Why do you dream of menstruation flowing down your legs. Menstrual blood interpretation of the dream book. What is indicated by the abundance of critical days

After a dream about shed blood, a person has a lot of questions. To find answers, you need to find out why you dream of blood in a dream, because such visions can tell a lot.

A dream in which blood was present causes many people to feel anxious about their own lives and those of loved ones. But one should not take visions literally, because sometimes they are simply trying to suggest a solution to a problem that has arisen in life.

Various dream books offer their own interpretation of dreams about bleeding:

  1. Miller believed that a dream in which a person stained his clothes with his own blood foreshadows a clash with an enemy who prevents him from achieving heights in his career. After such a vision, the dreamer should not make new friends, as they may turn out to be traitors. If blood flows from an open wound, you will have to be prepared for the high probability of failure in business. If she was in the arms of a sleeping person, this is a sign of failure and bad luck.
  2. Vanga's dream book indicates that the dreamer had a vision of bleeding for a reason. Often it promises minor disagreements in the family, which will inevitably lead to conflicts. If you dream of blood flowing from a wound, then the vision speaks of longing and sadness for a deceased relative. Clothes stained with blood portends damage to one's reputation.
  3. Miss Hasse believed that red blood meant fun and joy, while a dream in which it was dark and thickened predicted illness for the dreamer.
  4. The dream book of Nostradamus says that bleeding in a dream means receiving news from close relatives. It can also portend loneliness, but only if the dreamer bleeds completely in a dream. If you dreamed that someone close to you was bleeding, the dream promises problems in your relationship with the person you dreamed about. When there was so much blood that it completely flooded the earth, the vision foreshadows future quarrels and conflicts.

I dreamed about a lot of blood

If there was a lot of blood in the dream, then its interpretation must be approached with special attention.

Such dreams are bad sign, as they foretell problems not only in the financial sphere, but also in the family circle.

When blood flows in a stream from the dreamer’s wound in a dream, news about a reduction in wages and position will soon await him. Also, a dream may indicate a hidden and asymptomatic illness. It wouldn’t hurt to play it safe and get tested.

Menstrual blood

Not everyone knows that menstrual bleeding in dreams symbolizes the beginning of a new stage in the dreamer’s life.

But a full interpretation can be obtained if you find out who had the vision:

  1. If a young girl dreams of bleeding, it speaks of her excellent health. This vision also foreshadows the onset of an imminent pregnancy. Such a dream, visited by an unmarried girl, is a sign of a quick acquaintance with a soul mate. For teenagers, a dream promises change and an inevitable transition into adulthood.
  2. If an elderly person dreams of menstruation, it means that he will live for a long time.
  3. For a man, a dream indicates his sexuality and passion for girls. After sleep, he should expect to meet a very attractive individual who will cause raging emotions.

In addition, a dream about menstruation occurs on the eve of an important decision by the authorities. For entrepreneurs, a dream may portend the threat of loss of profit from an unreliable deal.

Bleeding from the nose, from a wound

It is very important to take into account when interpreting a vision the place from which the blood flowed:

  1. If you dreamed of a bloody nose, the dream foreshadows the temptation of forbidden fruit. The dreamer may soon commit acts outside the law. Now you should be careful and not do stupid things. Often, a vision with dark blood symbolizes the purchase of a prohibited product, which can soon become the main cause of financial loss and humiliation. If it was light and bright, then you can be sure that the action will not lead to serious consequences.
  2. Bleeding caused by injury is often a dream of serious loss of time and resources. It is worth noting that it foreshadows not only the loss of finances, but also other unpleasant events that directly relate to money. At the same time, all future events will bring the sleeper a lot of trouble and trouble. Sometimes such visions in dreams can predict health problems.

Another person's bleeding

If bleeding was observed in another person, the dream warns that the sleeper may soon harm his loved ones. Someone else's blood promises the dreamer conflicts and quarrels with others in the future, so he should not interfere at least in family squabbles. It is also advisable to isolate yourself for a while from sorting out your relationship with your significant other.

In the case where, according to the plot of the dream, bleeding occurred in someone you know, it indicates the presence of problems in the relationship with him. More often, the reason for this is the dreamer’s egoism, because of which communication is reduced exclusively to discussing his problems.

If the blood came from the body of a sick person, then the dream predicts a quick recovery for him. Have you seen bleeding in a healthy person? Perhaps there are some difficulties in relations with them.

Why does a pregnant woman dream of blood?

  • If a pregnant girl dreams of blood and menstruation, this means that the birth will be easy, and she should not worry about the baby. Such dreams often speak of moral preparation for such an important event as childbirth, as well as fear on a subconscious level for oneself and the unborn child.
  • Did you dream about your unborn child covered in blood? The vision indicates the sleeper’s worries and worries about fulfilling her upcoming role as a mother.
  • If an unmarried girl saw a dream, minor troubles await her in relationships with the opposite sex.
  • Sometimes a dream can promise meeting a married man.
  • When a pregnant woman dreams of a miscarriage, the dream predicts events that will change her life forever.

Your own blood on your hands, from your mouth

A dream in which you see your own blood is considered a rather alarming sign.

In this case, it is very important to remember from which part of the body it flowed:

  1. If she was in her arms, it means that danger lurks in the future. You should be wary of making new acquaintances, so as not to give strangers a chance to harm the sleeping person. Also, a dream in which one’s hands are accidentally stained with one’s own blood speaks of the need for the sleeper’s relatives and friends for his help and attention.
  2. Dried blood on the fingers and hands symbolizes a relapse of a long-standing illness.
  3. When there was only one drop of blood on a person’s palms, the dream promises the sleeper a large inheritance from distant relatives.
  4. When bleeding from the mouth was observed in a dream, the dreamer should soon prepare to defend his point of view. You will have to defend your own opinion even in front of your loved ones. Often this dream is a harbinger of a dispute with relatives, because of which others may suffer.

If there is so much blood in the mouth that the dreamer is forced to spit it out, the dream predicts an illness, due to which he may even lose his job. If there is not much of it, sleep indicates slight fatigue.

In a dream, a tooth fell out with blood

When bleeding started in a dream due to tooth loss, this is a cause for concern. Such a vision symbolizes gossip and damage to reputation. It is better for the sleeper to spend some time in the shade, with special modesty and attention to detail, since any actions will be open for everyone to see.

In addition, blood on fallen teeth indicates an illness that can cause death. Based on the fact that the interpretation of dreams about teeth is associated with relatives, we can conclude that trouble may soon happen to them. Often such dreams indicate the presence of fear of old age.

What does a dream portend for a woman or a man?

An important point in the process of interpreting a dream about bleeding is the gender of the sleeping person:

  1. If the dreamer was a woman, a dream about bleeding foreshadows grief and disappointment in the behavior of family members. If another person dreams of bleeding, it predicts the joy of spending time with loved ones. When the bleeding cannot be stopped, the dream promises troubles that the sleeping woman will have to face immediately after a new acquaintance appears in her life. And a dream in which she easily stops another person’s bleeding portends strong financial situation.
  2. When the role of the dreamer was a man, such visions foreshadow a period of difficult relationships with his relatives and lover. At this moment, you should try to establish contact to avoid conflicts. However, the blood of another person in a dream foreshadows a meeting with a mentor in life. A dream in which clothes are stained with blood speaks of the opportunity to gain the authority and respect of others. Sometimes a dream promises the loss of a relative.

Taking into account all possible interpretations different dream books, it should be said that blood is not a bad sign. But it is not recommended to leave such visions unattended, since they often try to warn a person from impending danger.

For girls who begin menstruation in a dream, the dream book foreshadows the implementation of important plans. In this interpretation, what menstrual blood means in dreams represents the original, brilliant ideas of the dreamer.

Miller's Dream Book: interpretation of sleep

For pregnant women, dreaming of menstruation heralds an easy birth and a healthy baby. In addition, according to the psychologist, the child born will have certain abilities and talents in the future.

For girls who have recently gotten married, seeing their menstrual blood in a dream means imminent pregnancy. For unmarried young ladies, Miller’s dream book, when interpreting why menstruation dreams, warns of the emergence of problems with women’s health.

Spicy details

According to the Dream Book from A to Z, the interpretation of what menstruation means in dreams depends on the characteristics of the menstrual cycle:

  • discharge unusual color– to the emergence of an unusual situation;
  • the cycle has begun ahead of schedule- speaks of the dreamer’s excessive haste;
  • blood flowing down your legs indicates your unpreparedness for future changes;
  • found yourself in a puddle of blood in a dream - in reality you experience severe stress;
  • menstruation occurs in a crowded place - warns about gossip, slander.

Men's dreams

A man whose menstrual cycle began in a dream is warned by the General Dream Book about excessive curiosity. Esotericists interpret in a completely different way what such a dream means, hinting at the dreamer’s inability to resolve pressing issues.

Seeing a bloody stain on women's underwear means that the dreamer will face unpleasant moments and disagreements with representatives of the fair half of humanity. If you dreamed that your beloved started menstruating, this indicates a cooling of feelings for your chosen one.

Sexual innuendo

Dr. Freud is sure that for a man to see menstrual discharge, it speaks of the sexual dissatisfaction of the sleeping person, subconscious dissatisfaction with the intimate side of life.

Freud's dream book, interpreting night vision, reminds the young lady of the need to show ingenuity and efficiency, otherwise she risks not having time to realize her plans.

Rich events ahead

For a pregnant girl, a vision in which menstruation appears symbolizes unexpected but pleasant surprises. In the early stages of pregnancy, the dreamed picture personifies the dreamer’s subconscious fear and anxiety about the proper development of the fetus and the health of the baby.

Staining your clothes with your menstruation in a dream foretells a rich interesting life. If your bed linen is smeared with menstruation, be careful: someone will try to deceive you and trick you.

Something is bothering you...

Longo compares menstruation in a dream with an unexpected obstacle that the dreamer cannot cope with alone. Perhaps an unpleasant event will prevent the sleeping beauty from meeting her lover, which will subsequently cause them to move away from each other.

For an elderly woman, the dream book foreshadows a series of events that the sleeping lady will perceive negatively. However, after some time, you will realize that all the changes that have occurred in you in the near future have a positive impact on your life.

Success is coming!

A dream of heavy bleeding heralds the opportunity to improve your financial situation. Seeing your menstruation on a pad predicts the prospect of finally feeling the results of your tireless work.

A wonderful period of prosperity and an incredibly interesting life awaits you. If in a dream you do not have time to change gaskets, then, according to the dream book, the easy life period will last a very long time.

For those who want to know what awaits them in the future. It is enough to decipher the dream you had the day before.

Signs sent by the subconscious foretell happy and sad moments, troubles or good chances.

When interpreting dreams, you should not forget about their emotional component and the maximum number of details.

Among other things, it would not hurt to draw an analogy between events occurring in reality and those occurring in dreams. If the dreamer saw blood from menstruation in his dream, the dream book will tell him what awaits him soon.

On the gasket

If the sleeper saw a pad in menstrual blood in the plot of the vision, this means that in real life he wants to know everything in as much detail as possible about the intimate moments of the lives of his loved ones.

Such a vision signals that it is time to prepare and that the opportunity should be seized.

For other dreamers, the dream portends an unexpected surprise. Perhaps this it will be a nice find.

If a very gambling person saw this dream, you can safely buy a lottery ticket or go to a casino. In both cases, you should expect a big win.

On the bed

Seeing blood smeared from menstruation in the plot of the vision means that in reality the hero of the dream sex life is not going well.

It may be that the sleeper experiences feelings of discomfort during intimacy or has stopped trusting his partner. The reason lies in the emergence of doubts about the real feelings of the chosen one or suspicions of.

The best way out of the situation would be to reconsider the relationship and talk with your significant other. You should talk openly about your experiences. Frank conversations in most cases help solve a lot of problems.

To a man

Sometimes men may dream about menstrual blood. Such a phenomenon cannot be called natural; it means the occurrence of losses. When the dreamer saw him in his home, he will soon be disappointed in his chosen one or suffer material losses.

In addition, there may be disagreements between relatives which will escalate into a quarrel.

Since menstruation symbolizes purification, one should think about the importance of relationships and material goods, which seriously burden the sleeper and carry negative emotions.

On panties

Blood from menstruation, seen in a dream on panties. Coming soon there will be a new addition to the family.

If a girl had such a dream on the eve of one of the most important events, a job interview, a date with a pleasant young man, and so on, then a positive outcome will depend solely on her. This will play a very important role in the fate of the handsome men.

During your period

This vision means absolutely nothing. As a rule, a representative of the fairer sex thinks a lot about her critical days and in most cases this happens unconsciously.

The dream is a reflection in subconscious of human experiences. If you believe the Muslim dream book, then in the near future a woman will commit an act that has special meaning for her.

You should pay attention to the period of the menstrual cycle during which she saw such a dream, what worries her in real life, whether anyone else was present in the plot of the vision.

On clothes

If in the plot of the dream the sleeper noticed clothes stained with menstrual blood loved one, this could be a relative, friend or good friend, then in real life you need to ask the character, does he need help.

Most likely, the vision gives a signal to the sleeper that he is really needed and there is no need to wait. Maybe a person, because of his pride, will not say anything, but in his soul he will harbor a grudge against the dreamer.


Menstrual blood belonging to another woman signifies a relationship of trust. If, at the sight of menstruation, the dreamer experienced disgust, a feeling of hostility or fear, in real life one should be ready for trouble.

It is likely that someone is slandering and spreading gossip behind the sleeping person’s back. In addition, problems may arise in personal relationships due to what has appeared on the horizon.

Seeing menstrual blood or someone else's clothes smeared in it in the dreamer's house foretells that in reality there is a person who wants to earn the trust of the sleeper in order to use him for his own purposes.

This vision does not symbolize the presence of spiteful critics or enemies. It predicts the appearance overly intrusive person trying to insist on his own and get what he wants.

Such communication can cause problems for the owner of the dream and take up a lot of time. You need to reconsider your environment.

On my feet

If in the plot of the vision blood from menstruation flowed down the legs, and this happened in a crowded place, in real life the dreamer will have to refute unpleasant rumors that someone is spreading about him.

In addition, in the near future you should not be frank with people from your environment, so that everything said will not be used against the sleeping person. There is no need to discuss others and criticize someone behind their back.

Heavy bleeding

For a young girl, such a dream, especially if in the story she cannot stop the bleeding and is afraid of it, symbolizes that in real life she is embarrassed by her own femininity or the attraction she feels for someone.

On a subconscious level she I'm scared to enter adulthood, change status. If within a short period of time she has a relationship with a young man, then it is not destined to become long and strong.

Waiting for a missing period

To experience despair in a dream because, contrary to all expectations, menstruation does not appear, symbolizes in reality that the dreamer has there are certain problems, in the solution of which the sleeper relied on his close friends or relatives.

There is nothing criminal or shameful about asking for help. It is better to cope with tasks together than to harbor unrealistic ideas and plans.

After critical days

When a woman sees menstrual blood, but her critical days will not come soon, this symbolizes the emergence of gynecological health problems.

Perhaps an old illness will make itself felt, or a disease is developing in her body, which is not yet felt.

If a representative of the fairer sex has not been to an appointment for a very long time, the moment has come when it needs to be done.

During pregnancy

A dream with the presence of menstrual blood is a favorable sign, symbolizing getting rid of everything that is unnecessary, outdated and the beginning of a period of life renewal.

When a woman in the early stages of pregnancy had such a dream, she will be born completely healthy. In the case of a vision of menstrual blood flowing and spreading on the floor, in reality it is possible, and everything will happen unexpectedly.

You should not feel anxious ahead of time; loved ones who will be nearby will come to the rescue in difficult times.

Unexpected onset of menstruation

If in the plot of the vision the mistress of the dream suddenly begins to flow menstrual blood, in real life she will experience loss or loss, and these will not be material values.

It is believed that menstrual blood is personification of energy and strength, so a woman runs the risk of losing faith in her healing during an illness or starting to doubt herself. In addition, there is a risk of losing relationships dear to the heart, which will cause a strong psychological blow. Such a dream is considered a warning, so maximum caution should be exercised.

Blood in a dream is a symbol of life, health, prosperity, kinship, surprise.

If you see in a dream that you are bleeding, it is a sign of loss and poor health.

A dream in which you saw blood coming from your nose means loss of money or position in society.

Blood pouring from a wound is a sign of an unsuccessful deal, which will cause you a lot of trouble and losses.

Seeing blood on your hands is a sign of danger that threatens you due to carelessness.

Incest in a dream foreshadows illness or painful pride, which will cause you a lot of problems.

Blood vessels with blood flowing through them portend well-being.

Blood on the head means you will soon get a condition.

Spitting blood in a dream means illness or humiliation.

A dream in which you saw blood pouring out of you onto the floor predicts winning a case or receiving benefits.

Dark Blood, flowing out of you, portends liberation from sorrows and worries.

Blood flowing from the throat portends significant events in your life, strengthening your position in society, wealth and prosperity in the house. Especially if the blood is bright red and not clotted.

For childless people, such a dream predicts the imminent birth of children. Such a dream also promises you a meeting with a loved one whom you have not seen for a long time.

It’s bad to dream that you are spitting blood on the bare ground. Such a dream predicts the death of a loved one or relative.

Choking on blood in a dream or swimming in it is a sign of danger or a great misfortune that will happen to loved ones.

Dark blood clots in a dream are a sign of a serious illness that is creeping up on you. The brighter the blood that you see in a dream, the more dangerous and painful your illness will be.

Seeing blood flow in a dream means a serious illness with a fatal outcome over a long period of time.

Someone else's blood in a dream foreshadows the illness of loved ones or acquaintances.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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For a suspicious person, dreams where blood is present in one form or another are confusing. Even if the reason for its appearance is clear and natural, as is the case with menstruation. Those who are a little familiar with the logic of dream books consider such dreams to be a hint of events related to blood relatives - hence the frightening symbol. But the dream books themselves put forward much more diverse versions, sometimes threatening dreamers with illnesses, sometimes promising a whirlwind romance. Which interpretation to believe?

Interpretations of dreams about menstruation in various dream books

  • Miller's dream book bases its interpretations on the personality of the dreamer. So, if a married woman dreams of “critical days,” this predicts her pregnancy. But for a lonely girl, sleep is fraught with health problems. It will not turn out too well for a sick person of any gender: in this case, a dream about menstruation is considered a harbinger of a serious illness, to cure which you may have to “shed blood” - resort to surgery.
  • Japanese, Newest and Women's dream book and, as well as the dream book of the 21st century and Loff. But with minor differences! For example, the Women's Dream Book is confident that the likely illness will be associated with one of the organs of the genitourinary system. Dream Book XXI believes that the reproductive system is in danger. Well, Loff’s dream book advises strengthening your immune system and being wary of any kind of ailment.

Most often, dreams about menstruation are for the fair sex. Which is easy to explain!

  • The ancient Persian dream book says: beware of unexpected turns of fate. If changing circumstances force you to act quickly, there is a high risk of panicking and making a fatal mistake.
  • The everyday dream book explains the appearance of menstruation in women's dreams with problems that a lady will not be able to cope with without outside help, and in men's dreams with concern for the health of a friend. You should not dismiss such warnings as mere trifles. If people live together for a long time and sincerely love each other, it may well be that the young man really began to notice the first signs of his beloved’s illness, although he did not attach any importance to them. And the alarmed subconscious remembered and reacted.
  • The Islamic dream book indicates: if a woman dreams of menstruation, it means that her thoughts are in confusion, and she herself is in sin. You should think about your behavior and understand where exactly you stumbled. Fortunately, the interpretation has two positive aspects! If in her dream the dreamer managed to swim, it means that she will be able to cleanse herself of what she has done and avoid negative consequences of your actions. And if a barren woman dreams of menstruation, she is destined to become pregnant and give birth to many children.
  • Rommel's dream book is pessimistic. In his deep conviction, a girl who celebrated the “red day of the calendar” in a dream will soon be disappointed in her partner. If a man has a dream, his beloved will soon leave him for a more interesting rival.
  • According to Danilova’s dream book, a strange dream warns of a loss or even a sacrifice that the dreamer will have to make. Important nuance: if you manage to do this easily - for example, do not try by hook or by crook to save a relationship that has long exhausted itself - then behind one closed door another will immediately open, leading to great prospects. But trying with all your might to hold on to the old will only take away your vital energy and prevent you from developing further.
  • The English dream book connects a dream about “critical days” with a person’s complexness in matters relating to intimate life. Although for a girl or woman it can only mean the ability to bear children, which the body, for some reason, decided to remind its owner about.
  • The French dream book refers to the traditional interpretation: “blood - blood relatives” and advises preparing for a meeting with loved ones. Perhaps unexpected guests will come to visit you, or perhaps you yourself will suddenly feel an unbearable desire to see distant relatives.

    It looks like something will interfere with the development of the new novel

  • Longo's dream book calls a man who observed the arrival of menstruation while traveling through the kingdom of Morpheus an excessive pedant and neat person. Everything would be fine, but only these qualities make you feel a hidden disgust for all physiological processes of the body, including in the intimate sphere. What is not good for your sex life! Learn to relax in bed, discarding inappropriate disgust. The dream book warns women not to place high hopes on the current romance. The one who now seems like an ideal candidate for a husband may soon disappear from your horizon.
  • According to Freud's dream book, a dream about menstruation is advice to better plan your day. When going to an important meeting, set aside enough time for the road, then no unplanned obstacles on the way will make you late and miss a good chance.
  • Some interpreters associate a dream about menstruation with undeserved accusations and slander that a person dear to the dreamer will be subjected to.
  • Do dreams about periods seem to be full of bad predictions? Wherever you look, there is always talk about illnesses, problems, slander... However, everything is not so sad. There are interpreters who consider this event a sign of the young lady’s purification and rebirth for a new life, new opportunities and new relationships after a not entirely successful period. In general, a dream about menstruation can be interpreted as a sign of significant changes in life: you have cleared yourself of something old and are ready to find something new.
  • Men were less fortunate. What kind of troubles do “bloody dreams” predict for the stronger sex! Breakdown of relationships, loss of respect, difficulties in communicating with superiors, failures in business and mistakes made due to not taking the problem seriously enough. In short, complete negativity. Here we can only advise one thing: keep your eyes open, weigh your every decision three times and be more tolerant with those who are dear to you. Sooner or later, the dangerous period will pass, and your task is to get out of it with minimal losses.

For older people of both sexes, “red days of the calendar” in a dream promise good health and happiness, and sometimes a move to a new place of residence.

What does heavy bleeding mean?

A large amount of blood indicates the importance of sleep

Most interpreters see a direct connection between the amount of blood in a dream and the importance of the predicted events.

  • Those who consider menstruation a sign of illness and trouble - like, for example, the Esoteric Dream Book - see heavy bleeding as a bad sign. Whatever danger the dreamer faces, the consequences of this incident will haunt her for a long time if the problem is not taken seriously and appropriate measures are not taken.
  • Interpreters who call dreams about menstruation a symbol of renewal, on the contrary, call to rejoice in the “streams of blood.” The more abundant they are, the more negativity leaves your life, making room in it for good events. In this interpretation, heavy menstruation is often associated with a person receiving large amount for some difficult but responsible work done or with the emergence of opportunities for career growth.
  • Still others associate any blood loss in a dream with a loss of vitality. Perhaps this will happen in an allegorical way and some malicious person who has influence on you will “drink your blood” to his heart’s content with his claims and nagging. Or maybe a new responsible position will literally “suck all the juice”, although it will bring financial well-being! However, one should not discount the possibility of an accident or injury, after which real bleeding will occur. Take care of yourself!

Clearly visible dark blood clots are interpreted as illness, financial losses, work or personal troubles and other negative events. Although, with the same probability, it may turn out that in a dream, pictures of real menstruation simply surfaced in your memory, for which such a phenomenon is the norm.

Interpretation for pregnant women

For ladies in this position, dreams of “critical days” are welcome guests. Dream books unanimously insist that after such a sign everything will be fine with the potential mother, the birth will be fabulously easy, and the baby will be born healthy and beautiful. At the same time, Miller’s dream book adds that the baby will be naturally endowed with numerous talents. Your child will literally have them “in his blood”!

True, some interpreters believe that dreams about menstruation predict premature birth, but they immediately make an amendment: this will not affect the health of the child and the woman in labor.

If you dream that clothes or underwear are stained with menstrual blood

The problem of spots, familiar to all girls, can take on a grotesque appearance in a dream.

A completely different matter is dreams in which blood stains dot clothing, furniture or a person’s body. In fact, there is no interpreter who would explain them in a positive way.

  • The newest dream book warns: be vigilant, you are in danger of numerous troubles.
  • English refers to a bad omen only for women who try on clothes with blood stains in their dreams. Whatever the dreamer has in mind in the coming days, her affairs will stall in place, and unexpected obstacles will begin to grow as if out of the ground.
  • The Japanese dream book advises ladies to beware of dreams in which another person’s clothes were stained with blood. There is a high probability that one careless word spoken in a passion will forever separate you from the participant in the dream.
  • The English dream book considers blood running down a woman’s legs to be a sign that her illness or misdemeanor will have serious consequences.
  • Some interpreters call bloody marks on clothing a warning about a tense relationship with a person who is higher than you on the social ladder.
  • Pieces of furniture covered with red spots are a symbol of an awkward situation in which you are afraid to find yourself.

Menstrual blood on a pad indicates a person’s increased interest in someone else’s private life. If you don't want to get a reputation as an inveterate gossip, learn to keep your curiosity in check. Better yet, take care of organizing your personal life; the dream assures you that you don’t have one.

Other intimate dream meanings

If at night a woman was worried that her period was not coming, she would face minor losses or encounter difficulties that she would have to overcome alone: ​​her relatives and friends would let her down at the most crucial moment. Philomela’s dream book also says that under the pressure of circumstances the dreamer risks committing a rash act. Although I cannot say that this decision will necessarily lead to bad things, and perhaps to good ones.

The 21st century dream book adheres to a much more pleasant point of view. He is sure: the young lady, who did not wait for the arrival of “critical days” in a dream, is destined in reality to experience a fiery romance with a wealthy man. It is better not to make far-reaching plans, since this relationship will not last long, but no one will prevent the dreamer from getting maximum pleasure from it.

What if someone needs your help?

Another person's menstrual blood in a dream means:

  • A call for help if you notice signs of menstruation in a close friend or relative. They need you, although they don't say it.
  • An attempt to use you for their own purposes if something with blood stains from another person was found in your home in a dream. Don't panic, no one is plotting! It is more likely that an intrusive neighbor or girlfriend will try to relieve her boredom at your expense, wasting her time with endless empty chatter.
  • If someone else's blood caused a feeling of fear in a dream, it signals the appearance of a rival. Or he warns: your own rash behavior may push your chosen one away from you. Are you too jealous or selfish?

There is no need to be afraid of dreams about black blood. For healthy people they predict minor troubles that will not affect the general course of life, and for sick people, surprisingly, they promise recovery.

If you dream that menstruation began while having sex with your loved one, beware of the “black cat” that may run between you and your boyfriend. More generally - for example, when a stranger or random person acts as a partner - the dream warns of an attempt to take advantage of you.

Any blood of a child, including menstruation, in a dream is a sign of danger looming over the family.

An unusual night fantasy about a pet's menstrual blood foreshadows news that will make you quite surprised.

Each dream is individual, but not each one means something. Many women dream about menstruation immediately before the start of real menstruation - either the body gives some kind of “bells”, or intuition is triggered. Someone is afraid of getting into an uncomfortable situation associated with the sudden arrival of “critical days”, and from time to time they live it out in their nightmares. In any case, do not treat the predictions of dream books as the ultimate truth. Take note of them, but interpret them yourself, based on your personal instincts. What does it tell you?