Fortune telling for the old New Year and Christmas time. Fortune telling on a wish on a chain. Fortune telling on wax

The Old New Year is still one of my favorite holidays. He is revered not only by children and believers, but also by those who want to lift the veil to the future. After all, January 13 is also known for the fact that on this day you can find out your destiny with the help of magical rituals. It is believed that on holy evening fortune-telling for the future is the most truthful, and the answers to questions received are very accurate.

Many beliefs, rituals and traditions associated with the old New Year have survived to this day, but, unfortunately, some of them have lost their relevance over time. For example, it is now difficult to imagine a person who would guess the future by listening to sounds under the neighbors’ windows.

In the modern world, most likely, they will not react very adequately to the fact that a stranger is hiding at exactly midnight and trying to catch someone else’s conversation. The same can be said regarding the ritual with a log, which girls used to perform when telling fortunes about their betrothed, because it is difficult to find a mountain of firewood and pull out a block of wood in the middle of the city. However, over the centuries, many have come down to us that can be easily used in large cities and in modern conditions.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year: what you need to know?

If you decide to devote the evening of the Old New Year to fortune telling for your betrothed or for the future, then in order for everything to work out for you, you need to follow certain recommendations.

  1. All rituals related to fortune telling are best performed after sunset.
  2. Make sure in advance that there will be no pets nearby during fortune telling, otherwise otherworldly forces may get scared and not give an accurate answer to the questions posed.
  3. If you need candles for a ritual, it is better to use church candles. This way you will be protected from the negative actions of spirits; they will not be able to give you false answers or scare you.
  4. Don't be upset if you receive a bad omen, because you have the power to influence your future. Consider that you have learned a possible scenario, and not the final verdict. If you have been predicted to have a long-term illness, perhaps it is time to take care of your health and undergo a comprehensive examination.
  5. If you are not satisfied with the answer you received, then you should not perform other rituals on the same topic. Because even if you later receive a prediction that satisfies you, it may be false, it’s just that otherworldly forces decided to deceive you too.

Christmas fortune telling for the Old New Year

The ancient rituals presented are still particularly popular today, since they can be performed in modern conditions, both at home and on the street.

Fortune telling with cups

The ceremony can be performed in the company of familiar unmarried girls. For the ritual you will need seven cups or bowls. The following items are placed in six bowls: a coin, salt, sugar, a ring, an onion, a piece of bread, and water is poured into the seventh. The bowls are swapped, and each girl in turn, with her eyes closed, chooses a bowl for herself. Salt means quarrels and conflicts, sugar - good news, ring - engagement, coin - rich husband bread - a prosperous family life, water - a calm fate, onion - bitter tears.

Fortune telling by wish

You need to write your wishes on pieces of paper and mix them with the same number of empty leaves. Place all the pieces of paper in some container and pull out three pieces at random. What was pulled out will be destined to come true in the new year. If you come across blank leaves, it means that your desires are not yet destined to come true.

Fortune telling with money

Place a piece of wood, a pebble, a silver ring, and a gold earring in a large bowl and pull it out at random. Silver means a successful year in material terms, goldO – large monetary profit, stone – career advancement, tree - financial losses.

Fortune telling for a passerby

In the evening, when you go outside, turn your attention to the first person you meet. If this is a young guy, then this year you will begin a romantic relationship, but an old man or an elderly man does not foretell any visible changes in his personal life. A meeting with a girl or woman promises separation.

Fortune telling for future children

This ritual is suitable for both unmarried girls and women who are married but do not have children yet. In the evening, pour water into a cup, lower the ring and leave it in the cold overnight. In the morning, pay attention to the number of tubercles and dimples formed on the ice crust. The tubercles foretell sons, and the dimples foretell daughters.

Sleepy fortune telling for the Old New Year

Place the King of Diamonds card under your pillow before going to bed. What you dream about will come true.

Fortune telling with dumplings

Guests are served dumplings on the table and in some of them, along with the filling, certain items are placed, each of which has its own interpretation for the entire next year:

  • sugar - good luck in all matters;
  • salt - tears;
  • coin - financial profit;
  • dill - good health;
  • grain - profit;
  • thread - long road;
  • ring - engagement;
  • bay leaf - promotion up the career ladder;
  • raisins - temptation;
  • flour - litigation;
  • dough - the birth of a child.

The Old New Year coincides with Vasily's Day. Namely, this day in ancient Rus' was endowed with magical powers and was prophetic. It was believed that fortune telling for the Old New Year made it possible to obtain reliable information on any issue.

There are many popular beliefs and signs associated with this day, such as:

    It was not advisable to say the word “thirteen” throughout the day, so as not to attract evil spirits into your home; When paying for any goods, you cannot count the change in small change, otherwise you will shed tears all year; On the evening of the Old New Year, you cannot borrow anything from your own home, otherwise the entire next year will pass in debt; On the evening of Old New Year, you cannot take trash out of the house, otherwise you can take your own happiness with it.

Ancient fortune telling for January 14

Fortune telling was very popular in ancient times. Therefore, many rituals are rooted in the deep past. In the modern world, they are not so easy to accomplish. But they allow you to get an accurate answer to your question.

Ritual with a rooster

In Russian villages, a ritual with a rooster was held on the Old New Year. It made it possible to determine whether luck awaited the family in the coming year. To do this, closer to midnight, the rooster was removed from the roost and brought into the house, where wheat grains were first scattered on the floor.

It was necessary to pay attention to the following:

    If the rooster pecked all the grains, then next year good luck will not bypass your home, and peace and harmony will reign in your family; If the bird pecks only a couple of grains, then you need to prepare for the wedding; If the rooster refused to peck the grains, then the year as a whole will be unsuccessful.

Let's guess with the whole family

Another family ritual was also very popular. When everyone gathers at the festive table, you need to put a bowl of water in the middle and throw in small pieces of bread, the number of which should match the number of family members.

Having swirled the water with your finger, you should say the following magic words:

After this, the container should be set aside until the morning. In the morning you need to look at the result of fortune telling. If the bread remains in the pile, then the whole family will survive throughout the coming year. And if even one piece falls off, then it may well be that trouble will happen to one of the family members. If all the pieces of bread fall apart, then the family will fall apart, but this may also mean that in the coming year everyone will disperse.

Fortune telling by wax

Fortune telling for the Old New Year using wax is very popular in the modern world. You should know that fortune telling using wax should be taken very seriously. This is due to the fact that wax is a very powerful magical attribute that can work with human energy.

For the ritual, in order to obtain wax for fortune telling, you need to melt one church candle in the flame of another. Typically this is done in a tablespoon. Having melted the wax, you need to pour it into a previously prepared container with water. After it hardens, the resulting cake should be examined and interpreted in relation to your own question.

In any case, the main factor is the shape of the resulting figure. If it is round, then this is already a good omen, which indicates that the person will be lucky in the coming year. The presence of sharp corners and peaks around the perimeter indicates that you are surrounded by ill-wishers, from whom you should expect trouble in the coming year. The interpretation of wax depends entirely on the imagination of the person performing the ceremony. And at the same time, it is very important to listen to your inner feelings.

Decoding on wax

Among the most popular interpretations are the following:

    Numbers and letters can be associated with specific dates, names, or the names of specific places; Straight lines on a wax figurine indicate that successful endeavors await you in the new year; Clear dots on the wax foreshadow possible profits; A figure resembling an angel or wings indicates that when solving complex problems you can count on the help of higher powers; A woman's figure may indicate the presence of a rival; The figure of a man predicts a quick acquaintance in the near future or even marriage; The figure of a child indicates both the birth of a child in the coming year and the beginning of a new business; The figure of a cat warns of imminent betrayal among close friends; The figure of the dog emphasizes that close friends will always be with you in the coming year.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

Fortune telling for the betrothed for the Old New Year was very popular among girls. There were many customs with the help of which girls could predict their marriage.

Using a towel

In our time, fortune telling came, which involved the use of a towel. For the ceremony you need to purchase a snow-white thin towel. On the night before the Old New Year, when going to bed, you should hang your towel outside. In the modern world, an item can be hung on a balcony.

During this, the following words had to be said:

“My betrothed, I’m waiting for you, love is stored in my soul for you, come quickly, let me know about you, dry yourself with a towel.”

After this, you had to go straight to bed, imagining your betrothed, that is, endowing him with traits that will be dear to you. Early in the morning you need to go out and feel the towel. If it is wet, it means that the betrothed has come and will get married in the coming year. If the towel remains dry, there will be no wedding next year.

On the husband's character

There is also a simple and, one might say, half-comic fortune-telling that will tell a girl what her future husband will be like. To do this, you need to place five plates on the floor and, accordingly, in them:
    Pour in coins; Pour vodka; Put down the cigarettes; Put down the mirror; Put down the book.
After this, you need to launch a rooster into the room and, being at a certain distance, watch it if the rooster pecks:
    Coins, then the husband will be rich; Vodka, then the future spouse will have a passion for drinking; Cigarettes, then the man in your life will smoke; Mirror, then you will come across a handsome man; A book, then your spouse will be very smart.

In the name of the future husband

To find out the name of your future husband, you need to write nine male names on ten small leaves, and leave one blank. All of them need to be rolled into tubes and placed under the pillow just before bed. You cannot be distracted during such an action, and after everything is done you need to immediately go to bed. In the morning you need to immediately take out one of the notes. If a name is written on it, then soon a close friend with the same name will appear next to you. And if an empty note was drawn out, then you will have to spend another year alone.

To make your cherished wish come true

On the Old New Year, fortune telling can help your cherished wish come true. For example, on a New Year's tree you need to hang a colorful box among the toys, and inside it put a note with your cherished wish. For the Old New Year, you need to remove the box and take out the note from it. Next say the following words:

“Let my wish become reality.”

Then the box needs to be hung on the tree again, and the note should be burned in the flame of a candle, and the ashes should be blown out of the open window. If you decide to do fortune-telling for the Old New Year, then treat it as a fairy-tale event. All actions must be carried out in a positive mood - and then success is guaranteed.

It is generally accepted that fortune telling is particularly accurate and reliable during the Old New Year and Epiphany. And although the Church condemns any attempts to find out the future with the help of divination and magic, people have been guessing and continue to guess. The unknown and mystery have always attracted people, so during these holidays many people rush to tell fortunes about the future or perform a ritual to attract money and good luck. Well, girls, of course, wonder about their betrothed.

Sputnik Georgia presents what rituals were performed on the Old New Year and Epiphany and which of them were the most popular.

Fortune telling

In the old days, Christmas evenings were dedicated to divination and fortune-telling; accordingly, everyone who wants to look, according to the traditions of their ancestors, into their future, can do this before the Epiphany, on any evening, including on the night of the Old New Year.

In the old days, fortune telling was done on everything that came to hand - on rings, mirrors, beans, shoes, rice, onions, brooms, apples and even on fence boards, which is not difficult to do in our time.

The girl, with her arms outstretched, tried to grab as many boards in the fence as possible, and then counted them - an even number indicated imminent marriage, and an odd number indicated loneliness.

For the betrothed

It is very easy to find out the name of your future husband - you just need to go out into the street and ask the first man you meet to tell him his name.

On Old New Year and Epiphany, girls could not only find out the name of their betrothed, but even see his face in the mirror. To do this, in the midnight darkness, they sat down between two mirrors, lit candles and began to peer into the reflection, hoping to see their betrothed.

Girls also wondered with a mirror on the street. Standing at the crossroads with your back to the month, looking in the mirror and wishing: “Betrothed, mummer, show yourself to me in the mirror.” As some claim, the betrothed appears in the mirror after some time.

People considered fortune telling on the night of the Old New Year to be the most truthful, and they said that it was at this time that you could see your future spouse in a dream.

In particular, the girl let down and combed her hair, then put the comb under the pillow, calling with magical words to her future husband: “Mummer, come comb my head.”

And it was possible to find out what kind of betrothed one would be by fortune telling with card kings. To do this, on the night before the Old New Year, before going to bed, you need to put cards with images of kings under your pillow, and in the morning, without looking, pull out one card.

In the old days, people believed that whichever king they got, so would the husband: the king of diamonds - the betrothed one would be desired, the king of hearts - young and rich, the king of clubs - military, and the king of spades - old and jealous.

Where to look for a betrothed

During Christmas time you can also find out the place where to look for your betrothed. The following fortune telling will help with this: put several multi-colored buttons, preferably the same size, into an opaque bag.

Tune in and ask the question: “My dear, where are you?” and then take one of them out of the bag. According to the button, the answer will indicate where you will meet your destiny.

The meaning of buttons: simple black - at work, green - in the store, brown - with friends, white - on a trip, yellow - in transport, iron - he will be in the military, with rhinestones - in the cinema, theater or village club, blue - by chance street.

Ancient fortune telling

One of the most popular fortune telling for the Old New Year and Epiphany for young girls who wanted to know their future was “inviting the betrothed to dinner.”

Before starting fortune-telling, the girl in an empty room covered the table with a tablecloth, put down the utensils in addition to the knife and fork, and said: “The betrothed-mummer, come to dinner with me.” Then she locked the windows and doors and waited alone for her betrothed.

The howling of the wind and blows on the windows and door indicated the approach of the groom, and then he appeared, sat down at the table and began to entertain her with conversation. The girl, without moving, was supposed to silently notice facial features and clothing and not answer questions.

Then, suddenly perking up, she asked point blank: “What’s your name?” The betrothed called his name and took something out of his pocket. At that moment the girl should have said: “Forget me!” - and the groom simply disappeared.

In the old days, people used to tell fortunes on Christmastide using a candle. They took a deep bowl and filled it halfway with water. On the edges of the bowl, pieces of paper were fastened on which questions were pre-written, such as “will I get married this year,” “will I have luck,” and so on.

Then a small candle was attached to a small wooden plank and lit so that the flame reached the edge of the attached pieces of paper. They lowered a board with a candle onto the water and looked. The prediction was that piece of paper with a question that the candle would burn.

Other fortune telling

The potential bride or groom, with their eyes closed, takes out a grain from a canvas bag of beans and examines it. If there are no spots or chips on the grain, it means they will have a wedding soon. And if there are spots, then their number indicates how many years to wait before the wedding.

Fortune telling on things for the future was popular among girls. They took a felt boot and put several different objects there. For example, a piece of sugar, meaning a happy and comfortable life, a ring - marriage, a scarf - a handsome husband, a rag - a poor husband, an onion - tears, a coin - a rich husband, and so on.

They shook the felt boots and, without looking, took out the object that came to hand first, and used it to predict fate.

The girls and their friends were guessing using a thread. They cut the threads to the same length and set them on fire at the same time. Whose thread burns out faster than others will marry first. And if the thread immediately goes out or burns only halfway, then, alas, you are not destined to get married.

They also guessed from the book. They took a book and, before opening it, wished for the page number and the line at the top or bottom. Then the book was opened and read in the hidden place. What was read was interpreted in accordance with the wish made for marriage, prosperity, future, and so on.

In the Old New Year they also used fortune telling. On January 13, before going to bed, they wrote 12 wishes on separate pieces of paper, folded the sheets neatly and put them under the pillow. Waking up, in the morning they pulled out three of them, which were sure to be fulfilled in the new year.

Some take fortune telling very seriously, others with a bit of humor, as one of the pastimes during the holidays. And we can only wish you good luck and happiness in the coming Old New Year.

The material was prepared based on open sources

Our ancestors believed that fortune-telling at Christmastide is particularly accurate and reliable. This means that every person can lift the veil into the future and find out what awaits him on Old New Year and Epiphany, and quite independently.

And although the Church condemns any attempts to find out the future with the help of divination and magic, people have been guessing and continue to guess. The unknown and mystery have always attracted people, so many people rush on these holidays to tell fortunes about their betrothed, about the future, or to perform a ritual to attract money and good luck.

Fortune telling for the future and for the betrothed has always aroused the greatest interest among girls who longed to find out the name of their future spouse, or what is even “cooler” - to see his reflection in the mirror or in a wedding ring.

Sputnik Georgia asked what rituals and fortune-telling for the betrothed and for the future were performed on the Old New Year and Epiphany and which of them were the most popular.

In the old days, Christmas evenings were dedicated to divination and fortune-telling; accordingly, everyone who wants to look, according to the traditions of their ancestors, into their future, can do this before the Epiphany, on any evening, including on the night of the Old New Year.

You can choose any fortune telling. The most popular of them are fortune telling for the fulfillment of a wish, for the future and, naturally, for the betrothed or betrothed.

In the old days, fortune telling was done on everything that came to hand - on rings, mirrors, beans, shoes, rice, onions, brooms, apples and even on fence boards, which is not difficult to do in our time.

The girl, with her arms outstretched, tried to grab as many boards in the fence as possible, and then counted them - an even number indicated imminent marriage, and an odd number indicated loneliness.

For the betrothed

It is very easy to find out the name of your future husband - you just need to go out into the street and ask the first man you meet to tell him his name.

On Old New Year and Epiphany, girls could not only find out the name of their betrothed, but even see his face in the mirror. To do this, in the midnight darkness, they sat down between two mirrors, lit candles and began to peer into the reflection, hoping to see their betrothed.

Girls also wondered with a mirror on the street. Standing at the crossroads with your back to the month, looking in the mirror and wishing: “Betrothed, disguised, show yourself to me in the mirror.” As some claim, the betrothed appears in the mirror after some time.

People considered fortune telling on the night of the Old New Year to be the most truthful, and they said that it was at this time that you could see your future spouse in a dream.

In particular, the girl let down and combed her hair, then put the comb under the pillow, calling with magic words to her future husband: “Mummer, come comb my head.”

And it was possible to find out what kind of betrothed one would be by fortune telling with card kings. To do this, on the night before the Old New Year, before going to bed, you need to put cards with images of kings under your pillow, and in the morning, without looking, pull out one card.

In the old days, people believed that whichever king they got, so would the husband: the king of diamonds - the betrothed one would be desired, the king of hearts - young and rich, the king of clubs - military, and the king of spades - old and jealous.

Where to look for a betrothed

During Christmas time you can also find out the place where to look for your betrothed. The following fortune telling will help with this: put several multi-colored buttons, preferably the same size, into an opaque bag.

Tune in and ask the question: “My dear, where are you?” and then take one of them out of the bag. According to the button, the answer will indicate where you will meet your destiny.

The meaning of buttons: simple black - at work, green - in the store, brown - with friends, white - on a trip, yellow - in transport, iron - he will be in the military, with rhinestones - in the cinema, theater or village club, blue - by chance street.

Ancient fortune telling

One of the most popular fortune telling for the Old New Year and Epiphany for young girls who wanted to know their future was “inviting the betrothed to dinner.”

Before starting fortune-telling, the girl in an empty room covered the table with a tablecloth, put down, in addition to the knife and fork, the utensil and said: “The betrothed-mummer, come to dinner with me.” Then she locked the windows and doors and waited alone for her betrothed.

The howling of the wind and blows on the windows and door indicated the approach of the groom, and then he appeared, sat down at the table and began to entertain her with conversation. The girl, without moving, was supposed to silently notice facial features and clothing and not answer questions.

Then, suddenly perking up, she asked point blank: “What’s your name?” The betrothed called his name and took something out of his pocket. At this moment the girl should have said: “Forget me!” - and the groom simply disappeared.

In the old days, people used to tell fortunes on Christmastide using a candle. They took a deep bowl and filled it halfway with water. On the edges of the bowl, pieces of paper were fastened on which questions were pre-written, such as “will I get married this year,” “will I have luck,” and so on.

Then a small candle was attached to a small wooden plank and lit so that the flame reached the edge of the attached pieces of paper. They lowered a board with a candle onto the water and looked. The prediction was that piece of paper with a question that the candle would burn.

Other fortune telling

The potential bride or groom, with their eyes closed, takes out a grain from a canvas bag of beans and examines it. If there are no spots or chips on the grain, it means they will have a wedding soon. And if there are spots, then their number indicates how many years to wait before the wedding.

Fortune telling on things for the future was popular among girls. They took a felt boot and put several different objects there. For example, a piece of sugar, meaning a happy and comfortable life, a ring - marriage, a scarf - a handsome husband, a rag - a poor husband, an onion - tears, a coin - a rich husband, and so on.

They shook the felt boots and, without looking, took out the object that came to hand first, and used it to predict fate.

The girls and their friends were guessing using a thread. They cut the threads to the same length and set them on fire at the same time. Whose thread burns out faster than others will marry first. And if the thread immediately goes out or burns only halfway, then, alas, you are not destined to get married.

They also guessed from the book. They took a book and, before opening it, wished for the page number and the line at the top or bottom. Then the book was opened and read in the hidden place. What was read was interpreted in accordance with the wish made for marriage, prosperity, future, and so on.

In the Old New Year they also used fortune telling. On January 13, before going to bed, they wrote 12 wishes on separate pieces of paper, folded the sheets neatly and put them under the pillow. Waking up, in the morning they pulled out three of them, which were sure to be fulfilled in the new year.

Some take fortune telling very seriously, others with a bit of humor, as one of the pastimes during the holidays. And we can only wish you good luck and happiness in the coming Old New Year.

The material was prepared based on open sources

  • Fortune telling at the table for the Old New Year
  • We entice good luck in the Old New Year!
  • The Old New Year, or rather the New Year according to the Julian calendar, is celebrated not only in Russia and other countries of the former USSR, but also in Serbia and Montenegro, as well as in some German cantons of Switzerland. However, it became “old” for us quite recently, 100 years ago. And before it was just New Year, a cheerful and slightly mystical holiday, when everyone wanted to take a glimpse into the future. The peasants were interested in the future harvest, the girls were interested in grooms, the heads of families were interested in profit, and everyone, without exception, was interested in happiness!

    What lucky signs are you missing? Maybe it's time to tell your fortune a little?

    Weather for the Old New Year: a note for summer residents

    Previously, on New Year's Day, people followed... the wind!

      If the wind blew from the south at night, the summer will be hot and dry.

      From the west - that means there will be a lot of milk and fish.

      The east wind foreshadowed an abundance of fruits and vegetables.

    For some reason, folk signs remain ominously silent regarding the north wind. Let's hope he just harvests everything at once!

      A clear starry sky foreshadows a berry year, and abundant frost in the morning - a record honey harvest.

      If it’s warm outside, then summer will be rainy; if it’s snowing, then you should expect a good harvest.

    Fortune telling for the groom for the Old New Year

    Probably, there was no one in Rus' more superstitious than girls of marriageable age. They guessed at their future marriage in so many ways, as if they were going to get married ten times a year. For example, did you know about fortune telling... using bulbs?

      Fortune telling on bulbs. On the night from 13 to 14, the girls put the bulbs in a bowl of water and watched them for several days. Whichever one puts out roots faster, the owner will be the first to get married!

      Fortune telling on a ring, bread and hook: these three items were placed in a bowl along with coals, pebbles, and any other debris and covered with a cloth. The girls, without looking, pulled out the first thing that came to hand from this bowl: the bread foreshadowed a rich marriage, the ring - a handsome husband, the hook - a poor or sick husband. Well, if you pulled out a pebble, don’t wait for a marriage proposal!

      Fortune telling by dog. The dog was let into the room where the girl was waiting for her. The behavior of the dog was used to judge the disposition of the future husband: caressing - and the husband will be affectionate; sniffing and walking around - the husband will be jealous and angry. And God forbid if it tries to bite!

      Fortune telling with a comb. Before going to bed, the girl puts a comb under her pillow with the words “Betrothed, mummer, come and comb my hair.” If in a dream she sees a man combing her hair, then this year she will be married to the person in the dream.

      Fortune telling with eavesdropping. The future bride, in the company of her girlfriends, slowly crept up to the neighbors' windows and listened to what was happening in the house. They swear - and the husband will swear, they laugh - there will be fun in the family, they drink - the husband will be caught as a drunkard.

    Celebrating the Old New Year in an exclusively female company is a bad omen: the year will be full of various troubles. So it’s better to invite a young man into your home, preferably from a large family. It was believed that if he became the first guest in your home, the year would be well-fed, rich and prosperous.

    Guessing at the table

    In addition to the traditional Fortune telling on dumplings or dumplings was very popular, the filling of which included various edible and inedible items. Frankly, it seems that anything small enough to be rolled into a dumpling ends up in there! Print out the list of meanings of “dumpling investments” in advance if you decide to treat guests - have a lot of fun! Just remember to warn that the dish may contain inedible solid objects... The list of predictions is under the spoiler.

    Old New Year's fortune telling using dumplings

    • Orange - for pleasure
    • Peanuts - for a love affair
    • Cherry - good luck
    • Peas - home peace
    • Walnut - health
    • Buckwheat - favorable and profitable news
    • Mushrooms - to a long and happy life
    • Big money - big win
    • Grain - to wealth
    • Raisins - to great temptation
    • Cabbage - for money
    • Caramel - for love
    • Potatoes - for a promotion at work
    • Cranberry - to unexpected changes in life
    • Ring - for the wedding
    • Red pepper - to chagrin
    • Dried apricots - to joy
    • Bay leaf - to fame (career growth)
    • Honey - health
    • Coin - a prosperous year in material terms
    • Carrots - for new acquaintances
    • Meat - for well-being
    • White thread - long journey (long and long journey)
    • Green thread - the road abroad
    • Thread with knots - for a difficult year
    • Black thread - a short and not very long trip
    • Nut - immediately to two fans (admirers)
    • Pepper - thrill
    • Ground allspice - to “spicy”, i.e. an eventful life, major changes
    • Button - for a new thing
    • Millet - futile efforts
    • Rice - prosperity in the home
    • Sugar - sweet life (easy, favorable year)
    • Seeds - to new fruitful plans
    • Salt - to quarrels and failures (tears)
    • Cheese - to win
    • Cottage cheese - to new friends
    • Dough, beans, or fish scales - to replenish the family
    • Dill - to good health
    • Hazelnuts - for successful acquisitions
    • Bread - the year will be full and good
    • Chain - strengthening family ties
    • Black peppercorns - to friends (to new friendly relations)
    • Garlic - for a marriage of convenience
    • Apple - to a well-deserved reward

    We entice good luck in the Old New Year!

    You don't have to rely solely on lucky signs; A number of rituals have been developed to ensure that the new year is better than the previous one.

    It is advisable to prepare dishes from pork, chicken or hare. Pork promised wealth, rooster dishes promised freedom, and hare meat promised success in all endeavors. If you are not ready to look for hare meat or do not like pork, then replace the meat with symbols of these animals - cookies or crackers in the form of little animals.

    On the table did not serve game or fish so that happiness does not “fly away” and “float away” from home. Crayfish and other animals that backed away or moved sideways were also undesirable - they promised the return of old problems in the new year.

    Finally, on the Internet there was a description of “the surest and most reliable way to attract money into the house for the Old New Year.” So: take two candles, one white wax and the other yellow. White will symbolize you, and yellow will symbolize gold, which will be attracted to your home. Light them at the festive table, placing them on a platter 10 centimeters from each other. Close your eyes and mentally imagine how a yellow candle is attracted to a white one. Put them out and repeat the ritual the next day, placing the candles a little closer. Continue this way until Epiphany, when the candles should burn out completely. Wrap the cinders in silk cloth and hide them in a secluded place. Keep them until you have money in the house (and this, of course, will happen very soon!)

    Happy new (now definitely new) year to you!

    Prepared by Alena Novikova