Technological instructions (TI) for the production of frozen dumplings (appendix to the TU). Technical specifications (TU) for frozen dumplings. Registration with the Astels Company Rules for transportation and storage


These technical specifications apply to “homemade” frozen semi-finished dumplings (hereinafter referred to as “dumplings”), intended for consumption after being brought to full culinary readiness.

Homemade dumplings, depending on the filling, are available in the following assortment:

  1. Dumplings “Friendship”
  2. Dumplings “Kunak Ashy”
  3. Peking dumplings
  4. Dumplings “Housewife's Dream”
  5. Dumplings “Zhenikhovskie”
  6. Dumplings “For the Boss”
  7. Dumplings “Pyshka”
  8. Dumplings “Batyr”
  9. Dumplings “Spring”
  10. Dumplings “Khan Ashy”


2.1. Dumplings must meet the requirements of these technical specifications and be manufactured in compliance with current sanitary standards and rules according to technological instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

2.2 In terms of organoleptic indicators, dumplings must meet the requirements specified in Table 1.

Table 1. Organoleptic indicators dumplings

Indicator name


The dumplings are not sticky and not deformed. The shape is varied (circle, semicircle, crescent, etc.). The edges are well sealed, the minced meat does not protrude.


Smooth, dry. The presence of reliefs corresponding to cutting is allowed

From light gray to dark gray

No compactions or traces of unmixing

Taste and smell*

Boiled dumplings should have a pleasant taste and aroma characteristic of this type of product. The minced meat is juicy, with the aroma of onions and spices, without any foreign taste or smell.

Foreign inclusions

The base and filling are not allowed

* The indicator is determined in finished products.

2.3. In terms of physical and chemical parameters, dumplings must meet the requirements specified in Table 2.

Table 2 Physico-chemical parameters of dumplings

Product name

Mass fraction of protein, %, not less

Mass fraction of minced meat to dumpling weight, %, not less

Mass fraction of fat, %, no more

Mass fraction of sodium chloride, %, no more

Dumplings “Friendship”

Dumplings “Kunak Ashy”

Peking dumplings

Dumplings “Housewife's Dream”

Dumplings “Zhenikhovskie”


"For the Boss"

Dumplings “Pyshka”

Dumplings “Batyr”

Dumplings “Spring”

Dumplings “Khan Ashy”

2.4 In terms of microbiological indicators, dumplings must comply with the requirements of SanPin (index, specified in Table 3.

Table 3. Microbiological parameters of dumplings



Number of mesophilic aerobic

and optionally anaerobic microorganisms,

CFU/g, no more

Product mass (g) in which are not allowed


1 (G.), In KOTOt:

swarm not allowed







1 Dumplings with meat products

L.monocytogenes in 25 is not allowed;

mold – 500 CFU/g, no more

2 Poultry dumplings

L.monocytogenes in 25 is not allowed

Table 4. Safety indicators of dumplings

Product group



1.Fresh vegetables

Toxic elements:


Leafy vegetables (salad varieties, parsley, dill, etc.)


Hexachlorocyclohexane (a, b, g-isomers)

DDT and its metabolites



Product group


Permissible levels, mg/kg, no more


2. Meat from slaughtered animals

Toxic elements:



Not allowed

Tetracycline group

Not allowed

<0,01 ед/г

Not allowed


Not allowed

<0,02 ед/г


DDT and its metabolites



3. Chilled and frozen by-products of slaughtered animals

Toxic elements:

Antibiotics, pesticides, and radionuclides under paragraph 2

4. Poultry

Toxic elements:



Not allowed

<0,01 ед/г

Tetracycline group

Not allowed

<0,01 ед/г

Not allowed


Not allowed

<0,02 ед/г


Hexachlorocyclohexane(a, b, g-isomers)

DDT and its metabolites



2.6 The following raw materials are used to produce dumplings:

1. Fresh dill, approved by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;

2. Chicken eggs for food according to GOST 27583;

3. Premium grade wheat flour according to GOST 26574;

4. Onions according to GOST 1723;

5. Table salt according to GOSTR 51574;

6. Beef meat according to GOST 779;

7. Lamb meat according to GOST 1935

8. Broiler chicken meat according to GOST 25391;

9. Horse meat according to GOST 27095

10. Ground black pepper according to GOST 29050;

11. Beef tongue according to TU 9212-460-00419779

12. Pork meat according to GOST 7724;

13. Butter according to GOST 37;

14. Dry gluten, approved by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;

15. Plastic bags, approved by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;

16. Paper labels approved by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;

17. Peking cabbage, approved by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

The raw materials used for the production of dumplings must comply with hygienic requirements for the quality and safety of food raw materials and food products and veterinary requirements. Raw materials of animal origin must comply with veterinary requirements.

It is allowed to use raw materials and supplies in accordance with other regulatory documentation of domestic or imported production if there is a certificate of conformity and approved by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities for use in the food industry, ensuring the production of dumplings in accordance with the requirements of these technical conditions.

2.10 The nutritional value of dumplings per 100 g of product is given in Appendix B (for reference).

3. Marking

3.1 Each unit of consumer and transport packaging is subject to labeling.

Each unit of consumer packaging is affixed with a label in which the following is printed and stamped:

– product name;

– net weight;

– product composition;

– nutritional value of the product;

– methods and conditions for manufacturing finished products;

– storage conditions;

– date of manufacture;

- best before date;

– information about certification.

3.2 A label with a handling sign-image indicating the methods of handling cargo in accordance with GOST 14192, made by printing and stamping, is affixed to each unit of transport packaging, in which it is reported:

– product name;

– name and location (address) of the manufacturer;

– number of packaging units and gross weight;

– thermal state of the product;

– storage conditions;

– date of manufacture;

- best before date;

– designation of these technical conditions;

– information about certification

4. Packaging

4.1 Frozen dumplings are packaged using automatic machines or manually, weighing from 250 to 1000 g, in plastic bags approved for use by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for contact with food products. The permissible deviation from the established weight of one package should not exceed + 2% and is established by the average weight obtained by simultaneously weighing 10 packages.

The specific net weight is indicated on the label affixed to each unit of packaging.

Finished products are packaged in reusable transport containers (polymer, aluminum or similar types of reusable containers approved for use by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation).

The container must be clean, dry, free from mold and foreign odors. Reusable containers must have a lid; if there is no lid, it is permissible for local sales to cover the container with parchment or sub-parchment. The gross weight of dumplings in a reusable container should be no more than 30 kg.

The gross weight of dumplings in a reusable container should be no more than 30 kg, the net weight in corrugated cardboard boxes should be no more than 20 kg.

4.2 It is permitted to use any other packaging containers approved for use by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities of the Russian Federation.

4.3 For public catering establishments, dumplings are packaged in bulk with a net weight of no more than 10 kg in reusable boxes with lids: polymer according to TU 10.10.01-04-89, aluminum according to TU 10.10-541-87 or similar types of reusable containers approved for use by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health RF. The inside of reusable boxes is lined with parchment in accordance with GOST 1341-97 or sub-parchment in accordance with GOST 1760-86.

5. Acceptance rules

5.1. Dumplings are taken in batches. A batch is considered to be any number of dumplings of the same name and the same production date, manufactured under the same conditions, at the same enterprise, in the same packaging and the same shipping container.

Upon acceptance of each batch, the following is carried out:

– organoleptic quality assessment

– correspondence between the actual mass and the mass indicated on the marking label.

In case of doubt about the quality of the received batch, an assessment is carried out based on physicochemical and microbiological indicators.

5.2 Physico-chemical indicators are guaranteed and are determined at least once a month.

5.3 Microbiological indicators are guaranteed and are determined at least once a month.

5.4 The frequency of testing of toxic elements, pesticides, nitrates, radionuclides is established in accordance with the procedure agreed upon by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision bodies of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, but at least once a year.

5.5 If unsatisfactory results are obtained, re-test a double sample from the same batch.

The results of repeated tests are final and apply to the entire batch.

6. Control methods

6.1 Sampling and preparation for testing are carried out in accordance with GOST 4288-76.

6.2 To check the compliance of the quality of dumplings with the requirements of these technical specifications, a sample of 1% of the batch volume is taken from different places in the batch, but not less than 3 group packages or boxes (bags).

From each opened group package or box (bag), a sample of 4 packaging units is taken: one for determining organoleptic and three for determining physicochemical and microbiological parameters.

When packing dumplings in bulk in boxes (bags), several pieces of dumplings in equal quantities are selected from different layers of each opened box (bag), a combined sample weighing at least 3 kg is compiled and sent to the laboratory for analysis.

6.3 Organoleptic assessment of the quality of dumplings is carried out according to GOST 9959-91.

6.4 Determination of mass fraction of minced meat

Determination of the mass fraction of minced meat is carried out after determining the mass of frozen dumplings, for which 20 pieces of dumplings are selected from 2-3 packaging units, the test shell is separated, and the minced meat is weighed on a laboratory scale.

Determination of the mass fraction of minced meat (X) as a percentage of the mass of dumplings is calculated using the formula:

X= M1*100 / M2,

Where M1 is the mass of minced meat from 20 pcs dumplings, g;

M2-weight of 20 pcs dumplings, g.

6.5 From each packaging unit with dumplings according to clause 6.2. to determine physicochemical parameters, dumplings are taken from different layers in equal quantities and a combined sample with a total mass of at least 400 g is compiled. To determine fat in minced meat, the test shell is separated from half of the combined dumpling sample, and the minced part is ground twice in a meat grinder; To determine table salt, the second half of the dumplings, together with the dough shell, is ground twice in a meat grinder.

6.6 The appearance of dumplings is determined visually.

6.7 Determination of the taste and smell of dumplings:

The dumplings are cooked until tender (3-6 minutes of boiling after they float) at a ratio of water to semi-finished products of 4:1. Add salt to taste. The finished dumplings are immediately removed from the water and their taste and smell are determined organoleptically.

6.9 Selection and preparation of samples for microbiological analyzes is carried out in accordance with GOST 26668-85, GOST 26669-85.

Microbiological indicators are determined according to GOST 10444.15-94, GOST R 50474-93, GOST R 50480-93, GOST 10444.12-88, MUK 4.2.1122-02.

6.10 Sample preparation for determining the content of toxic elements is carried out in accordance with GOST 26929-94.

6.11 Determination of toxic elements is carried out according to GOST 26927-86, GOST 26930-86, GOST 26932-86, GOST 26933-86. Determination of pesticides, nitrates and radionuclides - according to methods approved by the authorities of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

7. Transportation and storage rules

7.1 Dumplings are transported by all modes of transport in accordance with the rules for the transportation of perishable goods in force for this type of transport.

7.2 Shelf life of dumplings from the moment of completion of the technological process at a temperature not higher than:

minus 10 C – no more than one month,

minus 18 C – no more than three months.

Dumplings at catering establishments and at home are prepared in the following way: dipped in boiling salted water (for 1 kg of dumplings, 4 liters of water and 20 g of salt), bring to a boil and continue to cook at low boil. The finished dumplings are removed from the water.

Served with butter, sour cream, vinegar, tomato sauce or mayonnaise. You can sprinkle with grated cheese and chopped herbs.

Appendix A (reference)

List of regulatory documentation referenced in the technical specifications.

GOST R 50474 -93

Food products. Methods for identifying and determining the number of coliform bacteria (coliform bacteria)

GOST R 50480-93

Food products. Method for identifying bacteria of the genus Salmonella.

GOST R 51289-99

Reusable polymer boxes. General technical conditions.

GOST R 51574-2000

Table salt. Technical conditions.

Meat - beef, in half-carcasses and quarters. Technical conditions.

GOST 1341-97

Vegetable parchment. Technical conditions.

GOST 1723-86

Fresh onions prepared and supplied. Technical conditions.

GOST 1760-86

Subparchment. Technical conditions.

GOST 1935-55

Meat - lamb and goat - in carcasses. Technical conditions.

GOST 4288-76

Culinary products and semi-finished products from minced meat. Acceptance rules and test methods.

GOST 7724-77

Pork meat in carcasses and half-carcasses. Technical conditions.

GOST 9957-73

Sausages and products from pork, lamb and beef. Method for determination of sodium chloride.

GOST 9959-91

Meat products. General conditions for conducting organoleptic assessment.

GOST 10444.12-88

Food products. Methods for identifying yeasts and molds.

GOST 10444.15-94

Food products. Methods for determining the number of mesophilic, aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms.

GOST 11354-93

Reusable boxes made of wood and wood materials for products from the food industry and agriculture. Technical conditions.

GOST 14192-96

Cargo marking.

GOST 15113.0-77

Acceptance rules, sampling and preparation of samples.

GOST 23042-86

Meat and meat products. Fat determination method

GOST 24297-87

Incoming product control. Basic provisions.

GOST 25011-81

Meat and meat products. Protein determination method.

GOST 25391-82

Broiler chicken meat. Technical conditions.

GOST 26574-85

Wheat flour for baking. Technical conditions.

GOST 26668-85

Food and flavoring products. Sampling methods for microbiological analyses.

GOST 26669-85

Food products. Preparation of samples for microbiological analyses.

GOST 26670-91

Food products. Methods for cultivating microorganisms.

GOST 26927-86

Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining mercury.

GOST 26929-94

Raw materials and food products. Sample preparation Mineralization to determine the content of toxic elements.

GOST 26930-86

Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining arsenic.

GOST 26932-86

Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining lead.

GOST 26933-86

Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining cadmium.

GOST 27095 – 86

Meat. Horse meat and foal in half carcasses and quarters. Technical conditions.

GOST 27583-88

Chicken eggs for food. Technical conditions.

GOST 28501-90

Dried stone fruits. Technical conditions.

GOST 29055-91

Spices. Black and white pepper. Technical conditions.

TU 10.10-541-87

Aluminum boxes. Technical conditions.

TU 10.10.01-04-89

Polymer boxes. Technical conditions.

Trays and containers made of polymeric materials. Technical conditions.

TU 9212-460-00419779-99

Processed meat by-products. Technical conditions.

MU 1-40/3805 from 11.11.91

Guidelines for laboratory quality control of public catering products.

MUK 4.2.1122-02

Organization of control and methods for identifying bacteria Listeria monocytogenes in food products.


Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, the production and circulation of food raw materials and food products in them


Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products.

Appendix B (for reference)

Name of dumplings

Carbohydrates, g

Calorie content, kcal

Dumplings “Friendship”

Dumplings “Kunak Ashy”

Peking dumplings

Dumplings “Housewife's Dream”

Dumplings “Zhenikhovskie”

Dumplings “For the Boss”

Dumplings “Pyshka”

Dumplings “Batyr”

Dumplings “Spring”

Dumplings “Khan Ashi”


Sheet for registering changes to these technical specifications

Change number.

Page numbers

Total pages after change

Information about the receipt of the change (number of the covering letter)

Signature of the person who made the change

Last name and date of modification









FROZEN DUMPLINGS Technical specifications

Official publication



The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption, application, updating and cancellation"

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “All-Russian Research Institute of the Meat Industry named after V.M. Gorbatov" (FGBNU "VNIIMP named after V.M. Gorbatov")

2 INTRODUCED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol dated October 27, 2015 No. 81-P)

4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated November 24, 2015 N0 1950-st, the interstate standard GOST 33394-2015 was put into effect as the national standard of the Russian Federation on January 1, 2017.


Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index “National Standards”. and the text of changes and amendments is in the monthly information index “National Standards”. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index “National Standards”. Relevant information, notifications and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

© Sgandartinform. 2016

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication without permission from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology




Date of introduction - 2017-01-01

1 Application area

This standard applies to semi-finished meat dough products - frozen dumplings, intended for sale in trade and public catering networks (hereinafter referred to as dumplings).

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 8.579-2002 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Requirements for the quantity of packaged goods in packages of any type during their production, packaging, sale and import

GOST 21-94 Granulated sugar. Specifications

GOST 779-5S Beef meat in half-carcasses and quarters. Technical specifications GOST 1129-2013 Sunflower oil. Technical specifications GOST 1341-97 Vegetable parchment. Specifications

GOST 1723-86 Fresh onions prepared and supplied. Technical specifications GOST 1760-86 Subparchment. Specifications

GOST ISO 1841-2-2013 Meat and meat products. Potentiometric method for determining the mass fraction of chlorides

GOST 2226-2013 Bags made of paper and combined materials. General technical conditions GOST 4288-76 Culinary products and semi-finished products from minced meat. Acceptance rules and test methods

GOST 6309-93 Cotton and synthetic sewing threads. Technical specifications GOST ISO 7218-2011 Microbiology of food products and animal feed. General requirements and recommendations for microbiological studies

GOST 7269-79 Meat. Sampling methods and organoleptic methods for determining freshness GOST 7977-87 Fresh garlic, prepared and supplied. Technical specifications GOST 8273-75 Wrapping paper. Specifications

GOST 9957-73 Sausages and products from pork, lamb and beef. Method for determination of sodium chloride

GOST 9959-91 Meat products. General conditions for organoleptic evaluation GOST 10354-82 Polyethylene film. Specifications

GOST 10444.12-2013 Microbiology of food products and animal feed. Methods for identifying and counting the number of yeasts and molds

GOST 10444.15-94 Food products. Methods for determining the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms

GOST 10970-87 Skimmed milk powder. Specifications

GOST 12303-80 Packs made of cardboard, paper and combined materials. General technical conditions

GOST 12306-66"* Flour from soft glassy wheat for pasta. Technical conditions

GOST 12307-66 s Durum wheat flour (durum) for pasta. Specifications

GOST 13511-2006 Corrugated cardboard boxes for food products, matches, tobacco products and detergents. Specifications

GOST 13513-86 e Corrugated cardboard boxes for meat and dairy products. Specifications

GOST 13830-97 Table salt. General technical conditions GOST 14192-96 Marking of cargo

GOST 16439-70* Second grade flour from durum wheat (durum). Technical specifications GOST 16729-71* Dried garlic. Technical specifications GOST 16867-71 Meat and veal in carcasses and half-carcasses. Technical specifications GOST 17308-88 Twine. Technical specifications GOST 17435-72 Drawing rulers. Technical specifications GOST 18251-87 Paper-based adhesive tape. Technical specifications GOST 18321-73 Statistical quality control. Methods for random selection of samples of piece goods

G OST 19496-2013 Meat. Histological examination method

GOST 20477-86 Polyethylene tape with a sticky layer. Specifications

GOST 21237-75 Meat. Methods of bacteriological analysis

GOST 21784-76 Poultry meat (chicken carcasses, ducks, geese, turkeys, guinea fowl). Technical specifications GOST 23042-86 Meat and meat products. Methods for determining fat GOST 23392-78 Meat. Methods for chemical and microscopic analysis of freshness GOST 25011-81 Meat and meat products. Methods for determining protein GOST 25292-82 Rendered edible animal fats. Technical specifications GOST 25951-83 Polyethylene shrink film. Technical specifications GOST 26574-85 Wheat flour for baking. Technical specifications GOST 26669-85 Food and flavoring products. Preparation of samples for microbiological analyzes

GOST 26670-91 Food products. Methods for cultivating microorganisms GOST 26927-86 Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining mercury GOST 26929-94 Raw materials and food products. Sample preparation Mineralization to determine the content of toxic elements

GOST 26930-86 Raw materials and food products. Method for determination of arsenic GOST 26932-86 Raw materials and food products. Methods for determination of lead GOST 26933-86 Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining cadmium

GOST 27569-87 13 Fresh garlic for sale. Technical specifications GOST 27583-88’ 4 Chicken eggs for food. Technical specifications GOST 29045-91 Spices. Allspice. Technical specifications GOST 29048-91 Spices. Nutmeg. Technical specifications GOST 29050-91 Spices. Black and white pepper. Technical specifications GOST 29052-91 Spices. Cardamom. Technical specifications GOST 29053-91 Spices. Ground red pepper. Technical specifications GOST 29055-91 Spices. Coriander. Specifications

GOST 30178-96 Raw materials and food products. Atomic absorption method for determining toxic elements

GOST 30363-2013 Liquid and dry egg food products. Technical specifications GOST 30519-97,s Food products. Method for identifying bacteria of the genus Salmonella GOST 30538-97 Food products. Methodology for determining toxic elements using the atomic emission method

GOST 31361-2008 16 White sugar. Technical specifications GOST 31450-2013 Drinking milk. Specifications

GOST 31463-2012 Durum wheat flour for pasta. Technical specifications GOST 31473-2012 Turkey meat (carcasses and their parts). General technical conditions GOST 31476-2012 Pigs for slaughter. Pork in carcasses and half-carcasses. Technical specifications GOST 31477-2012 Meat and meat products. Immunoprecipitation method for determining the mass fraction of animal (pork, beef, lamb) protein

GOST 31479-2012 Meat and meat products. Method of histological identification of composition GOST 31491 -2012 Soft wheat flour for pasta. Technical specifications GOST 31628-2012 Food products and food raw materials. Stripping voltammetric method for determining the mass concentration of arsenic GOST 31654-2012 Chicken eggs for food. Specifications

GOST 31659-2012 (ISO 6579:2002) Food products. Method for detecting bacteria of the genus Salmonella

GOST 31671-2012 (EN 13805:2002) Food products. Determination of trace elements. Sample preparation using mineralization at elevated pressure

GOST 31694-2012 Food products, food raw materials. Method for determining the residual content of tetracycline antibiotics using high-performance liquid chromatography with a mass spectrometric detector

GOST 31707-2012 (EN 14627:2005) Food products. Determination of trace elements. Determination of total arsenic and selenium by atomic absorption spectrometry with hydride generation with preliminary mineralization of the sample under pressure

GOST 31747-2012 Food products. Methods for identifying and determining the number of coliform bacteria (coliform bacteria)

GOST 31777-2012 Sheep and goats for slaughter. Mutton, lamb and goat meat in carcasses. Specifications

GOST 31778-2012 Meat. Cutting pork into cuts. Technical specifications GOST 31796-2012 Meat and meat products. Accelerated histological method for determining the structural components of the composition

GOST 31797-2012 Meat. Cutting beef into cuts. Technical specifications GOST 31903-2012 Food products. Express method for determining antibiotics GOST 31904-2012 Food products. Sampling methods for microbiological tests

GOST 31962-2013 Chicken meat (chicken carcasses, broiler chickens and their parts). Technical specifications GOST 32008-2012 (ISO 937:1978) Meat and meat products. Determination of nitrogen content (arbitration method)

GOST 32009-2013 Meat and meat products. Spectrophotometric method for determining the mass fraction of total phosphorus

GOST 32031-2012 Food products. Methods for identifying and identifying Listeria monocytogenes bacteria

GOST 32065-2013 Dried vegetables. General technical conditions

GOST 32161-2013 Food products. Method for determining the content of cesium Cs-137

GOST 32164-2013 Food products. Sampling method for determination of strontium Sr-90 and cesium Cs-137

GOST 32308-2013 Meat and meat products. Determination of the content of organochlorine pesticides by gas-liquid chromatography

GOST 32951-2014 Semi-finished meat and meat-containing products. General technical conditions

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or using the annual information index "[National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year , and according to the releases of the monthly information index “National Standards” for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference to it is given applies to the part that does not affect this clause.

3 Terms and definitions

In this standard, terms are used. GOST 32951.

4 Technical requirements

4.1 Dumplings must comply with the requirements of this standard and be produced according to technological instructions 1 "for the production of dumplings in compliance with the recipes and requirements established (1]. , i

4.3.2 Microbiological indicators of dumplings should not exceed the standards established by, or regulatory legal acts in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

4.4 Requirements for raw materials

4.4.1 For the production of dumplings the following is used:

Beef according to GOST 779. GOST 31797 and obtained by cutting it:

premium trimmed beef without visible connective and fatty inclusions

first grade trimmed beef with a mass fraction of connective and fatty tissue not exceeding 6.0%;

single-grade trimmed beef with a mass fraction of connective and fatty tissue not exceeding 10.0%;

trimmed sausage beef with a mass fraction of connective and fatty tissue not exceeding 12.0%;

second grade trimmed beef with a mass fraction of connective and fatty tissue not exceeding 20.0%;

trimmed fatty beef with a mass fraction of connective and adipose tissue of no more than 35.0%;

Beef cutlet meat with a mass fraction of connective and fatty tissue not exceeding 20.0%;

Veal in accordance with GOST 16367 and the highest grade veal obtained from its cutting without visible inclusions of connective and fatty tissue;

Pork according to GOST 31476. GOST 31778 and obtained by cutting it:

lean, trimmed pork with a mass fraction of fatty tissue not exceeding 10.0%; trimmed, semi-fat pork with a mass fraction of fatty tissue from 30.0 to 50.0%; single-grade trimmed pork with a fatty tissue mass fraction of no more than 55.0%: sausage trimmed pork with a fatty tissue mass fraction of no more than 60.0%; fatty trimmed pork with a mass fraction of fatty tissue from 50.0 to 85.0%;

Pork cutlet meat with a fatty tissue mass fraction of no more than 35.0%;

Lamb according to GOST 31777 and single-grade trimmed lamb obtained from cutting it with a mass fraction of connective and fatty tissue of no more than 20.0%;

Lamb cutlet meat with a mass fraction of connective and fatty tissue of no more than 20.0%;

Blocks of trimmed meat (beef, pork, lamb), frozen;

Raw beef, pork, lamb fat (subcutaneous and fat tail);

Rendered edible animal fat according to GOST 25292;

Pork bacon;

Poultry meat in accordance with GOST 21784. GOST 31473, GOST 31962 and boneless meat of legs, thighs and breasts obtained by cutting them;

Wheat baking flour according to GOST 26574. not lower than first grade;

Soft wheat flour for pasta according to GOST 12306, GOST 31491, first grade;

Second grade flour from durum wheat (durum) according to GOST 16439;

Durum wheat flour for pasta according to GOST 12307, GOST 31463 ■ first grade;

Fresh onions according to GOST 1723;

Dried onions according to GOST 32065;

Frozen onions;

Dried fried onion;

Fresh garlic according to GOST 7977. GOST 27569;

Dried garlic according to GOST 16729. GOST 32065;

Frozen chopped garlic;

Garlic, preserved with table salt;

Black or white pepper according to GOST 29050;

Ground red pepper according to GOST 29053;

Allspice according to GOST 29045;

Nutmeg according to GOST 29C46;

Cardamom according to GOST 29052;

Coriander according to GOST 29055;

Dried greens:

Drinking water;

Table salt according to GOST 13830. evaporated or rock salt, caged, self-planted, grinding No. 0. No. 1 and No. 2. not lower than first grade;

Granulated sugar according to GOST 21. GOST 31361;

Drinking milk according to GOST 31450;

Skimmed milk powder according to GOST 10970;

Chicken eggs for food according to GOST 27583. GOST 31654;

Egg products according to GOST 30363;

Sunflower oil according to GOST 1129;

Nutritional supplements:

substances for processing flour, intended to improve the baking qualities or color of flour (dough) in accordance with;

Antioxidants: EZOO. E301. E306. E392. green tea extract.

4.4.2 It is allowed to use raw materials that are similar in quality and safety and that meet the requirements set out in 4.3.1.

4.4.3 Used in the production of dumplings:

Raw materials of animal origin are subject to veterinary and sanitary examination and must comply with the requirements (1), and... as well as the requirements established in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard;

In terms of safety, drinking water must comply with the requirements established by regulatory legal acts in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard;

Other raw materials (ingredients) must meet the requirements and (4). as well as the requirements established in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

4.4.4 The use of:

Meat of bulls, boars, sheep;

Raw meat frozen more than once:

Frozen raw meat with a shelf life: for beef - more than 6 months.

for pork, lamb, raw fat - more than 3 months. for poultry meat - more than 1 month.

Raw meat that has noticeably changed color on the surface;

Pork (including bacon) with signs of oxidative deterioration of adipose tissue (yellowing, gelatinization, rancidity);

Raw fat that is contaminated, has changed color, or has a foreign odor.

4.5 Marking

4.5.1 Labeling of consumer packaging - according to (1), TP CU 021/2011

Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “On Food Safety”

|3] TRTS 033/2013

Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “On the safety of milk and dairy products”

TRTS 029/2012

Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “On the safety of food additives, flavorings and technological aids”

TR TS 022/2011

Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “Food products regarding their labeling”

TR TS 005/2011

Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “On Packaging Safety”

UDC 637.521.475:006.354 MKS 67.120.10

Key words: frozen dumplings, semi-finished product in dough, category, mass fraction of minced meat, technical requirements. "Elite". "Beef". "Val." "Eastern". "Russians". "Siberian". "Dining rooms." "Traditional". "Domestic". "Ram", "Hunting". "Pork." "In Uralian." "Sabantuy"

Editor DA Mezinova Proofreader M.I. Pershina Computer layout E.K. Kuzina

Signed for publication on 02/08/2016. Format 60x84"/*.

Uel. oven l. 2.33. Circulation 54. For number 63.

Prepared based on the electronic version provided by the developer of the standard


123995 Moscow. Grenade Lane.. 4.

"Assignment of a group in accordance with GOST 32921-2014 “Products of the meat industry. Procedure for assignment to a group.

d In the Russian Federation, GOST R 54315-2011 “Cattle for slaughter. Beef and veal in carcasses, half-carcasses and quarters. Technical conditions".

In the Russian Federation, GOST R 52791-2007 “Canned milk products. Powdered milk. Technical conditions".

In the Russian Federation, GOST 31491-2012 “Soft wheat flour for pasta” is in force. Technical conditions".

9 In the Russian Federation, GOST 31463-2012 “Durum wheat fly for pasta” is in force. Technical conditions".

9 In the Russian Federation, GOST R 54463-2011 “Containers made of cardboard and combined materials for food products. Technical conditions".

"In the Russian Federation, GOST R 51574-2000 “Food salt. Technical conditions” is in force.

In the Russian Federation, GOST 31463-2012 “Durum wheat flour for pasta” is in force. Technical conditions".

In the Russian Federation, GOST 32065-2013 “Dried vegetables. General technical conditions".

In the Russian Federation, GOST R 54315-2011 “Cattle for slaughter. Beef and veal in carcasses, half-carcasses and quarters. Technical conditions".

’ ’ In the Russian Federation, GOST R 54675-2011 “Gose meat (carcasses and their parts) is in force. Technical conditions". GOST R 54S75-2012 “Guinea fowl meat (carcasses and their parts). Technical conditions". GOST 31962-2013 “Chicken meat (chicken carcasses, broiler chickens and their parts). Technical specifications" and GOST 31473-2012 "Turkey meat (carcasses and their parts). General technical conditions".

In the Russian Federation, GOST 31659-2012 (ISO 6579:2002) “Food products. Method for identifying bacteria of the genus Salmonella."

"* In the Russian Federation, GOST 21-94 “Sugar-leook. Technical conditions” is in force.

2 In the Russian Federation, GOST R 52189-2003 “Wheat flour. General technical conditions".

° In the Russian Federation, GOST R 55909-2013 “Fresh garlic. Technical conditions". u In the Russian Federation, GOST 31654-2012 “Chicken eggs for food” is in force. Technical conditions".

The labeling may indicate the average values ​​of nutritional value indicators obtained by the manufacturer, taking into account the raw materials used and production technology, while deviations from the actual values ​​​​of protein, fat, carbohydrates should not exceed ± 2 g of energy value - no more than 15%. unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer.

Description of service

Frozen dumplings, technical specifications. What are TU and GOST for dumplings?

Specifications for dumplings- this is a regulatory document that contains the main characteristics of the product and requirements for these products, such as: quality control parameters, description of production processes, transportation, subsequent disposal, and so on. GOST (dumplings technical conditions) is designated by the following name - “Semi-finished products in dough with meat and meat-containing minced meat, frozen”, or GOST 33394 2015. Frozen dumplings - technical conditions have a wide range of application. They apply to such semi-finished dough products as dumplings, manti, ravioli, khinkali, samsa, chebureks, poses, chuchpara, strudels, lamajos (and others).

Characteristics and features of the production of dumplings and other semi-finished meat products from dough

The semi-finished products discussed in this article are produced in accordance with GOST “Frozen dumplings”. The technical conditions are also guided by this State Standard. Dumplings are made manually or by machine. These semi-finished products are made from unleavened dough, filled with meat or meat-containing minced meat. They come into circulation frozen. The product is ready for consumption after heat treatment. Frozen dumplings and other types of these semi-finished products include more than a hundred items and various recipes. In this regard, there is a need to develop or obtain both general and individual technical specifications for these products. Specifications for dumplings and other food products must fully comply with established Russian and international requirements for design and content. This is done to ensure that the manufactured product meets all the rules and requirements of safety and quality provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and international standards.

Development of specifications for dumplings

Developing technical specifications on your own is quite difficult. Also, be prepared for the fact that this process will take a lot of your time. To achieve the effectiveness of this process, you will need to carefully consider all stages of production, taking into account the specifics and characteristics of the product. Therefore, we recommend that you immediately entrust this issue to professionals, such as the consulting company Astels. Astels LLC offers its assistance in writing and registering technical specifications for dumplings, as well as for other products. We will do everything professionally, within the deadlines established by the regulations and at an affordable cost! The price for our services is determined based on the complexity of the order and the specifics of production. Astels LLC will tell you how to create favorable conditions to increase profits and increase demand for your products.

Put into effect by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated November 24, 2015 N 1950-st

Interstate standard GOST 33394-2015


With changes:

Frozen pelmeni. Specifications

Introduced for the first time


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption, application, renewal and cancellation"

Standard information

1 Developed by the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "All-Russian Research Institute of the Meat Industry named after V.M. Gorbatov" (FGBNU "VNIIMP named after V.M. Gorbatov")

2 Introduced by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

3 Adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol dated October 27, 2015 N 81-P)

4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated November 24, 2015 N 1950-st, the interstate standard GOST 33394-2015 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on January 1, 2017.

5 Introduced for the first time

1 Application area

This standard applies to 1 semi-finished meat product in dough - frozen dumplings, intended for sale in trade and public catering networks (hereinafter referred to as dumplings).

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 8.579-2002 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Requirements for the quantity of packaged goods in packages of any type during their production, packaging, sale and import

GOST 34120-2017 Cattle for slaughter. Beef and veal in carcasses, half-carcasses and quarters. Specifications

GOST 1129-2013 Sunflower oil. Specifications

GOST 1341-2018 Vegetable parchment. Specifications

GOST 1723-86 Fresh onions prepared and supplied. Specifications

GOST 1760-2014 Subparchment. Specifications

GOST ISO 1841-2-2013 Meat and meat products. Potentiometric method for determining the mass fraction of chlorides

GOST 2226-2013 Bags made of paper and combined materials. General technical conditions

GOST 4288-76 Culinary products and semi-finished products from minced meat. Acceptance rules and test methods

GOST 6309-93 Cotton and synthetic sewing threads. Specifications

GOST ISO 7218-2015 Microbiology of food products and animal feed. General requirements and recommendations for microbiological studies

GOST 7269-2015 Meat. Sampling methods and organoleptic methods for determining freshness

GOST 7977-87 Fresh garlic, prepared and supplied. Specifications

GOST 8273-75 Wrapping paper. Specifications

GOST 9957-2015 Meat and meat products. Methods for determining sodium chloride content

GOST 9959-2015 Meat and meat products. General conditions for organoleptic evaluation

GOST 10354-82 Polyethylene film. Specifications

GOST 10444.12-2013 Microbiology of food products and animal feed. Methods for identifying and counting the number of yeasts and molds

GOST 10444.15-94 Food products. Methods for determining the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms

GOST 10970-87 3 Skimmed milk powder. Specifications

GOST 33781-2016 Consumer packaging made of cardboard, paper and combined materials. General technical conditions

GOST 12306-66 Flour from soft glassy wheat for pasta. Specifications

GOST 12307-66 Durum wheat flour (durum) for pasta. Specifications

GOST 13511-2006 Corrugated cardboard boxes for food products, matches, tobacco products and detergents. Specifications

GOST 34033-2016 Packaging made of cardboard and combined materials for food products. Specifications

GOST 13830-97 7 Table salt. General technical conditions

GOST 14192-96 Marking of cargo

GOST 16439-70 Second grade flour from durum wheat (durum). Specifications

GOST 17308-88 Twines. Specifications

GOST 17435-72 Drawing rulers. Specifications

GOST 18251-87 Paper-based adhesive tape. Specifications

GOST 18321-73 Statistical quality control. Methods for random selection of samples of piece goods

GOST 19496-2013 Meat and meat products. Histological examination method

GOST 20477-86 Polyethylene tape with a sticky layer. Specifications

GOST 21237-75 Meat. Methods of bacteriological analysis

GOST 23042-2015 Meat and meat products. Fat determination methods

GOST 23392-2016 Meat. Methods for chemical and microscopic analysis of freshness

GOST 25011-2017 Meat and meat products. Protein determination methods

GOST 25292-2017 Rendered edible animal fats. Specifications

GOST 25951-83 Polyethylene shrink film. Specifications

GOST 26574-2017 Wheat flour for baking. Specifications

GOST 26669-85 Food and flavoring products. Preparation of samples for microbiological analyzes

GOST 26670-91 Food products. Methods for cultivating microorganisms

GOST 26927-86 Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining mercury

GOST 26929-94 Raw materials and food products. Sample preparation Mineralization to determine the content of toxic elements

GOST 26930-86 Raw materials and food products. Arsenic determination method

GOST 26932-86 Raw materials and food products. Lead determination methods

GOST 26933-86 Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining cadmium

GOST 27569-87 13 Fresh garlic for sale. Specifications

GOST ISO 973-2016 Spices. Allspice beans or ground. Specifications

GOST 29048-91 Spices. Nutmeg. Specifications

GOST 29050-91 Spices. Black and white pepper. Specifications

GOST 29052-91 Spices. Cardamom. Specifications

GOST 29053-91 Spices. Ground red pepper. Specifications

GOST 29055-91 Spices. Coriander. Specifications

GOST 30178-96 Raw materials and food products. Atomic absorption method for determining toxic elements

GOST 30363-2013 Liquid and dry egg products for food. Specifications

GOST 30538-97 Food products. Methodology for determining toxic elements using the atomic emission method

GOST 33222-2015 White sugar. Specifications

GOST 31450-2013 Drinking milk. Specifications

GOST 31463-2012 Durum wheat flour for pasta. Specifications

GOST 31473-2012 Turkey meat (carcasses and their parts). General technical conditions

GOST 31476-2012 Pigs for slaughter. Pork in carcasses and half-carcasses. Specifications

GOST 31477-2012 Meat and meat products. Immunoprecipitation method for determining the mass fraction of animal (pork, beef, lamb) protein

GOST 31479-2012 Meat and meat products. Method of histological identification of composition

GOST 31491-2012 Soft wheat flour for pasta. Specifications

GOST 31628-2012 Food products and food raw materials. Stripping voltammetric method for determining the mass concentration of arsenic

GOST 31654-2012 Chicken eggs for food. Specifications

GOST 31659-2012 (ISO 6579:2002) Food products. Method for detecting bacteria of the genus Salmonella

GOST 31671-2012 (EN 13805:2002) Food products. Determination of trace elements. Sample preparation using mineralization at elevated pressure

GOST 31694-2012 Food products, food raw materials. Method for determining the residual content of tetracycline antibiotics using high-performance liquid chromatography with a mass spectrometric detector

GOST 31707-2012 (EN 14627:2005) Food products. Determination of trace elements. Determination of total arsenic and selenium by atomic absorption spectrometry with hydride generation with preliminary mineralization of the sample under pressure

GOST 31747-2012 Food products. Methods for identifying and determining the number of coliform bacteria (coliform bacteria)

GOST 31777-2012 Sheep and goats for slaughter. Mutton, lamb and goat meat in carcasses. Specifications

GOST 31778-2012 Meat. Cutting pork into cuts. Specifications

GOST 31796-2012 Meat and meat products. Accelerated histological method for determining the structural components of the composition

GOST 31797-2012 Meat. Cutting beef into cuts. Specifications

GOST 31903-2012 Food products. Express method for determining antibiotics

GOST 31904-2012 Food products. Sampling methods for microbiological tests

GOST 31962-2013 Chicken meat (chicken carcasses, broiler chickens and their parts). Specifications

GOST 32008-2012 (ISO 937:1978) Meat and meat products. Determination of nitrogen content (arbitration method)

GOST 32009-2013 Meat and meat products. Spectrophotometric method for determining the mass fraction of total phosphorus

GOST 32031-2012 Food products. Methods for identifying and identifying Listeria monocytogenes bacteria

GOST 32065-2013 Dried vegetables. General technical conditions

GOST 32161-2013 Food products. Method for determining the content of cesium Cs-137

GOST 32164-2013 Food products. Sampling method for determination of strontium Sr-90 and cesium Cs-137

GOST 32308-2013 Meat and meat products. Determination of the content of organochlorine pesticides by gas-liquid chromatography

GOST 32951-2014 Semi-finished meat and meat-containing products. General technical conditions

GOST 31990-2012 Duck meat (carcasses and their parts). General technical conditions

GOST 33816-2016 Goose meat (carcasses and their parts). Specifications

GOST 34121-2017 Guinea fowl meat (carcasses and their parts). Specifications

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or using the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

This standard uses terms according to GOST 32951.

4 Technical requirements

4.1 Dumplings must comply with the requirements of this standard and be produced according to technological instruction 17 for the production of dumplings in compliance with the recipes and requirements established by, , and regulations in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

4.2 Dumplings are produced in the following types:

4.3 Characteristics

4.3.1 In terms of organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators, dumplings must meet the requirements specified in tables 1 - 3.

Table 1

Indicator name






Section view

Filling in a dough shell, looking like a homogeneous, evenly mixed mass of raw meat with inclusions of chopped onions and herbs *. Filling color from light gray to brown

Smell and taste

Boiled dumplings should have a pleasant taste and aroma characteristic of this type of product, the minced meat is juicy, moderately salty, with the aroma of onions, herbs * and spices, without any foreign taste or smell

St. 60.0 to 80.0 incl.

Mass of one dumpling, g

From 3.0 to 25.0

Not standardized

* When used in “Eastern” dumplings.

Table 2

Indicator name

Characteristics and standards for dumplings



"Dining rooms"




The dumplings are not sticky and not deformed. have the shape of a semicircle, circle, square, rectangle or any shape. The edges are well sealed, the minced meat does not protrude, the surface is dry. The color of the dough shell is white with a cream or yellowish tint.

Section view

Filling in a dough shell, looking like a homogeneous, uniformly mixed mass of raw meat with inclusions of chopped onions and garlic *. Filling color from light gray to brown

Smell and taste

Boiled dumplings should have a pleasant taste and aroma characteristic of this type of product, the minced meat is juicy, moderately salty, with the aroma of onions, garlic * and spices, without any foreign taste or smell

Mass fraction of muscle tissue in the filling recipe, %

St. 40.0 to 60.0 incl.

Mass of one dumpling, g

From 3.0 to 25.0

Temperature in the thickness of the product, °C, not higher

Thickness of the dumpling dough shell, mm. no more

Thickness of the test shell at the places of embedding, mm

Not standardized

Mass fraction of minced meat to dumpling weight, %, not less

Mass fraction of table salt, %, no more

Mass fraction of total phosphorus (in terms of P 2 O 5), %, not more than:

Without the use of food phosphates;

When using food grade phosphates**

Mass fraction of protein in the product/filling, %, not less

Mass fraction of fat in the product/filling, %, no more

* In “Traditional” dumplings.

** Used as a substance for processing flour (in dough production).

Table 3

Indicator name

Characteristics and standards for dumplings



"In Uralian"

"Beef and lamb"


The dumplings are not sticky, not deformed, have the shape of a semicircle, circle, square, rectangle or any shape. The edges are well sealed, the minced meat does not protrude, the surface is dry. The color of the dough shell is white with a cream or yellowish tint.

Section view

Filling in a dough shell, which looks like a homogeneous, evenly mixed mass of raw meat with inclusions of chopped onions, garlic *, herbs **. Filling color from light gray to brown

Smell and taste

Boiled dumplings should have a pleasant taste and aroma characteristic of this type of product, the minced meat is juicy, moderately salty, with the aroma of onions, garlic *, herbs ** and spices, without any foreign taste or smell

Mass fraction of muscle tissue in the filling recipe, %

St. 40.0 to 60.0 incl.

Mass of one dumpling, g

From 3.0 to 25.0

Temperature in the thickness of the product, °C, not higher

Thickness of dumpling dough shell, mm, no more

Thickness of the test shell at the places of embedding, mm

Not standardized

Mass fraction of minced meat to dumpling weight, %, not less

Mass fraction of table salt, %, no more

Mass fraction of total phosphorus (in terms of P 2 O 5), %, not more than:

Without the use of food phosphates:

When using food grade phosphates***

Mass fraction of protein in the product/filling, %, not less

Mass fraction of fat in the product/filling, %, no more

* In “Pork” dumplings.

** When used in “Lamb” and “Beef and Lamb” dumplings.

*** Used as a substance for processing flour (in the production of dough).

4.3.2 Microbiological indicators of dumplings should not exceed the standards established by, or regulatory legal acts in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

4.4 Requirements for raw materials

4.4.1 For the production of dumplings the following is used:

Beef according to GOST 34120, GOST 31797 and obtained by cutting it:

premium trimmed beef without visible inclusions of connective and fatty tissue;

first grade trimmed beef with a mass fraction of connective and fatty tissue not exceeding 6.0%;

single-grade trimmed beef with a mass fraction of connective and fatty tissue not exceeding 10.0%;

trimmed sausage beef with a mass fraction of connective and fatty tissue not exceeding 12.0%;

trimmed beef of the second grade with a mass fraction of connective and fatty tissue not exceeding 20.0%;

trimmed fatty beef with a mass fraction of connective and adipose tissue not exceeding 35.0%;

Beef cutlet meat with a mass fraction of connective and fatty tissue not exceeding 20.0%:

Veal in accordance with GOST 34120 and the highest grade veal obtained by cutting it without visible inclusions of connective and fatty tissue;

Pork according to GOST 31476, GOST 31778 and obtained by cutting it:

lean, trimmed pork with a mass fraction of fatty tissue not exceeding 10.0%;

trimmed, semi-fat pork with a mass fraction of fatty tissue from 30.0 to 50.0%;

single-grade trimmed pork with a mass fraction of fatty tissue not exceeding 55.0%;

pork trimmed sausage with a mass fraction of fatty tissue not exceeding 60.0%;

fatty trimmed pork with a mass fraction of adipose tissue from 50.0 to 85.0%;

Pork cutlet meat with a fatty tissue mass fraction of no more than 35.0%;

Lamb in accordance with GOST 31777 and single-grade trimmed lamb obtained during its cutting with a mass fraction of connective and fatty tissue of no more than 20.0%;

Lamb cutlet meat with a mass fraction of connective and fatty tissue not exceeding 20.0%;

Blocks of trimmed meat (beef, pork, lamb), frozen;

Raw beef, pork, lamb fat (subcutaneous and fat tail);

Rendered edible animal fat according to GOST 25292;

Pork bacon;

Poultry meat in accordance with GOST 31990, GOST 33816, GOST 34121, GOST 31473, GOST 31962 and boneless meat of legs, thighs and breasts obtained by cutting them;

Wheat baking flour according to GOST 26574, not lower than first grade;

Soft wheat flour for pasta according to GOST 12306, GOST 31491, first grade;

Second grade flour from durum wheat (durum) according to GOST 16439;

Durum wheat flour for pasta according to GOST 12307, GOST 31463, first grade;

Fresh onions according to GOST 1723;

Dried onions according to GOST 32065;

Frozen onions;

Dried fried onion;

Fresh garlic according to GOST 7977, GOST 27569;

Dried garlic according to GOST 32065;

Frozen chopped garlic;

Garlic, preserved with table salt;

Black or white pepper according to GOST 29050;

Ground red pepper according to GOST 29053;

Allspice according to GOST ISO 973;

Nutmeg according to GOST 29048;

Cardamom according to GOST 29052;

Coriander according to GOST 29055;

Dried greens;

Drinking water;

Table salt according to GOST 13830, evaporated or rock salt, caged, self-planted, grinding N 0, N 1 and N 2, not lower than first grade:

Granulated sugar according to GOST 33222;

Drinking milk according to GOST 31450;

Skimmed milk powder according to GOST 10970;

Chicken eggs for food according to GOST 31654;

Egg products according to GOST 30363;

Sunflower oil according to GOST 1129;

Olive oil;

Spice extracts (black or white pepper; red pepper; allspice; coriander; nutmeg; cardamom);

Nutritional supplements:

substances for processing flour, intended to improve the baking qualities or color of flour (dough) in accordance with;

antioxidants: E300, E301, E306, E392, green tea extract.

4.4.2 It is allowed to use raw materials that are similar in quality and safety and that meet the requirements set out in 4.3.1.

4.4.3 Used in the production of dumplings:

Raw materials of animal origin are subject to veterinary and sanitary examination and must comply with the requirements, and, as well as the requirements established in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard;

In terms of safety, drinking water must comply with the requirements established by regulatory legal acts in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard;

Other raw materials (ingredients) must comply with the requirements and, as well as the requirements established in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

4.4.4 The use of:

Meat of bulls, boars, sheep;

Raw meat frozen more than once;

Frozen raw meat with expiration date:

for beef - more than 6 months.

for pork, lamb, raw fat - more than 3 months,

for poultry meat - more than 1 month,

Raw meat that has noticeably changed color on the surface;

Pork (including lard) with signs of oxidative deterioration of adipose tissue (yellowing, greasiness, rancidity):

Raw fat that is contaminated, has changed color, or has a foreign odor.

4.5 Marking

4.5.1 Labeling of consumer packaging - according to, or regulatory legal acts in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard, indicating the following additional information:

Information about the nutritional value of 100 g of dumplings (given in Appendix A);

Information about the composition of dumplings (given in Appendix B).

An example of dumplings labeling - Semi-finished meat product in dough, frozen. Dumplings "Elite", category B.

When labeling dumplings, it is allowed to indicate information about the composition of dough and minced meat separately.

4.5.2 Marking of transport packaging - according to, or regulatory legal acts in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard, GOST 14192 with the application of handling signs: “Temperature limitation” and “Perishable cargo”.

4.6 Packaging

4.6.1 Consumer and transport packaging, packaging materials and fastening agents must comply with the requirements or regulations in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard, ensuring the safety and quality of dumplings during transportation and storage throughout the entire shelf life.

4.6.2 Dumplings are produced by weight or packaged with a net weight from 250.0 to 1000.0 g in the following consumer packaging:

Cardboard packs in accordance with GOST 33781, which are glued or stitched with steel wire;

Bags made of polymer films in accordance with GOST 10354 or other film materials, which are fastened by heat sealing, aluminum staples, polyethylene tape with an adhesive layer in accordance with GOST 20477 or other methods that ensure the safety of the product;

Trays made of polymer materials, which are covered with lids or wrapped with heat-shrinkable polyethylene film in accordance with GOST 25951.

4.6.3 The net weight in one consumer packaging unit must correspond to the nominal weight indicated in the product labeling in the consumer packaging, taking into account permissible deviations.

The limits of permissible negative deviations of the net weight of one packaging unit from the nominal one are in accordance with GOST 8.579.

4.6.4 Dumplings in consumer packaging are placed in transport packaging - corrugated cardboard boxes in accordance with GOST 13511, GOST 34033, reusable polymer and aluminum boxes, containers or packaging equipment.

4.6.5 Reusable packaging must have a lid. In the absence of a lid, it is permissible for local sales to cover the packaging with sub-parchment in accordance with GOST 1760, parchment in accordance with GOST 1341, wrapping paper in accordance with GOST 8273 or polymer film.

4.6.6 For retail and public catering establishments, it is allowed to pack dumplings with a net weight of no more than 15 kg in corrugated cardboard boxes with a net weight of no more than 10 kg in unimpregnated paper bags in accordance with GOST 2226 or with a net weight of no more than 6 kg in bags made of polyethylene film according to GOST 10354.

The bottom and walls of the boxes are lined with wrapping paper, parchment, parchment or polymer film.

Boxes made of corrugated cardboard are sealed with paper-based adhesive tape in accordance with GOST 18251. Paper and polyethylene bags are tied with twine in accordance with GOST 17308 or cotton threads in accordance with GOST 6309 or fastened with aluminum staples.

4.6.7 It is permitted to use other types of packaging that meet the requirements set out in 5.5.1.

4.6.8 Each unit of transport packaging contains dumplings of the same name, the same production date and the same type of packaging.

4.6.9 The net weight of dumplings in corrugated cardboard boxes should be no more than 20.0 kg, in containers and packaging equipment - no more than 250.0 kg; Gross weight of products in reusable packaging - no more than 30.0 kg.

5 Acceptance rules

5.1 Acceptance rules, sample volume and sampling - in accordance with GOST 4288, GOST 18321, GOST 32951 and this standard.

5.2 Dumplings are accepted in batches.

A batch is considered to be a certain number of dumplings of the same name, identically packaged, produced (manufactured) by one manufacturer in a certain period of time, accompanied by shipping documentation that ensures the traceability of dumplings.

5.3 Organoleptic characteristics, net weight, quality of packaging (absence of defects: loss of integrity, traces of wetting, deformation) and markings of dumplings are determined in each batch, as well as at the request of the controlling organization or consumer.

5.4 The procedure and frequency of monitoring physical and chemical parameters, microbiological parameters, content of toxic elements, antibiotics, pesticides and radionuclides is established by the product manufacturer in the production control program.

5.5 If the test results are negative for at least one quality indicator, the batch of dumplings is not subject to acceptance.

5.6 Monitoring of dioxin content is carried out in cases of deterioration of the environmental situation associated with accidents, man-made and natural disasters leading to the formation and release of dioxins into the environment, in the case of a reasonable assumption of their possible presence in food raw materials.

5.7 In case of disagreement regarding the composition of the raw materials used, the raw material composition of the product is identified.

5.8 Control for the presence of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is carried out at the request of the controlling organization or consumer.

6 Control methods

6.1 Selection and preparation of samples for testing - according to GOST 4288, GOST 18321, GOST 26669, GOST 26670, GOST 26929, GOST 31671, GOST 31904, GOST 32164.

6.2 General requirements for microbiological control - according to GOST ISO 7218.

6.3 Determination of organoleptic indicators - according to GOST 4288, GOST 9959.

6.4 If there is any doubt about the freshness of the filling (minced meat), its quality is checked in accordance with GOST 7269, GOST 21237, GOST 23392.

6.5 Determination of physical and chemical parameters:

Mass fraction of muscle tissue - according to GOST 32951 (clause 7.16);

Mass fraction of fat - according to GOST 23042;

Mass fraction of protein - according to GOST 25011, GOST 31477, GOST 32008;

Mass fraction of chlorides - according to GOST ISO 1841-2, GOST 9957;

Mass fraction of total phosphorus (P 2 O 5) - according to GOST 32009.

6.6 Determination of microbiological indicators:

Quantities of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms - according to GOST 10444.15:

Bacteria of the group of coliforms (coliforms) - according to GOST 31747;

Pathogenic microorganisms, including:

Salmonella - according to GOST 31659;

bacteria Listeria monocytogenes - according to GOST 32031;

Molds - according to GOST 10444.12.

6.7 Determination of the content of toxic elements:

Mercury - according to GOST 26927;

Arsenic - according to GOST 26930, GOST 30538, GOST 31628, GOST 31707;

Lead - according to GOST 26932, GOST 30178, GOST 30538;

Cadmium - according to GOST 26933, GOST 30178, GOST 30538.

6.8 Determination of antibiotics - according to GOST 31694, GOST 31903 and regulatory documents in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

6.9 Definition of pesticides - according to GOST 32308 and regulatory documents in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

6.10 Determination of radionuclides - according to GOST 32161, GOST 32164.

6.11 Determination of dioxins - according to regulatory documents in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

6.12 Identification of the raw material composition of the product - according to GOST 19496, GOST 31479, GOST 31796.

6.13 Definition of GMOs - according to regulatory documents in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

6.14 The temperature in the thickness of the product is controlled by a digital thermometer with a measurement range from minus 30°C to 120°C, with a division value of 0.1°C, or other devices that provide temperature measurement in a given range.

6.15 Determination of the mass fraction of filling - according to GOST 32951 (clause 7.13).

6.16 Determination of the mass of the product (packaging unit) is carried out on scales for static weighing.

Determination of deviations in the net weight of packaged dumplings - according to GOST 8.579.

6.17 Determination of the thickness of the test shell is carried out after measuring the mass of frozen dumplings, for which 20 pieces are taken from two to three packages (packs). dumplings, make a cross-section and measure the thickness on the cross-section with a ruler according to GOST 17435.

The arithmetic mean of the obtained determinations is taken as the result.

6.18 Determination of the mass fraction of muscle tissue in the filling - according to GOST 32951 (clause 7.16).

7 Transportation and storage

7.1 Dumplings are released for sale with a temperature at any point of measurement of the product not higher than minus 10°C.

7.2 Dumplings are transported by all means of transport in accordance with the rules for transporting perishable goods, at a temperature not exceeding minus 10°C.

7.3 Storage

7.3.1 Dumplings are stored in accordance with storage rules at an air temperature not exceeding minus 10°C.

7.3.2 Storing dumplings in the warehouses of transport enterprises is not allowed.

7.3.3 The shelf life of dumplings is set by the manufacturer. Recommended shelf life for dumplings:

at a storage temperature not higher than minus 10°C - no more than one month;

at a storage temperature not higher than minus 18°C ​​- no more than six months.

1 Assignment of a group in accordance with GOST 32921-2014 "Products of the meat industry. Procedure for assigning groups."

3 In the Russian Federation, GOST R 52791-2007 “Canned milk products. Powdered milk. Technical conditions” is in force.

7 In the Russian Federation, GOST R 51574-2000 “Food salt. Technical conditions” is in force.

13 In the Russian Federation, GOST R 55909-2013 “Fresh garlic. Technical conditions” is in force.

17 In the Russian Federation, GOST R 51574-2018 “Edible salt. General technical conditions” is in force.


Appendix A

Nutrition information for 100 g dumplings *

A.1 Information about the nutritional value of 100 g of dumplings is given in Table A.1.

Table A.1

Product name

Meaning of indicators

Protein, g, no less

Fat, g, no more

Carbohydrates, g, no more

Energy value 1), kcal/kJ, no more












"In Uralian"

"Beef and lamb"

1) The calculated value is taken as the actual value of the energy value.


* Labeling may indicate the average values ​​of nutritional value indicators obtained by the manufacturer, taking into account the raw materials used and production technology, while deviations from the actual values ​​of protein, fat, carbohydrates should not exceed ±2 g, energy value - no more than 15%, unless otherwise deviation not specified by the manufacturer.


Appendix B

Information about the composition of dumplings

B.1 Information about the composition of dumplings is given in Table B.1.

Table B.1.

Name of dumplings

Ingredient composition



Dough: premium wheat flour, drinking water, chicken eggs *, table salt *, sunflower oil *, olive oil *, flour processing agent *;

Minced meat: beef, drinking water, raw fat, onion, table salt, sugar, black (white) pepper, coriander


Dough: premium wheat flour, drinking water, chicken eggs *, table salt *, sunflower oil *, olive oil *, flour processing agent *.

Minced meat: veal, drinking water, poultry, raw fat, onion, table salt, black (white) pepper, nutmeg or cardamom


Dough: premium wheat flour, drinking water, chicken eggs *, table salt *, sunflower oil *, olive oil *, flour processing agent *.

Minced meat: lamb, beef, poultry, drinking water, onions, salt, herbs**, black (white) pepper


Dough: premium wheat flour, drinking water, chicken eggs *, table salt *, sunflower oil *, olive oil *, flour processing agent *.


Dough: wheat flour, drinking water, chicken eggs *, table salt *, sunflower oil *, olive oil *, flour processing agent *.

Minced meat: pork, beef, drinking water, onion, table salt, sugar, black (white) pepper

"Dining rooms"

Dough: premium wheat flour, drinking water, chicken eggs *, table salt *, sunflower oil *, olive oil *, flour processing agent *.

Minced meat: pork, beef, drinking water, onion, table salt, sugar, black (white) pepper


Dough: premium wheat flour, drinking water, chicken eggs *, table salt *, sunflower oil *, olive oil *, flour processing agent *.

Minced meat: pork, drinking water, beef, onion, salt, sugar, black (white) pepper, garlic


Dough: premium wheat flour, drinking water, chicken eggs *, table salt *, sunflower oil *, olive oil *, flour processing agent *.

Minced meat: beef, pork, drinking water, onion, table salt, sugar, black (white) pepper


Dough: premium wheat flour, drinking water, chicken eggs *, table salt *, sunflower oil *, olive oil *, flour processing agent *.

Minced meat: lamb, raw fat, drinking water, onion fluff, table salt, herbs**, black (white) pepper, allspice


Dough: premium wheat flour, drinking water, chicken eggs *, table salt *, sunflower oil *, olive oil *, flour processing agent *.

Minced meat: pork, beef, drinking water, bacon, onion, salt, black (white) pepper, red pepper

Dough: premium wheat flour, drinking water, chicken eggs *, table salt *, sunflower oil *, olive oil *, flour processing agent *.

Minced meat: pork, drinking water, bacon, fried onions, salt, black (white) pepper, garlic

"In Uralian"

Dough: premium wheat flour, drinking water, chicken eggs *, table salt *, sunflower oil *, olive oil *, flour processing agent *.

Minced meat: pork, beef, lamb, drinking water, onion, salt, black (white) pepper, allspice, nutmeg or cardamom

"Beef and lamb"

Dough: premium wheat flour, drinking water, chicken eggs *, table salt *, sunflower oil *, olive oil *, flour processing agent *.

Minced meat: beef, lamb, drinking water, onions, table salt, herbs**, black (white) pepper, allspice

*When used in dough recipes.

** When used in minced meat recipes.


1 Information about food additives used in 5.3.1 is provided during labeling in accordance with the requirements.

2 When used in recipes to replace meat and non-meat raw materials (food ingredients) with similar raw materials, allowed for use in accordance with 5.3.1 and recommended by the "Technological instructions for the production of dumplings", approved by the director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "VNIIMP named after V.M. Gorbatov" , the manufacturer indicates in the labeling information about the composition of the product, taking into account the actual raw materials used.


TR TS 034/2013

Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of meat and meat products"

TR TS 021/2011

Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On Food Safety"

TR TS 033/2013

Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of milk and dairy products"

TR TS 029/2012

Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "Safety requirements for food additives, flavorings and technological aids"

TR TS 022/2011

Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "Food products regarding their labeling"

TR TS 005/2011

Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On Packaging Safety"

One of the main criteria for the quality of dumplings is the “dough/minced meat” ratio. The more the ratio shifts towards the mass fraction of minced meat, the better the product is. According to GOST, the dough/minced meat ratio in raw dumplings is regulated at 50:50. But during the process of cooking dumplings, the dough swells and excess water is released from the minced meat. For this reason, the initial ratio of “50:50” may change to “65:35”, and in some cases to “75:25”, in the direction of increasing the mass fraction of the dough.
Therefore, to prepare high-quality dumplings, it is necessary to strive to use dough with good cooking properties (negligible swelling) and minced meat with high moisture-binding ability.

Dumplings made from bread flour with a gluten content of 28% swell by an average of 60-100% during cooking. The cooking properties of dumpling dough are influenced to one degree or another by its density, determined by the amount of pressing during molding, the quality of flour (the content and properties of gluten), and the degree of surface roughness of the molded dumplings.
Preparation of minced meat must be carried out in accordance with approved technology. After grinding chilled or defrosted meat in a meat grinder, the minced meat is sent to a minced meat mixer, where it is mixed with the rest of the recipe components. Stirring should be carried out until the added water is completely bound, i.e. for at least 15-20 minutes. Otherwise, excess moisture is released in the form of broth, which subsequently flows out when biting into the finished dumplings. In addition, with direct contact, water from minced meat can penetrate into the dough shell, significantly deteriorating its quality.

Steep dumpling dough for dumpling making machine:

Premium flour: 700 gr, 700 gr
Egg: 2 pcs, 60 g
Water: 260 ml, 260 ml
Salt: 15 gr, 15 gr
Exit: 1000 gr

Flour is poured into a dough mixing machine, water, eggs, salt are added and the dough is kneaded until it acquires a homogeneous consistency. The prepared dough is kept for 30 minutes to allow the gluten to swell and give the dough elasticity, after which it is used to make dumplings.

Dumplings (semi-finished products):

Name of raw materials Gross: Net:

Dough for dumplings: 450
Beef: 272, 200
Pork: 270, 230
Onions: 50, 42
Salt: 9, 9
Black pepper: 0,5, 0,5
Sugar: 0,5, 0,5
Water: 90, 90
Water: 90, 90
Salt: 15, 15
Weight of minced meat: 460
S/F output: 1000 gr

Dough for dumplings:

Name of raw materials: Gross: Net:

Premium flour: 695 gr, 695 gr
Egg: 2 pcs, 60 g
Water: 270 ml, 270 ml
Salt: 12 gr, 12 gr
Exit: 1000 gr

The calculation is given for 1 kg of finished dough.

Add flour heated to 30-35 degrees. Water, then eggs, salt, sugar and knead the dough until it acquires a homogeneous consistency. The prepared dough is kept for 30 minutes to allow the gluten to swell and give the dough elasticity, after which it is used to make dumplings.

Dumplings with minced curd (semi-finished product)

Name of raw materials Gross Net (kg)

Dough for dumplings: 8,2
Weight of minced meat: 10,3
S/F output: 18,5

Minced curd for dumplings:

Name of raw materials: Gross: Net:

Cottage cheese: 792, 784
Egg: 2 pcs, 80 g
Sugar: 90, 90
Wheat flour: 40, 40
Butter: 40, 40
Vanillin: 0.1, 0.1
Yield: 1000 g

The curd is passed through a grinding machine. Then add eggs, flour, butter, vanillin and mix everything thoroughly.

Minced potatoes with mushrooms and onions for dumplings

Name of raw materials: Gross: Net:

Potato: 1074, 740
Onion: 214, 90
Dried mushrooms: 90, 180
Vegetable oil: 30, 30
Salt: 10, 10
Exit: 1000 gr

Peeled potatoes are boiled, the broth is completely drained. Then the hot potatoes are rubbed, mixed with onions, sautéed until tender, and chopped mushrooms.