Secrets of red currant jelly. Red and black currant jelly. Currant jelly with pectin

If you have a lot of white currants, add them to red ones in a 1:1 ratio. The jelly will not be very bright, but no less tasty.


Rinse the berries well. You don’t have to clear them of twigs, since the berry mass will grind through the sieve.

Add sugar to the currants and stir thoroughly for 5–8 minutes. The sugar should practically dissolve in the berry juice, and the mass itself should turn out mushy.

Transfer the berry-sugar mixture to a tall saucepan and place over high heat. Stir the mixture continuously.

It will take about 8–10 minutes to cook the jelly from the specified amount of ingredients.

However, it is easier to determine readiness by appearance. Then the preparation can be divided into several stages.

Then there will be a lot more foam. Stir the berry mass intensively, otherwise it will run away.

Gradually, the foam will begin to settle, and bubbles will appear on the surface of the mixture itself. After this, you need to cook the jelly for about 3 more minutes.

Place a sieve in a clean container and pour the boiled berry mixture into it. Grind it with a spoon so that only the “cake” remains in the sieve.

While the jelly is still liquid, pour into jars and, without closing them, leave at room temperature overnight. During this time the jelly will harden.


  • 2 kg of red currants;
  • 1.8 kg sugar.

Red currants can be replaced with white ones, then the jelly will turn out light yellow.


Wash the berries and remove the stems. Pass the currants through a meat grinder or chop with a blender. Then rub the berry mass through a sieve.

Pour sugar into the resulting juice and mix thoroughly for 10 minutes. Leave the berry mass for another 15–20 minutes, stir occasionally. The sugar should completely dissolve and the mixture should begin to thicken.

Distribute the jelly among the jars, close the lids and place in the refrigerator. In a day it will harden and become denser over time.

Red currant is an extremely vitamin-rich berry, but not everyone likes its specific sour taste. A compromise option in this case is to prepare sweet redcurrant jelly for the winter. The result is a delicate, thick consistency with a pleasant berry aroma. Recipes without cooking and without sugar allow you to save everything valuable substances, and its consistency with sugar, spices, and gelatin makes red berries a favorite sweet for tea in the winter.

Berry preparation is added to pies, pancakes, buns

Jam, jam and marmalade are made from whole or crushed berries that are boiled in syrup. The basis of berry jelly is filtered juice. The advantage of homemade preparation is that you can cook it with any amount of sugar. Followers healthy image put it in 2 times less than berries. The priority ingredient is gelatin, although pectin and agar-agar can be used.

If you want to preserve as many useful substances as possible in the product, then you should choose a method without cooking. In this case, it is enough to add a gelling agent and sugar to the squeezed and filtered juice and pour it into jars. Cooking recipes are more practical as they allow you to preserve the product longer.

The assortment will have a richer taste

Signs of readiness:

  • the mass has decreased by 2 times and slowly flows off the spoon;
  • the foam is concentrated in the center of the container;
  • large bubbles began to form on the surface;
  • A drop of jelly hardens in cool water without spreading.

Two heat-treated jelly recipes

To prepare a tasty and aromatic, and most importantly healthy currant delicacy, heat treatment must be kept to a minimum, since high temperatures destroy vitamin C and coumarins, which are extremely valuable for human immunity. Even without gelatin, you can achieve a thick berry mass.

The classic recipe for cooking for the winter is five minutes. After boiling, the berries are boiled for exactly 5 minutes. During this time, they manage to produce a lot of juice and become disinfected.

You can prepare the best currant jelly differently, but it will take 15 minutes to cook:

  1. Place peeled currants (1 kg) into a bowl and add a glass of water.
  2. Place the container on the fire. When heated, the berries will begin to burst.
  3. Currant juice is poured into a separate container. The remaining fruits are ground through a sieve, squeezing out the juice. The seeds and peel will remain on the sieve.
  4. 1 kg of granulated sugar is poured into the juice. The mixture is simmered over low heat for about 15 minutes. If the mass begins to thicken and decrease in volume, then it is ready.

The product can be stored either in the cold or at room temperature. The delicacy is sweet and rich and can be used as a filling for pies and pancakes.

Delicious prepared drinks for the winter cold:

  1. : aromatic assortment with orange and currants for vigor, non-standard options with spices, a method for preparing a homemade Mojito.
  2. : what to add for a rich taste, recipes with and without seeds, amounts of sugar for jars of different sizes.

Simple recipe without cooking

A delicacy prepared in this way retains a maximum of vitamins. To grind the berries you will need a blender. To make the preparation, take 2 kg of red currants, wash, dry and sort. Grind the mass in a blender to a puree, grind through a sieve, removing the skin. This makes approximately 1 liter of currant juice. It is mixed with granulated sugar in equal proportions. Jars and lids are sterilized and dried.

The finished mass is laid out in prepared containers and rolled up. The product should be stored in a cellar or refrigerator.

Video from detailed process preparations.

Sugar-free jelly: the secret of preparation

Berry prepared without sugar retains its tart taste. sweet and sour taste. Unlike sugar mixtures, the product is low in calories. To prepare the most natural currant jelly, you only need berries.

  1. You need to make a puree from the prepared red currants. To do this, the fruits are twisted in a meat grinder or crushed in a blender. The puree is sent into a glass jar.
  2. For cooking, take a large stainless steel pan. A piece of cloth is placed at the bottom to place the jars. You need to add enough water to cover 2/3 of the jars. The structure is put on fire. Berry puree should be boiled at a minimum temperature. You will have to wait up to 4 hours.

The finished jelly is poured hot into containers, wrapped until cool, then moved to the pantry.

Recipe with gelatin

Recipes for preparing jelly using a cold method and without gelling components cannot be compared in density to gelatin-based products. The use of this substance allows you to make a thick delicacy without the labor-intensive procedure of squeezing juice from currants.

To prepare you need to prepare:

  • 3 kg of berries,
  • 5 g gelatin,
  • 2.8 kg sugar.

Step-by-step preparation:

When the mixture becomes homogeneous, pour it into jars. Store the gelatin berry product in the refrigerator.

Assorted jelly with the addition of black currants, watermelon, spices

It’s not difficult to make a transparent and very tasty jelly from two types of currants:

The jelly is poured into jars while hot and rolled up immediately. The jars are turned over onto the lid and wrapped until cool. Store the assortment in a dark place.

To always collect big harvest, it is worth planting several fruit bushes on the plot with a yield of 7-10 kg. A simple option for breeding is . In this case, it is possible to obtain many hardy and fruit-bearing bushes.

With added watermelon

Red currants go well with other berries. Option with watermelon:

  1. Take 1 kg of watermelon pulp and red currants. Sugar is calculated in glasses; exactly the same amount is added as there are glasses of currants.
  2. The watermelon pulp is cleared of seeds.
  3. The currants are washed, covered with sugar, and kneaded.
  4. Add pieces of watermelon and knead again.
  5. Place the mixture on the fire, and after boiling, cook for 30-45 minutes.

The finished composition is cooled and ground through a sieve. Once cooled, the jelly is placed in sterilized containers.

The simplest recipe for video beginners.

With vanilla

Various spices are popular in preservation. Aromatic vanilla can be safely used to prepare currant preparations. Housewives prefer to add it to compotes, jams, and use it for cooking.


  • for 1 kg of berries – 1 kg of sugar,
  • vanilla pod,
  • 0.5 liters of water.

The berries are poured with water, the mixture is brought to a boil and immediately removed from the stove. The solution is filtered, the berries are ground using a sieve. To ensure that the juice immediately flows into syrup, a sieve is placed over a container with the drained solution. Additionally, the mass is squeezed through gauze folded in three layers. After cooling, the berry syrup is filtered again.

Add sugar to the berry juice, mix, and put on fire. After boiling, add a vanilla pod, cut into several pieces. Boil the mixture with vanilla for half an hour. Stir it periodically with a wooden spoon.

Before pouring the hot jelly into jars, the crushed vanilla pod is removed.

After rolling, the jars are turned over and left in this position until they cool. Vanilla jelly is stored in a dry, dark and cool place.

In order for any jelly recipes to turn out excellent, you should know a few tricks:

No matter how red currants are prepared - with or without sugar, with heat treatment or without cooking - this product will be a worthy treat and a useful vitamin supplement for tea in any season. Currant jelly is a delicious filling for pies, layers of cakes and desserts.

When the currant bushes on your site begin to be covered with red berries, it is very difficult at first to collect the crop in jars; everything somehow goes more into the mouth. And you can directly feel how your body is filled with vitamins. But you need to save some of the vitamins for the winter period. How to do this so that it is tasty and healthy, quick and easy? The best option is to prepare delicious redcurrant jelly for the winter.

When the cold weather sets in, this preparation can be eaten as an independent dessert or added to other tasty and original dishes.


  • water – 120 g;
  • sugar – 500 g;
  • red currant – 600 g;
  • cherry and currant leaves optional.

How to make redcurrant jelly for the winter

First, peel the stems from the berries. Then rinse them and place them in a saucepan. The stalks can be dried and added to tea in winter for flavor.

Pour purified water into a saucepan and place over moderate heat.

Boil the currants for 10 minutes on the stove and move the saucepan to the table.

Wipe all the berries along with the liquid into a clean deep container. You can make a fruit drink from the cake or cook a compote by pouring boiling water in a saucepan.

Pour the pureed currants back into the saucepan and add sugar to it.

To add additional flavor, you can throw in a few currant or cherry leaves.

Boil the red currants over low heat for 20 minutes, periodically skimming off the foam with a wooden spoon.

Discard the leaves from the finished jelly and pour it into small jars, which must first be sterilized.

The very next day, the beautiful and bright preparation for winter hardens and turns out to be the desired consistency.

You can serve this jelly with pancakes, pancakes, ice cream, or just with tea as a snack.

Red currant jelly “Pyatiminutka”

This recipe is suitable for especially busy housewives, for whom every minute is worth its weight in gold. For 1 kg of currants, take 1.3 kg of sugar.

Redcurrant jelly without cooking

Turn washed and dried currants into puree. This should be done without using metal objects; a mortar and pestle are best.
Squeeze the resulting mass through a sieve and you will get natural currant juice.
Now add sugar and, stirring constantly, until it is completely dissolved in the currant juice. To speed up this process slightly, heat the container with currants on the fire, but only until warm; this jelly cannot be boiled or cooked.

As soon as the sugar is completely dissolved, you can pour the jelly into jars, seal with nylon lids and store in the cellar or refrigerator.
For this method of preparing jelly, the following proportions of products will be required: for 1 liter of currant juice 1.5 g of granulated sugar.

What if the jelly doesn't set?

If you did everything correctly, the jelly will begin to harden already in the process of transferring it to the jars. The more it cools, the more jelly it becomes. But if you see that the jelly is runny and does not harden, pour it back into the container and boil for another 3 to 5 minutes.
How can you tell when the jelly is ready? Tilt the container in which you cook the currants slightly in different directions. If the syrup begins to linger on the walls in the form of a pink, viscous coating, then you can already put the jelly into jars.

How to prepare red currant preparations

There is another longer, but more reliable way. Pour a little hot jelly into a bowl or cup and leave until it cools completely; if it does not thicken, then it should be boiled further or gelling additives should be added.

The reason that the currant mass does not thicken may lie in the low evaporation of liquid or not a large amount of sugar. Add a little more granulated sugar, and to make the liquid evaporate better, use a wide bowl for cooking, thereby increasing the area of ​​contact of the currant mass with the air. The narrower and taller the dish, the longer you need to cook the jelly.

You can use thickeners, add a little gelatin or gelatin. But it is best to use natural agar-agar. It has absolutely no foreign specific smell or taste, the only drawback is that it cannot always be found on the open market.

  • To speed up the process, you can not immediately tear off the branches, but boil the currants along with them. The main thing then, when you rub through the sieve, is to prevent the twigs from getting into the jelly.
  • Always try to rub the currants through a sieve while they are still hot, this way you can squeeze out the maximum amount of juice from the berries and the jelly will not begin to harden.
  • Using the same recipes you can prepare assorted currant jelly. The basis of such an assortment should be red and white currants, since they contain greatest number gelling agents. For example, you need to take 3 glasses of them and add one more glass each black currant and raspberries. You can also make currant jelly in combination with gooseberries; this berry also has excellent gelling properties.

  • Currant jelly can be used as a sauce for cottage cheese soufflé, porridge, dumplings or cottage cheese casserole.
  • To strain, use the finest sieve to ensure the jelly is clear. If you don’t have such a strainer, you can use multilayer gauze or new (not too expensive) 40 den women’s tights for this purpose. The best option there will be a piece of old nylon net tulle like “veil” or “organza”. The tulle needs to be folded in half, the weave of the threads is quite dense, such fabric will not stretch like gauze or tights, so you can strain the jelly in one go without any leftover cake.

Everyone loves jelly, regardless of age and gender. Children and adults enjoy tasty treats prepared at home. Of course, you can buy ready-made powdered jelly, add water and put it in the refrigerator. But to make it yourself from red currants or other berries, you will have to make an effort. Let's look at the basic recipes for currant jelly.

  1. Choose undamaged, edible berries. They need to be sorted, to exclude wrinkled and rotten ones. Then the currants are washed, dried, and the stalks are removed.
  2. Jelly must be made in dry, washed containers. You should not use aluminum utensils, because during the cooking process they oxidize and are harmful to health. Suitable utensils are made of stainless steel, enameled, ceramic, plastic, and wood.
  3. If you plan to roll the jelly for the winter and use it over a long period, you need to prepare glass jars in advance. They are sterilized and dried. After sorting the contents into jars, the containers are sent to the refrigerator. Of course, storage at room temperature is also permissible, but the jars must be hermetically sealed.
  4. The jelly is sorted into jars until it thickens, because then the process will become more difficult and the contents will quickly deteriorate. Therefore, after cooking, immediately pour the raw materials into pre-sterilized containers.
  5. If you are preparing a treat without heat treatment, the jelly should harden after cooking. To do this, do not send it into the cold immediately, keep it at room temperature for a day.

Currant jelly using classical technology

  • granulated sugar - 950 gr.
  • red currants - 1 kg.
  • drinking water - 200 ml.
  1. First, start preparing the berries. Sort and eliminate all spoiled and rotten items. Rinse the currants using a colander. Eliminate green twigs.
  2. Prepare a deep container in which the heat treatment will be carried out. It is better to choose a container with a wide bottom so that the heating area is large.
  3. Place the currants in a bowl and add water, place on the stove and heat at medium power. The currants should release their juice and begin to burst. When this happens, turn off the burner.
  4. Filter the juice, squeeze the berries in a convenient way. Place the fruits in a fine-hole strainer and grind. Do not press too hard on the contents so that grains and skins do not penetrate through the holes.
  5. Now add granulated sugar to the juice, stir until the grains dissolve. Put on fire, turn on the minimum setting. Stir and simmer the jelly until it thickens, usually this takes a third of an hour.
  6. After a certain time, the jelly will become smaller in volume. Turn off the stove, prepare a clean container for bottling, and pack a hot treat.
  7. Screwing the lids must be done immediately. After capping, turn the treat upside down and wrap it in an old blanket or sweatshirt.
  8. Wait a day until the treat reaches room temperature. After this, put the contents in the pantry or leave them in the refrigerator.

Simple currant jelly

  • granulated sugar - 800 gr.
  • currants - 1 kg.
  • drinking water - 60 ml.
  1. First of all, it is necessary to prepare the berries for further manipulation. To do this, carry out a search, remove the stalks, get rid of spoiled specimens. Wash the currants and leave to dry on a sieve.
  2. Place the main ingredient in a bowl and sprinkle with granulated sugar for a quarter of an hour. Stir until the sand is slightly wet. Pour in water according to the recipe.
  3. Place the contents in a saucepan on the fire, cook on low power for a quarter of an hour from the moment the liquid boils. Stir the ingredients constantly to avoid burning.
  4. Now build a device: place a colander or fine-grained strainer over the container, pour in the currant mixture. Start squeezing the berries with a spatula to release the juice into the bowl.
  5. When you have expressed all the juice and syrup, immediately pour this mixture into clean containers and seal with lids. Turn them upside down and cover them with an old blanket. After a day, transfer to the cold for preservation.

Currant jelly without cooking

  • granulated sugar - 950 gr.
  • red currants - 2 kg.
  1. Sort, wash and dry the fruits. After this, place the currants in a blender bowl and turn them into a homogeneous paste. Grind the resulting mixture through a fine sieve.
  2. The procedure will help get rid of the bones. The output should be about 1 liter. currant juice. Combine the liquid with granulated sugar and stir for 8-10 minutes. You can adjust the sweetness of the raw materials yourself.
  3. Package ready-made composition in portioned jars with an airtight lid. Please note that the container must be sterilized in advance. Leave the jars at room temperature for a day, then move them to the cold.
  4. It is recommended to prepare this jelly in large quantities for the winter. The composition completely preserves all the beneficial enzymes needed by the body during the period of vitamin deficiency.

  • granulated sugar - 1 kg.
  • currants - 1 kg.
  1. After sorting, wash and dry the berries, combine with granulated sugar and wait a third of an hour. During this period, you can sterilize the container for further twisting.
  2. Transfer the currants to a bowl along with any juice that has accumulated. Simmer on medium heat for 5 minutes from the start of boiling. Stir constantly.
  3. When the cooking process is complete, transfer the contents into a sieve and grind to release the juice into the bowl. Pack into containers and seal with tin, leave for a day to cool.

Diet jelly with fructose

  • instant gelatin - 35 gr.
  • currants - 550 gr.
  • dry white wine - 100 ml.
  • fructose - 140 gr.
  • boiled water - 240 ml.
  1. Low-calorie jelly is successfully practiced in dietetics. The treat does not allow you to dial extra pounds and saturates the body with useful elements. This treat is perfect for people who suffer from diabetes.
  2. Send required quantity gelatin in warm water for soaking. At the same time, proceed to the classic processing of berries. Wash and dry the fruits, get rid of spoiled specimens. Also remove the cuttings. Otherwise, the batch will be irretrievably damaged.
  3. In a separate container, mix fructose and dry wine. Turn the currants into a homogeneous pulp using a suitable device. Combine all ingredients in an enamel pan, leave for half an hour under the lid. Ready.

Orange jelly with currants

  • oranges - 1 kg.
  • currants - 5 kg.
  • granulated sugar - 5 kg.
  1. Prepare berries and citrus fruits. Place the currants in a juicer. It is advisable to pass the peeled oranges through a blender. Combine all ingredients with sugar.
  2. Place the raw materials in an enamel-lined pan. Warm up the components to 60-65 degrees. Stir regularly until the sand is completely dissolved.
  3. Do not bring the mixture to a boil. Otherwise, all vitamins will be lost. After cooling, the jelly must be packaged in sterile containers and sealed tightly. Store in the refrigerator.

What to do if the jelly does not thicken

  1. If the jelly does not thicken, there is no need to panic. The dish can achieve the desired state in 2-3 hours or in a week. It all depends on the products and method of preparation.
  2. In most cases, the main problem is a lack of natural pectin or low quality gelatin. Place the fruit mixture in an enamel pan and heat through. Add an additional portion of gelatin to the mixture.
  3. Even a clear recipe sequence does not always lead to the desired result. The reason for this is the peculiarity of the components. Therefore, before starting cooking, always pour boiling water over the berries and fruits.

It's easy to make your own jelly. It is important to follow directions and be aware of product specifics. Prepare delicacies for the winter so as not to encounter the problem of vitamin deficiency. Delight your household with new recipes.

Video: redcurrant jelly recipe

Red currant jelly for the winter is a real gourmet delicacy, for the preparation of which you don’t need anything other than berries and sugar. So, if your berry bushes are “red” again, make jam, it will turn out bright red and incredibly thick. If you cover the jars with several layers of parchment instead of regular lids, then the moisture will slowly evaporate over time, and the jars will contain real marmalade that can be cut into cubes!

The most labor-intensive part of this recipe is harvesting. Although there are people who like monotonous work, and some even find pleasure in this activity, as they say, it depends on taste and color. In my family, this process is conveniently divided: someone picks currants, and I make jam or jams, to each his own. We honestly share the results of our activities equally.

  • Cooking time: 2 hours
  • Quantity: 2 l

Ingredients for making red currant jelly:

  • 3 kg of red currants;
  • 3 kg granulated sugar.

Method for making red currant jelly.

We sort through the harvest - we remove branches, leaves, spoiled berries and stalks. Then pour it into the basin cold water, put the berries, wash them, put them in a sieve. Rinse under the tap and let the water drain.

Take a large saucepan with a thick bottom and a lid that fits tightly. We transfer clean berries into it.

Using a regular masher, press the currants a little to release the juice. Instead, sometimes half a glass of water is added, but I believe that the moisture in jams should be of natural origin (i.e. from the juices of the berries).

Close the pan tightly, place it on the stove, and turn the heat up to high. As it heats up, the berries will begin to burst and release juice; when the mixture boils, turn down the heat. After about 30 minutes the volume will decrease significantly.

This is what well-cooked berries look like - a lot of juice, and the currants are at the bottom of the pan.

Now comes the most painstaking part of the process - we rub the berries through a fine sieve. I don’t recommend putting a lot at once; add a few tablespoons in parts. Currants are rich in pectin, but it is contained in the pulp and skin, so you need to wipe it thoroughly, squeezing out all the beneficial substances.

By the way, you can cook compote from the cake so that the product does not disappear.

Mix berry puree and granulated sugar. There should be more sugar to make the jelly thick. Mix well until the sugar is completely dissolved, then return the pan to the stove.

After boiling, cook for about 15-20 minutes. If you overcook it, it won't happen. bright color, all natural paints acquire a brownish tint from long boiling.

During the boiling process, remove the foam and stir.

Preparing dishes for preservation. In solution baking soda wash the jars, rinse with boiling water, then sterilize over steam or dry in the oven (temperature 130 degrees).

You can close with boiled lids or clean parchment folded in several layers.

Place the hot mixture into warm jars, close them, and put them in a dry and dark place for storage.

It should be remembered that jars covered with paper cannot be placed in the cellar. Canned food sealed in this way will not be preserved in a damp room.