Convergent education is the basis of the modern learning model. Convergent education. The structure of general thinking, description

To make mental work effective, you need to understand the intricacies of thinking. There are several models in psychology that can help you build your own matrix creative thinking. For example, consider the theory about types of thinking by American psychologist Joy Gilford. It includes a description of two types of information processing - productive convergent thinking and creative divergent thinking. Convergent(“convergence”) – aimed at finding one solution to the problem, divergent(“divergence”) – has a multiple direction of searching for suitable answers to a problem, divergence of ideas in different directions.

Structure of general thinking, description

The thinking process triggers the collection and processing of information at different levels: semantic, behavioral, sensory, symbolic, figurative. Each such unit belongs to subjective and objective perception, various ideas arising at the moment or reproduced from long-term memory.

The process of cognition occurs when the subject perceives new or already familiar information - it combines a visual image and a semantic component.

In the case of convergent thinking, a person analyzes and builds a sequential chain of events or facts, which inevitably leads to one specific conclusion (result).

When a person uses a divergent thinking style, their cognitive ability goes in different directions. Thus, divergent thinking uses components of consciousness to use them to create a new solution to a problem. In the process of thinking, missing connections are not always restored, but new ones are formed.

The components of consciousness can be decomposed into several types of units.

First type- This image(image, picture), which generally belongs to the memory function. This unit is stored in its entirety and contains specific information. For example, a specific blue vase with a broken neck and dried flowers. Any picture can later be analyzed in thought and decomposed into individual components.

Primary memorization of this type of information occurs through the senses - sight, hearing, smell. It has quite tangible characteristics - color, shape, density, location.

Another type of cognitive units- This symbols. They are presented in the form of graphic signs - letters, numbers, etc., which form numerical and alphabetic systems.

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They can also be associated with real images, but have their own internal meaning.

AND third view is meaning. Meaning is a fairly abstract unit and for its construction it uses both the meaning of one word and a sign or a whole sentence. In turn, any meaning can be associated with a certain image. There is a transformation from meaning to image (graphic or analogy with a specific one).

All three types of units of consciousness are used in thinking operations - analysis and synthesis. As a result of the analysis, we obtain: relationships, systems, transformations and various meanings. Meaning, symbols and images form the basis of rational intelligence. However, social intelligence is also included in human consciousness, which provides thinking with information about the mental state of the subject - feelings, emotions, impressions. Anything that leads to self-awareness.

The concept of divergent and convergent thinking

Divergent thinking

As mentioned above, divergent thinking to solve a problem starts the movement of thoughts in several directions at once. If you imagine the process of cognition, then it represents an unfinished gestalt, an unfinished concept (figuratively comparing - a pattern). Convergent takes a logical route to fill it with as much relevant information as possible. Divergent - in the absence of suitable information, looks for an alternative material for filling voids. What matters is the speed and efficiency of finding the answer. For example, in a test for the ease of operating with symbolic units, you need to find ten words starting with the letter R. It does not matter by what method the result is achieved, it is important that it is obtained - the gestalt is filled. The formal structure is filled with any suitable meaning.

Divergent thinking involves flexible associations. For example, you can conduct a test to list the capabilities of one item. For example, stone. If, according to the test results, the respondent names “building a foundation,” “furnace,” or “fortress,” then he will receive a high score for productivity of thinking, but a low score for spontaneity of thinking. All these options are synonymous and imply only one use of “construction”.

But if the answerer gives examples such as - “ using a stone instead of a hammer», « paper press», « door support", he gets high marks for flexibility of thinking. Each answer in this case gives rise to a new meaning and a completely different meaning.

The ability to perform this type of productivity also includes the function of transforming units of consciousness. Breaking old associative connections and forming new ones through combination, for example, by combining real images, incorporating one into the other partially or completely. With such a mental operation, the difference or incompatibility of images can be ignored.

This also includes semantic adaptability, the ability to abstract from specific visual material. For example, a task: a square with six square cells is made from matches; you need to remove four matches to get three adjacent squares. In order to solve the problem, it is necessary to resort to the concept of a square and its meaningfulness. In this case, the visual size of the figure does not matter. A person with this approach puts together a puzzle with ease.

Convergent thinking

Convergent thinking operates with classes, categories, and objects. Each category describes the quality, property, function of an object in accordance with its real qualities. Operations of thinking take place within the framework of the temporal consistency of facts and events.

If convergent productive thinking includes the transformation of semantic (notional) content, then the new semantic unit must receive its own unique definition and category of meaning. Convergent thinking tasks involve making a completely predictable conclusion based on available data. For example, find in more geometric figure other. In this case, nothing new happens; the result only confirms the guesses.

In the process of solving a problem, conditions and information are entered into a certain category of knowledge. Intermediate results are related to the required knowledge from the same category. The transformation of symbols or meaning follows a clear algorithm, which represents a generally accepted pattern of actions. Convergent thinking excludes the subjective sphere: emotions, impressions, which are in some cases resources of consciousness.

What is the difference between convergent and divergent thinking?

  1. The divergent type begins work with some uncertainty: what needs to be done and what needs to be obtained. Includes in the thinking process: developing an idea, an algorithm and searching for answers again. Convergent uses a ready-made template.
  2. The convergent type is aimed at elaborating an existing algorithm and obtaining a strictly defined result. Divergent – ​​goes beyond the generally accepted solution method and implies a multidimensional search.
  3. Convergent – ​​criticality, unambiguous answer. Divergent – ​​multivariance, relativity of meaning.

Divergent and convergent thinking. Examples. Which type is better?

The traditional approach (convergence) is more reliable and rational. At the character level, an exact match is obtained (for example, two identical forms of a word). Divergent gives rise to many new ways of using objects (symbols), however, the result requires checking compliance with reality and the adequacy of perception.

Divergent thinking uses various approaches to restore “destroyed” or distorted text (meaning) and transform semantic units. Operating with images allows us to recognize analogies and use analogies as a principle of action for another mechanism. For example, the analogy, “the heart is a pump.”

Convergent thinking– transformation of meaning is carried out within one category.

Divergent– transformation between categories at different levels of consciousness (reframing). Any expression can be used both as a metaphor and as a specific description of a situation. In the field of advertising and marketing, a number of methods are used aimed at influencing the subjective (emotional) sphere of a person.

Both types of thinking are important for the productive functioning of the mind and achieving goals. The combination of both types of information manipulation can be demonstrated using the example of a composer. First, the composer is guided by an idea and inspiration and creates a new musical motive. He then refines his creation to specific combinations of notes within a finished system. Formally uses the same symbols for recordings as other musicians. Maintains a harmonious sound for overall perception. One type of thinking complements the other. It happens that first a person goes through everything possible options solutions to the problem, and if they do not fit his ideas, he uses a creative (divergent) approach.

School - science - production
Convergence (from the English convergence - “convergence at one point”) means not only mutual influence, but also the interpenetration of individual scientific disciplines and technologies, when the boundaries between them are erased, and the results arise precisely within the framework of interdisciplinary work at the junction of areas.
The implementation of a convergent approach to teaching in Moscow schools is aimed at creating an educational environment in the classroom and in extracurricular activities in which students perceive the world as a whole, and not as a list of individual disciplines studied at school. But for organizational and methodological support of the convergent approach, in addition to special training of teachers and the development of educational and methodological materials, it is necessary to organize design and research activities of schoolchildren. This problem is being solved not only by increasing school reserves, but also by attracting large-scale external resources from the city. That's why distinctive feature The new educational environment of the Moscow education system is a deep integrative relationship between school, science and production.
This relationship can be most clearly seen in the example of convergent-oriented metropolitan education projects. For example, the project “Kurchatov Center for Continuing Interdisciplinary Education” (Kurchatov Project), which has been implemented in Moscow since 2011, brings together the efforts of teachers from 36 educational organizations capital, resources of all network institutions of the Moscow Department of Education and specialists from the national research center “Kurchatov Institute”. Educational organizations of the Kurchatov project use equipment to educate more than 65,000 schoolchildren, operate 146 clubs, and conduct 52 elective courses. Teachers and students carried out 16 field practices, completed almost 300 design and research projects, which they presented at conferences and competitions at various levels.

Cool dive
As part of the project “Medical class in a Moscow school,” which has been implemented in the capital since 2015, there are several educational programs, each school chooses them independently. Pre-profile classes - 8-9th, specialized - 10-11th. The main academic subjects are biology and chemistry. Schools have elective courses: basic medical knowledge, workshop in microbiology, basic physiology and anatomy, human functional systems, first aid. The practice of future doctors takes place in a special laboratory where there are medical simulators, measuring instruments, models of organs, first aid equipment.
Schoolchildren, studying in medical classes, are immersed in research projects - engineering technologies in medicine, bioinformation technologies, medical robotics - and get the opportunity to perform research papers under the guidance of graduate students and researchers from medical universities. In fact, such a system of training and transformation of practical skills ensures that graduates are ready to work in a team, having mastered the skills collaboration. The project is being implemented in 69 schools and covers more than 6,000 students. More than 50 metropolitan enterprises are connected to the project.
And in the “Engineering Class in a Moscow School” project, which was also launched in 2015, today 103 educational organizations take part, ensuring the implementation of natural science and technological profiles engineering focus for more than 13,000 students.
Over the past three years, such federal universities as the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, the Moscow Automobile and Highway State University have become participants in this project. technical university, Moscow State Technological University "STANKIN", Moscow State Engineering University, Moscow Aviation Institute (National research university), Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Russian state university oil and gas named after I.M. Gubkin, Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman, National Research Technological University "MISiS", Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, Moscow State University of Information Technologies, Radio Engineering and Electronics, Moscow State University of Railways messages.
But that's not all. Among the project participants are high-tech enterprises: Rosatom State Corporation, JSC NPP Pulsar, JSC Radio Engineering Concern Vega, National Research Center Kurchatov Institute, Center for Photochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Technopolis Moscow, Autodex CIS LLC , LLC National Instrument Rus, JSC VPK NPO Mashinostroeniya, JSC RSC Energia, JSC RusHydro, JSC Russian Airplane.
Organizations in the engineering industry participate in the design and research activities of students, developing a system of requirements for the competencies of engineering graduates.
“NUST MISIS joined the project “Engineering Class at a Moscow School” in 2015,” says the vice-rector for educational work NUST MISIS Vadim Petrov. - We currently cooperate with 35 schools and more than 10 enterprises. The procedure is simple and transparent: we identify schools where engineering classes will open, and together we develop an educational program. Engineering classes are not only specially equipped premises, but also a special learning environment in which the whole of Moscow is an educational territory. Project activities form the necessary competencies for successful study at the university. An important part of the project is work on the basis of enterprises. This allows students to master modern technologies, precisely those current tools with which they will work.
According to Vadim Petrov, work with each student takes place according to an individual plan. To do this, schoolchildren come to university laboratories and visit practical exercises and communicate with their supervisor, go on excursions to enterprises. Schoolchildren also participate in “University Saturdays”. And for their teachers, within the framework of tripartite agreements, seminars, master classes and advanced training are provided both in engineering courses and in project activities.
The engineering class not only helps you prepare for the Unified State Exam and enter a technical university, but also provides an opportunity to express yourself in research and design activities, competitions, and engineering creativity.

Lines about extracurricular activities
Another important resource for creating a convergent environment is additional education. According to electronic records, over 120 thousand different clubs and sections are open in Moscow, which are attended by about 840 thousand children. Largest urban system additional education is the system of the Moscow Department of Education. Conditions for additional education have been created in more than 700 schools and children's creativity centers.
Expanding visiting opportunities additional classes in Moscow promotes:
- creation of specialized medical, engineering and cadet classes in schools. Their curriculum includes units that go beyond the basic school curriculum;
- revival of stations for young technicians on the basis of colleges and institutions of further education. Here you can gain additional knowledge in technical and natural science fields on a high-tech basis and at a high professional level;
- opening of interschool and interdistrict subject clubs, including mathematical clubs for winners and prize-winners of Olympiads;
- creation of children's "Quantoriums" in Moscow technology parks;
- creation of centers for technological support of education - points of collective access to high-tech equipment based on network partnerships of universities, schools, and colleges;
- expanding cooperation with private companies providing additional education services.
In addition, in order to motivate children, adolescents and young people to acquire knowledge, competencies and skills of a wider range and consciously choose a life path, large urban educational projects operate in Moscow:
- “University Saturdays” - lectures, master classes and excursions at leading universities in Moscow;
- “Professional environment” - introduction to institutions vocational education;
- “Activist Saturdays” - events for those who are interested in issues of management and self-government in education.
“We applied a convergent approach at school and got results in the first year,” says Natalya Rastegina, deputy director for implementation of educational programs and projects, technology teacher at school No. 1454 “Timiryazevskaya”. - Our guys became winners of the WorldSkills and JuniorSkills championships in the “City Farmer” and “Agricultural Biotechnology” competencies. What have we done? In the subject “Technology”, in work programs, we introduced JuniorSkills competencies, supported them with additional education and extracurricular activities(biology, physics, technology), basic educational program. We took advantage of the city's resources and involved specialists from the Timiryazev Academy.

Program for deputy
Active work on solving the problems of developing a convergent approach in metropolitan schools is currently being carried out at the Moscow Center for the Development of Human Resources in Education as part of the advanced training course “Modern Deputy Head of an Educational Organization.” The course program is aimed at developing in students a new perception of the content of the educational process and restructuring the interaction of all its participants in the course of implementing the demands of society, and it is obvious that convergence is one of the most important such requests.
Current and future deputy heads of educational organizations are immersed in topics such as “School in a digital environment”, “Information management”, “Personnel management and team building in order to create a unified school team to implement a convergent approach to learning and obtain quality results”, “Organization educational process and learning content: how to avoid a mono-subject view of schoolchildren’s learning outcomes.”
As part of the course, an analysis of the main educational school programs is carried out in order to identify points of convergence - positions along which it is possible to merge the content of academic subjects, levels of general and additional education, and areas of activity. Issues of interaction between the administration and the class leader, cooperation between teachers, the development of networking, and the use of educational resources of the city are considered. And the final assessment work of each student becomes a “road map” for the implementation of the convergent approach in the Moscow school.

Concept and definition of convergent education


1) this is the interpenetration and mutual influence of various subject areas;

2) this is a new scientific and technological structure, which is based on NBICS technologies, where N is nano, B is bio, I is information Technology, K – cognitive technologies, S-social technologies.

Convergent technologies "Big Four" technologies, a new type of integration system, which includes information and communication technologies, biotechnologies, nanotechnologies and cognitive technologies.

Convergent education-this is a purposeful process of developing competencies necessary for life and work in the era of convergent sciences and technologies

Methodology of convergent education:

Interaction of scientific disciplines (subjects), primarily natural ones;

Implementation of interdisciplinary design and research practices;

Interpenetration of sciences and technologies.

Key principles of convergent education:

Interdisciplinary synthesis of natural science (and humanities) knowledge;

Reorientation of educational activities from cognitive to projective-constructive;

Model of cognition - construction;

Network communication;

Teaching not about subjects, but various types activities;

Subject knowledge through NBIC technologies

The leading role of self-organization in learning processes.

Convergent learningThis is a process of interaction between subjects of a convergent educational environment, forming knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of convergent technologies.Convergent-oriented educational programbasic educational program general education, the development of which takes into account the principles of convergent education.

Megaproject “Ready for study, life and work”project for the integration of general, additional, professional and higher education on an interdisciplinary and integrative basis. As part of the project, by the time of graduation, each student has the opportunity to obtain a sought-after qualification (profession) of a mid-level specialist or in-depth specialized professional knowledge in a future specialty of higher education.

The mega-project “Ready for Study, Life and Work” includes:

Medical class at a Moscow school

Engineering class at a Moscow school

Cadet class at a Moscow school

Kurchatov project – science and technology classes

World Skills – classes, Junior Skills – classes

Themed Saturdays

Additional education (technological and natural science orientation)

Subject "Technology" - new approaches

"School knowledge for real life"

Meta-subject Olympiads


Project “Engineering class in a Moscow school”brings together the efforts of Moscow school teachers who have opened engineering classes, the resources of all network institutions of the Moscow Department of Education, educational technology support centers and the best university specialists. The goal of the project is to provide conditions for the development of natural science specialized training in engineering, creating motivation among students to choose engineering specialties. Kurchatov project

Project "Kurchatov Center for Continuing Interdisciplinary Education"brings together the efforts of more than 500 teachers from 37 educational organizations in Moscow, representing all administrative districts of Moscow, the resources of all network institutions of the Moscow Department of Education, and specialists from the Kurchatov Institute Research Center. The project is implemented in accordance with the principles: * Education based on fundamental concepts. * Convergent education in laboratory complexes. * Cooperation with the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute". * Development of inter-district resource centers for convergent education. * Assessing the effectiveness of project implementation based on the high achievements of students.

Medical class in a Moscow school Project “Medical class in a Moscow school”unites the efforts of teachers of Moscow schools who have opened medical classes, the resources of all network institutions of the Moscow Department of Education and the best specialists of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov. The goal of the project is to provide conditions for the development of natural science specialized training in medical fields, and the formation of students’ motivation to choose medical specialties.

An example of convergent educational technology STEAM technology

(S – science, T – technology, E – engineering, A – arts, M – mathematics)

Combines an interdisciplinary and applied approach,

Is a tool for developing critical thinking,

Research competencies

Group work skills. This technology is aimed at future professions based on high-tech production at the interface natural sciences(bio- and nanotechnologies), humanities, arts.


Global convergence of education begins
Thomas Friedman, New York Times columnist

The more I write about world events, the more I regret that I did not study education in college, because the more I travel abroad, I increasingly hear that in many countries the most heated debates are about education. It is interesting that each country considers itself to be lagging behind.

Tony Blair, in the fight against his own party, strives to develop a network of schools with non-standard curricula. Singapore is hell-bent on maintaining its role as a world leader in maths proficiency among students. America is working hard to improve math and science education in public schools. I have just returned from Bombay, where I attended the annual conference of the Nasscom association, which brings together Indian software companies. Many speeches raised concerns that India's education system is not producing enough "innovators."

In India and China, learning based on rote memorization has been perfectly mastered; all other countries are afraid of the growing armies of engineers trained in these countries. But Indians and Chinese doubt whether too much training in the sciences, unsupported by knowledge of art, literature, music and the humanities, will lead to the fact that Indira and Shu will grow up as boring children, incapable of innovation.

“No one here wants to study the humanities, everyone wants to get an engineering or economics degree,” said Jerry Rao, CEO of MphasiS, one of India’s largest outsourcing companies. “We are becoming a nation of aspiring programmers and businessmen.” He said with regret that the new generation of Indians would not have Vidyadhar Naipaul and Amartya Sen, referring to the Indian writer and Indian economist, Nobel Prize winners.

Innovation is often a synthesis of art and science, and the best innovative solutions often involve both. According to Jerry Rao, 50 years ago in India Sanskrit experts were respected, but now only engineers, programmers, businessmen, and doctors are held in high esteem. “This year, more people will receive degrees in Sanskrit in America than in India, and Sanskrit is the root of our culture!” - said Jerry Rao.
How can we explain this concern? The fact is that computers, fiber optics and the Internet have leveled the economic playing field, creating a global platform to which many players can connect. Capital is now moving faster and faster to attract the best talent wherever it is, so every country is looking to improve the talent levels of its population. When everyone has access to the same technology, "the only long-term advantage" is an individual's talent, say business researchers John Hagel III and John Seely Brown.

So, I found out that India is setting itself the task of quickly moving from business process outsourcing (B.P.O.), which consists of doing clerical work and writing programs for the benefit of American companies, to knowledge process outsourcing (K.P.O.), that is, to offer more independent ideas and products.
“Are we creative as a nation?” asked Azim Premji, chairman of one of India's leading technology companies Wipro. “Judging by the richness of our cultural heritage, undoubtedly; our art and our literature are among the greatest in the world. We must bring them spirit into the economic sphere and into the business sphere."

But in order to take this step, according to Indian entrepreneurs, it will be necessary to make big changes in the stagnant education system, which assumes the unquestioning authority of the teacher. “If we don't allow our students to ask why and just keep telling them how, we will still be outsourcing, which does not involve leadership, which requires complex relationships and reasoning, understanding the needs of other people,” - said Nirmala Sankaran, CEO of Indian education company HeyMath.

I can assume that the process of global convergence of education is beginning. China and India will strive to instill more creativity in their students. America will take a more thorough approach to teaching mathematics and other sciences. This convergence will greatly spur global development. But some will win more, while others will win less. The biggest winners will be those who create the right balance early and in most schools.

Abridged with permission of The New York Times News Service and Syndicate Co.

Rais Mirgalimovich Ismagilov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics of Transport, Logistics and Quality Management, Omsk State Transport University, Omsk [email protected]

About convergent education

Abstract. The article is devoted to educational technology aimed at ensuring that knowledge and skills from the study of related subjects are used most effectively in mastering a specific discipline in order to develop competencies, allowing students to acquire systemic knowledge, universal skills and techniques as part of the implementation of a competency-based approach in education. Key points words: education, educational technology, competence, convergence.

Modernization of the economy as part of the development of an import substitution program in the context of expanding sanctions and the corresponding training of personnel for enterprises, primarily the defense industry, voiced by the leadership of our state, require starting to work in a new way, without relying, as before, on state acceptance and military representatives - therefore, it is necessary to teach work again. In his recent television interview, Deputy Prime Minister D. Ragozin voiced the need to organize targeted training, because “...we need not thousands of generalists, but dozens of highly qualified specialists” to solve specific problems in leading industries national economy. This global task, in the context of the implementation of new federal educational standards (Federal State Educational Standards 3 and Federal State Educational Standards 3+) and the ever-growing demand for workers and technical specialists for industrial enterprises, requires a significant revision of educational programs and technologies. For example, the Perm experience in training personnel for the regional industry on the basis of a dual education system under agreements with educational institutions on the training of specialists in a specific profile was determined by the need to staff industrial enterprises of the region with a certain “set” of scarce professions. However, while being an undoubtedly positive phenomenon, this experience does not solve the problem of reforming vocational education as a whole, since it actually represents short-term targeted training (retraining) courses with an obvious emphasis on consolidating the acquired knowledge in specific jobs. But it is known that during the years of the USSR, educational institutions of primary, secondary and higher professional education always devoted the necessary and sufficient time to the practical consolidation of knowledge. Since those years, some enterprises have retained this practice, including OJSC Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. recent years, guided by the rule “everything new is long forgotten old” and moving in the opposite direction, Omsk State Technical University, Omsk state college management and vocational technology and a number of other educational institutions; thanks to the centers, students have their own production base. Within our university, acceptable conditions for consolidating theoretical knowledge for basic technical disciplines are created by the structural divisions of JSC Russian railways" This article will discuss further searches for ways to implement the competency-based approach in education. Previously, the author considered the well-known option continuing education, which consists in the modernization of educational processes by highlighting two directions: vertically integrated - this is “school - college - university” and horizontally integrated or profile (specialized) training. Now it is proposed to consider in more detail the technology of horizontally integrated training, since in schools and in professional educational institutions there are difficulties with optimal distribution of workload across study periods and subjects (disciplines). Obviously, the total volume of the teaching load cannot be unlimited, while the volume of information on disciplines grows every year, as does their number, since new ones appear: modern information systems, information security methods and others. Sometimes, as before, incidental situations arise when “first the discipline “economic analysis” is read, and then “enterprise economics”; the discipline “non-destructive testing methods” is taught to students who have not received the necessary knowledge in physics, etc.” . Consequently, the first pressing task is how to best “fit” all the necessary disciplines into the curriculum, the second is how to link them with each other and in the necessary sequence, and so that knowledge of related subjects is used most effectively in mastering a specific discipline for the purpose of formation of competencies, giving students (schoolchildren, students) systemic knowledge, universal skills and techniques. Such linking will allow disciplines to be coordinated by topic and sequence of presentation, simultaneously reducing the load on the student and giving him the opportunity to ultimately master the components of integrative activity. In the Soviet years, “advanced” school and technical school teachers taught how to make crossword puzzles in geography and biology lessons; on foreign language write poems; in physics and other applied disciplines, use the skills acquired in labor lessons in the manufacture of layouts and models; during labor lessons, calculate dimensions, parameters and make working drawings of tools and mock-ups of devices for the purpose of their subsequent manufacture in production workshops; conduct thematic (in various areas of professional knowledge) KVN, thus involving students in the educational process, motivating them to improve the level of their training, etc. Transfer this individual approach to permanent basis, making it an integral part of the educational process - apparently, this is the modern way for students to actually master the necessary competencies. It was noted above that it is necessary to teach how to work in a new way, and, in our opinion, starting from school. But this will require, at a minimum, training the teachers themselves to teach students in a new way, so that not individual enthusiastic innovators implement their ideas, but the entire education system is filled with creative content - this, in turn, requires different training for school and vocational education teachers. At the same time, the process of natural updating of the material and technical base of educational institutions should not be brought to the point of absurdity, when the study of microsections made by students with their own hands, using microscopes (as in production) is replaced by the study microsections... on the monitor screen, and microscopes are written off... as unnecessary. That is, modern technical teaching aids should facilitate learning and not replace the objects and means of labor actually used. Mathematical modeling should speed up and increase the efficiency of breadboard modeling and development of prototypes, and not replace it. It is known that some patents for inventions are overly theoretical, since they are not oriented towards practical application. A typical example is shown in Fig. For an experienced specialist operating such equipment, it is obvious that the reliability of this device is not high. Considering that the patent laws of different countries or groups of countries are not “harmonized” with each other, new unfinished ideas become a tasty prey, and patenting is a loophole for borrowing other people's ideas and their practical implementation by countries with a better investment climate. But the history of invention itself shows that there are often cases when prototypes from other spheres of human activity are effectively used; but this becomes possible if a person masters a variety of methods and methods, developing as a versatile “specialist” while still at school. “Computer children” who are unable to apply the acquired knowledge of the subjects (disciplines) they study in a practical manner have become the talk of the town. What prevents them from connecting their inquisitive minds to the automation of many school problems, starting with document management and experimental design? Nothing except the reluctance or inability of teachers to engage in obscure and free work.

Fig. 1. Example of an engineering unfinished solution To show the differences from previous approaches in education and emphasize the importance of the use of innovations, the educational technology under consideration, which focuses on the mutual penetration of disciplines in their study, can be conditionally called “convergent education.” Its essence is obvious: the knowledge and skills acquired by students while mastering previous and related disciplines, must be systematically and creatively used in further training, incorporating them into the curriculum. Currently, if this is done as part of the implementation of the competency-based approach, it is purely formal: many teachers do not know what specific material is given by their colleagues and in what way it is reinforced: hence, there are often repetitions of what has been learned, or “interdisciplinary gaps.” In this regard, it should be remembered that that in the 90s in Russia, the integrated product quality management system, which was developed and implemented in the defense industry complex, was replaced by international standards ISO9000 series. Thanks to them, it was possible to eliminate the “gaps” in managing the quality of products between different functional departments of the enterprise, since a process approach was implemented in management management. Unfortunately, the principles of total quality management have not yet been properly applied in Russian reality, as can be judged by the low quality of domestic products and the unsatisfactory demand for quality management specialists from employers. It turned out to be easier to “acquire” certificates of conformity than to carry out methodical work on the development, implementation and maintenance at the proper level of a quality management system based on statistical process control, i.e. daily scrupulous work. In educational institutions, in our opinion, the educational part (dean’s office) plays a unique role of “process owner”, but external and selective control will never replace regular internal self-control carried out by each teacher in the conditions of implementation new technology. We believe that if we have borrowed ISO9000 series standards for the service sector, originally developed in relation to the sphere of material production, then their further improvement should be carried out according to similar principles, naturally, taking into account the specifics of the sphere of providing educational services. In particular, by introducing teacher and student self-assessment into the educational process. In the same work, it was noted that “modern state policy aimed at deep modernization of the economy can in no way be implemented without deep reform of the education system in our country, since “... the education system itself becomes part of innovation economy..." "The other side of the significance of the innovation is that the employer (represented by the state or private companies) will be obliged to create opportunities for practical work in real production conditions, the share of which should increase significantly and be maintained at a level sufficient for the formation of skills. “Acceptance” or exit control of graduates’ competence should become a mandatory part of the activities of the employing organization. It is clear that in order for enterprises to be interested, it is necessary to create various methods of stimulation for them: preferential taxation, attracting investment resources, etc. Thus, we will create the prerequisites for organizing mass targeted training, as D. Ragozin spoke about, when each student will master the necessary competencies in interests of the employer's organization and on its territory. The creation of Centers for independent assessment and certification of qualifications, which began in a number of regions of the country, should play a positive role “... thereby creating mechanisms for the introduction and recognition of new professional standards in various public sectors: in the real sector of the economy, in the field of training highly qualified personnel, in the field of regulating flows labor resources in internal and external labor markets, etc.” .Otherwise, we will continue to “replicate” unclaimed economists, lawyers and other specialists, exacerbating the imbalance of supply and demand in the labor market based on the educational capabilities of educational institutions and artificial demand from applicants, or rather, their parents, formed at the general education level educational institutions by “dividing” students into “techies” and “humanities” and correspondingly training them to pass the “profile” Unified State Exam. Why are students taught at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics at a university, awarded the corresponding academic degrees, implying the obvious coherence of these concepts, and at school mathematics teachers can either not teach physics or teach it anyhow, or rather, as a secondary subject? Hence the artificial “humanization” of education, when a graduate without sufficient knowledge in technical subjects secondary school forced in the future to choose a specialty in the humanities. In a number of schools, and not only schools, there are no visual aids, instruments and consumables for lessons in physics, chemistry, biology. Perhaps, following the example of driving schools, which were prohibited from attracting cadets for training without the proper material base, stricter control over the issuance of licenses for educational activities similar educational institutions? It is not out of nowhere that statements appeared about the advisability of providing, for some types of professions, the opportunity to receive higher technical education for further in-depth training only after completing secondary vocational education. educational institution and a certain amount of experience in practical work in the specialty to master the necessary competencies. And the main thing is that this educational technology does not turn, in the words of A. Novikov, into “a new “creative” pedagogy,” but gives its results in the current conditions of imposing sanctions on Russian companies. The very restrictive sanctions that the leading countries of the world applied against Russia, contrary to the provisions of the World Trade Organization and their own economic interests, will stimulate the development of domestic industries only with a more responsible and targeted reform of vocational education, taking into account the already existing trend of creating educational and production clusters in the form of interconnected associations of educational institutions of different level, organizations and industrial enterprises, at which at a new level it will be necessary to restore the once existing mutually beneficial relations between educational institutions and employer organizations. Then there will be no “harassing” messages that “...In Omsk, instead of an aggregate plant, a residential complex with 25 storey buildings. They changed their minds about building a technopark instead of a plant...” Thus, in our opinion, there is a need for such a reorganization of educational technologies, when further narrow specialization will be carried out on the basis of versatile knowledge and skills laid down at each stage of the life path of every citizen of our country for the sake of its further prosperity .

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