Presentations on the development of dialogic speech in elementary school. Presentation - work on the development of speech in elementary school. Bank and cast a fishing rod

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Student speech development primary classes Lidiya Aleksandrovna Smirnova, primary school teacher at KS(K)OU Cheboksary Special (Correctional) secondary school No. 1"

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The development of speech in younger schoolchildren is one of the main tasks facing primary school teachers. A child’s speech is an indicator of the overall development of his personality. Insufficient speech proficiency is an objective reason that prevents the ability to assimilate school subjects, communicate freely with both their peers and adults.

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Students' speech Students' speech is often incoherent, logically inconsistent, and inexpressive. Speech monotony and poverty of linguistic means indicate not only poor verbal preparedness, but also an inability to observe people and nature.

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Developing children’s speech means constantly working on its content, teaching how to construct a sentence, choosing the right word, and how to formulate thoughts correctly. One of the main tasks of a teacher is to teach children to reason and think. But only those who can speak can think. How to develop children's speech

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The main goal of all types of speech development work is the ability to compose a text, that is, to express one’s thoughts, knowledge, and feelings in detailed statements. This goal cannot be achieved without the formation of various speech skills.

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In the development of speech, three directions can be distinguished: 1. work with the dictionary; 2. work on phrases and sentences; 3. work on coherent speech.

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The word is the basic meaningful unit of language. A sign of human development is rich. vocabulary. Therefore, starting from an early age, great importance is attached to working with the dictionary. IN elementary school Vocabulary work is carried out in the process of all educational activities. In the course of vocabulary work, I highlight several areas: 1. enrichment of vocabulary (learning new words); 2. activation of the dictionary (inclusion of new words in speech, composing sentences, precise use of words); 3. clarification of the dictionary (difference between synonyms, selection of antonyms, ability to analyze the polysemy of words); 4. correction of erroneous expressions and accents.

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The development of oral speech occurs when viewing paintings and other visual objects, in conversations with the teacher and peers, and when reading literary texts. The variety of topics of conversation, the nature of pictures and visual materials is an important condition for children to use a wide range of words and speech patterns.

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From the first days of school, targeted teaching of coherent speech in oral and written form is carried out in the form of various exercises. Phonetic exercise. How do they blow a trumpet? (Doo-doo-doo...) How does a bumblebee buzz? (W-w-w...) How does a donkey scream? (Eeyore!) How do they scream in fear? (Ouch!) The plane takes off: ooh-ooh. The cars are moving: w-w-w. The horses galloped: clop-clop-clop. A snake crawls nearby: shhhh. A fly hits the glass: s-z-z.

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Reading pure sayings Zha-zha-zha - the hedgehog has needles. Lo-lo-lo - it's warm outside. Lu-lu-lu - the chair is in the corner. Ol-ol-ol - we'll buy salt. Ra-ra-ra - the game begins. Gi-gi-gi - Gena, help mom. Ha-ga-ha - My leg hurts. Gu-gu-gu - I can’t wash the dishes. Gi-gi-gi - Don't walk because of your leg. Gu-gu-gu - Now I can go for a walk Ga-ha-ha - My leg doesn’t hurt anymore. (When reading the section “On Labor and Diligence” Sho-sho-sho - I will do well. At-at-at - Help my mother at home. Reap-reap-reap- Do not offend the kids. At-at-at - Respect adults. Rat -rat-rat - Never lie. Rit-rit-rit- Do not say rude words Xia-Xia-Xia - It’s good to study (When reading the section “What is good and what is bad” Reading tongue twisters. Lena was looking for a pin, And the pin fell I was too lazy to crawl under the bench, I was looking for a pin all day. Senya and Sanya have a catfish with a whisker. , while there is dew. The dew is gone and we are home.

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Playing the game “I’ll start, and you continue...” The pussy is crying in the corridor. She is in great grief. Evil people Poor pussy is not allowed to steal sausages! I'm swinging and flying at full speed. I am the driver myself, I am the engine myself. I press the pedal and the car rushes into the distance... My dad gave me a lion, Oh, and I was chickened out at first. I was afraid of him for two days, and on the third he broke down.

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Replace phraseological units with synonymous words. A teaspoon per hour (slowly) Just a stone's throw (close) Pretending (lying) Hanging your nose (sad) On your own mind (cunning) Chasing the lazy person (idling) As fast as you can (quickly) Once or twice you've lost the number (not enough) The chickens don't bite (many) Skin and bones (thin)

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Choose words that are opposite in meaning. Choose words that are close in meaning. Mind-stupidity. Bravery is cowardice. Wealth - poverty. Sadness is joy. Weak - strong. Sweet - bitter. Healthy – sick. Small - big Freshness - coolness, chill. Guys - children, schoolchildren. Fight - battle, battle. Work is business, labor. Heat - heat, stuffiness.

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Exercise “Say the opposite”: Pierrot has a sad face, and Pinocchio... Malvina has blond hair, and Karabas Barabas... Karabas Barabas has long hair, and Pierrot... Malvina has curly hair, and Pierrot has curly hair. .. Buratino has kind eyes, and Karabas Barabas... Buratino has a long nose, and Malvina...

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Guessing riddles. Work on developing children's evidence skills when explaining riddles develops the ability to use varied and interesting arguments to better justify the answer, and contributes to the development of the skill of constructing complex sentences. Different riddles about one subject activate the dictionary, show how children understand the figurative meaning of words, figurative expressions, and in what ways they prove and confirm the answer. He lay there and lay there and ran into the river. White flies landed on the field.

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Explanation of proverbs Wash yourself cleanly - don’t be afraid of water. He who does not love others destroys himself. It is bad for him who does no good to anyone. Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him. The bird is red with its feather, and man is with his mind. January is the beginning of the year, and winter is the middle.

Development dialogical speech in the practice of MADOU

Prepared by: speech therapist teacher

E.K. Sumina

Famous Russian linguist L.P. Yakubinsky: « Dialogue - not only a form of speech, it is also “a type of human behavior.”

As a form of verbal interaction with other people, it requires special social and speech skills from the child, the development of which occurs gradually.” Dialogue is characterized by: “a relatively rapid exchange of speech, when each component of the exchange is a replica and one replica is highly conditioned by the other. The exchange occurs without any premeditation; the components do not have a special purpose;

there is no premeditated coherence in the construction of the lines, and they are extremely brief."

Dialogue skills

Group I - Own speech skills:

  • enter into communication (be able to and know when and how you can start a conversation with an acquaintance and stranger, busy, talking with others);
  • maintain and complete communication (listen and hear the interlocutor); take initiative in communication, ask again; prove your point of view; express an attitude to the subject of conversation - compare, express your opinion, give examples, evaluate, agree or object, ask, answer, speak coherently;
  • speak expressively, at a normal pace, use the intonation of the dialogue

Group II - Speech etiquette skills :

Speech etiquette includes: appeal, introduction, greeting, attracting attention, invitation, request, consent and refusal, apology, complaint, sympathy, disapproval, congratulations, gratitude and others.

Group III - Ability to communicate in pairs, in a group of 3-5 people, in a team.

Group IV - Ability to communicate to plan joint actions, achieve results and discuss them, participate in the discussion of a specific topic.

Group V - Non-speech (non-verbal) skills– appropriate use of facial expressions and gestures.

Methodological techniques for teaching children dialogical speech in the practice of MADOU

  • conversation between teacher and children (unprepared dialogue)
  • conversations with children (prepared conversations)
  • receiving verbal orders
  • reading literary works
  • reading poetry by role is one of the techniques
  • specially organized speech situations
  • games (role-playing, didactic, movement, dramatization and dramatization games)

Modern methodological techniques and technologies

TRIZ games



Thank you for your attention!

I wish you creative success!

MBDOU No. 2 "Kindergarten "Swallow"

The presentation was prepared by the teacher Mandzhieva G.Z.

Connected speech - a semantic, detailed statement (a series of logically combined sentences) that ensures communication and mutual understanding.

Connected speech performs the most important social functions - being a means of communication, it helps the child establish connections with people around him and, importantly, regulates the child’s behavior in society, which is a decisive condition for the development of his personality.

Teaching coherent speech also has an impact on aesthetic education: retellings of literary works and independent children's compositions develop imagery and expressiveness of speech, enriching the artistic and speech experience of children.

The main characteristic of coherent speech is its understandability for the interlocutor.

The main function of coherent speech is communicative, which is carried out in two main forms: monologue And dialogue.

Dialogue speech (dialogue)

the process of direct verbal communication,

characterized by alternately replacing one

another by replicas of two or more persons.

  • Speech skills themselves
  • Speech etiquette skills .
  • Ability to communicate in pairs, in a group of 3-5 people, in a team
  • The ability to communicate in joint actions, achieving results and discussing them, discussing a specific topic .
  • Nonverbal (non-speech) skills .

Monologue speech (monologue) – process

direct communication, characterized

a speech by one person addressed to an audience

or to yourself

  • Logically consistent statement
  • Expresses one person's thought
  • Full formulation and expansion.
  • Literary vocabulary .
  • Long and preliminary deliberation.
  • Stimulated by internal motives

Description - this is a characteristic of an object in statics

Narration - is a coherent story about some events

Reasoning - this is a logical presentation of the material in the form of evidence

Retelling – meaningful reproduction of literary

sample in oral speech

Story – independent detailed presentation of certain content

« Kitty »

Katya had a kitten.


loved the kitten.

She gave the kitten water


The kitten loved to play

with Katya.

« Fishing »

Ilyusha is getting ready to go fishing.

He dug up worms and

went to the river. Ilyusha sat down on

shore and cast a fishing rod.

Soon he caught a bream,

and then - perch. Mother


Ilyusha has a delicious fish soup.

For example, in the didactic game “Put the doll to sleep,” the teacher teaches children the sequence of actions in the process of undressing the doll - carefully folding clothes on a standing chair, treating the doll with care, putting it to sleep, singing lullabies. According to the rules of the game, children must select from the lying objects only those that are needed for sleep.

Plot-didactic games

Games with objects

Drama games

Word games

Dramatization games help clarify ideas about various everyday situations, literary works“Journey to the land of fairy tales”, about norms of behavior “What is good and what is bad?”

Playing with objects uses toys and real objects

In the plot-didactic game, children play certain roles: seller, buyer in games like “Shop”, bakers in games “Bakery”, etc.

Games with which

form the ability to highlight

essential characteristics of objects,

phenomena: “Guess it?”, “Yes - no”

Games with which

the ability to generalize develops

and classify

subjects for various

signs: “Who needs what?”,

“Name three objects?”

“Call it in one word”

Games used for

development of children's skills

compare, contrast,

do the right thing

conclusions: “It’s similar - it’s not similar”,

“Who will notice more fables?”

Development games

attention, intelligence,

quick thinking,

excerpts, sense of humor:

"Broken phone"

“Colors”, “Flies - does not fly”

Selection of pictures based on common features .

In the game "What grows in the garden (forest, city)?" Children select pictures with corresponding images of plants, correlate them with their place of growth, and combine the pictures according to one feature. Or the game "What happened then?" children select illustrations for a fairy tale, taking into account the sequence of the plot.

Selection of pictures in pairs. - finding completely identical ones among different pictures: two hats, identical in color, style, etc. Then the task becomes more complicated: the child combines the pictures not only by external features, but also by meaning: find two airplanes among all the pictures. The planes shown in the picture may be different in shape and color, but they are united by belonging to the same type of object, making them similar.

Remember the incident

Choose an event with your child that you recently participated in together. For example, how you walked along the embankment and watched the fireworks, met your grandmother at the station, celebrated a birthday... Take turns telling each other what you saw, what you did. Remember as many details as possible until you can no longer add anything to what was said.

Travel agency

Every day you and your child go along the usual route - to the store or kindergarten. What if you try to diversify your everyday life? Imagine that you are leaving on an exciting journey. Discuss with your child what type of transport you will use, what you need to take with you, what dangers you will encounter along the way, what sights you will see... While traveling, share your impressions.

My report

You and your child went on some trip just the two of you, without other family members. Invite him to write a report about his trip. Use photographs or videos as illustrations. Give your child the opportunity to choose what to talk about, without leading questions. And you observe what exactly was deposited in his memory, what turned out to be interesting and important for him. If he starts fantasizing, don't stop. The baby’s speech develops regardless of what events - real or fictitious - are reproduced to him.

Stories from pictures

It’s good if you can pick up several pictures related to a common plot. For example, from a children's magazine (like "Funny Pictures"). First, mix these pictures and invite your child to restore order so that they can make up a story. If your child has a hard time at first, ask a few questions. If you don’t have such a set of plot pictures at hand, just take a postcard. Ask your child what is depicted on it, what is happening now, what could have happened before, and what will happen later.

How did it end?

One way to develop coherent speech can be watching cartoons. Start watching an interesting cartoon with your child, and at the most exciting point, “remember” about the urgent matter that you must do right now, but ask the child to tell you later what will happen next in the cartoon and how it will end. Don't forget to thank your narrator!

Criteria for determining the level of development of coherent speech:

Correspondence of the statement to the topic. Disclosure of the topic.

The presence of a clear structure of the statement - beginning, middle, end.

Using a variety of means of communication between sentences and parts of a statement.

Use of means of expression: in descriptions - definitions, comparisons, metaphors; in narratives - dialogue between characters, elements of description, etc.

Individuality in the choice of language means (absence of speech cliches and templates).

Teacher speech rules:

The teacher must adhere to literary norms of pronunciation, eliminate various accents in his speech, the influence of local dialects, correctly place emphasis in words (port - ports, cake - cakes, cream - creams, engineer - engineers);

Remember about the content of your speech (what and how much is said, what is communicated to children);

Remember about the age-related pedagogical orientation of speech (can he speak with preschoolers, can he confidently and intelligibly present information on pedagogical issues to adults - parents, colleagues).

Mastering conversational speech occupies an important place in the system of work on developing children’s communication skills. How to develop a child’s desire to communicate, what a teacher needs to pay special attention to when teaching children how to conduct a dialogue, says the author of the article.

Today, it has become commonplace to say that children need to develop general educational skills (or universal learning activities (ULA), key competencies), among which communication skills are especially highlighted. The presence of well-developed communication skills means well-developed speech, the ability to enter into dialogue, work in a group, express one’s point of view and defend it, accept someone else’s point of view, etc. Much attention is paid to this in the learning process, but the fact remains that graduates Most schools do not have the listed skills.

In order for the child to develop the listed skills, teachers work hard on the development of speech. They are convinced that if this activity is successful, then the skills to listen, argue, make arguments, and distribute roles in the group will arise by themselves. The teacher is confident that by working on the vocabulary and development of children’s coherent speech, he will be able to bring them to the level of free communication in dialogue. At the same time, the teacher hopes for the children’s active participation in dialogue, independence in judgment, and reflection, but, alas, we see the opposite. Why? Probably, the objective reasons lie in the inability of children to interact with each other, participate in dialogue, and adequately evaluate themselves and others.

Let us consider and compare the concepts of “speech development” and “development of speech activity”, so often identified by teachers.

Speaking about the formation of communicative skills and bearing in mind primarily dialogical skills, let us remember that dialogue is the primary, most natural form of speech in primary school age. But is it included in the concept of “speech development”? First, we will give definitions of the concepts “speech” and “speech activity”.

Speech is a way of formulating and shaping thoughts through language. Speech activity– a form of communicative social activity (verbal communication), which is the interaction of people through speech. Any human activity has the following structure: needs and motives; goals; conditions and means of achieving goals; actions, operations included in the ways of achieving goals; result.

Hence, speech activity can be called an active, goal-oriented, motivated, substantive (substantive) process of issuing and (or) receiving thoughts formed and formulated through language, aimed at satisfying the communicative and cognitive needs of a person in the communication process.

Under speech development implies: enrichment of vocabulary (increasing the active vocabulary, working on the use of synonyms, antonyms, etc.); development of coherent speech (learning to construct various types text, both oral and written - descriptions, narrations, reasoning).

Every teacher does this, organizing his teaching work and the activities of children. Note that the task of developing the child’s dialogical speech is not even set. It is understood that the child must first master certain speech knowledge in order to participate in dialogue, and then enter into it. Teachers for the most part hope that if they enrich the child’s vocabulary, teach the appropriate use of synonyms, and provide a scheme for constructing a text (statement), then with further training he will be able to participate in dialogue, fluently and masterfully master the skills of conducting it.

But where does the confidence come from that everything should work out automatically? How will dialogue arise on its own? Why do we forget about dialogue as a special – primary – form of child speech?

Subsequently, middle-level teachers are indignant at primary teachers - they did not teach them how to debate, express their point of view, or simply interact with peers (not to mention productive cooperation) and immediately try to impose dialogue in the 5th and subsequent grades. But, unfortunately, there are no “ready-made” dialogical children. They should not be confused with children who can simply carry on a conversation “about the weather” and answer questions of a frontal nature.

Imagine that a child has a rich vocabulary, he knows what and how to say, he knows how to choose synonyms, construct a sentence, a text. But he stubbornly remains silent and does not enter into dialogue. What to do in such a situation? It is necessary to remember the motives, the child’s need to talk. Unfortunately, we do not support or develop this need. Sticking to thematic plans, we do not take into account the needs of children in dialogue.

Then we are faced with the fact that children do not want to participate in dialogue, they have really forgotten how (paradox!), with developed speech, to speak out in a group, class, to defend their opinion, they do not want to enter into debates, because previously no one has ever talked about anything with them asked. It turns out that we are only developing the speech of children (as a means of speech activity), with the help of which, as it seems to us, they will speak, but we need to develop speech activity. And this is the most important task of an elementary school teacher.

For the development of speech activity it is necessary: ​​support for communication motivation; assistance in achieving the goal of speech activity - the impact of the speaker (writer) on the communication partner, the consequence of which is changes occurring in his information field (understanding - misunderstanding, verbal - nonverbal reactions - result); creating conditions and means to achieve the goal; formation of skills to operate with methods (actions, operations) to achieve a goal; formation of skills to create a “product” of speech activity - meaningful inference (reading, listening), text (speaking, writing).

Thus, the development of speech is only a means and way of realizing speech activity.

Support communication motivation– the most important thing is where the development of speech activity and learning productive dialogue begins. Let us emphasize that we are not talking about a conversation, not about frontal work, but about a dialogue during which children, together with the teacher, solve certain problems.

It is well known that primary school age is the period when children “ask” questions. And it is precisely the stage of teaching children to ask questions that is a motivating moment for the child, and ability to formulate questionsstarting point in solving problems of developing children's speech activity in educational dialogue.

Children's desire to ask is naturally motivated, and this motivation must be strengthened. It is necessary not only to allow children to ask questions and encourage them to do so, but also to teach them how to pose questions, based on children’s verbal subjective experience.

There is no need to cut short the child, you need to support his natural, natural need to speak and raise a child not to “answer well”, but to “ask well” (G.A. Tsukerman), and asking not only the teacher, but also his peer, and himself (expected we have the skills of reflection and control, which are completely absent in our children). Then we can hope that we are raising an independent person, capable of making choices, working with information, taking responsibility for their actions, etc.

Let us give an example of how a teacher organizes work to develop initiative in asking questions and initiating dialogue among primary school children.

Teacher: Guys, I made a sentence of four words. I’ll call them: “wasp”, “catch up”, “bumblebee”, “striped”. Compose my proposal.
(The first time you need to explain everything.) The words are given as scientists write in dictionaries - called the original, initial form. You change the words the way we use them in speech. For example, there are the words “mother”, “bathe”, “little”, “daughter”. Make up a sentence by changing the words as we speak. I agree with you: “Mom bathes her little daughter.”

Of course, we must not forget that during the lessons you and the children made up enough sentences before you started completing this task.

If this is a period of literacy, then for children who read, words can be written in block letters on the board. For the rest, you can prepare object pictures with a wasp and a bumblebee drawn; the word “striped” will no longer be forgotten - in the pictures it is in the image of the insects themselves, all that remains is to remind you of the verb if the children forget it when composing a sentence.

Children offer options, but do not guess the teacher’s suggestions. All proposal options are accepted no evaluation is given in any way(verbal, do not confuse with a mark): “wrong”, “incorrect sentence, think again”, “how can there be such a sentence?” etc.

In the absence of evaluation of children’s statements, your dialogical nature also manifests itself; children must feel once and for all that their opinion has the right to exist, it is as equivalent as the opinion of an adult, but their own, a child’s. Therefore, do not rush to evaluate, otherwise again all the work (starting with self-assessment - reflection, control) that should be done by the child will be done by you. How can you then, having taken everything into your own hands from the very beginning, reproach children for lack of independence and lack of initiative? The teacher can use the following phrases.

Teacher: An interesting proposal, but mine is different... Such a proposal has a right to exist, but it’s not mine - I have something else... You made an unusual proposal! But still not the same as mine...
Teacher: Can you immediately guess my proposal?
Children are convinced that it is impossible to guess an adult’s proposal.
Teacher: Yes, guys, it’s probably not worth guessing. How can I find out what kind of proposal I made?

If suddenly there is a child who himself says that he needs to ask you something regarding the proposal you have in mind, then you can happily applaud! To the child. So there is an initiative! Let him speak illiterately and confusedly, but you will support him: “Yes, I agree, you can ask me about the proposal, ask me questions.” If not...

Teacher: How can you find out from me what my offer is? What am I asking you? (Questions.) And? (Pause.) I agree, you can also ask me questions.

Depending on the characteristics of the children, you can try to invite them to discuss in pairs or small groups what they can ask the teacher about. We can all work together.

The teacher accepts and records all possible questions from the children in any way accessible to the children: schematic drawings, icons, etc. You can involve children in finding a way to record opinions. After fixing each question, the teacher answers the question itself.

Possible questions for children to ask the teacher at his suggestion:

Children: In your sentence, who is catching up - the bumblebee or the wasp?
Teacher: I answer: “Bumblebee.”
Children: Who is your “striped”?
Teacher: I answer: “Wasp.”
Children: Bumblebee alone?
Teacher: I answer: “A lot.”
Children: How many wasps?
Teacher: I answer: “One.”
Teacher: Make my proposal!
Children: Bumblebees are catching up with the striped wasp!
Teacher: Right! Your questions helped to do this.

It is acceptable that children can ask the same way as one asks: “Who is catching up with whom?”, “Are there many of them there, bumblebees?” etc. The main thing is that the other children and the teacher understand the meaning of the question. In grades 2–4, these same questions will sound differently: “Who performs the action in your sentence?”; “Is the word “striped” a sign of the subject?”; “Is the word “bumblebee” singular or plural?”; “Does the action take place now or in the past (future) time?” etc.

When teaching children dialogue, it is important to remember the single subject of dialogue, i.e. the objectivity of cooperation, to teach this to children, then dialogue will not just be a form of communication (dialogue for the sake of dialogue, the so-called question-and-answer form, often pseudo-dialogue), but precisely dialogue productive, aimed at solving problems together with the teacher and peers.

In the minds of teachers, unfortunately, there is almost no idea that a child always has his own non-normative point of view on any issue discussed in class. A child’s mistake is usually seen as “lack of education, thoughtlessness, and not age-related originality of thought, not a special, natural vision of the subject” (G.A. Tsukerman).

The appendix presents a Russian language lesson in 1st grade, taken from real practice (based on experimental research by G.A. Tsukerman and her colleagues). Using this lesson as an example, we can consider the process of a teacher maintaining the subjectivity of educational cooperation. This situation can also arise in classes kindergarten, and in lessons in primary school during the period of literacy.

This lesson clearly shows how, by materializing different points of view, the teacher helped the class solve four problems at once:

  • practice sound analysis;
  • see the difference between sounds and letters;
  • to catch the difference in the meaning and sound of a word (a non-trivial task for children with a naive, natural linguistic consciousness, for whom “the word is transparent to the subject”);
  • discover that behind different answers there are smart, correct thoughts, that there are no wrong answers, but there are answers to unasked questions.

Speaking about dialogue, I would like to draw attention to the fact that children, as a rule, are focused on the teacher (“sunflower effect”, according to G.A. Tsukerman). It is to him that they address their statements, they expect feedback and evaluation from him, during the lesson they do not hear the statements of their peers, and their opinion is not authoritative. Remember how the teacher constructs his speech: “Tell ME...”, “All eyes on ME...”; the consequence of this is children’s phrases: “And HE said...”. As soon as the teacher excludes from his speech the verbs in the past tense: “We got up...”, “We got the textbooks...” and reflect in the words the fact of our participation in the teaching, joint cooperation: “Let’s open the notebooks... Write down the number...”, as we will discover that we have become closer to children, which means it’s truly more dialogical.

Main directions of child development and educational areas Physical development Cognitive speech development Artistic and aesthetic development Social and personal development Physical culture Health Artistic creativity Communication Music Reading fiction Cognition Socialization Labor Safety

Main goal: mastering constructive ways and means of interaction with other people MAIN DIRECTIONS OF WORK IN DEVELOPING COMMUNICATION SKILLS 1. Development of vocabulary: mastering the meanings of words and their appropriate use in accordance with the context of the statement, with the situation in which communication takes place 2. Nurturing the sound culture of speech – development of perception of the sounds of native speech and pronunciation 3. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech: 3.1. Morphology (changes of words by gender, numbers, cases); 3.2. Syntax (mastering various types of phrases and sentences); 3.3. Word formation 3. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech: 3.1. Morphology (changes of words by gender, numbers, cases); 3.2. Syntax (mastering various types of phrases and sentences); 3.3. Word formation 4. Development of coherent speech: 4.1. Dialogical (colloquial) speech 4.2. Monologue speech (storytelling) 4. Development of coherent speech: 4.1. Dialogical (colloquial) speech 4.2. Monologue speech (storytelling) 5. Formation of elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech (distinguishing between sound and word, finding the place of sound in a word) 6. Cultivating love and interest in the artistic word Tasks – development of free communication with adults and children; – development of all components of children’s oral speech (lexical side, grammatical structure of speech, pronunciation side of speech; coherent speech – dialogical and monologue forms) in various forms and types of children’s activities; – practical mastery of speech norms by pupils. Objectives – development of free communication with adults and children; – development of all components of children’s oral speech (lexical side, grammatical structure of speech, pronunciation side of speech; coherent speech – dialogical and monologue forms) in various forms and types of children’s activities; – practical mastery of speech norms by pupils

METHODS OF DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNICATION Visual Verbal Practical Method of direct observation and its varieties: observation in nature, excursions Indirect observation (visual visualization): looking at toys and paintings, telling stories from toys and paintings Reading and telling works of art Memorizing by heart Retelling Storytelling without relying on visual material Generalizing conversation Didactic games Dramatization games Dramatizations Didactic exercises Plastic sketches Round dance games

According to A.V. Zaporozhets, M.I. Lisina, communication occurs earlier than other mental processes and is present in all types of activities. It influences the child’s speech and mental development and shapes the personality as a whole. According to A.V. Zaporozhets, M.I. Lisina, communication occurs earlier than other mental processes and is present in all types of activities. It influences the child’s speech and mental development and shapes the personality as a whole.

So, communication is the exchange of information. So, communication is the exchange of information. The purpose of communication is what a person does for this type of activity. A child’s number of communication goals increases with age. They include the transfer and receipt of objective knowledge about the world, training and education, coordination of reasonable actions of people in their joint activities, establishment and clarification of personal and business relationships. The purpose of communication is what a person does for this type of activity. A child’s number of communication goals increases with age. They include the transfer and receipt of objective knowledge about the world, training and education, coordination of reasonable actions of people in their joint activities, establishment and clarification of personal and business relationships. Depending on the content, goals and means, communication can be divided into several types. Depending on the content, goals and means, communication can be divided into several types

The influence of communication can be traced in various areas mental development child: 1) in the field of children's curiosity; 2) in the sphere of their emotional experiences; 3) in the formation of love for an adult and friendly attachments to peers; 4) in the field of speech acquisition; 5) in the sphere of personality and self-awareness of children. The influence of communication can be traced in various areas of a child’s mental development: 1) in the area of ​​children’s curiosity; 2) in the sphere of their emotional experiences; 3) in the formation of love for an adult and friendly attachments to peers; 4) in the field of speech acquisition; 5) in the sphere of personality and self-awareness of children.

The child, through communication with an adult, gradually learns the meaning of signs. When a child just begins to speak, he masters, as it were, only the outer shell of the language; a mature understanding of it as a sign system is not yet available to him. child in different types activity through an adult discovers the connection between sign and meaning. Thanks to this, the sign begins to act in its main function - the function of substitution. The child, through communication with an adult, gradually learns the meaning of signs. When a child just begins to speak, he masters, as it were, only the outer shell of the language; a mature understanding of it as a sign system is not yet available to him. In various activities, through an adult, a child discovers the connection between sign and meaning. Thanks to this, the sign begins to act in its main function - the function of substitution. The development of speech as a sign form of activity cannot be understood without its relationship with the development of other forms. The sign meaning is comprehended in objective activity (the child gradually masters functional purpose objects), the word, while remaining the same in its name, changes its psychological content. The word begins to carry a sign function as a kind of sign, acting in a certain meaning and used to store and transmit some ideal information about what lies beyond the limits of verbal designation. The development of speech as a sign form of activity cannot be understood without its relationship with the development of other forms. Sign meaning is comprehended in objective activity (the child gradually masters the functional purpose of objects), the word, while remaining the same in its name, changes its psychological content. The word begins to carry a sign function as a kind of sign, acting in a certain meaning and used to store and transmit some ideal information about what lies beyond the limits of verbal designation.

In preschool children, communication is typically closely intertwined with and intertwined with play, exploration, drawing, and other activities. The child is either busy with his partner (adult, peer), or switches to other things. But even brief moments of communication are a holistic activity, a unique form of existence for children. In preschool children, communication is typically closely intertwined with and intertwined with play, exploration, drawing, and other activities. The child is either busy with his partner (adult, peer), or switches to other things. But even brief moments of communication are a holistic activity, a unique form of existence for children. Therefore, as a subject of psychological analysis, communication is a well-known abstraction. Communication is not completely reduced to the sum of the observed isolated contacts of the child with the people around him, although it is in them that it is manifested and based on which it is constructed into an object of scientific study. Different types of communication are usually combined with each other in everyday life. Therefore, as a subject of psychological analysis, communication is a well-known abstraction. Communication is not completely reduced to the sum of the observed isolated contacts of the child with the people around him, although it is in them that it is manifested and based on which it is constructed into an object of scientific study. Different types of communication are usually combined with each other in everyday life.

The main and perhaps most striking positive impact of communication is its ability to accelerate the development of children. The influence of communication is found not only in accelerating the normal pace of child development, but also in the fact that it allows children to overcome an unfavorable situation, and also helps to correct defects that arose in children due to improper upbringing. The main and perhaps most striking positive impact of communication is its ability to accelerate the development of children. The influence of communication is found not only in accelerating the normal pace of child development, but also in the fact that it allows children to overcome an unfavorable situation, and also helps to correct defects that arose in children due to improper upbringing.

The child’s communication with peers is carried out in the game and about the game. In the game, children assert their strong-willed and business qualities, joyfully experience their successes and suffer bitterly in case of failure. When children communicate with each other, goals arise that must certainly be fulfilled. The conditions of the game themselves require this. The child learns by being involved in a play situation, based on the content of the actions and plots being played out. If a child is not ready or does not want to be attentive to what the upcoming game situation requires of him, if he does not take into account the conditions of the game, then he is simply driven out by his peers. The need for communication with peers and their emotional encouragement forces the child to purposefully concentrate and remember. The child’s communication with peers is carried out in the game and about the game. In the game, children assert their strong-willed and business qualities, joyfully experience their successes and suffer bitterly in case of failure. When children communicate with each other, goals arise that must certainly be fulfilled. The conditions of the game themselves require this. The child learns by being involved in a play situation, based on the content of the actions and plots being played out. If a child is not ready or does not want to be attentive to what the upcoming game situation requires of him, if he does not take into account the conditions of the game, then he is simply driven out by his peers. The need for communication with peers and their emotional encouragement forces the child to purposefully concentrate and remember.

The game is not only fun, but also a difficult task: children often master new games through grueling exercises. How much effort a child puts in, voluntarily practicing the actions necessary for the game, and all in order to communicate with peers. At the same time, the experience of gaming and real relationships (about the game and without a gaming reason) forms the basis of a special property of thinking that allows you to take the point of view of other people, surpass their possible behavior and build your own behavior on this basis. It's about reflective thinking. IN role-playing game There are great opportunities for developing communication skills, first of all, the development of reflection as the human ability to comprehend one’s own actions, needs and experiences, correlating them with the actions, needs and experiences of other people. The ability to reflect conceals the ability to understand and feel another person. The game is not only fun, but also difficult: children often master new games through grueling exercises. How much effort a child puts in, voluntarily practicing the actions necessary for the game, and all in order to communicate with peers. At the same time, the experience of gaming and real relationships (about the game and without a gaming reason) forms the basis of a special property of thinking that allows you to take the point of view of other people, surpass their possible behavior and build your own behavior on this basis. It's about reflective thinking. Role-playing games provide great opportunities for developing communication skills, primarily the development of reflection as the human ability to comprehend one’s own actions, needs and experiences, correlating them with the actions, needs and experiences of other people. The ability to reflect conceals the ability to understand and feel another person.

The original, genetically earliest form of communicative speech is dialogue. It has traditionally been viewed as an exchange of utterances between partners. The researchers' attention was focused mainly on the analysis of dialogue from the point of view of the development of the child's language competence. Research by O.M. Vershina, V.P. Glukhova, O.Ya. Goikhman et al. show that the dialogic form of communication contributes to the activation of cognitive and mental processes. However modern look on the development of children's dialogical speech has changed somewhat. The original, genetically earliest form of communicative speech is dialogue. It has traditionally been viewed as an exchange of utterances between partners. The researchers' attention was focused mainly on the analysis of dialogue from the point of view of the development of the child's language competence. Research by O.M. Vershina, V.P. Glukhova, O.Ya. Goikhman et al. show that the dialogic form of communication contributes to the activation of cognitive and mental processes. However, the modern view of the development of children's dialogical speech has changed somewhat. New research in the field of ontolinguistics proves that children’s dialogue most often does not arise for the sake of the conversation itself, but is determined by the needs of joint objective, playful and productive activity and is, in fact, part of complex system communicative and activity interaction. Thus, it is advisable to consider the issues of the emergence and development of dialogue in line with the development of various types subject-practical compatibility. New research in the field of ontolinguistics proves that children's dialogue most often does not arise for the sake of the conversation itself, but is determined by the needs of joint objective, playful and productive activities and is, in fact, part of a complex system of communicative-activity interaction. Thus, it is advisable to consider the issues of the emergence and development of dialogue in the context of the formation of various types of subject-practical compatibility in a child.

From a very early age, the child is involved in dialogue by an adult. Next, the child transfers the experience of verbal communication with adults into his relationships with peers. Older preschoolers have a pronounced need for self-presentation, a need for the attention of peers, and a desire to convey to their partner the goals and content of their actions. From a very early age, the child is involved in dialogue by an adult. Next, the child transfers the experience of verbal communication with adults into his relationships with peers. Older preschoolers have a pronounced need for self-presentation, a need for the attention of peers, and a desire to convey to their partner the goals and content of their actions. One of the leading factors in the development of children's speech in preschool educational institutions is the speech environment surrounding the child. An integral factor of this very environment is the teacher and his speech. She serves as a model, a standard for the child. It is from the elders that the child learns to conduct a dialogue, build relationships with others, and learns the norms of speech etiquette. One of the leading factors in the development of children's speech in preschool educational institutions is the speech environment surrounding the child. An integral factor of this very environment is the teacher and his speech. She serves as a model, a standard for the child. It is from the elders that the child learns to conduct a dialogue, build relationships with others, and learns the norms of speech etiquette. Inferior speech activity leaves an imprint on the formation of children's sensory, intellectual and affective-volitional spheres. There is instability of attention, limited opportunities its distribution. While semantic and logical memory is relatively intact, children have reduced verbal memory and memorization productivity suffers. They forget complex instructions, elements and sequences of tasks. Inferior speech activity leaves an imprint on the formation of children's sensory, intellectual and affective-volitional spheres. There is instability of attention and limited possibilities for its distribution. While semantic and logical memory is relatively intact, children have reduced verbal memory and memorization productivity suffers. They forget complex instructions, elements and sequences of tasks.

The main method of forming dialogical speech in everyday communication is the conversation between the teacher and the children (unprepared dialogue). This is the most common, publicly accessible and universal form of verbal communication between a teacher and children in everyday life. This method is the most natural method involving children in dialogue, since communicative motives serve as an incentive to participate in conversation. The main method of forming dialogical speech in everyday communication is the conversation between the teacher and the children (unprepared dialogue). This is the most common, publicly accessible and universal form of verbal communication between a teacher and children in everyday life. This method is the most natural method of introducing children to dialogue, since communicative motives serve as an incentive to participate in the conversation. Properly organized conversations with children (prepared conversations) can be considered similar in degree of communicativeness. That is why conversations between teachers and children are considered traditional ways of constant, everyday verbal interaction between a teacher and children. Properly organized conversations with children (prepared conversations) can be considered similar in degree of communicativeness. That is why conversations between teachers and children are considered traditional ways of constant, everyday verbal interaction between a teacher and children.

In a conversation, the teacher: 1) clarifies and organizes the children’s experience, i.e. those ideas and knowledge about the life of people and nature that children acquired during observations under the guidance of a teacher and in various activities in the family and at school; 2) instills in children a correct attitude towards the environment; 3) teaches children to think purposefully and consistently, without being distracted from the topic of conversation; 4) teaches you to express your thoughts simply and clearly. In a conversation, the teacher: 1) clarifies and organizes the children’s experience, i.e. those ideas and knowledge about the life of people and nature that children acquired during observations under the guidance of a teacher and in various activities in the family and at school; 2) instills in children a correct attitude towards the environment; 3) teaches children to think purposefully and consistently, without being distracted from the topic of conversation; 4) teaches you to express your thoughts simply and clearly. In addition, during a conversation, the teacher develops in children sustained attention, the ability to listen and understand the speech of others, to restrain the immediate desire to immediately answer a question without waiting for a call, and the habit of speaking loudly and clearly enough for everyone to hear. In addition, during a conversation, the teacher develops in children stable attention, the ability to listen and understand the speech of others, to restrain the immediate desire to immediately answer a question without waiting for a call, the habit of speaking loudly and clearly enough for everyone to hear.

Dialogue is called the primary natural form of linguistic communication, the classical form of speech communication. The main feature of the dialogue is the alternation of speaking by one interlocutor with listening and subsequent speaking by the other. It is important that in a dialogue the interlocutors always know what is being said and do not need to develop thoughts and statements. Oral dialogic speech occurs in a specific situation and is accompanied by gestures, facial expressions, and intonation. Hence the linguistic design of the dialogue. Speech in it may be incomplete, abbreviated, sometimes fragmentary. The dialogue is characterized by: colloquial vocabulary and phraseology; brevity, reticence, abruptness; simple and complex non-union sentences; brief premeditation. The coherence of the dialogue is ensured by two interlocutors. Depending on the goals and objectives that are set and solved in the process of communication, various linguistic means are selected. As a result, varieties of a single literary language are created, called functional styles. Dialogue is called the primary natural form of linguistic communication, the classical form of speech communication. The main feature of the dialogue is the alternation of speaking by one interlocutor with listening and subsequent speaking by the other. It is important that in a dialogue the interlocutors always know what is being said and do not need to develop thoughts and statements. Oral dialogic speech occurs in a specific situation and is accompanied by gestures, facial expressions, and intonation. Hence the linguistic design of the dialogue. Speech in it may be incomplete, abbreviated, sometimes fragmentary. The dialogue is characterized by: colloquial vocabulary and phraseology; brevity, reticence, abruptness; simple and complex non-union sentences; brief premeditation. The coherence of the dialogue is ensured by two interlocutors. Depending on the goals and objectives that are set and solved in the process of communication, various linguistic means are selected. As a result, varieties of a single literary language are created, called functional styles.

The concept of speech culture is closely related to the literary language. The concept of speech culture is closely related to the literary language. Speech culture refers to mastery of the norms of the literary language in its oral and written form. Speech culture refers to mastery of the norms of the literary language in its oral and written form. COMPONENTS OF SPEECH CULTURE COMMUNICATIVE ETHICAL NORMATIVE

Speech culture develops skills in the selection and use of linguistic means. The choice of linguistic means necessary for this purpose is the basis of the communicative aspect of speech culture. In accordance with the requirements of the communicative aspect of speech culture, native speakers must master the functional varieties of the language. The ethical aspect of speech culture prescribes knowledge and application of the rules of linguistic behavior in specific situations. Ethical standards of communication mean speech etiquette. Speech culture develops skills in the selection and use of linguistic means. The choice of linguistic means necessary for this purpose is the basis of the communicative aspect of speech culture. In accordance with the requirements of the communicative aspect of speech culture, native speakers must master the functional varieties of the language. The ethical aspect of speech culture prescribes knowledge and application of the rules of linguistic behavior in specific situations. Ethical standards of communication mean speech etiquette.

As the circle of contacts expands and as cognitive interests grow, the child masters contextual speech. Over time, the child begins to use either situational or contextual speech more and more appropriately, depending on the conditions and nature of communication. As the circle of contacts expands and as cognitive interests grow, the child masters contextual speech. Over time, the child begins to use either situational or contextual speech more and more appropriately, depending on the conditions and nature of communication. Explanatory speech is of particular importance for the development of communication. In senior preschool age the child has a need to explain to his peer the content of the upcoming game, the structure of the toy, and much more. Explanatory speech requires a certain sequence of presentation, highlighting and indicating the main connections and relationships in a situation that the interlocutor must understand. Explanatory speech is of particular importance for the development of communication. In older preschool age, a child has a need to explain to a peer the content of the upcoming game, the structure of the toy, and much more. Explanatory speech requires a certain sequence of presentation, highlighting and indicating the main connections and relationships in a situation that the interlocutor must understand.