Profitability of production of paving slabs using the vibration casting method. Production of paving slabs: step-by-step business plan. For the production of paving slabs they use

Paving slabs are a product that is in ever-growing demand and does not lose its relevance. It is used to cover squares, sidewalks, steps, roads, and driveways for cars.

On the market paving slabs the share of large producers is 95%, small - 5%. Consumers are municipal authorities, commercial enterprises, and private individuals.

Paving slabs are gradually replacing asphalt pavement. According to experts, the business of its production is highly profitable (100%) and is profitable.

  • clarify production volumes and selling prices from future competitors;
  • identify possible clients (shops, open cafes, hotels, construction companies);
  • find potential suppliers of raw materials.

After the analysis, if the market is insufficiently saturated, it is possible to calculate the profitability of production with more high performance. An entrepreneur who does not have experience in running such a business should not immediately purchase an expensive set of equipment. You can purchase it additionally after receiving large orders.

Industrial production of paving slabs as a business: where to start?

When starting a business you should consider:

  1. tile manufacturing technology;
  2. select equipment and calculate the costs of its purchase, delivery, installation;
  3. calculate the amount of raw materials and costs for them;
  4. solve the packaging issue finished products;
  5. provide for advertising costs;
  6. think over ways to implement tiles.

Selecting a room

There are no requirements or restrictions for the premises for the production of paving slabs.

The area must be sufficient to accommodate the equipment; a room of 70 m2 or more is suitable.

According to technology, a certain temperature regime must be observed during the production of tiles, therefore, V winter time the room must be heated.

Additionally, a drying chamber is required (with a constant temperature of about 45 degrees), the floor in it must be warm, there must be no ventilation. Finished products require a warehouse. Requires connection to water supply and 360 V power supply.

The technology for producing tiles using the vibration casting method requires a constant supply of water to large quantities, therefore communications must be reliable.

Documents for registration of activities

To open a business you need

Paving slabs are not subject to mandatory certification in the GOST system, however, you can voluntarily obtain an EZ (expert opinion).

After checking the tiles (for strength, frost resistance, water absorption, abrasion, and other properties), the certification center issues a document confirming the quality. This increases the competitiveness of the product. A consumer who is serious about choosing tiles will certainly pay attention to all the characteristics.

Equipment for the production of paving slabs

To produce paving slabs you need:

  • concrete mixer;
  • forming vibrating table;
  • stripping table;
  • plastic forms.

What equipment will be needed for the industrial production of furniture and how to open your own business in this area - read

Production personnel

3 people will be able to cope with the technological process (preparing concrete, pouring it into molds, pressing and sending it to the drying chamber), provided that the daily production of paving slabs is 50 m2.

They do not require special education. If demand increases during the high season, several additional people can be hired.

Sample business plan for the production of paving slabs

Initial investment in production:

  • melting and heating unit 540 thousand rubles;
  • press D2430 470 thousand rubles;
  • mold PP TR 210 thousand rubles;
  • concrete mixer SBR-500 69 thousand rubles;
  • commissioning works 110 thousand rubles;
  • bath for washing molds 5 thousand rubles;
  • scales MK-15.2 4.2 thousand rubles.

Total: 1408.2 thousand rubles.

Required materials:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • plasticizer;
  • pigment.

Necessary costs:

  1. The cost of raw materials is 3,794 rubles/ton (136.58 rubles per 1 m2 of tiles).
  2. 60 thousand rubles. (subject to working 1 shift). Wage costs will be 28.58 rubles. per 1 m2 of tiles.
  3. Tax deductions 8.7 rub. per 1 m2 of tiles.
  4. Rent of premises 10 thousand rubles. (RUB 2.38 per 1 m2 of tiles).
  5. Energy consumption per shift is 135 kW (RUB 7.8 per 1 m2 of tile).

You can learn how to make handmade soap at home and see a sample business plan for soap making

Cost of 1 m2 of paving slabs:

The price of paving slabs is 480 – 500 rubles/m2. With a monthly production of 50 x 22 = 1100 m2 of tiles, the amount from its sale will be 528 thousand rubles.

Industrial production of paving slabs as a business: profitability and payback

The calculation was made taking into account the daily production of 50 m2 of tiles and its selling price of 400 rubles/m2. When organizing 2-shift work, income will double and the payback period will be shortened.

The production of paving slabs as a business using the vibration casting method involves more manual labor, therefore, the cost of workers' wages increases. The type of raw material also affects the cost: to produce high-quality tiles you need washed sand, the cost of which is several times higher than regular sand.

, technology, business plan and other issues were discussed in detail in our article at the link.

It is not recommended to save on raw materials: due to its low quality, the tiles will become unusable after 3 years, this will ruin the entrepreneur's reputation. To reduce costs, the production process should be optimized.

Video on making paving slabs

Production of paving slabs as a business - in this video you can watch the tile manufacturing technology:

It’s not easy to make tiles, and it’s even harder to sell them. The market is overflowing with all kinds of offers. Tile manufacturers in recent years a lot appeared. When opening a business, you must solve the problem: to whom and how to sell tiles. This is very important because after hiring labor and purchasing equipment, you will have more serious problems. And it’s even worse if at this time you have no distribution channels for your products.

“The production of paving slabs is a business with a low barrier to entry. I bought a concrete mixer, a couple of molds, some raw materials, hired workers - that’s the whole business. Such mini-productions are opened even in garage conditions,” says Alexandra Leonidova, deputy. Development Director of CJSC Irkutskzolotoproduct.

“The competition in our business is so great that, despite the rise in cement prices by 30%, we are forced not to increase prices for tiles,” says Mikhail, one of the tile manufacturers.

In addition, most products are far from ideal in quality. Saving at the start, manufacturers purchase cheap equipment and use simple production technology using vibration casting. As a result, their products are much inferior in quality to those produced by companies with expensive and technologically advanced equipment.

Therefore, the only correct way today is to produce high-quality tiles at an affordable price (not higher than the market average). This is the only way to ensure that your products will be in demand.

It is also worth considering the fact that the production of paving slabs is a seasonal activity. It is produced when the construction market revives, that is, in the spring. At other times of the year, it will not be possible to sell tiles, especially if production is opened in the northern regions. For this reason, for many enterprises this is more of an additional profile of activity rather than the main direction.

How much can you earn?

Income from the production of paving slabs, even with the same selling price from two different manufacturers, can differ dramatically. And the reason for this is cost. The costs of producing paving slabs greatly depend on technology and raw materials. For example, the vibration casting method, which traditionally requires more manual labor, will increase labor costs, hence the cost of the finished product will also increase.

A lot depends on the type of raw materials used. For production quality product, which will have increased frost resistance, it is necessary to use washed sand. But such raw materials are several times more expensive than ordinary sand. This again increases the cost of production. It is not advisable to save on components: due to low-quality raw materials, your tiles will crumble in 2-3 years, which will damage the company’s reputation. There is only one thing left - to optimize production processes and survive due to the volume of products produced.

The average cost of paving slabs produced by vibration pressing is 270 rubles/sq.m. The sales price is about 350 rubles/sq.m. Profit per square meter is only 80 rubles. It turns out that in order to earn 80 thousand rubles a month, you need to sell 1000 sq.m. finished products. This is from 15 to 20 buyers per month.

Equipment and technology

The cost of purchasing equipment depends entirely on the technology used. Today, two main technologies for the production of paving slabs are known: the vibration casting method and the vibration pressing method.

The first option is more often used by beginning entrepreneurs who do not have large investments. To start a business using vibration casting technology, you will need to purchase a minimum set of equipment: a concrete mixer, a vibrating table, a set of molds, as well as available tools: mittens, shovels, buckets. The cost of the entire set, including the purchase of raw materials, will amount to no more than 150 thousand rubles.

To produce one square meter of tile, 40 to 50 molds are required. The mixture poured into molds is kept for about 2 days. Thus, continuous production will require at least two sets of molds. This technology allows you to organize a business virtually at home, and involve family members and relatives in the labor process.

Experienced market players point out several disadvantages of this technology:

1. Very low performance. One square meter will take two days to dry, but what if you receive an urgent order for 100 square meters? To perform such work, you will have to purchase an incredible number of forms (several thousand), as well as have a large staff of workers. Many people note considerable losses of cement with this method. Hence the high cost of production.

2. Low quality of the resulting products. The tiles produced using this technology have low frost resistance, and their service life is no more than 4 years.

“The production of paving slabs using the vibration casting method cannot be called a serious business,” entrepreneurs say.

Video of the production process of paving slabs using the vibration casting method:

Another technology - the vibrocompression method - is designed to eradicate all the shortcomings of the above method. The essence of this technology is that the tiles are produced by vibrating the mixture with a small amount of water. The equipment used is special installations (mini-factories) - brick presses. Concrete produced by vibrocompression has a low cement to water ratio. This means that this reduces the consumption and loss of cement, increases the strength and frost resistance of finished products. The main advantage is the productivity of the line. With the help of even a small vibropress Russian production you can get from 20 to 30 sq.m. tiles per hour. Accordingly, in an eight-hour work shift, 160 – 240 sq.m. can be produced. tiles At the same time, only 3-4 people are enough to service the installation. With such capabilities, you don’t have to worry about even the most urgent orders.

The method has only one drawback - investment in starting a business. Purchasing a new installation - line will cost from 850 thousand rubles, depending on the productivity of the line and the types of products produced. For example, the Rifey Udar brickmaking press (Zavod Stroytekhnika LLC) will cost about 1.7 million rubles:

Expensive, but the machine is universal and can produce not only paving slabs, but also lawn grates, curb, pillar, wall and facing stone. Thus, it is possible to expand the list of products and significantly increase the capabilities of the enterprise.

Production of paving slabs using Condor installations

Who is the client and how to sell tiles

Buyers for paving slabs are different. It is also bought by owners of small summer cottages, and pensioners who take 2-3 sq. m. Shop owners buy from 20 to 40 sq. m. m., and the owners of the cottages - 60-70 square meters.

Selling products is a whole science, and each manufacturer has its own methods in this regard. You can offer goods to wholesale resellers, but they ask for the goods at a discount. You can also supply tiles to retailers, construction markets and retail chains specializing in the sale of building materials.

For smaller, artisanal producers, the classic way of selling products may be suitable. You can stand by the road, lay out several product options and hang a “Paving Slabs” sign. If the road has a large flow of cars and there are large cottage communities nearby, then an influx of buyers is guaranteed.

A more expensive, but most effective project is creating your own online store selling paving slabs and other things. building material. Internet trade is gaining momentum today, which can be a promising channel for selling products. The creation and promotion of an online store will cost up to 150 thousand rubles. The service will also require hiring a certain number of sales managers and a web resource administrator.

Business development options

Some entrepreneurs combine production and laying of paving slabs to increase profitability. The price of one square meter of tile is on average 350 rubles, and its installation costs the customer 400 rubles per square meter. It turns out that having your own team of stackers, you can earn another 40 - 60% of the profit. But this is more often done by small manufacturers; large players are not interested in this process.

The first stage in organizing a business for the production of paving slabs is to study the situation in your city and region regarding the demand for these products and competition. By summarizing the research results in a single table, you can decide which type of tile you should concentrate on. Today the market offers clinker tiles made by vibration casting and vibration pressing.

To make clinker, special types of clay and expensive firing equipment are required. This tile is distinguished by high quality, durability and many other advantages. The downside is the high cost. A beginner with a small starting capital and lack of experience should not choose this direction. If you are a specialist in the production of clinker tiles and have decided to start your own business, have reliable information about the demand for these products, have access to cheap and high-quality raw materials, draw up a business plan, attract investments and start organizing.

The technology for manufacturing paving stones using the vibration casting method is characterized by comparative simplicity and the lowest cost. A reasonable compromise between durability and price makes this type of tile the most popular.

The manufacturing technology using vibration pressing is more complex, which increases the cost of tiles.

Main risks

The main disadvantage of the direction is its serious dependence on the season. In autumn and winter, the number of orders decreases sharply, since laying paving slabs is possible only under certain weather conditions. Consider making interior tiles during these times.

There is an opinion that the technology for making paving stones is very simple and does not require special knowledge. Nuances known only to professionals are present in any production. If you are not an experienced specialist, be sure to invite such a person to work. The slightest deviations in the choice of raw materials or inaccuracies in adherence to technology will lead to a decrease in the quality of paving stones. The defect may not be noticeable at first glance, but it will definitely affect the durability of paving slabs and their ability not to collapse under the influence of low temperatures.


It is advisable to start searching for premises in areas and industrial zones where cheap raw materials are located. This will save on the delivery of raw materials. The second landmark is convenient transport interchange.

Free production or warehouse premises are suitable for the production of paving slabs. For small production (up to 100 m² per shift), the minimum area is about 80 m². The premises requirements are as follows:

The tile manufacturing technology requires a special temperature regime (+40...+45 °C constantly) for premises equal in area to a workshop, for drying chambers and a warehouse. To do this, it should be possible to organize good heating and heated floors, insulate the walls. Heating in the workshop is also desirable, since the air temperature here should not fall below +15 °C.
- For uninterrupted operation of the equipment, a three-phase electrical network is required that can withstand a voltage of 380 W.
- Availability is required cold water or the possibility of its supply and sewerage, the presence of hot water is also desirable.
- It is advisable to organize storage space with a significant reserve. If production volumes increase or there are remaining unsold products, you will not face the problem of finding a place to store finished tiles.
- Consider the possible factor of manual loading and unloading of raw materials and finished paving stones. Try to organize the space in such a way that these processes take place with the least amount of time and effort.


Let's consider a set of mandatory equipment for the production of paving slabs using the vibration casting method.

  1. 2 concrete mixers. The price of one is 8-15 thousand rubles.
  2. Forms for filling. Polyurethane ones can withstand 100 cycles, plastic ones - about 250, rubber ones - 500. The minimum price of molds for making 1 m² is 250 rubles. Forms for the manufacture of gutters and borders, the minimum price for 1 m² is 200 rubles.
  3. Vibrating table. Price - about 30 thousand rubles.
  4. Table for stripping. Price – about 17 thousand rubles.
  5. You can make your own racks for drying tiles in molds from metal.
  6. Reinforced PVC film for covering molds. The minimum price is 50 rubles per linear meter.
  7. Hydraulic rocker. The minimum price is 7 thousand rubles.
  8. Packaging device. The minimum price is 4 thousand rubles.
  9. Pallets (pallets). Price – about 500 rubles. You can do it yourself.

The technology of vibrocompression is based on the method of compacting semi-dry concrete mixture with low water and cement content using vibration. To make paving slabs using this method, you need the following equipment:

  • Vibropress. Price – 25 thousand - 4 million rubles.
  • Technological pallets for vibrocompression. Price – 2-6 thousand rubles.

To make clinker paving slabs, you need the following equipment:

  • Extruder
  • Molding press. It's better to buy models different types(belt, rotary, lever, vacuum).
  • Pre-drying chamber.
  • Tunnel type kiln.

It is better to order a line for the production of clinker paving stones from manufacturers. This equipment is extremely rare in the open market and is very expensive. When making a line to order, the price depends entirely on the characteristics of a particular production.

It is advisable to organize the delivery of paving stones to customers on your own. Renting a vehicle for this purpose is not profitable. Better to buy your own truck. This will allow us to provide clients best service and not depend on possible transport problems of raw material suppliers.


The most important employee in the production of paving slabs is an experienced craftsman who is fluent in manufacturing technology. The number of auxiliary workers depends on production volumes. To produce up to 100 m² per shift, a team of 4-5 people is enough.

An experienced part-time accountant can handle the financial statements of a small company.

Manufacturers of paving slabs who provide comprehensive services gain a huge advantage over their competitors. You can hire several employees to lay paving stones at a client's site. This not only increases the chances of attracting more customers, but also minimizes losses in case of downtime arising due to the peculiarities of tile manufacturing technology or lack of orders.

Documents and licenses

To open a workshop for the production of paving slabs, it is not necessary to obtain any licenses or certificates. It is enough to register an individual entrepreneur, obtain permits from the fire department and pension fund(if there are hired employees).

If you plan to work with large customers and expand your company, it is better to form an LLC. More complex tax calculations and the registration process pay off with high opportunities to attract investments, orders from legal entities and reduced risks of losing personal property or funds in the event of bankruptcy.

It is also advisable to undergo a voluntary certification procedure. The cost of the examination ranges from 5-15 thousand rubles. For buyers, the availability of documents confirming that the tiles comply with state standards and their high quality often becomes a decisive factor in choosing a manufacturer.


Expensive advertising in the media is not affordable for a novice entrepreneur, and it does not bring much effect. Ordinary advertisements with information about the production and laying of paving stones will provide a good flow of first private clients. Best places for posting advertisements - cottage and holiday villages, railway stations, bus stops, shops.

Be sure to use the Internet. Place information about your company on local or regional advertising and information sites. This method of advertising allows you to minimal costs reach the maximum audience of potential customers. Be sure to post photos of completed orders, tell us about the tile manufacturing technology and the advantages of your products. Visualization and specificity will provide a lot of clients. Don't forget about reviews from grateful customers. Only their presence can tip the scales in your favor when choosing between similar products and cost.

To conclude contracts with large construction companies or other legal entities, the owner of the company must personally visit the managers and provide commercial offer. Quality certificates, high-quality booklets with photographs of product samples, competitive prices and descriptions of production facilities - everything will work to increase the chances of receiving a large order.

Study new technologies and implement them into production. If you master the production of polymer, luminous, rubber or 3D tiles, an endless stream of customers will be guaranteed.


The minimum starting capital for entering the paving slab manufacturing business is about 500 thousand rubles (equipment + premises renovation + raw materials). You should have about 200 thousand rubles in reserve for current expenses in the first period until you reach normal profits.

The average cost of producing 1 m² of paving stones using the vibration casting method is 200-220 rubles. Selling price – 330-350 rubles per 1 m². we can conclude that the profitability of the business is 50%. In the absence of downtime, the payback period can be achieved in a few months.

Making paving slabs as a business at home is an excellent solution for running a business. The demand for building materials in combination with a competently organized production process will allow the business manager not only to receive a stable income, but also to prosper. The acquisition of high-quality raw materials and compliance with technological standards are a guarantee of success, which will allow you to quickly change the status of a small business to a large one. Additional income can be obtained by expanding the scope of activities in the field of providing tile laying services. This solution will attract customers who want to receive comprehensive services.

Organization of paving slab production business

About the product

With the growing well-being of people, the question of practical and aesthetic changes in the environment in the place of residence, recreation and business becomes relevant. The lucky owners of private houses are given the opportunity to express themselves through the arrangement of the courtyard, paths and individual areas adjacent to the buildings. Finishing is done with paving slabs. Today, this building material is considered one of the most in demand, since with its help you can not only create beautiful view in the courtyard, on the streets, near the entrance to the company office, in parks, but also to ensure traffic flow in these places.

Paving slabs can be used to line any road, providing the possibility of comfortable access to the required place, and also to minimize the impact of dirt on a person’s shoes in rainy weather.

Advantages and disadvantages of business

The production of paving slabs as a business has a number of advantages and disadvantages, expressed in the nuances of production, sales and installation of products. Positive aspects entrepreneurial activity in this area lies in the increased demand for the product and related services. The main clients are representatives of middle class citizens and successful businesses. For such service consumers, the quality of the building material and the services provided for its installation is important. Cost criteria are usually not relevant for them. This makes it possible to make good money by setting high prices, which should not be raised more than competitors engaged in similar activities.

Varieties of molds used for the manufacture of paving slabs

Registration of a business is limited to registration of a business entity. No permits are required to operate it. Also, no special skills in the construction industry are needed. The nuances of production technology can be mastered in practice by trial and error, which will be excluded from the technology after the first batch of products. Production can be organized in any room in which the inhabitants of neighboring facilities will not be disturbed by noise and vibration. These factors are practically eliminated when using high-quality imported equipment.

The technological process is carried out by several workers, and the area of ​​the premises required for production should slightly exceed the size of the equipment. The paving slab production business is characterized by profitability and quick payback, provided it is properly organized. Along with the many advantages of doing business, there are also negative aspects. They are expressed in fierce competition, since many people want quick and easy money, which is easy to earn in this area.

The activity is classified as seasonal. Shopping is typical only for the warm season. This leads to the absence of activity or its conduct in small volumes in winter. Low wages due to underemployment during this period may provoke a desire among hired workers to find new job. In this case, the head of the company will have to look for a replacement. It is worth noting that tile production is boring and monotonous work, therefore, even with high wages, the business organizer will have to come to terms with staff turnover.

Pouring the prepared mixture into molds

Types of materials used in production

The technology for the production of paving slabs involves the production of several types of products: vibro-cast, vibro-pressed and hydro-pressed. Vibrating tiles suitable for paths that are not expected to be affected by the gravity of objects moved along it. Vibropressed and hydropressed tiles laid in places where intensive load is planned. Paving stones can be made from concrete, clay or expensive natural stones, which give the product strength.

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When drawing up a business plan for the production of paving slabs from scratch, you should include in the document a section on the characteristics of the production premises used.

Its parameters must correspond to the chosen production method, the type of equipment used and the number of workers involved in the production of products. You should not consider the option of purchasing or renting a premises whose area is less than 70 square meters, since these dimensions are comfortable for small equipment and a minimum number of employees involved in production. As productivity increases, you will have to worry about expanding production space. When choosing the location of a premises for implementing a business idea for the production of paving slabs, you should pay attention to industrial zones that have convenient access and space for storing raw materials and finished products. By choosing a facility located close to the place of purchase of raw materials, you can save on its delivery.

Tiles with added dyes

The main criterion when choosing a room is its technical specifications. It must be provided with an electricity supply, with a minimum voltage of 360 V. It is recommended to have a sewerage system, as well as a supply tap water, hot and cold. The best option would be to have insulated floors, as well as the possibility of heating production premises and warehouse, since drying of finished products after processing in a drying chamber is carried out in a dry and warm room.


A mandatory element of the technological operation is vibrocompression. To ensure this process, special complex equipment is required for the production of paving slabs, which includes:

  • vibropress;
  • concrete mixer;
  • punch.

The cost of such a line exceeds $30,000. When purchasing each component element of equipment separately, its complex can be much cheaper. This is due to the choice of machine tools from manufacturers who offer their products cheaper. You can save money by making equipment to order or yourself.

Vibrating tiles

For example, you can make a vibrating table for the production of paving slabs with your own hands even without experience in working with metal. To do this, you need to have a welding machine, a grinder and a drill. The main expense in the manufacture of equipment will be the purchase of metal sheets. A well-designed diagram of the machine, as well as compliance with the instructions for its manufacture, will save money for the business organizer, since the price of the finished table is calculated in thousands of dollars.

Raw materials used

Filling the mold with a pre-prepared mixture

To make paving slabs, a concrete mixture consisting of cement, crushed stone and construction sand. To improve product characteristics, special plasticizer additives are used. The use of coloring pigments is used to impart a variety of shades to tiles used to create unique architectural forms. When choosing raw materials, you should take into account the requirements for its parameters. Crushed stone fractions should not exceed 10 millimeters in size, and the sand grain size should not exceed 5 millimeters.

You can talk a lot about the imperfection of the world, in which economic crises occur at least once every ten years, but you can independently determine the direction of activity that will bring a stable income, regardless of the global financial situation. These types of activities include those in which people will always be interested. Including all types of activities related to decorating the interior space of the apartment or country house, finishing the territory of a personal plot. For example, the production of paving slabs. The main component of future success in such a situation becomes a high-quality and original drawing up of a business plan, on the basis of which successful and fruitful activities will be carried out in the future.

Competition in this market is quite high, but the demand for this finishing material is quite high. It is formed due to the constantly increasing indicators of private suburban construction, the implementation of work to improve the territories of urban and rural settlements, the simple asphalt on the sidewalks of which was often laid during the period of the Moscow Olympics-80.

This type of business is recognized as one of the least expensive. In order to start your own production, you will need from 100,000 US dollars.

Registration, taxes, certification

In any situation, you have to start with registration. For small production in the first stages of activity, it is enough to register in the role. Production of paving slabs is convenient as a startup minimum quantity permits required for such work and a simple taxation scheme. Registration of a manufacturer as an individual entrepreneur gives the opportunity to choose 6%.

There is no mandatory certification for paving slabs. However, given the significant role that potential buyers attach to its presence, the certificate can be ordered additionally. In such a situation, the finished samples will be carefully checked by the certification service for the level of moisture resistance, frost resistance, readiness to withstand mechanical stress and negative influence environment, including maintaining color under constant exposure to direct sun rays. Due to the ease of manufacturing industrial batches of beautiful and original paving slabs, such confirmation of high quality will be an additional argument for a potential buyer to choose our version of the proposals.

What is included in a business plan for the production of paving slabs?

An important basis for future success is a detailed assessment of the manufacturing options for this practical finishing material with options for selecting batch buyers.

Experienced manufacturers recommend paying attention to the private sector in the first stages. Here a small number of units of paving slabs are required in ordered batches. At the same time, the private sector's demand for this material is high. Repair of garden paths can be done literally every year.

In addition, paving slabs are often in demand by representatives of local city organizations. When choosing a material that is reliable in operation, it is paving slabs that are ready to become both a decoration of the territory of any settlement and the basis for increasing the comfort of everyone who lives in it.

You will also need to accurately assess what equipment will be needed from the first stages of activity. This will help you immediately determine the cost parameters that will be spent on its acquisition. The business plan also includes information about the amount of materials that will be required to quickly and efficiently complete batches of any size.

Production premises

The ideal situation would be for a novice entrepreneur to have his own premises for organizing production. It can be quite compact.

All equipment can easily fit in an area of ​​50 square meters. Of these, it is enough to allocate no more than 35 square meters for production. The remaining 15 square meters will be used for storing manufactured products.

You can rent the necessary space. It is important that it meets the requirements fire safety and had a permanent connection to a power supply. You will also need to install a drying chamber in the room.

Technologies for manufacturing paving slabs

Today, there are two basic technologies for manufacturing this convenient and practical material.

In cases where it is planned to immediately begin with the production of fairly large batches, it is recommended to use vibrocompression technologies. This technology includes several basic stages of activity.

  • Preparation of concrete using a concrete mixer, from which, after preparing the mixture, the mass is placed in a vibropress, into its matrix.
  • The second stage is the work of vibrators and a punch, which make the material dense and send the material prepared for drying to a molding tray, which is sent for drying.
  • At the third stage, future reliable and durable tiles are dried using a thermal-moist method, which can be used as ordinary hot water steam. To minimize the cost of performing a full range of work, pallets with products can be dried without the use of specialized steam installations - simply indoors.

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When using vibration casting technologies the work is carried out somewhat differently.

  1. The concrete mixture is being prepared.
  2. The finished mixture is placed in molds located on a vibrating table.
  3. The forms are laid out on pallets.
  4. Forms are left in natural conditions for two days.
  5. Heating the molds to 50-60 degrees Celsius and knocking out the finished paving slabs from them.

This technology makes it possible to create models of almost unique shapes, which are especially convenient for decorating local areas.

Equipment for the production of paving slabs

At the first stages of the work, you will need to purchase or rent:

  • a brick making machine that costs about $20,000 upon purchase;
  • from 5 to 6 thousand US dollars upon purchase will be spent on purchasing a concrete mixer;
  • It will cost the owner of a new production 3 thousand to buy a punch.

The use of such technology options will make it possible to produce tiles using the vibration pressing method.

An alternative set of equipment will be the equipment used for the production of paving slabs with your own hands using vibratory casting technology. This kit includes:

  • vibration table, the minimum cost of which is 4 thousand US dollars;
  • molds for making paving slabs - from 1-8 US dollars per 1 mold;
  • A concrete mixer will cost a new entrepreneur $600.

Convenient view additional equipment there will be a bathtub used for washing molds. Its average cost is 1-1.5 thousand US dollars.

To minimize costs at the initial stages of activity, it is recommended to purchase used equipment.

How much staff will be required to complete the work?

For a small production, all work of which is located in a space of 50 square meters, it is enough to include 3 employees in the company’s staff. One of them can additionally combine the functions of a storekeeper and a driver. A convenient option that allows you to save money is inviting representatives of outsourcing companies to prepare tax, pension and accounting reports.

Cost of production of paving slabs

In the production of paving slabs, flat-cement concrete and plasticizer are used. Cost of manufactured 1 cubic meter source material is 3,000 rubles. It can be used to make up to 16 square meters of finished tiles. The average cost of producing one square meter of tile is 150-170 rubles. To this you need to add 50-70 rubles, which will be spent on electricity, wages for workers, rent of premises and other production needs. The selling price of tiles is much higher - at least 230-300 rubles.

Profitability of paving slab production

If a new manufacturer quickly finds potential buyers, the profitability of paving slab production due to the use of inexpensive materials reaches 150%. This suggests that even if you purchase a full set of equipment, the purchase will be justified.

The production of paving slabs today is recognized as one of the most successful options for starting your own successful business. Manufacturing paving slabs as a business will require financial costs at the initial stage, but will bring a high payback in the future.

Video: production of paving slabs

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