Initial briefing upon hiring. Main types of briefing upon hiring. Regulatory documents on occupational safety

The most serious attention in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is paid to safety requirements. These rules of law have been developed in various government regulations and other regulations. The degree of importance of industrial and labor safety issues is also expressed in the establishment of criminal liability for its violation. In some cases, the activities of an organization or enterprise may be suspended until the identified violations are eliminated. And the basic condition for preventing such violations of the law is an introductory briefing on labor safety when hiring.

What kind of training is provided upon hiring?

There are several types of these activities. In this case, the introductory event when applying for a position may be as follows:

  • immediate introductory briefing before hiring. Conducted before signing the labor agreement;
  • primary. The specified event is carried out in relation to the company employee hired for the position.

It is aimed at familiarizing the employee with the working conditions in his place. He will learn the safety features, get acquainted with protective equipment, and so on. If necessary, repeated work is allowed, and in cases of unplanned work, additional instruction must be performed. Without it, it is not allowed to begin performing your duties. It should be noted that these measures are carried out in all cases of complex and dangerous work. In this case, the fact of the event is recorded in a special journal.

What fire safety training should employees of the organization undergo at the time of hiring?

Compliance with requirements against fire safety are the basis for safe work. All production processes and premises must take into account just such safety. Without compliance with protective standards, the enterprise cannot carry out its activities.

Therefore, fire safety rules are explained to the employee when hiring, first of all. This occurs immediately after the signing of a labor agreement between the employee and the employer. This introductory event includes the following sections:

  • informing the employee of the general fire safety rules that apply to all enterprises;
  • fire and smoke protection system. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the location of emergency exits, the presence of alarms and fire extinguishing equipment;
  • algorithm of actions in case of smoke or fire. An employee must know what and how to do if an emergency situation arises.

At the same time, the employee can be shown video materials, photographs, drawings, diagrams, and so on. Such nuances are at the discretion of the individual employer.

Introductory briefing upon hiring -

Who conducts the induction training? As a rule, carrying out these activities is the responsibility of a labor protection engineer. If given official is not available in the organization, then the introductory event can be carried out by the deputy manager or the employee’s immediate supervisor.

Essentially, it doesn't matter. The manager has the right to independently determine the responsible person. At the same time, an important element of induction training when hiring is maintaining special records. This is done in the form of a journal or notebook. An electronic form of accounting is also possible. But she shouldn't be the only one. The paper version of accounting is still more important and it is impossible to do without it.

In the specified safety training log, notes are made about the time of the event, its purpose and audience. The main element of this accounting is the presence of signatures of the person being instructed and the instructor himself. The document contains several sections. They relate to provisions on fire protection, first aid medical care.

What kind of electrical safety training do employees undergo upon hiring?

In some enterprises and organizations, electrical safety is of fundamental importance. It is necessary to protect employees from harm electric shock, and also eliminate sudden voltage changes. Such situations can lead to serious consequences and even lead to the death of a person or large losses. Therefore, at all enterprises where work is carried out with equipment that is under high voltage or at energy facilities, electrical safety measures are required. They are designed to prevent emergency situations, inform personnel about the procedure for dealing with them and the ability to provide first aid in case of electric shock.

Checklist for labor safety briefing when hiring

The checklist is a basic accounting document. It is compiled in all cases. This document reflects the following information:

  • the type of event that was held;
  • who carried it out and in relation to whom;
  • A signature box is required.

Legislation on labor protection (hereinafter referred to as “OT”) is part of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. State regulatory requirements labor protection are mandatory for legal and individuals when they carry out any type of activity (Article 211 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Regulatory documents by OT

All employees, including heads of organizations, as well as employers - individual entrepreneurs, are required to undergo occupational safety training and testing of knowledge of occupational safety requirements in the manner established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation (Article 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In carrying out this article, the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and social development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2003 N 1/29 approved The procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements. Given normative act is mandatory for compliance by all employers, regardless of their organizational, legal forms and forms of ownership.

The procedure for conducting occupational safety training is also established by the USSR State Standard GOST 12.0.004-90, which is still in force today, “System of occupational safety standards. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions"(approved by Decree of the USSR State Standard of 05.11.1990. N 2797).

The employer is obliged to provide instructions on labor protection to all those applying for work, teach safe methods and techniques for performing work and providing first aid to victims (Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

What is OT training? This:

  • familiarizing workers with existing hazardous or harmful production factors,
  • study of labor protection requirements contained in local acts organization, instructions, technical and operational documentation,
  • training in safe methods and techniques for performing work.

The labor safety briefing ends with an oral test of the employee’s acquired knowledge and skills in safe work practices.

Step 1. Conduct introductory training on labor protection

Induction training is carried out for all applicants without exception. It is carried out by a labor protection specialist. If there is no such specialist (he is not required if the number of employees is less than 50 people), then the instruction is carried out by the employee who is assigned these duties by order, or by the individual entrepreneur himself. Instruction is carried out according to a special program approved by the employer, taking into account the specifics of the company’s activities. Sample list The main issues of induction training are given in GOST 12.0.004-90.

When drawing up instructions for conducting induction training, cover the issues briefly. Do not rewrite articles of the Labor Code. Provide information only about your organization. The duration of the introductory briefing is no more than 30-40 minutes, unless, of course, you have special harmful characteristics and processes that need to be discussed in detail. Place special emphasis on the last two points. An employee should at least theoretically know what to do in an emergency.
The instructions are drawn up in the form of a written document and approved by the manager (the individual entrepreneur himself).

The instruction sheets must be numbered, stitched, and a certification must be made. (The document contains __ sheets numbered and laced). Sheets of familiarization with safety instructions are not needed, because the fact of the briefing is recorded in special journals.

Step 2. We enter information about the induction briefing into the Introductory Briefing Registration Log.

An entry about the induction training is made in the Induction Briefing Logbook. , in which both the future employee and the instructing person must sign, with a transcript of the signatures and indicating the date of the instruction.

By the way, all logs for registering occupational safety briefings, made in printing, are sold in letterhead stores. Just remember to number such a magazine, lace it and certify it with the signature and seal of the organization.

Step 3. Conduct initial training at the workplace

Initial training at the workplace is carried out before the start independent work with newly hired employees. In accordance with Resolutions of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2003 No. 1 and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2003 No. 29, instruction has the right to be carried out by a person who has completed training in labor protection at a licensed training center.

This training is not available to all employees.

Persons who are not associated with maintenance, testing, adjustment and repair of equipment, use of tools, storage and use of raw materials and materials, primary There is no on-the-job training. The list of professions and positions of employees exempt from initial training at the workplace is approved by the employer.

If work in your company requires additional (increased) labor protection (safety) requirements, employees must undergo special training occupational safety. This training must be completed within one month of hiring. The list of jobs and professions, as well as the training program, is approved by the employer. After training, an examination committee created in the organization tests the employee’s theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The results of the inspection are documented in a protocol. An employee who successfully passes the knowledge test is issued a certificate for the right to work independently.

So, if your employees do not work with production equipment, do not use tools, raw materials and supplies to make products, then you do not need to take 3-4 steps.

But you still need to issue an order to exempt employees from initial training at the workplace, attaching a list of positions. However, employees who are exempt from initial training at the workplace also need additional safety instructions, namely instructions:

  • when working with a PC;
  • when using a photocopier (other equipment that you have);
  • first aid;
  • on fire safety;
  • to the 1st group on electrical safety (with an entry in the Log Book of group I on electrical safety).

Attention! Workers in blue-collar professions who daily encounter harmful and dangerous factors at their workplace are not exempt from on-the-job training: lifting heavy objects, working with ladders and using detergents, driving potentially dangerous vehicles, etc.
That is, a cleaner, driver, courier, loader cannot be exempted from undergoing training at the workplace. In addition, once every six months, such employees are re-instructed according to the initial training program at the workplace in full.

Step 4. We enter information about the initial training at the workplace into the registration form

The worker who conducted the briefing makes an entry in the Instruction Logbook at the workplace with the obligatory signature of the person being instructed and the person instructing, with a transcript of the signatures and indicating the date of the briefing, regarding the conduct of the initial briefing of employees who are not exempt from it.

At the same time, both the manager (IP) and the person responsible for fire safety must themselves undergo special training in fire safety in a specialized educational institution.
The introductory fire safety briefing ends with practical training of actions in the event of a fire and testing of knowledge of fire extinguishing equipment and fire protection systems.
During the repeated fire safety briefing, knowledge of standards, rules, norms and instructions on fire safety, the ability to use primary fire extinguishing means, knowledge of evacuation routes, fire warning systems and management of the evacuation process are tested.
Repeated fire safety training can be combined with training of workers to provide first aid to victims, which is carried out at least once a year.

Step 6. We enter information about the fire safety training in the Logbook

An entry about the briefing is made in the Fire Safety Briefing Logbook, in which both the future employee and the instructing person must sign, with signatures deciphered and indicating the date of the briefing.

If you don’t deal with labor safety documents, what will happen?

According to Part 1 of Art. 5. 27 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation Violation of labor and labor protection legislation entails the imposition of an administrative fine

  • for officials in the amount of 1,000 to 5,000 rubles;
  • for individual entrepreneurs - from 1000 to 5000 rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days;
  • on legal entities- from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days.

At any enterprise, upon hiring, instructions on labor protection are provided.

Every employer is obliged familiarize the new person with the features and subtleties of future cooperation, as well as provide him with adequate security.

Briefing is a kind of training for an employee, familiarization with upcoming responsibilities.
!—more About what types of labor safety briefings there are, which are carried out when hiring, read further—>
It involves subsequent checking of the learned material, as well as a mark in a specially designated journal.


Labor safety instructions - what is it?

Every organization has its own occupational safety instructions for conducting training.

The composition of the document depends on the activities of the enterprise and service sectors.

There is no single template for conducting such events.

When applying for any job, or transferring from one to another, the boss is obliged fully provide the employee with the necessary knowledge for safe work.

The legislation of the Russian Federation pays attention to this aspect special attention ().

If an employee applying for a position does not pass the background check, the employer does not have the right to sign the employment document.

Instructions on occupational health and safety are carried out by the manager himself, or any other specialist with the appropriate authority. More often this is an HSE engineer.

The goal of any training is to provide as much depth as possible get acquainted with the specifics of the institution, the requirements of the employer, their responsibilities and actions in various situations.


There are several main types of instructions:

  • introductory (conducted immediately before signing the employment document);
  • primary;
  • repeated or periodic;
  • unscheduled or additional;
  • Targeted (focus on specific activities of the organization);
  • Fireproof.

Each type of briefing depends on the circumstances, time or location.

Let's take a closer look.


What kind of training is provided upon hiring?

There is no specific form for carrying out this instruction; it is determined individually at each enterprise.

Introductory briefing done upon hiring for a vacant position, it does not matter, or for on an ongoing basis, are on a business trip, or undergoing training (for practice purposes).

Briefing carried out by a labor protection engineer/master and safety regulations, or another specialist with such responsibilities and authority.

The form of the event can be completely different. Videos, presentation, text, simple interview or lecture.

IMPORTANT! Induction training includes everything characteristic features enterprises, and after the course the instructor is obliged to check the acquired knowledge!

If the mini-exam is successfully passed, an appropriate mark is given in a special journal. If the future employee fails to cope with it, they can't hire him.

For whom is induction training provided?

  • for students;
  • for employees on business trips;
  • for people getting a job or transferring to another position;
  • for all employees of the enterprise.

Main topics covered during induction:

  1. General information about the organization, specifics and scope of activity.
  2. Labor code of legislation of the Russian Federation. Under consideration labor agreement, required working hours, routine within the enterprise, what compensation is provided, protection of women’s labor and the work of adolescents.
  3. General rules of conduct.
  4. Sanitary requirements, personal hygiene among production workers.
  5. Consideration of dangerous situations and ways to eliminate them.
  6. Informing the employee about cases of injury in the history of the enterprise.
  7. Providing first aid in emergency situations.
  8. Fire safety on site.


The manager himself is responsible for preparing instructions and conducting such events.

Occupational safety and health training takes place both individually and collectively.

Upon completion of the briefing, testing acquired skills and the corresponding mark in the journal.

An employee can begin work after an internship and initial training.

Topics covered during the initial briefing:

  1. Key questions related to a specific industry.
  2. Equipment/machinery with which the work will be performed.
  3. Possible hazardous substances and means at the site, working with them.
  4. Rules of conduct for safe work.
  5. Possible emergency situations and the reasons for their occurrence.
  6. What to do in unforeseen circumstances and in times of danger.

ATTENTION! If an employee for some reason fails to complete the test, he opportunity for re-training is provided. Until the briefing report is submitted, he is removed from his direct duties.


This is done already in the process of work, by the same specialist. Re-briefing obligatory for everyone, regardless of position and position held. It can be carried out for one person or for a whole group of people.

The repeated training course is carried out according to the initial instruction scheme. The only thing the difference is the time and timing of the. The interval should not exceed six months. If the specifics of the work are associated with increased danger, the course is designed once a quarter.

The exception is for employees who do not work with any equipment or machinery.

The employer has the right to exempt them from this instruction.

During the briefing, it is possible to cover issues related to labor discipline in working hours, technical issues.

Recorded violations are being reviewed safety regulations. Repeated instruction is designed to improve previously acquired knowledge and skills.

The test results are displayed in the occupational safety register.


The supervisor supervises the training. The instructions in this case will depend on the reasons, which forced the boss to engage in unscheduled training. The instruction ends with a test, usually oral. Each employee must be signed in the accounting journal.

Reasons for conducting unscheduled briefings:

  1. Innovations in the process of work. This could be amended documentation, or the replacement of outdated equipment with more advanced ones.
  2. Accident, natural disaster at the enterprise, or a dangerous violation of occupational safety and health regulations.
  3. Long absence from work. The interval is 30 days for employees at risk, and 60 days for other industries.
  4. Requirements of inspectors from state supervision and regulatory authorities.
  5. Introducing new points into the instructions.


To conduct such instruction, a special outfit is issued - permission in the form of an order.

Must be done every day before the work day begins.

Reasons for holding:

  1. One-time work that is not included in the list of the employee’s main duties.
  2. Elimination of the consequences of emergency or natural situations at the facility.
  3. Special instructions from management.
  4. Conducting events with practicing students.
  5. Execution of work that requires a work order - admission or other special document - permission.


Any employee of the enterprise will be allowed to perform their duties only after complete passing and studying fire safety training (from PPB in the Russian Federation, order No. 645).

During the training process, the employee must learn basic provisions of fire safety at work, get acquainted with the most dangerous places on site, as well as know and be able to use protective equipment in emergency situations.

What fire safety training is provided upon hiring?

Fire safety training has different types:

  1. Introductory. Takes place before hiring an official.
  2. Primary. Detailed instructions at the workplace.
  3. Repeated. Produced at all enterprises once a year. In organizations that have fire-hazardous equipment, managers are required to conduct training once every six months.
  4. Unscheduled. It is carried out in case of any changes in the structure of the rules, in documentation, in the work process or in case of gross violations of fire safety.
  5. Target. Performed simultaneously during mass training, training students, when eliminating the consequences of an accident or disaster, during work related to fire.

IMPORTANT! Anyone applying for a new position or job must undergo each type of instruction.

All inspection data is stored in the organization for 10 years in a special accounting journal. There is no specific form for maintaining this document, so each employer has the opportunity to draw it up at their own request.

Upon admission to new job It is necessary to be especially attentive to any of the instructions. The signing of documents for the desired position, the process of work at the enterprise, the integrity of the institution itself, as well as the mood and life of future colleagues directly depend on this.

Article 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the obligation to undergo training in the form of instructions regarding labor protection when citizens enter work. What kind of briefing is carried out upon hiring, as well as the procedure for its implementation, is regulated by resolutions of the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 1/29 of January 13, 2003.

What kind of training is given when hiring: goals

There are two types of briefings conducted during employment: introductory and primary. Each company individually develops training programs depending on the following indicators:

  • features of activity and work;
  • degree of danger;
  • responsibilities of the person being received. Only after instructions have been given, a person may be allowed to enter the place of work.

The purpose of their implementation is to familiarize employees with the conditions:

  • labor protection in the company;
  • ensuring security;
  • procedure for action in case of danger.

Upon completion of training and certification, the result is recorded in special occupational safety journals.

Concept and description of initial training when hiring

These forms of training are carried out by immediate supervisors. The initial briefing consists of explaining to the employee the features of a particular workplace, the work process and the occurrence of possible hazards. It explains how to prepare workplace, safety standards and regulations. The manager talks about possible dangerous situations, who the employee has the right to turn to for help, and how to independently provide assistance to the victims.

The initial training program is developed, on the basis of legislative norms, by the manager and agreed with the occupational safety specialist and approved by a special order. The specifics of the organization’s activities, labor protection instructions, technical and operational documentation are taken into account. The list of questions for initial briefing is contained in Appendix No. 5 to GOST 12.0.004-90.

Who is given the initial briefing when applying for a job?

Training is carried out before the start of direct work with employees:

  • newcomers, including homeworkers and workers on fixed-term contracts;
  • workers transferred from other branches;
  • business travelers involved in production activities.

Employees not related to the operation and maintenance of equipment, as well as hazardous situations at work, are exempt from the obligation to undergo initial training. Such a list of persons is fixed in a local document indicating professions and positions at each enterprise.

Types of briefings upon hiring

Employees who are hired may not know the rules of behavior in various unforeseen situations (in case of fire, workshop flood, etc.). In addition, they may not be aware of safe workplace practices. In this regard, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in various norms (in particular, Article 212) focuses the attention of employers on the need to conduct various types of briefings in relation to employees hired.

What kind of briefings are provided upon hiring:

  1. Initial briefing on labor protection.
  2. Initial training at the workplace.
  3. Targeted instruction on labor protection.
  4. Introductory briefing on civil defense.
  5. Introductory, primary and targeted briefings on fire safety.

Introductory training on labor protection for newly hired employees

This induction training when hiring new employees must be carried out in mandatory. In addition, it must be carried out in relation to persons sent to the organization for industrial practice, seconded employees. The training procedure (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) was approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labor dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29.

The purpose of the introductory briefing is to familiarize the employee with the list of risks that await him during work at a specific workplace, labor safety responsibilities and liability for their violation. In addition, the new employee becomes familiar with the labor protection requirements set out in the organization’s local regulations, instructions and technical documentation for hazardous production equipment with which he will work.

By virtue of clause 1 of clause 2.1.2 of the Procedure, an employee does not have the right to work if he was not allowed to work based on the results of training.

Initial briefing on labor protection

Despite the name, this type of instruction is carried out after the introductory one. Introductory training must be carried out immediately after the employee’s employment, primary training - before his admission to work (clause 2.1.4 of the Procedure).

The purpose of such instruction is to familiarize yourself with the work process in a particular organization, the nature of the work function, the requirements for the safety of working with equipment, its maintenance and specific instructions relating to the workplace and labor protection. The list of employees who are required to undergo initial training is similar to the above (hired employees, trainees, business travelers, etc.). In addition, this type of instruction is carried out with part-time workers, homeworkers and any temporary employees, including those employed in seasonal work (clause 2.1.4 of the Procedure).

The legislator has provided for the possibility of exempting some employees from initial training. For example, if an employee works at a computer and interacts only with equipment such as a printer and fax, he may not undergo initial training (this is confirmed, among other things, by the letter of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated March 24, 2015 No. 15-2 / OOG-1551). It is in this case that it is recommended to issue an order establishing a list of employees who may not undergo the type of instruction in question.

Don't know your rights?

Targeted training on labor protection

Targeted training should be carried out not only with new employees and not always. The list of grounds for its implementation is established in clause 2.1.7 of the Procedure. In particular, it is carried out if the work that will be performed by a newly hired employee poses an increased danger and a work permit is required to perform it. In addition, this applies to one-time work to eliminate the consequences of accidents, disasters, and natural disasters.

In order for the instruction to be carried out, it is necessary to issue an order assigning occupational safety responsibilities to a specific employee - this may be the immediate supervisor of subordinates (for example, the head of a workshop). Next, the specified employee prepares a training program based on the purpose for which it is planned, and carries out activities to implement this program.

Introductory briefing on civil defense

By virtue of clause 5 of the Regulations, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 2, 2000 No. 841, organizations must develop and conduct introductory briefings on civil defense with employees. It is carried out within 1 month after the new employee is employed.

Organizations come up with a program independently, taking into account the regional location of the company and the specifics of its activities. Recommendations for the development of training were approved by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation (Recommendations dated June 5, 2018 No. 2-4-71-13-8).

The purpose of the briefing is to familiarize employees with the possible dangers that may await them during military clashes, emergency situations of various types, taking into account the location of the employees and the specifics of the company.

Fire safety briefings

The purpose of conducting fire safety briefings upon hiring is to prevent fires and train employees in methods of fighting them. The procedure is set out in fire safety standards, approved. by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia “On approval...” dated December 12, 2007 No. 645 (hereinafter referred to as the Norms).

Thus, introductory fire training must be carried out for all new employees. It is also mandatory for those sent to an organization and undergoing training or internship there (clause 11 of the Standards).

Initial fire training is carried out with the same employees as the introductory one, as well as with employees who are transferred to other divisions of the organization (clause 16 of the Standards). Its purpose is to develop skills in the use of fire extinguishers, study methods of fire extinguishing, fire notification, actions in the event of a fire, providing medical assistance to victims, etc.

Pursuant to clause 28 of the Standards, targeted training is carried out only with those employees (including new ones) who carry out one-time dangerous work (welding, fire) or eliminate the consequences of disasters and disasters.

In conclusion, let us summarize what kind of instructions are provided to employees who are hired. Induction training is required. In some cases, additional primary and targeted tests will be required. Moreover, it is important to remember that you should not neglect the requirements of the law regarding the mandatory conduct of briefings and training, since this will not only ensure the safety of employees, but will also avoid fines.

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