No strength after sleep. Fatigue after sleep. Poor nutrition or strict diet

Everyone is familiar with the feeling of fatigue, lethargy and some irritability that sometimes occurs after sleep. What is the reason for this, and are there any explanations for this? Absolutely yes.

Causes of fatigue after sleep have clear justifications in human physiology. This is exactly what we will tell lovers of interesting facts from the region.

Excess adenosine in the brain

Surely you know that in 8 hours of the night we go through 4-5 cycles of fast and slow sleep. NREM sleep lasts 1.2-1.5 hours, and REM sleep lasts 15-30 minutes. REM sleep is quite easy to determine: in this phase, a person’s eyeballs actively move under the eyelids. By the way, it is in a short cycle that we see dreams.

The first cause of fatigue after sleep can be considered the accumulation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the brain. ATP is a sleep “initiator,” meaning it suppresses brain activity and stimulates the need to “switch off.” Therefore, when there is a lot of it, and we wake up at that very moment, fatigue is guaranteed.


An interesting fact is that co-sleeping affects men and women differently. For example, men respond quite well to sleeping together with a partner. But women are believed to get better sleep when they sleep on their own.

Although if sleep was preceded by sex, then the woman on a subconscious level perceives sleep with a partner as a pleasant necessity, as a result of which she feels good after waking up.

If you are an owl

Conventionally, people are divided into night owls (who go to bed late and get up late) and larks (who go to bed early and get up early). So, it has been noticed that going to bed late, sooner or later, negatively affects the overall quality of awakening.

Moreover, if you stay awake for a long time at night, this negatively affects memory and intelligence in general, and can even become a factor in Alzheimer's disease (senile dementia).

Lack of sugar

The final cause of fatigue after sleep may be a lack of sugar in the body. It turns out that it is sugar consumed immediately before going to bed that increases the activity of neurons that contribute to proper sleep. By the way, this is why after a hearty lunch we want to take a horizontal position.

After reading this paragraph, interpret it correctly. This does not mean at all that you need to eat a tablespoon of sugar in its pure form at night.

In general, it should be remembered that the norm of sleep for a healthy person is 6-8 hours. Sleeping too much is just as harmful as sleeping too little. You should know moderation in everything. When going to bed at night, it is advisable not to eat anything “serious” for at least two hours.

Remember that lack of sleep can not only cause fatigue or irritability after waking up, but also provoke the development of a variety of diseases.

Speaking about chronic lack of sleep, you should know that it can cause depression and general depression, which ultimately leads to physiological diseases.

Finally, let us cite extremely interesting fact about a person's dream. The fact is that we are designed in a fantastically complex way. So, it has been proven many times that a person is able to “deceive the brain” by convincing it that you got enough sleep.

This mental attitude is not just a “crutch”, but quite a working technique. Try it, the results will surprise you, although even here you shouldn’t abuse the “trust” of your brain. As the ancients said: “Everything in small quantities is medicine, but in large quantities it is poison.”

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Between 34 and 45 percent of all adults ages 18 to over 65 nap unintentionally and frequently during the day. And although at first glance this may seem like a very minor problem, when people start nodding off, say, when a vehicle is moving, this kind of thing becomes quite dangerous.

Below are some of the most likely reasons why you always feel sluggish and rundown during the day, and tips on what you can do to prevent this from happening.

1. You are surrounded by chaos and disorder.

A cluttered workspace or living environment can drain your mental energy and contribute to your fatigue. Psychologists say that this happens due to the inability to concentrate.

To avoid clutter, keep only essential items. If you are working on a project, try to keep only writing and office supplies on your desk that will help you in your work.

2. Your body doesn't get enough sunlight.

When people are exposed to sunlight or bright morning light, melatonin production occurs earlier and they fall asleep more easily.

In addition to replenishing your body with vitamin D, sunlight can also set your body and brain on a regular, rhythmic schedule.

3. You're not eating breakfast right.

You've probably heard it many times before: breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The consequences of skipping breakfast or eating an unbalanced breakfast can be dire.

If you skip meals, you won't have enough calories to jumpstart your metabolism and maintain your energy levels throughout the day.

However, a large, unbalanced breakfast can also make you feel tired.

To help your body function at its best high level, eat whole grains, a small amount of protein, and fruits and vegetables for breakfast every day.

4. You are often dehydrated

You may not realize it, but dehydration can often make you feel tired because dehydrated organs are unable to flush out toxins.

Our body is made up of 60% water - so there's no way to feel your best while being dehydrated.

The next time you feel tired, try drinking a glass of cold water.

5. You are surrounded by negativity

Let's look at factors beyond diet and lifestyle.

If you surround yourself with people who complain and whine all the time, you will soon be mentally exhausted.

Other people's problems can affect your emotions and your body. The psychologist recommends cutting ties with people who do nothing but waste their time complaining and destroy your feelings of peace and positivity.

Instead, try to connect with people who make you feel good—or make time only for healthy, positive interactions.

6. You're too connected

Many people feel extremely sluggish even after eight hours of sleep. Of course, it is very important to get enough sleep, but getting quality sleep is equally important.

Many people make the mistake of looking at various screens for too long before going to bed - they watch TV, look on the phone or play on tablets - and, as a result, do not receive required quantity REM sleep

When it's time to go to bed, it's best to remove electronic devices further away. If you have trouble falling asleep, read a good book.

7. You sleep too much

Sleeping too much makes you feel sluggish during the day. Too much sleep misinforms your internal biological rhythms and confuses the part of the brain that regulates the body's circadian cycle.

Therefore, even on weekends, try not to sleep too long, because this can disrupt the schedule for the coming week.

8. Your body doesn't get enough physical activity

A sedentary lifestyle is extremely dangerous for the human body. Sitting in a fixed position for several hours in a row can have a negative impact on your body.

You may feel pain and stiffness in your neck, back and head and feel sluggish.

It's important to maintain an active lifestyle to the best of your ability so you can balance your hormone levels and avoid fatigue, weight gain and mood swings.

Try doing light exercise for just 20 minutes every day for a few weeks. If you're at work all day, take small five-minute breaks every hour and plan regular outdoor activities after work.

9. You may have food intolerances

Diet plays an important role in keeping our body in proper shape. Research shows there are three main food groups that may cause sluggishness in some people: dairy, gluten, and nightshade fruits and vegetables.

In many cases, food sensitivities and intolerances can cause debilitating fatigue and exhaustion. It is best to consult a doctor or nutritionist to find out proper diet for your lifestyle!

10. You have medical problems

There is a whole list of medical conditions that can contribute to lethargy.

Some chronic illnesses, such as allergies and hay fever, can cause severe bouts of fatigue. Others, such as anemia and diabetes, can change the body's iron levels and affect blood sugar levels, as well as causing fatigue as a side effect.

Menopause, depression and anxiety can also cause sleep problems and unnatural slowness.

Very often it seems that a long afternoon nap will relieve fatigue and add strength and vigor. And when you finally get the long-awaited chance to take a nap on Sunday, after this siesta you feel as tired as before. Why is this happening?

Science will explain everything
According to the director of the Sleep To Live Institute, Robert Oxman, the causes of drowsiness are 2 main factors: the homeostatic factor of sleep and circadian rhythms. The homeostatic component is this: the longer you stay awake, the more chemicals accumulate in your brain. They ultimately “tell” you that it’s time to go to bed.
The circadian rhythm is your internal biological clock. According to this clock, the body is awake at a certain time of the day (usually in the morning) and feels the desire to sleep (in the evening). When there is a violation of any of these 2 factors, the person feels drowsy.
Scientists have also found that the duration of your nap directly affects how you feel when you wake up.
According to NASA research, naps should last between 10 and 26 minutes to improve mental performance. Research also showed that a 26-minute nap improved alertness by 54%.
If you sleep for more than 30 minutes during the day, you will smoothly move into the REM phase (rapid eye movement phase). Then you are likely to sleep for 90 minutes, which is a complete sleep cycle. Unfortunately, such a rest can disrupt cycadal rhythms and simply disrupt the usual daily routine, causing more harm than good.

Daytime naps affect the quality of night sleep
If lately you have been constantly feeling tired and distracted, whereas usually you are active and attentive, then with a high probability we can say that the reason lies in the quality of your sleep. To improve general condition For your health, you need to analyze how you sleep at night and during the day. Just ask yourself a few questions - this will help you determine what exactly negatively affects the quality of your sleep and rest.

  • Do you often wake up after going to bed?
  • Do you use your phone or laptop right up until you go to bed?
  • Do you experience physical discomfort in the morning?
These are factors that may cause your chronic fatigue, and it is important to identify any change to improve your sleep quality. If you make up for the lack of sleep at night with daytime siestas, this could be the cause of your daytime fatigue.
If you are worried that you will not be able to fully get the necessary hours of night rest, then it is better to contact a specialized store of goods for healthy sleep. Competent specialists will help you choose sleeping place individually for you, which will allow you to get a good night's sleep and not get enough sleep during the day.

A feeling of weakness in the morning, when it is difficult to get out of bed, there is not enough strength to have breakfast, movements are inhibited, and the affairs and events of the coming day are perceived with apathy - these symptoms are often attributed to overwork. However, the causes of morning weakness may go deeper than simple fatigue, indicating physical or nervous exhaustion or a lurking illness. Weakness in the morning that does not go away after proper rest requires the help of a doctor.

A common cause of morning weakness is asthenia

The basis of morning weakness is usually very strong overstrain and nervous exhaustion. Physiological reasons Such weakness lies in the excessive consumption of energy by the body. If energy wasted on physical or emotional, intellectual goals is not sufficiently replenished due to lack of nutrients or a failure in metabolic processes - a person experiences weakness in the morning.

Weakness can occur due to fatigue, when a person has worked a lot and hard, or has not gotten enough sleep for several nights in a row, or has had a long flight with changes in time zones and climatic conditions. But if feelings of weakness, apathy and lack of strength in the morning accumulate gradually and do not go away for months, even after proper rest, then the reasons for weakness in the morning can be explained by the development of asthenia.

Asthenic syndrome is one of the most common in medicine, since it can accompany infections (ARVI, influenza) and somatic internal diseases (gastritis, arrhythmia, arterial hypertension). This syndrome often manifests itself as a sign of depletion of the body's strength after childbirth, surgery or severe injury. Weakness in the morning as a sign of asthenia may indicate the onset of the development of some disease or accompany the process of recovery after a serious illness.

To push the development of asthenia with its morning weaknesses, feeling constant fatigue, with difficulty concentrating and slowness in decision making, the following factors can cause:

  • infectious diseases;
  • any chronic diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • chronic stress;
  • excessive mental and physical stress;
  • inadequate and irregular nutrition.

Asthenia can be assumed in cases where getting up in the morning is accompanied not only by weakness, but also by a “heavy” head, lack of appetite, general weakness and the feeling that there was no sleep at all. During the day, in this case, it is extremely difficult to concentrate on work. Additional signs of asthenia include chilliness, headaches and drowsiness during the day, pressure changes, and tachycardia.

General recommendations for morning weakness associated with asthenic syndrome are changes in work and rest schedules, an emphasis on regular nutrition, a short-term change of environment with proper rest - a vacation, a tourist trip - is very helpful.

Weakness in the morning and chronic fatigue

The causes of weakness in the morning can be explained by chronic fatigue syndrome. This syndrome differs from ordinary overwork due to an overwhelming amount of work. If you feel extremely tired, a person can usually tell when it appeared and why. With chronic fatigue syndrome, it is impossible to determine exactly when it all started and what the reasons were.

Chronic fatigue syndrome has recently been associated with the influence of viral infections. It is assumed that some viruses are capable, after activation in the body, of causing constant stimulation of immune cells (which causes muscle pain, chills, and sometimes fever). They act with toxins on limbic system- that part of the brain that is responsible for reactions to stress, intellectual fatigue and emotional overstrain, regulates sleep patterns and performance. Such infectious pathogens include cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, herpes infection, etc.

Most often, the root cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is any infectious disease. After the acute stage of the disease has passed, a person may notice that he constantly has severe weakness in the morning. He also periodically suffers from severe headaches, he gets tired quickly for no apparent reason and often falls into a depressive state. Such symptoms may persist even six months after the infection and indicate chronic fatigue syndrome. Other symptoms that will help your doctor confirm the diagnosis:

  • fatigue does not subside even after a long rest;
  • pain in muscles and joints is periodically felt;
  • after not too much physical activity, fatigue does not go away for more than a day;
  • memory has deteriorated, it has become difficult to concentrate;
  • apathy often occurs, sleep is disturbed;
  • The lymph nodes in the neck and armpits have slightly enlarged.

The first step in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome, without which it will not be possible to get rid of weakness in the morning, should be to reduce the number of tasks performed daily by about a quarter. It is especially important to reduce the range of activities that require mental stress.

Vitamin deficiency and other causes of weakness in the morning

Morning weakness often has a simple explanation - the body is very lacking in vitamins and minerals. Physiologically, muscle tone is responsible for the feeling of weakness. If it is insufficient, then blood circulation worsens, digestion is disrupted, and many diseases worsen. The person complains of constant weakness, weakness and fatigue. In order for muscle tone to be satisfactory, proteins are needed. fatty acids and many nutrients involved in the processes of contraction, relaxation, and recovery muscle fibers. These substances include, first of all, B vitamins (especially B1, B3 and B12), vitamins C, E and D, as well as calcium, magnesium and potassium.

The reasons for periodically appearing weakness in the morning, even against the background of a sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals, may be poor absorption of these important elements. This happens if your diet contains a lot of fatty, salty foods, refined foods, and high-calorie sweets.

Weakness in the morning is common in people with diabetes mellitus. The reasons for this condition lie in the fact that overnight the level of glucose in the blood has fallen below the individually acceptable level and urgent measures must be taken to restore it. If morning weakness is accompanied by headache and dizziness, trembling hands and poor coordination of movements, then measures to restore blood sugar levels should be taken immediately to prevent hypoglycemic coma.

Morning weakness in the legs, especially in combination with mild nausea and swelling in the legs, should be extremely alarming and become a reason for a visit to a cardiologist. These symptoms may be the first warning signs of a heart attack. If weakness in the morning is accompanied by a slight pain in the heart, dizziness, a feeling of numbness in the arms and legs, you should urgently call an ambulance.

The causes of weakness in the morning include depression, taking certain medicines, strict protein-free diets, disturbed night sleep. If the state of weakness persists for a month or more, it is unlikely to be possible without the help of a doctor. The cause of this condition may lie in illness and requires treatment.

Sleep, nutrition and rest are key to helping with morning sickness

If the doctor manages to figure out why weakness appears in the morning and what abnormalities in health caused this, then treatment will gradually lead to relief of the condition and the disappearance of weakness. Lifestyle adjustments depending on the causes of morning weakness will help speed up recovery.

If we are talking about chronic fatigue syndrome, then you will have to come to terms with the need to realistically assess your physical and emotional capabilities. You need to learn how to relieve stress and relax effectively. It is important to maintain a daily routine, leaving enough time for sleep and walks, and regular meals.

You definitely need to add reasonable physical activity and try to get as many positive emotions as possible. In your diet, you should focus on foods rich in vitamins and microelements, and drink more water. In case of morning weakness, it is advisable to limit alcohol intake and avoid “fast” carbohydrates as much as possible. In consultation with your doctor, you can take herbal preparations with a sedative effect that strengthen the immune system - for example, echinacea, motherwort.

When weakness in the morning is caused by asthenic syndrome, it is recommended to include in the diet more foods rich in tryptophan (cheese, bananas) and vitamin C (citrus fruits, rose hips, kiwi). Herbal preparations based on ginseng, Schisandra chinensis, eleutherococcus, as well as neuroprotectors (for example, ginkgo biloba) may be recommended to improve the condition.

Regardless of the reasons why weakness in the morning began to bother you, you need to try to ensure a calm environment at work and psychologically comfortable rest at home, adjust your work and rest schedule, sleep and nutrition. It is necessary to clearly understand that the symptom of morning weakness indicates an excessive, unbearable load for the body, leading to illness. It is very important to establish quality night rest and sleep. You need to take short quiet walks before bed, drink warm milk or tea at night, and leaf through your favorite book.

You need to fall asleep in complete darkness - without flickering TV or phone screens. Quality rest is the most important component of the fight against weakness in the morning.

For more information about chronic fatigue syndrome as a cause of morning weakness, fatigue and lack of energy, see the video below.

Feeling unwell in the morning. A feeling of weakness and fatigue, in particular, is caused by a lack of B vitamins. For example, with a lack of cyanocobalamin alone (vitamin B12), the full transport of oxygen to the cells is disrupted. And if the body also experiences a deficiency folic acid(vitamin B9), there is a risk of developing anemia, which also leads to a low level of tissue supply with oxygen and vital elements. In other words, under conditions of vitamin deficiency, the body works at half capacity.

With vitamin deficiency, metabolism slows down and the body adapts to work in an economical mode. In this case, energy is spent mainly on internal processes; there is not enough energy for external ones.

Depression, anxiety

Depression inhibits the production of serotonin in the body. This brain neurotransmitter is called the pleasure hormone. Against the background of its deficiency in brain cells (or in conditions of disruption of its perception by cells), the entire body suffers. And in this case, fatigue after a night's sleep is the result of a depressed state of the central nervous system: the signals it sends to all parts of the body are sluggish and weak.

Severe anxiety can also disrupt sleep. Anxious thoughts, fear, confusion do not allow you to close your eyes, cause headaches and, ultimately, do not lead to relaxation and rest of the brain and all organs and systems, but to stress. From here - morning fatigue. In such cases, people describe their sensations with the phrases “as if they were carrying bricks on me” or “as if they were unloading a car with coal.”

Uncomfortable sleeping conditions

A stuffy room, a lamp not turned off, an uncomfortable bed, lack of silence - these and many other negative factors cannot ensure sound, healthy sleep. A person does not get enough sleep, his body does not get proper rest, and the result is irritability, fatigue, bad mood, and headache.

During night sleep, the body needs fresh air, silence, a comfortable bed and darkness. Only in the dark does the production of melatonin occur, the main hormone of the pineal gland, a regulator of circadian rhythms.

Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep can very easily lead to fatigue and even apathy. And here everything is quite understandable - the body simply did not rest, did not recover after a working day (study, training, travel, etc.). However, sleeping too long can also cause a feeling of fatigue, aching joints, headache, lethargy, drowsiness. Everyone's sleep time is different, it is important to set for yourself the number of hours the body needs to fully recover, and try to go to bed at the same time.

Restless sleep syndrome

Scientists believe that a person’s well-being during awakening is directly dependent on what phase of sleep he was in at the time of awakening. If awakening occurs during so-called “rapid eye movement” sleep, a person feels rested and full of energy, regardless of how many hours or minutes he slept. But if this same “rapid” sleep is interrupted by snoring, difficulty breathing with a stuffy nose due to a cold, the effects of medications, restless thoughts, cessation of breathing (apnea), then the person risks waking up in the stage of “slow” sleep, i.e. sleep, in which the pulse is slow, breathing is slow and even, the brain and body are in a complete state of rest. And then the person who wakes up will feel tired and lethargic. Sometimes even more tired than before

Has this ever happened to you? Waking up in the morning, you already feel tired, you feel that your vitality is zero, and you don’t want to get out of bed and greet a new day. Definitely good get enough sleep- simply necessary, but not always tired in the morning related to this.

If you know you've slept enough hours, it's not normal to wake up tired. We need to keep this in mind. According to experts, regular tired in the morning is a symptom of some diseases, so it is better to tell your doctor about it. We will tell you what the reasons for this phenomenon may be.

Fatigue in the morning: symptoms

  • Possible dizziness when trying to get out of bed
  • Feeling of dry mouth
  • Muscle pain
  • Unpleasant sensations in the abdominal cavity
  • Low blood pressure in the morning (hypotension)
  • Dry eyes
  • Severe fatigue that gets worse throughout the morning.

Possible causes of morning fatigue

Regular morning fatigue is not a disease in itself, but it is a signal that something is going wrong in our body. We are unable to gather our strength and our energy is not enough to cope with current affairs. We all know that lack of sleep is the most common cause of such ailment, but in this case we will focus on other aspects that may further affect our health. Keep in mind that the possible reasons that we will indicate below only occur if your morning fatigue is constant, that is, it lasts for at least several weeks in a row.

1. Heart problems

Doctors note that the first hours after waking up are the most dangerous.

They often talk about the so-called fainting due to a decrease in blood pressure, which occurs due to cerebral circulatory failure. You should know this. If such fatigue repeats day after day, and you feel a loss of strength and dizziness, do not put off visiting a doctor.

2. Hormonal problems: hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a lack of thyroid hormones, which leads to improper functioning of our body. This lack of hormones contributes to a slower metabolism and decreased productivity. We feel tired and lethargic, and we tend to feel weaker in the morning.

3. Emotional problems

Experts say the state in which we start our day is a reflection of our physical and emotional health. This is the moment when we have a whole day ahead of us, when we have to look after children and perform other responsibilities... If at this moment we are not in the best emotional state, it will be difficult to make our day turn out well.

Depression is usually accompanied by muscle pain, extreme fatigue, apathy and sadness. Of course, one of the most difficult moments in this case occurs in the morning.

4. Poor nutrition, exhausting diet

You should be very careful with diets. Sometimes an attempt to “keep a tight rein” leads to an imbalance of nutrients in the body. A severe metabolic disorder can provoke fainting and electrolyte imbalance of sodium and potassium, which in turn is fraught with problems with the functioning of the heart: arrhythmia and even cardiac arrest. Take this into account.

How to deal with fatigue in the morning?

  • First, if you have been feeling tired in the morning for two weeks or more, Be sure to make an appointment with your doctor. This may be one of the diseases listed above: heart problems, arrhythmia, hypothyroidism...
  • Take care of your emotional health. If you wake up and feel reluctant to get up and want to spend the whole day lying in bed, ask yourself why. Don't hide from your own problems, rather seek moral support from your family and friends. May you be inspired by each day ahead. Calmness and happiness are the main weapons in the fight against fatigue.
  • Be careful with diets. Make sure you get enough nutrients and have a varied and balanced diet.
  • Never forget breakfast. This is one of the most important points a day that will provide you with energy to fight fatigue. Include fruit and fiber in your breakfast. Give up cow's milk in favor of vegetable. Eat dietary fiber, such as oats. Eating an apple with the skin, strawberries or blueberries, and nuts also energizes us and lifts our spirit.
  • Prepare everything you need in the evening, to have breakfast in the morning without haste.
  • Drink infusions of ginseng, ginger or poppy seeds for breakfast at least three times a week. They support vitality and energy, strengthen physical health.
  • Stick to a schedule, eat at certain times, rest eight hours every day, take time for yourself, walk every day for at least half an hour, enjoy sun rays... and, as we told you earlier, if something in your body goes wrong, consult a doctor.

8 reasons why you feel tired every day, I will tell you how to get rid of fatigue and feel invigorated.

1. When you're tired, you skip exercise.
In order for our body to feel better, we need to load it much more. According to the results of some studies, it was noticed that people who exercised their lungs for 20 minutes several times a week physical exercise felt much better. The cardiovascular system becomes much more resilient and resilient. If you don’t do exercises in the morning, then I advise you to go jogging, at least 20 minutes a day.

2. You drink too little water per day.
Even slight dehydration of the body leads to a decrease in the amount of blood and to its thickening. This puts a strain on the heart and makes it less efficient.

3. You're consuming too little iron.
Insufficient iron in the body is responsible for feelings of lethargy, weakness and irritability. Eat more iron containing foods: apples, various green vegetables, eggs, beans, and it is advisable to consume them together with foods that contain vitamin C, it is with this vitamin that iron is best absorbed.

4. You are a perfectionist.
Are you one of those who like to lie on your favorite bed around midnight and check your email? Or tinker with documents on your vacation? Give it up. The desire to be perfect in our world is impossible!

5. You make an elephant out of a molehill.
You are afraid to ride a bicycle because you think you will get into an accident. Are you worried about next call boss You're always replaying life's worst-case scenario in your head. Start getting involved in something, such as meditation or sports.

6. You haven't eaten since the morning.
Does it make sense to explain that breakfast for a person is like gasoline for a car? Is it worth reminding us that for breakfast we should eat cereal products, proteins and natural fats? You're not stupid)

7. You eat unhealthy food and cannot live without coffee.
Foods containing large amounts of sugar and carbohydrates affect blood sugar spikes. And these constant jumps lead to a feeling of fatigue. So it’s better to keep this indicator normal, and eat, as I already said, the right food.

8. You like to sleep in on weekends.
Most people probably like this, but it doesn’t justify us. Sitting on the Internet or in some club from Saturday to Sunday, and then sleeping until lunch is a bad idea. Try to normalize your sleep schedule, and get up at about 9 o’clock on your day off, and then it’s better to take a nap for half an hour at lunch, during this half hour you will lose the feeling of fatigue due to the fact that you will not go into deep sleep.

It's already the middle of the day and you still feel like a car that just won't get past first gear. Is it lack of sleep or something else that is making you feel like you've been squeezed out of lemon? Check to see if you have some of these fatigue culprits and add some energy to your life.

Does your lifestyle need adjustments?
First of all, ask yourself: are you treating your body right?
Remember the three pillars of health: sleep, proper nutrition and physical activity?!
If not you get enough good sleep, you find it difficult to eat well, and this leads to the fact that physical activity is difficult for you. And all this is true if you turn these things in a different order. All this is interconnected.
Therefore, try not to bring yourself to the point of losing consciousness. Adults require 7-9 hours of sleep. Eat a balanced diet, including fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and regular exercise.
If you meet all of these conditions and are still struggling to cope with the demands of your daily routine, it's time to check out possible medical causes for your fatigue.

Anemia is a disorder that makes it difficult for your blood to deliver oxygen to your body's organs. A widespread type of anemia is called iron deficiency anemia.
Iron acts as a carriage that transports the oxygen contained in your blood. People with low iron levels do not have enough carriages in the train: they feel tired; When they get up, they feel dizzy, have brain fog, and have a rapid heart rate.
Your doctor can check for anemia with a simple blood test.


Doctors don't know exactly why diabetes makes people feel so tired. One likely explanation is that your body is using too much energy to balance frequent swings in blood sugar.
What doctors do know is that fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of diabetes. Along with other symptoms such as thirst and frequent urination.

Thyroid dysfunction
The thyroid gland is a small butterfly-shaped gland that is located in your neck. It produces a hormone that allows you to control how you use your energy. When your thyroid fails, you also fail.
People with low thyroid activity feel tired: Their cells are not working well, they are sluggish, and their reflexes are weak.
To see what's causing your fatigue, your doctor may recommend a thyroid hormone blood test.

Heart diseases
Extreme fatigue is a common symptom of congestive heart failure, which occurs when your heart doesn't pump blood the way it should. If you have this disorder, your fatigue increases during physical activity. You may also experience swelling in your arms and legs, as well as shortness of breath.

Sleep apnea

This disorder prevents you from getting enough oxygen when you sleep, which means you don't get enough rest during the night.
Your brain notices that your body is not getting rid of carbon dioxide and quickly wakes up in an anxious state. You don't even realize it, and it makes it very difficult to understand why you feel so sleepy during the day.
You don't enter deep sleep, the sleep that helps you feel better.
A device called a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine can help you keep your airways open and help you get a deep sleep at night.

If you are a woman who is going through menopause, you may find it difficult to obtain. During this time, your hormonal balance often changes, and you may experience night sweats and hot flashes. All of this can keep you up at night and make it more difficult for you to cope during the day.

Depression deprives your brain of the chemicals it needs to function at its best. One of these substances is serotonin, which helps regulate your body's internal clock.
Depression can lower your energy levels and make you feel tired during the day. You may also find it difficult to fall asleep or wake up earlier in the morning than expected.
If you think you are depressed, talk to your doctor. Talk therapy and medicine can help you.