What is the water consumption per day per person. Standard consumption of cold and hot water per person per month without a meter. Standards for hot water supply

The standard water consumption per person without a meter since 2017 for the population is calculated on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2014 No. 1380 with amendments and additions made on June 29, 2016. In the specified normative act standards for the consumption of services provided have been established.

Utilities in Russian Federation are obliged to take this act into account in their activities.

There are independent standards that are used when using hot and cold water. They are calculated in accordance with accepted standards. In this case, documents developed by housing and communal services organizations in the regions of the Russian Federation are taken into account.

Thus, we can conclude that there is no actual overall indicator, which is used in calculating water consumption.

Calculation of water consumption in apartments where metering meters are not installed

The methodology for calculating water consumption in multi-apartment buildings (MCD) is associated with such additional points as availability:

  1. Faucet in the apartment.
  2. Bathroom.
  3. Bathroom.
  4. Other factors.

In the case where a person or family lives in a private house, then an additional item will be the use of water for irrigation purposes.

Consumption table according to SNIP 2.04.01-85

Consumption standards in apartments without appliances

As mentioned above, the water norm per person without a meter in each region is calculated according to locally approved methods.

So in Moscow, the water norm per person per month living in an apartment building in an apartment not equipped with water meters is calculated according to the following standards (in cubic meters):

  • norm hot water per person per month – 4,745 cubic meters or 4,745 liters;
  • the norm of cold water per person per month is 6.935 cubic meters or 6935 liters;
  • drainage (sewage) - 11.68 cubic meters or 11,680 liters (this indicator is the sum of the consumption rate of hot and cold water per person per month without meters installed in the home).

Rules for charges for water supply services

If a water meter is not installed in the home, then the amount payable for water supply services will be calculated based on clause 5.1 of Appendix No. 1 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2016 No. 306, taking into account the increasing coefficient, which from January 1, 2017 is 1.6.

Thus, to find out how many cubic meters of water is the consumption rate per person living in the premises per month, you need to multiply the base rate by the increasing factor.

If necessary, the rate of water consumption per person per day is calculated by simply dividing the average monthly rate in cubic meters of water by the number of days in the month.

The final cost of water supply per person per month can be calculated as follows:

  • the average monthly rate of use of hot water in cubic meters is multiplied by the price established in a particular region according to the established corresponding tariff, and multiplied by a coefficient;
  • a similar procedure is carried out for cold water supply and drainage;
  • the final price is calculated by adding up the available results.

To find out how much you need to pay for the premises as a whole, you need to multiply the final price by the number of people living in it. Here it is necessary to take into account that different tariffs apply for beneficiaries.

If there are temporary residents in the dwelling, then their water consumption is rationed based on the actual period of their residence in days.

What has changed in 2017?

For residents who do not use meters, but if it is possible to install them, then, unlike previous periods, this year the applied coefficients have been changed upward. Each time the resource will become more expensive until the price reaches 60%.

Taking into account the innovations, the minimum cubic meters of water consumed (under the action of two-component tariffs) are calculated by adding up the standards available for the consumption of water and heat, which is used for heating.

How to calculate the standard for the use of heated water?

In the case where hot water supply is not provided, the consumption of cold water increases, since additional cubic meters of cold water are heated by gas installations.

In this case, water consumption increases to 330 liters per person every day. To save water, they often use a meter. In this case, only used cubes are subject to payment.

The rate of thermal energy consumption is calculated taking into account the installed communication system and depending on the types of risers.

If the apartment does not have a water meter, then the minimum standard is set depending on the existing standard for each type of housing utilities. Thus, the level of water consumption with a bath will be 4.5 cubic meters per month per consumer. Cold water consumption is higher and reaches up to 7 cubic meters.

Installation of meters in Moscow

In order to reduce the average volume of water consumption and, as a result, spend less for its use, it is recommended to install metering devices.

On the Internet you can find many advertisements for the installation of meters in Moscow, but in order not to fall for scammers, it is still better to contact management company. The cost of installing metering and maintenance devices for citizens with benefits is slightly lower than for those who do not.

Often, metering devices are installed and sealed by water utility employees. Meters must meet the requirements of GOST.

In 2017, sanctions have not yet been introduced for the use of water supply without meters, although D. Medvedev previously stated that the introduction of sanctions has been postponed until at least January 1, 2017.

It is expected that such sanctions will be introduced to put pressure on apartment owners who have not installed metering devices, but only if they have such an opportunity.

Advantages and disadvantages of metering devices

In recent years, the Government of the Russian Federation has been making recommendations municipalities subjects on increasing tariffs for housing and communal services during each year of inflation from 1 percent.

Municipalities can set the indexation amount themselves, taking into account their own budget. In such a situation, installing meters for apartment owners has its advantages:

  1. Reduced payment costs. After installation of the devices, the owner of the residential premises pays for the amount of water consumed.
  2. Consumption control.
  3. There is no need to account for people living in the premises.

There are also disadvantages:

  1. Expensiveness of a device of proper quality.
  2. In case of failure of the device, during repair or replacement, payment for consumed water will be carried out according to general rules(as without a device).

It should be taken into account that upon the occurrence of the above events, water consumption according to general rules occurs temporarily, and when the adverse consequences are eliminated, the management company is obliged to recalculate the water consumed.


A metering device is a tool for saving water consumption, although you will need to spend money on purchasing meters, installation, sealing and verification (for hot and cold water metering devices, verification periods vary). In this case, only used cubes are subject to payment.

Despite clearly existing regulations in all sectors of the economy, such a general indicator as a standard for water consumption per person without a meter has not been developed. This is because throughout the country the population density varies by region. Therefore, each region has its own regulations. They are different in every district and city.

According to the rule, a certain amount of water is supplied to the city. The amount of water consumed by residents of apartments with installed water meters is taken into account. The calculated amount is subtracted from the total volume. The resulting number is divided by the number of people registered in a given living space. They bear the entire load of consumed water. This situation arises due to unauthorized consumption and water leaks. This is not the case in civilized countries; water meters are installed everywhere.

The consumption standard is calculated taking into account the increasing coefficient. The calculation takes into account the equipment of the bathroom and the presence of water heaters. Water consumption coefficient in different regions differs due to the difference in water consumption in each region. The climate and the cost of fuel used to heat water are taken into account.

Where does the indicator of water consumption per person come from?

The average statistical norm of water consumption per person has been calculated:

  • cold water – 6 m3;
  • hot - 3 m3.

This is the monthly consumption rate.

The daily rate is 200 l - cold water, 100 l - hot water.

For comparison, you can focus on the fact that a regular bathtub holds 250 liters of water. If the average person does not take a bath every day, then the question of installing a meter may arise. Since this will be much more profitable, you will not have to pay for the overall water leakage rates.

Water consumption indicator includes:

  • pipeline leak;
  • city ​​watering of lawns;
  • consumption when extinguishing fires;
  • illegal connections;
  • leak inside the house.

Calculating the cost of water without a meter

You need to pay for water in each region based on the established tariff. The tariff for hot and cold water is multiplied by the number of people registered in a given living space. The resulting amount is the cost of water consumption.

When calculating the overall indicator for the region, the following are taken into account:

  • fuel costs;
  • profit;
  • depreciation charges;
  • labor costs;
  • raw materials and materials;
  • tax deductions;
  • rent;
  • maintenance.

Indicators of water consumption and cost for different cities

The price of cold and hot water is calculated according to the same principle.


Cost of 1m3 of cold water Cost of 1 m3 of hot water
Moscow 30,87
31,63 152,18
Ufa 12,15

Indicators of hot and cold water consumption per person (standard by city)


Cold water (m3) Hot water (m3) General indicator (m3)
Moscow 5,48

Saint Petersburg

4,69 3,4
Krasnoyarsk 5,19
5,6 3,4
Ufa 8,8
7,9 3,6

If we consider it conditionally, then the availability of water supply points should be taken into account when calculating. This is a complex procedure. In fact, everything is much simpler - the volume consumed by meters is calculated from the total volume of water consumed. The resulting figure is divided among the actual living citizens. This is an indicator of the rate of water consumption per person without a meter for a specific region.

Citizens without meters pay for two-thirds of their total water in this way. And actual consumption is not taken into account here.

Water consumption standards per person in our country depend on the region of residence. The population density per square meter varies in different places, so the volume of consumption and the price per cubic meter differ. When calculating the cost, first of all, the data of owners and tenants who have metering devices are taken into account. Then their indicators are subtracted from the total amount of resource consumed and divided among residents without water meters.

When to use the standard

Water consumption standards per person without a meter are regulated Decrees of legislative bodies each region (for example, regional, regional government):

  • when there are no collective flow meters in a residential building;
  • when the deadline for sending meter data is missed (more than 6 months);
  • in case of constant refusal of the responsible tenant to provide meter readings;
  • when the meter is broken or needs to be replaced.

The current laws of the country are designed to force citizens and management companies to install flow meters, since water consumption standards and the final cost for resources are based on the volume installed by the meter. Two-component tariffs include both energy costs for heating and hot water supply.

IMPORTANT! In the absence of metering devices or their breakdown, water consumption standards per person are applied, which were established by local authorities in accordance with Article 157 of the Housing Code.

Water consumption standards per person differ in different cities, so in the capital it is 135.79 cubic meters of hot water and 30.87 cubic meters of cold water, and in Ufa – 12.15 and 57.16 cubic meters. As you can see, the figures are several times lower and depend on the local administration.

Average value

It is very difficult to establish the average water consumption for the entire country without installing meters in practice. To determine the value, the following points should be taken into account:

  • water consumption standards established per person by the regional administration;
  • standards for water consumption per person without a meter, which are valid throughout the entire Russian state;
  • data from flow meters in apartments where the same number of citizens live as in rooms without a meter.

The following facts also influence the average value of water consumption per person:

  • the climate of the place where the volume of water consumed is calculated;
  • presence or absence of equipment modern devices and housing equipment and its performance;
  • season.

When everything noted above is taken into account, the next step is to determine the average water consumption rates:

  • when the apartment does not have a bathroom, the average value can be about 160 liters;
  • if you have a bathroom using heating devices, the average is approximately 230 liters;
  • in the presence of a centralized hot water supply, the consumption rate ranges from 230 to 350 liters per day.

Among other things, when installed household appliances The average water consumption can be reduced by several percent:

  • the dishwasher will save about twenty percent of water;
  • washing machine - about ten percent;
  • the same percentage will be saved by the economical button on the cistern;
  • Modern water-saving faucets will save about three percent.

If the plumbing equipment in the apartment does not work as it should or leaks, then water consumption increases.

HVS norm

It was already noted above that the price per cubic meter varies and depends on the location of a particular residential premises. In accordance with this, the price of water is approved by the administration of local governments. However, there are still standards for cold water consumption in the country, although the regulatory legislative act was adopted at the end of the last century, in 1998.

This legal document is still in effect today. In accordance with it, the consumption rate for cold water is determined at 6.935 cubic meters; the rate of cold water consumption per person per month may be increased by the regional administration, but not more than twice. This indicator is determined in accordance with the average resource consumption per month. Housing and communal services calculate the cold water consumption standard based on the following factors:

  • For washing in the shower, approximately 20 liters are required;
  • When washing in a bathtub, about 200 liters will be spent;
  • in seven days approximately 200 liters of water are consumed from the mixer;
  • from cistern the toilet leaks about 260 liters;
  • other cold water costs – approximately 800 liters annually.

According to all these figures, you need to save water resources only if you have flow meters that are installed both in the apartment and in the house. In their absence, there is no point in saving water, since accrual is made according to the data taken from the meters.

DHW norm

When determining hot water consumption standards, it is assumed that it is consumed less than cold water. In legislative documents, this figure is set at 4.745 liters per month. Just as with cold water, this figure can be increased no more than twice. When analyzing the hot water consumption rates per person per month, you can notice that throughout the country the established tariff is within the maximum values. However, the use of hot water for heating purposes is not included in the indicator.

The standard for hot water without a meter is calculated based on the number of people living in the apartment who are registered in the house. This means that when no one lives in the residential premises and there are no hot water supply costs, the payment for the receipt for hot water supply will have to be paid in any case in accordance with the number of tenants and owners. It is especially worth noting that non-intended consumption of hot water per person, according to standards, can only be no more than 140 liters per month.

Monthly water disposal standards

Before water consumption standards were introduced, management companies installed building-wide flow meters, which determined its consumption by all residents of a multi-story building. Then the resulting amount was divided by the number of apartments, after which payment was determined according to the standard water consumption without a meter. This was not entirely reasonable and fair, since some consume more resources, but all pay the same tariff.

After the introduction of standards, everything changed; the calculation now takes into account a stable indicator, which is 11.68 cubic meters per person per month for sewerage. This value includes the consumption of cold water and hot water. As before, resource supply companies have the right to raise the figure no more than twice, but for this it is necessary to justify the increase in prices with the relevant documents.

Any tenant or apartment owner may request to see these papers in order to personally verify the appropriateness of raising tariff rates. If the increase is not confirmed by anything, then residents of high-rise buildings file a lawsuit in court against the management organization. In practice, judges very rarely rule in favor of residents, thus supporting the interests of utility companies.

Calculation of water consumption per person

Although tariffs without a meter for 1 person are approved by local administrative authorities, they calculate the standards the same throughout the country. The procedure for calculating consumption rates is carried out in accordance with the following factors:

  • average water consumption in the house;
  • approved tariff for one cubic meter of water;
  • increasing coefficient.

The last point requires some clarification. The increasing coefficient has been introduced for citizens who do not want to install water meters, although they have such opportunities. The reasoning for introducing an increasing coefficient is as follows: when the owner or tenant refuses to install water meters, they have accurately calculated that this will not save them money, but, on the contrary, will increase the amounts in payment receipts for housing and communal services. Therefore, in order to return the excess water consumption to the state, an increasing coefficient was introduced.

Calculating water consumption in a private home

Although it is believed that water consumption is the same for all people, residents of private houses still need a little more of it than residents of high-rise buildings. Based on this, when making your own calculations, you need to be guided by the condition and quality of technical devices and equipment for water supply.

Standard consumption figures for private homes are as follows:

  • approximately four cubic meters of water are consumed in dachas in 60 minutes for permanent residence;
  • about six cubic meters are consumed in 60 minutes with constant use;
  • approximately two cubic meters are needed to water a garden or vegetable garden.

It should be noted that water consumption in private houses can only be determined correctly when the building is designed.

ADVICE! If a well is drilled in a local area, it is recommended to find out how much water will be pumped pumping equipment within 60 minutes of uninterrupted operation.

Calculating water consumption readings per person in private homes is much more difficult than in apartment buildings. After all, it is necessary not only to use water not only for washing, cooking and heating, but also to water the garden along with the garden. When a pool is built on the site or a pond is dug, the cost of water will increase many times over. All the above figures are national averages; they may differ either upward or downward. Therefore, when calculating tariffs, one should proceed from the installed equipment that consumes or distributes water.

Calculating water costs in multi-apartment residential buildings

In high-rise buildings it is much easier to calculate; here the calculations are based on the norms for each resident of an apartment building. It must be remembered that to determine the amount in payment documents for hot water supply, hot water supply and sewerage, only the quantity registered in the apartment is taken into account. The square footage and number of living rooms do not matter, the main thing is the number of registered ones. If there are heating devices (a boiler, for example), resource consumption is distributed among all those prescribed, and not for each individual.

Is it possible to reduce water costs?

When talking about saving payments for water resources in a multi-apartment residential building, it is actually not possible to do this without metering devices. Because the calculation is carried out in accordance with the average water consumption in a house or neighborhood, and it is almost impossible to encourage all residents to save water resources so as not to overpay on receipts.

However, any tenant is able to reduce the amount of water consumed if they install equipment and appliances in their apartment that save water. In practice, the figure in the payment for housing and communal services does not correlate with the volume of water consumed. The cost is affected only by the number of registered people in the apartment and the average tariff for cubic meter around the house or neighborhood.

Therefore, the best way to reduce water supply costs is to install metering devices. After installing the meters, it is necessary. As a result, residents pay only for the water they use, regardless of the number of registered people or the average standard. It should be noted that when many neighbors have water meters installed, other residents of the high-rise building will have to overpay for excessive consumption of water resources in excess of the norm, which is designated by the authorities in the area.

Reducing water consumption means protecting environment. Sufficient savings are possible with daily washing: compared to a shower, a bathtub requires many times more hot water, which must not only be provided, but also heated. Therefore, if possible, it is recommended to shower.

Additionally, water consumption per person can be reduced by the following steps:

  1. An economical toilet flush uses 50 percent less water than a regular toilet flush.
  2. Modern washing machines also use 50 percent less water than older models.
  3. Dripping faucets must be repaired or replaced.

Reducing irrational water use will help optimally preserve the family budget.

Is it profitable to install water meters?

Today this issue is very relevant, especially taking into account the difficult economic situation and the quarterly increase in the cost of housing and communal services. It is difficult to give any definitive advice; a lot depends on the specific case. For example, when one resident is permanently registered in an apartment, but in reality there are more residents, then it is not profitable to install a water meter. Consumption in this case will exceed the standards, so you will need to overpay.

IMPORTANT! Metering devices protect personal finances; in apartments with flow meters you can save one and a half to two times.

If, on the contrary, several people are registered, but only one lives, then it is better to install a meter. You also need to take into account the individual characteristics of water consumption. Many residents spend most of their time at work, so saving on water is not difficult for them. There are people who have become a habit of uncontrolled consumption; they do not want to change the existing order and save resources. But today there are fewer such residents, because no one wants to overpay.

1. The social norm for housing area for the calculation and provision of benefits for payment for living space and heating (in cases where, in accordance with regulatory legal acts, benefits are provided within the social norm for housing area) is:
- for a citizen living alone - 33 square meters of total living space;
- for a family of two people - 42 square meters of total living space;
- for a family of three or more people - 18 square meters of total living space for each family member.

2. The established norm (established norms) of housing area for calculating fees for the maintenance and repair of residential premises when applying prices regulated by the Moscow Government is determined as the social norm of housing area for a family of a certain composition plus 7 square meters for each citizen registered in this area.

Standards for utility consumption in 2020-2020

Currently for calculations consumption standards the provisions of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 23, 2006 No. 306, the current Rules for the provision of utility services, as well as regulations adopted at the regional level are used.

  1. If individual appliances are installed in apartments, then payment for the use of resources is based on their indicators. Payment for the maintenance of common property is “spread out” across all apartments in proportion to their share. Their cost is determined taking into account clause 19 of the Rules for the provision of utility services. And this paragraph, in turn, refers to formulas in which regionally approved consumption standards are used to determine prices.
  2. If there are also no individual metering devices, then the cost of utility resources for residential premises is determined by the normative method, and for common property in proportion to the share of each apartment.

How should calculations be made according to the standard if there is no water meter?

At the federal level, calculations are made in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 N 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings” (together with the “Rules for the provision of utility services.)
42. ……… In the absence of an individual or common (apartment) metering device for cold water, hot water, electrical energy and gas and the absence of the technical possibility of installing such a metering device, the amount of payment for utility services for cold water supply, hot water supply, electricity supply, gas supply provided to the consumer in a residential area is determined in accordance with formulas 4 and 5 of Appendix No. 2 to these Rules based on consumption standards public services. In the case of establishing two-component tariffs for hot water, the amount of payment for the hot water supply utility service provided to the consumer for the billing period in a residential premises is determined in accordance with formula 23 of Appendix No. 2 to these Rules based on the hot water consumption standard.
(as amended by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 14, 2015 N 129, dated December 26, 2020 N 1498)
(see text in the previous edition)
In the absence of an individual or general (apartment) metering device for cold water, hot water, electrical energy and in the event of an obligation to install such a metering device, the amount of payment for the utility service for cold water supply, hot water supply and (or) electricity supply provided to the consumer in a residential premises, is determined by formula 4(1) of Appendix No. 2 to these Rules based on the standard consumption of utility services for cold water supply, hot water supply and (or) electricity supply using an increasing coefficient, and in the case of establishing two-component tariffs for hot water, the amount of payment for utility services according to hot water supply provided to the consumer for the billing period in a residential building that is not equipped with such metering devices is determined by formula 23(1) of Appendix No. 2 to these Rules based on the hot water consumption standard using an increasing factor....

Citizens living in Moscow in apartments or residential buildings those not equipped with water meters pay for consumed water based on water consumption standards per person approved by the Moscow Government.
Water consumption standards per person in Moscow are:
The standard for cold water is 6.935 m3 per person per month;
The standard for hot water is 4.745 m3 per person.
The indicated values ​​are approved for water consumption in residential premises. In addition, in accordance with the rules for the provision of public utilities, when determining the volume of water consumed in the absence of a water meter, the value calculated using the above standards is increased by the amount of consumption for general household needs.
It is worth noting that by Decree of the Moscow Government dated February 25, 2014. No. 75-PP, the total volume of water consumption in a room not equipped with a water meter cannot exceed the approved water consumption standards per person, multiplied by a factor of 2, i.e.:
6.935 x 2 m3 per person – for cold water;
4.745 x 2 m3 per person – for hot water.
In practice this means the following.
Previously, residents without meters paid for water as follows: from the total volume of water consumption in the house, the water that flowed through the water meters of the apartments was subtracted, plus the cost of washing common areas in the amount of 5%. The remaining costs were distributed among residents of apartments without meters. If the house is in good condition and the residents are law-abiding, then the costs are already small, and they will remain so. But if a pipe bursts, or next apartment 10 people live illegally, the payment for water could be 5 times more than the standard, but now it is no more than 2 times. And yet, the best remedy from overpayments will be the installation of a water meter. Everything consumed in an apartment building in excess of the total volume must be paid by the management company. Thus, it (the management company) is motivated to save water (especially on losses) and fight against illegally living (unregistered) citizens

Consumption standards for hot and cold water per person

For residents of private households, standards for the use of showers, baths, toilets, cleaning, including use washing machine approved by municipal and regional authorities. The basis for this is statistics and expert analysis. All this and much more is contained in the Ministry's resolution.

In residential buildings equipped with one central riser, several meters can be installed: hot and cold water supply. In multi-apartment buildings with two risers, you will have to install 4 devices: respectively, two for hot water supply, two for cold, while the volume of work is greater, the tariff will be slightly higher.

Standards for the consumption of utilities in Moscow

From January 1, 2020, utility consumption standards will remain the same - effective from July 1, 2020. Let us remind you that since July 1, tariffs have increased on average by 6.7%, in 2020 in MSC tariffs increased by 7.5% (from July 1), in 2015 - by 8.3%. From the link below you can download current 2020 information on tariffs for water supply, sanitation, heating, electricity and gas supply for Moscow.

Over the course of several recent years The Government of the Russian Federation recommends that constituent entities apply the practice of annually increasing housing and communal services tariffs by at least a percentage of the inflation forecast for the current year. At the same time, municipal authorities are allowed to adjust the indexation percentage based on the state of their own budgets. In the capital, the rate of increase in tariffs traditionally remains one of the highest, and officials cite the constantly growing costs of local management companies as the main reason for this. The forecasts of utility companies for the next 3 years, unfortunately, are disappointing: tariffs will continue to grow annually, and Moscow will remain the leader in terms of their indexation.

Utility consumption standards

The issue of saving money on utilities is now a concern for most residents apartment buildings. In the event that metering devices are not installed, payment for energy resources consumed apartment building, is produced according to the current standards for the consumption of utilities in the region.

Payment according to the standard for heating is made if a common house heat meter is not installed in the house. Payment for electricity, water supply, sewerage and gas is made according to established standards if an individual meter is not installed. At the same time, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2013 No. 344, in the event that consumers do not have metering devices (collective or individual), if it is technically possible to install them, the standards for the consumption of utility services in residential premises will be applied increasing coefficients.

  • From January 1 to June 30, 2015 – 1.1.
  • From July 1 to December 31, 2015 – 1.2.
  • From January 1 to June 30, 2020 – 1.4.
  • From July 1 to December 31, 2020 – 1.5.
  • From 2020 – 1.6.

Water consumption rate per person per month without meters

Now let's look at the consumption of hot water by one person. It is believed that a person consumes an order of magnitude less hot water than cold water. Based on this, the rate of hot water consumption per person without a meter is 4,745 liters per month.

Almost all sectors of the economy have regulated data on the consumption of certain services. But when it comes to water consumption per person, there are no clear standards. The main reason for this situation is that population density varies throughout the country.

How have consumption standards for utilities changed for the population in 2020

For example, if the average value of electricity consumption in an apartment with gas stove amounts to 100 kWh, then with electric stove 150 kWh, with water heater – 120 kWh, and in addition to it also with an electric stove - 170 kWh.(indicators are presented for one living person). How more people, the standard per person is slightly reduced.

In accordance with the new amendments to Resolution No. 129 of February 14, 2015, the minimum amount of water consumption with two-component tariffs is calculated by summing the standards established for the use of cold water and thermal energy that is spent on heating water.

Standards for hot and cold water consumption per person in 2020

Even if no one lives in the premises, the owner of the property is obliged to pay charges according to the standard and according to the number of persons registered in it. Additionally, it is worth noting that without an economical approach to hot water consumption, no more than 130-140 liters are allocated per person per day. Based on this indicator, citizens can independently calculate the amount that will need to be paid for use hot water once a month.

Despite the fact that the article is devoted to the consumption standards of hot water and cold water, it is necessary to say a few words about water disposal. The fact is that few people have an idea of ​​​​the procedure for determining the volume of drainage of used water. Many people believe that it is necessary to take into account the indicator for one counter and pay charges for it. As a result, underpayment arises, and with it problems.

Moscow water consumption standard

It is expected that this measure will protect Muscovites from overpayments. Previously, residents without meters paid for water as follows: from the total volume of water consumption in the house, the water that flowed through the water meters of the apartments was subtracted, plus the cost of washing common areas in the amount of 5%. The remaining costs were distributed among residents of apartments without meters. If the house is in good condition and the residents are law-abiding, then the costs are already small, and they will remain so. But if a pipe burst, or 10 people live illegally in a neighboring apartment, the payment for water could be 5 times more than the standard, but now it is no more than 2 times. Still, the best remedy for overpayments would be to install a water meter.

Standards for water consumption and wastewater disposal are established by Decree of the Moscow Government dated July 28, 1998 No. 566-PP “On measures to stimulate energy and water conservation in Moscow.” Those total consumption cold (hot water) and hot water (hot water) is 11.68 m3 per month per person (6.935 m3/person per month for hot water and 4.745 for hot water), respectively, water disposal is 11.68 m3 per month.

Water supply and sewerage systems must be designed and thought through at the initial stage of construction of a country house.

Water consumption standards per person play a large role in the design of sewerage and water supply systems. The consumption of both hot and cold water is taken into account when arranging the above-mentioned systems in the house.

Advice! The system should be designed based on 200 liters per person per day.

What is the basis for metering water consumption in a private home?

Water consumption per person is set state enterprises. Water use rates may vary in different regions of the country. This depends on factors such as: climatic conditions in a particular region, as well as technological conditions water supply. Water use standards are set by local authorities or the water utility.

Water use standards depend on the needs for which the liquid is used. Water calculations include the costs of drinking water, technical water, water for irrigation of the estate, for heating and domestic needs. That is why the calculations also include the conditions of sewerage, water supply, etc. Also, when calculating consumption rates, water consumption per hour, day and season is taken into account.

For example, if there is a water supply inside the house, sewerage and centralized water supply, in each region the water consumption per living person can vary from 16 to 250 liters, these figures also depend on the season and the condition of the water supply.

From the above figures we can conclude that the average daily water consumption of 1 person is approximately 190-200 liters. It is worth noting that water consumption can be influenced by such factors as: the number of washbasins in the house, the presence of a bath or shower, etc. If the house has an internal water supply, shower and geysers, then water consumption per person per day can range from 150 to 190 liters.

Another factor when calculating water is the presence of a garden or area with plants near the house. If such a plot exists, then water consumption also includes the cost of irrigation.

You can obtain calculations for water consumption from the authorities that are responsible for the water supply and the condition of the sewerage system. Such authorities are housing and communal services enterprises, which are responsible for the uninterrupted supply of water and the operation of the sewerage system.

It is worth noting that building codes and regulations will help determine the load on sewer systems and determine water consumption standards. These building codes or (SNiP) are the main document with the help of which local authorities calculate water consumption standards for each person or family.

Water consumption rates

Water consumption standards are a variable factor, as they can change depending on the time of year, season, time of day, and many other factors. Therefore, water calculations are carried out taking into account the coefficient of unevenness, as well as SNiP standards and the number of residents in a particular house.

Expenses drinking water are calculated in relation to two indicators: the amount of drinking water that each person needs and the liquid needed for cooking. Household water consumption is calculated from factors such as: the amount of water consumed for cleaning, irrigation, and hygiene needs.

Standards regarding water consumption that are adopted in most regions:

  • Drinking water consumption for each person is 2-3 liters per day;
  • The amount of water required for cooking for 1 person is 3 liters;
  • The daily water requirement for hygiene procedures is up to 10 liters per person living in the house;
  • If the house has a bathroom, then the water consumption for each person is about 150 liters;
  • If the house has a shower, then the amount of water is calculated in accordance with the duration of the washing procedure (15-20 liters/minute), so 10 minutes in the shower = 200 liters of water per day;
  • The cost of flushing a toilet is approximately 15-20 liters;
  • Required quantity water for washing dishes - 8-12 liters for each person living in the house;
  • About 100 liters are spent on washing clothes and linen every day.

Of course, this list does not include other household needs, such as the cost of washing vehicles, filling a swimming pool, aquarium, watering personal plot etc. As a rule, these costs are included in the hourly irregularity factor.

Worth noting that this coefficient also includes the costs of heating, sewerage, and water flow systems. Under different conditions, the presence or absence of hot water, a bath or a water heater, water consumption can range from 1.1 to 1.3 cubic meters of water per hour.

Also, water calculations include the cost of fire extinguishing, since this factor is periodic, the principles of calculation are based on the design and materials from which the room is built and such factors as the location of the fire and the water supply system.

The presence of a bathtub or shower in the house directly affects the amount of water consumed. In houses where there is sewerage and running water, but no bathroom, the amount of water consumed per person is about 95-100 liters per day. If the house has a bathroom and water heating devices, then the amount of water consumed per person per day increases to 200 liters.

Useful information ! The amount of water consumed in a house with a bathroom depends on the water heating devices; depending on how they heat the water, its consumption may fluctuate.

In a house with a shower, water consumption is much higher and amounts to approximately 250 liters per person per day. It is worth noting that this figure may also change depending on how long a person showers.