New is better: choosing a water heated towel rail

You can place a heated towel rail not only in the bathroom - it will perfectly cope with the function of additional heating and drying, being installed in the corridor, utility room, laundry room or other room of a country house. It will work all-season, as long as hot water circulates in the pipes, which means in the summer the room for drying things will be warm and cozy.

It is enough to perform the installation correctly once so that you no longer have to control the operation of the heated towel rail. Its parameters do not change during the entire period of operation. There is no need to change wires, sockets, or supply current to the room. This is a full-fledged heater that does not increase heating costs.

When purchasing, pay attention to the following details:






Traditional models of curved shape ("coil" type, pipes bent in the letter "M", "P").

Characterized by low heat transfer (no more than 0.5 kW)


Heated towel rails that have undergone minor modernization (pipes of different diameters were used, shelves were installed, an unusual shape, etc.).


An original shape, for example, a ladder.


Non-ferrous metals

They will not last long because they are exposed to an aggressive environment, which in our case is hot water with harmful impurities that destroy the surface of the pipes.

Stainless steel

The best option for the domestic water supply system. The outer part is usually chromed, painted or polished.

Write down the following criteria for choosing a device and follow the instructions point by point:

  1. Let's go to the housing department: find out the pressure level in the water supply - based on this data, choose the appropriate heated towel rail.
  2. Ask for documents: a passport with a warranty card is a sign of a quality device.
  3. Find out what material the device is made of: it’s worth considering the option further if it’s made of stainless steel.
  4. Find out what maximum pressure testing it can withstand. Compare it with the data received from the housing department. Buy a model with a margin to be sure.
  5. Visual inspection of the pipes: it is better to buy a heated towel rail without a seam, because it will burst apart due to water pressure if it is made poorly. If this is not possible, turn to well-known brands to reduce the risk of defects.
  6. What material is used to cover the surface. The most reliable heated towel rails are those with a chrome plated top. In second place is enamel applied by polymerization. The third is painting.
  7. Make sure that the device is equipped with a Mayevsky valve (for air release). If an air pocket forms inside, the heated towel rail will not heat up to the permissible power.

Go to the store armed with a magnet. If it does not stick to the heated towel rail, it means that the material contains a lot of chromium (about a fifth), which is usually added to stainless steel.

Electric or water - that is the question

Electric heated towel rails also have their own audience. Models powered by voltage are also beautiful and varied, but they should be chosen based on feasibility and physical feasibility, for example:

  • You have a small bathroom: an electric heated towel rail is a standard electrical appliance that operates in conditions of high humidity. According to safety regulations, it is recommended to install the device no closer than 60 cm from a bathtub, sink, or shower. It is impossible to implement these standards in small bathrooms.
  • We are installing an electrical appliance in an old house where there is no hot water supply or the system is so outdated that connecting an additional appliance can lead to an emergency.
  • A water heated towel rail is sufficient if the room has a “warm floor”. The bathroom is always dry and warm. A powerful device that runs on electricity will be superfluous.
  • We bought an electric one - now we need to install an additional outlet in the bathroom, and also think about how to hide the wiring in the walls and connect the ground. In the construction estimate, these are additional operations that add up to costs. If installation is carried out in a used room, it is better to wait for a major overhaul.

Water heated towel rail brands: what customers say

The model line is represented by Russian and imported heated towel rails. If the goal is to install a water rather than an electric device, experts do not advise considering foreign models. Most of them are not adapted to the Russian heat and water supply system. In the West, the air is completely pumped out of the pipes supplying hot water, and the water flows soft, devoid of any impurities. Manufacturers of plumbing fixtures and drying devices are focused on such water; accordingly, they do not think about strengthening the body of heated towel rails or preventing corrosion, but focus on aesthetics.

Not all imported heated towel rails are suitable for Russian consumers. The diameter of the internal lumen in them sometimes does not exceed half an inch, which is absolutely unsuitable for our hard water. They are made from non-ferrous metals and coated with chrome-nickel - such a scheme is not acceptable for domestic water supply systems.

Top 3 Russian heated towel rails:

  1. "Sunerzha" (St. Petersburg).
  2. "Nika" (Podolsk district, Moscow Region).
  3. "Aquastal" (Moscow).






The most titled manufacturer with the richest model line of heated towel rails: from the simplest to the designer. This is the case when you should not be afraid of welded seams on pipes: they are made in compliance with the technology, therefore they will not come apart even under high environmental pressure. They function for a long time, do not cause problems during their entire service life, and have a guarantee.

Sunerzha is the first in Russia to launch new products, introducing more advanced technologies into production. Even if a breakdown suddenly occurs, you won’t have to wait long for a replacement or warranty repair: they have handled this matter clearly.

The only negative is the high price of the products. You can find it much cheaper, but the quality and service are worth it.

  • Elegy: coils, high heat transfer, wide selection of standard sizes, price 7.5-13.5 thousand rubles;
  • Galant: 14 types of different sizes. Heat output up to 568 W. Price from 6.8 rubles;
  • Bohemia: with elegant shelves, made of food-grade steel, price from 8.2 thousand rubles.


Many new products, a rich model line, a wide price range. Each model undergoes strength testing, subjected to pressure up to 40 atm.

Plasma polishing is used to give the products an amazing appearance.

Model range: 53 products, 1400 standard sizes.

  • They duplicate the designs of “Sunerzh”;
  • Stainless steel is used, and the corner joints are made of brass. Thus, the service life is reduced, and during operation the dryer is subject to stray current;
  • Poor-quality components: try to hold it tightly in your hand and turn the union nut, applying a little force. She will come off like clockwork, which is unacceptable.
  • Budget models “P” from 1.6 thousand rubles;
  • “M” models, heat output up to 125 W, side water supply, price from 1.65 thousand rubles;
  • “PM” with increased heat transfer, wall thickness up to 3.5 mm, price from 2.7 thousand rubles;
  • “LD”: heat an area up to 3 m2, price from 6 thousand rubles;
  • “L.B”: in 3 sizes, heat output up to 400 W, price from 9 thousand rubles.


The models are easy to repair. High quality food grade steel is used. It is possible to connect to the system without using adapter corners. If you are looking for a “high-quality, but inexpensive” option, choose models from this manufacturer, as well as heated towel rails from Terminus, but not from Sunerzha.

Inexpensive models begin to leak after 2-3 years at the welding points and rust appears. Such models cannot be restored; they have to be replaced under warranty.

  • Margroid: economy class, price from 800 rubles;
  • Premium class - from 3.5 thousand rubles. (eg Margroid 11A).

Among the Russian representatives, the heated towel rails from the plant in Kimry, Terminus, are considered quite good. Among the imported ones, Zehnder, Kermi (Germany), Margaroli (Italy), Corado (Czech Republic) are considered. It's not so much a matter of quality (every manufacturer has supermodels). The main thing is to ensure that the technical parameters of the product match the heat and water supply system (depending on what the heated towel rail will be connected to) and carry out professional installation.