(!LANG:Recommendations for drawing up a plan. Guidelines for compiling ptp and ctp. An approximate version of a plan for working with parents

Article 15 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" defines the curriculum "as a breakdown of the content educational program by training courses, by disciplines and years of study.

The curriculum of a general education institution has a certain structure, which represents:

  1. Operating mode of OS (indicate the number of classes in general and by level of education, the number of classes with in-depth study of individual subjects, the number of extended day groups, working hours and shifts, the duration of lessons).
  2. Explanatory note (regulations on the basis of which the curriculum was compiled, target orientation, strategic and tactical guidelines for updating the content of education, the profile of the educational institution, if the school is general education, but there are specific classes - KRO, compensatory education, profile, in-depth study of a particular subject, general characteristics of the invariant component - FC and RK, the use of the variable part in accordance with the profile of the school (class). The main issue that you need to pay attention to when drawing up a plan and an explanatory note is the ratio of the content of the invariant (FC and RK) and variable (SHK) parts. This ratio is determined by: the social order and the general goals of education in a given school, the role of individual subjects in the implementation of the goals set; originality of private goals, tasks and content of individual subjects and groups of subjects (educational areas) at each of the levels of education; interdisciplinary communications (their intended purpose, specific ways of implementation, including within the framework of integrated courses); additional educational programs and services implemented at the expense of budget financing (i.e. provided to students free of charge) outside the PMU. The use of subject courses, special courses, elective courses as an integral part of the school educational program. It is important not only to indicate which disciplines, subjects, types of educational activities are introduced at the expense of the school component, but also to justify the expediency of their introduction. Programs additional education(circles, sections, etc.), implemented at the expense of budgetary financing (i.e., provided to students free of charge) outside the curriculum.
  3. A grid of hours broken down by learning levels(take into account the following: the weekly study load should not exceed the maximum allowable (SanPiN requirements), in primary and secondary schools, for each class, FC, RK and SC are indicated; in profile classes (10-11), subjects that are studied at the profile or in-depth level (each child studies at least 2 subjects, but no more than 3); the name of the elective courses is indicated in full.
  4. Software and methodological support of the curriculum.Software - a list of those specific curricula for each of the subjects of the curriculum that are accepted for use in this educational institution. Methodological support - the means that are used to teach each of the subjects of the curriculum. Educational-methodical complex - the totality of everything methodological support on the subject of study (syllabus, textbooks, study guides, atlases, notebooks with a printed base, etc.)

Information about the teaching and methodological support used for each subject is drawn up in the idea of ​​a table, which is attached to the curriculum







Security of students



** Types of programs:

  • Sample curriculum for elementary school.
  • Approximate high school program (basic level).
  • Approximate high school program (profile level).
  • Author's program recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (basic, profile, advanced level)
  • Author's program approved by ZabKIPKRO, GNMC.
  • A modified (adapted) program compiled by a teacher on the basis of a program recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, ZabKIPKRO, GNMTs (changes are not more than 20%).

Individual curriculum in the conditions of a senior profile school (formation algorithm).

IEP - a set of subjects (courses) selected for mastering by students from the educational plan of the educational institution, compiled on the basis of the federal BUP.

  1. Questioning of 9th grade students, their parents in order to determine the profile they prefer and the subjects that they want to study at an extended or in-depth level.
  2. The choice of an organizational model of education, the definition of the main profiles, subjects that will be studied at the basic and profile levels.
  3. Development of a working version of the curriculum, identification of the needs of each student on the content of education in grades 10-11. At this stage, the administration develops and offers students in grade 9 a variant of the curriculum (subjects of the mandatory basic component and subjects offered to choose from according to the level of study - profile or basic), a list of elective courses and a memo for the student. High school students must choose at least 2 subjects studied at the profile or advanced level in their chosen profile. And optional items of an additional profile. When drawing up the curriculum, students consult with the deputy director, the class teacher.
  4. Preparation of IEP, which must be agreed with the parents.
  5. Processing and analysis of students' IEP data and identification of opportunities for their provision. The administration of the school compiles a summary table that summarizes the individual curricula of high school students, determining the number of interclass groups and their composition. Adjustments are being made to the IEP of students. For example, out of 100 students, only 3 people chose to study geography at the profile level, it is impossible to create a group, students are invited to adjust their curriculum.
  6. Drawing up the curriculum of the school, its examination, coordination and approval.

When studying the activities of the educational institution on the organization of the HSC, the following documents are provided:

  1. Regulations on the HSC (school).
  2. School work plan (with an analysis of work over the past academic year), which should include a control plan.
  3. Criteria for evaluating the activities of teachers.
  4. Job descriptions for managers.
  5. Minutes of administrative meetings (at the director, head teacher, MO).
  6. Orders on the organization of control, its results.
  7. References on the results of control.
  8. Results of monitoring, control work, etc.
  9. Cool magazines (optional) on special request.

When studying the state of pre-profile training and profile training.

  1. Regulations on pre-profile training.
  2. Regulations on profile training.
  3. Regulations on admission to the 10th profile class.
  4. Regulations on the "portfolio" of the student.
  5. Program (model) for the introduction of specialized education in educational institutions,
  6. Academic plan.
  7. Timetable of training sessions.
  8. Timetable of elective and optional courses.
  9. Cool magazines for grades 9-11.
  10. Elective course programs.
  11. Materials of diagnostic procedures.
  12. Minutes of parent meetings.
  13. Plans of educational work of class teachers of grades 9-11.

When studying the organization of individual learning:

  1. References PMPK, VKK, MSEK.
  2. Orders.
  3. Work programs for children.
  4. Individual learning journals and class journals that list children.
  5. The HSC plan, the final documents for the control of this area of ​​the school's work.

When changing the training program (from general education program for correction) a certificate from the Dar center is required. When registering for individual training without changing the program (injuries, exacerbation of somatic diseases, etc.), a certificate from the "Dar" center is not required. A VK certificate with three signatures is required.

Lesson Plan Sample

The content of the lessons will be different, depending on the subject, on the type of lesson. But the basic principles of compiling a competent summary are the same in all cases.

Stage 1. Lesson topic

The theme of the lesson is always indicated in the teacher's annual lesson plan.

Stage II. Lesson Objectives

MIt is more convenient for young teachers to use the old, proven method and clearly distinguish between the objectives of the lesson in three positions:

Learning goals. These could be goals such as:

Give an idea about…;

Generalize and systematize knowledge about ....;

Introduce students to (concept, rule, facts, law, etc.)

Develop skills (work with laboratory equipment, etc.).


To instill in students a sense of patriotism, humanity, diligence, respect for elders, aesthetic taste, ethical standards, discipline.

Developing. Here are the goals that will help develop students' memory, imagination, thinking, cognitive skills, will, independence, communication. If the lesson provides for group types of work, then it can be indicated that the main developmental goal will be to teach how to work in a team, express and defend one's point of view, and develop communication skills.

Stage III. Planned tasks

This indicates the minimum of the knowledge and skills that students should acquire during the lesson. Planned tasks should be compared with the requirements for knowledge and skills of students, which are indicated by the Ministry of Education for each grade and for each subject.

Stage IV. Type and form of the lesson

It is worth clarifying for yourself every time whether this lesson will be an explanation, a lesson-conversation, or you are aiming to conduct a non-standard lesson.
For convenience, I will give examples of the most common types and forms of the lesson.

Types and forms of the lesson

1. Lesson of acquaintance with new material.

Forms: conversation, problem lesson, lecture.

2. A lesson in consolidating what has been learned.

Forms: games, competitions, KVN, travel, benefit performance, briefing, auction, fairy tale, performance, etc.

3. A lesson in applying new knowledge and skills in practice.

Forms: the same as for consolidation lessons. You can also conduct research lessons, laboratory, creative workshops, competitions, testing, excursions, etc.

4. Lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge.

The form is chosen free, at the request of the teacher.

5. Control lesson.

Shapes: as traditional test papers, tests, dictations, essays, and more creative types: seminars, briefings or consultations.

6. Integrated lessons. Forms are free, as 2 or more subjects are involved in one lesson.

Stage V. Equipment

This lists everything that the teacher will use during the lesson. These are multimedia presentations, audio and video materials, visual and handout materials.

Stage VI. During the classes

1. Organizational moment is an obligatory stage of all lessons. Helps to focus the attention of students, determine their composure and readiness for the lesson.

2. Checking homework. Experienced teachers practice hourly checking of homework. This helps not only to check how well the previous topic has been mastered, but also to remind the class of the main points of the previous lessons.

The exceptions are control lessons.

3. Actualization of students' knowledge on the topic. This stage is very popular in teaching methods. Actualization helps students tune in to the perception of the topic, identify the range of issues that will be considered in the lesson. In addition, actualization makes it possible to set a practical goal for the lesson.

4. Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson. The teacher can define the topics and objectives of the lesson. And you can lead students to this during a preliminary conversation, clustering or mini-testing.

5. The main part of the lesson.

This part of the lesson will be different depending on the type and form of the lesson. But the principle of construction is the same: from the simple to the complex, from the general to the particular.

6. Summing up. You can replace this step with reflection. It is important for the teacher to understand what the students have learned, what questions have remained incomprehensible, what problems have not been resolved.

7. Grading. Grades can be set by the teacher himself, analyzing and evaluating the work of students in the lesson, but practice self-assessment or a system of cumulative points. In this case, the students themselves evaluate their work.

8. Homework.

Traditionally, this stage is left at the end of the lesson. But homework can be given both at the beginning and in the middle of the lesson. Especially if the home will be given, for example, writing an essay, composition or doing a laboratory. In this case, the teacher directs attention in advance that the theses developed in the lesson will be important when doing homework.

The modern methodology recommends, in addition to the mandatory task, to offer students options for more difficult level or aimed at developing creative abilities (create a collage, draw a picture on a topic or prepare a report, presentation).

Annual planning of educational work with the class is an integral part of the work of the class teacher. The plan of educational work, drawn up taking into account the problems of the class, aimed at the prospect of development of the children's team and focused on the modern requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, allows the class teacher to design and systematize his activities, direct it to achieve educational results.

These guidelines are developed taking into account the main areas of work of the class teacher. Recommendations contain short description sections of the annual work plan of the class teacher, options for planning the main events (Appendix 1), rough plan work for the vacation period (Appendix 2), an approximate plan for working with parents (Appendix 3), an approximate plan for working with children / families at risk.

When drawing up the annual plan of educational work, the class teacher must have the following information:

Approximate composition of the class team of students (total number of students, number of boys, girls);

Age of students and psychological and pedagogical features of this age;

Presence of leaders and outsiders in the class;

The level of progress of each child;

The presence of formed microgroups of the classroom team, which unites them;

The presence of problems in the relationship of students in the class and the reasons for their occurrence;

Interests, hobbies and preferences of each student.

All this knowledge is necessary for the class teacher in order to conduct a competent analysis of the work with the class for the previous academic period and identify the main goals and objectives for the new academic year. If the class teacher will work with the class for the first year, then this information you need to find out from the previous class teacher (educator). If the class teacher has been working with the class for more than a year, then he takes the listed knowledge about the student team from his experience of working with students, using the results of diagnostic studies, monitoring of educational activities, the predominant forms of which are pedagogical observation, questioning, testing.

The structure of the plan of educational work with the class.Title page. The plan of educational work is an official document that must necessarily reflect information about the author, who compiled this document, what age category it is designed for, what is the period of its implementation, with whom it was agreed and approved. Therefore, in the VR plan, it is necessary to indicate the full name. the teacher - the author, the class in which the teacher will work, the timing of the implementation of the plan. This plan must be agreed with the representative of the administration (or teacher) responsible for educational work in educational organization, and approve with the manager.

Analysis of educational work for the previous academic year. This section of the plan should include the following information:

  • the goal of educational work, indicated in the plan for the past academic year, to achieve which the work of the class teacher was directed;
  • tasks aimed at achieving the goal;
  • expected educational results;
  • forms and methods of work of the class teacher used in achieving the designated goals and objectives;
  • the main areas of work of the class teacher;
  • specific activities carried out within these areas, with a description of the level of emotional response of students (liked it, aroused keen interest, students showed particular activity / did not like it, students did not demonstrate their interest, participated as passive listeners, or not the whole class showed special interest and etc.), it is desirable to indicate among the listed activities those that have become traditional and the implementation of which caused a special positive response from students;
  • problems that arose in the work on the implementation of the BP plan, indicating the specific reasons for their occurrence;
  • the level of achievement of educational results (according to the results of the academic year) in relation to the solution of the goals and objectives;
  • work with difficult children and children at risk: the number of children registered with the school, registered with law enforcement agencies, registered with the KDN, the reasons for registration are indicated. It describes the basic principles of organizing work with this group of students, the degree of their involvement in extracurricular activities, the forms used to control the employment of students outside the school, the joint work of the class teacher with a social teacher, psychologist and parents, what results have been achieved, what problems have remained unresolved;
  • analysis of work with parents: the degree of activity of parents in interaction with the teacher, the participation of parents in the affairs of the class, the problems solved in the process of interaction, the role of the parent committee in the organization are analyzed joint work class teacher with the parent community, forms of work used by the teacher, individual work with parents, what topics were discussed and consulted, are there parents with whom it was not possible to establish contact. Work with parents of children at risk and families in a difficult social situation, forms and methods of interaction, positive or negative dynamics of this work.

The purpose and objectives of educational work for the new academic year should be formulated taking into account the above analysis and aimed at creating conditions for eliminating the problems of education identified in the analysis, and their implementation should contribute to improving the quality of the process of education and socialization.

characteristics of a class team. In this section, you should indicate the size of the class, the number of boys and girls in it, the level of student achievement, the degree of activity of students in the classroom and during organized extracurricular time, the level of cohesion of students within the team, the common interests of the class, the presence of leaders and outsiders in the class, the presence microgroups indicating the principles of their formation, the degree of conflict (low, medium, high), hobbies, preferences and creative abilities of students, extracurricular activities of children.

social class passport(according to the form adopted by the educational organization)

Plan the main activities with the students of the class. This section of the plan can be drawn up by types of activities, areas of activity, thematic periods (at the choice of the class teacher).

We should not forget that the plan of the main events with students must necessarily reflect the activities of the school-wide and city levels.

Action plan for the holidays. In order to avoid additional work of the class teacher in planning the organization of vacation time, I recommend including this section in the annual planning of the educational work of the class.

Activities planned for the holidays should contribute to creating conditions for the formation of culture healthy lifestyle life, i.e. students must learn to rest with benefits for health and personal development. Properly planned work solves the following tasks: it coordinates the employment of children during the holidays, the child continues to develop on vacation, moral ideals and cultural values ​​are formed. During the holidays, teachers are advised to take into account the age of children, their interests, significant dates of the city and country, as well as calendar holidays that will be of interest to schoolchildren, when drawing up a plan. As types of activities, it is important to use such activities as tourism and local history activities, sports and recreational activities, leisure and entertainment communication (an approximate version of the work plan for the holidays, see Appendix 2)

Parenting plan. This section of the plan will allow the class teacher to systematize his work to create a single educational space "Family and School". The plan of work with parents may include both group and individual forms of work with parents (see Appendix 2). When drawing up a plan for working with parents, it is necessary to take into account the age category of parents, their social status and employment during working hours. In this regard, it is appropriate, along with face-to-face forms of work, to include remote types of interaction in the plan. Group, individual and collective forms of work are still relevant. From individual forms of work, the plan can include:

  • individual face-to-face and remote consultations for parents,
  • visiting family at home;

among groups:

  • thematic consultations, parental general education, master classes;

among collectives:

  • parent-teacher meetings, jointly organized events (their names must be indicated); It is important to include in the plan the work on the development of the information space for parents or the holding of a forum for parents, the design of visual and information stands or booklets for parents.

Plan of work with children/families of the risk group and students who are on the intra-school registration, registration in the KDN and law enforcement agencies. This section of the plan should include activities aimed at identifying children / families belonging to this category, individual and group activities with students / parents, activities aimed at identifying the interests of students and their implementation, as well as work on the preparation and maintenance of the necessary reporting documentation , participation in Prevention Councils (an exemplary version of the plan for working with children / parents at risk, see Annex 4).

Dear colleagues! I draw your attention to the fact that the options for planning educational work with the class in the main areas of activity, set out below, are not a model for exact copying and are given only as a way to demonstrate the possible forms of drawing up a plan, their content requires systematization and additions, taking into account educational problems, goals , tasks of a particular class team.

Attachment 1

Option 1.Planning of main events by types of activity



Social modeling game "In the world of professions"



Conversation "In the world of discoveries"

Problem-value communication

Discussion of the stories of A. Mogilevskaya "Hurry with good", "Do not rush with good"

Leisure activities

(leisure communication)

Class participation in a charity concert for veterans "New Year Serpentine"

Sports and recreation activities

"Health Day"

Tourist and local history activities

Excursion to the Museum of the Great Patriotic War

Artistic creativity

Participation in the school exhibition "Oh woman, blessed are you!"

Labor (production) activity

Labor landing on the territory of Krasnopresnensky Park

social creativity

Social project "Memory is alive"

April May

Option 2. Planning of main activities by activity lines


Name of the event and form of holding

Estimated level of educational result

Local government leaders involved in the organization of the event


Healthy lifestyle

KTD "Our teachers, thank you from the bottom of my heart"

Civic-patriotic education

Discussion "When we are united, we are invincible"

Spiritual and moral education

KTD "Give a New Year's fairy tale to someone who does not expect gifts from life"

Project "My Grandmother's New Year's Toy"

Civil patriotic

Excursion to the Museum of Military Glory

Meeting with participants in international wars

Spiritual and moral

Civil patriotic

Participation in a charity concert

Option 3. Planning of main events by thematic periods

Thematic period

Name of the event and form of holding

Estimated level of educational result

Local government leaders involved in the organization of the event


Autumn pages of the school calendar

All-Russian lesson "Ready for work and defense"

Action "Festive mail", dedicated to Teacher's Day

Discussion "The power of unity is the power of success", dedicated to the Day national unity and reconciliation

On the wings of a New Year's fairy tale

Competition "My New Year's classroom"

KVN "When the clock strikes 12"

"About courage, about valor, about glory"

Project "He did not flinch in battle"

Action "Candle of Memory", dedicated to the memory of soldiers-internationalists in Russia

spring victorious

Photo exhibition "The Aroma of Spring", dedicated to International Women's Day"

Social project "Book of Memory";

Action "Veterans - with love";

Appendix 2

Sample vacation work


Name of the event and form of organization

The level of educational result

Local government leaders involved in the organization of the event

the date of the

Autumn vacation

Autumn walk along the Arbat, preparation for the photo project "My Arbat"

Visiting the cinema "Nightingale", watching the film "Legend No. 17"

Discussion on the film "Legend No. 17"

Bicycle marathon

Design of the project stand "My Arbat"

Annex 3

An example plan for working with parents

Name of the event and form of holding


Registration of the results of the work


Individual face-to-face and remote consultations

Problems of academic performance, attendance and relationships in the children's team

Creation of pedagogical conditions to eliminate the problems of training and education

During a year

(on demand)

Parental education. Group consultations

I time in a quarter

Childish selfishness. How to overcome it?

Creation of pedagogical conditions for the formation of parental competence in the process of education

Friends in a child's life

Teenage aggression and its causes

Child independence. How to develop it?

Master classes

"Holiday at home. How to organize and conduct

Information booklet for parents, feedback log

We educate without offending

parent meetings

Meetings at the end of the quarter

parent meeting minutes

I time in a quarter

October, December, March

Joint activities with parents

Sports marathon "Family cross"

Personal participation of parents in organizing and holding events, creating conditions for the development of a single educational space "Family and School"

Photo report, design of thematic stands following the results of the event


Photo exhibition

"Mom's Eyes"

Theatrical performance "New Year's Theater"

KVN "On the Threshold of Spring", dedicated to International Women's Day

Appendix 4

Sample plan for working with children/families at risk

Name of the event and form of holding


Registration of the results of the work


Individual and group work with students

Identification of children at risk

Determination of the quantitative composition of students who require special pedagogical support

Compilation of lists of students who are registered within the school, registered with the KDN, registered with law enforcement agencies. Preparation of submissions for registration/removal from intra-school registration


Organization of students' leisure, involving them in circles and sections

Organization of extracurricular time for students

Drawing up a “Student Employment Card”

September and throughout the year

Monitoring the attendance of training sessions and progress in subjects

Creation of conditions for increasing the attendance and academic performance of students

Attendance and progress record

During a year

Participation in raids visiting the families of students who are on the intra-school register, registered with law enforcement agencies, KDN, together with class teachers and social educator

Study of housing and living conditions of students

Protocol of a family visit with a description of the living conditions of students

I time in a quarter

Conducting preventive individual conversations on academic performance, behavior and building friendships

with peers

Creation of conditions for the prevention of antisocial behavior on the part of students / families of the risk group.

Card of psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation

September, December, March, May and throughout the year on request

Participation in the Prevention Council

Work on the preparation and maintenance of reporting documentation

Compilation of characteristics for children/families of the risk group»


Maintaining a card of socio-pedagogical support of the student / family

During a year

Registration of personal files of students

May, August

When developing this section of the business plan, it is necessary to be based on the following principles:

  • 1) the principle of understanding the consumer, based on taking into account the needs and dynamics of market conditions;
  • 2) the principle of struggle for the consumer (client);
  • 3) the principle of maximum adaptation of production to market requirements.

Also, when carrying out marketing activities, it must be remembered that the process of coordinating the company's capabilities and consumer requests takes place in a certain external (environment) environment, which is influenced by factors such as:

  • 1) the stability of the political and legal system in the country of the market, providing legal protection for the activities of domestic and foreign entrepreneurs;
  • 2) economic and demographic factors;
  • 3) the legislative system that regulates the activities of the organization;
  • 4) the level of scientific and technological progress, which forces to produce new products and carry out effective marketing activities;
  • 5) socio-cultural level of the population, geographical, climatic and historical conditions, cultural traditions that have a great influence on marketing activities. When writing this section, it must be borne in mind that the marketing plan includes a large number of questions that need to be answered in a detailed, exhaustive way when compiling it. It is expedient to state the main things in it on several pages: what is the marketing strategy adopted in the company, how the product will be sold - through its own company stores or through wholesale trade organizations; how prices for goods will be set, what level of profitability on invested funds is expected to be realized; how it is supposed to achieve a constant growth in sales volumes - by expanding the sales area or by searching for new forms of attracting additional buyers; how the service will be organized and how much money will be needed for this; how it is supposed to achieve a good reputation of the products and the company itself in the eyes of the public.
  • 1) goals and marketing strategies;
  • 2) pricing;
  • 3) a scheme for the distribution of goods;
  • 4) sales promotion methods;
  • 5) organization of after-sales customer service;
  • 6) advertising;
  • 7) formation of public opinion about the company and products;
  • 8) marketing budget;
  • 9) marketing controlling.

After determining the overall target strategy of the company for each type of product, a detailed action plan is developed. The main criteria for evaluating the strategy here are the assortment, the market, and competition. The range of products offered ultimately depends on the need for the qualities of the product from end users. Differences in the types of goods in the range must meet the specific requirements of consumers.

The size of the market is determined by the number of potential consumers in each individual product.

Evaluation of competitors involves identifying firms on the market that sell goods with similar qualities and are able to replace the proposed product.

Pricing. The pricing strategy can be based on cost, demand, or competition. In the case of a cost-based strategy, the entrepreneur determines prices by calculating the costs of production, maintenance, and overheads, and then adds the desired profit to these figures. Demand is not studied.

As part of a demand-based strategy, the price is determined at the level of the average market, and the costs in this case should not exceed the amount calculated as the difference between price and profit.

With a competitive pricing strategy, prices can be either lower or higher than market prices, depending on the loyalty of consumers, the service provided, and the image of the product. This principle is used by firms that have competitors.

In addition, this section may suggest and justify any of the following strategies:

  • 1) setting standard prices. They are established when a channel participant determines the prices of goods or services and seeks to keep them constant over a long period of time. They are used for products such as candy, chewing gum, magazines;
  • 2) variable pricing. The firm deliberately changes prices to respond to changes in costs or consumer demand. Using this strategy, you can offer different prices to target certain market segments. In this case, the prices charged to different consumers are not based on costs;
  • 3) establishment of uniform and flexible prices;
  • 4) the strategy of unrounded prices. This strategy takes place when prices are set below round sums. The psychological factor comes into play - consumers like to get change;
  • 5) the concept of "price - quality". When entering the market, it is often advisable for a manufacturer to apply price leadership tactics. Another method used if you want to increase the volume of sales of products is the establishment of discounts for bulk purchases.

Scheme of distribution of goods. According to this paragraph, in the marketing plan of the organization, it is necessary to indicate the scheme for the sale of goods.

Distribution and marketing include three elements: transportation, storage and contact with consumers.

There are a number of key factors to consider when choosing distribution channels.

  • 1. Consumers:
  • 1) characteristics: quantity, needs, average purchase size;
  • 2) segments: size, buying behavior.
  • 2. Company:
  • 1) goals: control, sales, profit, time;
  • 2) resources: flexibility, level, service needs.
  • 3. Product or service:
  • 1) cost: unit price;
  • 2) complexity: technical side;
  • 3) volume: unit mass, separability.
  • 4. Competition:
  • 1) characteristics: number, concentration, assortment, consumers;
  • 2) tactics: methods of distribution, relations in sales.
  • 5. Channels of distribution:
  • 1) alternatives: direct, indirect;
  • 2) characteristics: quantity, functions performed, traditions;
  • 3) legal aspects: relevant laws and bills.

There are two main types of distribution channels:

  • 1) direct channels associated with the movement of goods from the producer to the consumer without the use of independent intermediaries.
  • 2) indirect channels of goods movement associated with the movement of goods first to the intermediary, and then to the consumer.

An assessment is made through which trading network (wholesale or retail) the product (service) is mainly sold or is supposed to be sold.

There are three general categories of organization of wholesale activities, their brief characteristics are given below.

  • 1. Wholesale activities of manufacturers.
  • 2. Commercial wholesalers buy products for resale.
  • 3. Agents and brokers perform wholesale functions but do not take ownership of the goods.

Retailing generally performs four functions. She participates in the sorting process, collecting an assortment of goods from a large number of suppliers, and offers them for sale; presents information to consumers through advertising, shop windows and inscriptions; carries out operations for the maintenance of goods; closes deals using the appropriate store locations and opening hours.

Sales promotion. An organization can use a wide range of sales promotion tools:

  • 1) direct mail;
  • 2) trade shows and demonstrations;
  • 3) placement of advertisements;
  • 4) printed and audiovisual means;
  • 5) shop windows;
  • 6) business meetings and conferences;
  • 7) paying coupons, etc.

The type of sales promotion largely depends on the organization's strategy, its position in the market, financial capabilities, product specifics, etc. All this is reflected in this section of the business plan in the form of an incentive plan, the development of which consists of the following elements:

  • 1) setting goals. Sales promotion objectives are almost always demand-driven. Objectives related to distribution channel participants include providing the most favorable sales conditions, increasing dealer enthusiasm, etc.;
  • 2) responsibility for sales promotion, usually shared by advertising and sales managers. Each presides over the stimulation associated with his area. The ad manager is associated with coupons, contests, calendars. The sales manager is engaged in trade deliveries, discounts, exhibitions;
  • 3) a developed overall plan, including budget, orientation or theme, conditions, media, duration and chronological sequence;
  • 4) choice of the type of stimulation. It is based on factors such as the image and goals of the organization, costs. This is achieved by establishing premiums for sellers when selling goods for a certain amount, organizing exhibitions, holding trade competitions for dealers, organizing lotteries, replacing obsolete modules on preferential terms, by setting discounts for bulk purchases;
  • 5) coordination of the plan, i.e., linking the advertising plan with sales promotion;
  • 6) evaluation of success or failure.

After-sales service. In this section, it is necessary to highlight issues related to the conditions of warranty and post-warranty service, the provision of a range of services in each of these types of service, the structure and location of service enterprises. After-sales service planning consists in determining the policy of the organization in the context of the following issues:

  • 1) compliance of the range and quality of after-sales services with the needs of consumers;
  • 2) the frequency of use of individual parts and assemblies;
  • 3) well-established mechanism for supplying warranty workshops with the necessary number of spare parts.
  • 1) set goals;
  • 2) established liability;
  • 3) detailed advertising budget;
  • 4) developed advertising themes common to the entire organization;
  • 5) the chosen means of advertising;
  • 6) proposed solutions for:
    • a) the content of the message (video);
    • b) work schedule;
    • c) the place of announcements in a broadcast or printed publication;
    • d) other conditions;
  • 7) the period during which the advertisement will be published.

Formation of public opinion ("Public relations"). The marketing plan should also focus on Special attention public opinion about the organization and its products (services) and, accordingly, the methods of its formation. The tasks of the "Public relations" service are:

  • 1) the systematic creation of a favorable attitude towards the firm of the general population;
  • 2) implementation of the trade presentation;
  • 3) conducting institutional advertising;
  • 4) provision of consulting services with the issuance of proposals to the management on issues of public recognition of the company, its position in the market and image.

Marketing budget development. The easiest way to set a budget is as follows:

  • 1) the total market volume for each of the goods for the next year is estimated;
  • 2) a forecast is made of the company's share in this market, taking into account the planned marketing activities;
  • 3) the volume of sales, costs and profits for each of the goods are estimated;
  • 4) the difference between the planned (without marketing activities) profit and the profit received as a result of the assessment is determined;
  • 5) part of this difference (usually 50%) goes to the marketing budget;
  • 6) the marketing budget is determined by summing up for all products.

This budget is divided into marketing expenditure items in the proportions of the previous year.

Controlling. Controlling is understood as quantitative and qualitative preparation and evaluation of operational and strategic decisions of management, analysis of the company's economic activities.

Dispatching service ____________________________________________________________

The expulsion of forces and means according to the rank of fire No. ____ is envisaged.

The fire extinguishing plan was: ________________

Appendix 5

Fire brigade report card

Fire brigade number

Job title

Actions of the fire brigade number in case of fire

Appendix 6

Organization of interaction between fire departments and life support services of an organization, city, settlement (district), ZATO

No. p / p

Task content

Responsible service

Attracted officials various services

Annex 7

Organization of fire extinguishing by fire departments

Time from start of fire

Possible fire situation

Q tr l/s

Introduced devices for extinguishing and protection

Q f l/s




GPS, SVP, etc.

Appendix 8


Table 1

Operational and tactical characteristics of the building No.

Geometric dimensions

logical (m)

Structural elements

Fire resistance limit, building structure (hour)


number of inputs


stairwell ristic

Energy supply

Fire alarm and extinguishing systems





small towns


Mains voltage

Where and by whom



table 2

Availability and characteristics of fire extinguishing installations

No. p / p

Name of premises protected by fire extinguishing installations

Availability and places of automatic and manual start-up of fire extinguishing installations

Table 3

Availability and characteristics of the smoke exhaust system and air overpressure

No. p / p

Name of premises protected by smoke exhaust and air overpressure installations

Type and characteristics of the installation

Availability and places of automatic and manual start-up of smoke exhaust and air overpressure installations

Table 4

Fire hazard of substances and materials circulating in production and personnel protection measures

No. p / p

Name of combustible (explosive) substances and materials

Quantity (volume) in the room, (kg, l, m 3)

a brief description of fire hazard

Extinguishing media

additional information

Table 5

The presence of hazardous chemicals, radioactive substances in rooms, technological installations (devices)

No. p / p

Name of the premises, technological equipment

Name of the substance, its quantity

a brief description of

extinguishing agent

Means of protection l / s

additional information

Application 9

Summary tables for calculating forces and means

Table 1

Summary table for calculating forces and means for extinguishing a fire

Extinguishing option

Forecast of fire development (fire area, fire front, linear propagation velocity, extinguishing area, extinguishing volume, etc.

Required consumption of fire extinguishing agents, l. from -1

Number of fire extinguishing agent supply devices, pcs.

Required supply of fire extinguishing agents, l

Number of fire engines, basic/special units

Limit distances for water supply, m

The number of personnel, the number of units of the GDZS people / pcs.

table 2

Forces and means involved in extinguishing a fire and the time of their concentration

Fire rank

Subdivisions, location

Number and type of fire trucks, pcs.

The number of combat crew, pers.

Distances from fire departments to the object, km.

Travel time, winter/summer min.

Deployment time of forces and means, min.


Application 10


(name of organization (object), departmental affiliation, address)

afternoon __________________

Operational and tactical characteristics of the organization (object)

No. p / p

List of indicators of the fire-tactical characteristics of the organization (object)

The value of the indicators of the fire-tactical characteristics of the organization (object)

Children's, medical, cultural and entertainment, high-rise, public-administrative, cable tunnels; others

The degree of fire resistance of the building

I, II, III, IV, V degree of fire resistance.

Number of people in the building:


in daytime

Pers.; children___ people; sick ___ people


in nighttime

Pers.; children ___ people; sick ___ people

Construction and design features





number of storeys



overall height

___×___ meters.


dimensions (geometric)

is, no.



the presence of an attic, floors

is, no.

Building construction:


Exterior walls

Fire resistance limit

fire hazard



Fire resistance limit _____ min. (loss of bearing capacity, loss of integrity, loss of thermal insulation capacity).

fire hazard (non-flammable, slightly flammable, moderately flammable, flammable)



Fire resistance limit _____ min. (loss of bearing capacity, loss of integrity, loss of thermal insulation capacity).

fire hazard



Fire resistance limit _____ min. (loss of bearing capacity, loss of integrity, loss of thermal insulation capacity).

fire hazard (non-flammable, slightly flammable, moderately flammable, flammable).



Fire resistance limit _____ min. (loss of bearing capacity, loss of integrity, loss of thermal insulation capacity).

fire hazard (non-flammable, slightly flammable, moderately flammable, flammable).


Construction Materials:





Non-spreading, weakly spreading, moderately spreading, strongly spreading.

Smoke generating capacity:




Combustibility: non-combustible, combustible (moderately combustible, normally combustible, highly combustible.

Flammability: flame-retardant, moderately flammable, flammable.

Flame spread over the surface: non-propagating, weakly propagating, non-propagating, strongly propagating.

Smoke generating capacity: low smoke, moderate smoke, high smoke.

Toxicity: low hazard, moderate hazard, high hazard, extremely hazardous.



Combustibility: non-combustible, combustible (moderately combustible, normally combustible, highly combustible.

Flammability: flame-retardant, moderately flammable, flammable.

Flame spread over the surface:

Smoke generating capacity: low smoke, moderate smoke, high smoke.

Toxicity: low hazard, moderate hazard, high hazard, extremely hazardous.



Combustibility: non-combustible, combustible (moderately combustible, normally combustible, highly combustible.

Flammability: flame-retardant, moderately flammable, flammable.

Flame spread over the surface: non-spreading, weakly spreading, moderately spreading, strongly spreading.

Smoke generating capacity: low smoke, moderate smoke, high smoke.

Toxicity: low hazard, moderate hazard, high hazard, extremely hazardous.

Fire resistance limit and type of fire barriers


Partitions: type of fire barrier ____; fire resistance limit ____ min.; type of filling openings (doors, gates, hatches, valves, windows, curtains) ___; type of tambour-gateway ____.

Covers: type of fire barrier ____; fire resistance limit ____ min.; type of filling openings (doors, gates, hatches, valves, windows, curtains) ____; type of tambour-gateway ____.

Escape routes.

Smoke-free staircases, outdoor fire escapes, roof exits, outdoor passages, balconies, loggias.

Places of power outage, ventilation, smoke removal.

The main elements of danger to people in case of fire.

Poisoning with CO and decomposition products, exposure to high temperatures, collapse of structures, explosions, spreading of combustible substances, electric shock.


Fire water supply.


number of fire reservoirs, their capacity

PCS.; _______l.


fire water supply, its type, water consumption, number of hydrants

dead end, ring; ______l/s; ______PCS.


presence and number of internal fire hydrants

have, no; _____PCS.


type of connection and diameter of internal fire hydrants


required water consumption for fire extinguishing needs


water supply methods

from a tank truck; with installation on a water source, water supply, supply to pumping.


Premises with the presence of explosive substances and materials.


Availability of UAPT, UAPS

Note: Depending on the characteristics of the organization (object), the sections of the table can be supplemented with the data necessary for use in organizing fire extinguishing.


(head of the organization (object), municipality, subject Russian Federation)

(certified by seal)


(head of division

fire brigade)

"___________" _________________ 200__

(certified by seal)

Fire extinguishing card for rural settlements


(name of locality, district)


Phone numbers: _______________________________________________________________

FC, DPC, DPO __________________________________________________________________

Distance from the fire station ________________ km., Route _______________


Number of residential buildings ____________________________________________ ______________________

Number of vital facilities for a rural settlement ____________________

Fire extinguishing equipment _________________________________________________

The fire extinguishing card was compiled by: ________________________________________________

(position, title, full name)

Appendix 13

Operational and tactical characteristics of objects

No. p / p

Object name, address

Phone number

Degree of fire resistance

number of storeys

Plan area

Number of people during the day, at night

Type and number of animals, method of keeping

Note: Depending on the characteristics of the organization (object), municipality, the sections of the table can be supplemented with data necessary for use in organizing fire extinguishing, and other reference applications can also be developed.








Attachment 1

Appendix 2

Annex 3

Appendix 4

Appendix 5

Appendix 6

Annex 7

Appendix 8

Annex 9

Annex 10

Annex 11

Annex 12

Appendix 13