Artistic description of the nature of the native land. Essay on the topic: “Native nature. Essay on reasoning Native nature

An essay on the topic “Nature of the native land” is often asked to be written by elementary or high school. Firstly, this good exercise. It helps you learn how to formulate sentences and demonstrate your writing in general. And secondly, this topic is considered one of the simplest. After all, it is unlikely that a student will have difficulty describing places that he has seen since childhood.


What should be the introduction of an essay whose theme is “The Nature of the Native Land”? There is no exact answer to this matter. The most important thing is that it accurately defines the topic of the essay. After all, the introduction is necessary in order to bring the reader up to date and prepare for familiarization with the main text. You can start something like this: “Our region is famous for its unique nature. She is unique. There are no such places anywhere else, anywhere in the world. Our region is known for its open spaces far beyond the country's borders; many people come here to admire the local beauty. And the locals are the happiest people, because they were lucky to be born and raised here.”

Such an introduction would be a good start for an essay on the topic “The Nature of the Native Land.” And after that, you can proceed to the main part - the content.

Main part

A topic like “Nature of the Native Land” is good because it does not require any specific content. Only the direction is given - you need to talk about your homeland, about its vastness and beauty, and for the rest - complete freedom of creativity. Well, the best and most correct option would be a beautiful landscape description of those places that touched the soul of the author himself. This way it will be possible to convey the true mood and talk about it in such a way that a picture of this nature appears before the reader’s eyes. You could write something like this: “I live in a truly amazing place. Where many would like to live. Needless to say, most people dream of taking at least one look at the expanses of my region, of visiting here at least once. After all, there is the sea, clean air, high mountains and simply stunning flora. It is very spacious and the sun shines most days of the year. And even when it gets cold or rains, something special begins to hover in the air. Wet asphalt, empty streets, raging sea - this is not such a slushy time that comes during cold times in other places. This is a special time for us.”

If you begin to express your thoughts in the main part in approximately this way, you will end up writing a very expressive essay.


Speaking about how to write an essay “Nature of one’s native land,” one cannot help but say a few words regarding the style being followed. As you can already understand, artistic description is important here. In this case, the author must wield words like an artist with a brush. Each sentence should reflect an imaginary picture like a mirror. But it's important not to overdo it. If beautiful words there will be too much, then it will be too much. It is necessary to correctly combine sentences with an artistic touch and ordinary ones. This is the only way to write an essay in which each paragraph is in harmony with each other.


“The Nature of the Native Land” is an essay that, in addition to the introduction and main part, must have a conclusion. What should it be like? Many people ask this question. Some have difficulty with the beginning, while others have difficulty with the last paragraph. Well, everything is simple here. You need to finish the essay with several meaningful phrases that could “put an end” to the text. You can write something like this: “My region is amazing place. And each of us must take care of the nature that surrounds us. After all, she is as gorgeous as can be. And it’s very important to help her maintain her inspiring beauty.”

"For man there is nothing
closer and dearer than our native land..."

Essay on the topic "My native land"

Native land! So many amazing memories in just a few words. Blooming cherry orchards and fragrant mint carpets along the paths. The alluring blue of the blue summer sky, the aroma of golden linden, harvesting bread - nostalgia overwhelms you at the mere mention native spaces, where you were born, grew up and took your first steps into an exciting and interesting life.

You will always have your mother's shining eyes, your father's wise instructions, your grandmother's fairy tales and your grandfather's stories about the war. Native land, you have experienced so much and mean so much. Once upon a time, military battalions passed through these steppes, trying to free our strong people from the oppression of the enemy. Once upon a time these fields were dotted with golden corn with green feathers. Once upon a time, the murmur of a river merged with the noise of a birch grove, and you sat on a small hummock, wandered your gaze over the relief expanses and thought about something of your own.

Native land always beckons you, pulls you back to those paths along which you ran with the guys, to those orchards where you stole ripe apricots. We travel around the world, travel, meet new people, but in our hearts there is always one single corner of warmth and comfort, where you feel not just at home, but really there, in your own place. native land.

Now, walking along the dusty, noisy city streets, peering into sparkling shop windows and neon signs, you mentally return to where you caught butterflies in the morning and ate your grandmother’s cherry pies. There is nothing closer or dearer to a person native land- a place that raised you like a small spikelet and sent you on a long journey to the heights of life’s journey.

« Essay about the Motherland» / January 2015

Essay on the topic "Nature of my native land"

The city where I live is surrounded by very picturesque nature. Many natural monuments and reserves are located around. Lush forests, deep lakes and even high mountains are located, if not within walking distance, then the drive to them is no more than two hours. If you take the train in my city and travel 4 stations, you can end up at a station that leads to the foot of the largest mountain in my country. When I saw Hoverla for the first time, I was greatly impressed by its majesty and monumentality; looking at it you realize all your insignificance and understand how short the human life is.

And if you get off at 2 stations earlier, you find yourself in a marvelous area, with green thickets and winding paths. After walking along one of them for a couple of kilometers, a rapid mountain waterfall opens in front of you, next to which there are many underground springs with crystal clear water. Also nearby is the famous lake, which is famous for its blue color and ancient legends.

Forest and its inhabitants

I already wrote that my native land located in a forested area. In the forests around there are clearings for relaxation and picnics, many mushroom spots, all these areas are well known, illuminated and it is almost impossible to get lost in them. But there are places where the thicket becomes impassable and the high crowns of trees hide sunlight.

Nature is the main wonder of the world

These places are inhabited by wild animals and many of them are far from harmless. Non-dangerous representatives of the local fauna are roe deer, various birds and small rodents. But among the predators there are foxes, wild boars and even wolves. Only hunters are allowed to go to the habitats of predators and only after the start of the hunting season.

Nature of my native land amazes with its diversity and beauty.

« Essay “Nature of my native land”» / January 2015

Composition About my native land

– this is the most dear thing a person has. Native land– this is the place where a person was born and raised. I was born and raised in Kuban. This is a wonderful place, soaked in fresh air and warm rays of the sun.

I believe that the native land should be the most beautiful and beloved. If a person leaves his native land on his own, then he is not a patriot of his birthplace.

If a person is forced to leave his native land due to need, then the blame should not lie on him. The nature of my native land is multifaceted. She seems to be crying and saying goodbye to summer, and the frost covers everything with fluffy snow and the forest and fields freeze. It is very beautiful to look at the forest in winter. A snow cap covers all the tops of the trees and they seem to be in the same color scheme.

As soon as it disappears, the first, still barely green, grass appears. The first flowers are trying to emerge from the ground and will bring joy to all people. The trees have already taken off their snow cap and seem to be reaching out for the sun. The first green leaves appear on the branches. The rays of the sun break through the window and illuminate my entire room. Sometimes the sun will be my alarm clock in the morning so I won't be late for school. Butterflies fly in and the world around us becomes more colorful. Summer is my favorite favorite time year. In my native region, in the summer you can do whatever you want. Not far from my house there is a sea in which I like to swim. The native land is not only nature, but also the animals that inhabit this land. We have a wide variety of birds that fly here and stay until autumn. They then fly to warmer climates to wait out the winter.

My native land is very dear to me, although there are no palm trees or peach trees here, there is the warmth of loved ones and clean air. Once, I thought about removing all Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) and creating safer electricity production facilities. Because of them, our air is not always as clean as we would like. After all, people can create something new so as not to destroy our planet.

I am proud that I still do not leave my native land, but intend to develop here and start a family. Homeland is everything for a person. Each person has his own, even if it is very small, homeland. A person must protect it with all his might and not pollute it, because our descendants will live on it.

« Essay on the topic native land» / January 2015

Tregubova Galina
Essay “On the nature of the native land”

My beauty is Central Russian,

My beauty is incomparable,

You are cheerful, you are also sad,

You are my home dear and universe.

From early childhood, as far as I can remember, I saw these, as if painted on canvas by a skilled artist, paintings: luxurious emerald greenery, curly malachite gardens and woodlands, chalk hills with a great variety of wildflowers and glades of fragrant strawberries coquettishly hiding from my eyes. My little land, my tiny Universe is concentrated in the outback, in the village of Sirotovka, Podgorensky district, Voronezh region. This is where my upbringing, my ideas about the vast world, my attitude towards nature, animals, people. From here I set off on my long journey through life, precisely thanks to everything that I absorbed while communicating with nature of the native land, I now teach little children not only to listen to the music of the wind, the voice of the sun and the cheerful hubbub of birds, but also to listen to the buzzing of bees and bumblebees, to the light whisper of petals, to the rustling of the wings of a butterfly or dragonfly. Together with my students, we learn not only to see what is in front of our eyes, but also to peer, for example, into the patterns on leaves and blades of grass, on the wings of a butterfly and on the back of a lizard scurrying between the stems of plants.

I love my region at any time of the year. But my favorite, like probably many of my children’s, is still summer. When you can take an old basket woven by your grandfather and slowly go to "journey"- walk along the soft cool grass to the protected places of strawberries blushing on the slopes of the chalk mountains. And sit down, stretching out your bare feet, right on a mound of earth, around which there are apparently invisibly delicious berries just begging to be eaten in your mouth. And eat to your heart’s content, and pack a full basket for your mother and little sisters, and hit the road again – now choosing other, unexplored stitches. It seems to me that only here, precisely in our region, almost untouched by civilization, can you go outside the outskirts at sunset, lie down in the tall grass, warmed by the sun during the day, and watch in fascination as the star, which has already given up all its heat, slowly rolls over the mountain. Or you can go out into a spacious meadow and pick an armful of wildflowers. Then put them in a large glass vase in the hall, and then the whole house will be filled with the smells of fresh wind, wormwood, chamomile and mint. You can also run barefoot through the feather-soft road dust, hide behind a big old willow tree and watch a rural shepherd drive a herd of cows out of the pasture. And the whole village at such hours seemed to be saturated with the smell of fresh milk. And then skip and jump to a small river to splash around in the gentle silky water, dive from a rickety wooden bridge and admire the lilies and water lilies. You can catch a little frog, examine it very carefully and be sure to release it into the wild - that’s what she taught us Mother: each living creature created by God Nature, wants to live no less than people.

I was born here, I studied here,

And the snow was replaced by blossoms,

Here the earth gave me a high spirit,

Both confidence and doubt.

Am I sitting alone by the river?

Or I look at the stars at night,

I won’t believe, no, evil prophecies,

I believe in you, my dear, I believe and love you.

About all this and many other encounters with the living world nature I tell my students. And then together we find an ant in the grass and look at it with interest; holding our breath, we watch the spider, intently weaving its "net"- a web to catch a careless midge or mosquito; We look with enthusiasm at the wings of the swallowtail butterfly, so that later we can transfer these patterns to paper.

As a child, I always liked the nasty summer rains. I then jumped out into the street, jumped barefoot in the puddles, screamed loudly with delight, and then, dirty, wet, but completely happy, returned to her yard. There was always a barrel with rainwater, which I climbed into right in my cotton dress, washed myself and entered the house already clean. Mom just smiled, she knew my passion - running through puddles in the rain.

Now in our village they have erected a beautiful Orthodox church. Which means the village lives! I often visit my parents’ house, and in the summer I still pick wildflowers and strawberries. And I love my tiny – within the framework of huge Russia – corner very much nature, my little one "paradise" who gave me "a start to life".

My beauty, my side,

My beauty is incomparable!

How small you are, my land, but you are the land

Where the entire Universe fits.

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Schoolchildren may well be asked to write an essay-reasoning about Writing such a paper is not difficult. The most important thing is that parents, based on the child’s age category, suggest how to correctly compose an essay about the nature of their native land and in what order to express their thoughts. After all, every parent knows what a child is capable of.

It is important to place the accents correctly and write the native land. It is necessary that the thought be fully expressed; this is the kind of story that will be appreciated.

How to write a beautiful essay

There is a lot to be said about nature. The essay states the following:

  • What nature prevails most in the locality?
  • What are the characteristics of the nature of your native land?
  • Species of trees, shrubs, flowers that can be found in different parts of the country.

These are just some of the details that should be emphasized when writing an essay on nature. In fact, this type of creativity allows you to use emotions and thoughts by writing them on a piece of paper.

Essay-reasoning “On the nature of the native land.” Plan

In order for a son or daughter to feel comfortable writing an essay, parents should make a plan for the child. To compose it, you just need to think about in what order it is more correct to express thoughts about your native land. The writing order could be as follows:

This essay plan is quite suitable for an excellent, complete and detailed story.

Examples of argumentative essays for primary school students

As a rule, children love to write essays, because in this type of creative task there are no limits or frames. It is in such works that you can show self-expression and fully pour out your emotions on a piece of paper. However, for the task to be perfect, the child should be shown examples of argumentative essays. For this purpose, you can take the following options:

In our homeland the nature is simply beautiful. One has only to go into the forest, and this immediately becomes clear. Beautiful tall trees everywhere you look. Even in the city itself there are many unusual and fascinating representatives flora.

Most often in our city you can find pine trees, chestnut trees, and oak trees. From the bushes there are jasmine and roses. And among the flowers you can often see sunflowers, daisies, asters, and chrysanthemums.

Our nature is magnificent, you just have to go to the park or the forest, and your soul immediately becomes light and free.

There is a lot to be said about the beauty of nature. Most of all I love the vegetation at our dacha and near the lake, where we often go. In this area there are oaks, birches, chestnuts, and even pine trees. Flowers and bushes grow on the site.

Our homeland pleases with the beautiful colors of the plant world. I really like to look from the hill that you can climb when we go for a walk in the forest with summer cottage. From above, nature is especially beautiful; you can see trees, bushes, and even flowers in all their glory.

I am very glad that our country has such beautiful nature - it is our pride and inspiration.

This essay about nature is quite suitable for elementary school children. Therefore, you can safely take it into account and give it to children as an example.

Essay-reasoning for high school students

In high school, you can write an essay with more complex phrases and expressions. As an example, you can take this option:

In our homeland, nature is like the delight of the soul. The most beautiful natural beauty can be seen in autumn.

One day I climbed a hill, not far from our private house. It was somewhere in the middle of autumn. The beauties that opened up to my eyes made my heart beat faster. Filled different shades autumn decorations of trees, rainbow carpet on the ground. How wonderful it is to admire such beauty.

We have the best nature in our homeland. You can admire endlessly. It is not surprising that nature is depicted in many works of artists.

This essay is quite suitable for a high school student. The most important thing is that the child expresses his thoughts sincerely and fully. Then the result of such a task will be assessed with the highest score.

There are a number of standard topics for writing essays. These include the essay “The Beauty of Nature.” If this type of work causes you difficulties, then our article will help you cope with it. We offer original versions of essays on this topic. Written in first person singular and reflects the opinion of the one who writes this peculiar statement.

Native land as a reflection of a person

Everyone's understanding of beauty is different. For some, it can manifest itself in the greenness of foliage, the smell of flowers, and mountain landscapes. Others are comfortable in busy cities, where the pace of life never slows down.

I live in a big city, but I equally love tall, multi-story buildings and fresh green grass. There are many beautiful parks where you can temporarily escape from the hustle and bustle.

But youth takes its toll. Energy, running, bright lights and experiences - all this attracts me. Therefore, I want to return to the environment of asphalt, concrete, billboards and bright shop windows. Here you can meet new people, and the frantic pace of life makes you leave laziness far behind.

But when I get tired of running, I will definitely return to my favorite places in the city, which remain untouchable islands where nature reigns in full force. There is the mirror surface of the pond, the chirping of birds, the smell of fresh grass and fallen leaves. They allow you to replenish your strength for a new day.

My essay about the beauty of nature is not quite ordinary, because it does not completely immerse itself in its atmosphere. But in life, not everyone has the opportunity to completely separate themselves from the bustle of the city, and therefore it is necessary to see and appreciate the beauty within its boundaries.

Quiet corner

For me, the essay “The Beauty of Russian Nature” is an occasion to remember a small, cozy village, where many vivid memories remain. When you are still a child, trips to such places are often perceived as punishment. There are no usual things, friends, games.

But you just have to breathe in the beautiful fresh air, run through the grass that reaches waist high, squint at the glare of the sun reflecting from the surface of the river, and your mood immediately changes. Nature seems to fill every corner of your body, becoming your integral part.

There are many similar places in our country. Few people know about them, but perhaps this is one of the main advantages. This is how these quiet corners keep their beauty intact. Once in their power, it is not man, but nature that dictates its rules to him.

It is very important not only in childhood, but also in adult life to go to such places. Thanks to them, our inner world maintains the harmony that it so needs.

Endless spaces

“The Beauty of Nature” is an essay that inspires. Thinking about what you want to write, a person has the opportunity to fall in love again with the places where he lived or visited. Russia is a country of endless expanses, where there are lakes, rivers, forests, snow, mountains and plains.

People often want to go on vacation to distant places, and upon returning they admire the beauty they see for a long time. But if you travel around Russia, you will have enough unforgettable impressions for more than one lifetime.

The greatness, tranquility and strength of our nature can strike to the core. You should get to know them in order to love your homeland even more.

Mountain pearl

Water is a beautiful, dangerous and unknown element. It is majestic not only in the endless seas, but even in the form of small mountain lakes. They are similar precious stones. The water surface is sapphire, and the mountains serve as a cut.

The lake hides many secrets. If at first glance it seems shallow, then you should not blindly believe what you see. The water in it is so clean and transparent that you can easily see the bottom. Therefore, inexperienced tourists believe that there are not even five meters there.

However, already almost at the very shore you can completely go under water and not find the treasured bottom. In addition, the lake in the mountains is treacherous with its temperature. It cannot be compared with a similar reservoir located below. The reason for this is underground springs. Their sources are in the mountains, near glaciers. Therefore, the lake will not please you with warm and gentle water.

My essay on the beauty of nature conveys the following idea: the world around us is multifaceted. Much about it has not been fully explored. Therefore, a person should not put himself above nature. Only harmonious coexistence and respect for it will allow preserving beautiful places.

Essay “The Beauty of Native Nature”

My city is located very close to the forest, so I have often visited it since childhood. It’s great when parents find time to show their little, but already inquisitive fidgets, how many interesting, beautiful and unusual things are hidden in nature.

There are many interesting sounds in the forest: the singing of birds, the rustling of hiding animals, the cracking of branches. And how many amazing smells! The aroma of berries and flowers can easily turn your head.

This corner of nature clearly shows its dark and bright sides. Like humans, the forest has places open to others with beautiful clearings, but it also has impenetrable thickets, where even sunlight is practically absent. The harmonious coexistence of such dissimilar sides proves that we should accept the good and the bad in ourselves.

It is necessary to start exploring the world while still a child. Gradually becoming more mature, you can find more and more unexplored corners in nature. This is what the forest next to the city became for me. It seemed that he was growing and developing like a living being.

In order to feel part of the reality around us, it is necessary to study not only our inner world, but also the external one, because nature can be the key to understanding important pressing problems. She, generation after generation, gives her wisdom.

Yours, dear

Just one street, no more than twenty houses, where time seemed to stand still - this is how I will forever remember my grandmother’s village. This is what will be discussed in the essay “The Beauty of Nature.”

One of the most favorite activities for all the boys was swimming in the river. They let us go there calmly, because the depth was shallow and the current was not very strong. When swimming became uninteresting, we went on “expeditions”. Afterwards, the boys scared the girls with the frogs, worms and beetles they found.

Such innocent but adventurous vacations helped us understand how important nature is to humans. You don't need to see high mountains or endless snow to understand its beauty. She is always there: in the sound of water, the morning rays of the sun, the bustle of animals.

My essay about the beauty of nature is dedicated to my native land, because the places where you grew up largely shape a person.

Remember your childhood or an interesting outing with your family, take a walk in the park or forest and writing an essay “The Beauty of Nature” for the Unified State Exam will not be difficult. And our examples will help you catch the necessary inspiration.