Plumbing sewer valve. Installation of a check valve on a sewer: rules for installing a water seal and vacuum seal. Where to install a check valve

Any sewer is complex system, which includes many nodes with a complex design. First of all, they are necessary for its proper functioning, especially in urban apartments. Improper sewerage arrangement will certainly lead to unpleasant consequences for both residents and environment. In order to avoid this, a check valve for the sewer system was invented.

There are hardly anyone who has never encountered the problem of clogged pipes. Often the cause of clogged pipes is an incorrect slope: too much or too little. In both the first and second cases, blockages will form. As a result: sewage will not go to its destination. In the first case, the flows simply do not merge and stagnate in the pipes along with large particles. In the second case, a very fast flow simply does not have time to take with it what it should carry into the cesspool.

Sewage system check valve

Cleaning the pipes can solve such a problem, but if this manipulation is not carried out, the blockage will accumulate, and sooner or later all the sewage will “trample” back. In order to avoid this, it is better to install a check valve. We will tell you everything you need to know about it below.

Why is it needed, what is it like?

When the problem of clogged sewer pipes and networks arises, residents of apartment buildings promptly contact a specialized service. But no matter how quickly they arrive, it is necessary to quickly turn off the source and water so that all this “good” does not pour into the apartment, and the property is not hopelessly damaged. It is in such cases that a sewer valve helps.

Installation of a check valve in the sewer is recommended for residents of the first floors. Mostly sewage does not rise above 1-2 floors.

The valve operation scheme is similar to a nipple. That is, the wastewater flows in one direction, but cannot return back. And it is this pattern that helps stop them on their way to the apartment. The diameter of the valve depends on what pipes are installed in the house. Mostly this is the standard 110 mm for the riser; in other places a smaller size may be necessary.

place to install a sewer check valve

The valve is made from different materials: metal, polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene. Today, metal valves, like pipes, are rarely used. In addition, metal valves are short-lived and expensive. For indoor installation, polypropylene pipes are used, and for outdoor installation, polyvinyl chloride pipes are used.

Installation locations

Valves can be installed in one or several places - it depends on the tasks they must perform. One valve can be mounted on a common sewer pipe, but it must have a large throughput. There are many small ones that need to be installed on every plumbing fixture.

Installation of the first type is possible only in private or small houses. In apartment buildings, such valves will not have the desired effect. Since installation of a common valve is possible only in the basement, residents of the first floors remain defenseless if problems arise with the sewerage system. In such cases, it is better to provide a valve for each device or in front of the riser.

It is also necessary to install such a device in sewers with a reverse slope, since such incorrectness of the system can be eliminated only by completely remaking it.

Types of valves

According to the design of the check valve for sewerage, they are distinguished between wafer, rotary, ball and lift valves.

Wafer has small dimensions and weight. Its design does not have flanges that connect the valve to the pipeline. When a breakdown occurs, the valve will need to be replaced not only shut-off valves, but also the section of pipe on which it is placed. Such valves can be:

  • Spring-disk - in them the permeable membrane has the form of a disk, and instead of a lever there is a spring.
  • Bivalve - their operating principle is based on the presence of a bicuspid membrane in the design.
    A rotary valve is also called a reed valve. The role of the membrane is played by the spool/flap; they are activated by a lever. Such valves can be:
  • Simple. Used in systems with low pressure and the same flow of liquids. When the spool returns to its place, a hydraulic shock occurs - this can damage not only the valve, but also the entire sewer system.
  • Unstressed. This type makes it possible to smoothly return the spool to its original position after it has passed water.

Ball valves are primarily used in systems where there is a small pipe diameter. The role of the membrane is played by a metal ball, the lever is a spring. This type is the most commonly used and reliable. Its installation is carried out by cutting into the system, secured with two bolts; if it fails, you can simply replace the unit.

installing a check valve on a sewer pipe

The lift valve has a slightly different design from others. Its membrane is placed vertically, and a special device, which is also located in a vertical position, is responsible for lifting it. This type has an important advantage - the valve can be repaired without disconnecting from the network. But at the same time, the lack of exposure to frequent clogging calls into question the rationality of its use. Lift valves are classified into:

  • Valves that are welded into the sewer.
  • Those that are attached to pipes using flanges.
  • Threaded connection.
  • Wafer type, they are clamped between pipes.

Requirements for a quality valve

Today the market provides many modifications and types that we mentioned above, but the essence of their work is the same: to prevent the backflow of the contents of the sewer pipe. Before buying and installing this or that model in your own apartment, you need to read reviews about it on numerous forums. Regardless of the type, the sewer valve must meet the following requirements:

  • Have a reliable design, resistance to aggressive environments, durable materials and ease of maintenance. Namely: it should be easy to remove with the lid for reading the body and damper.
  • The mechanism must ensure automatic blocking of the return drain.
  • It contains manual adjustment which can be implemented in the event of an emergency.
  • The valve contains protection against the penetration of unpleasant odors into the home.
  • Does not allow rodents into the room through the membrane.

installation of a check valve at the outlet of the drain into the riser

What do you need to know before installation?

Before installing a check valve on the sewer, you need to decide on the installation location and select the right type. It can be installed both horizontally and vertically. But this will primarily depend on the type of valve chosen. So, for example, a crane is mounted only horizontally.

The check valve can also be installed on separate equipment what is rational to do for residents of the first two floors apartment building, and in general to the sewer system of the home.

Before making a choice, measure the diameters of the pipes and check the volumes waste water and installation location. In any case, no matter what type you choose, easy access to the valve is important so that it can be cleaned and replaced if necessary.

  • Please note that on any model of check valve, the direction of flow movement is indicated with an arrow. It must be mounted in accordance with this mark, otherwise you can get the opposite effect.
  • During the installation process, the arrow must be directed towards the sewer collector, and only this way, otherwise it will not work correctly. In other words: the arrow indicates the normal direction of the drains towards the riser.
  • Before installing the valve, test it for leaks - this will help avoid future problems.
  • A valve must be installed into an existing sewer system. The diameter must correspond to the diameter in the system; if this is not the case, then adapters should be used.
  • If there is a decrease in the tightness of the membrane, which is responsible for the blocking, noise and vibration will appear. In order to eliminate this, you need to remove the cover, remove the shutter and replace it. Another solution is to change the sealed edging: in this case, the shutter will not have to be changed.
  • There is no need to choose a very cheap valve, since if you save at the beginning, you can spend much more in the future.

Installation Rules

The rules for installing a check valve for a private and apartment building are somewhat different. So, in a multi-storey dwelling it can be mounted in the basement on a common riser (when the house has no more than five floors). The valve can be installed individually for a separate apartment, at the entrance to the pipeline. It is most rational to use it individually for each appliance or for the kitchen/bathroom.

Regarding an individual house: a valve should be installed between the cesspool and the house. In this case, the distance and angle of inclination do not matter, at least not much. It is important to install a check valve if there is close groundwater. In this case, it is important to provide an inspection well during the construction of the pipeline. In the case of shallow pipes, if the valve can be reached by hand, then such a well does not require great depth. Otherwise, it must have such a cross-section that a person can fit into it.

Valve installation

When choosing equipment, you need to take into account all the parameters. Installation includes the following steps:

  • Select the installation location in accordance with the rules indicated above.
  • In case of installation into an existing system, a section of pipe is cut out and measured according to the size of the device. During installation new system or replacing it, the valve is installed in the right place.
  • The check valve is mounted to the pipes in accordance with the instructions and type of device.
  • After installation, it is necessary to check the tightness of the connections. To do this, you need to open the water on the riser and observe the connection point. If vibration is observed, you need to check the quality of the connection and, if necessary, redo it.

System automation

Today, manufacturers are actively working to improve the check valve system. This mainly concerns process automation. Such an automatic valve is powered from a 220 V network. Some have batteries, they will protect you if there is a power outage. This valve is clearly more convenient to use. First of all, the damper opens completely, which avoids the appearance of mud sides, which in the future will prevent the valve from closing completely.

principle of operation of a check valve

Operating principle: a countercurrent fills the sewer pipe; when it reaches 70% fullness, a probe in the middle signals this. Then the sound and light immediately turns on, which warns of problems in the sewer system. Also at this moment the damper closes and guarantees 100% reliability.

Air valve

The air valve is another important component of the sewer system. It helps out if there is a lot of noise in the water flow, or there are unpleasant odors.

There can be many reasons for this, even if the water flows well and there are no blockages in the pipes. In order to understand why this happens, you need to understand the principle of operation of the sewage system. When water is drained, for example, in a toilet, at the same moment a vacuum appears in the system. If there is no ventilation, then the noise will be high, but if there is, it can equalize the pressure in the system, and the draining process will go unnoticed both in terms of sound and smell.

In case of ineffective ventilation or its absence, air will flow to the riser from the nearest opening, which can be either a toilet or a sink, in general, any plumbing device. Thus, the odors in the home are not the most pleasant.

In order to solve this problem, it should be installed in the sewer system air valve. Its device is very simple, and the main function is to supply air into the system and hold the valve in the system.

Air valve device

Most often, this part of the sewer system is made of polyethylene of various grades; it is for this reason that it is inexpensive and easy to install. Most often its components are:

  • Frame.
  • Side hole for installation to the sewer system.
  • A rod that reacts to the appearance of excess pressure in the system.
  • Rubber spacers that help the rod operate smoothly, thereby limiting its movement.
  • A cover that protects against contamination from outside.

There are automatic valves, mainly they are installed in private homes to remove air and odor from individual plumbing fixtures. They have a small throughput and, accordingly, you should not count on significant throughput.

Anti-vacuum ones are used to ventilate a large number of pipes in the sewer system. They can work both for exhaust and intake. There are also combined ones that combine the advantages of two types.

For installation, you need to select an installation location, cut out a section of pipe from the system of such a size to accommodate the device, and install it in accordance with the instructions.

A non-return valve for the sewer system is important; it is recommended to install it in apartment buildings for residents of the first and second floors. Such a valve can prevent damage to property in the event of an emergency in the sewer system. And in order to provide it with the necessary ventilation, it is advisable to use a ventilation valve.

Both for residents of multi-storey buildings and for owners of private buildings, protection against unexpected leakage of the sewage system plays a huge role. A sewer check valve is used specifically for the safe operation of the water supply system.

A sewer backflow valve is a device that prevents water from flowing back into an apartment or other room. This often happens when drains become clogged, because water always moves in the direction where there is no resistance. If a blockage forms in the pipe, preventing the normal flow of liquid, then the water flow simply turns in a different direction. In the case when a blockage forms in the communication, but the movement of water does not stop, the flow can simply flow in the direction of the sink faucet, toilet bowl and other consumer outlets.

Photo – vacuum model

Why install a check valve on the sewer:

  1. In order to protect living quarters from sewer odors. In addition to protecting your belongings and home from flooding, constipation protects you from unpleasant sewer odors. Very often an additional air vacuum valve is used, which forms a kind of bubble that retains the stench. At the same time, thanks to the same ventilation, fresh air enters the sewer system, providing a kind of circulation of flows;
  2. To protect the internal and external sewer system, bends;
  3. To protect stormwater and drainage systems from leaks and breakthroughs;
  4. For the safety of water supply consumers in an apartment or cottage ( washing machine, shower cabin, sink, sink, hose, etc.).


The device comes in several varieties:

  1. Membrane (KESSEL, McAlpine for vent pipes);
  2. Lever or ball (Redi);
  3. With lid (Karmat);
  4. Cast iron and metal flanged.

The membrane works due to a special membrane that opens the duct only in one direction. If water starts flowing in the other direction, the diaphragm will bend, but no leak will form. This will hold back the fecal or water flow for a while, but it cannot be used as a permanent method of protection - with strong pressure from the water flow, the diaphragm may not be able to withstand it. The system is used more often in non-pressure sewer systems, since the diaphragm cannot withstand strong pressure.

Photo - cast iron valve

The diaphragm valve for sewage can be 50, 110 mm or more, it can be double-leaf and single or spring. Such plumbing fixtures are not equipped with a plastic or rubber membrane, but with a metal one, which provides more reliable control of the back pressure of the pipe. It is recommended to install it on communications with strong pressure, but where it is not possible to equip other types of constipation.

Photo – air fungus

The lever-type device operates through a handle and a locking mechanism, like ball valve. The principle of operation of the system is very simple. When you turn the handle, the ball (locking mechanism) rotates in a certain direction, closing the duct. In addition, there are models equipped with a spring or electric drive. Mechanical and electrical taps are often used for a common riser, this allows the valve to automatically close when back pressure (from the pipe) increases. The clutch check valve operates in a similar way.

Photo – coupling

Such a device has many benefits:

  1. Excellent maintainability. This property allows you to repair and replace flanged and lever valve models in case of any breakdowns;
  2. Ease of installation and operation;
  3. Availability.

The model with a lid is similar to membrane type, but instead of a diaphragm, such a device has a special cover. It opens only in one direction and even under pressure from the reverse side it will not let flow through. This is due to its special design (the dimensions of the lid exceed the diameter of the hole being closed, as a result of which it cannot move in the opposite direction). Such models are very easy to manufacture, so a simple homemade valve of this design is often used in domestic sewers.

Photo - operating principle of the lid model

For external pressure sewer systems, a flanged check valve is often used. Its installation is carried out exclusively in a static (permanent) way, i.e., if it breaks, it will be necessary to cut off an entire section of the pipe in order to remove the device and reinstall it in another location. This type of sewer stop is the most reliable, since it eliminates the possibility of leakage or breakdown, but at the same time, it is difficult to operate and install. It cannot simply be removed and replaced if necessary and cleaned.

According to the type of installation, lights are divided into:

  1. Horizontal;
  2. Vertical.

Accordingly, horizontal is installed exclusively in the horizontal direction; this design is mainly used on pipes large diameter. Vertical - on communications where the dimensions of the control pipe do not exceed 50 mm.

In addition, valves with a shutter and a locking mechanism are classified according to the materials from which they are made. It can be HDPE, PVC, steel, cast iron and even copper. The metal valve is often made of the ball type; it withstands physical stress well, but the steel locking mechanism fails relatively quickly.

In this regard, a float or polypropylene (PPN) valve is much more profitable. It does not rust, and the shut-off equipment is more resistant to constant friction. Also, propylene and plastic valves are of the membrane type.


Let's look at how to install a DU-50 ball check valve for domestic sewage with your own hands:

  1. The valves are mounted in the main riser. This allows them to control the pressure of the entire system;
  2. To do this, you need to cut out a certain section of the pipe, into which a shut-off device is then installed. The hole must match the valve both in diameter and in other geometric parameters;
  3. Afterwards the device is set up for communication. To do this, you will need a design diagram and manufacturer's installation recommendations. The preferred position of the lock and its features (direction of the membrane, type of opening, etc.) must be taken into account;
  4. Operation of the device is only possible after 12 hours of installation. This is necessary for the sealant to harden, which lubricates all holes and areas where the valve is embedded.

Photo – installation location

A sewer check valve is a special shut-off device that ensures reliable closure of the passage hole in the cavity of the sewer system.

The main purpose of the gate is to obstruct the movement of wastewater when the network is clogged or overflowing.

Throttle installation is required:

  • In a sewer in an apartment building, on the ground floor, in the basement.
  • In a private house located on a plot with high level groundwater.
  • When installing the system, if all the rules for laying the pipeline were not followed.
  • As a safety option in any drains.

Shutoff valves are also involved in resisting cockroaches and rodents that can enter the house by moving through the pipes. The valve is always in the closed position and opens only when water from the plumbing fixture enters the drainage system.

When introducing the device into an existing sewer system, some difficulties arise with disconnecting the system and connecting pipes in series, so the installation of the valve must be provided during the initial laying of the pipeline.

Types of how devices work

There are several types of sewer check valve. Depending on the installation location and the nature of the network.

1. Rotary, they are also called petal (firecrackers).

The body is square or oblong with a bell joint on one side and a blank end on the other. Inside, a round washer with a diameter larger than the through hole of the pipe by 2-4 mm is attached to the upper part of the wall.

A loose spring is installed at the fastening point, allowing the passage to be more tightly covered.

In a quiet state with horizontal installation, the firecracker is closed and opens when wastewater from plumbing fixtures enters the system. If there is a blockage, overflow and water rushes up, the throttle closes and blocks access.

Some models additionally have a manual hydraulic lock of the same operating principle. It is located on the same line, immediately after the first one. Its task is to mechanically block the drainage passage if the first sewer valve does not work.

2. Lifting.

The main element blocking the passage is also a round disk. It is attached to the ceiling of the housing with a bolt, and a metal spring is wrapped around it. It creates tension to hold the membrane closed. The water pressure entering the system is enough to lift the washer with the spring and move on.

The throttle device allows you to stop the reverse flow, which presses on the disk from top to bottom. The design is used in any sewerage system. Distinctive feature the structure of the hull is flange connection top cover. By unscrewing it, you can easily clean and repair the device.

3. Ball.

Installed only on internal networks. There are special recesses inside the body: water passes into one, and a ball is placed in the other. As the waste moves from the device to the receiver, the ball rolls into the cavity.

If the process occurs in the opposite direction, the ball blocks the passage.

The shutter has one drawback. There is no clean water in the sewer system, which means the drainage is always mixed with dirt and sewage. Debris can get between the ball and the wall of the device and it will leak.

4. Wafer.

Mainly used in plumbing systems. Due to their compactness, they, of course, outperform the firecracker, but the installation conditions are very strict.

The breather is mounted between two flanges and when opened, its moving part must fit inside the pipe.

A wafer throttle is a metal cylinder, inside of which a disk with a spring is fixed along the axis. The plate is always closed and opens when pressure is applied. The peculiarity is that the working pressure in the sewer is less than the water supply. Therefore, the drains cannot push through the spring.

The listed valves are only mechanical, with the exception of lifting and leaf valves, they are electric. In addition to the revision, a motor is installed in the top cover, which is activated after a sensor signal, and the clapper closes automatically. And also airy from the smell.

Check valves for sewerage differ in color. This is necessary to determine the location of its installation. For external use it is made brown, in the inner – gray.

The dimensions in the table are approximate, since each manufacturer produces different products.

How to install it yourself

At the time of design, the risk of flooding should already be included in the system, so during this period it is necessary to work out the installation of the valve. Installation takes place in several stages.

Installation of a check valve can be done both on an external system and on an internal one.

The first stage is choosing an installation location

The location for installing the throttle must be easily accessible. The equipment must not be installed in the wall or floor, covered or cluttered.

Each device has a cover for cleaning and repair, so access to it is required at all times. If the drain runs through the floor or concrete base, the locking mechanism is mounted in the pipe, and its upper part remains on the surface.

If the depth of the gasket is large and the headband is out of sight, we make a removable cover in the floor for inspection.

The second stage is choosing a device

Locks are classified differently, some are installed outdoors, in a well, others can only be installed indoors. It is necessary to choose the most suitable one for the installation conditions. If there is an error at this point, the shutter may subsequently collapse or crack.


  1. Grinder with cutting disc.
  2. A sharp, hard knife for chamfering.
  3. Oil, lubrication paste.
  4. Hammer and flat board.
  • At the installation site, we clear the work area.
  • We measure the length of the device so that it fits into the prepared space.
  • Lubricate the end of the pipe generously with motor oil or plumbing paste.
  • The O-ring should also be treated.
  • Before inserting the firecracker into the pipe, having made the socket, we will turn the device several times (if possible).
  • With a little effort, but sharply we stick the pipe into the throttle.
  • Then we check to see if the rubber band in the device has pulled up.
  • On the reverse side we continue assembling the sewerage system.

It is not always possible to install a throttle during the initial installation of the pipeline. This can be done in the current system.

  • Having chosen a place, use a grinder to carefully cut out a piece of pipe. It is advisable to choose a place closer to the socket so that the piece can be removed.
  • We make a piece of pipe slightly larger than the device itself. In order not to disassemble the entire thread, we will need a channel with a compensatory socket.
  • We insert the compensator into the pipe, and the valve from the other edge.
  • We insert the assembly onto the pipeline first from the side of the compensator, moving it until it stops, then, pushing it out of the socket, insert the valve on the other side.

Important: Each cut point in the pipe must be processed by chamfering.

How to chamfer a plastic or PVC pipe

The end, if it is not fixed in the system, is pulled out and pressed between the legs or armpit so that the cut is in front of the eyes. Using a sharp knife, we begin to cut the edge in a circle. The result is a chamfer, a cone. We also remove all burrs in the cut areas.

How to place it at the outlet of a plumbing fixture

To install it to the toilet, you will need an external device without a stable housing, inside which the clapper moves. Instead, a cuff is placed on the back of the toilet, with a hard membrane attached to the end. The shutter is of a conical type. A serial connection allows you to insert the device inside the socket, where the plate will work. We coat each joint with oil or plumbing paste for better connection.

Correct and incorrect placement

Each device, open or closed, has the direction of movement of the drains drawn on the body. Indicated by an arrow or triangle. It is in the direction of the water that the water seal is installed.

The shutter only works in one direction and in different positions: whether the device is vertical or horizontal. If all installation conditions are met, in the first minutes it will be clear that the device is functioning and water is passing through the membrane.

The correct position of the device is also determined by the installation method. From the socket to the empty end (that is, into the socket), only the empty end of the pipeline can be inserted. On the other side there is only a connecting extension of the pipe with a rubber seal.

Incorrect placement can lead to permanent problems with the device. A device installed incorrectly or in the wrong place will immediately show its failure. Any work begins with reading the instructions, installation of the codpiece is no exception.

Difficulties that may arise if installed incorrectly:

  1. Hard to reach place. The device requires constant monitoring after installation, therefore, if the shut-off valves are located in a corner or under a layer of concrete in another inaccessible place, it is not possible to maintain it.
  2. The device was installed in violation of the technological process. Leaky joints, constantly leaking lids - seals are an unpleasant sight. If the rubber bands in the socket are not lubricated with oil during installation, they will ride up or fall inward. Even when all the joints are attached to each other tightly and tightly, they can leak due to the rotation of the O-rings.
  3. The throttle cannot be installed immediately after the rotating part of the system. During movement, the drains gain decent speed, which means they create pressure. The pipe became clogged or could not cope with the backflow, and the valve closed. The problem was not immediately detected and water continued to flow from the plumbing fixture. The flow of water approaching the membrane will receive resistance and can knock the outlet out of the connecting joint. Therefore, the device is installed strictly on a straight section.
  4. The valve installation direction is incorrect. Any device has a water movement indicator; installation must be carried out according to this figure. If the device is turned over or placed with the lid down for inspection, the unit will stop working.

How to clean, conduct an audit

By itself, it prevents the passage of clean water through it. Sometimes debris does not pass through the valve, getting stuck at the base of the plug cheeks. This problem often occurs if you do not monitor what goes into the drains.

Manufacturers of water seals have provided an inspection window in the device. It is located at the top of the shutter. Fastened with several bolts: three or four. Cleaning or inspection of unit components occurs through it.

We unscrew the bolts, first loosening each one. Remove the water seal cover. A round membrane and a chamber through which all the water passes will become visible. We remove all debris and large elements stuck in the chamber with a glove. We slam the plug several times, shaking it off. Now you need to rinse the device.

Clean water is poured inside the window. First, wash the chamber after the membrane, then the inlet compartment. After the inspection, we check the normal operation of the throttle by flushing the toilet or turning on the water in the sink. All this without closing the viewing window lid. You can see how everything works. Only after this close the lid and tighten the bolts. The rubber band also needs to be washed and returned to its place.

Important: You cannot immediately pull out all the pins and remove the cover. Residues of waste water can suddenly rush through the window.

Popular brands and specifications

"Tatpolymer" is a commercial and industrial company whose price list includes a sewer check valve TP-85.100. The shut-off valves are made of polypropylene. Diameter 110 mm, there is a handle for manual control of the damper. Operating temperature up to + 60 degrees. Withstands water column pressure up to three meters. Purpose – household sewerage. Minimum service life 40 years.

"Peshtan"– Serbian manufacturer of fittings for engineering systems made of polypropylene and PVC. The product of this company is made of polyvinyl chloride. Painted light brown. Applicable for both systems external sewerage, and inside buildings. Has a manual damper control function. Suitable for pressure systems. The diameter of the passage hole is 110 mm, the material of manufacture is polymer. The service life of polymer products is over 50 years.

Ostendorf- Germany. Reliable and durable polypropylene valve. Tube diameter 50-160 mm. Depending on the purpose, it can be gray or brown. Gray 50mm diameter, for indoor systems only. Operating temperature up to +95 degrees. Manual control - membrane using a rotary flag on the lid. The screws on the cover are made of stainless metal and can be easily unscrewed in aggressive environments. The rubber seal in the socket of the product has a special conical shape, this allows it to fit firmly in the groove and not rotate.

Useful video

Details about the unit:

We install it ourselves:


Blockages often occur in the sewer system. As a rule, such phenomena occur due to various waste entering the pipe or due to improperly assembled sewerage. This problem ultimately causes flooding of apartments located on the lower floors of apartment buildings. Exactly the same process can occur among owners of private plots. Naturally, there are no homeowners who would not be concerned about the problem of being flooded with sewage, because after this they will have to repair the building, and the cost of this operation is very high. The reverse can solve the problem.

Purpose of a check valve for sewerage

The principle of operation of a sewer check valve copies the method of operation of a nipple, allowing waste to flow in only one direction. The return path of the liquid is impossible, so liquid accumulated in a clogged sewer simply cannot enter the building. Diameter of check valves different models may vary, so the selection of the appropriate unit will depend on the pipes used in the building.

For example, to connect to a central sewer riser, valves with a diameter of 110 mm are used. In other systems where pipes with a smaller internal diameter are installed, 50 mm valves are sufficient.

These devices are manufactured using various materials: stainless steel, polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene, bronze, brass and cast iron. However, hardware V recent years are practically not used, since their cost is high and their service life is short. Thus, the bulk of the devices used are plastic valves.

Installation locations for sewer return valve

Check valves can be installed in different places, since the range of tasks they solve is quite wide. Most often, the fan valve is mounted directly on the inlet channel of the riser, and a separate unit is required for each apartment. In this regard, many residents have a question: why can’t one valve be made for the entire building. Read also: "".

The answer is simple, and it explains how a sewer check valve works: when the riser becomes clogged at the bottom, the drains begin to move upward. The result of this process is the flooding of apartments located on the lower floors. This is the reason why each apartment requires a separate valve.

There is another option for installing check valves. In this case, small valves are installed near each plumbing fixture or for a separate room, for example, a bathroom. These units have a lower throughput, but their performance allows for the normal operation of all systems in one apartment, preventing the reverse movement of water into the apartment if the pipeline is clogged.

In addition, check valves should be installed if the system has a reverse slope of pipes.

Check valve design

There is quite large number There are different models of sewer check valves, but there are no significant differences in their design. The non-return valve device for sewerage requires a housing to which other parts are attached. The body itself is made in the form of a pipe that can be cut into the main pipeline.

On the inside of the housing there is a locking element equipped with a rubber seal. A spring made of stainless steel is attached to this element. There is a lid on the body that gives access to the internal cavity of the structure, allowing it to be cleaned when clogged. A lever is also attached to the body, which makes it possible to control the operation of the unit manually. In the closed position, the shut-off element is motionless and does not allow waste water to pass through, while the open position has the opposite effect.

When the fecal check valve is operating, all waste flows smoothly into the riser, passing through a loosely installed shut-off element. When flushing is completed, the spring straightens and returns the locking plate to its place. When reverse movement of wastewater occurs, the plate blocks the passage, thereby justifying its use. The diameter of this element is always made larger than the stop so that the neck closes hermetically.

There is also a diagram of an alternative check valve device, the diameter of which is smaller. In such a valve, the inlet and outlet channels are located at different levels, and the space between them is filled with air. The air creates pressure on the membrane of the outlet channel if the drains begin to move back, and it closes the passage, cutting off the liquid's path into the house.

Installation of a check valve in a sewer system

Choosing the appropriate check valve option is an individual matter, depending on financial capabilities and requirements for the device. Of course, it is better to choose a more reliable unit, but simple designs are also capable of performing the functions assigned to them. When choosing, you must take into account such a parameter as the diameter of the sewer pipes, so as not to encounter the problem of incompatibility. This problem can be solved with the help of adapters, but it is better not to make additional connections and immediately select the appropriate option.

To install a valve with a large diameter on a common riser, it is advisable to use a horizontal arrangement, which is much more popular than a vertical one. There are arrows on the body of any valve showing in which direction the fluid moves. These arrows (or arrow) must necessarily point to the sewer riser. Read also: "How to choose and install a check valve on a sewer - characteristics, differences, principle of operation."

It is better to combine the installation of the valve with the replacement of sewer pipes, since otherwise you will have to embed it into an already finished structure, having first disconnected the riser. The photo shows a typical ball check valve for sewerage.

Installing a check valve is not difficult, and if necessary, you can install a check valve for the sewer system yourself. Any such unit has two terminals equipped with seals. These terminals are connected to the pipeline in exact accordance with in the indicated direction fluid flow. This is what it looks like when inserting a plastic valve into a pipe made of a similar material. If you install a valve made of plastic on cast iron pipes, you will have to use special adapters, and the space for the assembly will have to be calculated more accurately.


It is not at all necessary to install a sewer check valve in all apartments.

In general, where valves should or should not be installed can be concluded based on the following principles:

  • residents of private houses or apartments located on the ground floor of an apartment building must install a check valve;
  • It is advisable for owners of apartments located on the second floor to install a check valve: the drains can rise by this amount, although the likelihood of this is not as high as in the previous case;
  • residents of third and higher floors do not need to install a valve, since the drains cannot reach such a height: the liquid will quickly push through the clogged area with its weight.
It is also not worth installing a check valve on the sewer at the bottom of the riser.


Residents of multi-storey buildings will not be able to clear the blockage in the sewer system on their own - they need to contact the emergency service.

The problem of blockage can be solved by installing shut-off valves for the sewer system - the so-called non-return valve.

It is designed to block the reverse flow of wastewater to prevent it from flowing back into the apartment through the sewer system.

Installation of a sewer check valve is recommended primarily in apartments on the first and second floors.

Wastewater usually does not rise above the second or third floors.

The installation location of the check valve is determined by necessity. You can install the valve:

  1. To a common sewer pipe. In this case, the valve must be of high capacity.
  2. For every plumbing fixture in the apartment.
  3. For sewerage with reverse slope.

The reverse slope can only be eliminated by completely reworking the sewerage system, so it is easier and cheaper to install a non-return valve.

As you understand, the common valve on apartment building it is impossible to install - this can only be done in small house, and in every apartment, for any drainage system and on every plumbing fixture, it is quite possible to install a shut-off valve for the sewerage system. There are currently two types of check valves for sewerage sold:

These valves are fundamentally different from each other in their design. For example, in a check valve intended for installation in a pressure sewer, inlet and outlet pipes are installed.

Inside the valve chamber there is a ball of air that presses on the membrane if a reverse flow of water occurs. The membrane covers the chamber and water does not enter the pipe. For long-term operation, the valve must be cleaned periodically. For this purpose, the valve is provided with a special cap.

Also, a shut-off valve is immediately installed on the valve, shutting off the sewage system in case of need or emergency. Such a valve is installed at the junction of two pipes, so as not to completely dismantle the sewer system.

The valve can be installed both on vertically located pipes and in a horizontal plane.

The material from which check valves are made is plastic, steel, cast iron, brass. Not long ago, only iron flanged valves were installed in the sewer system.

They are still sold now, but there is little demand for them, since there are more reliable and cheaper PVC valves that are ideal for PVC sewerage.

Check valves for sewerage come in different sizes:

  • valve 32 mm
  • sewer valve 40 mm
  • 110mm check valve
  • check valve for sewerage 50 mm

The most common type of check valve is a ball valve. It prevents wastewater from flowing in the opposite direction. The design of such a valve is simple, it looks like this: the shutter device here is a metal ball, which is pressed by a spring when back pressure appears.

Where to install the ball valve depends on its design. For example, a coupling check valve is standardly installed on a vertical pipeline, and a flange check valve is installed on both vertical and horizontal sewer pipelines.

A coupling valve is installed if the check valve is installed on small diameter pipes (up to 2.5 inches). For pipe diameters of 40-600 mm, a flanged check valve is installed.

A ball valve with a moving ball shuts off return flows 100%. It also has 100% straight cross-country ability. It is impossible to jam such a system. A standard check valve is manufactured in a durable housing, with a solid cast iron cover, and the ball itself is coated with nitrile, EPDM, etc.

Another positive quality of the ball valve is excellent maintainability.

If the ball needs to be cleaned or replaced, the sewer ball valve can be easily and quickly disassembled - all you need to do is remove 2 or 4 bolts on the valve cover.

PVC check valve

The check valve is very useful for owners of apartments on the lower floors. It can be installed on both internal and external sewers. This shut-off valve serves to shut off reverse current sewer water and well prevents the entry of various insects and rodents through the sewer system.

If it happens emergency and a backflow occurs, the valve will automatically shut off the entire sewer system. In such a valve, reverse flow can be blocked forcibly. To do this, simply turn the valve knob to the OFF position.

The PVC sewer check valve has a built-in shut-off element that moves back and forth and perpendicular to the movement of wastewater in the sewer system. The PVC lift check valve can be spring or springless.

Almost all check valves are designed so that they can be installed on both vertical and horizontal pipelines.

In this case, the direction of wastewater flow must be taken into account - usually the direction is indicated by an arrow on the valve body.

PVC check valve does not respond to ultraviolet radiation, does not corrode, does not react with aggressive chemical impurities. The duration of its operation corresponds to this indicator for plastic pipes.

If you properly operate a PVC check valve, it is quite capable of serving for 50 years or more.

For pressure sewerage

A check valve, which is installed in a pressure sewer system, does not allow a change in the direction of movement of wastewater in the sewer system. These protective pipe fittings allow waste to flow in only one direction and stop fluid flowing in the opposite direction.

The check valve for pressure sewerage operates automatically and is called direct-acting fittings. This is an uninterrupted universal device, since the check valve can operate both in normal mode and in an emergency.

For example, if several pumps are operating and their pressure lines are combined into one common line, then one check valve (or several) is installed on each individual line, which protects each line from the pressure of the operating pump on any of them.

Thus, if the pressure drops on one line, the pressure on the other lines will remain the same, and an accident will not occur.

If wastewater does not pass through the shut-off valve, then the check valve works like this: under the influence of its weight, the spool in the valve allows the movement of water through the valve seat. In order for wastewater to change direction, it must be stopped.

When the fluid flow stops, the pressure on the other side presses the spool, preventing the formation of a reverse flow of wastewater.

Situations are different, and if there is a sewer blockage, then feel free to contact the SK-City company. It will help you remove the blockage, and if you need to re-lay the pipes.

How to install

Installing a check valve in the sewer system is best done when assembling the pipeline and at the junction of plastic pipes.

You will have to cut into the existing sewer system, that is, disassemble the pipes at the place where the valve is installed.

The check valve must be the same diameter as the pipes, otherwise an adapter will need to be installed.

How to install the valve yourself?

  1. Each valve has an arrow showing the direction of movement of wastewater - towards the sewer collector. If you put it the other way around, the valve will not work, although the water will drain.
  2. Before installing the valve, check it for leaks. This can only be done visually until the valve is installed in the system.
  3. If the tightness of the operating valve becomes less, it will make noise and vibrate during operation. To fix the damage, you need to remove the cover, remove the shutter and replace it. Or, without changing the valve, install a new sealed gasket.

Prices for check valves vary greatly. But don’t rush to buy the cheapest one - if the valve does not work, then you will have to spend a lot more repairing your apartment and the apartments of your neighbors below.

Installing a valve will solve many problems. So, if you have mesh filters on your sinks, this will not prevent neighbors’ wastewater from entering your sewer.