children’s answers: K.D. Ushinsky “Four Wishes.”, S. Marshak “Twelve Months.”)
- Now I’ll read the sentences to you, and you have to guess which of these happens only in summer, only in winter, and which at different times of the year.
Thunder booming
Crack the clouds
Give me some rain from the sky! (in summer)

The wind is a breeze,
Don't blow in my face
Blow on my back
So that you can go strong! (in winter, summer, spring, autumn)

The little earthling is kind,
Grow a mushroom -
In the mushroom forest,
In the pine forest (summer, autumn)

Rain, rain, no rain,
Don't rain, wait!
Come out, come out, sunshine,
Golden bottom! (spring, summer, autumn)

Box butterfly,
Fly to a cloud
Your kids are there
On a birch branch! (in summer)

White birch
Below my window
Covered with snow
Exactly silver. (winter)
And now I offer you a creative task
- Color the picture so that it is clear what time of year is shown in the picture

While the children are coloring, the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky “Seasons” is playing.

Exhibition participants:

Arapova Natalya Olegovna,

Klinkova Marina Zinurovna


MADOU d/s No. 176 of the city of Tyumen

didactic game “Seasons” for children 4 – 5 years old

Target: Consolidating knowledge about the seasons. Development of visual memory, attention, speech.


Learn to determine the time of year by its characteristic features;

To consolidate children’s knowledge and ideas about the characteristics of each season;

Exercise children in composing short story about the time of year, stories based on the plot (“Spring in the Forest”, “Summer in the Village”, etc.);

Foster a caring attitude towards nature;

Learn to observe and see the interconnection of phenomena in nature;

Find objects appropriate to the given time of year and enliven the composition with various figures;


Layout – base with 3D wood;

Cards, object figurines, fabric for modeling (river, clearing, earth, garden bed, etc.).

Rules of the game:

Option 1. Game “Make and Explain!”

Progress of the game: Children are divided into two teams of 3–4 people. One team conceives a season or a plot and draws it up on a layout. The other team guesses the planned plot and composes a story based on it. The second team checks the correctness of the answer and completes the story.

Option 2. Game “What’s wrong?”

Progress of the game: One group of children places several mismatched pictures or figures in different sectors of the layout and invites other children to put them where they should be, explaining their choice.

To assimilate the material and make the educational game “Seasons” more interesting, it is possible for a teacher to be present in the game to enhance speech activity and use riddles.


Artist E. M. Vorobyova

Agranovich 3. E.

A251 Seasons. A visual didactic guide for classes on speech development with preschoolers using a flannelgraph / Hood. E.M. Sparrow-va. - SPb.: DETSTVO-PRESS, 2003. - 8 p. on

18VM 5-89814-102-2

Benefit includes methodological recommendations with a selection of riddles about the seasons and four color plot paintings (samples) on this topic, as well as 8 sheets of cut material for flannelgraph. Recommended for classes on speech development (composing descriptive and comparative stories) with children of middle and senior preschool age in preschool educational institutions- mass and compensatory type, - as well as for individual home activities and games with children. Such activities will help expand and clarify preschoolers’ ideas about the seasons, seasonal changes occurring in living and inanimate nature, and will help to intensify speech activity.

UDC 376.3 373.2 BBK74.3 74.102ya St. Petersburg:< ДЕТСТВО-ПРЕСС» 2003

The proposed manual is recommended for classes on speech development (composing descriptive and comparative stories) with children of middle and senior preschool age in pre-school educational institutions - both mass and compensatory types. We also advise parents to use it in individual lessons and games with children. Such activities will help clarify and expand preschoolers’ understanding of the seasons, seasonal changes occurring in living and inanimate nature, and the development of coherent speech.

The manual includes real methodological recommendations with a selection of riddles about the seasons and four color plot paintings (samples) on this topic, as well as 8 sheets of cut material for flannelgraph.

Teaching a child to tell means forming his coherent speech. This task is included as a component of the general task of speech development in preschool children.

The child’s speech develops in unity with the formation of thinking. Middle and especially senior preschool age is a period of significant changes in thinking: the child’s horizons expand, mental operations improve, new knowledge and skills emerge; the child begins to become more deeply aware of the connections between various phenomena and objects of the surrounding world, which also affects his speech - speech becomes more coherent.

Scientists have found that in preschool age Children more easily master the correct construction of individual sentences, but experience significant difficulties in mastering various forms of communication and coordination of phrases and parts of a story. A 4-5 year old child, without finishing one part of the statement, can move on to another, with completely new content; semantic connections between phrases in his speech are either weakly expressed or completely absent. Although children, in general, successfully convey the spatial and temporal sequence of events, which determines the combination of individual phrases into a whole statement, the ability to reflect various types of connections in stories, to highlight and explain the mutual dependence of objects and phenomena must be purposefully developed in them. At the same time, it is important to teach the child to structure his speech in such a way that it is understandable to the listener, that is, to cultivate a listener orientation.

At preschool age, children are just beginning to master monologue speech, so they need timely help from adults, their advice and guidance. By teaching a child storytelling, i.e., independent coherent and consistent presentation of his thoughts, the teacher helps him find the exact words and phrases, construct sentences correctly, logically connect them with each other, and observe pronunciation standards. Completing storytelling tasks by preschoolers intensifies the process of mastering linguistic means and contributes to the improvement of all aspects of speech - lexical, grammatical, phonetic.

The greatest difficulties in learning coherent monologue speech are caused by preschoolers with speech pathology ( general underdevelopment speech delay speech development of various etiologies). The monologue speech of this category of children is characterized by a number of typical shortcomings: poverty of vocabulary (a small number of generalizing concepts, a predominance of verbs and nouns and an insufficient number of adjectives and adverbs); inaccurate understanding of the meanings of words and incorrect use of words; skipping semantic links; violation of the logical sequence of narration; long pauses; a large number of errors in the construction of a sentence and the coordination of its members (so-called case and prepositional agrammatisms).

Narrative descriptions for children with severe speech pathology are practically inaccessible. They are usually limited to listing individual items and characters in the story picture. Some children are only able to answer questions.

In this category of children, there is also a significant decrease in speech activity, which causes an insufficient communicative orientation of their speech.

Teaching storytelling occupies an important place in the overall system of speech therapy work and is carried out in accordance with the individual characteristics of children. Taking into account the reduced speech activity of children-speech therapists, their rapid fatigue, insufficient switchability, the speech therapist, when organizing classes, selects speech material accordingly, creates situations that actualize the child’s need for speech utterances.

Thus, mastering coherent forms of statements (especially in cases of speech pathology) is a complex and lengthy process that requires skillful pedagogical influence and guidance.

Visualization plays an important role in classes with children (both those with normal speech development and speech pathologists); it greatly facilitates the process of forming coherent speech. S. Rubinstein, A. Leushina, D. Elkonin, L. Vygotsky believed that looking at paintings, illustrations, diagrams contributes to the desire in children to name the characteristic features of the objects presented on them, to talk about them; in this case, the location of the elements of the diagram, drawing, etc. is of great importance; it should facilitate the process of consistent, detailed utterance. Practical actions with objects, illustrations, diagrams, performed by the child himself, contribute to the clarification and formation of various lexical and grammatical categories and the development of logical thinking.

A flannelgraph is often used in speech development classes. Any picture on a flannelgraph seems to come to life, objects can be played with. The use of display with the inclusion of the child’s own actions satisfies his natural need to perceive and act at the same time. This is very important for the accumulation of sensory experience. Such a change in types of activities with the inclusion of a motor analyzer activates the attention of children and maintains interest in the activity.

With the help of a flannelgraph, you can lead a child to understand, first, a simple plot of a picture, and then a more complex one. It is easier for a child to understand the plot that is being created before his eyes. When working individually using a flannelgraph, it is easier to focus the child’s attention on the picture, and it is easier to adapt the content of an adult’s speech to the level of speech development of the child and his individual characteristics. But most importantly, in this case the baby has more opportunity to act independently with the picture. The flannelgraph allows you to use a motor analyzer when perceiving a plot picture, i.e., resort to a technique that most activates the speech activity of children. -

Thus, the use of a visual didactic manual for the flannelograph “Seasons” will help to implement four tasks facing the speech therapist, teacher, and parents at once:

  1. enriching the child’s vocabulary and forming his grammatical categories;

  2. development of coherent speech in the process of learning storytelling;

  1. development of mental processes (thinking, memory, attention);

  2. formation of spatio-temporal representations.

The work of teaching storytelling (composing descriptive stories and comparative stories) consists of two stages:

  • preparatory, the purpose of which is to introduce children to the content of the picture, clarify and expand the vocabulary, teach
    understand the sequence of events depicted in the picture, establish cause-and-effect relationships between objects and phenomena;

  • main one, the purpose of which is to teach children to compose a story (the extent of the story will depend on the level of speech
    development and learning stage).

The process of teaching children various types storytelling is preceded by a lot of work comparing individual objects and phenomena.

An adult can offer the child a story plan to help. For example:


  1. What time is shown in the picture?

  2. Name the first signs of this time of year in nature.

  3. Name the winter months.

  4. Name the signs of winter.

  5. Tell us about the life of birds and animals in winter.

  6. Name winter fun and entertainment.

The child himself can put together a picture corresponding to a certain time of year, arranging the details not only according to the proposed pattern (see samples of plot paintings on the color tab), but also according to his own plan, and compose a story based on this picture or part of it. This increases his interest in completing the task, stimulates speech activity and voluntary attention.

During the lesson, children solve riddles, compare objects and phenomena, listen and memorize poems - all this contributes to the development of thinking, memory, and attention.

The following games can also be offered to develop mental processes.

“What’s missing?” The adult removes some significant detail of the picture, and the child names the missing object.

“What has changed?” The adult swaps some essential details of the picture, and the child says what has changed.

Note. When performing these tasks, the child should not see the adult’s manipulations.

"Nonsense." An adult makes various absurd pictures from the details of the game, and the child says what is wrong and corrects the picture on the flannelgraph (for example: in the summer children ski, mushrooms grow on a tree, etc.).

The formation of spatio-temporal concepts often causes significant difficulties, especially among children who are speech pathologists. Meanwhile, the insufficient formation of these mental categories in the future may become one of the reasons for reading and writing impairments, which is confirmed by the results of examinations of primary schoolchildren with such impairments. Activities with the manual will help children learn concepts such astopdown, rightleft, in frontforafterbetween, aboveunder;names of months and seasons (their number and sequence).



  1. Stretch a plain flannel fabric or piece onto a sheet of thick cardboard or hardboard (any size)

  2. Cut out all the details of the manual along the contour.

  3. Glue a piece of velvet paper (with the nap facing out) or Velcro onto the back side of each piece.

The parts prepared in this way will stick well to the flannelgraph, at the same time they are easy to remove and move.

  1. Zhukova N.S., Mastkzhova E.M., Filicheva T.B. Overcoming OHP in preschool children. - M.: Education, 1990.

  2. Games in speech therapy work with children / Ed. V.I.Seliverstova. - M.: Education, 1981.

  3. Korotkova E.P. Teaching storytelling in kindergarten. - M.: Education, 1978.

  4. Mironova S.A. Speech development of preschool children in speech therapy classes. - M.: Education, 1990.

  5. Savchenko A. Flannelgraph in classes on speech development // Preschool education, 1976, No. 2.

  6. Solomennikova L. On the use of clarity for the formation of coherent monologue speech // Preschool education, 1999, No. 4.

On the tab are samples of subject paintings: Autumn. Winter. Spring. Summer.

Walks in summer, rests in winter.


All migratory

Blacker birds,

Cleans arable land from worms.


Snow on the fields. Ice on the rivers. The blizzard is walking. When does this happen?

(in winter)

What a wonderful beauty! The painted gate appeared on the way! You can't drive into them or enter them. (Rainbow)

Small, white, jump-jump through the forest, poke-poke through the snow.


Apples on the branches in winter! Hurry up and collect! And suddenly the apples fluttered, because...


He lay there and lay there and ran into the river.


Bel, but not sugar, no legs, but walking


Without arms, without legs, but the gate opens.


In the spring it cheers, in the summer it cools, in the autumn it nourishes, in the winter it warms.


They didn’t raise me, they made me out of snow. Instead of a nose, they cleverly inserted a carrot. Eyes are coals, hands are knots. Cold, big, who am I?

(Snow woman)

No arms, no legs, but he can draw.


A quick jump, warm fluff, a red eye.


Under the mound there is a crumb, only a cap and a leg.


One color in winter and summer.

(Christmas tree)

The fields are empty. The ground gets wet. The rain is pouring down. When does this happen?

(in autumn

What kind of girl is this? Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman, She doesn’t sew anything herself, But she wears needles all year round.

(Christmas tree)

A. Rozhdestvenskaya

They grow in the summer and fall off in the fall.


The sun is burning. Linden blossoms. The rye is ripening. When does this happen?

(In summer)

Fluffy cotton wool floats somewhere. The lower the wool, the closer the rain.


The snow is melting. The meadow came to life. The day is coming. When does this happen?

(in spring)

A lonely fiery eye wanders. Everywhere he goes, he warms you with his gaze.


They often call me, they wait for me,

And when I come, they hide from me.

(Rain) L. Ulyanitskaya

A horde of holey bags wander across the sky. And sometimes it happens: water leaks from the bags. Let's hide better from the leaky...


The blue fur coat has covered the whole world.


I spin, I growl,

I don't want to know anyone.


There is a nail hanging under our roof. The sun will rise - the nail will fall.


It's like blue glass: slippery, fun, light.


I stand on a thick leg,

I stand on a smooth leg,

Under the brown hat

With velvet lining.


P. Russ-Silver

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up:

He didn’t want to sleep anymore, he moved, perked up, soared up and flew away. (Butterfly)

Educational edition

Zoya Evgenievna AGRANOVICH


Visual and didactic aid

for classes on speech development with preschoolers

using flannelgraph

What autumn brought us.

Goal: to reinforce with children the signs of autumn and its gifts; develop memory, thinking, speech.

Material: colorful leaves, vegetables, fruits, painting “Autumn”.

Progress of the game

The teacher displays the painting “Autumn” in front of the children, asks them to name the season, and remember what gifts autumn has brought to people. For hints, vegetables, fruits, and colorful leaves are laid out on the table.

Winter fun.

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about winter activities; develop speech and attention; cultivate love for different times year.

Material: story pictures on the theme “Winter fun”.

Progress of the game

Children look at the pictures and tell what games children like to play in winter.


Goal: to reinforce the signs of spring with children; learn to select adjectives for nouns; develop speech, memory, thinking.

Material: ball.

Progress of the game

The teacher throws the ball to the children one by one.

Educator. What's spring like? What is the grass like in spring? What is the sun like in spring?

The child answers the questions and throws the ball to the teacher.


Goal: to teach children to name the seasons according to their signs, to find the corresponding pictures; develop visual memory, attention.

Material: large pictures with the seasons and small cards with the seasons for all children.

Progress of the game

On the chairs in front of the children there are paintings with the seasons. There are cards on the mat. The teacher invites each child to take one card and approach the picture with the corresponding season. Next, you need to name your time of year and explain why the child approached this or that picture.

When does this happen?

Material: pictures with the seasons, riddles about the seasons.

Progress of the game

The teacher asks the children riddles about the seasons, the children guess them, find the corresponding seasons in the pictures and put them on the easel.

Snow on the fields

Ice on the rivers

The blizzard is walking,

When does this happen? (Winter)

The snow has melted, the water is roaring,

The earth is already full of flowers.

Young grass is growing,

Everything that is dead comes to life

When does this happen? (Spring)

The sun is shining, the linden tree is blooming,

The cherries are ripening

When does this happen? (In summer)

Bare fields, the ground is getting wet,

Does it rain when does it happen? (Autumn)

Guess by description.

Goal: to teach children to name the seasons according to their signs; develop thinking, memory, attention.

Material: pictures with seasons.

Progress of the game

The teacher describes the season, and the children guess it.

Educator. At this time of year, children love to sled and build a snowman.

Children answer or pick up a card with a picture of winter.

What is the sun like?

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the sun, its shape, color, to develop visual memory and logical thinking.

Material: sun, object pictures.

Progress of the game

There are object pictures on the rug. The teacher invites the children to take only one picture that looks like the sun (for example: an apple, a ball, a cherry, an orange).

Children take turns showing their cards and explaining why they took this particular picture. (For example: “I have a ball because it’s round like the sun.”)


Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the time of day, the actions of people at night and during the day; develop mindfulness.

Progress of the game

The teacher calls people's actions day or night. Children, if it is “day,” jump, spin, dance, walk, and if it is “night,” they crouch, close their eyes, and put their hands under their cheeks.

What has changed?

Goal: to teach children to notice changes in landscapes; develop visual memory, attention; cultivate perseverance.

Material: spring landscape, bird, sun, flower, animal.

Progress of the game

The teacher invites the children to look at the spring landscape. Then the children close their eyes, the teacher at this time changes something in the spring landscape (adds a bird, removes the sun, adds a flower, etc.).

Children open their eyes and name what has changed.