Non-freezing liquid for heating radiators. Operation of autonomous heating systems and the use of non-freezing coolant. There are also nuances here

Most owners of private houses with an autonomous heating system sooner or later face the question - what kind of coolant to fill in for the heating system of a country house and is it necessary to do it at all? Given the harsh Russian climate, this problem arises especially acutely before the start of the heating season.

Compared to antifreeze, ordinary water has greater heat capacity and fluidity, it is safe and inexpensive. But, due to the fact that it contains salts and oxygen, this leads to the formation of scale in the heating system. Under no circumstances should this be allowed in pipes and radiators.

This can lead to rupture of expensive heating equipment: gas or electric boiler, aluminum or bimetallic radiators, as well as failure of the entire heating system. It is in order to avoid all these problems in the frosty winter that it is recommended to use a special coolant or antifreeze.

Today we will look at the main manufacturers and types of coolants, the differences, properties and composition of antifreeze liquid (antifreeze) for heating a country house or cottage.

Types of coolant for heating systems

Features of the use of coolant for the heating system

The coolant is produced on a different basis and composition, also having different properties and characteristics, concentrate or ready-made without dilution with water. Modern and high-quality antifreeze does not corrode polypropylene, metal plastic pipes and rubber gaskets due to the correctly selected ratio of polyhydric alcohol and water.

In Russia, many brands are used from different manufacturers of antifreeze liquid, for example: “ Warm House» , « Dixis» , « Thermagent Eco» , « Thermos Eco» , « HeatHouse» , « Antifrogen N"and others. They all come in different colors: green, blue, yellow, red or pink. The composition from which the coolant is prepared is very important. Usually it is based on:

- ethylene glycol;
- propylene glycol;
- glycerin.

Heating fluid based on ethylene glycol

This type of red antifreeze is usually produced in canisters of 10, 20 or 50 liters. As a rule, in an undiluted state it is able to withstand temperatures from - 65 to + 110 ° C.

Therefore, it can be diluted with distilled water in a ratio of 1:1 or even 1:2, 1:3. This depends on the required crystallization temperature of the coolant, for example, at - 20 ° C it will be enough to dilute in a ratio of 1 to 1, and at - 50 ° C it is already diluted 7 to 1.

Ethylene glycol-based coolant is poisonous and can cause serious poisoning if it enters the human gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, it is poisonous not only in the liquid state, but even in the vapor state.

That is why this type of coolant is used only for “closed” heating systems with a membrane expansion tank and only single-circuit boilers (gas, electric, diesel, solid fuel).

Ethylene glycol based coolant

Almost all manufacturers of wall-mounted gas boilers prohibit the use of ethylene glycol-based antifreeze for “their” heating devices, and remove their warranty if these rules are neglected by the buyer.

Coolant for heating systems based on propylene glycol or glycerin

High-quality antifreeze based on these polyhydric alcohols is environmentally friendly and does not have a harmful effect on the human body. Therefore, this type of coolant can be used both in “closed” heating systems with a circulation pump, and in “open”, gravity-flow systems with natural circulation.

In addition, antifreeze based on propylene glycol is used even for wall-mounted double-circuit gas boilers, without fear of accidental ingress of coolant into the hot water supply (DHW) circuit. For example, or Ferroli, or, or.

Despite this, many manufacturers of mounted boilers prohibit the use of any coolant other than water. Please check this point when purchasing.

Antifreeze liquid based on glycerin is recommended for use in closed or open type with floor-standing single- or double-circuit boilers: Russian - , AOGV, or other imported analogues: Protherm, Buderus, Dakon, Baxi or Vaillant.

The operating temperature range is from – 30 to + 107 °C. High-quality coolant made from propylene glycol or glycerin does not foam and does not destroy the system, thanks to a package of additives that prevent the formation of corrosion and scale.

Coolant: propylene glycol and glycerin

The liquid is sold ready for use without dilution with water, unlike antifreeze concentrate made from ethylene glycol. The service life of any coolant is no more than 5 years.

How to choose the right coolant (antifreeze) for the heating system

Each coolant has different thermal conductivity and heat capacity. It must be taken into account that antifreeze takes about 10% of the system’s power compared to ordinary water. Yes, and the coefficient of thermal expansion of the “anti-freeze” is slightly higher than that of water. Based on these rules and properties, equipment for heating the house is selected.

For example, the volume of the expansion tank must correspond to the parameters given in the table, depending on the amount of coolant in the entire heating system.

Calculation of coolant for the heating system

When selecting an antifreeze liquid, it is especially important to take into account the type of your heating system: open or closed, as well as the model of the boiler itself: wall-mounted or floor-mounted, double-circuit or single-circuit. The efficiency of heating your home, your own safety, and health depend on this.

How to pour coolant into the heating system

First you need to completely drain all the water or used anti-freeze. The easiest way to fill the system with coolant is through an expansion tank, but only if the system is open. This can be done manually without using any additional equipment or tools.

If the system closed type, then it is necessary to make a special “inset”; it is better to provide for it immediately when creating the heating system. Typically, a tee with a half-inch thread is used as this “inset,” on which it is mounted with a hose fitting.

The coolant must be pumped under pressure using a manual or simple submersible pump, having previously placed the antifreeze in one large barrel or other container. After the system is filled, you need to turn off the tap and disconnect the hose.

On modern wall-mounted gas and electric boilers, a special make-up tap is already provided on the lower part of the body, using which you can pump antifreeze directly through the heating boiler. Let's watch the video.

A coolant for the heating system of a country house based on propylene glycol, ethylene glycol or glycerin is a simple and reliable solution for Russian conditions. A package of high-quality antifreeze additives will not only not have a destructive effect on heating equipment, but will also protect it from corrosion and scale.

The most important thing is to choose the right coolant, take into account the recommendations of the gas or electric boiler manufacturer regarding the composition and even the brand of non-freezing liquid. It is also necessary to replace the coolant on time, at least once every 5 years.

Double-circuit boiler equipment, solar systems and heat pumps, plastic pipes, taps and connections began to be used as materials. Installation of the system has become simpler, more convenient and more accessible for “non-professionals”; it is easier to configure and repair. The usual solution was the use of “warm floors” based on circulation pipelines.

All these innovations led to the development of another technical solution: the use of non-freezing coolant fluids in individual heating systems of private houses.

The use of coolants raises many questions, speculations and disputes. Some stereotypes have already formed a practice of application, which sometimes looks comical. Therefore, in this article, specialists from the Heat Transfer Fluids department will answer the most common questions.

1. To use or not to use antifreeze liquid as a coolant?

There is no GOST or standard that requires the mandatory use of a coolant or prohibits its use. Sometimes there are designs for industrial systems that require the use of “water-glycol solutions,” and if you turn to heating equipment manufacturers, they also do not have a single general solution - some prohibit them altogether, while others allow the use of certain brands of coolants. Which decision is correct?

The answer to this question can be obtained by taking into account a combination of many factors: this is the equipment model, the type of structure, the mode of its use, the material and insulation of the walls, the type of system, and the region of location. But the most important factor is the degree of security of the system in unforeseen, emergency cases.


I made my own heating system for the first time in my life using metal-plastic, there are no leaks in the fittings. The argument in favor of antifreeze was given by the specialist who started my boiler - antifreeze has its drawbacks, but the main thing is to preserve the system in any force majeure. According to him, last winter a lot of COs died on the water for various reasons. I have propylene glycol, -20, the system works, and I sleep peacefully when I’m not at the dacha.

It's no secret that main task coolant - protect the system from defrosting and damage in case of unforeseen situations. And there are quite a lot of situations when a house can be left without heating for a long time:

  • long-term departure of the whole family, when there is no one to heat the house;
  • seasonal use of a summer house or house;
  • Finally, no one is immune from gas pipeline accidents or long-term power outages, which have become common in winter after freezing rains that cut power lines.

In such conditions, the use of non-freezing liquid is an absolutely justified solution.

2. Which one to choose, how do they differ?


A lot has been written and rewritten on this topic, but I have never seen a clear answer (and preferably from a user with experience). In this regard, if I may ask some questions. So, after all, what to fill in? (what kind of non-freezing liquid). Electric boiler, two-pipe system, metal-plastic pipes.

For an uninitiated person, understanding the abundance of offers and the price range can be very difficult.

The key factor in choosing a coolant is its basis, i.e. basic chemical raw materials. The following are traditionally used as a basis:

  • ethylene glycol is a toxic dihydric alcohol;
  • propylene glycol is a non-toxic substance acceptable for use in the food industry.

The second selection criterion is the additives used in the coolant. There are organic additives (carboxylate) and inorganic. Additives affect the service life and quality of the coolant. Coolant with organic additives has more long term service, and during operation more reliably protects the system from corrosion.

The third indicator is how heating equipment manufacturers treat this product; in other words, whether a particular coolant is acceptable for use in the system where this type of equipment is used.

  1. from equipment manufacturers. This coolant provides the widest range of indicators: environmental friendliness and safety, service life, physical and chemical properties, and versatility of use, from kindergarten to food production.
  2. Coolant based on ethylene glycol with organic additives and approvals from equipment manufacturers. Such a coolant already has limitations in its use. You can determine its purpose: industrial facilities and systems that are reliably isolated from human activity.
  3. Coolant based on propylene glycol with conventional inorganic additives. Although such a product has a shorter service life, it is harmless enough to be around people and animals.
  4. Coolant based on ethylene glycol with inorganic additives. Poisonous, short service life. Its use is often driven by the need to save money. If the system is well isolated from contact with human life, such a solution is quite logical.

P.S. Glycerin based coolant. Glycerin is the simplest trihydric alcohol, which is a viscous transparent liquid, also used as a food additive. The product has high density, kinematic and dynamic viscosity. Equipment manufacturers provide indicators several times lower than those present in glycerin-based coolant. The product has no operational or physical advantages, although it is quite easy to produce, which is why it is inexpensive. European manufacturers of chemical compounds have a very negative attitude towards the use of glycerin as the basis for antifreeze liquids.

3. How to find out the required quantity?

A common but simple question. After completing the installation of the system, it is necessary to carry out commissioning work. The regulations provide for the need for a control check - water pressure testing of the system. After pressure testing, the water obtained from the system will indicate the exact amount of coolant required for the system.

4. Should I dilute with water or not?

The origin of this issue is due to the fact that equipment manufacturers set the same requirements, worrying about the safest and most efficient operation possible. Buyers stick to their line, driven by the need to save money. And coolant manufacturers maneuver between the requirements of manufacturers, buyers and sales practices. As always, the truth is somewhere in the middle.

Manufacturers of antifreeze liquids mainly offer “-65C” or “-30C” coolants to the market. Firstly, this is due to established demand, and secondly, such a coolant is guaranteed not to be frozen at the time of sale.

Equipment manufacturers have their own truth. Thus, the density of non-freezing liquid marked “-25C”, mainly recommended by equipment manufacturers for reasons of optimal fluidity, is 1.03 g/cm3, and that of liquid “-30C” is 1.04 g/cm3.

On the other hand, diluting the coolant from “-30C” to “-25C” - and this value is 3-4% - will not bring tangible savings to the buyer, but will increase the risk of losing other necessary properties. But in the case when the buyer plans to use a concentrated coolant “-65C” and dilute it, the savings can already be up to 20%.

5. How do coolants interact with aluminum and steel radiators, polypropylene taps and pipes?

If we are not dealing with “garage production”, and the manufacturer complies with the requirements and test methods in accordance with GOST 28084, there is nothing to worry about, because to neutralize the aggressive factors of non-freezing liquids, they contain additives. If organic (carboxylate) additives are used in the coolant, this is an additional plus. The main thing is the level of trust in the manufacturer, because the consumer will not be able to independently check the indicators at home, and in a laboratory, these tests are quite expensive.

6. What is the service life, how do you know: when to replace?

The question is quite common.


Experts, clarify the situation: today contractors said that antifreeze has a validity period of 5-7 years. Then it loses its properties, begins to precipitate, and generally does not flow through the heating system as it should. True or not?

For coolants that contain organic (carboxylate) additives, the service life is 10 seasons (10 years), for coolants with “ordinary” silicate additives, this period is about 5 years (heating seasons). In order to control quality, every year, after the end of the heating season, you can carry out a simple procedure - pour a small amount of coolant into a transparent glass container. The resulting sample is visually inspected for the presence of mechanical and other impurities, color, and transparency. If the coolant contains mechanical impurities (crumbs, grains of scale), it can be drained, filtered, flushed the system and refilled. If there are traces of chemical changes (flakes, clots), you need to contact a specialist.

7. In what systems can antifreeze liquid be used?

There are a number of restrictions on the use of antifreeze:

  • Antifreeze liquid, regardless of its chemical composition, can only be used in a closed circuit. This means that there is constant pressure in the system, circulation is constantly forced, due to the pump.
  • Coolants are not used with electrolysis-type electric boilers. Electrolysis type is when the coolant is used as an electrical conductor. The electrical conductivity of coolants is low, and this will lead to high energy costs.
  • Antifreeze liquids must not be used in contact with galvanized surfaces (pipes).

8. How to determine the required temperature, or is -30C too much or too little?

Application practice shows that the temperature in a room that was not heated long time, and temperature environment– are always different. The room will always be warmer - by 10 degrees or more. Even if it’s minus 40 outside the window, and the room is frozen to minus 30, the coolant will not turn into ice and, accordingly, will not burst pipes and radiators. In order for antifreeze labeled -30C to freeze and damage the heating system, the temperature (in the house) must be below -50C, which in reality is quite difficult to imagine.


For three seasons I have been using propylene glycol as antifreeze in a natural circulation system. Everything works great. The batteries heat up after just 10 minutes. I use propylene glycol not concentrated, but diluted to the freezing point of minus 30 degrees. S. Flooded once three years ago.

On the other hand, non-freezing liquids with temperatures of minus 10, 15 and even 20C should not be used for a number of reasons:

  • Even in the central regions of Russia in winter the temperature drops below these values. In such conditions, it is unlikely that anyone will want to buy a product that has turned into “snow porridge”, despite the fact that after thawing it will completely return to its properties.
  • Indeed, more fluid than water. And fluidity increases with increasing temperature. They do not contain chemical compounds that, by forming calcium deposits, can clog microgaps. Even if the microgaps become clogged with something, coolant additives will “clean” the clogged formations and restore the leak. Therefore, more attention must be paid to the assembly of joints in a system where it is planned to use antifreeze. And, as mentioned earlier, before starting it is necessary to carry out commissioning work, including pressure testing of the system.

Read in the article

What to put into the heating system of a private house

We have already talked to you about what a double-circuit boiler is, it’s a useful and compact thing to take note of! However, the heating system also needs a liquid that will transfer heat from the boiler to the batteries (cast iron or aluminum or bimetallic), it doesn’t matter! Previously, people didn’t think about this problem for long, they filled it with ordinary water and that’s it, there was no problem!? BUT can ordinary water always be suitable for your system and what types of coolants exist now? In simple words- what to pour into the heating system? Let's think...

The heating system of a private home is an important component of a comfortable stay. Now in modern realities we are looking for a heating source that is cheap and accessible. But so far nothing has been found cheaper than gas; the gas in the boiler heats up the coolant and this liquid already heats up our batteries. Now there are only a few main types of such heat carriers.

Types of coolants

1) Water

The most versatile and easily accessible coolant. It is this that is poured into the heating pipes of private houses in 70–80%.

There are a lot of advantages here: - it is easily accessible and free, it has low viscosity and high fluidity (which means it will fit almost everywhere), non-toxic (which is very important), and transfers heat well. Perhaps these are the main advantages of water.

But there are also disadvantages: - the metal elements of the heating system rust over time and become unusable; if you heat the water to 80 degrees or higher, it deposits scale on the pipes, freezes at “0” temperature (which means you can’t leave a country house without heating for several days in winter ), when it freezes, it expands and will simply rupture your system; you need to constantly monitor the system with water inside; it is advisable to flush the system once a year to remove all kinds of deposits (rust and scale).

2) Antifreeze

Here it is necessary to distinguish between two types of antifreeze: ethylene glycol and propylene glycol.

Ethylene glycol is a cheaper type of antifreeze for your heating system. A big advantage is its resistance to low temperatures (holds up to -60 degrees), fluidity, low viscosity, and it practically does not enter into chemical bonds with metals (almost neutral), so it can work in the system for a very long time without flushing. Its thermal conductivity is higher than that of water, and accordingly it heats up faster (less gas is required for heating).

But the disadvantages are also significant, it is not cheap - you need to buy it, and it costs a lot of money and the biggest disadvantage is its toxicity, if it leaks in the house it is not good! It is because of toxicity that it is rarely used in private homes; it is usually used in industrial areas.

An environmentally friendly replacement for ethylene glycol was needed and it was found.

Propylene glycol - this composition has almost the same characteristics (does not freeze, has good contact with pipes and the heating system), but it is also non-toxic, so it can be poured into the heating system of a private home.

There are also disadvantages: - its thermal conductivity is lower than that of ethylene glycol (the difference is 15 - 20%), and its price is also higher than that of its poisonous friend, and significantly.

Therefore, new compounds had to be developed.

3) Antifreeze mixtures

As the name already implies, the manufacturers decided to combine all the advantages of two non-freezing liquids - ethylene glycol and propylene glycol. If you choose the right composition, you get a completely environmentally friendly liquid with good thermal conductivity. This is exactly what you need to add to the system of your private home! Or if you are focused on the environment, you can look towards propylene glycol. Water as a coolant in the 21st century is practically losing its attractiveness, because although it is free, it comes into very strong contact with pipes and parts of heating boilers.

And that’s all, I think I’ve conveyed some information to you.

How to choose the right heating fluid

It is difficult to imagine comfortable living in an apartment or private house in winter without high-quality heating. Residents of urban high-rise buildings with centralized heating are lucky. After all, thinking and worrying about the safety of pipes in cold period no need to. Maintenance falls on the shoulders of housing maintenance offices. But you have to monitor the proper operation of the autonomous heating system in the private sector yourself.

A coolant is used as a heating element in the heating network. It is a heating fluid that circulates through the circuit. May be of different types. The operation and maintenance of the system depends on what kind of liquid is used. Therefore, this article will focus on the coolant, its types and rules of use.

Choosing antifreeze for pipes and radiators

To select a liquid for heating systems, take into account the type of structure for heating and the materials from which its elements are made. The production of such equipment mainly uses steel, cast iron, aluminum and propylene. The type of fuel used, which is intended to heat the boiler, is of great importance.

For heating units operating on liquid or solid fuel, different liquids are used as a coolant. Since antifreeze has a low surface tension coefficient, it is characterized by ductility. For this reason, when using this type of coolant, all components, threaded and welded connections of the system must be absolutely impenetrable. Antifreeze is not a liquid that has a specific chemical composition. This name is a generalized concept meaning any of the low-freezing mixtures. Antifreeze is used to cool engines and internal combustion units operating at temperatures below zero.

Which is better: water or antifreeze?

Some heating systems can only operate on antifreeze fluid

Ordinary water: this is what is filled in most heating pipes for public use, and it is what private homeowners most often use when heating their homes. But this state of affairs has recently begun to change. All more people prefer alternative coolants, although it is believed that this will entail large financial costs. Antifreeze liquid for heating systems is very expensive! Is this really true? To do this, it is worth taking a comprehensive look at the negative and positive aspects of using water as a coolant, as well as a non-freezing liquid.

Attention! Antifreeze heating fluid from different manufacturers may have different component compositions. Thus, on the market you can find “anti-freeze” products based on the following substances: glycerin, propylene glycol, saline solution and bischofite brine

Benefits of water

Water is a cheap and accessible coolant. Most heating boilers, fittings and other heating elements are designed specifically for water circulation. In addition, in the event of a leak in the heating system, there will be a spill of ordinary water, which is environmentally safe for human health.

Traditionally, water plays the role of coolant in heating systems.

Disadvantages of water

  • If frosts come suddenly and the heating system is not running, then this is fraught with rupture of pipes, and sometimes the heating boiler. In this case, the damage will be colossal.
  • The constant use of water in the heating pipeline over time leads to the formation of scale, which in turn leads to excessive energy consumption by 25-30%. As a result, home heating costs increase significantly.
  • When using water instead of a special heating fluid, scale forms in the pipes over time, which accumulates and leads to energy waste of up to 30%. This significantly increases the cost of heating a home, given the considerable cost of fuel.
  • If we talk about metal pipelines, then the water coolant will sooner or later provoke the manifestation of corrosive processes.

Benefits of antifreeze

  • The “anti-freeze” does not need to be drained from the heating system - the functional characteristics of the equipment, components and pipelines will be completely preserved even at extremely low outdoor temperatures.
  • Thanks to special additives, this coolant does not foam, does not cause corrosion and scale on the internal shells of heating elements, and does not cause swelling or dissolution of seals.

“Anti-freeze” as an alternative to water coolant

  • Non-freezing heating fluid made on the basis of propylene glycol releases harmful fumes into the air when leaking.
  • This coolant is characterized by increased aggressiveness towards pipes, fittings, taps, etc.
  • The viscosity of antifreeze is approximately 20% higher than that of water. This entails additional hydraulic loads on the pumps. For this reason, when choosing a circulation pump, it is worth choosing models with a power reserve.

Important! To reduce the load and increase heat transfer, the antifreeze liquid can be diluted with distilled water. Ordinary water contains a high percentage of calcium salts, which provoke the appearance of deposits on the internal walls of pipes, pumps and heat exchangers

Water or antifreeze, which one to choose?

Traditionally, ordinary water is poured into the heating system. There is an opinion that it is not advisable to fill in other coolants. However, situations may arise when you simply cannot do without an anti-freeze agent.

For example, in a country house where there are no permanent residents, but for some reason it is not possible to “mothball” the heating system. To understand what liquids to pour into the heating, and what will bring greater benefits, you need to find out the positive and negative sides.

A comfortable stay in a heated room depends on how correctly the coolant is selected. It should be taken into account that the composition of liquids for steam heating is different for each manufacturer.

Here are the main components that are currently actively used:

  • glycerol;
  • salt solutions;
  • propylene glycol;
  • ethylene glycol;
  • bischofite

These funds were not chosen by chance. They perform certain functions that water cannot replace.

The main disadvantage of water as a coolant

Water is an environmentally friendly product. If a leak is detected in the radiators, it will not cause harm to a person. But while water is affordable and suitable for most heating systems, it has several disadvantages.

In case of unexpected temperature changes, if the mercury level in the thermometer drops below zero, the water will freeze when the boiler is turned off. Once the radiators and pipes rupture, it will be almost impossible to repair it; the entire system will need to be replaced. More often than not, the boiler will be the first to suffer. Thus, you will have to spend a lot of money to restore heating.

Metal pipes from water gradually rust. If electricity is used as an energy source, its consumption will increase due to the formation of scale and rust.

Which is better: water or antifreeze?

Most heating networks circulate water. However, many people refuse this type of coolant and use something else to heat their homes. Although it is generally accepted that their use will lead to high costs for the home owner. Many do not use antifreeze for heating systems, because they believe that it is quite an expensive pleasure. However, is this statement true? To answer this question, you need to familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of using this alternative coolant in heating systems and compare it with the traditional one - water.

You should know that the antifreeze liquid used for the heating system varies in composition from different manufacturers. Currently on the market you can find liquids based on the following substances:

  • glycerol;
  • propylene glycol;
  • bischofite;
  • saline solution.

Characteristics of non-freezing liquids for heating

How low-freezing liquid for heating systems behaves in the circuit is primarily influenced by the quality of the additive package and, of course, operating conditions. Regardless of what main active element is added to the glycol base, all compositions have anti-corrosion and anti-foaming properties.

Without these additives, heating fluid is very aggressive. All antifreezes foam, but glycerin antifreeze liquids for home heating systems especially. Foam is an air-containing substance, and air leads to poor circulation, the formation of air pockets, and also water hammer in the heating system.

The additive package has its own temporary resource. After a certain time, additives break down at the molecular level.

In this case, a precipitate forms and acid is released. It turns out that nothing can smooth out the aggressiveness of the coolant for heating the house, and moreover, everything is aggravated by the release of acid. Service life of antifreeze liquid:

  • based on ethylene glycol – five years;
  • based on propylene glycol – five years;
  • glycerin-based - up to ten years.

This is the service life of the composition at favorable conditions operation. The main requirement is, of course, temperature. When the coolant temperature rises to 90 degrees, the non-freezing liquid begins to disintegrate and loses its properties. This only happens if the boiler is not started correctly after a long period of inactivity, or if there are errors during installation.

Direct contact of the heat exchanger with the flame is undesirable if antifreeze is poured into the circuit

For example, when a heat exchanger is built into a conventional oven. Some install it so that it comes into contact with an open flame. If you plan to use antifreeze for stove heating, then you cannot do this. It is necessary that there is a layer of brick between the heat exchanger and the flame. It will protect the coolant from too hot flames and distribute the heat evenly. In this case, the non-freezing liquid for stove heating will not overheat.

Characteristics that are affected by the quality of the additive package:

  • thermal conductivity;
  • density;
  • viscosity;
  • fluidity;
  • thermal expansion.

The better the additives, the higher the performance will be. That is, as close as possible to the characteristics of water. In the case of the coefficient of thermal expansion, it should be as small as possible.

Considering the fact that the volumetric expansion of the antifreeze is greater than that of water, it is necessary to provide an expansion chamber with a 40% larger volume.

The thermal conductivity of antifreeze is lower than that of water. Glycerin antifreeze liquids have the lowest thermal conductivity. In relation to water, it is only 85%; for other anti-freeze products the figure can reach 90%. As you can see, the difference is not that big.

Antifreeze liquids are half as dense and viscous as water. These qualities make circulation difficult. To pump coolant through the circuit, you will need a higher power pump, it would also be a good idea to assemble pipe heating diagram with a cross-section one step larger. For example, if we are talking about polypropylene pipes, then instead of 25 diameter, it is better to take 32.

Despite the fact that antifreeze liquid is denser and more viscous, it has a lower surface tension coefficient, that is, it is more fluid. Do you know that you can fill a glass with water “heaped”? The slide, of course, will be small, but even visually it can be seen that the liquid rises above the edge of the vessel. This won't work with anti-freeze. Due to such high fluidity, it flows out where water does not penetrate due to surface tension. In other words, if there are microcracks and even very small holes, then the non-freezing liquid will find its way out there.

Therefore, often, after there was water in the circuit and they decided to pour anti-freeze into it, leaks appear. Main leak points:

  • pipe joints;
  • connections between radiator sections;
  • connection points for additional elements;
  • in the boiler itself.

Water has another useful property, thanks to which a minor leak can disappear by itself. Metal particles settle on the edges of cracks and seal them. Of course, this is just scale, which, if carried out, will be removed and the flow will resume.

Why is antifreeze so dangerous?

In essence, this is the same antifreeze, only domestically produced, which is somewhat cheaper than its foreign counterparts, but that’s not all. Antifreeze is very toxic due to the content of ethylene glycol in it, it is not intended for use inside a heating system, but nevertheless it is still used, and this, one might say, is a popular use, but the manufacturer prohibits such use of antifreeze, and there are good reasons for this reasons:

  1. Antifreeze is very toxic to humans; contact of the substance with the skin and inhalation of vapors should be avoided. Its insidiousness is that its surface tension is lower compared to water, antifreeze has much greater fluidity and detects the smallest cracks in the heating system, the existence of which you would never have known if you had not once used antifreeze. The toxic substance will flow out through these microcracks, and you will inhale it and become poisoned. A leak that appears, even the smallest one, will not disappear on its own, as sometimes happens with a water leak; the substance will flow until you repair the pipes and joints.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to use antifreeze if the heating system has a double-circuit boiler.
  3. Antifreeze can ruin your heating system. It has a very low temperature; when used, the additive fabric is destroyed, and the aggressive liquid begins to corrode the heating circuit. This is the main reason why the use of antifreeze for heating a home is prohibited.
  4. Antifreeze, despite its fluidity, has a viscous and heavy consistency; the circulation pump of the system should be much more powerful than usual by 15-20%. To pump this liquid, you will need to replace the circulation pump.
  5. As the antifreeze stagnates, it forms white flakes that settle in the heating system and spoil it.

If all of the above properties of antifreeze do not convince you to choose another means for heating the room, then here are some tips on how to use it.

Comparative characteristics of antifreeze and water

In order for the heating system to work effectively and heat the room, water was used, but recently this has ceased to suit homeowners, and they began to prefer an alternative option and purchase antifreeze liquid. Let's consider the positive and negative effects of this product and water on the elements of the heating system.

"Pros" of antifreeze

A high-quality liquid for heating batteries must have the following characteristics:

  • Safety, which is necessary for those antifreeze solutions that are produced on the basis of propylene glycol;
  • Since the heating system uses a wide temperature range, the radiator fluid must retain its active properties under any load;
  • During its operational life, it must have the ability to maintain the heating system in working condition;
  • The quality of the antifreeze and the heating device determines the full functioning of the entire system during its entire operational life;
  • Protects against corrosion, scale and deposits;
  • Does not interact with device seals and gaskets;
  • Non-flammable and non-explosive;
  • Ensures high-quality operation of the circulation pump.
  • Antifreeze is used with special additives that prevent the coolant from foaming and forming scale on the inner shell of heating elements, and also protects against the formation of corrosion and the dissolution or swelling of the sealant;
  • Antifreeze liquid for heating radiators does not need to be drained from the system, since all functional parameters of both equipment, components, and pipelines are maintained even at low air temperatures;

"Disadvantages" of antifreeze

  • If this coolant is used in the heating system, then when the system leaks into the air, fumes harmful to human health are released;
  • Antifreeze is aggressive towards the elements of the utility network in question;
  • Since this coolant has a high viscosity compared to water (up to 20%), this puts additional hydraulic loads on the pumps, so when purchasing a pump, choose a model that has a performance reserve.

This is important! Remember that different manufacturers' antifreeze for radiators has a different composition, some of them have components such as glycerin, propylene glycol, bischofite brine, saline solution. And in order to reduce the load and increase heat transfer, the antifreeze liquid is diluted with distilled water, as in ordinary high concentration calcium salts, which are deposited on the inner walls of pipes, heat exchangers and pumps

Choosing a liquid for heating systems at home

The efficiency of its operation, maintenance cost and service life depend on what type of liquid is used as a coolant in a heating structure. In the case when water is used as a liquid for heating systems, it is necessary to bleed the trapped air from the expansion tank quite often using a special tap. This container is located at the highest point of the heating supply structure.

The need for this procedure is due to the fact that water contains oxygen, which over time causes corrosive processes. They occur inside the pipeline and radiators and can lead to complete failure of these elements of the heating system. Of all types of liquid coolants, consumers prefer to use water because it has a large heat capacity, namely, it is capable of maintaining the degree of heating for a long time. These characteristics are the reason for its widespread use for heating homes.

Which liquid to choose for heating installations

Water is the standard and most common liquid used in heating. It is an environmentally friendly and non-toxic substance, inexpensive. At the same time, with prolonged use it provokes scale and corrosion processes.

If frost suddenly sets in and the heating is not started, pipe ruptures are possible (since during the transition from liquid to solid state, the volume of water increases by approximately 9%).

Thus, despite all the disadvantages of using ordinary water, if you still live in the house permanently, then it is better to use it in the heating system.

Antifreeze is mainly used in cases where the room is rarely visited in winter and the heating does not work constantly, but is started as needed.

Antifreeze propylene glycol liquid

Non-toxic varieties of antifreeze have been known for only a couple of decades. They are made from propylene glycol and are almost completely harmless to humans. Thanks to this quality, propylene glycol liquids will be the best option for a double-circuit system in a private home. They are easy to fill with your own hands.

According to the instructions, such compositions can be used before the onset of outside temperature–35 degrees, at lower levels antifreeze can freeze.

The harmlessness of propylene glycol is proven at least by the fact that this material is included in the list of approved food additives like E1520 and is often found in confectionery products, where it is used to soften and retain moisture. At the same time, propylene glycol antifreeze may also contain quite dangerous substances - additives that can affect the heating system.

They are necessary to avoid foaming or oxidation of pipelines and radiators, but make the liquid dangerous for people. Antifreeze for heating of this type is identified thanks to the green dye specially added to it.

Disadvantages of Propylene Glycol

The disadvantage of propylene glycol-based antifreeze is its relatively high cost. Moreover, its density is less than that of ethylene glycol coolant, and its thermal conductivity is worse. Therefore, such non-freezing liquid is used very rarely in heating systems of apartments or houses.

Liquid for batteries and boilers

Various liquids are used to maintain the heating system in working order.

The design of the heating circuit can be different and made of various materials. We talked about this in our articles about wiring diagrams And types of pipes for different heating systems. The only thing that remains constant is the presence of liquid in the circuit. It’s possible without it, of course, but water heating in priority. It is reliable and effective; a more worthy alternative has not yet been invented. Today we will tell you what fluids for boilers and heating radiators are used in modern systems. We will also help you figure out which coolants are preferable in different situations.

How to fill the coolant into the system

If you have a heating installation with natural circulation, then the coolant must be placed in an expansion tank, which is best placed slightly above the highest point of the system and connected with a strong hose.

There are two main points to consider here:

  1. Deflate(check all installed valves; if you use float valves that release air automatically, then simply monitor the filling);
  2. Make sure the container is not empty, because then an air lock will form in the system and the liquid will have to be drained again.

Thus, if ordinary taps are used, then it is better to fill it together - one person makes sure that the container is filled all the time, and the second checks the taps. If you have automatic taps, you can pour liquid into the structure yourself.

If you operate a forced circulation installation, then the coolant must be supplied under pressure using a pump with a bottom water intake. Connect a strong hose to it and secure it well at the joints. Place it in a container with antifreeze and turn on the pump.

There are also nuances here:

  1. Since the pump empties the container quite quickly, then you must ensure that it is filled to avoid the formation of an air lock;
  2. Monitor the pressure in the system(so that it does not rise above 2-3 atmospheres), turn off the pump in time;

Before pumping in antifreeze, it is better to fill the installation with water a day in advance to make sure it is tight. Detecting a leak after the “anti-freeze” is in the system is undesirable, since it is toxic and can get into the living room. Yes, and draining the liquid to troubleshoot problems is problematic.

If water was previously used for heating, then you should definitely pay attention to the fact that it has greater expansion properties than antifreeze. And before using them, it is necessary to change all seals at the joints to avoid leaks

It is also worth considering that it will not be possible to drain all the water from the system, and then additional dilution of the antifreeze will occur. To avoid loss of density, you need to mix the antifreeze solution with the concentrate approximately 1:1.

Antifreeze liquids are not used if:

  • You have galvanized pipes installed. This will entail chemical reactions resulting in the formation of a lot of salt deposits, which will block the operation of the heating system;
  • They are made on an ethylene glycol basis, and you are using a double-circuit boiler. In this case, it is possible that antifreeze from the heating cycle will enter the water supply circuit, and this is dangerous to human health.
  • You have an open heating system, since the antifreeze agent may evaporate, and its vapors are toxic.

Anti-freeze for heating price and technical parameters


Distilled water

"HNT-40""Hot Blood 30 Eco""Hot Stream 30 Eco"Dixi Top"Warm House 30 Eco"


Red fluorescent

Red flask

Green flaskYellow-green bottleGreen flask
Heat capacity4.19 kJ(kg×K)3.57 kJ(kg×K)3.56 kJ(kg×K)3.55 kJ(kg×K)3.6 kJ(kg×K)3.62 kJ(kg×K)
Viscosity1 mm 2/C7.1 mm 2/C6.1 mm 2/C5.86 mm 2/C
Boiling point100°C106°C108°C106°C104°C106°C
Freezing point temperature0°C-40°C-30°C-30°C-30°C-30°C
Density1 g/cm31.075 g/cm31.05 g/cm31.045-1.05 g/cm31.05 g/cm31.04 g/cm3
pH7 8-10 8,0-9,5 8,0-9,5 8,7 7,5-9,0
Price per liter20 rub.180 rub.130 rub.80 rub.115 rub.80 rub.

What liquids are used in heating

Imagine a house without heating, you can’t, that’s the same. A warm home is one of the basic human needs, along with food and drink. Thanks to the installation of heating systems, our home remains warm and cozy, then home is good. Very few people understand heating, but everyone probably knows that the radiators contain warm water. This is where the knowledge ends, not to mention which liquid is preferable for a heating boiler or radiators.

The coolant is not the only liquid in the system. From time to time the circuit needs cleaning, which is carried out using flushing compounds.

There are two types of heating where liquid is used as a coolant:

  • water;
  • steam.

Yes, steam heating also involves liquid, because the steam must come from somewhere. There are two main categories of coolants:

  • freezing liquid;
  • non-freezing liquid.

The first category of liquid for heating batteries includes ordinary water, which turns into ice (crystallizes) when the outside temperature reaches -1 degree Celsius. The second category includes various alcohol compositions. Of course, we are talking about technical alcohol, and not in its pure form, but as a base to which various chemical elements. For convenience, they are called additives. There are many of them, since each performs a specific function.

If there is no urgent need to use anti-freeze, then the best liquid for radiators will be distilled water. Unlike the usual one, it contains a minimal amount of various metal impurities, which then turn into scale. Since heating radiators require a lot of liquid, filling them with purchased distilled water will be quite expensive. But there is a way out, you can use free rainwater. It couldn't be easier to assemble.

In any case, all houses have an ebb from the roof. Place a barrel under it, and after it rains, take water and pour it into the circuit. Of course, it must first be filtered and cleared of various mechanical contamination. It is better if it stands for a while so that the heavy particles precipitate. If you think this is inappropriate, then use ordinary water from anywhere, as long as it is clean.

Do you know what is the best heating for a wooden house?

Read about everything about heating systems in a wooden house here.

For steam heating

Only water is suitable for steam heating. This is due to the operating principle of such circuits. Initially, the liquid for steam heating is heated until it turns into a gaseous state. The gas then passes through a system of heat exchangers, cools and flows as condensate into a container for collecting it. From this container it is fed back into the heater. The use of antifreeze is impossible, since when heated it loses its properties, and the gas released is not only poisonous, but also explosive.

For stove heating

In this case, both types of coolant can be used. But let's figure it out, when is water heating built into the furnace? Of course, at the dacha, where else? It turns out that the system functions from time to time, but the coolant is always present in it. That is, when the stove is not heated, the water may freeze, so it is better to use antifreeze. In addition, non-freezing liquid for stove heating will not harm the stove itself. Considering the fact that such heating schemes are most often gravitational, there is nothing left to break there.

For gas heating

If there is gas in a country house, this is great luck. People most often live in gasified houses permanently, with the exception of rare cases. Therefore, the heating circuits are predominantly filled with water. It is possible to use a non-toxic liquid for gas heating, but as practice shows, this is not necessary, even if the boiler is volatile. There is always an installation option alternative source power supply:

  • liquid fuel generator;
  • solar panels;
  • wind power plants;
  • hydraulic turbines.

In addition, the use of non-freezing liquid for a gas heating boiler may be limited by the manufacturer.

Types of antifreeze

The market for these specific products is very large. Recently, due to the increased demand for anti-freeze products, manufacturers have greatly expanded their range.

Antifreeze liquids are made based on various chemical compounds:

  • Glycerin;
  • Ethylene glycol;
  • Propylene glycol;
  • Bishofite brine;
  • Saline solution.

The most common household anti-freeze products are made based on aqueous solutions of ethylene glycol, glycerin and propylene glycol. Since these substances are highly aggressive, special components are added to them - additives.

The purpose of which is to prevent damage, corrosion, scale and foaming.

  1. Ethylene glycol are most popular among our consumers. Their main advantage is their low price. But at the same time, it is the most toxic non-freezing liquid, the use of which is prohibited in double-circuit boilers, due to the high probability of entering the water supply system, which is dangerous to human health. It is worth considering that when the boiling point increases above 110 degrees, ethylene glycol gives a precipitate that can damage some elements of the system.
  2. Propylene glycol similar in properties to the first type, but at the same time harmless and safe. They are recommended by most manufacturers.
  3. Glycerin Absolutely non-toxic and environmentally friendly, provide maximum protection against corrosion. It does not increase in volume when it turns into a solid state, and to start the system it is enough to simply heat it.
  4. Antifreezes based on natural bischofite solution have unique physical and chemical properties. Low freezing point and high boiling point, as well as greater heat capacity and heat transfer than water, which is not typical for most of these products.
  5. Solehigh coolants are produced on the basis of solutions of mineral salts (magnesium, calcium, sodium and their compounds). A significant disadvantage of these liquids is their high corrosiveness to equipment.

Antifreezes are sold either already diluted and ready for use (experts recommend using a coolant with a freezing point of -20 to -25 degrees), or in the form of concentrates, and then the solution must be prepared independently.

Example of dilution of ethylene glycol liquids. They come in two types:

  1. With a freezing threshold no higher than -30 degrees (then, to reach a freezing temperature of -25, the mixture must be diluted with distilled water in a ratio of 9:1);
  2. With a freezing threshold no higher than -65 degrees (to get a freezing threshold of -25, antifreeze and water are mixed in proportions of 6:4).

  • “Anti-freeze” is ideal for heating houses, which are rarely visited in winter and the system is turned off most of the time;
  • Choose special equipment for the use of antifreeze;
  • It is better to purchase radiators with power 30–40% higher than usual;
  • Because of increased viscosity antifreeze pumps preferably used with enhanced hydraulics;
  • If you need to prepare a solution from the concentrate, then use only distilled water for this;
  • Do not mix different types of antifreeze; it is better to use one. But if there is no other way out, then first mix them in a container and observe whether a precipitate forms;
  • The use of automobile antifreeze in heating structures is unacceptable., since it contains components the use of which is unacceptable in residential buildings;
  • It is better not to use a concentrate with a freezing threshold of -65 degrees Celsius in its pure form., this will lead to overheating of the heat exchanger and decomposition of additives;
  • But if the system uses a solution with a freezing temperature of no more than -25 degrees, and the temperature drops below (which is unlikely), then there is no need to worry. The heating installation will not be damaged at all. The antifreeze will thicken, and when the temperature rises, it will return to its original state, without loss of properties.
  • To avoid leaks at sealing joints You can use automotive sealant.


It is no secret that one of the most important components of a private home is the heating system. After all, only with the help of it can one endure severe frosts, from which no one in our country is immune, and in general, in winter this is far from a rare occurrence. But, despite the consumer’s readiness for frost, it is necessary to provide for some surprises in advance. And, perhaps, the most dangerous of them can be a frozen heating system - it’s not for nothing that this condition is considered an emergency.

An emergency situation does not bode well for the heating system.

It is important to note that this can occur not only in a central boiler room, but also in an individual boiler. For this reason, when designing any system, it is necessary to consider the conditions for providing additional security.

According to experts, the most common problem in a private home is the failure of boilers, and, as a rule, this always happens unexpectedly. To prevent such unexpected surprises, as well as to prevent failure of the heating system and its subsequent cooling, experts advise using non-freezing liquid.

What kind of anti-freeze liquid should I pour into the heating system?

To summarize, you can determine which antifreeze liquid to pour into the heating system. If you have definitely decided that you will be pouring anti-freeze into the circuit, then it is better to opt for propylene glycol or glycerin compositions. The former are more expensive, while the latter have insignificantly lower thermal conductivity and greater weight. Considering the fact that propylene glycol antifreezes are the most modern, many consumers choose them. It is better not to deal with ethylene glycol compounds, since the likelihood of contact with a person is quite high, and servicing a circuit with a toxic substance is quite problematic.

When should antifreeze be used?

To make it safe warm home, heating fluid must be used correctly. Unfortunately, manufacturers of antifreeze liquids do not always warn consumers about the cases in which their product should not be used. To avoid problems with heating, you need to know not only about the positive aspects of the “anti-freeze”, but also about the negative ones.

Its use is not allowed in a heating system where zinc or electrochemical coating is present. Before choosing a coolant, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of heating equipment manufacturers. If the antifreeze reacts with zinc, it will change its composition, and therefore its original properties. The equipment will be damaged.

Antifreeze liquid for heating boilers, which contains ethylene glycol, is used only in single-circuit systems intended exclusively for heating the room. Ethylene glycol is extremely toxic. If the circuit is double-circuit, there is a danger of toxic substances entering the hot water supply pipes.

With an open-type heating system, you will also have to abandon the “anti-freeze” system. Ethylene glycol will be harmful to health if it evaporates.

Important! Be sure to look at the label for information about the date of manufacture of the antifreeze and find out whether the product’s expiration date has expired.

Antifreeze liquid for boiler and batteries

Antifreeze comes in different colors, this has nothing to do with its composition

Non-freezing liquid for water heating is used only in cases where ordinary coolant can freeze. This applies to heating non-living houses, as well as technical premises such as garages or repair bays. In general, wherever the system is heated irregularly.

In principle, all modern heaters are not very friendly with anti-freeze devices. The fact is that the non-freezing liquid for the boiler has different characteristics from water, and the heater is designed and tested taking into account the fact that ordinary water will act as the coolant.

We have already described the characteristics of anti-freeze in a previous article about antifreeze for heating system. Main points:

  • high turnover;
  • high viscosity and density;
  • dry the rubber.

The difficulty of using anti-freeze devices in modern circuits is that not all boilers are compatible with them. Some manufacturers categorically prohibit this, and for violating the prohibition the unit will be removed from the warranty.

And while such a heating fluid is quite applicable for boilers running on gas or solid fuel, the composition is not recommended for use with electric heaters. What's the matter? In an electric boiler, the coolant is heated by a heating element. The temperature of the heating element reaches 500 degrees. The liquid comes into direct contact with the heating element, which leads to its boiling. Not all of it, of course, but only that small part that comes into contact with the hot metal. But even this is enough to:

  • the structure of the additives was destroyed;
  • gas was released;
  • foam formed.

As a result of the destruction of the additive structure, a small part of the coolant, which is constantly increasing, becomes very aggressive. The gas is explosive and creates so-called air locks. This leads to increased pressure in the heating circuit, water hammer and the risk of explosion. In general, there is little good. In addition, foam also contains air, the thermal conductivity of which is minimal compared even to non-freezing liquid, not to mention water. It turns out that the coolant does not cool the boiler sufficiently, the unit simply overheats and stops.

In cases where the use of non-freezing liquid for water heating is allowed, due attention must be paid to the choice of composition. This should be a product specially designed for heating, although some people practice using machine antifreeze, but it’s better not to do that

Low-quality additives and toxic ethylene are used to make it, and it is intended for something else. There is a high risk that such a coolant will turn your working, sealed circuit into an emergency one. There is also a high risk of vapor poisoning or burns from contact with antifreeze.

Antifreeze liquid for heating radiators is not particularly dangerous, unless the service life of the antifreeze has expired and the chemical composition remains harmless. The only thing that can happen is a leak at the junction of the sections, which also causes a lot of trouble. There will be no harm to the metal from which the radiators are made, regardless of whether it is aluminum or steel.

It is easy to equip stove heating for a village house.

Read more about universal stoves for home heating at

In what cases should antifreeze not be used?

Why is the question posed this way? Everything is very simple - with specific positive qualities antifreeze of any brand can be easily found. Such information is actively distributed by manufacturers. For our part, we want to present those features of this technical fluid that they are trying to keep silent about:

  1. Antifreeze cannot be used in double-circuit boilers - it is possible to mix coolant from the heating circuit into the water supply circuit. As is known, non-freezing liquid is poisonous due to its physical and chemical properties.
  2. It also cannot be used in open systems - evaporation of the coolant is possible.
  3. It is unacceptable to use antifreeze in a system with a galvanized pipeline - it is fraught with chemical changes and loss of its original properties.
  4. The heat capacity of non-freezing liquid is lower than that of water, which means that radiator batteries of higher power will be required.
  5. The viscosity of antifreeze is also higher - more powerful circulation pumps are needed.

The container for antifreeze must be of sufficient volume and correctly calculated according to the project


Of course, it is up to the consumer to decide whether to fill the radiators with water or antifreeze, since there is no clear answer to the question posed. The choice depends on the parameters of both the heating system and its elements, and on the properties and qualities of the selected antifreeze, so when purchasing a particular product, it is better to consult a specialist.

  • Bimetallic heating radiators: a new word in the world of heat
  • Features of installing a warm water floor for concrete and floor systems
  • Features of the water heated floor screed device
  • How to install a water heated floor with your own hands without special skills

So, as already indicated, if you plan to use antifreeze as a coolant, this should be taken into account at the design and installation stage, but it should also be taken into account that these compounds are used exclusively in closed systems.

In addition, it must be taken into account that:

  • Forced circulation will also be mandatory, since it will not be possible to ensure the required speed of coolant transportation due to its higher viscosity and density;
  • it will be necessary to introduce a complete ban on the use of pipes and connecting elements made of zinc;
  • special attention you will have to pay attention to all connections - it is not allowed to use tow and oil-based paint for this, since the aggressive environment of the composition will simply destroy them;

If the heating system is planned to be operated with a non-freezing coolant, then there are some requirements for the boiler equipment - it must have a control system with which it will be possible to maintain the temperature level, since for some types of coolants of this group the threshold of 65- 75 °C is unacceptable. Attention should also be paid to, especially if the system is being converted from water to antifreeze: the power of the old one is simply not enough, even with the same circulating volume. It will also be required with a larger volume, approximately 1.5-2 times. The diameter of the pipes will also have to be increased, as well as radiators with an increased volume installed.

If the autonomous heating system is equipped with an electrode electric boiler, then the use of antifreeze must comply with the recommendations of the equipment manufacturer. This is due to the fact that heating of the coolant occurs due to the passage of alternating current through it, therefore the qualitative composition of the antifreeze is very important - it must have the required density and provide the necessary electrical resistance.

Antifreeze mixtures, as a rule, are sold ready to be poured into the system, but if for some reason, for example, antifreeze is designed for a maximum temperature of -40 ° C, and the maximum in winter rarely exceeds -20 ° C - in this case it can be diluted, but only with distilled water. But all the same, if there is a question about using antifreeze in the heating system, then even in mild winters you should still focus on -30 °C.

Types of antifreeze compounds for heating systems

In modern heating systems, three main types of antifreeze are used, differing in chemical composition - these are coolants based on:

  1. ethylene glycol;
  2. propylene glycol;
  3. glycerin.

But, despite the differences in chemical compositions, they all have in common the feature of crystallizing at very low temperatures - from -40 to -75 °C. In addition, their important operational advantage is that even having crossed the limit line, they do not turn into a solid state, but turn into a gel-like substance that is not capable of causing deformation processes in the elements of the system, since its volume does not undergo any changes. From common features also worth noting:

  • increased viscosity and density;
  • lower heat capacity;
  • high penetrating ability, due to which the destruction of seams and joints occurs;
  • toxicity, although each species differs significantly in this parameter.

Ethylene glycol antifreeze

This type of antifreeze is quite popular, but mainly due to the lowest price among antifreezes; they are easily recognizable by their characteristic red color, which warns of the toxicity of this drug. For heating systems, you can purchase both ready-to-fill compositions and concentrates, which should be prepared using distilled water. The maximum temperature at which crystallization of the concentrate occurs is -65 °C, and of the finished solution - -30 °C. The service life of such antifreeze is on average 5 years, after which it requires replacement.

During its operation, it is important to control the heating temperature of the coolant, since at high temperatures, close to the boiling point, the process of disintegration begins, followed by precipitation, which becomes the main problem - it can clog the entire line. The liquid component of such decomposition is highly chemically aggressive and leads to the onset of metal corrosion. The situation is somewhat saved by the fact that these antifreeze compounds are used with special additives that can counteract the foaming of antifreeze in the system, which results in gas locks. But if the decomposition process as a result of exposure to high temperatures has been started, they completely lose their functions.

Ethylene glycol antifreeze can only be used if the boiler equipment has a function for precise temperature settings and the most reliable sealing of all connections and joints, since leakage of antifreeze is dangerous due to its high toxicity.

Propylene glycol compounds

By main technical specifications and parameters - they are the main competitor to ethylene glycol compounds, but unlike them they are not toxic, which is usually evidenced by a special label on the “Eco” packaging. This antifreeze is an ideal option for boilers with two circuits, since accidental release of the composition into water or mixing of them does not pose a particular threat to human health, although this should be avoided.

Among the original characteristics it should be noted that:

  • higher density of the substance and heat capacity of the composition;
  • the presence of a lubricating effect inherent in this type of antifreeze, due to which the hydraulic pressure decreases, and therefore, due to the absence of additional resistance, the overall efficiency of the system working with this composition increases.

The advantage of using propylene glycol antifreeze is that they are more durable - on average, the operation of the system with them lasts about 10 years. The main disadvantage is the high price; compared to ethylene glycol formulations, the difference is approximately 2-3 times, depending on the brand of the manufacturer.

Glycerin-based antifreezes

If the heating in the house is provided by a glycerin-based liquid, then you don’t have to worry about its toxicity, nor about the integrity of the system.

These compositions are maximally loyal to its elements, including those with zinc coating, and do not corrode joints and seams. The temperature range is also impressive: from -30 to 100 °C, but the price is lower than that of propylene glycol antifreeze. But this type of antifreeze also has some disadvantages, as well as application features:

  • density, the highest among all types of antifreeze, which does not have the most positive effect on the pipe system and pumping equipment, which are forced to withstand additional loads; the high viscosity of the composition has a similar effect on the service life of boilers;
  • sufficiently low heat capacity requires the installation of larger radiators in the premises;
  • lack of stability of the substance at high heating of the coolant, which is manifested by abundant foaming or even decomposition, as a result of which decomposition products exhibit the qualities of carcinogens;
  • if overheating occurs, the coolant does not have the ability to recover and must be replaced.

Glycerin-based antifreezes were the first on the antifreeze market and at the moment are not of particular interest to manufacturers, both of the compounds themselves and of heating equipment. There is no clear standardization of this substance, so there are frequent cases of counterfeiting it, as well as replacing it with more expensive propylene glycol-based solutions. Therefore, if the choice falls on this type, its purchase should be made only from trusted sellers.

Where to buy antifreeze for the heating system of a private home

Our company "Alfatep" offers a wide and complete range of equipment and components for heating systems. In our online store you can also purchase antifreeze, the use of which guarantees the safety of the heating system in the house and will protect it from freezing. But since this choice has many nuances, our specialists, taking into account all operational and technical features, will offer the most correct and optimal choice.

When placing an order on the website of our online store “Alfatep”, we definitely recommend using the services of a transport service to deliver the goods to the site. If necessary, to fill the system and start it, you can use the services of an experienced technician who will perform all the necessary operations efficiently and completely safely for your home.

Antifreeze liquid (antifreeze) is a special substance with a low freezing point. It is used in heating systems to avoid ruptures of pipes and equipment that are possible when using ordinary water.

Antifreeze provides the following benefits:

  • It is left in the system for on an ongoing basis– properties and characteristics will be preserved;
  • Does not freeze at subzero temperatures;
  • Prevents scale formation on pipes and heating equipment, is able to remove it;
  • Does not affect changes in gaskets and seals (do not swell, do not dry out, do not dissolve).

But it also has the following disadvantages:

  • Lower heat transfer properties compared to water;
  • May release toxic substances into the air when the system leaks;
  • It has viscosity - it is necessary to take into account enhanced hydraulic characteristics when selecting heating equipment;
  • It is much more aggressive towards metals than ordinary water.

Types of antifreeze

The market for these specific products is very large. Recently, due to the increased demand for anti-freeze products, manufacturers have greatly expanded their range.

Antifreeze liquids are made based on various chemical compounds:

  • Glycerin;
  • Ethylene glycol;
  • Propylene glycol;
  • Bishofite brine;
  • Saline solution.

The most common household anti-freeze products are made based on aqueous solutions of ethylene glycol, glycerin and propylene glycol. Since these substances are highly aggressive, special components are added to them - additives.

The purpose of which is to prevent damage, corrosion, scale and foaming.

  1. Ethylene glycol are most popular among our consumers. Their main advantage is their low price. But at the same time, it is the most toxic non-freezing liquid, the use of which is prohibited in double-circuit boilers, due to the high probability of entering the water supply system, which is dangerous to human health. It is worth considering that when the boiling point increases above 110 degrees, ethylene glycol gives a precipitate that can damage some elements of the system.
  2. Propylene glycol similar in properties to the first type, but at the same time harmless and safe. They are recommended by most manufacturers.
  3. Glycerin Absolutely non-toxic and environmentally friendly, provide maximum protection against corrosion. It does not increase in volume when it turns into a solid state, and to start the system it is enough to simply heat it.
  4. Antifreezes based on natural bischofite solution have unique physical and chemical properties. Low freezing point and high boiling point, as well as greater heat capacity and heat transfer than water, which is not typical for most of these products.
  5. Solehigh coolants are produced on the basis of solutions of mineral salts (magnesium, calcium, sodium and their compounds). A significant disadvantage of these liquids is their high corrosiveness to equipment.

Antifreezes are sold either already diluted and ready for use (experts recommend using a coolant with a freezing point of -20 to -25 degrees), or in the form of concentrates, and then the solution must be prepared independently.

Example of dilution of ethylene glycol liquids. They come in two types:

  1. With a freezing threshold no higher than -30 degrees (then, to reach a freezing temperature of -25, the mixture must be diluted with distilled water in a ratio of 9:1);
  2. With a freezing threshold no higher than -65 degrees (to get a freezing threshold of -25, antifreeze and water are mixed in proportions of 6:4).

Which liquid to choose for heating installations

Water is the standard and most common liquid used in heating. It is an environmentally friendly and non-toxic substance, inexpensive. At the same time, with prolonged use it provokes scale and corrosion processes.

If frost suddenly sets in and the heating is not started, pipe ruptures are possible (since during the transition from liquid to solid state, the volume of water increases by approximately 9%).

Thus, despite all the disadvantages of using ordinary water, if you still live in the house permanently, then it is better to use it in the heating system.

Antifreeze is mainly used in cases where the room is rarely visited in winter and the heating does not work constantly, but is started as needed.

How to choose an antifreeze liquid

Ideally, immediately select heating elements taking into account the fact that you will use antifreeze and not ordinary water. In this case, you can avoid the nuances associated with equipment damage.

If the heating installation is already in operation, and you decide to replace the water with a modern “anti-freeze”, then when choosing it you must:

  1. Select the type of antifreeze taking into account the installed heating structures(metal from which the elements of the heating system are made, type of heating boiler - if double-circuit, then the use of ethylene glycol antifreeze is prohibited, power of pumps and radiators);
  2. Choose the optimal manufacturer for you in terms of price, quality and reliability;
  3. Familiarize yourself with the properties of additives included in the liquid to provide for the possible impact on the material of the structure;
  4. Carefully read the instructions for use and recommendations for diluting antifreeze;
  5. Clarify the service life and features of the product(usually antifreeze can be used for no more than 5 years).

Taking into account all the above points, you will accurately select the optimal product for you.

Determining the required amount of antifreeze

Calculation of the volume of non-freezing liquid that is supposed to be poured into the heating system is based on the following:

  • What heating design is used;
  • What material is it made of?
  • Its internal volume;
  • The area of ​​the heated room.

Some equipment parameters can be determined visually; more detailed nuances can be found in the operating instructions. If exact numbers are not found in the technical documentation (for example, the use of antifreeze is not recommended by the manufacturer), then more complex calculations and, possibly, a professional approach will be required.

In this case, for calculation you can:

  • Use specialized literature;
  • Calculate the volume depending on the number of batteries and sections in them. When taking into account the volume of liquid filling one section;
  • Follow the most rational path - contact specialists who will carry out all the necessary calculations in the shortest possible time and with a professional approach.

Pouring liquid into the heating system

How to fill the coolant into the system

If you have a heating installation with natural circulation, then the coolant must be placed in an expansion tank, which is best placed slightly above the highest point of the system and connected with a strong hose.

There are two main points to consider here:

  1. Deflate(check all installed valves; if you use float valves that release air automatically, then simply monitor the filling);
  2. Make sure the container is not empty, because then an air lock will form in the system and the liquid will have to be drained again.

Thus, if ordinary taps are used, then it is better to fill it together - one person makes sure that the container is filled all the time, and the second checks the taps. If you have automatic taps, you can pour liquid into the structure yourself.

If you operate a forced circulation installation, then the coolant must be supplied under pressure using a pump with a bottom water intake. Connect a strong hose to it and secure it well at the joints. Place it in a container with antifreeze and turn on the pump.

There are also nuances here:

  1. Since the pump empties the container quite quickly, then you must ensure that it is filled to avoid the formation of an air lock;
  2. Monitor the pressure in the system(so that it does not rise above 2-3 atmospheres), turn off the pump in time;

Before pumping in antifreeze, it is better to fill the installation with water a day in advance to make sure it is tight. Detecting a leak after the “anti-freeze” is in the system is undesirable, since it is toxic and can get into the living room. Yes, and draining the liquid to troubleshoot problems is problematic.

If water was previously used for heating, then you should definitely pay attention to the fact that it has greater expansion properties than antifreeze. And before using them, it is necessary to change all seals at the joints to avoid leaks.

It is also worth considering that it will not be possible to drain all the water from the system, and then additional dilution of the antifreeze will occur. To avoid loss of density, you need to mix the antifreeze solution with the concentrate approximately 1:1.

Antifreeze liquids are not used if:

  • You have galvanized pipes installed. This will entail chemical reactions resulting in the formation of a lot of salt deposits, which will block the operation of the heating system;
  • They are made on an ethylene glycol basis, and you are using a double-circuit boiler. In this case, it is possible that antifreeze from the heating cycle will enter the water supply circuit, and this is dangerous to human health.
  • You have an open heating system, since the antifreeze agent may evaporate, and its vapors are toxic.

  • “Anti-freeze” is ideal for heating houses, which are rarely visited in winter and the system is turned off most of the time;
  • Choose special equipment for the use of antifreeze;
  • It is better to purchase radiators with power 30–40% higher than usual;
  • Due to the increased viscosity of antifreeze agents, pumps preferably used with enhanced hydraulics;
  • If you need to prepare a solution from the concentrate, then use only distilled water for this;
  • Do not mix different types of antifreeze; it is better to use one. But if there is no other way out, then first mix them in a container and observe whether a precipitate forms;
  • The use of automobile antifreeze in heating structures is unacceptable., since it contains components the use of which is unacceptable in residential buildings;
  • It is better not to use a concentrate with a freezing threshold of -65 degrees Celsius in its pure form., this will lead to overheating of the heat exchanger and decomposition of additives;
  • But if the system uses a solution with a freezing temperature of no more than -25 degrees, and the temperature drops below (which is unlikely), then there is no need to worry. The heating installation will not be damaged at all. The antifreeze will thicken, and when the temperature rises, it will return to its original state, without loss of properties.
  • To avoid leaks at sealing joints You can use automotive sealant.