Use of new technologies in heat supply. New"секретный" способ отопления дома. Не говори никому! Отопление в новых домах!}

Preface. Every year, manufacturers offer alternative heat sources to private home owners. The development of technology does not stand still; new products in home heating are a necessity today, as is the modernization of household appliances. In this article we will look at modern heating systems in private houses with and without gas, and also show a video of the use of energy-efficient heating systems.

Due to the constant rise in energy prices, innovative heating systems for private houses are becoming increasingly popular today and are becoming popular among residents. country houses. Any owner of a private home wants to spend their money as rationally as possible on heating residential premises and maintaining an acceptable temperature in cold weather.

For these purposes, many insulate wooden floors in the house, attic floors, install PVC windows - they take a comprehensive approach to the issue of reducing heating costs. If you start saving on energy storage, this can lead to uncomfortable living conditions, which is unacceptable in the conditions of Russian winters.

But there is another way, or rather it should be used in addition to insulating the house - this is the transition to modern heating systems for country houses. Heating systems for which alternative energy sources can be used are becoming increasingly popular - this is innovative heating.

Types of modern home heating systems

When studying home heating using new technologies, you should first pay attention to an infrared heater. Such a heat source can be used in a house for local and widespread heating of premises. The device is capable of emitting waves in the infrared range and can quickly heat an object that is nearby, which is very convenient in garden houses or garages.

For home use, IR heater models operating from a 220V network are better suited. The heat source in the device is a heating element, which emits heat. Heat waves come from the reflector, which allows you to heat not the air in the room, but the space or object at which the device will be directed.

Infrared heaters for heating your home

Ceiling IR heaters are often used to quickly heat a garage or utility room. Such a device for heating private houses is considered the most economical in terms of wasting energy resources. The efficiency of infrared heaters reaches up to 95%, and the room heats up in a short period of time.

An infrared device for heating rooms is safe for humans and the environment. IR heaters do not emit harmful substances, but the disadvantage is the high cost of the device. If you need to heat an entire house, you will need to spend a lot of money on purchasing appliances and paying energy bills.

Gas convectors

Gas heating convectors are autonomous heating devices based on a recuperative heat exchanger; the air flow in the room is heated by gas combustion. All combustion products leave the room through an insulated chimney pipe. The devices can operate on pipeline gas or liquefied gas in cylinders.

The principle of operation is that the lower layers of air move upward when heated and the cold layers of air settle, followed by heating. Gas convectors can be equipped with a thermostat and a forced air convection system. The gas convector is ideal for houses where there are no central gas pipelines.

Gas-powered convectors can operate autonomously without human presence, but it is better to control the process. Considering cases of poisoning of citizens by exhaust gases due to improper installation of gas communications, you should contact the gas industry that installs such systems.

Geothermal installation

New technologies for space heating make it possible to obtain inexpensive thermal energy. An equally popular method today is the use of geothermal installations operating on the principle heat pump. Heat is collected from the soil in the immediate vicinity of the foundation.

Geothermal heating systems have a simple design: a heat pump is installed in the house, which is responsible for constantly pumping coolant. A heat exchanger is lowered into a shaft near the house, through which groundwater will be transferred. As they pass through the pump in the house, they will give off some of their heat.

This heat from groundwater will be used to heat the house without gas. Not only groundwater, but also antifreeze can act as a coolant. To do this, you will additionally need to equip a reservoir in the basement of the house for the coolant. A hydrothermal plant works on the same principle.

Hydrothermal plant

Hydrothermal installations make it possible to obtain the necessary thermal energy without the need to drill a well. The installation can be used if there is a body of water next to a residential building that does not freeze to the very bottom in winter. The design of a hydrothermal installation is as similar as possible to a geothermal installation.

To equip this innovative heating system, you will need to install a heat pump in the house, which will be responsible for moving the coolant through the pipes. A heat exchanger probe is installed at the bottom of the reservoir, which will be responsible for collecting heat. The efficiency of a geothermal station directly depends on the dimensions of the probe.

Solar panels

Solar heating also applies to the latest systems heating, where innovative technologies are present. In this case, photovoltaic panels and solar collectors are used for heating. Solar panels are gradually falling out of widespread use, since modern solar collectors have much higher efficiency.

New technologies in heating private houses powered by solar energy include a collector - a device made of tubes that collects heat. The tubes are connected to a reservoir containing the coolant. Solar collectors can be vacuum, flat and air.

For a solar heating system to be more efficient, such technologies must be used in regions where the weather is sunny for at least 200 days a year. To prevent unnecessary heat loss, it is necessary to properly insulate the pipes that connect the heat exchanger to the collector.

New technologies in home heating today use new and unusual heat sources. Modern home heating is amazing; what was recently considered science fiction, today you can freely purchase or do it yourself. We hope that the most effective ways to heat homes are yet to come.

Video. Energy efficient heating systems

The heating circuit includes pressure-increasing pumps, fasteners, pipes, batteries, boiler thermostats, expansion tank, manifolds, air vents, and connection system. Any node is of great importance. Therefore, the choice of each part of the structure must be planned correctly. On this tab we will try to help you choose the necessary parts of the structure for your dacha. The installation of heating a mansion has various parts.

More recently, all that the owners of private houses could count on were simple stoves, which, although they heated the adjacent rooms, they simply could not reach all the rooms in the house. Now the stoves are bigger decorative element, like a variety of fireplaces, and heating in houses is carried out by more technological means.

Installing a heat meter into the system in some cases does not reduce financial costs, and even increases utility bills, this is explained by high heat losses in old buildings and the lack of means for managing heat consumption. Therefore, many owners of apartments and private houses are interested in information about the elements of new generation engineering communications and the latest and most efficient heating technology, which allows them to have comfortable living conditions in their home without incurring large financial costs.

Selection of building heating systems

Technological progress leads to the fact that new technologies are constantly emerging in the field of heating individual housing. And since harsh winter weather forces Russians to spend large sums of money on heating their premises, the emergence of innovations in the heating sector provides an opportunity to reduce these costs.

Alternative individual heating of a country house using new technologies is capturing an increasingly large niche in the market heating equipment.

Diagram of the operating principle of geothermal heating.

To maintain high performance In a solar installation, the main method of heating the premises must produce the maximum temperature in the system and have the function of accumulating incoming heat. The solar installation is combined with a floor heating system, where the floor serves as a heat accumulator.

The disadvantages of the system include the fact that it works best in the summer, when there is no need to heat buildings. At the same time, this type of heating of houses is relevant in the mountains, where buildings are also heated in the summer season.

Vacuum solar collectors

This method of obtaining thermal energy consists in the fact that a vacuum solar collector absorbs light solar energy and converts it into heat, which heats the coolant. It consists of a complex of vacuum tubes that change the energy of the sun by transferring heat from the absorption coating of the inside of the tube to the coolant contained in the heat exchanger. This type of collector works like a thermos tube. This allows them to be used during the winter season. The principle of operation of the collector: solar radiation hits the collector plane, passes through the vacuum between the tubes and hits a special coating applied inside the second thermos tube. This coating has properties that allow it to heat up intensely, and at the same time the vacuum pipe heats up, from which the heat is transferred to the coolant.


Modern technologies for heating a private home

The newest are heating systems that have been used relatively recently and at the same time provide reliable, environmentally friendly heating of buildings and structures. As a rule, they are based on the use of modern high-tech equipment and materials, which makes it possible to create the most comfortable conditions for people with optimal consumption of energy resources.

An example of the latest heating systems is the so-called “smart home”, where modern automatic control systems maintain the selected climatic conditions (temperature and humidity level) that are most comfortable for the inhabitants of the house, changing them not only depending on the outside temperature, but also on time of day.

It should be noted that to use an effective heating system control system, you need more modern heating equipment.

In houses with cast iron radiators, which have high thermal inertia, with an old boiler running on wood, even the most modern automatic control systems will not give any result.

The latest heating systems require fundamentally new heating devices, on the basis of which fundamentally new heating systems can be created.

Heating systems based on PLEN

The latest heating systems may have a completely new design. An example is infrared heating systems using film heating elements or PLEN.

PLEN consists of two layers of the thinnest polymer film, between which are located the fibers of the heating element made of carbon threads. PLEN is flexible, can be rolled into rolls, is lightweight and can be easily attached to any surface, which can be the floor, ceiling and walls.

But most importantly, the surface of this unusual heating element has a temperature of no more than 60 C, which is the best guarantee of its fire safety, while PLEN can provide any heating area.

Simple example: a film heater can be placed over the entire surface of the floor, covered on top, for example, with a laminate, and the result is a heating device, the area of ​​which is equal to the area of ​​the floor.

You can do it differently and attach a film heater to the ceiling, creating a heating model based on the principle of the sun, because PLEN, just like our “luminary,” emits infrared waves that fall on the floor surface and objects in the house, heating them. As a result, the floor is again the warmest in the room.

If desired, film heaters can be attached to the surface of the walls, but the effect of this method of using them is lower compared to installing PLEN on the floor or ceiling.

Another advantage of film heating elements is the relatively low heating of their surface (remember, the maximum surface temperature of PLEN is 60 C, and the most comfortable conditions in the room are created when the heating temperature of its surface is up to 30-40 C).

At the same time, there are no intense heat flows, the place of which is only in steam rooms, there is no drying out of the air, pronounced upward convective flows that raise dust, which is extremely undesirable for people with allergies.

Another advantage of the latest heating systems based on film electric heaters is the absence of liquid coolant, which poses the threat of leaks and freezing, requiring the installation of complex heating systems, the success of which depends on the circulation of the coolant.

Installation of PLEN is extremely simple and can be done even by an amateur. The main difficulty is preparing the base base and ensuring its proper thermal insulation, eliminating heat loss.

It is even easier to install infrared heating based on infrared wave emitters.

New, but not the newest

At the same time, infrared heating using infrared wave emitters can hardly be called a novelty. These devices have been known for a long time and are widely used as an additional source of heat supply. True, in modern infrared heating systems it is recommended to attach heaters to the ceiling surface, creating a directed radiation flux absorbed by the floor surface and objects located in the heated room.

On the one hand, this is truly an innovative solution that allows you to completely change the principle of heating a room and redistribute heat in the house.

With the usual heating method, the warmest area is the area under the ceiling, and the coldest is the floor, but when installing infrared heaters on the ceiling, the floor surface becomes heated, which creates more comfortable conditions for people.

However, such infrared heaters (unlike PLEN) create an intense heat flow, which cannot be called comfortable. In addition, such thermal radiation from devices installed on the ceiling heats not only objects in the room, but also... people.

Moreover, the greatest impact of heat occurs on the head (of course, if the person is not in a horizontal position), which can have negative consequences for health.

This means that heating systems based on infrared heaters do not meet the main requirement of the latest heating systems to create the most comfortable conditions for humans and cannot be considered the latest.

What if only partial changes are made to the heating system?

The latest also include heating systems in which only individual elements have been improved, but these changes have improved the environmental situation, reduced the consumption of non-renewable energy resources and (which is especially important for consumers) reduced the amount of payments for their use.

In this regard, the latest include heating systems operating on alternative energy sources, although their operation does not always improve the level of comfort in a heated room, but guarantees a reduction in energy consumption bills.

The leadership in this issue belongs to the heat pump, the operation of which allows the use of low-temperature sources of thermal energy, namely: the heat of the earth, reservoirs and outside air. Indeed, any body whose temperature is different from absolute zero, can be cooled, and the heat released during this process can be redirected to heating own home. It is on this principle that modern heat pumps work, cooling the soil at a depth below the freezing point or never-freezing water at the depth of a natural reservoir.

A heating system based on a heat pump is practically no different from a conventional water heating system: the same radiators, pipes, the same circulation pump, but it is recommended to install heated floors, which increases the level of comfort in the house.

Also among the newest are heating systems based on solar collectors, the use of which, in combination with high thermal insulation of buildings, can significantly reduce heating costs.

New or well forgotten old?

The latest heating systems should also include systems that are widely known throughout the world, but have not previously been used in our country, the operation of which greatly simplifies heating a home. An example is air heating, the main advantage of which is the elimination of liquid coolant, which, combined with the ease of installation of the system, makes it especially convenient for heating two-story buildings.

All modern heating systems for private houses and other residential buildings can be divided into 2 groups. The first includes traditional heating methods, which use a single heat source - a boiler operating on one or more energy carriers. In this case, thermal energy is distributed throughout the premises through a coolant - water or air. Here, innovative solutions are aimed at improving heating equipment by increasing its heat output, as well as introducing modern automation equipment.

The second group should include all systems that use new heating technologies with energy-saving equipment. They do not involve the combustion of hydrocarbons; only electricity is used in heating the house. These are various solar systems, solar collectors and the latest varieties electric heating. Despite all the attractiveness of these systems, most homeowners prefer heating private houses using traditional methods, and why is described in our article.

Evolution of traditional systems and boilers

In Soviet times, when no one was concerned about the cost of energy, heating equipment and systems were quite primitive, although they were made very reliably and lasted for many years. Now priorities have changed, modern energy-saving technologies have become relevant, allowing us to save constantly rising energy prices.

Thanks to this, traditional systems have become more perfect through the introduction of such solutions:

  • increasing the efficiency of all boiler systems, excluding electric ones, since their efficiency is already very high (98-99%);
  • the use of new materials and technologies for the manufacture of heating radiators;
  • introduction of modern automation equipment that controls the operation of systems depending on weather conditions and time of day, including remotely;
  • the use of low-temperature heating networks - water heated floors with automatic heating control;
  • implementation of heat recovery from exhaust air during air heating of buildings (recovery).

A striking example of energy saving gas equipment are condensing boilers, where the most modern heat exchangers are installed. The fact is that when methane burns, water is formed, which immediately evaporates in the burner flame and thus takes away part of the heat generated. The heat exchanger of a condensing boiler is designed to cause vapor to condense and release this energy back. Due to this innovative solution, the efficiency of the heat generator reaches 96%.

The burner devices have also undergone changes; now they can independently dose the amount of fuel and air, as well as automatically change the combustion intensity. This also applies to solid fuel boilers that burn wood pellets. Due to the purity of this type solid fuel, full automation of the process and developed heat exchange surface, a modern pellet boiler can operate with an efficiency of up to 85%.

Increasing the efficiency of conventional wood-burning boilers for heating private houses can only be achieved by extracting heat from flue gases; the average figure for these units is 70-75%.

Modern heating devices are made from the best heat-conducting materials - aluminum alloy and steel, although retro-style cast iron batteries still have many fans. A real novelty in the field of heating are water baseboard convectors, made of copper plates and very efficiently transferring heat to the premises of a private home.

About warm floors and air heating

Widely used underfloor heating systems cannot be called all that new. But they have proven themselves to be very economical in practice, and here’s why:

  • The coolant in the heated floor circuits heats up to no more than 45 °C;
  • heating of the room occurs over the entire surface of the floor;
  • the system is well controlled by modern automation tools;
  • the heated screed retains heat for a long time after the heating is turned off.

Note. In addition to the fact that a warm floor effectively uses heat, it supplies it to the lower zone of the room, which is very comfortable for the people there.

Modern solutions in terms of air heating of buildings consist in not losing the heat spent on heating the ventilation air. Heat is removed from the exhaust air by special heat exchangers - recuperators. These are truly innovations in heating, since they are able to recover up to 80% of the expended energy and transfer it to the supply air, significantly saving energy.

Latest heating systems

An example of a fairly affordable and at the same time effective system, suitable for both a country house and an apartment, is an electric heated floor. By incurring relatively small expenses for the installation of such heating, you can provide your home with heat and not buy any boilers. There is only one drawback - the cost of electricity. But considering that modern underfloor heating is quite economical, and if you have a multi-tariff meter, this option may be acceptable.

For reference. When installing an electric heated floor, 2 types of heaters are used: a thin polymer film coated with carbon elements or a heating cable.

In southern regions with high solar activity, another modern heating system performs well. These are water-based solar collectors installed on the roof of buildings or other open areas. In them, with minimal losses, water is heated directly from the sun, after which it is supplied to the house. One problem is that collectors are absolutely useless at night, as well as in the northern regions.

Various solar systems that take heat from the ground, water and air and transfer it to a private home are installations that implement the most modern heating technologies. Consuming only 3-5 kW of electricity, these units are capable of “pumping” 5-10 times more heat from outside, hence the name – heat pumps. Then, using this thermal energy, you can heat the coolant or air, at your discretion.

An example of an air heat pump is a conventional air conditioner; their operating principle is the same. Only the solar system heats equally well country house in winter and cool in summer.


It is a well-known fact: the more efficient an innovation in a heating system is, the more expensive it is, although it requires lower operating costs. Conversely, high-tech electric heating systems that are cheap to install force us to pay subsequently for the electricity consumed. Heat pumps are so expensive that they are inaccessible to most citizens of the post-Soviet space.

The second reason why homeowners gravitate towards traditional systems is the direct dependence of modern heating equipment on the availability of electricity. For residents of remote areas, this fact plays a big role, which is why they prefer to build brick stoves and heat their houses with wood.


We will introduce you to the latest and most effective technologies used for heating systems in private houses and their installation: types, advantages and organizational features.

For heating, not only efficiency criteria are important, but also cost-effectiveness. To increase this indicator, it is necessary to ensure heating of a private home with the latest technologies and high-quality installation. The main characteristic is determined by the efficiency value. However, it is equally important to work on minimizing operating costs.

Introduction of innovative heating methods and their principles

Opportunities arising from innovative heating of a private home.

The introduction of any innovative heating technologies is intended to improve the system, its performance and operating comfort. Let us mention the existence of several areas of development that help determine future trends related to the organization of autonomous heating in homes.

Among the most popular, we note the modernization of classical circuits, especially their individual components. First of all, heating boilers need modernization. The main indicators by which a modern boiler is chosen are due to increased operating efficiency (efficiency), maximum autonomy and cost-effectiveness.

In addition, the list of new technologies used in heating country houses consists of the following areas:

  • Use of alternative heat sources - geothermal heating, solar collectors;
  • Improvements to traditional schemes used in heating. In particular, we are talking about systems that use electricity as the main source of energy supply;
  • New materials for the manufacture of pipelines and radiators, modernization of the designs of heating devices.

The proposed range of new heating technologies in private homes does not always provide real efficiency. Although there are many proven methods that help improve system parameters and maintain optimal temperatures to ensure the operation of autonomous heating.

Installation of solar collectors or geothermal heating is only possible in the form of auxiliary systems. Taking into account the harsh winters, they do not have the ability to bring the indoor temperature to the required value.

Infrared heating technology in homes

How to achieve the most efficient conversion of electrical energy into heat? The ideal option would be a technology for generating IR rays with a wavelength range from 10 to 15 microns. To do this, use special resistive elements made of carbon. In modern Finnish heating technology, this type of heater is used.

Structurally, they consist of a polymer foam base with an applied layer of foil. On the surface of the foil there is a complex of resistive elements that emit IR waves immediately after connecting the electric current. The introduction of modern heating technologies is carried out in conjunction with an electronic control unit designed to perform functions related to power regulation in accordance with the temperature parameters in the room and user settings.

The embodiment of innovative heating in a private home

If Finnish heating technology is practically implemented, then the equipment should be installed on the ceiling of a specific room. In this way, it is possible to achieve maximum heating throughout the entire volume of the room. Side mounting technology is less efficient. If we compare it with the heating installation technology, which uses polypropylene pipes, then when installing Plen it is necessary to take care of the mandatory insulation of the surfaces of the walls and ceiling. In addition, you should be guided by the following features of infrared heating:

  1. The maximum heating level of the film is about 40-50°C;
  2. Heat losses in the building, which should not be higher than the standard ones. Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve air heating above 16-17°C;
  3. A feature of the technology for installing heating radiators is the use of a relatively small area of ​​batteries. It is possible to achieve efficient functioning of Plen if the ceiling coverage area is from 60 to 70% of the total;
  4. When compared with water heating technology, IR will function without the installation of boilers, pipelines and other system elements.

Plen is not yet so widespread. Despite the widespread dissemination of innovative technologies in the field of heating, the level of air temperature in residential buildings remains unsatisfactory, which is associated with the presence of large heat losses.

In addition, you should be guided by the inertia of this system, which in most situations does not correspond to new technologies for heating country houses. It may take from 2 to 4 weeks to achieve a normal regime.

Let us note that the actual thermal power of the film heater differs from the rated power by 10–15%. These data must be used as a guide when calculating the coverage area.

About system components and their installation

The introduction of any new technology related to the installation of water heating is impossible without the use of innovative materials in the manufacture of its components. Today, the polymer industry is effectively developing, supplying the industry with more economical models of pipes - polypropylene, cross-linked polyethylene and metal-plastic. They are easy to install and have a long maintenance-free service life.

Features of installing polypropylene heating pipes

Heating system using polypropylene pipes

Before the heating sector was not armed with modern technologies, it was the heating mains that consumed a huge amount of labor costs and finances. To connect steel pipelines, welding technologies were used, and in the absence of the opportunity to use a welding machine, the pipes were connected using threaded couplings, which did not always correspond to the required result.

Practical implementation of heating system installation technology using polypropylene pipes consists of using diffusion welding to create joints. The surface of the elements is heated to achieve a fluid state and weld the pipes. This technique has the following positive aspects:

  • Possibility of independent installation of pipelines. For these purposes, you need to take care of purchasing a special soldering machine. The cost of the most affordable version of the model ranges from 400 to 700 rubles;
  • Connection reliability. You just need to take care to observe the heating time of the pipes;
  • Simplified technology for installing heating radiators.

However, one important disadvantage of polypropylene pipes should be mentioned. The maximum possible water temperature level should be +90°C. Otherwise, problems associated with their deformation and detachment of the reinforcing shell are likely to arise.

To solve problems associated with increasing thermal output, new technologies for installing heating batteries involve the use of mounting a reflective surface. Foil foam is often used.

Installation of heated floors for heating

Scheme according to which underfloor heating pipes are placed in the house

When choosing a technology for installing water heating, they mainly use the classic scheme, which consists of installing pipelines that transport coolant, complete with radiators that transfer thermal energy to the room. However, the effectiveness of such an organization is not achieved in all cases. Therefore, it is recommended to install water heated floors around the entire perimeter of the house.

What is the essence of innovation when using this technology in a heating system? The main indicator is increasing operational efficiency. Any owner of a country cottage needs to take care of the correct selection of materials and structural components:

Pipes. The best option would be to choose cross-linked polyethylene with a shell that serves to protect against air penetration. These pipes have sufficient flexibility; they are mounted using fittings, having high level heat transfer;

Control system. Without it, it is impossible to introduce new technologies in heating country cottages. For water heated floors, this is a manifold with an automatic mixing unit. You also cannot do without a programmer connected to external temperature sensors;

Floor covering. Its functions are of no small importance. After all, it is precisely because of the heat losses associated with the passage of energy under the cement screed or laminate that the final efficiency of the entire system is determined.

What is the cost of such new heating technologies for a private home? There is a mutual dependency with the selected components and route layouts.

Taking into account the majority of heat losses characteristic of private buildings, caused by insufficient insulation of the foundation, the choice of water heated floors is today recognized as the best option for maintaining comfortable temperature conditions. Among the important advantages, we mention the possibility of choosing a heating system technology made of metal-plastic, cross-linked polyethylene or polypropylene pipes. The difference between the options is determined solely by the cost of components and the complexity of installation.

In comparison with Finnish heating technology, a system consisting of a water-heated floor can heat the room air to 25 - 28°C. It is only worth mentioning the significantly higher costs associated with the purchase of equipment and inspection of heated floors. When choosing a particular system, you should determine the parameters of the required heating characteristics.

When choosing a technology for installing heated floors, you need to decide on the likely installation of furniture in the places where the pipes will be laid. In some situations, there is a ban on installing furniture according to operating standards.

What should you focus on when deciding on the latest heating technologies in a private home and their installation? Among the main indicators, you should decide on the component manufacturer. If the equipment is not produced by serious global companies, the presented technology will have many negative sides. Sellers can declare exceptional reliability and even incredible efficiency, so it is more profitable to work with proven circuits.

Innovative technologies for heating a private home

Introduction of new systems for heating private houses

The use of new systems for heating private homes is not just a fashionable trend; thanks to the implementation of such innovations, it is possible to reduce the consumption of purchased fuel, increase the overall efficiency of heating and reduce harm caused to the environment. At the same time, the essence of any innovative ideas is ease of use, real competitiveness in comparison with traditional methods.

  • Types of liquid fuel
  • Gas systems
  • Electrical installations
  • Use of heat pumps
  • Using solar energy
  • Introduction of convection technologies
  • Use of film systems
  • Reducing losses
  • Challenges associated with new techniques

The introduction of modern heating systems for private homes is designed to simultaneously solve several key problems:

  • reducing the consumption of non-renewable energy resources;
  • increasing the efficiency of operating installations;
  • attracting more renewable energy technologies;
  • reducing environmental stress;
  • ensuring heating efficiency in combination with the operation of all systems involved in this process.

The introduction of new systems and technologies should not lead to a deterioration in user comfort, and should be as easy to use as possible.

In some situations, developers are engaged in combining all the innovations available in the house into a common system, collectively called a “smart home”. This solution increases automation, which helps achieve goals.

Introduction of solid fuel technologies

Among the most common systems using coal or peat briquettes, there are hardly any new ones. However, companies involved in the production of this equipment are modernizing their installations and increasing their operating efficiency. This helps reduce emissions and get the most calories from the fuel.

Pyrolysis boiler design

Heating systems designed for private homes and equipped with solid fuel boilers effectively use gas-generating processes. There are many positive solutions in this area, one of which is the use of pyrolysis gas for heating premises. There is actual smoldering of the fuel, and not combustion during operation, simultaneously with its more complete combustion.

Pyrolysis plants have a higher efficiency compared to traditional solid fuel boilers. First, the fuel itself is burned, then the pyrolysis gas is burned, and over 90% is obtained.

Types of liquid fuel

In many regions, among the current types of fuel, the use of liquid hydrocarbons, for example, waste fuel, diesel fuel or liquefied fuel, is effective. natural gas. The latest generation boilers are installed there. The use of new technologies for heating private houses does not significantly save fuel.

The introduction of the most advanced equipment for liquid fuel boilers helps to increase the environmental component of this process, reduce emissions, ensure more complete combustion of the liquid, and minimize unpleasant odors due to increased sealing of the installation.

Full implementation of consumption reduction has not yet been successful. However, for many cases when it is necessary to obtain an autonomous system at a relatively low cost, these boilers have many advantages over their analogues.

We would like to separately mention the efficiency of boilers operating on liquefied gas. Of course, if you compare a centralized gas pipeline with them, this method cannot be called cheaper, although in comparison with electric or solid fuel heating it is significantly more economical.

Gas systems

The range of developments to improve the efficiency of gas systems is exhausting its possibilities. Home heating systems using new technologies and the use of gas are solved by manufacturers using condensing models. The productivity of such devices is rapidly approaching 100%.

In addition, equipment operating on liquefied gas is being introduced. In such situations, it is important to remember the importance of updating the injectors so that the nozzle has the appropriate diameter.

Electrical installations

Modern systems designed for heating private houses are distinguished by the active use of electricity. Among the disadvantages, we mention the relatively high cost, but thanks to constant improvements in energy efficiency, a solution to this issue is being found.

Among the new products in this area, we mention:

  • film heaters;
  • infrared heating modules;
  • electrical underfloor heating systems.

For now, these types are used as auxiliary systems that help reduce the load on the main heat generator.

Introduction of heat pumps

The use of modern heating systems in private homes in Scandinavian countries is often combined with obtaining thermal energy for one’s own home from earth or air energy. This type of installation was introduced back in the 80s of the last century. True, over the past period of time there has been a change in more than one generation of equipment.

There is a constant increase in the power characteristics of heat pumps, and in accordance with its popularity among Swedish consumers, about three-quarters of all buildings are heated using this scheme. The legislation of some European countries forces contractors to take into account the installation of the equipment presented when calculating estimates.

Such projects pay off on average from 7 to 9 years, depending on the area of ​​the house and the amount of resources consumed. Taking into account the complete absence of costs associated with fuel, this method is considered the most rational and environmentally friendly. In addition, if there is a reservoir next to a private yard, they achieve a reduction of up to 30% in the costs associated with installing and running a heat pump.

The operating principle of modern heating systems used for domestic needs is often based on the use of solar energy. The resulting portions of sunlight are processed into thermal energy, for which two popular types of devices are used:

  • thermal collectors;
  • solar panels.

These devices differ slightly in operational characteristics and design complexity. It is not yet possible to use them for industrial heating due to the high cost, but supplying electricity or hot water For home use it is quite rational. These devices are mounted on an open area or the roof of a building to fully take advantage of the sun's rays.

Convection technologies

Thermal panels are becoming increasingly popular.

Among the advantages of their use, we mention the following features:

  • simplicity and comfort in operation;
  • reduced energy consumption;
  • high functionality;
  • aesthetic appearance.

The cost of the working element when heating a square meter of area is approximately 0.05 kW, in comparison with traditional sources, which spend 0.1 kW on the same surface.

The back side of the panel is covered with a heat-accumulating layer, due to which it gains a temperature of 90 degrees C and above, followed by easy release of the received energy. The working process is accompanied by the use of the convection effect. These modules have maximum safety and reliability, so they are recommended for installation in children's organizations.

Film systems

In modern heating systems installed in private homes, the use of PLEN systems is often practiced. The equipment of radiant electric heaters is rightfully considered an effective energy-saving technology. They have the ability to be used indoors as alternative sources heat.

The working element is fixed to a film that is heat-resistant. This heating equipment is usually attached to the ceiling surface. The complete structure can be easily installed by connecting to a power source. Thanks to the foil screen, heat is dissipated in space.

Reducing losses

The use of innovative technologies for heating private houses is also intended to reduce heat loss. For these purposes, thermal insulation materials are used to prevent heating of the street. This helps reduce fuel consumption for heating, as well as increase the efficiency of heat generating plants.

Manufacturers use various thermal insulation materials: penoplex, polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene foam and mineral wool. The choice of material is usually carried out in accordance with financial capabilities and the insulation surface. It should be borne in mind that work related to insulating a house and preserving heat is mainly external and is rarely carried out inside the house.

Introduction of new technologies in heating private houses

Using modern heating systems using examples

Today, the relevance of introducing new technologies in heating private houses has increased significantly. Every home owner wants to reduce heating-related costs, but they cannot do without an innovative approach when creating a heat supply system. As an indispensable condition for reducing heating-related costs, let us mention energy savings.

Therefore, many homeowners have to abandon the classic air or water type of heating. Increasingly, new heating technology for private houses is being introduced, based on the use of new heating technology based on alternative energy sources. You can read more in “Alternative heating of a private home based on a fairly large selection.”

Using infrared heaters in a private home

When analyzing new technologies related to heating private homes, we primarily talk about infrared heaters. In such situations, this equipment is the main source of heat, although it is widely used to organize local heating.

An IR heater is a device designed to emit light waves in the infrared range that penetrate unhindered through the air. The devices are used to heat objects in the direction in which they are installed.

To provide premises with the most optimal temperature conditions, consumers usually install electric models operating from various sources radiation of heat, either open spirals or heating elements. The IR heater studies the light waves shown in the photo, reflected by a special reflector and therefore heating exclusively the space located in the direction of the device.

Introduction of innovative heating for a private home

Gas infrared appliances are often used in situations with external heating. For example, if employees of warehouses, garages, and other utility rooms need to create a comfortable environment. They have the following operating principle: the gas-air mixture is directed into the device structure, where it is burned using special heat-resistant perforated plates.

If there is a need to heat floors, ceilings or walls, they use new heating systems for private houses - infrared film heating systems. Installation of their elements is carried out under finishing. Under the influence of electric current on the surface of carbon thermal elements, the surfaces are heated.

About the disadvantages and advantages of infrared heating

Many residents of private houses are interested in whether it is justified to use IR devices for heating their homes.

If we consider this type of heaters in terms of saving energy resources, it is rightfully considered the most profitable. It also has the following advantages:

  • Efficiency reaching 95%;
  • rapid heating of the room;
  • significant cost optimization;
  • compliance with environmental friendliness. The operation of an infrared heater is not accompanied by the release of toxins, so it does not harm either people or the environment.

Principles of innovative heating of a private home

To effectively regulate energy consumption, it is necessary to complete the heating system based on IR heaters with automatic devices based on thermostats. The situation is similar with all types of heat supply structures, regardless of the system technology used, corresponding to the heating of a country house.

Among the disadvantages of IR heating devices, first of all, the high cost of the equipment should be mentioned. For a heating system that heats all the rooms of the house, you will have to part with a fairly large amount of money. The cost recovery occurs over a long period of time.

Receiving heat from reservoirs and the bowels of the earth

Geothermal installations

Thanks to the introduction of new technologies related to heating a private home, today it is possible to achieve not only economical consumption of thermal energy sources, but also ensure the production of electricity. The resulting amount of electricity can be used for various needs: lighting the building, operating the heating boiler included in the water heating structure.

Among the methods used in energy production, we mention the use of geothermal installations. Their functioning corresponds to a heat pump, and to obtain heat they use the soil outside a private home.

When creating such a heating system, the introduction of new technologies involves the use of the following geothermal system design:

  • in private homes, a special heat pump is installed that pumps coolant;
  • outside the building, a heat exchanger called a soil probe is lowered into the prepared shaft. Groundwater flows through it to the heat pump;
  • From such a coolant, when passing through the pump, part of the heat is transferred, which is consumed to heat the house.

In the most efficient and productive geothermal systems, based on modern heating technologies for private houses, instead of groundwater, they use antifreeze poured into a reservoir, which is located at depth (more details can be read in “Modern heating systems for private houses - choosing the most affordable heating system option” ).

The difference between heating systems created using a heat pump is their significant efficiency. If 1 kW of energy is expended, they have the ability to produce 4 - 6 kW. The introduction of new heating technologies based on geothermal installations does not involve the use of solid or liquid fuel. When they function, no heavy metals or toxins are released into the natural environment.

In order to build a geothermal heat supply structure, a significant amount is required, accessible to a small number of consumers. Note that it is hardly possible to cope with self-installation such a system. Although manufacturers are making efforts detailed instructions, the main difficulty is the construction of a shaft designed to accommodate the heat exchanger. The wisest thing to do is turn to professionals.

Hydrothermal installations

Thanks to new technologies for heating country houses, it is possible to do without drilling a deep shaft. This possibility arises only if there is a nearby body of water that does not freeze even in the frostiest period. The reservoir is used for the construction of a hydrothermal installation designed to extract thermal energy from the bottom layer of water.

The design solution of such an installation is similar to a geothermal system:

  • a heat pump is installed in the house, which helps circulate the coolant through the pipes;
  • A heat exchanger probe is placed at the bottom of the reservoir, which is designed to collect heat.

There is a relationship between the operating efficiency of hydrothermal installations and the length of the probe. With proper installation, about 40 W can be obtained for each linear meter of the heat exchanger. Therefore, to heat medium-sized country houses, it is enough to install a system with a length of 200 to 300 meters.

Solar heating - introduction of new technologies

Another relatively new direction in heating private houses is the use of solar energy. In this situation, owners of country real estate have the opportunity to use special collectors or photovoltaic panels, solar heaters. The latest devices, however, have a low level of energy efficiency (efficiency no higher than 20%), and therefore they remain unpopular. Collector batteries are more in demand.

The design of a heating system powered by solar energy consists of the following elements:

  • collector - a structure made of a series of tubes connected to a reservoir, filled with coolant. Collecting devices can be air, vacuum or flat;
  • circuit - through it the coolant enters the system with the subsequent intake of heat for heating;
  • heat accumulator - a water tank in which energy conversion occurs;
  • pump (not always) - with the help of this device, forced circulation of the heat carrier is ensured along the circuit to ensure more efficient energy exchange.

Efficiency of using solar collectors

To use this technology and achieve high efficiency, you will need to follow some recommendations:

  • Solar heating can be used as the main one only in regions where there are at least 20 sunny days every month. In other situations, it is impossible to do without installing a backup heating system.
  • Collectors must be placed at the highest possible height so that they absorb the maximum sun rays, with a uniform flow during daylight hours.
  • The pipes connecting the collector to the heat exchanger must be insulated to minimize energy losses.
  • When developing a heating system project for private homes, in addition to traditional options, it is important to take advantage of everything innovative and new for heating systems that has appeared at the current time.

This heating system is divided according to the type of coolant into water or electric. The first option is characterized by a completely different approach to creating a heating system. Its design consists of several components:

  • Radiator block.
  • Coolant distribution manifold.
  • Special oxygen-tight plastic tubes connected to corrugated cross-linked polyethylene hoses.

The radiator design consists of 2 interconnected copper tubes with a diameter of 13 millimeters. They serve to secure aluminum or brass ribs that are closed by an aluminum frame. The design is quite simple, and the entire complex of elements made of non-ferrous metals has a long service life and high heat transfer rates.

It is interesting to consider the design of the box itself. It is represented by three elements obtained by stamping. The box has standard sizes: width - 28 millimeters, height - 140 millimeters. We can say that this heating device is quite compact. To mount the heat exchanger in the housing itself, use holders specially installed on the rear wall.

The collector included in such a heating system consists of 2 horizontal pipes, equipped with all the necessary shut-off valves: shut-off valves, drain valves, air vents and thermometers. We are talking about a full-fledged device that distributes coolant. The function of the upper main pipe in the comb is to supply hot water to the heating system. The lower pipe is a receiver of water from the run-in. To make the collector, steel or plastic pipes are used.

Next, we will talk about the tubes that are used as lines for distributing coolant through the heating system. We are talking about two tubes: an internal smooth one and an external corrugated one. The two tubes are not connected by any fasteners; one is inserted into the other. The function of the first is to act as a highway, the second - as a tunnel. This is due to the installation of the entire connection system in the floor. If you need to replace the inner tube, just pull it out of the outer tube and replace it with a new one. You don’t even have to open the floors, which simplifies the repair process as much as possible.

Attention! This system differs in two indicators that affect the life of the device. We are talking about the complete absence of oxygen and the immunity of plastic to the negative effects of salts dissolved in water.

There are several restrictions that should be followed when installing baseboard heating. The coolant temperature should not exceed 85 degrees C, and the pressure should not exceed 3 atmospheres. This requirement depends on technical properties cross-linked polyethylene. If exposed to elevated levels, the system will become unusable. If there is a need to install baseboard heating in an apartment where the coolant is 95 degrees C and 9 atmospheres, it is important to take precautions. For example, replace plastic tubes with metal-plastic or copper ones. It is possible to install a more powerful collector with an additional heat exchanger designed to reduce both temperature and pressure.

Today, to equip such systems, various devices are used, complete with automation, which is responsible for tasks related to operational safety and effective temperature distribution in all rooms of the house. Additionally it is possible to use circulation pump, thermostats, servos, thermometers, pressure gauges and more. That is, it is possible to organize a modern type of heating system.

Features of electric baseboard heating

There are practically no external differences in the electrical system and the water system. They are equipped with the same aluminum box, heated thanks to the same copper tubes. True, the supply pipes are not visible. The systems differ in their internal filling. The upper tube is used to accommodate the electrical cable that supplies current. High-quality cable insulation using silicone filler is required. The lower tube is used to install a heat cable in the form of an air heating element. The power obtained by one linear meter of heating element reaches 200 watts.

The installation of such radiators is simplified as much as possible, and you can connect to the AC mains using a regular outlet. With the correct calculation of the power of 1 electric radiator and the required length of the heating element, one such battery will be enough to heat a small room.

Attention! Manufacturers provide everything necessary to ensure maximum protection for electric baseboard radiators. Experts recommend not equipping wet areas of the house with such equipment.

Operating principle

The introduction of new heating technologies, including baseboard heating, is very difficult. Consumers are unwilling to take risks without understanding the meaning of the innovation. Installation of new baseboard radiators is carried out in close proximity to the surface of the walls. Consequently, convection heating is not used here. This is due to the “sticking” effect noted famous physicist Henry Coanda. He was able to establish experimentally that surfaces isolated from the outside world form a zone of low pressure. Whenever air enters from the outside, this space is filled. The situation is similar with baseboard heating.

The radiator box is equipped with two longitudinal slots - one is located near the floor, the second is located on top, next to the wall surface. When air enters through the bottom slot, it passes through the heating tubes, heating up. Next, it rises and passes through the upper slot. At this moment, the “sticking” effect occurs. The air does not heat up in the room itself, but the wall heats up, which gradually begins to release heat. When comparing the principle of operation characteristic of baseboard heating, you can make sure that it is similar to the operation of IR heaters. It is not the surrounding air that is heated, but the objects located nearby. The wall receiving the necessary heat emits infrared waves.

Due to the absence of convection in this case, heating of the coolant may be limited in temperature. It is important to use materials with high heat transfer for the production of baseboard radiators. It is most effective to manufacture such radiators from copper, brass and aluminum. Let's compare the heat transfer coefficients inherent in different materials. For example, the heat transfer coefficient of steel is 92 W/m2, aluminum - 236 W/m2, copper - 390 W/m2.

In a situation with maximum operating mode, the aluminum body of the maximum plinth radiator heats up to 40 degrees C, and the wall surface has a temperature of 37 degrees C. This temperature is enough to ensure that the room has a comfortable temperature, and there are no problems with heating surfaces, safety related does not arise.

Advantages of the system

Let us introduce you to the positive qualities inherent in such a heating system:

  • Due to the absence of air convection, dust remains on objects without being spread throughout the entire room.
  • Let us note the excellent perception of infrared heat by the human body. The temperature is evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of the room, which prevents warm air from accumulating under the ceiling.
  • The walls and other enclosing structures are heated, next to which baseboard radiators are installed. This helps to dramatically reduce heat loss. In addition, the walls will be kept dry. This means they will not be exposed to mold or mildew, which could lead to a new renovation.
  • Note the simplicity of the installation process. Installing and connecting such a system into one circuit is not a problem. Even a non-professional can handle this procedure. Electric heating is especially easy to install. The radiators are small in size and presentable appearance, will not lead to damage to the interior design of the room where they are installed.
  • Good fuel economy can be achieved due to the low coolant temperature. According to experts, savings can reach 40% compared to classic water heating and traditional batteries.
  • The system has a high maintainability rate. Moreover, repairing electrical systems is much easier than repairing water ones. It is enough to dismantle the box and replace the lower tube, which usually fails, with a new one. However, the operation of electric baseboard radiators, provided proper operation is ensured, can last for several decades. Therefore, this problem should not cause any concern.
  • By equipping the distribution manifold with thermostats, it is possible to easily control the heat distribution throughout the rooms. For example, at night there is no need for high temperatures in the living room, so you can reduce it by reducing the coolant supply. And if the temperature in the bedroom is insufficient, you can change it by redistributing the coolant flow so that it increases in the bedrooms.
  • Baseboard heating is also used to reduce the temperature in rooms. In summer, you can replace hot water in the system with cold water. The “sticking” effect will continue, which helps to cool the walls in the rooms.

Among the disadvantages of the system, we mention:

  • High cost of equipment and materials - the price of non-ferrous metals today is quite high.
  • The length of one radiator is limited to 15 meters. Otherwise, there will be a sharp decrease in the efficiency of the system.
  • Batteries must not be equipped with decorative covers. They reduce the temperature and lead to a decrease in the flow of warm air.
  • Due to the close distance between the heating devices and the wall surface, the wallpaper may deteriorate.
  • It is not allowed to cover baseboard heating devices with pieces of furniture and other bulky objects, as this leads to a decrease in heat transfer.

Heating must be not only efficient, but also economical. The latest technologies for heating a private home and its installation should contribute to the growth of this indicator. Their main characteristic is an indicator of efficiency. But we must not forget about minimizing operating costs.

Principles of new heating techniques

Any innovative heating technologies should improve the system, its performance and operating comfort. There are several areas of development that determine future trends in the organization of autonomous heating at home.

The most popular is the modernization of current classical circuits, and in particular individual components. This primarily concerns heating boilers. Increasing operating efficiency (efficiency), maximum autonomy and efficiency - these are the main indicators when choosing a modern boiler.

But besides this, new technologies for heating a country house include the following areas:

  • Use of alternative heat sources - geothermal heating, solar collectors, etc.;
  • Improvement of traditional heating schemes. This is especially true for systems that use electricity as the main source of thermal energy;
  • New materials for the manufacture of radiators and pipelines, modernization of the designs of heating devices.

The proposed new technologies for heating a private home are not always truly effective. But there are already proven methods for improving the performance of the maintenance system optimal temperature when operating autonomous heating.

Solar collectors or geothermal heating can only be installed as auxiliary systems. Given the harsh winters, they are not able to raise the room temperature to the required level.

Infrared heating at home

How to most effectively convert electrical energy to the thermal one? The ideal option is to generate IR rays in the wavelength range from 10-15 microns. For this purpose, special resistive elements made of carbon are used. Modern Finnish heating technology uses exactly this type of heaters.

They are a polymer foam base with a layer of foil applied. On its surface there are resistive elements, which, when connected to an electric current, emit IR waves. These modern heating technologies are not possible without an electronic control unit - they are designed to regulate power depending on the temperature parameters in the room and user settings

According to the Finnish heating technology scheme, installation is carried out on the ceiling in the room. In this way, maximum heating of the entire volume of the room is achieved. Side mounting is less effective. But unlike the technology for installing heating from polypropylene pipes, the installation of Plen requires mandatory insulation of the ceiling and walls. In addition, you need to take into account the following features of infrared heating:

  • The maximum heating level of the film is about 40-50°C;
  • Heat losses in the building should not exceed standard values. Otherwise, the air heating will not be higher than 16-17°C;
  • The technology for installing heating radiators provides for a relatively small radiator area. For Plen to work effectively, the ceiling coverage area should reach 60-70% of the total;
  • Unlike the technology for installing water heating, infrared does not require installing boilers, pipelines and other system elements.

But why hasn’t Plen received such widespread development? Despite the fact that it belongs to innovative technologies in heating, the degree of heating of the air in a residential building in many cases remains unsatisfactory. This is due to large heat losses.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the inertia of this system, which in many cases is unacceptable for new heating technologies for a country house. Returning to normal mode can last from 2 to 4 weeks.

The actual thermal power of the film heater differs from the nominal one by 10-15%. This must be taken into account when calculating the coverage area.

System components and their installation

Any new technology installation of water heating always involves the use of innovative materials for the manufacture of its components. Thanks to the development of the polymer industry, more economical pipe models have appeared - polypropylene, cross-linked polyethylene and metal-plastic. They are easy to install and have a long maintenance-free service life.

Installation of polypropylene heating pipes

Before the advent of modern heating technologies, installation of mains took the “lion’s” share of funds and effort. Steel pipelines were connected by welding, and if it was impossible to use a welding machine, by threaded couplings. This did not always lead to the desired result.

The principle of the technology for installing heating from polypropylene pipes is to create connections using diffusion welding. The surface of the elements is heated to a fluid state, resulting in their soldering. This technique has a number of positive aspects:

  • Ability to lay pipelines yourself. To do this, you need to purchase a special soldering machine. The cost of the most affordable model is 400-700 rubles;
  • Connection reliability. To do this, you just need to observe the heating time of the pipes;
  • Simplified technology for installing heating radiators.

However, polypropylene pipes have one important “minus” - the maximum possible water temperature should not exceed +90°C. Otherwise, they will deform and the reinforcing shell will peel off.

To increase thermal output, new technologies for installing heating radiators provide for the installation of a reflective surface. Foiled penofol is most often used.

Warm floor heating

Often, when choosing a technology for installing water heating, they adhere to the classical scheme - installation of pipelines for transporting coolant and radiators designed to transfer thermal energy to the room. However, such an organization does not always pay off. Therefore, in some cases they prefer to install water-heated floors throughout the entire area of ​​the house.

What is the innovation of this technology as a heating solution? The main indicator is work efficiency. The task for the owner of a country cottage is to choose the right materials and structural components:

  • Pipes. The best option is cross-linked polyethylene with a shell that protects against air penetration. These pipes have sufficient flexibility, are mounted using fittings and have high heat transfer;
  • Control system. Without this, new technologies for heating a country cottage are impossible. For water heated floors, this is a manifold with an automatic mixing unit. You will also need a programmer connected to external temperature sensors;
  • Flooring. It plays an important role, since it is the heat losses due to the passage of energy through the cement screed or laminate that will determine the final efficiency of the entire system.

How much will such new heating technologies cost in a private home? It all depends on the selected components and route layouts. Considering that most heat losses in private buildings occur due to insufficient insulation of the foundation, water heated floors are currently considered one of best options maintaining a comfortable temperature level. An important advantage is the ability to choose a heating installation technology - from polypropylene pipes, cross-linked polyethylene or metal-plastic. The difference will be only in the cost of components and the complexity of installation.

Unlike Finnish heating technology, water heated floors can heat the air in the room to 25-28°C. But at the same time, the costs of purchasing equipment and inspecting the heated floor are much higher. The choice of a particular system is determined by the required heating characteristics.