Technology of insulating a roof from the inside with mineral wool. How to properly insulate the roof of a house using mineral wool? Do-it-yourself roof insulation from the inside with mineral wool

Recently, more and more attention has been paid to the rational use of heat in the home. As you know, warm air tends to rise to the top and leave the building through the roof. Mineral wool is a popular material for solving thermal insulation problems, so insulating a roof with mineral wool is becoming increasingly popular, especially since all the work can be done with your own hands.

Depending on the material that serves as the raw material for the manufacture of mineral wool, there are 3 types of mineral wool:

  • Glass wool.
  • Basalt or stone wool.
  • Slag wool.

Glass wool

In the production of glass wool, the same materials are used as in the production of ordinary glass. Under the influence of high temperature, all components are melted and then blown with steam in special centrifuges to form thin glass filaments. Then the fiber is processed with binding materials and, after drying, it is given the desired shape.

The thickness of glass wool fibers can be from 5 to 15 microns.

Advantages of glass wool:

  • Retains its properties at temperatures from -60°C to +450°C.
  • It has high strength and elasticity, which makes it easy to insulate the roof with your own hands.
  • Relatively low cost compared to other insulation materials.
  • The ability to be compressed several times, which allows you to save money on transporting glass wool.
  • High fire resistance and mold resistance.

However, many people refuse to use glass wool due to the serious disadvantages of this material.

When working with mineral wool, special equipment is required

Disadvantages of glass wool:

  • The need to work in special clothing, glasses, a respirator and gloves to protect the entire body from getting fibers on the skin. Glass wool can cause serious irritation, so you cannot neglect safety precautions when insulating yourself!
  • Low heat resistance compared to other insulation materials.

Basalt or stone wool

Rocks are used to make basalt wool. The production of such insulation is very similar to the production of glass wool. The thickness of basalt wool fibers can be from 3 to 5 microns.

Advantages of basalt wool:

  • Has a high level of sound absorption.
  • Has high thermal conductivity.
  • Compared to glass wool, it has higher heat resistance and does not collapse within the range from -180°C to +700°C.
  • Strength and resistance to deformation.
  • Basalt wool fibers do not cause as much irritation as when working with glass wool.

In view of these advantages, roof insulation from the inside with mineral wool is carried out using basalt or stone wool.

Disadvantages of basalt wool:

  • Higher price.
  • Due to the presence of phenol-formaldehyde resins in the binder components, phenol is released at temperatures above 700 °C. But due to the fact that mineral wool does not reach this temperature in use, this can hardly be considered a serious drawback.

Slag wool

Previously, slag wool was often used, but now, compared to other insulation materials, its only advantage is its low price.

The disadvantages of slag wool include:

  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • Short service life, after 10-15 years the properties of wool will be lost.
  • Like glass wool, the fibers are brittle and therefore unsafe to install.

Technology of roof insulation with mineral wool

When building new houses, it is better to insulate the roof with mineral wool during the assembly of the roof frame, but before attaching the roofing material. If the roof is already completely ready, you need to insulate the roof of the house from the inside with mineral wool. Due to the ease of use of materials, such thermal insulation can be installed with your own hands.

In order for the insulation of the roof of a building with mineral wool to bring maximum benefit, doing all the work with your own hands must strictly adhere to the technology, taking into account even the details.

So, insulating the roof from the inside with mineral wool can be divided into several stages:

  1. Installation of waterproofing.
  2. Installation of insulation - mineral wool.
  3. Installation of vapor barrier.
  4. Installation of bars for fastening the internal lining.

To understand why thermal insulation of the roof is carried out in this order, you should pay attention to the processes occurring in the insulated pitched roof.

Since the temperature in the room is often higher than outside, there is a process of heat transfer through roofing materials and heat loss in the room. To prevent vapors in the room from reaching the insulation, the first layer on their path should be a vapor barrier layer. Otherwise, due to the temperature difference, moisture would condense in the area of ​​the insulation located closer to the roof and gradually fall, which could lead to rotting of the wooden roof elements.

After vapor barrier comes insulation. Then you need a waterproofing layer with a high level of vapor permeability, in case the waterproofing is damaged and moisture vapor still leaks into the roof space. This way you can avoid moisture condensation and deterioration of thermal insulation.


Insulating the roof of a building with mineral wool from the inside begins with installing waterproofing. It should be placed at a distance of 3-4 centimeters from the roofing to ensure roof ventilation.

Important! The diffusion membrane, as waterproofing is otherwise called, must allow vapors to pass through from inside the building. Otherwise, they would condense, and moisture would penetrate the upper and then lower layers of mineral wool, reducing its thermal insulation properties.

A layer of waterproofing is necessary for constructing a roofing “pie”

Waterproofing sheets should be placed above the rafters with a slight sag between them - no more than one centimeter. This should be done to avoid damage to the waterproofing during shrinkage, which is especially observed in the cold season. Such sheets need to be laid across the roof slope, starting from the bottom, so that the next ones overlap by 10 centimeters. This waterproofing is secured with galvanized nails or staples.

Thermal insulation with mineral wool

We lay mineral wool between the rafters and fix it with

After installing the waterproofing, you should proceed to attaching the insulation itself. First you need to decide on the thickness of the mineral wool. Then you need to measure the height of the rafters, between which the mineral wool will be laid. They should be 5 centimeters larger than the thickness of the mineral wool to create an air gap. If the height of the rafters is not enough, boards should be attached along them to form a counter-lattice.

Insulation can be in the form of rolls or slabs. If work is carried out with a roll, you should prepare pieces of mineral wool that will completely fill the space between two adjacent rafters from top to bottom. Typically, the width of the mineral wool is twice the distance between the rafters, so it can be cut lengthwise to the length of the roof slope.

Important! It should be noted that to ensure maximum insulation efficiency, mineral wool must completely fill the space between the rafters, and for this its width must be 2-3 centimeters larger. Mineral wool is a flexible material, so laying it between the rafters is not difficult.

Lay layers of mineral wool in different directions

If mineral wool slabs act as insulation, they must be fastened without leaving a gap between them. Whatever the type of insulation, it must be free of breaks and voids, since the quality of thermal insulation directly depends on this. It is also important that the mineral wool does not roll down during operation.

Having laid the mineral wool in this way, you can make another layer of thermal insulation, completely covering the rafters with mineral wool, which otherwise could serve as cold bridges. In this case, you can fasten the mineral wool to the rafters with staples. If mineral wool is laid in two layers, it is very important that the joints of the slabs or rolls do not coincide, this will only improve the thermal insulation properties of such a system.

Vapor barrier

After completing the insulation with mineral wool, you need to take care of the vapor barrier. It protects against moisture penetration both in liquid and vapor form. Otherwise, warm air penetrating the waterproofing would condense and spoil the thermal insulation.

For waterproofing, films made of polypropylene or foamed polyethylene are used. They are attached to the bottom of the rafters with galvanized nails or staples.

Important! When installing waterproofing, tightness is very important. So, the joints of the canvases must be glued with acrylic tape. It is also important to take care of sealing in the area adjacent to windows, walls and other roof elements.

If you do not pay due attention to sealing the vapor barrier, warm air will find cracks and penetrate through them into the thermal insulation area, deteriorating its properties and the durability of the roof materials.

Also, when installing vapor barrier materials, you should pay attention to the correct fastening, because if you lay the film on the wrong side, it will not fulfill its purpose.

Installation of bars for internal cladding

Finishing cladding of an insulated roof

Upon completion of the installation of the vapor barrier layer, bars must be installed on the lower edge of the rafters to secure the internal lining. After this, you can already carry out interior finishing work.

Video to help: insulate the roof with URSA brand mineral wool

Drawing conclusions

As you can see, the process of insulating the roof of a building with mineral wool is not a very difficult task. First you need to decide what material will be used for insulation. If the price issue is serious, then you can use glass wool, but experts recommend using basalt wool, because it is easier to work with and has better characteristics. Then, not forgetting about waterproofing and vapor barrier, the system should be installed.

By correctly carrying out all the thermal insulation work, you can ensure long term service of materials and maximum efficiency of such insulation.

Insulation of the roof from the inside is carried out not only in order to create an additional room in the attic, but also to maximize heat retention throughout the entire house.

If the building has an attic roof, then insulation is carried out directly on the roof itself, which is not only the roof for the future room, but also the walls. If the structure has one slope, then most often the thermal insulation is installed in the attic floor.

The third option for thermal insulation measures is used in regions with harsh climates, where both the roof itself and the ceiling are insulated from the inside.

Types of insulation used

The modern building materials market offers quite a lot types of insulation, of which you can choose the one suitable for any thermal insulation work.

  • Bulk materials are sawdust, expanded clay of different fractions, slag, dry leaves or pine needles. These insulation materials are used for filling into the attic floor, and they perfectly protect the lower rooms of the house from the penetration of cold, but they will not be able to make the attic itself warm.

  • Mineral wool various types, expanded polystyrene, penoflex and polyurethane foam are suitable for insulating both attic floors and.

All these materials are quite light, so they will not weigh down the structure of the roof and the entire house, but will make it much warmer. Technologies for installing thermal insulation materials differ from each other, so it is worth considering some of them.

It should be noted that with the advent of auxiliary materials that facilitate the work process and are aimed at protecting the thermal insulation itself from external influences and their preservation of their performance qualities, it has become easier to carry out the installation process.

Video: mineral wool is an excellent material for roof insulation

Prices for mineral wool

Mineral wool

Vapor barrier coatings

One such material is vapor barrier film. It is designed to protect wooden structures and insulation from exposure to vapors that occur during temperature changes and lead to the formation of condensation. Excessive moisture provokes the appearance of mold, which destroys the structure of the wood, reduces the thermal insulation characteristics of the insulation and contributes to the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the room.

The vapor barrier membrane is fixed to the roof or ceiling structure before laying insulation materials.

When using a vapor barrier film in a heated room, it is placed only under the finishing layer of the walls.

To protect structures that are exposed to high temperatures on one side, and on the other - low, vapor barrier must be located on both sides. Such structures include wooden attic floors and roofing when it is insulated. Concrete slabs do not require the installation of vapor barrier materials.

Protective film can have different thicknesses and be of different types - a regular non-woven material or a foil membrane. If the latter is used on an attic floor structure, it is laid with foil down, as it reflects the heat rising from below to the ceiling, thereby preventing it from escaping outside. The sheets of material are fastened together with foil tape, which helps create a tight seal.

Prices for various types of insulating films

Insulating films

Insulation of the attic floor

Any insulation measures are best carried out during the process of building a house, but, unfortunately, very often it is done only when they feel the winter cold.

Before filling or laying insulation, you need to carry out preparatory work. This is especially important if fine-grained expanded clay and sawdust slag are used.

  • Previously, when there were no modern auxiliary materials on sale, the wooden attic floor was prepared as follows:

— The boards attached to the floor beams were carefully coated with a solution of clay or lime having a medium-thick consistency. These natural materials create a good tightness of the ceiling, but at the same time allow the entire structure to “breathe”.

— After the clay or lime had completely dried, insulation work was carried out. Previously, slag, sawdust, dry leaves, or a mixture of these materials were mainly used for this. They were poured between the beams onto prepared boards.

It should be noted that the old traditional method- quite reliable, and therefore some builders even prefer it to modern ones to this day.

  • In modern construction, a special vapor barrier film is mainly used for flooring under insulation. Its canvases are laid completely over the entire area of ​​the attic, overlapping by 15-20 cm, deepening between the floor beams and secured to boards and beams. It is recommended to glue the canvases together with construction tape.

The film will become an additional barrier to the escape of heat from the premises of the house through the ceiling, since the heated air rising, not finding a way out, will descend and remain inside the house.

  • Next, insulation material is poured onto the film, mineral wool is laid, expanded clay is poured, or the openings between the beams are filled with ecowool. You can also use previously used insulation - slag or sawdust.

  • To avoid the occurrence of cold bridges through wooden beams, a layer of thin insulation must also be attached to them.

  • Another layer of vapor barrier is laid on top of the insulating material, just as before - overlapping. This layer of film is secured to the floor beams with slats, which are more often called counter slats.
  • A covering of boards or thick plywood is laid on top.

Sometimes the vapor barrier can be fixed from the inside of the room to wooden ceiling, but in this case it will need to be finished, for example, with plasterboard boards. They will level the ceiling and become another additional insulating layer.

Insulation of roof slopes

When insulating roof slopes, as well as when insulating floors, use mineral wool and polystyrene foam, but mineral wool in this case it is preferable, since it has practically zero flammability.

If you still decide to use polystyrene foam, it is recommended to purchase an extruded version. Although it has a slightly higher thermal conductivity, it is not flammable, and this is very important for wooden structures.

To insulate roof slopes they use different systems, but they necessarily contain a layer of vapor barrier material, insulation, waterproofing and counter-lattice.

1. This diagram shows one of the options for the insulation “pie”. It is used in the construction of roofs and roof coverings.

  • It is laid on the rafter system. Typically, high-density polyethylene (more than 200 microns thick) is used for this layer - it will protect the roof not only from moisture, but from wind penetration under it. The film is laid with an overlap of 20 ÷ 25 cm and secured to the rafters using staples and a stapler.
  • A counter-batten with a thickness of 5 ÷ 7 mm is fixed on top of the film on each rafter. It is necessary so that the roofing material does not adhere directly to the waterproofing film, and there is a small distance between them for air circulation.
  • Next, if the roof slopes will be covered with soft roofing material, it is necessary to lay plywood on top of the counter-battens. In the case when slate or other rigid sheet material is used, a sheathing is installed instead of plywood; the width between its slats is calculated according to the length of the sheets of roofing material.
  • When the sheathing is ready, the roof is covered with the selected coating.

After this, you can move on to insulation measures, which are carried out from the inside, that is, from the attic.

  • Mats of mineral wool or other insulation are laid between the rafters. They should fit as tightly as possible between the elements of the wooden structure. Installation of mats is carried out starting from the bottom, gradually rising to the ridge. The insulation should have a thickness the same as the width of the rafters or slightly less her, approximately 10 ÷ 15 mm.
  • The laid insulation is covered with a vapor barrier film, which is secured to the rafters with slats. The film is also laid overlapping and glued with construction tape.

The last stage is decorative finishing of the walls of the attic room
  • Further, if the attic space is to be equipped as a living room, then the entire surface is covered with plasterboard or clapboard. In addition, in this case, in addition to the walls and ceiling, the floors, that is, the attic floor, are also insulated.

2. Another option could be a thicker insulating “pie”, which is also laid immediately when installing the roof.

  • In this case, a waterproofing windproof film is also laid on the rafter system.
  • A sheathing for roofing material is placed on top of it.
  • Next, from the attic side, the first one is laid between the rafters. a layer of insulation that must have equal to the width of the rafters.
  • Then transverse slats are placed on the rafters at a distance from each other equal to the width of the insulation of the next layer. In this case, thinner insulation is used. Its thickness should be equal to the thickness of the padded cross slats.
  • After this comes a vapor barrier film, which is secured to the slats with brackets.
  • The interior finishing material is then attached to the slats.

If the roof is insulated in an already built house where the roofing covering is fixed, then a vapor barrier is secured to the rafters from the attic side with brackets, and only after that the insulation is laid. Next, the process proceeds in the same way as in the previous options.

Roof insulation from the inside with polyurethane foam

Insulation with polyurethane foam proceeds differently than with bulk materials or mats of mineral wool and polystyrene foam.

This method of thermal insulation has recently become increasingly popular and is suitable for both ordinary attics and the attic, which will later become an additional room.

If the attic is ventilated and there will be no living space in it, then only the attic floor is insulated. To do this, it is recommended to moisten the boards and beams for better adhesion, and a thin layer of polyurethane foam is sprayed onto the wet surface between the beams. After it foams, increases in volume and hardens, if necessary, another layer is applied. Such insulation will be quite enough to keep the house warm, since the foam penetrates into all the cracks and seals them hermetically.

If the attic’s height allows for a room to be built in it, or the attic is an attic superstructure to the house, in addition to covering it with polyurethane foam, the roof slopes are also insulated.

Spraying begins from the bottom of the structure, gradually rising to the ridge. Foam is sprayed between the rafters, and its lower layers, rising and hardening, will serve as support for the next upper layers applied.

A similar or attic creates a completely sealed, unventilated space. Polyurethane foam will retain heat well indoors winter time and will not allow the attic to overheat on hot summer days. However, ventilation should still be provided, since the room must receive air flow.

This type of thermal insulation has the following advantages over other insulation materials:

  • The polyurethane foam coating has no joints or seams throughout the entire insulated area.
  • A significant reduction in temperature changes in the attic and rooms on the lower floors is achieved.
  • The building receives reliable protection from low and high temperatures affecting the house from the outside.
  • This method of insulation shows a high payback in a very short time, by reducing heating costs due to the low thermal conductivity of the sprayed material.
  • When spraying polyurethane foam directly onto the roof, it gets extra rigidity and strength, as for the roofing coating forms a reliable connection with the entire roof structure. At the same time, the polyurethane foam layer does not lead to significant weighting of the roof.
  • Convenience application - foam covers all hard-to-reach areas of the roof and ceiling, penetrating into all large and small holes and cracks, expanding and sealing walls and floors.
  • Polyurethane foam is highly resistant to moisture, to the appearance any forms of biological life, high and low temperatures, prevents the emergence and development of wood decay processes.
  • Foam not only provides excellent thermal insulation to rooms, but also insulates well from extraneous noise from the outside.
  • Polyurethane foam does not shrink, wrinkle or soften.
  • The insulation has a fairly long service life, which is about 30 years.
  • The material does not emit substances toxic to the human body or unpleasant odors.

The “disadvantages” of sprayed insulation include the following factors:

  • The material is toxic when applied, so you need to work using protective equipment.

Uncured polyurethane foam is quite toxic, so all work is carried out with mandatory skin, eye and respiratory protection.
  • Polyurethane foam is susceptible to the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, so after applying insulation it must be covered with finishing material, for example, clapboard, plywood or drywall.
  • For installation work For insulation with polyurethane foam, it is necessary to have special expensive equipment. True, if you have the skills to work with this material, then the equipment can be rented. But in the case when this work is unfamiliar, it is better not to take risks, but to invite specialists with equipment to spray the material.

Video: spraying polyurethane foam on roof slopes from the inside

Insulation of the attic and roof is necessary for buildings located in most Russian regions, therefore, this process should not be postponed “for later”, but thermal insulation work should be carried out at the stage of building a house. With the exception of the method of spraying polyurethane, all other insulation measures can be carried out independently, following the work technology. If you enlist the help of a friend, roof insulation can easily be completed in a few days.

Living in comfortable conditions is everyone's dream. Owners of private houses have the opportunity to insulate their homes themselves. Even if the attic space is not used as an attic, but performs a purely technological function, it still needs to be insulated. This is necessary so that warm air from the house does not escape through the attic to the outside. For many years and to this day, the most popular way to preserve heat is to insulate the roof and attic with mineral wool.

In this article

Characteristics of mineral wool as insulation

The most commonly used mineral wool material for roof insulation is produced in rolls and slabs. This thermal insulation material has been very popular for decades due to its properties:

  • Rodents and insects do not spoil it and do not build their burrows here; mineral wool also does not contribute to the appearance of fungus.
  • The material is quite durable and, if installed correctly, can last more than 50 years.
  • Mineral wool does not support combustion and therefore does not contribute to the spread of fire. Up to a temperature of 900 o C does not change its properties and shape.
  • Environmental friendliness is guaranteed by the supplier and is proven by the presence of a certificate. During the production process, all toxic substances are removed from the product and only products that are safe for humans are put on sale.
  • Good protection from noise.
  • Insulating a roof with mineral wool is not very difficult and can be done independently.
  • Over time, the material does not undergo deformation, unlike some others.


Along with these important positive characteristics, mineral wool also has its drawbacks, which can lead to undesirable health consequences, but they can be avoided by adhering to basic safety rules. When insulating a roof with mineral wool with your own hands, you need to take this into account.

In structure, sheets or slabs of mineral wool are more or less loose, so they can crumble, and small particles, getting on open areas of the body or in the respiratory tract, begin to irritate them greatly. Redness of the skin, itching and severe cough appear.

Paying attention to all of the above, when insulating a roof with mineral wool, it is mandatory to use special clothing, gloves and a respirator.

Safety rules for independent work

If you insulate the roof with mineral wool yourself inside the attic, you must adhere to the following safety measures:

  • Be sure to provide ventilation.
  • Cutting tools must be very sharp so that the material crumbles less and less fine fiberglass particles are formed in the air.
  • Use a respirator mask and protective clothing. After carrying out work, be sure to wash your hands and face with plenty of running water.

Stages of roof insulation from the inside

Before you start insulating the roof from the inside with mineral wool, you need to carry out some preparatory work:

  • Check the wooden structures of your roof for various types of defects - rotting, cracks, etc. If such unpleasant phenomena are found on beams or rafters, it is recommended to either clean them or replace them.
  • All replaced parts of the roof must be covered with a moisture-repellent antiseptic coating. This can be easily done at home.
  • It is necessary to check the correct operation of the ventilation, electrical, plumbing and gas systems if these communications pass through the attic.

After all calculations have been made, all required material and completed preparatory work After checking the condition of the attic space, you can proceed to the next stage of work - how to insulate the roof with mineral wool with your own hands. Any man who knows how to hold a hammer can insulate a roof, but despite its apparent simplicity, the process must be taken very seriously and follow the recommendations below.

  • Attach the sheathing system to the rafters. Lay the boards at a distance of 20-30 cm. Place a heat insulator (mineral wool) between the rafters and attach it to the sheathing beams using self-tapping screws.
  • The insulation is laid between the rafters in one or several layers. The thickness of the insulation layer should be calculated so that it is 5 cm less than the width of the rafter beam. The edges of the insulation material must fit tightly to the roof structure. This will provide better thermal insulation during the cold season. But still, if any cracks remain, they must be blown out with foam.
  • On top of the mineral wool, it is necessary to lay waterproofing with a small margin (so that it sags), the strips are overlapped with each other.
  • The next stage in insulation is the installation of the sheathing, to which finishing materials (plasterboard, lining, etc.) will subsequently be attached.


A warm attic will add coziness and warmth to the house during long, cold winters, so the money and effort spent on its insulation will pay off handsomely.

It is more convenient to insulate the roof from the outside, immediately before installing the roofing material. One of the best thermal insulation materials for this is mineral wool. Insulating the roof from the inside with mineral wool is not so convenient, especially when its angle of inclination is small and is usually performed in cases where, during the installation of the roof, its thermal insulation was not performed at all or the previously laid insulation layer is not enough. In this article we will look at the methods, technology and features of such insulation.

Types of mineral wool for roof insulation

To insulate the roof from the inside or outside, two types of mineral wool in the form of slabs can be used:

  • Glass wool;
  • Stone (basalt wool).

Glass wool is an insulation consisting of thin (3-15 microns) glass threads. Plates made from this material are characterized by elasticity, strength and fire resistance. A positive point is also the relatively low cost of this material. The main disadvantage of glass wool is the need for special care when working with it to prevent glass fiber from getting on the skin, eyes and respiratory organs. This is especially important when insulating a roof from the inside, when insulation boards sometimes have to be mounted above themselves. Therefore, when working with this type of mineral wool, it is imperative to use a respirator, safety glasses, gloves and protective clothing that reliably covers the entire body.

Basalt or stone wool consists of thin fibers of natural stone material - gabbro-basalt, to bind which various composite substances or bentonite clay are added to the material. In addition, a certain amount of crushed carbonate rocks is added to such mineral wool during the production process, which makes it possible to regulate its acidity, and, consequently, its durability. Plates made of basalt wool, compared to glass wool, are less rigid and more expensive, but this material is safer from the point of view of contact with the skin or respiratory system and therefore has become more widespread. Although when working with this type of mineral wool, it is also necessary to use protective clothing and a respirator. Basalt (stone) wool, as well as glass wool, is a non-flammable material, is not subject to rotting and, in fact, is the most suitable material for roof insulation both inside and outside.

It should be noted that although the mineral wool fibers themselves are not subject to rotting, these insulation materials are water-permeable and through them moisture can penetrate into the room and onto wooden structures. In addition, at the same time, the thermal insulation properties are reduced. Therefore, when insulating a roof from the inside with mineral wool, it is necessary to take care of reliable waterproofing of the insulation on the roof side and its vapor barrier on the room side.

Methods for insulating a roof from the inside with mineral wool

In practice, roof insulation from the inside with mineral wool can be done in two ways:

  • only the space between the rafters is covered with insulation, while they themselves remain open;
  • mineral wool fills not only the space between the rafters, but is also mounted on top of them, or rather below.

As a rule, the first method is used when the required thickness of the insulation (in our case, mineral wool) is less than or equal to the width of the rafters. The second method is usually used if the required thickness of the mineral wool layer for reliable insulation of the roof (usually 150-200 mm) is greater than the width of the rafters.
Let's consider the procedure for roof insulation in both cases.

Installation of mineral wool between rafters

This is the easiest way to insulate a roof from the inside with mineral wool. In this case, the insulation boards are mounted side by side between the rafter legs. To do this, their size should slightly exceed the distance between the rafters (by 2-3 cm). Otherwise, they will not hold well, especially at a low roof angle, and you will have to resort to additional fastening. One option would be to keep the slabs from sagging and falling out using a fishing line stretched between nails driven into the lower edge of the rafters. In this case, first the nails are hammered in such a way that the fishing line can then be fixed, then a row of insulation is laid, and the fishing line is pulled on top (two rows are enough). If the angle of the roof is large enough (45° or more), then usually there is no need for additional fastening of the insulation.

Before starting work, you should make sure that the bottom surface of all the rafters of the slope is in the same plane. This can happen if materials of different sections were used for the rafters. To do this, you can stretch the cord between the outer rafter legs. If the rafters were made from timber of the same cross-section, then such problems, as a rule, do not arise.

In order for the mineral wool to be reliably isolated from atmospheric moisture, even at the stage of roof installation it is necessary to lay waterproofing material along the rafters. If this is not done, then in the process of insulating the roof from the inside it will be difficult to waterproof the insulation. It is advisable to leave a small ventilation gap between the mineral wool slabs and the waterproofing.

If the thickness of the insulation used (usually 50-100 mm) is less than the required total thickness of the thermal insulation layer (usually: 150-200 mm), then the slabs are laid in two layers, preferably with joints spaced apart.

After laying the insulation, it is covered with a vapor barrier membrane. Typically, this material is attached to the rafters with staples using a stapler. The canvases are laid across the rafters with an overlap of 10-15 cm, fastening them together with tape.

Rice. 1 Insulating the space between the rafters with mineral wool

In Fig. 1: 1 - roof; 2 - sheathing or continuous lining; 3 — counter-lattice (timber); 4 - waterproofing; 5 - mineral wool; 6 - vapor barrier; 7 - rafter leg; 8 - internal sheathing made of slats; 9 - interior lining.

Mounted on top of the vapor barrier finishing material: plasterboard, plywood, particle boards or lining. It is attached directly to the rafters using wood screws or to a sheathing of wooden slats nailed across the rafters on top of the vapor barrier material. Although such a sheathing takes up some useful volume, it provides an additional ventilation gap.

The main disadvantage of this method of roof insulation is that the dimensions of the insulation boards have to be adjusted to the distance between the rafters, and if these dimensions do not correspond to each other (which is most often), waste is obtained that cannot always be used.

Installing insulation over rafters

In the case when the cross-section of the rafters does not allow laying a layer of insulation of the required thickness between them, a method is used in which a layer of mineral wool slab is additionally laid on top of the rafters. In this case, the insulation of the space between the rafters is carried out in the same way as in the previous case. But instead of lathing, horizontal bars are placed on top of the vapor barrier, the thickness of which should be 1-2 cm greater than the thickness of the mineral wool layer that will be laid between them. These additional horizontal bars are fixed in increments that must correspond to the dimensions of the slabs (2-3 cm less than their height), so that they fit tightly between the bars without additional fastening. These same bars will further serve as a frame for installing the internal cladding material.

Rice. 2 Thermal insulation of the roof with mineral wool in two layers

In Fig. 2: 1,2 - roof elements; 3 - rafters; 4 — counter-lattice beam; 5 - waterproofing; 6 - sheathing; 7 - ventilation gap; 8 — internal lining; 9, 11 - mineral wool; 10 - air gap (gap 1-2 cm); 12 — additional horizontal beam; 13 - vapor barrier.

In conclusion

The technology for insulating a roof with mineral wool using the methods discussed above is quite simple, which makes it possible to use them if you do this work yourself. They can be used when insulating an attic roof from the inside, when arranging living rooms there, or simply wanting to reduce heat loss through the roof, thereby reducing the cost of heating the house. In addition to the methods discussed, there are more complex options for thermal insulation of the roof from the inside, as well as insulation options using other thermal insulation materials, which we will also try to consider in other articles in this section.

When installing a warm attic or attic, the roof of a house needs thermal protection. Most often, when constructing the roof of a private house, it is made pitched, this allows you to use the space under the roof and significantly reduce the cost of 1 m2 of area. When carrying out measures for thermal protection of pitched roof structures, mineral wool has become the most common material. Insulating the roof with mineral wool from the inside allows you to achieve excellent thermal protection.

What is mineral wool

Mineral wool is a fairly common material that is available in several types. The first classification is based on the origin of the raw materials. There are three types of mineral wool:

The most commonly used material is basalt fiber. In addition, the division occurs according to the shape of the insulation. It is produced in two types:

Mineral wool slabs are more durable. When insulating the roof with your own hands, securing them is quite simple. Rolled material has low strength, but at the same time its weight is lower than that of plates. When pitched roof slopes are more than 30 degrees, insulation in rolls is not used. In other cases, it will become a cheaper alternative to slab insulation.

Pros and cons of the material

Roof insulation with mineral wool has the following positive properties:

  • high heat-protective characteristics;
  • strength and durability;
  • resistance to biological influences (mold, fungus, rodents);
  • resistance to fire and high temperatures, which is especially important when ensuring the fire safety of a wooden house;
  • when insulated from the inside, the slabs hold quite well without additional fastening (during operation, the bottom sheathing becomes an additional holding element);
  • Do-it-yourself thermal protection with mineral wool ensures free movement of air through the material, this has a beneficial effect on the microclimate of the premises of the house.

It must be remembered that protecting the pitched roof of a house with mineral wool has its own characteristics and disadvantages:

  • DIY installation requires special clothing, gloves and a mask, since fiber particles getting on the skin and lungs cause itching and irritation;
  • a sufficiently high degree of water absorption of mineral wool requires the mandatory presence of vapor barrier and waterproofing;
  • When insulating a house with mineral wool, it is important to remember that it weighs more than, for example, polystyrene foam or penoplex.

Calculation of insulation thickness and rafter height

When choosing the height of a board or beam for rafter legs, you must be guided not only by strength calculations, but also take into account the thickness of the insulation. For central Russia, the thickness of the mineral wool layer for a residential building is in the range of 100-150 mm; for the northern regions, the thickness should be increased.

For example, the required height of the rafter leg is 150 mm, and the thickness of the insulation is 180 mm. In this case, you will need to increase the height of the rafters so that it allows you to completely lay mineral wool between the wooden structures and provide a ventilated layer 5 cm thick. If necessary, you can use boards of small cross-section, laid along the rafters. Such boards are called counter-lattice and allow you to competently perform thermal protection of the roof of a house with your own hands from the inside.

You can perform a full thickness calculation without special skills. To do this, you will need to install the Teremok PC application or use the online version.

The program is a fairly simple calculator that can calculate the required insulation thickness or check the already accepted one.

Technology of roof insulation with mineral wool from the inside

To increase the thermal insulation capacity of the roof structure from the inside using mineral wool, it is necessary to prepare the following materials:

Recently, diffusion moisture- and wind-proof membranes are often used, which combine two functions.

To ensure the comfort of the house and its normal operation, the layers of the roofing cake should be arranged in the following order from bottom to top:

  • covering the ceiling from the inside of the room;
  • bottom sheathing;
  • vapor barrier;
  • rafter legs;
  • insulation between rafters;
  • waterproofing;
  • sheathing;
  • roofing covering.

There are other options for fixing mineral wool material: from below the rafters from inside the room or from above. Such methods are used extremely rarely.

Layers of roofing cake with mineral wool

Work on insulation and construction of the roof of the house begins with the installation of the rafter system. After installation load-bearing structures a layer of waterproofing is laid, after which mineral wool slabs are installed from the inside. The next stage of work is the installation of the bottom sheathing, top sheathing and roofing. At the last moment, work is being done to finish the interior of the room. For this, plasterboard sheets 12.5 mm thick in two layers are most often used.

Safety precautions

When independently insulating the roof of a house from the inside with mineral wool, the following precautions must be observed:

  • the room should be well ventilated;
  • cutting tools are used as sharp as possible to reduce the crumbling of mineral fibers;
  • workers must have gloves and a mask that will prevent particles of material from entering the skin and lungs;
  • After completing the work, it is strongly recommended to immediately change clothes, wash your hands thoroughly, and then wash your face with cold water.

When fiber particles come into contact with the skin, redness and itching appear. To avoid unpleasant sensations, it is enough to follow safety precautions.

The use of mineral wool in construction is very wide. This material is most often used for roofs, since it fits best between the rafters and has many other positive characteristics.

In order for mineral wool to last a long time and not cause problems during operation, it is enough to follow the installation technology and purchase high-quality material. There are several well-known manufacturers on the market, such as Rockwool, Isover, Ursa, Paroc. These materials are used in many types of construction and have proven themselves.

Insulating the roof from the inside with mineral wool: step-by-step instructions

Mineral wool is recognized as one of the most popular materials for insulating roofs from the inside. We will tell you how to properly insulate a roof with mineral wool with your own hands.

How to insulate a roof from the inside with mineral wool - features of laying mineral wool on the roof

Installing a warm roof requires the installation of an insulating layer. As a rule, slopes are insulated after the completion of the rafter system assembly, but before installing the roofing - and this technology is considered optimal. However, sometimes annoying problems occur, and after assembling the roof it turns out that the existing insulation is not enough for normal thermal insulation.

The need for roof insulation

In such cases, it is necessary to insulate the roof from the inside with mineral wool - this allows you to compensate for the level of heat loss. How the roof is insulated from the inside with mineral wool will be discussed in this article.

There are two fundamental technologies for insulating a roof from the inside:

  • Laying insulation between the frame rafters;
  • Laying insulation above the rafters.

Each technology for roof insulation with mineral wool will be considered in more detail.

Types of insulation

Of course, it is necessary to insulate the slopes only when installing a warm roof. The thermal insulation layer is laid in the space between the rafters at the stage of roof installation when there is no finishing coating yet - this approach is quite convenient and does not require significant effort.

Roof insulation can be performed with the following types of mineral wool:

  1. Glass wool. This heat-insulating material contains glass fiber with a thickness of no more than 15 microns. Glass wool can be produced in rolls, slabs or mats. The characteristics of this insulation are impressive: excellent thermal insulation properties, good fire resistance and complete resistance to biological factors. The material, produced in the form of slabs, is quite convenient and very easy to install. Glass wool can easily be classified as a budget insulation material if you take a closer look at the cost of alternative heat insulators. The main disadvantage of this material is its ability to cause irritation upon contact with exposed areas. human body, so you have to work with it exclusively in a full set of personal protective equipment.
  2. Basalt (stone) wool. This material also contains fibers, but they are presented here natural mineral– basalt. Additional components include some carbonate rocks, bentonite clay and several other composites. Basalt wool is completely non-flammable, has excellent thermal insulation properties and is resistant to mold and mildew. The structure of this material is not so strong, and its price is about 1.5-2 times higher than glass wool, but safety and ease of installation have done their job - and therefore basalt wool is in much greater demand.

There is also a third type of mineral wool - slag wool. It is pointless to consider insulating a roof with your own hands from the inside using mineral wool of this type, since it is not used for internal roof insulation due to its extremely negative impact on the human body.

Installation of mineral wool between the rafters from the inside of the roof

When laying thermal insulation material from the inside roofing structure the most simple option it will be installed in the space between the rafters. True, this method is only relevant if the thickness of the insulating layer does not exceed the width of the rafters, otherwise you will have to do combined thermal insulation of the roof.

Insulating the roof with mineral wool from the inside in this case will look like this:

  1. The first step is to take a building level and measure the lower level of the rafters, which should be uniform along the entire perimeter of the frame. If there are deviations from the level, it is necessary to align all the rafters so that they run along the same line.
  2. A waterproofing film must be laid in advance on top of the rafters, which protects the insulation from moisture. If this film was not used when installing the roof, then it will no longer be possible to lay it, so the thermal insulation will be without proper protection.
  3. Mineral wool is cut into suitable pieces. When installing insulation between the rafter legs, the material is fixed due to the bursting force, so the cut elements should be 2-3 cm wider than the distance between the rafters. When laying the material in two layers, you need to ensure that the joints of one layer do not coincide with the joints of the other.
  4. The next step is adjusting the vapor barrier. Cut membrane strips are installed above the insulation to protect it from moisture and air. The vapor barrier membrane is installed parallel to the roof slope and fixed with a construction stapler.
  5. The last stage is covering the insulation, for which plasterboard, plywood or edged board. In the future, the cladding will act as a support for the decorative finishing of the attic walls.

When installing insulation on a roof with a slope angle of less than 25 degrees, the following situation may arise: the insulating boards will simply fall out due to a lack of pushing force. To prevent this from happening, the insulation must be additionally reinforced with slats or strong fishing line stretched between the rafters. On slopes with a large slope this problem usually does not arise.

Do-it-yourself installation of mineral wool on rafters

If the width of the thermal insulation material does not allow it to fit into the space between the rafters, its installation will have to be carried out in two stages. One layer of material will be laid according to the technology described above, and the second will be laid on top of the already installed layer. Such insulation of the roof with mineral wool is much more expensive, but the result is of better quality.

Insulation of the roof with mineral wool along the rafters is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. The first steps exactly repeat the installation algorithm between the rafters - the installation step of the rafter legs is measured, after which the insulation is cut so that it can be mounted by surprise. When using rolled material, you need to let it lie flat for a while.
  2. During installation, the edges of the slabs are folded inward, and after installing the insulation, they are straightened.
  3. A vapor barrier is attached to the rafters using a stapler. The rules are still the same: strips of material are laid with a slight overlap so that steam does not pass through the joints.
  4. Slats are nailed horizontally to the rafters, the thickness of which should exceed the thickness of the insulation by 1-2 cm. The distance between the slats should be sufficient for laying heat-insulating boards.
  5. Mineral wool is placed between the stuffed slats. When laying, you need to ensure that the joints of the material do not coincide with the joints of the previous layer.
  6. The final stage is the external cladding, for which any finishing material can be used.

This roof insulation technology is considered the most effective, therefore, when deciding how to properly insulate a roof with mineral wool, you should give preference to this option.

Insulating the roof from the inside with mineral wool is quite effective remedy to protect the roof from the cold. Knowledge of the theory and competent implementation of the chosen technology will allow you to create a reliable roof, under which it will be possible to arrange a living space in the future.

Insulating the roof from the inside with mineral wool with your own hands: technology for insulating the roof with mineral wool, how to properly insulate

Insulating the roof from the inside with mineral wool with your own hands: technology for insulating the roof with mineral wool, how to properly insulate

Insulation materials

The roof insulation procedure is a fairly important process, which can significantly prevent heat loss not only in the attic, but throughout the entire house. One of the most popular roof insulation materials is mineral wool, as it has zero moisture absorption, resistance to temperature changes and good performance characteristics. We’ll look further at how to properly insulate a roof with mineral wool.

Mineral wool for the roof: advantages and characteristics

Mineral wool is widely used in the process of insulating not only the roof, but also most other structural elements of the building. The scope of application of mineral wool extends to:

  • arrangement of floor systems;
  • insulation under plaster;
  • arrangement of suspended ventilated facades;
  • insulation of indoor walls;

  • heat insulator for roofing systems;
  • insulation of attics or balcony structures;
  • three-layer concrete panels.

This is primarily due to the following advantages of this material:

  • availability wide range products - mineral wool is produced in roll form, in the form of slabs or mats, thus it is possible to choose the optimal option that is best suited for insulating a particular area of ​​the building, also mineral wool differs in relation to density - rolled materials are lighter, and slabs – have a high density;
  • mineral wool is resistant to moisture and various types of atmospheric influences, so it is used both indoors and outdoors;
  • high thermal insulation is another important advantage of this material; mineral wool has a porous structure, which consists of small layers, thus ensuring good heat retention and high level soundproofing;
  • fire safety - mineral wool is not prone to burning and is not capable of spreading fire, so it is easily used in the process of insulating interfloor ceilings; according to certain manufacturers, mineral wool can withstand temperatures of more than 900 degrees Celsius;

  • lack of tendency to deformation is another important parameter, according to which mineral wool does not shrink, and therefore does not form so-called cold bridges that improve heat losses;
  • good frost resistance allows this material to be used outdoors or for insulating external structural elements of a building;
  • environmental safety - mineral wool is used as insulation in children's rooms, medical and health resort institutions;
  • By choosing mineral wool as insulation, you can save a lot, since the material has a high density.

Despite this, some disadvantages of mineral wool should be highlighted:

  • low level of strength, which is explained by the high porosity of the material;
  • this insulation provides reliable thermal insulation only in combination with other materials, such as a vapor barrier membrane or waterproofing film;
  • mineral wool in combination with fiberglass is unsafe due to the addition of aldehyde forms.

Mineral wool for roof insulation - features of choice

In relation to the primary raw material from which mineral wool is made, it can be:

Stone mineral wool is made by melting various types of stone fibers, from which thermal insulation boards are formed. Phenol-formaldehyde resin is used to connect these fibers. During the manufacturing process of wool, substances harmful to humans are neutralized, so stone wool is an environmentally friendly material.

Due to its excellent thermal and sound insulation characteristics, mineral wool is one of the most popular insulation materials. The main positive property of this material is low thermal conductivity, thanks to this it is possible to achieve savings of one ton of standard fuel per year, per square meter of material.

In addition, mineral wool is resistant to the appearance of mold and mildew; it is not eaten by insects and rodents, unlike polystyrene foam. The fire safety of mineral wool allows the material to be used as insulation for objects whose temperature does not exceed 900 degrees Celsius.

The vapor permeability of mineral wool allows you to avoid the accumulation of moisture in it, thus, excess moisture from the room is removed to the outside with its help. The service life of this material exceeds 45 years. Stone wool is very resistant to bending and deformation, so it is used in insulating systems with heavy loads.

Due to the fact that mineral fibers are arranged in a chaotic manner, this material has excellent soundproofing characteristics.

Thermal energy most often leaves the building through uninsulated areas of the roof. Therefore, even non-residential premises require roof insulation. Thus, it is possible not only to reduce the level of heat losses, but also to extend the life of the materials used in the process of finishing the attic space.

The use of mineral wool has unlimited applications. The simplest and best option is to install mineral wool on the roof of a non-residential premises. To do this, you will need material in the form of slabs, which are laid on a floor made of concrete or wood. This procedure is simple and does not require bending the rafters. For these purposes, it is best to use rigid slabs with maximum density.

Please note that this procedure also requires adjusting the seams. To ensure complete thermal insulation, slab material 250 mm thick is sufficient.

There is practically no space for attic space on it, therefore, only insulation is located on such a roof. To insulate ventilated roofs, it is necessary to follow the same technology as when insulating a non-residential roof. A layer of insulation 250 mm thick is installed on the floor; if the roof is unventilated, then a vapor barrier film is laid before the thermal insulation. Next, mineral wool is installed; dowels are used to fix the insulation. In addition, it is possible to use bitumen mastic, which improves the adhesion between mineral wool and the surface. Roofing felt is laid on top of the covering.

It is most difficult to install mineral wool on a pitched roof with a rafter structure. In this case, the consumption of material and the time for its installation increases significantly. Thermal insulation material is laid on the sheathing between the elements of the rafter system.

Please note that the wool should have a high density, but should not be too heavy, as it will load the roof structure. To cover joints, cotton wool should be laid in two or three layers. Installation of mineral wool should be carried out at temperatures up to 22 degrees, humidity about 35% and in the absence of any kind of drafts.

Technology of roof insulation with mineral wool: insulation methods

To obtain a high-quality insulated roof using mineral wool, you should carefully calculate the thickness, type and amount of material. In addition, it is necessary to comply with all technological features of this process.

In order to reduce heat loss in the room, a number of actions should be taken:

  • insulate the attic - this particular room acts as a barrier that does not allow warm air to leave the rooms; if insulation is not carried out in the attic, then all the heat will fall on it, even with a well-insulated roof, the rooms will be cool;
  • insulate the roof - insulated roof is the second stage, which protects the building from heat losses, please note that high-quality insulation requires strict adherence to all the rules and instructions that are specified in the instructions for insulating materials.

Mineral wool for roofing: attic insulation

For the manufacture of interfloor, including attic, reinforced concrete slabs or load-bearing beams are used. In the first case, the insulation is located directly on the surface of the slabs, and in the second - in the space between the beams.

Please note that for high-quality insulation, you first need to lay a vapor barrier material, which will help protect the insulation from steam and moisture. When installing a vapor barrier, carefully read the instructions for its use. Since the vapor barrier film is characterized by one-sided functionality, its incorrect installation will lead to failure to fulfill its functions.

In addition, it is possible to use sawdust for roof insulation. This material is used in combination with clay, sand, cement and even lime. The solution perfectly insulates the roof, provides the room with a healthy microclimate, and also has an antiseptic effect.

In addition, expanded clay, an artificial material that has a large number of pores that perform the insulation function, is widely used as insulation for the attic.

These methods will require less money, although the quality is in no way inferior to mineral wool. The feasibility of a particular insulation method should be selected based on the materials from which the building is constructed, its area, height and other individual parameters.

How to insulate a roof with mineral wool: pitched roof

To insulate the roof with mineral wool, you will need to build a so-called “warm multi-layer structure”. It consists of hydro-steam and heat-insulating materials. The pitched part of this roof consists of a multi-layer cake, which is installed both outside and inside the roof.

To increase the efficiency of roof insulation, a number of actions should be taken:

  • install a vapor barrier that can prevent air that is too saturated with moisture from entering the under-roof space;
  • the main material is mineral wool, preferably stone wool;
  • in order to protect the entire system from moisture and atmospheric influences, it is recommended to install waterproofing;
  • to form a ventilation gap, a counter-grid is filled, which also removes condensation;
  • Next, the roofing finishing material is directly installed.

Do-it-yourself roof insulation with mineral wool from the inside

In order to avoid mistakes during the insulation process, read the recommendations for performing this process:

1. When insulating the roof from the inside with mineral wool, you should make sure that the insulation does not block the ventilation hole.

2. If a superdiffusion membrane is used during work, the insulation must lie very tightly on it to avoid blocking the ventilation gap.

3. When using a standard roofing film, you need to create two gaps, upper and lower.

4. Insulation slabs laid in rows must have unequal joints that do not coincide with each other.

5. For a more even fit of the insulation on the surface of the rafters, you should choose a material slightly wider than this distance.

6. Please note that thermal insulation in the form of mineral wool must fit very tightly together.

7. When choosing mineral wool as insulation, in mandatory waterproofing is being installed. In addition, monitor the quality of the film connection and the absence of joints.

8. For more reliable fixation Mineral wool slabs use self-tapping screws or wire stretched over the rafters.

How to insulate a roof with mineral wool: stages of insulation

Before starting insulation work, you should perform the following steps:

  • check the roofing system and all its elements - if there is dampness, defects, rotting, the damaged elements should be replaced;
  • use antiseptic compounds to treat the roof;
  • In addition, communication systems such as electricity and water supply should be checked.

It is necessary to leave a space between the roof and the insulation layer to ensure ventilation. When laying insulation on the surface of the rafters, it is possible to equip not only a thermal insulation system, but also good sound insulation.

Roof insulation is a rather complex process, during which inexperienced specialists make mistakes, which we suggest considering:

  • do not use materials whose width is less than the width of the space between the rafters, as the gaps will significantly increase the heat loss of the building;
  • It is prohibited to use thermal insulation material with high humidity, as this will lead to rotting of the wood from which the roofing system is made;
  • neglecting to install a vapor and waterproofing system will lead to the fact that all material costs spent on insulation will not be justified, since without these components the system will not work properly.

If you plan to insulate a residential attic space, it is recommended to use a film with a reinforced coating to improve the microclimate.

Pay special attention to the areas where the ceiling and walls meet. If there are cornices in the room, they should also be insulated. If there are difficult areas, the film is fixed using a stapler.

Roof insulation with mineral wool, Construction portal

Insulation The roof insulation procedure is a fairly important process, which can significantly prevent heat loss not only in the attic, but throughout the entire house. One of the most

Instructions for insulating a roof with mineral wool with your own hands

When deciding to insulate a roof, questions inevitably arise regarding the choice of material. One of the most popular is mineral wool. This insulation has been used in construction for quite some time now. large quantity time and does not give up its positions. It is made in the form of a roll or plates with different thicknesses. After studying these instructions, you can do the insulation of the roof with mineral wool yourself.

Features of mineral wool

It is not for nothing that mineral wool is very popular as insulation. This material is easy to work with and has a number of advantages, including:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • combustion resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to aggressive environments;
  • high level of heat saving;
  • good noise absorption;
  • hydrophobicity. This property manifests itself as resistance to wetting; You cannot rely only on the hydrophobic qualities of mineral wool. It is imperative to take measures to protect the under-roof space from moisture. When wet, any insulation will reduce its effectiveness by a couple of times.
  • high resistance to deformation;
  • ease of installation;
  • length of service life.

Unlike foam plastic, careless transportation of the material will not lead to damage. And thanks to the softness of mineral wool, it is easy to install.

Despite similar insulation procedures, mineral wool differs from ecowool, which appeared on the construction market not so long ago, which is an insulator characterized by friability and light weight. Ecowool contains cellulose, antiseptics and boric acid.

Instructions for insulating a pitched roof

The entire installation process can be divided into several stages of work:

Instructions for insulating a flat roof

All flat roofs are divided into ventilated and non-ventilated. Let's consider both types.

Ventilated flat roof

The process of insulating it is similar to the scheme for working with non-residential premises in the attic. This roof design ensures a minimum distance between the slope and the ceiling, which makes it difficult to move in the under-roof space and reduces the functions of the room to technical ones only.

Mineral wool slabs 20 cm thick are suitable for work. The material is laid on the floor of the attic. Dowels are used as fastening elements. In addition to the mechanical installation method, it is possible to use glue or hot mastic, but the latter method has not gained much popularity. For proper operation of the insulation, it is necessary to place the construction film under it in one layer.

Stages of work

  • First, the condition of the entire roofing pie is checked. Damaged elements must be replaced.
  • To further insulate the attic, it is possible to lay a layer of mineral wool on top of the existing one.
  • Before installing mineral wool slabs, you should clean the surface of the floor that will be insulated. When using reinforced concrete slabs In the ceiling, a vapor barrier device is not necessary, because concrete does not allow moisture to pass through.
  • The beams must also be insulated or covered with insulating materials, or mats must be laid (rolled insulation can be used) between the beams. But before this, it is necessary to install a vapor barrier layer.
  • When using foil material, installation is carried out by placing the slabs with the foil down.
  • A ventilation gap must be left near the cornice.

Unventilated flat roof

Concrete slabs or wood are used as the base, depending on the material from which the house is built. The peculiarity of this type of roof is the absence of any gap between the roof and the ceiling. Therefore, it is necessary to install mineral wool directly on the base.

Stages of work

  • The vapor barrier film is laid on the base of the roof.
  • After this, you can begin laying mineral wool slabs. It is recommended to do this with a checkerboard arrangement of the material so that the joints are not located along the same line. The slabs must be fitted tightly together. The most suitable thickness of the thermal insulation layer is 25 cm.
  • Next, roofing felt is laid on top of the mineral wool slabs.

An unventilated flat roof can have various types of thermal insulation:

  1. Single layer. For this purpose, hard mineral wool slabs are used, which have increased strength. But their thermal insulation qualities are not great.
  2. Two layer system. For this purpose, elastic plates are suitable for forming the first row, and harder ones are used for the second. In this way, a structure is obtained in which the bottom layer exhibits excellent thermal insulation qualities, and the top layer helps to compensate for the sensitivity of the first row to various mechanical damage. The material used is basalt mineral wool.
  3. Mixed two-layer system. This option is similar in design to the previous one, but differs in the use of two types of mineral wool slabs. Glass wool is used for the bottom layer, and basalt wool is used for the top layer.

Do-it-yourself roof insulation with mineral wool: technology, methods, etc.

How to insulate a roof with mineral wool yourself. Features of performing work with a pitched and flat roof