What tablets are prescribed for the treatment of ureaplasma? Aspects of the treatment of ureaplasma How to remove the burning sensation from ureaplasma

Ureaplasma in women remains one of the most common inflammatory diseases of the urinary and genital organs, but a feature of this disease is the long existence of this disease in a latent, hidden form.

The causative agent of ureaplosis is the smallest bacteria ureaplasma (Ureaplasma urealyticum). The disease is transmitted sexually. The peculiarity of these bacteria is that they lack a cell wall.

At first, ureaplasmas were classified as mycoplasmas, but were separated into a separate genus because of their ability to break down urea. With ureaplasmosis, damage to the urethra (urethra), prostate gland and cervix is ​​possible.

In this material we will look at ureaplasma in women: important symptoms, causes and treatment regimen using antibacterial drugs.


The causes of ureaplasmosis are considered to be a number of factors that may lead to a decrease in a woman’s immune status.

The microorganism ureaplasma enters the human body in several possible ways. Most often, the infection is transmitted sexually. Among other things, when passing through the birth canal during labor, a child can be infected by a sick mother.

There is also household method transmission of infection, but modern doctors do not have a clear opinion on this method. Some of them are inclined to believe that one can become infected in public places, for example, in transport or in the shower, but there are also antagonists to this theory.

In fact, ureaplasma is present in most people who are sexually active. with a small amount of ureaplasma, symptoms may be completely absent, and only appear when their number increases for some reason.


The treatment regimen for ureaplasma in women with the help of drugs is established depending on the presence or absence of diseases such as endometritis, endocervicitis, salpingitis.

  1. Early. There are sluggish, subacute and acute ureaplasmosis;
  2. Chronic. Characterized by the absence of symptoms. Ureaplasmosis becomes chronic approximately 2 months after the pathogen enters the body.

It should be noted that under the influence of stress factors, ureaplasmosis can progress into an acute or chronically recurrent form. The incubation period of the disease is approximately 3-5 weeks. Most often, women act as carriers of ureaplasmosis.

Signs of ureaplasmosis

Each woman can determine whether she has an infection based on certain signs of the disease:

  • vaginal discharge;
  • the presence of scanty bloody discharge from the vagina after sexual intercourse;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • difficulty conceiving.

If you find these symptoms, you should consult a doctor and conduct a thorough diagnosis, after which the doctor will tell you how to treat ureaplasma.

Symptoms of ureaplasma in women

Ureaplasmas are constantly in our body, and only in certain situations the process of their activation begins. The absence of pronounced symptoms leads to infection of partners for a long period of time until they appear, since the infected person may not be aware of his illness.

The first signs that can warn a person appear 14-28 days after sexual intercourse. Sometimes ureaplasmosis occurs without pronounced symptoms. Accordingly, treatment in this case is not carried out and the disease can become chronic.

Symptoms of ureaplasma in women may be as follows:

  1. Vaginal discharge. As a rule, they are transparent and odorless. If their color changes and a characteristic smell appears, this will be evidence of the onset of inflammation.
  2. Pain in the lower abdomen, which are more reminiscent of cramps, may also indicate that ureaplasma has provoked an inflammatory process in the uterus and appendages.
  3. Frequent urination. A common symptom of ureaplasmosis in women. Quite often the process of urination is accompanied by painful sensations. As a rule, there is a burning sensation inside the urethra.
  4. Discomfort and pain in the vagina during sexual intercourse and after it.

Even if ureaplasma occurs without symptoms and does not bother the woman, it must be treated, not independently at home, but by a specialist.

Ureaplasma during pregnancy

When planning a pregnancy, the first thing a woman needs to do is be tested for the presence of ureaplasma. This is due to two reasons.

  1. Availability even minimum quantity ureaplasma in the genitourinary system of a healthy woman during the period of bearing a child, leads to their activation, as a result of which ureaplasmosis develops.
  2. On early stages Ureaplasmosis cannot be treated during pregnancy (by the way, during this period it is most dangerous for the fetus), since antibiotics negatively affect the growth and proper development of the fetus.

How to treat ureaplasma in women: treatment regimen

First of all, when treating the disease, a gentle diet is prescribed (exclude spicy, salty, fatty and fried foods, alcohol) and a ban on sexual intercourse during the treatment period is imposed. In addition, treatment should be prescribed not only to the woman, but also to her partner.

For ureaplasma, treatment is not fundamentally different from the treatment of other STDs in women. If the disease is chronic (and this is what we most often have to deal with), then immunostimulating agents are used in treatment. Local therapy and treatment with antibiotics to which Ureaplasma urealyticum is sensitive are also carried out.

These can be drugs from the tetracycline group (doxycycline), macrolides (azithromycin, josamycin), fluoroquinolones (ciprolet, ciprofloxacin). The drugs are prescribed orally in tablets. The course of antibiotics is 7-10 days.

After completing the treatment regimen, it is necessary to take medications that (Linex, Bificol, Bifidumbacterin).

Local treatment of ureaplasma in women is reduced to the use of vaginal and rectal suppositories.

  1. Genferon is a suppository that has an active antibacterial and antiviral effect and has a positive effect on the state of systemic and local immunity. Genferon suppositories are used twice a day for 10 days. In cases where ureaplasmosis is chronic, the duration of therapy can be increased.
  2. Hexicon is a suppository containing the antiseptic substance chlorhexine bigluconate. The drug actively destroys ureaplasma without having a negative effect on the natural vaginal microflora. To combat ureaplasmosis, it is enough to use one suppository per day for a week.
  3. inflammation of the ovaries;
  4. – inflammation of the cervical appendages.
  5. Therefore, when a woman detects the first symptoms, she should not think long about how to treat ureaplasma, but go to see a specialist.

Ureaplasmosis is a bacterial infection often transmitted through unprotected sex. The causative agent of the disease is tiny bacteria. These types of microorganisms are unique because they do not contain a cell wall. This feature is largely responsible for the biological properties of the pathogen, including the absence of a Gram stain reaction and immunity to many antimicrobial agents, including beta-lactams.

In connection with what has been described, the question arises - how to treat ureaplasma. The course of treatment for ureaplasmosis begins after diagnostic measures. Signs of the disease do not appear immediately, this phenomenon reflects how important it is to get tested for this bacterial infection. With timely diagnosis of ureaplasma, treatment will begin faster, and accordingly the patient will be able to avoid complications.

How does infection occur?

Before you start using drugs against ureaplasma, you need to find out the cause of the disease. The bacterial infection is quite common and affects intimately active men and women. The main causes of ureaplasmosis:

  • promiscuous sexual intercourse;
  • rapid decrease in the body's defenses;
  • pregnancy;
  • medical abortion;
  • arbitrary miscarriage;
  • chronic infectious diseases;
  • hormonal imbalance that occurs during menstruation.

The disease can be contracted by a child passing through the mother's birth canal. Infection occurs through airborne droplets in transport and crowded places. Unfortunately, there is no evidence of possible infection through household contacts, however, doctors do not exclude this cause of the formation of ureaplasmosis in women and men. There are early, acute and chronic types of pathology. The course of treatment depends on the course of the disease, the presence or absence of concomitant diseases.

Ureaplasmosis - symptoms

To treat ureaplasma, you must tell your doctor about the disturbing symptoms. Shouldn't be hidden important information, even if you are embarrassed to talk about your symptoms. Get over yourself. The doctor needs to get the whole picture of the disease in order to prescribe treatment that can work as quickly as possible. Clinical picture of ureaplasmosis:

  • burning when urinating;
  • copious discharge from the genital tract with a yellowish tint; after sexual intercourse, bloody streaks predominate in the mucus;
  • painful sensations appear in the lower abdomen;
  • pain when urinating and during sexual intercourse;
  • unpleasant smell.

A cutting pain syndrome that spreads to a significant part of the abdomen indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the uterus and appendages, which was provoked by ureaplasma. Discharge from the genital tract is abnormal in consistency and quantity. Women often go to the toilet “smallly” and experience discomfort. When the bladder is full, an intimate itching and burning sensation is felt. Patients note a clear relationship between the appearance of symptoms and critical days, stressful situations. Upon oral contact with someone infected with ureaplasma, signs characteristic of purulent sore throat. The throat begins to hurt, the sputum contains an admixture of pus, a cough appears, nasal congestion without secretion of secretory mucus.

Attention! Left untreated will lead to complications and inability to conceive.

Pregnant women should take this pathology seriously. A bacterial infection can cause fetal death, premature birth, and spontaneous abortion. Ureaplasmosis leads to the formation of adhesions in the uterine cavity and ectopic pregnancy.

Diagnostic measures

To treat ureaplasmosis, it is important to conduct instrumental and laboratory tests. A bacterial infection of the genitourinary tract can be similar to other diseases; pathologies can be distinguished through appropriate laboratory testing. Women will need to undergo the following tests: urine, smear, to confirm ureaplasma, the doctor takes a sample of the endometrium or fluid from the pouch of Douglas.

Serological tests and PCR analysis will help confirm the diagnosis. Proper sample collection and processing is paramount to detect fastidious microorganisms.

In men, urethral smears are taken to diagnose ureaplasmosis. Culture of the nasopharynx, throat and endotracheal secretions in newborns is a suitable way to confirm ureaplasmosis, especially if the child’s birth weight is less than 1500 g, and there are clinical, radiological, laboratory and other signs of pneumonia.

How to treat ureaplasma - drug therapy

The pathological condition is treated with medications. Treatment tactics are based on the use of a gentle diet, antibacterial drugs, immunomodulators, probiotics and vitamins. Both partners treat the disease at the same time - one of the main rules. Let's look at how to treat ureaplasma.

List of antibacterial medications

To treat ureaplasma, the doctor first prescribes antibacterial drugs. Medicines in this group are the most reliable method of therapy. For ureaplasmosis, both partners should take antibiotics as prescribed by a doctor for 14 days. After taking the tablets for two weeks, a test is conducted again for the presence of microorganisms.

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In more than 90% of cases, the bacterial infection is cured and re-infection does not occur. If after a course of treatment with antibacterial tablets the patient still has the disease, he is prescribed other drugs that have an antibacterial effect, to which Ureaplasma urealyticum is sensitive. Effective treatment ureaplasmosis allows you to get rid of the disease in a short period of time.

What medications should be used to treat the infection? Antibacterial drugs recommended for pathology: Doxycycline, Azithromycin, Ciprofloxacin and others.

Doxycycline (tetracycline group) is a semi-synthetic antibiotic that helps combat urogenital infections. The maximum concentration in the blood is observed 2 hours after using the medication. The medicine is taken 1 time per day after meals. To prevent esophageal irritation, take the capsules with plenty of water.

Azithromycin (belongs to macrolides) is a bacteriostatic drug that is resistant to acidic environments. Scheme for using the drug Azithromycin: for five days, 2 hours after breakfast, take 1000 mg, then take a break for 2 days. Afterwards, the medication is taken on the eleventh day in the amount of 1000 mg, then another break - 5 days. The last dose is taken on the 16th day. If allergies or side effects occur, Azithromycin is replaced with Midecamycin, Clarithromycin, Erythromycin, Josamycin.

Ciprofloxacin (belongs to fluoroquinols) - the effectiveness of the drug against ureaplasma is several times higher than that of macrolides. The medication is taken on an empty stomach. When treating ureaplasma, take 125–500 mg once a day. The course of therapy is 5–15 days.

The choice of a group of drugs is influenced by the activity of the selected drug and the minimum concentration that can effectively affect the effect of ureaplasma. Treatment should begin with the use of medications belonging to the macrolide group. If tests after a course of treatment show the presence of ureaplasma, other antibacterial drugs for ureaplasma are prescribed.

Immunomodulatory medications: list

Immunomodulators are an essential part of treatment. Means for correcting immunity are a standard model in the treatment of the disease. How to treat ureaplasma? To prevent relapse, patients need to be properly strengthened protective forces body. In the presence of ureaplasmosis, treatment is accompanied by the use of the following immunomodulatory drugs:

  • Cycloferon is a high-molecular inducer that promotes the formation of interferon. The medicine is taken at the same time every day to get the maximum therapeutic effect. Cycloferon is prescribed in a dosage of 250 mg. One course of treatment consists of 10 injections.
  • Polyoxidonium is quickly distributed throughout all organs and tissues. Treatment of ureaplasmosis with tablets increases the body's resistance to bacterial infection.

The drug Immunomax demonstrated particularly high effectiveness. The medication is indicated for the correction of weakened immunity. Intramuscular injections of the drug Immunomax are prescribed simultaneously with antibacterial medications. The drug is taken in a course of 10 days. In 87% of victims, when diagnosed 14 days after the end of treatment, a decrease in ureaplasma was observed, and after 3 months of continuous therapy, the microorganisms completely disappeared.

Restoring microflora by using probiotics

Probiotics are live bacteria that restore the intestinal microflora after the use of antibacterial drugs. Medicines are prescribed to be taken orally or vaginally. Medicines not only help populate the intestines with the right microorganisms, but also increase the body's defenses. How to treat ureaplasmosis with probiotics?

For this disease, the following tablets for ureaplasma are prescribed: Biovestin, Bifidumbacterin, Probiform. Vaginal capsules are also prescribed. Let's look at how to take the drug in tablets, for example, Biovestin.

The daily dosage of Biovestin for adults is 12 ml of the drug. Medicine does not cause side effects, has one contraindication - individual intolerance to milk protein. The use of medication for ureaplasmosis depends on the course of the disease. Typically, the course of drug treatment is 2–4 weeks, in severe cases 2–3 months.

Bifidumbacterin is taken 2 (10 doses) sachets 3-4 times a day. The recommended course of treatment is 4 weeks. After a month, therapy should be repeated. The drug is well tolerated by adults and children, there is no information about side effects. Bifidumbacterin is not prescribed for lactose intolerance and hypersensitivity to the components of the medication.

Remember! The use of any medications is contraindicated in patients who have not come for consultation with a doctor. Improper use of medications can lead to unwanted side effects.

Use of suppositories: sanitation of the genital organs

Sanitation of the sexual microflora is carried out using vaginal suppositories, including antibacterial, antifungal or immunomodulating agents. Vagilak is one of the immunomodulatory suppositories. Vagilac vaginal capsules contain bacteria beneficial to microflora. The drug is able to slow down the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. For the treatment of ureaplasmosis, 1 capsule of medication is prescribed at night. The use of the medicine begins on the 5th day after antibiotic therapy. The duration of immunostimulating therapy is 10 days.

Ureaplasma is one of the smallest bacteria long time attributed to mycoplasmas, but later they began to separate it into a separate group. These are typical representatives of opportunistic microflora of both sexes, with women being detected more often, that is, microorganisms are found in the mucous membrane of the genitourinary system both in healthy people and in some urogenital diseases.

The pathology caused by ureaplasma is called ureaplasmosis. It is believed that it may be the cause of some female diseases: inflammation of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cystitis. According to some reports, there is a connection between ureaplasmosis and spontaneous miscarriages and infertility.

This is evidenced by the detection of ureaplasma in the urogenital tract of women facing the above-mentioned problems in quantities exceeding the reference values.

But it is impossible to say unequivocally that these tiny microorganisms are the cause of the development of pathologies, since there are no uniform studies, and ureaplasma, even in higher quantities, is found in women without obvious pathologies. In addition, often during inflammation this microorganism is found in association with other pathogenic or opportunistic microbes.

For these reasons, treatment of ureaplasmosis itself is not always necessary.

When is it necessary to fight ureaplasma?

Prescribing therapy for ureaplasmosis is not advisable in all cases. Only a doctor can determine the need for treatment. Usually, if the number of these microorganisms does not exceed certain limits and is not accompanied by diseases, then prescribing medications is not advisable.

Indications for therapy may include several cases in which ureaplasma is detected in a woman during the examination:

  • infertility and miscarriage;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • pregnancy planning.

In the latter case, treatment is necessary so that problems do not arise during the process of bearing a child, including the threat of termination of pregnancy and the need to take antibiotics during this important period.

What drugs are used?

The main medications that help get rid of ureaplasma are antibiotics. Usually, medications from three groups can be prescribed for this purpose.

  1. Macrolides are very effective and fairly safe antibiotics. Some of them can even be prescribed to pregnant women, for example, erythromycin. This line of medications also includes clarithromycin, azithromycin, josamycin, etc.

  2. Tetracyclines are good at eliminating ureaplasma. The most common antibiotic in this series is doxycycline. It does not have a strong effect on the intestinal microflora. But due to the teratogenic effect, this substance is unacceptable during pregnancy.
  3. Ureaplasma is also sensitive to fluoroquinolones. Ofloxacin is usually preferred. Admission by expectant mothers is not recommended.

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More often, aminoglycosides are prescribed in combination with other drugs, for example, doxycycline. Gentamicin is considered the most effective for ureaplasma infection.

In some cases, lincosamides are also prescribed, for example, lincomycin.

Antibiotic therapy can last from a week to 14 days; in difficult cases it can be extended. Alternation of several anti-ureaplasma drugs is often prescribed

Below is a table that describes schemes for using the most common antibacterial drugs.

Name of active substanceMethod of use for ureaplasmosis

Prescribe up to 2 g per day, divided into 4 doses. Breast-feeding and pregnancy are not contraindications.

Usually a dose of 0.25 g is prescribed twice a day. It should not be used during pregnancy. Compatible with lactation.

The daily dose is 1.2 g. It is divided into 3 doses. The drug is approved for pregnant and lactating women.

Usually a daily dose of 0.2 g is prescribed, which must be taken once on the first day, and then divided into two doses with a difference of 12 hours. Contraindicated not only for pregnant women, but also for breastfeeding.

Rarely prescribed. Its dosage regimen is the least convenient, since you need to take 0.5 g of the drug four times a day.

You need to take 0.2 g twice a day. Compatible with breastfeeding.

This drug is administered parenterally once every 8 hours, 0.04 g. The course of treatment is 5 days. Can be used during pregnancy, safe during breastfeeding.

Important! Prescription of medications can only be carried out by a doctor based on experience and sensitivity analysis of ureaplasma cultured during the examination of the patient.

During treatment you need to abstain from sexual intercourse and drinking alcohol. It is also important to follow a diet so as not to contribute to additional stress on the gastrointestinal tract.

Pay attention! Both the sick woman and her partner should be treated with antibiotics, which not only reduces the likelihood of relapses, but also prevents the development of strains that are insensitive to antibiotics. This rule is valid even if the test result for ureaplasma infection in a man is negative.

People who have already received test results several times, taken medications prescribed by a specialist, and after some time these microorganisms were again found in the biomaterial are interested in ways to permanently cure ureaplasma.

Ureaplasma in women is part of the vaginal microflora, so doctors call it opportunistic. When immunity decreases, a person takes antibiotics or antibacterial medications for a long time, becomes infected with STIs, and an inflammatory process develops.

That is why it is not the ureaplasma itself that is dangerous, but the disease that this opportunistic microbe causes, and then treatment is necessary. If microorganisms “dormant” in the body, which does not manifest itself as unpleasant symptoms, then it is not always necessary to take medications.

Routes of transmission

When a woman who trusts her sexual partner takes tests, she is extremely surprised if she sees that ureaplasma is present in the body. It begins to seem to her that the man is cheating, that it was he who infected her. Pregnant women especially begin to panic, for whom a smear “for cleanliness” gave similar results. But you need to listen carefully and be treated according to the doctor’s prescribed regimen.

Sometimes ureaplasmosis is really the result of infection in one way or another:

  • sexual;
  • household;
  • from mother to child during the birth process.

The risk of infection increases in those who have predisposing factors:

At the same time, it is important to understand that a complete cure cannot be achieved for the simple reason that the microorganism is already present in the body, it is part of the microflora. The disease can worsen if a person has had a cold or a viral disease, that is, immunity has decreased.

Therefore, one of the secrets of how to get rid of ureaplasma is to try not to get sick, follow a work and rest schedule, and not worry about various reasons.

This answer to the question whether ureaplasmosis can be cured does not mean at all that it is impossible to get rid of ureaplasma once and for all, and even if the tests are bad, it is not worth getting rid of the inflammatory process. Thinking that “it will go away on its own” is wrong. Because if the disease is neglected, it will lead to complications.

Complications in women and men

Those who are not treated may experience complications in the reproductive system after a certain period of disease progression. This applies not only to girls and women, but also to men. Because the question of how to cure ureaplasma is usually asked by the fair sex, while some guys naively believe that this is all women's problems and they will not be affected in any way, their health will not deteriorate. However, this is not true.

If ureaplasmosis is not cured, the woman will experience complications:

  • inflammation in the cervix - cervicitis;
  • inflammatory process in the mucous cells of the vagina - vaginitis;
  • diseases in the pelvic organs;
  • inflammatory process in the uterus - endometritis;
  • inflammatory phenomena in the appendages, ovaries of the uterine organ - adnexitis;
  • problems with reproductive function- inability to get pregnant.

Men with advanced ureaplasmosis may in the future suffer from:

  • inflammation of the prostate gland, or;
  • problems with urination;
  • urethritis - a pathological process in the urethra;
  • epididymitis - inflammation in the epididymis.

Incorrect treatment regimens

Sometimes patients cannot be completely cured because the doctor diagnoses a full range of pathologies, but instead of starting with treatment for ureaplasmosis, prescribes drugs for other diseases, which leads to an advanced form of inflammation.

The whole point, perhaps, is that the symptoms are similar to other inflammatory processes. These are fatigue, abdominal pain, and urination problems.

The insidiousness of the disease sometimes lies in the fact that the course is asymptomatic. But during exacerbation in men there are:

  • pain when urinating;
  • scanty discharge from the urethra in the morning;
  • slight pain in the groin area.

Exacerbation in women manifests itself:

  • constant urge to urinate;
  • pain when emptying the bladder;
  • mucous discharge;
  • pain in the lower abdomen.

Correct diagnosis and complex therapy

Material for this must be taken from women from the urethra, from the vaginal vault and from the cervical canal. And for men - scraping from the urethra.

In order to understand that patients have gotten rid of the disease, the test must be taken after, but at least 2 weeks after the end of therapy.

The pathology can be cured if you build a competent, comprehensive regimen with oral medications, vitamin therapy, and other methods of strengthening the immune system that are necessary in a particular case. Sometimes doctors prescribe vaginal suppositories and suppositories designed to restore vaginal microflora.

The disease is curable if all instructions are followed. Complete the entire prescribed course from beginning to end, without missing anything, without replacing one medication with another. At the same time, you cannot drink alcohol or have sexual intercourse, even with barrier contraceptives.

Patients are interested in the question of how to take tablets for ureaplasma. Ureaplasmosis is a disease that everyone has heard about, but not many people know what it actually is. The disease is caused by a microorganism called ureaplasma. This pathogen, entering the genitourinary tract, provokes inflammation, which for the most part is completely asymptomatic.

How to treat ureaplasma?

In a healthy person, these microorganisms can be found on the mucous membrane of the urethra, but their development is completely suppressed immune system. When the defense mechanisms cannot cope with the functions assigned to them, the rapid development of infection begins.

How to treat ureaplasmosis in women? The entire course of therapy for this pathology is carried out using two dosage forms:

  • tablets;
  • vaginal suppositories.

The former are prescribed more often. The causative agent of ureaplasmosis primarily affects female body. A representative of the fairer sex may not be aware of its presence and transmit it to a man during sexual contact.

In practice, recognizing ureaplasmosis is quite difficult, but quite possible. In order to assume the presence of a pathogen in the body, you do not have to undergo tests. First of all, a woman should be alerted to discolored genitals. A representative of the fair sex begins to experience pain in the lower abdomen during sexual intercourse. Another symptom that should lead a woman to the doctor is discomfort when urinating.

In men, the symptoms are completely different. Among them are pain and stinging during urination and discharge from the urethra. In both women and men, the pathology quickly passes from acute to chronic. Therefore, therapy most often begins with advanced ureaplasmosis. The doctor determines what it is for men and women. It is highly undesirable to eliminate this disease on your own. The microorganism can easily adapt to the effects of many drugs, and their use will no longer be beneficial.

In order for treatment of ureaplasma in women and men to be effective, the diagnosis must be confirmed by tests. In this case, it is necessary to determine a list of drugs that can inhibit the development of microorganisms.

What tablets are used?

First of all, the most effective antibacterial agents are used to treat the disease. These can be tablets and suppositories. Suppositories can be used both vaginally and rectally. The choice in favor of one drug or another is made by the doctor. And this choice depends entirely on the severity of the disease and the condition of the patient’s body.

If the disease is accompanied by high fever, the patient is prescribed both dosage forms. Thus, by combining, maximum impact on the pathogen is achieved. On average, positive dynamics can be achieved within 5–7 days. Treatment involves limiting contact with a sexual partner. Therapy is stopped only after negative test results are obtained.

What drugs are used to treat this pathology? Of the antibiotics for ureaplasma, preference is given to:

  • Erythromycin;
  • Tetracycline;
  • Lincomycin.

They are more effective for this disease. Due to the fact that taking antibiotics affects the intestinal microflora, the patient is necessarily prescribed a drug such as Linex. Its main task is to prevent the onset of intestinal dysbiosis. It is immediately worth noting that drugs of the penicillin series, rimphapicin and cephalosporin groups have absolutely no effect on the pathogen.

Together with antibiotic treatment, the immune system is strengthened. For this purpose, multivitamins and immunostimulants are prescribed.

The treatment regimen with tablets in the initial stages of the disease will differ significantly from that in an already advanced form, especially if other types of pathogens have also joined this infection. The medicine for ureaplasma, first of all, should act on the pathogen.

Very often, patients with ureaplasmosis are prescribed Tsiprolet. The drug belongs to the antibacterial group. The benefit of its use is that it is not addictive to microorganisms. Also, this remedy does not upset the balance of beneficial intestinal microflora. The drug does not cause the onset of thrush. The product stops the reproduction of ureaplasma pathogens. Meanwhile, it is prohibited to treat pregnant and nursing mothers with this drug. It is prescribed with extreme caution to adolescents over 15 years of age. This drug is not prescribed for younger children. Possible side effects in the form:

  • tachycardia;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • hot flashes;
  • sweating

Taste, smell, and vision may be impaired. Reason to discontinue the drug, in addition to side effect, there may be an allergy to its components. The entire course of therapy does not exceed 5 days. The dosage of the medicine is prescribed by the doctor. This drug must be taken with plenty of water. In advanced forms of the disease, the course of use reaches 10 days.

What is prescribed for advanced forms of the disease?

The following medications are popular:

  1. . The active substance of this drug is azithromycin. This remedy is prescribed only to women. The second name of the drug is. It is considered very strong, so it is used in especially severe cases. An indispensable condition for administration is the presence of a time interval between eating food and using the medication. It should be 30 minutes. This remedy is also not recommended for nursing and pregnant women. When prescribing a medicine, the doctor must warn the patient about strict adherence to the order of administration and dosage. The consequences of an overdose of the drug are very serious. The first thing that suffers is hearing. Vomiting may begin.
  2. . Another antibiotic belonging to the tetracycline group. Quite often used to treat ureaplasma. In pharmacies, the drug is found in the form of capsules and lyophilisate used for injections. The effect of this medication on the pathogen is to disrupt the protein synthesis taking place in its cell. The pathogen stops reproducing.

In both the first and second cases, drugs should be taken only on the recommendation and under the supervision of a specialist. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor individually.