How to choose a heated towel rail and figure out which one is better?

When renovating a bathroom, outdated equipment is replaced, the list of which includes a heated towel rail connected to the heating or hot water supply system. When choosing a new heating device, you need to evaluate not only its visual appeal, but also the strength of the material it is made of. Not every device is able to withstand operating pressure differences that occur in the heating system of an apartment building. It must be taken into account that peak values ​​of this indicator can reach up to 10 atmospheres. Therefore, it is so important to know how to choose a heated towel rail and what technical characteristics of the product to pay attention to as a matter of priority. The correct installation of the purchased equipment is also important. Typically, installation of the device is carried out before the start of finishing work in the room. This is more profitable both in terms of finances and time spent on installation work. Many problems can be solved more easily using electrical models.

After watching the video, you can understand how to choose the right heated towel rail from the variety of models on the market.

What types of heated towel rails are there?

All heated towel rails present on the plumbing equipment market can be divided into three groups.

Water devices

They are initially included in the standard equipment of the bathroom and are a pipe bent in the form of a coil through which hot water circulates. When the hot water supply is turned off, the tubular product cannot be used for its intended purpose until the repair work is completed.

If the device is connected to the heating system, then the period of its use coincides with the heating season. This means that the water heated towel rail in this case stands idle for more than three months a year. However, life does not stop and residents of apartment buildings have to look for a replacement for this equipment.

Electric heated towel rails

These devices can be an excellent alternative to water models. After all, they can be operated autonomously, regardless of the functioning of other systems. There are also no strict requirements for the installation location of such equipment. Therefore, you can find electric heated towel rails not only in bathrooms, but also in kitchens and hallways. To operate, such equipment only requires an uninterrupted supply of electricity. Naturally, constant use of an electrical appliance will lead to an increase in bills for consumed kilowatts.

Combined heated towel rails

These units combine the design features of water and electrical appliances, so they can operate in one of two modes if necessary. However, many buyers are still put off by the cost of such products.

Important! Having assessed the advantages and disadvantages of each type in relation to the individual characteristics of your apartment, you can understand how to choose a heated towel rail for the bathroom so that it is beautiful, profitable and functional.

The main nuances of choosing a water heated towel rail

As mentioned above, the technical parameters of water models must correspond to the level of operating and pressure testing characteristic of the water supply system of the house. In accordance with building codes and regulations, as well as the requirements of GOSTs regulating the design of water supply and heating systems in apartment buildings, all used water-folding sanitary fittings must be operated at a pressure reaching 6 atmospheres or higher. Although theoretically the water pressure in the system should not exceed 4 atmospheres, in practice this value can range from 2.5 to 7.5 atmospheres depending on the number of floors of the building, its location, and the state of utilities.

Pay attention! Before buying a water heated towel rail, you need to find out the pressure in the water supply system of the house, add a few points for possible water hammer and select the device taking this information into account. Remember that all important technical parameters are indicated by the manufacturer in the product passport.

For a country house with autonomous water supply and heating systems, the pressure in which does not exceed 2-3 atmospheres, the choice of a heated towel rail is not so difficult, so you can buy any model.

Why are imported models interesting?

The diameter of the pipes of imported equipment differs from the diameter of domestic heated towel rails, which makes the products more elegant and expressive. In addition, the color range of devices from foreign manufacturers is much more diverse. This expands the possibilities for custom bathroom interior design.

Products imported to the Russian market from other countries are captivating due to their variety of forms:

    • MP-shaped models;
    • M-shaped;
    • U-shaped;

all kinds of ladders (including those with side connections, with ribs of different types and other configurations).

Imported models of heated towel rails are distinguished by bizarre shapes and different sizes

When choosing a shape, do not forget about the size. After all, the availability of free space in the room affects which water heated towel rail is best to choose for the bathroom.

Particularly attracting the attention of Russians are rotary models produced by the companies DM (Germany), Global Ship (Italy), Korin (Finland), LVI (Sweden), Varmos (Norway). Their feature is that the products can be installed perpendicular to the wall, at the same time, they can be moved in both directions, because the rotation angle is 180 degrees. White, gold-plated, chrome-plated swivel heated towel rails can decorate any room.

Important! The presence of shut-off valves, which allow servicing devices, releasing excess pressure and eliminating air pockets, is an integral part of imported devices. These measures contribute to uniform heating of the device along its entire length.

German equipment from such well-known brands as Art-Tec, Zehnder, Emco and Arbonia is also popular among Russian buyers. Each consumer decides for himself which company to choose a heated towel rail from the listed brands, the main thing is that the devices can withstand operation taking into account Russian conditions and do not fail ahead of time.

Influence of manufacturing material on service life

The quality of water used in Russian water supply systems leaves much to be desired. Models made of stainless steel can withstand the corrosive effect of the coolant. The top surface of stainless steel products can be chrome-plated, polished or painted.

Painted heated towel rails are the most affordable, while polished appliances are very expensive. Equipment made of non-ferrous metals (brass, copper, aluminum) is inferior in terms of duration of use.

Advice! Stainless steel products are popular, so they are often counterfeited. In order not to run into defective equipment, it is necessary to carefully inspect the quality of welds, and also require documentary evidence of the origin of the goods.

Stainless steel heated towel rails have a long service life

It is advisable to purchase heated towel rails made of ferrous metals for country cottages equipped with individual heating systems. Because when used in apartments of multi-storey buildings, devices made of ferrous metals are corroded by corrosion, clogged with salts and other impurities present in the coolant, and deposited as a solid sediment on the inner surface of the pipes.

It is worth paying attention to devices manufactured by Zehnder, Arbonia, Kermi in Germany, as well as the Czech company Korado and the Russian company KZTO.

Knowing the material used to make the device, as well as the degree of its resistance to corrosive processes, you can understand which heated towel rail to choose and how long this equipment can approximately last.

Safety of operation of electric models

If there is no possibility of connecting a water device in the room, then which heated towel rail is best to use? Electric, of course. The undeniable advantages of these models include:

  • beauty of design design;
  • no leaks;
  • independence from pressure in the hot water supply system;
  • ease of installation;
  • freedom in choosing the installation location;
  • heating temperature regulation;
  • enable/disable if necessary, etc.

However, there is a significant drawback, which is associated with the difficulty of safely connecting any electrical appliance in the bathroom in conditions of high humidity. To eliminate the possibility of electric shock to a person, installation work must be carried out by a professional electrician using hidden wiring and special sockets built into the wall of the room.

Important! Electricity consumption directly depends on the power of the heating element of an electric heated towel rail, which can vary from 100 to 2000 W. Since modern models turn on and off automatically when the specified parameters are reached, it is possible to save energy resources.

Painted models of heated towel rails make the interior of the room brighter and more unusual

This equipment is produced by Russian and foreign manufacturers, and which heated towel rail is best to choose specifically, each buyer must decide for himself. Domestic models are inferior in design, but are also cheaper. Imported devices are distinguished by beauty, functionality and, accordingly, higher cost.

It is advisable to buy a device and order its installation in one place, so that a single company is fully responsible for its operation. Otherwise, the seller may say that the equipment failed due to errors made during installation. When making claims, the installation company will blame the seller for supplying, in their opinion, a low-quality product. To exclude this scenario, you can entrust a representative of the installation organization with the selection of suitable equipment from a technical point of view. The appearance of the heated towel rail is, of course, determined by the owner of the apartment.