Is charging from an iPad suitable for an iPhone? Charging a phone with a non-native charger: what do you need to know? Is it possible to use charging from another device

Short time battery life smartphone – current problem modern man, for whom it is important to always stay in touch. Because of this lack of gadgets, users are forced to regularly incur additional expenses - for the purchase of , for paid charging services in store stores, even for the purchase of “second” phones that can “insure” the main device in case it “dies.”

However, when a gadget quickly discharges, as a rule, the user himself is much more to blame than the manufacturer. By following some rules for charging your smartphone, you can significantly increase its battery life.

Why does my phone charge quickly?

The user should not be surprised by the fact that a simple “dialer” can work without an outlet for 1-2 weeks, while a smartphone dies within a day after the last recharge. The functionality is usually so primitive that it drains the battery there's just nothing. At the same time, smartphones have a whole arsenal of additional options, thanks to which they can successfully replace navigators, cameras, game consoles and other highly specialized devices. All these options quickly eat up amps.

Here are the main enemies of smartphone batteries:

  • WiFi. If the Wi-Fi module is turned on, the battery drains much faster. If wireless Internet distribution is also activated on your smartphone, you can see how the battery charge percentage is counting down right before your eyes. Important point The problem is that turning on Wi-Fi drains the battery more during periods of searching for a network than during constant connection. That is why, when leaving the reception area, you should not only switch to LTE, but also turn off Wi-Fi.
  • Geolocation. Thanks to enabled geolocation, the user of a mobile device is able to track his location on the map and find out how far it is to his destination. Many people do not feel such a need, and therefore geolocation on their smartphones works in vain, devouring precious milliamps.
  • Long conversations. In the specifications, the approximate battery life of gadgets is always indicated in 2 options: in standby mode And in talk mode. Talk time is significantly shorter. The user should, if possible, replace live communication with correspondence in instant messengers if he wants his device to last longer without recharging.

Contrary to popular belief, applications open on a smartphone in the background have almost no effect on battery consumption. Starting a program from scratch is a much more energy-intensive procedure, so if you use any application constantly, closing it every time is pointless.

The reason for rapid battery consumption is not always found in software level. Perhaps the whole point is a technical malfunction, poor quality of the battery or its wear and tear. Every battery has its own service life, which is measured in the number of charging cycles. Once the threshold value is reached, the smartphone begins to drain faster with each new charge.

The approximate battery life is 500 cycles - this is from one and a half to two years of use. From the 501st cycle, the battery of an Apple gadget begins to lose efficiency. Upon reaching the 1000th cycle, the battery capacity is usually only 50% of the original. You can find out the number of charge cycles on your iPhone using the program Battery Life.

Slow charging: what is the reason?

The reason why the smartphone is charging slowly, is hardly a malfunction of the gadget and its components. Most likely, the problem lies in the elements charger or in the power source.

If the smartphone is recharged not from an outlet, but from the port of a laptop or PC, you should not expect the battery to be filled to the brim in the usual time. USB port format 2.0 provides power of only 2.5 W, whereas to recharge a battery with a capacity of 3000 mAp required approximately 5 W. Ports of the format cope better with the task of recharging gadgets 3.0 giving 4.5 W.

However, if the laptop is equipped, then you can forget about connecting your smartphone to an outlet forever. A new type of USB can charge devices with up to 100 W, which means quickly refilling the battery of a mobile phone or even a tablet through this outlet will not be difficult.

Poor quality USB cable and insufficient adapter characteristics can also be the reasons for slow charging. When choosing an adapter, you should pay attention to current power- an indicator expressed in amperes (A). Previously, this point had to be taken into account - if the current power was low, the device would charge slowly or “not reach” the capacity. At the same time, it was impossible to “go too far”; too much current could harm the battery. In 2019, such a problem does not exist.

There is no need to worry about the fact that too much current will “burn” your smartphone - all gadgets have special charging controllers that do not allow more current to pass through than the device can withstand. In addition, a high-quality control system has similar controllers.

How to charge your phone: main rules

Mobile technology users still remember the rule from the 2000s: Discharge your phone to 0%, then charge it completely. This rule is only relevant for nickel batteries, which you can’t find today “in the wild”. Most smartphones come with lithium-ion batteries that cannot be discharged to zero - this causes irreparable harm to them!

IN recent years Information began to arrive from manufacturers of mobile equipment that in order to “maintain” the life of the battery, it should be kept at a level of 20 to 80%. Of course, you can go beyond these limits, but ideally you should adhere to the recommendations. Some modern gadgets already have a hardware function that automatically cuts off the power supply when the capacity reaches 80%, or there is a corresponding option in the power settings. Representatives of the company spoke about this regime. If there is no special function, then nothing prevents you from installing the appropriate software from PlayMarket or AppStore, which will perform a similar task.

  • Do not leave a fully charged smartphone connected to a power outlet.– especially for the whole night. This leads to overheating of the battery and, as a result, to a reduction in its service life. To avoid disastrous consequences, the user should pay attention to pulsed chargers - we will tell you later how they differ from conventional ones.
  • Monitor the temperature. During charging, the smartphone already heats up - if it is also left in the sun, it can easily fail. Of course, the device should not be covered with something or hidden somewhere. All this is additional heating and, as a result, possible breakdown. Do not forget that low temperatures are no less harmful to the battery. Reference temperature environment For charging it is considered 20 degrees Celsius.
  • Regularly recharge your smartphone- at least a little bit. Short-term charging is not a detrimental measure for modern lithium-ion batteries- this has been proven by an organization called University of Battery Research and Production (Cadex). To be able to power the gadget in any conditions, it is worth purchasing the so-called -. Our site has already talked about
  • Once every three months (but not more often), completely discharge your smartphone and charge it to 100%. This measure will allow you to calibrate the electronics, which are responsible for the correct display of charge percentages. A user who neglects such a measure should not be surprised that his gadget “suddenly” turns off at 5-10%.
  • Don't allowdeep discharge . This concept means leaving the smartphone in a discharged state for a long time. The gadget is dead and won’t turn on– one of the most common complaints from users applying for warranty service.

An important point is that if the phone is planned to be “mothballed”, that is, it will not be used in the near future, the battery should be charged to 50%. In this state, the device must be turned off. You cannot completely discharge or charge your smartphone before sending it to temporary rest.

The recommendation to use only original accessories for recharging is highly questionable. Of course, it is better to power the gadget with the charger that was included in the kit. However, if it fails, the user will be faced with a serious dilemma due to an understandable desire to save money - after all, the original accessory is two or three times more expensive than the universal one.

In fact there is no big difference between universal and original memory devices. If a universal charger for a smartphone is made by a well-known company, and not by a Chinese no-name, it will definitely not destroy the gadget.

How to properly charge a new battery?

Follow the advice to discharge and charge three times new smartphonethe right way"ruin" the battery in the first days of use. This again had to be done with nickel batteries - as for lithium batteries, each complete discharge significantly shortens their service life.

Modern gadgets do not have any special requirements for the first charge. Users do not need to believe in the “noodles” that consultants and “pseudo-experts” of thematic sites “hang on their ears.”

It is best for the owner of a smartphone to take the instructions, find what it says about charging time, and leave the gadget connected to the outlet for the time specified in the manual. After this time, you should disconnect the device from the power supply at 100% charge and then adhere to the rules listed above.

How to choose a charger for a smartphone?

Many of the options to consider when choosing a phone charger have already been mentioned in this article. In fact, for modern gadgets, the SZU is selected according to the principle - the higher the current, power and voltage indicators, the better. The fact is that a few years ago, powerful charging could very well burn the battery. In 2019, power supplies have controllers and modes that determine what exactly is connected to them and based on this they supply current with safe parameters.

Other parameters that you should look at when purchasing are as follows:

  • Type. All memory devices are conditionally classified into 2 types: transformer And pulse. Pulse ones differ in that they are equipped with timers that can automatically stop charging. The pulse charging mode lasts about 4 hours - this time, as a rule, is enough for the battery to gain the bulk of its capacity. Then the energy begins to be supplied in small portions - “pulses” - so that the smartphone does not lose charge.
  • Construction and design. Solid chargers that do not allow the user to disconnect the wire from the power supply are becoming a thing of the past. Purchasing such a charger unprofitable, because the owner of the gadget has to buy a USB cable “in addition” to it - if he intends to download data from a PC to the smartphone.

It is more advisable to purchase a cable and adapter equipped with several ports.

Thanks to this adapter, the user gets the opportunity to charge two or more mobile devices simultaneously– to do this, you just need to buy a second cable, which costs much less than additional charging.

When ordering a charging adapter on a Chinese website, the user should also pay attention to plug type. For Russian sockets you need European standard plugs– example in the picture above in the upper left corner. However, there is no particular point in ordering SPDs in China today; Russian online stores offer a more than decent selection of high-quality devices with reasonable prices. WITH the best options You can check out our rating of network chargers below.

The best wall chargers

Qumo 23714

Price: from 1,299 rubles.

Enough budget model with 3 outputs. The top one has support for Quick Charge (3.0, 2.0, 1.0). Maximum current – ​​4.2 A, power – 18 W. The SZU automatically selects the necessary parameters for charging the connected gadget, and also has protection against power surges, overload and short circuit. An option for those who need to quickly and safely charge several gadgets without paying a lot of money for it.

Aukey PA-Y9

Price: from 1,490 rubles.

The stylish charger from Aukey is equipped with a reversible USB-C 5 V/3 A connector and a classic USB-A 5 V/2.1 A port. The total power is 25.5 W. This will allow you to safely charge any gadget from the latest iPhone to any tablet. The body of the SZU is made of high-quality plastic with Soft Touch coating. If necessary, the plug is retracted into a special niche on the body, which simplifies the process of storing the unit or carrying it with you.


Price: from 1,690 rubles.

Model with interesting design and output to three connectors. This is an excellent option for charging Apple equipment and any other expensive devices. The top USB-C port with 5 V/5.4 A is designed for charging or laptops powered by Type-C, the two lower USB-A 5 V/2.4 A ports are suitable for powering any mobile gadget. Total power – 28 W.

The SZU received support for Automax technology, which is capable of understanding which device is connected to it and providing the appropriate current parameters for safe charging. In addition, there is protection against overheating, short circuit, high voltage. The power supply comes with a silicone case (red or blue options available) which has slots for attaching the power cable.

RIVACASE Rivapower VA4125 + Lightning

Price: from 1,890 rubles.

Not the most interesting SZU from the point of view of execution, but quite convenient and functional. The model is equipped with two USB-A connectors with 5 V/3.4 A with a total output power of 17 W. This is enough to simultaneously charge two smartphones or tablets. The kit includes a detachable 1.2 meter Lightning cable for charging your iPhone. The charger is available in white or black. Great option for those who need a power supply with a cable included for a reasonable price and with good quality.

Belkin F7U011vfSLV

Price: from 1,990 rubles.

Belkin accessories are most loved by Apple owners. This is not surprising, since this company makes not only high quality, but also very stylish. The model received two outputs – USB-C and USB-A. The first has a current of 3 A, the second 2.4 A, the total power is 27 W. The SZU is made of high-quality plastic with high wear resistance and fire protection properties. The case is quite compact, which makes it convenient to carry with you. Color – silver. MFI certified.

ANKER PowerPort Speed ​​5 Ports 63W

Price: from 2,990 rubles.

A model designed for 5 devices at once. Suitable for those who have many gadgets at home or in the office. All outputs are USB-A type, two ports support Quick Charge, the remaining three support PowerIQ (automatic selection of current supply parameters depending on the connected device). The device has an LED operation indicator blue– from it the user will be able to understand that the control unit is connected to the network. The accessory is small in size, all internal elements are hidden in a case made of high-quality plastic. The total power is 63 W, the maximum current is 12 A. There is MFI certification, that is, Apple officially recognizes this device as safe for its equipment.


Unfortunately, domestic users continue to stubbornly believe common myths about charging mobile devices. They don’t even suspect that, trying, for example, to completely discharge the batteries of smartphones, they are doing a disservice to their devices. Recommendations that were left in the memory of users in the 2000s are relevant for nickel batteries. Modern smartphones have lithium ion batteries, the care requirements for which are completely different.

Let's say you need to charge your smartphone, but you don't have your own charger at hand. Suppose the phone is charged from a charger with a current of 1 A. But you have a tablet charger with a current of 2.1 A and a computer, from whose USB port you can get 0.5 A. Is it possible to charge a smartphone in both cases?

Can. You can charge your phone in any way convenient for you and with almost any charge, regardless of the current strength. It doesn’t matter that the smartphone charges from 1 A, and you connect a charger with a current of 2-3 A to it. The smartphone’s battery will either charge faster or charge at the same speed, limiting the charging current. By the way, the forum discusses a similar question: “Is it possible to charge a tablet using a phone charger?”

The gadget will charge much slower from the USB port, since the current is two times lower than required. But this is also possible. You can speed up charging time by reducing the power consumption of your smartphone: turn off Wi-Fi, turn off the screen, turn off the device itself.

But charging the tablet from a computer’s USB port will be problematic. When turned on, most tablets consume several hundred mA, so it will discharge as quickly as charging from 500 mA. You can try turning off the tablet, but even in this case, charging will take a very long time.

However, if possible, it is better to charge your smartphone or tablet with its original charger. If it, of course, produces the required parameters. This can be found out using a multimeter. Or use applications for measuring input current (charging current). True, in one popular program the measurements are strange. The maximum (correct) current is output first. And then its level begins to fall, dropping to zero. But the smartphone continues to charge. Either this is a feature of the measurement program, or a feature of this model.

Everyone has probably heard about the fact that phones, or rather their batteries, explode. The latest high-profile case is Xiaomi Mi A1, which exploded and miraculously did not injure its owner. The manufacturer immediately stated that the non-original charger was to blame. They say it doesn’t matter what you used to charge your smartphone - so it went off. For the “hard-eared user” this answer may be suitable, but for those who work closely with mobile technology it will only amuse them. In this article I want to tell you whether it is possible to charge your phone with another charger, a non-original one - that is, not the one that was included in the kit, but the one that you bought in a store or on AliExpress for 200-300 rubles. I think after this you will have no questions left!

What happens if you charge your smartphone with a non-original charger?

Nothing bad. The device will charge and work. Today, Chinese progress has reached the point where there is simply no dependence on who made the charger - the phone manufacturer or a third-party company. This moment does not play any role on the compatibility of the smartphone and charging! It's all about the standards by which charging is made. And by charging the same Xiaomi with another charger, not the original one, but from the same Samsung or Huawei, you will not burn it.

Of course, you shouldn’t save much and buy very cheap, nameless adapters and cables - there is a very high percentage of defects there. And even with them, I have never encountered a situation where the device burned out due to the power supply. Yes, the charger itself can break, it happens. But no more!

1 ampere, 2 amperes, 3 amperes - what amperage is needed?

Each charger power supply is marked with its voltage in Volts and current in Amperes. The most common adapters on sale are 1 Amp and 2 Amp. Which one should you buy for your phone? Yes, basically anyone!
The fact is that the mobile phone battery has its own controller, which will take exactly as much electricity as it needs. For example, if you have an iPhone that consumes a current of 1A, then connecting it to a non-original charger of 2A nothing bad will happen - it will be charged as if it were from the original charger with a current of 1 Ampere.

But if you connect it to a weaker charger, 0.5A or 0.7A, then it will also charge without problems. Only 2-3 times longer. That's all! Nothing can burn from this! Therefore, you can charge your phone with another, non-original charger and you shouldn’t listen to cunning manufacturers - their task is to force you to buy original accessories and pay two to three times more expensive. The same goes for iPhones and iPads. Their chargers cost 10 times more than Chinese originals. But there is no real difference!

Qi wireless charging

With non-original Qi wireless chargers, everything is exactly the same. There is absolutely no difference who made the charger - the same company as the smartphone itself or some other company. The Qi wireless charging standard is open and publicly available, which means any manufacturer can produce chargers using this technology and they will be compatible with phones without any problems.

Good day, dear readers! In this post I will tell you and give examples of how to properly charge your smartphone! All the details are under the cut :) Nowadays, every person, and even more so a geek, has at least three chargers in the house for their Android devices. But everyone...

Good day, dear readers! In this post I will tell you and give examples of how to properly charge your smartphone! All the details are under the cut :)

Nowadays, every person, and even more so a geek, has at least three chargers in the house for their Android devices. But all charges have a slight difference. A smartphone charger, for example, has a current of 1A, and a tablet charger has a current of 2A.

Most people have a question: is it harmful to charge a smartphone by charging from a tablet, or vice versa? And the main question is how to properly charge your smartphone? This question, of course, arises most often among newcomers to the mobile world. But still it takes place!

There are a lot of opinions about how to charge this or that device. Some people advise discharging the device’s battery to 0% each time and charging it to 100%. And some recommend keeping the charge between 20% and 80%. Complete discharge of the battery occurs if the battery is nickel, because nickel batteries have the so-called “memory effect”. But as we know, in modern devices batteries"lithium-ion", and such batteries do not have this effect. Thus, we immediately exclude the myth of “0% discharge” from our methods of charging devices :)

Which method, then, will be more gentle on our batteries?

— Recharging the device

The most gentle mode for the device’s battery is to recharge it regularly. Many people advise that the battery charge should not drop even below 50%. I would advise you to recharge the device every time the charge drops to 20%. It is best to keep the charge between 20% and 80%.

— Do not leave the device to charge “overnight”

As I said above, the battery-friendly mode is from 20% to 80%. There is an opinion that if you leave the device on charge “overnight,” this is what shortens the battery life. But this applies more to “no-name” devices (China). Since most official, branded gadgets have built-in controllers that control the charging/discharging current of the battery. When the charge reaches 100%, the controller opens the key and the voltage stops being supplied to the battery, to avoid overcharging. So leave it overnight and don't be afraid of anything!

— Discharging at 0% IS USEFUL, but not often :)

Yes, yes, exactly the discharge to zero. Although I wrote above that this is very harmful to the battery, it needs to be done once a month. Now I will explain why! All of our devices display the charge as a percentage; due to frequent recharging, this indicator will show incorrect readings over time. You can calibrate these readings in a simple way, discharging the battery to zero and fully charging to 100%.

— Keep the device in the refrigerator!

No, this is of course a joke about the refrigerator. But I must tell you that high temperatures shorten the life of the device’s battery. Those who have really wondered about the effect of temperature on lithium-ion batteries know that if you store it at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius for a year, the battery loses about 20% of its total capacity.

— Is it possible to charge a smartphone using a tablet charger?

We all, including myself, have at least two chargers in the house. In my case, this is charging from LG Nexus 4 (with an output current of 1.2 A) and from ASUS Nexus 7 (2012) with an output current of 2A. And no matter how much I want to, I either charge the tablet using a smartphone charger, or vice versa. So let's figure out whether such interchange of chargers is harmful?

Opinions on this matter are divided... Some say that a higher current than in the “native” charger can damage the battery or even damage the device. Others say that it is completely harmless to the battery.

But personally, I believe that the “interchangeability” of chargers has its place, and nothing will happen to your devices. Why? Because, as I already said, each device has charge/discharge controllers and a battery controller. So this same controller will not allow the device to “take” more current than it needs. If, for example, a smartphone is charged from a “native charger” with a current of 1A, then from charging a tablet (which has a current of 2A), the smartphone will also consume the 1A it needs.


Personally, I charged my Galaxy Nexus with an ASUS Nexus 7 (2012) charger for a year, and nothing bad happened. And now I use the same charger from the Nexus 7 to charge the LG Nexus 4. And I don’t worry about the battery being damaged, or even more so, the device failing!

What do you, dear readers, think about this? Is it possible to “interchange” chargers from different gadgets in the house?

For ordinary person Charging is a cord, two contacts and a plug for the socket. If everything were that simple, all charges would be the same. But have you noticed that with some devices your phone comes to life faster, with others – slower. The third charge is not suitable at all. We constantly lose them, forget them with friends or in a cafe. Once every six months the cable will definitely break down.

Chargers are one of the most necessary and popular accessories. We explain which charger to buy so you don’t go broke and it works.

A board with microcircuits is embedded inside modern cables; it determines the operation of the accessory in different modes: from charging to synchronization. Socket adapters have different characteristics and speeds.

Original charger: it will definitely work, but very expensive!

Who better than the manufacturer to know everything about his brainchild! The original charger suffers from only one drawback - its high price. 3,590 rubles for charging for a MacBook and a new generation iPhone is a robbery. And other brands set a high price bar. Both Samsung and Sony - from two thousand.

In Russian online stores, prices for analogues start at about 800 rubles. On Aliexpress - even 300-400 rubles. Add to this a branded cable for 1990 rubles - and you will get a fast charging kit for iPhone 8 for 10% of the cost of the smartphone itself.

Prices for accessories on the Apple website are steep, but the choice of alternatives is not as wide as that of Android competitors

In the kit, Apple includes its old slow charger and cable, which will charge the new iPhone by a maximum of 25-30% in 30 minutes. In the same half hour, the flagship from Samsung/Sony/Huawei will be half charged, and the battery capacity of Android devices is one and a half times higher. The desire to make money selling accessories overcame common sense.

Where to buy: in the official online store of the smartphone manufacturer or in the nearest official reseller store (not to be confused with the kiosk in the transition).

Chargers from “foreign” trusted companies: already cheaper

If the price scares you, you can buy a device from a “normal” manufacturer of universal accessories. For example, Belkin, Nillkin, Qi Wireless, Anker, SnowKids and others. See the assortment of retailers at the re:Store level. You will receive a guarantee that the characteristics (power figures, output current) correspond to the declared ones and a company guarantee. The same Belkin is among the certified Apple manufacturers.

For Android phones, official chargers are quite stylish and/or cute. You can use such chargers without fear for the safety of your gadget.

Will you forget this kind of exercise? / Photo – Andru

Where to buy: on the websites of device manufacturers or in hardware stores. Be sure to check that the charging company is the one you need. The price is already average: you can’t buy a charger from a famous manufacturer for less than 500 rubles.

Counterfeits and no-name chargers: better buy coffee with that money

Anything that costs roughly 100-500 rubles and is sold at a stall in the passage is a bad choice. Such chargers are divided into two types: counterfeits of expensive brands and no-name ones.

The purpose of fakes, of course, is to be similar to the original. Noname is some kind of miracle with an unpronounceable name that is clearly of Asian origin, like Olaudem crdc.

Such charges may suddenly contain other functions, such as a flashlight.

Manufacturers of well-known accessories are afraid of ruining their reputation. Counterfeits and nonames have nothing to worry about - there is no reputation.

In the case of Apple's lightning connector (and these are iPhones from 5 to 7 Plus), everything is completely bad. The iPhone will not charge and may display a message that the accessory is not supported. And after some time, about two weeks. It’s too late to return the charger to the store, and I’m too lazy to bother with hundreds of rubles.

With USB Type C and the still most common MicroUSB connector in Android, everything is simpler in terms of compatibility, but just as unreliable in terms of quality.

It is difficult for an inexperienced user to distinguish an original from a fake. Yes, the markings and the location of the contacts may differ, but few people know “how to do it correctly” in each specific accessory. Pay attention at least to spelling errors and the overall quality of workmanship - lack of polishing, crooked assembly, and of course - the suspiciously low price. The fake is here on the left (c) Photo

Disadvantages of counterfeit chargers: discrepancy with the numbers on the label, the slowest charging, incompatibility with declared devices, and, of course, a short-lived controller.

The controller is an important part that protects the phone. This is a small set of transistors that are responsible for the fact that the smartphone will automatically turn off charging when it reaches 100%. Plus, the controller evaluates the supplied voltage and prevents overheating.

The problem is that cheap Chinese power adapters are made from dubious components. When the transistors burn out, your smartphone can receive a powerful incoming current charge and burn out. But you won’t be able to check in advance what quality the controller is in the charge.

Chargers with many connectors are less reliable than those with one. In addition, this is a clear sign of a cheap Chinese accessory. Branded chargers with multiple connectors also exist, but there are only a few of them.

Fire hazards and the risk of breaking a smartphone are not the only problems. The charging numbers may be stated alone, but in reality the current strength and voltage will not correspond to reality. About them - below.

Just something complicated: the higher the output current, the faster the charging

If you are used to charging your phone not from a laptop, but from an outlet, it is important to have a good power adapter (the same outlet to the cord). When choosing an adapter from a third-party manufacturer, focus on the original charger, or more precisely, on the current value “A”.

A few simple truths:

  • Current strength is measured in amperes. Always First of all, look for the marking of the Latin letter “A” on the charger;
  • Typically, a smartphone charger has a current of 1 ampere, less often: 1.2A, 2A, 2.4A;
  • Most smartphones require adapter sockets to charge power from 5W (W).

Many modern smartphones can charge much faster if you use a more powerful charger. In most cases it will come bundled with the exception of Apple and Sony.

IN standard kit iPhones (even those that support fast charging) include a power adapter with a power of 5 Watts (or the Latin “W”) and an output current of 1 A. Standard charging with a current of 1 A will charge the iPhone 7/8 Plus for hours, and Samsung Galaxy S8 can handle it in an hour.

At the Apple Store you can buy a charger with a power of 12W, 29W, 61W and even 87W. The thickest adapters. The output current will be from 2.4 A, and such adapters are intended for Mac or iPad.

Don't be afraid that your phone may burn out: a special controller will limit the current to that which is supported by the phone, so you can safely use powerful charges.

If you have other manufacturer's equipment (computers, tablets) - use their chargers to achieve high speeds. A computer connected to a power outlet is itself a complex controller.

  • Do not buy chargers from dubious places and choose only certified manufacturers. They can be found according to the assortment in official retail such as Svyaznoy or re:Store, and not in a stall in the passage.
  • Test charging on site. Users of Android devices can indirectly determine the quality of charging - when connecting a bad charger, the OS will write “charging via USB,” and iPhone users may see the message “The accessory is probably not supported.” But this is not a guarantee that compatibility will remain in a month.
  • Logos and inscriptions must be applied evenly and on plastic, instead of them there should not be a cheap sticker. There should be no errors in the writing, and the more markings on the parts, the more likely the adapter will be of high quality.
  • You can’t buy high-quality chargers for less than five hundred rubles..