Calculation of KBM according to MTPL. What is KBM MTPL KBM is overestimated

In the calculations of the compulsory insurance policy, a coefficient is used that significantly affects the size of the discount when determining the final costs for the motorist. KBM OSAGO is the so-called accident-free coefficient, which determines the risk of an insured event for each specific driver. A year spent behind the wheel without paying a single insurance premium allows you to increase the discount level for the next year.

KBM coefficient value

The abbreviation KBM stands for bonus-malus coefficient and is determined based on statistics for the past year. The KBM value is calculated depending on the driver’s class, his experience and driving accuracy.

Without defining the class, it will be impossible to know exactly the KBM and check it for compliance. A driver who knows how the KBM is determined by driving class can control the assigned values. Due to frequent claims regarding incorrectly assigned discounts, regularly checking the indicator will help you avoid unpleasant proceedings with the insurer when it comes time to purchase a new policy.

If a motorist has just gotten behind the wheel and has no driving history, according to the current regulations, a third driving class with a KBM of 1.0 is assigned.

Depending on the driver’s further behavior on the road, the class may be increased or decreased, which will affect the size of the further discount.

  1. Every year without an accident and in the absence of payments under compulsory motor liability insurance, the driving class increases, and the discount decreases accordingly.
  2. If you get into an accident, the driver who caused the accident is downgraded, and the insurance amount for the next year becomes higher.

How is it calculated

The general calculation algorithm is as follows: every year without accidents for the driver means an increase in the discount by 5%. As a result, ten years of driving without insurance claims will give the driver a 50 percent discount on the purchase of the policy. Reducing MTPL costs by half is the maximum possible savings that can be affected by the bonus-malus indicator.

The determination of the CBM is influenced not only by the presence or absence of compensation for road accidents, but also by their quantity. When a novice motorist receives class 3, after a year of accident-free driving his class will rise to class 4 and so on. The maximum driving class that can be assigned to a motorist is 13th, at which the BMC will be 0.5 or a 50 percent discount.

If during the year the motorist repeatedly becomes the culprit of an accident, the discount is canceled and an increasing coefficient is added instead. According to the table of correspondence between KBM calculations and driving class approved by law, the maximum cost of the policy increases by 145% of the original value.

An approximate calculation of compliance between the vehicle and driver class is as follows:

Calculation features

Determining the final cost of insurance requires taking into account some nuances:

  1. If a trailer insurance contract is concluded, the bonus-malus indicator is at least 1.00.
  2. When operating a car with transit license plates (to obtain insurance for the period of travel to the region in which the car will be registered), or when applying for a policy for moving around the country on a temporary basis, the BMR is equal to one.
  3. When calculating a policy whose admission list includes several persons, the value of the BMR is determined based on a motorist with a minimum driving class.
  4. Unlimited insurance requires determining the discount rate taking into account the accident-free statistics of the car owner.

How is it checked?

Sometimes the insurer (intentionally or due to the negligence of employees) makes mistakes in assigning the CBM to a specific motorist. That’s why it’s so important to learn how to check the “bonus-malus” value yourself.

If you have access to the Internet, absolutely any driver can do this. There are many Internet resources that are based on information stored in a single RSA database. To minimize the possibility of a technical error, it is recommended to contact trusted official sources Russian Society of Insurers (RSA).

The check is a simple procedure in which information about the motorist of interest is entered into the search window:

  1. Determine whether the owner is an individual or legal entity.
  2. Determine the type of contract required (with or without restricted access).
  3. Enter data on the car.
  4. If the policy is for one driver, enter the full name, date of birth, as well as his ID details. Indicate the day following the expiration of the current contract.
  5. If the policy is without restrictions, enter the full name, passport details of the owner, and a 17-digit VIN number in a separate window.
  6. Next, you need to check the box indicating your consent to the processing of personal information. If there is no VIN number, make a similar mark and press the check button.

The inspection result does not always satisfy the policyholder. If you have any doubts regarding the assigned KBM, you must contact the company with which the contract is signed for clarification. Measures will need to be taken to restore the indicator.

Correction of coefficient

When the test result does not meet the driver’s expectations, the first thing you need to understand is where exactly the error was made in determining the KBM. Policies will be required previous years and the product of manual recalculation of values.

It must be taken into account that the law allows for periodic adjustments of the coefficients. It is recommended to rely on the Instructions from the Bank of Russia regarding the maximum values ​​of the tariff rate and coefficients or on the MTPL tariffs in force at the time of concluding the agreement.

If an error is detected, the policyholder contacts the insurance company, which accepted the erroneous data for calculations. Corrections usually take no more than 3 days. Currently, RSA is not making changes to the database. Therefore, there is no need to file complaints with this organization.

Video about fixing KBM

Often the insurer that made the mistake no longer exists, so it will not be possible to correct the CBM. To avoid such troubles, it is recommended to check the KBM in the policy annually, when drawing up a new insurance contract.

Many years have passed since the introduction of compulsory civil liability insurance in 2003.

During this period, each driver has accumulated a certain driving history. Except, perhaps, for newcomers who have recently received a driver's license.

Some had accidents, others were found to be the culprit of the accident. There are also drivers who have been driving without accidents for several years.

In order for the cost of the MTPL policy to take into account driving history and the presence/absence of accidents, a separate correction factor was introduced - KBM.

What is the essence of KBM? How is it calculated and what does it affect? Let's figure it out.

What does KBM mean under OSAGO?

BMR is the bonus-malus ratio. This coefficient affects the cost of the policy - increasing or decreasing depending on the accident rate in previous periods.

The main purpose of this coefficient is to demonstrate to drivers the economic benefits of careful and accident-free driving.

If the driver is attentive to his driving style and does not violate the rules traffic and does not become the culprit of an accident, then every year the cost of the MTPL policy will decrease for him. This will happen due to an increase in the discount on KBM.

Conversely, drivers who prefer an aggressive or careless driving style, leading to frequent accidents, will face the fact that their compulsory motor liability insurance policy may become significantly more expensive for the next year.

There is one story connected with the bonus-malus coefficient that happened in Germany. The driver of an old Mercedes was stuck at a railway crossing - bald tires were slipping on the rails. A train was moving along the tracks. We see a stuck car, the driver applied the emergency brake. As a result, the train derailed and damaged a dam located next to the railway. Water gushing from a damaged dam flooded an entire holiday village. All this damage had to be paid to the insurance company, which insured the liability of the owner of the Mercedes. The amount was in the tens of millions of euros. And the car owner in the end simply received a 10% premium to the MTPL policy for not replacing the tires in a timely manner.

KBM size

The value of the bonus-malus coefficient is determined on the basis of the table approved as part of the tariffs for compulsory motor liability insurance.

The final coefficient value is tied to the driver class. Which in turn varies depending on the number of accidents in the previous year.

Initially, drivers who have not previously been insured under compulsory motor liability insurance are assigned class 3 and KBM = 1.

A general table of classes and sizes of KBM is given in the table below:

As can be seen from the table, a disciplined driver who does not get into an accident through his own fault can annually accumulate a 5% discount on the total cost of the MTPL policy.

Example. The driver drove for 5 years without an accident. The insurance company did not pay for accidents that were his fault. Consequently, when concluding a contract for 6 years, the driver will be assigned class 8. For grade 8, the KBM coefficient is 0.75. Or a 25% discount on the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance. Example 2. At the beginning of the policy, the driver had class 7 and a discount on KBM in the amount of 20% (KBM = 0.8). During the year, the insurance company made 2 payments for accidents that occurred due to the fault of this driver. We get that when applying for compulsory motor liability insurance for a new period, the driver will be assigned class 2. The BMF in this case will be 1.4. That is, the previous discount turned into a 40% premium to the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance.

What is the maximum discount on KBM that can be accumulated?

The maximum value of the bonus-malus coefficient is 0.5. Which corresponds to a 50% discount on the cost of the MTPL policy.

This type of KBM is received by drivers who are assigned class 13. This class can be achieved by drivers who have not been involved in an accident through their own fault for 10 years in a row.

After receiving class 13 and a KBM of 0.5, the driver can no longer improve his accident-free rate and save even more on compulsory motor liability insurance.

What is the KBM tied to - the car or the driver?

Initially, the legislation on compulsory motor liability insurance stipulated the binding of the KBM to the car.

More information about the legislation on compulsory motor liability insurance can be found in the section -

This caused a lot of controversy. Since car owners who sold their old car and bought a new one were faced with the fact that their accumulated accident-free discount was reset to zero. KBM was equal to 1 (unit).

Therefore, since 2008 the approach has been changed.

Now the KBM is tied to the driver. And changing a car does not affect the amount of the discount for accident-free operation.

Moreover, the transition to linking the KBM to the driver made it possible to more accurately determine the cost of the MTPL policy, where more than one driver is included in the list of persons allowed to drive.

How is the KBM calculated for several drivers?

For MTPL policies in which the list of those allowed to drive includes several drivers, a separate procedure for determining the CBM applies.

The fact is that each of the admitted drivers has their own unique insurance history and by the time the OSAGO policy is issued, they have accumulated their own amount of CBM.

But in calculating the premium for compulsory motor liability insurance, only one value of the KBM is used.

The value of the final bonus-malus coefficient is determined based on the worst driver. To do this, driver classes are compared and a minimum class is selected.

Example. The policy includes 3 drivers: 10th class (KBM = 0.65), 4th class (KBM = 0.95) and 8th class (KBM = 0.75). The minimum class is class 4 (KBM = 0.95). Therefore, when calculating the final cost of the MTPL policy, a BMR of 0.95 will be applied.

In practice, this means that it is not profitable for car owners to allow inexperienced or careless drivers to drive their cars. Because in this case you will have to larger size MTPL premiums.

How is the KBM calculated for an unlimited number of drivers?

MTPL rules allow car owners to take out a MTPL policy with an unlimited list of drivers.

This option is not very common, but in some situations it can be useful.

With an unlimited list of drivers who can drive a vehicle, the size of the CBM is determined by the owner of the car.

If the owner of the car does not have his own history, then the calculation is made based on class 3 (KBM = 1).

Where is the history of KBM kept?

Today, all information about the bonus-malus coefficients assigned to drivers is stored in a single database - AIS RSA.

Insurance companies are required to transmit information about applied BMRs within 1 day after concluding an insurance contract.

And when applying for the next MTPL policy, insurers are required to obtain information about the size of the driver’s motor insurance from the AIS RSA, and not from their own databases.

For more information on how to independently check the KBM under OSAGO online using the RSA database, read the article -

For drivers, this means that they can freely change insurance company, without fear that their accumulated accident-free history will be reset to zero and instead of a discount, they will be given a BMR equal to “one” for the new term.

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As all motorists are well aware, our country has long had a system of compulsory automobile civil liability insurance, or OSAGO. In particular, it suggests that driving without having the appropriate insurance policy is prohibited. Therefore, naturally, everyone who owns a vehicle and intends to use it has to purchase it.

Naturally, everyone wants to buy a cheaper policy, and this is quite possible to do if you know exactly your own bonus-malus ratio or BMR. Exactly what a KBM is, what it depends on, and how to determine your KBM will be discussed in this article.

Before talking about what KBM is, you need to understand the concept of driver insurance classes. The fact is that all civilized countries have their own own systems, according to which, when purchasing car insurance, length of service and driving experience are taken into account: the higher they are, the less you have to pay for the policy. This approach is quite logical, since the likelihood of a traffic accident being committed by a person who has been driving cars for many years and doing it almost flawlessly in terms of compliance with traffic rules is significantly lower than the likelihood of a novice committing a traffic accident. In Russia, for some time now, a similar system has also existed, which is based on such a concept as driver class.

According to the current system of compulsory motor third party liability insurance (MTPL), each driver belongs to a certain insurance class. The lowest (that is, a novice driver who has absolutely no experience and has just received his license) is designated by the letter “M”, and all the rest belong to classes numbered 1 to 13.

The principle of assigning these very classes and moving from lower to higher ones, which provide lower fees for compulsory motor liability insurance, is quite simple and quite obvious: with increasing driving experience and experience, the “class” increases annually, provided that the driver does not apply to insurance companies for payments according to policies. This means that he drives accident-free, and therefore, as stated above, it is quite logical that he should pay less for insurance. As for the gradation of discounts on MTPL policies depending on the class, for each of them a corresponding BMR is established, which determines their size.

BMC or bonus-malus coefficient- this is a coefficient that directly affects the price of an MTPL policy. Depending on the driver’s accident rate, this coefficient can be either decreasing or increasing.

KBM works in such a way that every year of accident-free driving provides an additional 5% discount on the OSAGO policy. Thus, for example, for drivers belonging to the second class, the BMR is 0.95 (that is, a 5% discount), for the third class it is 0.9 (10% discount). For motorists belonging to the last, highest, thirteenth class, the BMR is 0.5 (that is, a 50% discount).

The current system also provides for the downgrading of a driver if he commits a traffic accident. Accordingly, the BMR increases and the price of insurance increases. It is characteristic that if the reduction in the cost of an insurance policy in accordance with the MSC is carried out only gradually, on an annual basis, then its increase in price when accidents occur and applications to insurance companies for compensation occurs almost immediately, that is, after the fact.

How to find out your KBM under OSAGO using the RSA database?

You can find out your KBM at any time. To do this, you just need to go in and enter your data. The fact is that in Russia there is already a database where all holders of domestic driver’s licenses are entered and each of them is assigned the appropriate class. Therefore, to obtain a KBM on the website, you just need to indicate your last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth and driver’s license number.

Once the information is processed, all data relating to the insurance history of the person in whose name the request is made will become available. It should be noted, however, that simply finding out your class is not enough to find out exactly how much you will have to pay for your next MTPL insurance policy. To do this, you should take into account your current KBM and accident rate.

How to find out your KBM for next year?

This can also be done based on data on the current class and KBM, which can be obtained on the website of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers. It is necessary to carry out all the actions described above, and after that, determine the CBM and, accordingly, the amount that will have to be paid for compulsory motor liability insurance for a certain period of time.

As mentioned above, in Russia there is a system in which insurers both reward drivers for accident-free driving and “punish” them for accidental driving. Thus, in order to determine your CBM, which will come into force in a certain period of time, in addition to your current class, you need to take into account the number of insurance payments, and for the entire period of validity of previous MTPL contracts.

All relationships between the number of payments and the driver’s current class, which affect his BMR and, ultimately, determine the values ​​of this coefficient, are summarized in a special table, which can be viewed below.

Class KBM The class that will be assigned taking into account the accident
Road accident
Road accident
Road accident
Road accident
Road accident
M 2,45 0 0 M M M
0 2,3 1 M M M M
1 1,55 2 M M M M
2 1,4 3 1 M M M
3 1 4 1 M M M
4 0,95 5 2 1 M M
5 0,9 6 3 1 M M
6 0,85 7 4 2 M M
7 0,8 8 4 2 M M
8 0,75 9 5 2 M M
9 0,7 10 5 2 1 M
10 0,65 11 6 3 1 M
11 0,6 12 6 3 1 M
12 0,55 13 6 3 1 M
13 0,5 13 7 3 1 M

On this table you need to find a line with your current class and KBM, and then find a cell corresponding to the number of your accidents.

First, you need to understand what OSAGO insurance is. This is a document according to which the insurance company, in the event of an accident, partially compensates for the damage caused to the injured and innocent party.

To calculate the cost of insurance, the bonus-malus coefficient or BMC is used. Translated from Latin it means “good-bad”. Speaking in simple language, it determines the size of the discount due for accident-free driving.

The KMB is intended to encourage car owners to drive responsibly without violating traffic rules. Every accident results in costs and a reduction in class. To restore it, as well as receive the previous discount, you need to drive for several years without violations.

Using this coefficient, the insurance company finds out how unprofitable or profitable a particular client is for it. If the car owner often gets into accidents, then the costs of paying him insurance will be significant and will be carried out on a regular basis. Therefore, many people do not turn to the insurer for compensation in case of minor damage in an accident.

Main types of KBM

The driver's accident rate directly affects the calculation of the coefficient. It could be:

  • increasing. Occurs when the owner of the vehicle often gets into emergency situations. It is issued when contacting the insurance company after an accident;
  • downward. Occurs when the driver was not involved in a traffic accident in previous insurance periods.

For every year of accident-free driving, you receive an additional 5% discount. The size of the benefit also depends on the class of the vehicle owner.

In the event of an accident, the system provides for a reduction in the class of the motorist and, accordingly, the bonus due, as well as an increase in the cost of insurance.

The price of the policy becomes cheaper gradually, with each passing year. At the same time, its increase in price in the event of an accident and contacting the insurance company is carried out instantly. If the coefficient is minimal and the insured person gets into an accident, then the cost of new insurance will increase by 2.45 times.

Calculation principle

The calculation of the coefficient is based on the following parameters:

  • driver class at the time of insurance;
  • number of accidents during the insurance period.

When calculating, the following points must be taken into account:

  • persons who were insured for the first time are assigned a value of 1;
  • Over the course of a year of accident-free driving, the KVM decreases. The result is a discount. It affects the price of the insurance contract;
  • the highest threshold is 0.5. It involves a 50% discount from the established tariff. A benefit in this amount is given to drivers who have not applied to the company for MTPL payments for 10 years.

The principle of calculating the KBM is as follows:

  • At the beginning of insurance, the driver is assigned a certain class. It corresponds to a specific coefficient value. You can find it out from a special table;
  • one is subtracted from the KBM value;
  • the resulting result is multiplied by 100%.

When taking out an MTPL policy for the first time, a person is automatically assigned the third class, which corresponds to a bonus-malus coefficient (BMC) equal to one. In this case, the insurance amount is 100%. If the coefficient is 0.9, then the calculation will be as follows: (0.9 - 1) × 100% = -10%. As a result, the discount is 10%. In the case of an accident, the coefficient is 2.45. Here the calculation will already be performed in this way: (2.45 - 1) × 100% = 145%. The driver here will have to pay 2.45 times more (145%). An increase in the amount serves as a punishment for violation.

The car owner's class increases annually if he has not been involved in a traffic accident during the annual insurance period. This allows you to receive a discount of 5% or more when renewing your insurance contract. The next insurance period is already calculated according to the new class. If a person applies for compensation, then his class decreases and the coefficient increases. Therefore, new insurance will cost him more.

How can I check

Rarely is the bonus-malus ratio specified in the insurance policy. There are several ways to find out the amount of the discount due:

  • contact your insurer. Any company providing vehicle insurance services to the public must use a unified information system, as well as make all changes about the insured person into it;
  • perform an independent calculation using the above formula and a special table;
  • use the RSA database or similar resources.

The easiest and fastest way is to contact the RSA database. To receive necessary information you need to provide the following information:

  • Driver's full name;
  • his date of birth;
  • license registration number.

A history has been created in the RSA database for each car owner. Any data relating to the occurrence of an insured event and the accruals due are entered into it. Usually the verification does not take much time.

If the fact of illegal determination of the coefficient is discovered, then the following documents must be prepared:

  • statement;
  • driver's license (copy) for which the policy was issued;
  • previously issued insurance contract (copy);
  • current insurance contract.

After submitting the listed documentation, if there is an error, the value of the KMB will be reviewed and corrected. Next, a new contract is concluded with a refund of the amount overpaid by the person.

When applying for an MTPL policy, drivers with excellent driving performance are offered discounts. They are formed for each accident-free year and are called the “bonus-malus” coefficient.

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There are laws and rules regarding the calculation of such a coefficient on the cost of a policy, so insurers cannot apply this discount as they please.

Therefore, not only every insurer, but also the driver should know how such a coefficient is formed, what it depends on, what it is, how it is applied and what influences its decrease or increase.

What is it

KBM under the MTPL policy is the “Bonus-Malus” coefficient, which is considered a discount when purchasing or extending the terms of a compulsory motor liability insurance contract.

This indicator is not the only one that, one way or another, affects the total cost of the policy.

It is always formed according to accident rates, and therefore can influence the cost of the insurance product, both downward and upward. Each KBM will always correspond to a certain class of driver.

This bonus malus coefficient can be found out from a single database - AIS RSA (Automated information system Russian Union of Auto Insurers).

If there is no information on the driver in the unified database yet, then it is permissible to use a coefficient equal to 1. The use of KBM began in 2003.

Insurance company specialists have their own concepts that they use when making calculations, and which define several types of CBM:

  1. Driving coefficient is a coefficient that is determined for each individual driver who has the right to drive a vehicle at the time of insurance.
  2. Owner – type of coefficient of the owner who owns the vehicle.
  3. Calculated – used when calculating the final amount of the premium under an already concluded MTPL insurance agreement.

There is also the concept of maximum or minimum KBM. In other words, the maximum discount or its minimum threshold.

Also, after the minimum value of the discount, there must be a “zero” value of the BMR, and then an increase in price. This is all very clearly visible in the table of classes and coefficients, which will be given below.

As enshrined in law

The Law “On Compulsory Motor Insurance” regulates the actions of insurers. All insurance companies, when concluding an insurance agreement, are required to enter data on drivers into the AIS RSA, and according to previous experiences of insuring clients. Even if the insurance history was formed in other companies.

The direct articles that regulate the application of the MSC are subparagraph “b” of paragraph 2 (No. 40 dated April 25, 2002, last revised on November 28, 2015). Where does it talk about the rules for using and calculating such a coefficient.

KBM classes according to OSAGO

The policyholder class is a coefficient that is assigned for each accident-free year. The law on compulsory motor insurance was issued in 2003.

If the driver has never had an accident during this time and is constantly insured, this means that he is entitled to a good discount when purchasing the next MTPL insurance policy.

For example, if a driver's driving period of a car is determined to be 12 years without accidents, then he is assigned a class 12.

In this example, twelve years begin counting from the moment the law on compulsory motor liability insurance was adopted, that is, from 2003. This class is determined by a special table of bonus-malus coefficient values ​​that it is assigned a BMR of 0.55, which corresponds to a 45 percent discount.


When calculating the “Bonus-Malus” coefficient, a special table should always be used, where KBM is listed in the columns in relation to the driver’s class.

In this way, you can understand where the minimum and where is the maximum KBM according to OSAGO, what the KBM should be for a particular driver who has his own class.

Using the table, you can determine the presence or absence of insurance payments that were made due to the fault of the driver involved in the accident.

The table also makes it clear in percentage terms what the discount or price increase will be applied to a driver with a specific KBM.

For example, we can consider the following situation, which clearly shows how to use tabular data when determining the BMR and calculating the cost of a future policy:

  1. For example, the driver was assigned a class of 5, which corresponds to a KBM of 0.9.
  2. If you get into an accident once a year when this policy is valid, the next year the driver will be assigned class 3, which will correspond to KBM - 1.
  3. When there were no accidents in the year, then when renewing or purchasing a motor vehicle policy from another insurer, the driver will already be assigned class 6, corresponding to KBM - 0.85.

The price increases/discounts column indicates the percentage of how much cheaper or more expensive the purchase of the policy will be.

If the driver’s coefficient turns out to be 1.55, then he will have to pay 55% more for the MTPL policy than under other circumstances regarding his class.

And, on the contrary, if the driver has a BMR equal to 0.7, then he will be able to take advantage of a 30 percent discount when purchasing an OSAGO policy.

All discounts or increases in price are calculated strictly from the initial (basic) cost of the policy, which, in turn, is the tariff established by the Central Russian Bank - different for each year.

What does it depend on?

First of all, the coefficient is influenced by accident-free behavior, which is studied from year to year for each driver. The coefficient is always assigned according to the previous MTPL policy (insurance contract), but only to the one that expired more than a year ago.

Those policies or contractual terms whose validity is limited to less than 12 months will not be counted. In this case, there is a so-called “duty” coefficient, which is the same for all drivers and is equal to one.

This coefficient will be assigned to those drivers whose policies or contracts were valid for less than a year or there were other reasons why the CBM could not be determined.

Also, the quality of driving experience will influence the KBM. Moreover, the owner of the car and the drivers who are allowed to drive this vehicle will be considered separately.

The class is assigned to the driver only once a year, while the policy is in force, when insurance payments are required to be made to the company due to the driver's fault. In this case, the coefficient will affect the reduction of the insurance premium.

To increase it, you will have to conclude a new contract and not get into an accident. The discount in the form of CBM can be retained during renewal, both in your own insurance company, and when renewing the policy by concluding an agreement with another company.

Where is indicated in the policy

According to the law, there are no special requirements regarding where exactly to enter KBM indicators for drivers or car owners. This can be done by the policyholders themselves, based on internal orders from the company’s management.

Typically, such orders regulate the location of the record used in calculating the cost of the OSAGO KBM policy opposite the name and surname of the owner of the car for which the policy was issued.

This indicator is also entered next to each driver who is included in the policy. Sometimes such an entry is also found in the “Special Notes” column, which, according to most legal experts, is the most correct.

Rules of application

The process of applying KBM has its own characteristics, which apply to different types OSAGO – limited or unlimited.

Limited compulsory car insurance includes those contractual terms that provide for certain restrictions on the number of drivers who have the right to drive a car subject to insurance.

Accordingly, unlimited insurance includes those terms of the agreement that do not provide for any restrictions on the number of drivers included in the policy.

Thus, the features of the use of CBM with limited compulsory motor insurance are the following points:

  1. The coefficient will be determined based on the information that applies to each driver individually.
  2. The cost of the policy itself will also include the calculated type of coefficient found based on the poor performance of a particular driver. But in the RSA database, the driver will retain his class.
  3. The discount is given not to the vehicle, but to the driver, so if the owner of the car changes or the owner of the vehicle changes, then the KBM will be retained.
  4. Increasing KBM in relation to settlements for next year will be applied to those drivers who were at fault for the accident. For them, the cost of renewing the policy will be slightly more expensive due to the increasing coefficient.
  5. If no insurance payments were made under the policy last year (in other words, there were no accidents on the driver’s account), then next year the insurer is obliged to apply a factor reducing the cost of renewing the insurance contract.

In the case where the insurer, when concluding an agreement with the client, proposed the conditions for unlimited access of drivers to drive a vehicle, the features of the application of the CBM will be as follows:

  1. The class will be assigned only to the owner of the car.
  2. The determination of the coefficient for the last agreement, which has lost its validity, should occur in cases where:
    • it was the same - unlimited in the number of drivers included in the policy;
    • the data on the owner and the car provided for issuing a new MTPL policy coincides one-to-one with the old contract;
    • in case of changes in information about the owner of the car or the car itself, KBM = 1 will be applied.

In addition, it is worth highlighting the general essential rules that apply to any type of insurance contract:

  1. In case of early termination of the agreement with the insurer at the initiative of the policyholder, the discount will not be applied according to given date validity of the contract that is interrupted. All contracts are concluded for one year, the CBM is calculated for 12 months, therefore all periods that are less than 12 months of validity of the MTPL policy will not be considered to find the coefficient.
  2. In case of an early terminated contract, a coefficient will be applied equal to the indicators that were applied in the previous agreement preceding the interrupted contract.
  3. The number of payments made to the victim is not counted separately to determine the BMC of the driver who caused the accident. One insured event is one insurance payment, from which further determination of the KBM is carried out. It doesn't matter how many people the insurer paid.

Check for each driver or insurance agent Today, a driver’s KBM can be found on almost any insurer’s website.

For verification, you should prepare in advance the driver’s last and first name, date of birth, number and series of driving license. And then the KBM OSAGO database will provide the necessary information in a matter of seconds.

The system also allows you to obtain the following information:

  • find out the KBM through a special request identifier;
  • the ability to obtain information on both individuals and legal entities;
  • you can check the policy on the KBM without any limitation on the number of drivers appearing on it;
  • Based on the driver, you can find out the details of the policy and the CBM of the previous insurance, as well as losses and their number.

Cases when the CBM cannot be used or can be used, but only exclusively equal to one, refer to the following situations:

  • during the period of transit insurance, when the driver has to proceed to the inspection point or to the place of registration at the territorial office of the traffic police;
  • in the process of obtaining insurance for those cars that are registered in another country.

Possible reasons for the decline

The cost of a policy with KBM is calculated according to a simple scheme - the coefficient is multiplied by the base rate of the policy. Therefore, the higher the BMR, the more expensive the policy will be.

To significantly reduce the cost of this insurance product, you can arm yourself with the following tips:

  1. Just don't get into an accident for several years in a row.
  2. Register (include) in the policy only those drivers who are true professionals and have driving experience vehicles no accidents.
  3. Take into account the territorial coefficient and take out a policy for a friend or relative under a general power of attorney who lives in a region where the territorial insurance coefficient will be lower.
  4. Conclusion of insurance contracts for several years. This is allowed by law when concluding multi-year or long-term contracts under compulsory motor liability insurance, which are valid, as a rule, for no more than 3 or 5 years. “Bonus-malus” does not apply to such contracts, which means that the policy is purchased at a standard price.
  5. The last probable reason for the decrease could be the coefficient being reset to zero, when the driver did not insure or drive a car for a whole year. then when purchasing a policy, a coefficient of 1 can be applied to it.

Where to contact if incorrect

In order to find out whether the insurance company is using the correct KBM in relation to the driver or not, you can use the RSA database or by contacting the insurer from whom the insurance policy was previously purchased.

Also used in the course of office work is the so-called accident-free certificate, which is also issued by RSA. Contact your insurance company for free this issue only possible when the insurance contract has actually ended.

The insurer must provide information on the driver and his vehicle within 5 days after the application. According to the rules, a written application requesting information about the driver’s motor vehicle insurance should be submitted 5 days before the expiration of the MTPL insurance policy.

If the KBM is used incorrectly, the driver can act according to the following algorithm:

  1. Still, conclude an agreement with the insurance company according to the coefficient that the RSA database has currently given, and which turned out to be incorrect.
  2. Next, a claim is submitted to the Union of Auto Insurers so that you are given the correct KBM and recalculated.
  3. To file a claim, you must prepare the following documents, which are attached to the claim application:
    • a completed form for contacting the RSA regarding KBM issues, which can be downloaded on their website;

    • scans or copies of not only the application, but also all the licenses of those drivers who were included in the previous OSAGO policy;
    • scans or paper copies of past and present policies;
    • after receiving a response from RSA, the owner of the car writes an application to his insurance company with a request to recalculate the KBM with the correct data entered into the unified AIS RSA database;
    • after recalculation and entering the correct KBM indicators for the car owner and drivers included in the policy, the insurer can already conclude a new insurance contract with the policyholder and return all excess amounts paid when purchasing the policy.
    • Practice shows that insurers give greater preference to the information provided from the AIS RSA than from the previous place of insurance.

      Incorrect coefficient indicators are especially acutely felt by drivers when there are no discounts, and the policy is even more expensive.

      This is possible when the KBM under compulsory motor liability insurance is reset if any changes are made in the driver-car connection.

      These are situations when the driver changed his last name, sold the car (which means the owner changed), or certain parameters of the car’s registration data changed, the driver was not included in any insurance policy for a year, etc. It is impossible to artificially reset the policyholder’s history; insurance companies face fines for this.

      Application to the RSA for restoration

      The coefficient must be retained by the driver (usually the owner of the vehicle) for a one-year period, which is determined immediately after the MTPL policy expires.

      If for the entire year the driver has not been insured under compulsory insurance and has not driven the car, then his BMR will be reset to zero. However, in this case, the zeroing of the coefficient is not calculated as a digital indicator “0”.

      By zeroed coefficient we mean its indicator equal to one. After a one-year break from driving a car, the driver can restore his coefficient, for which he must write a corresponding application to the RSA:

      This document must be accompanied by copies of the driver's license, which are made on both sides of the license.

      If the insurance contract did not provide for a limitation on the number of drivers included in the compulsory insurance policy, then you will also need to attach a copy of the civil passport of the owner of the car.

      Application for recalculation

      In this case, the applicant asks the insurer to enter the correct value for its coefficient into the RSA database. Moreover, all information is entered into this database strictly by insurers.

      Each driver, most likely, wants to have a minimum KBM according to OSAGO, which makes it possible to purchase insurance policies with 50% discount.

      The lower the coefficient, the cheaper it will be to buy a compulsory motor liability insurance policy. Typically this indicator corresponds to driving class 13.

      In practice, this means that the driver should not have an accident during his 10 years of driving experience. Therefore the most positive results recalculation of the KBM, of course, will depend on the accuracy of driving and the absence of accidents for the year.

      How long does it last after the contract ends?

      After the expiration of the terms of the insurance contract, the KBM in its effective state can only last a year according to the law. After this, its significance and indicators are reset to zero, and they will be subject to restoration only after the driver himself contacts the insurance company or RSA.

      If the hedgehog driver does not need to restore anything or he simply does not want to, then a coefficient of 1 will be applied to the cost of the policy for a new purchase.

      The “bonus-malus” accident-free coefficient can act both to reduce the cost of the compulsory motor liability insurance policy and to increase it.

      They began to apply it legislatively with the goal of stimulating all drivers in Russia so that they would strive to earn a discount on the purchase of the next policy if they drive for a year without getting into any accidents.

      It is not difficult to understand the scheme of operation of such a bonus; the main thing is to study all the rules and regulations for its accrual and use in certain cases.

      Video: OSAGO. Checking the KBM. Calculation of discounts for break-even driving.