Runic damage: powerful destructive force at a distance. Runes-impact on enemies Becoming from all enemies

With this formula you can find the lining and simply clean your home.

Apply to the candle.
Runes: Ansuz, Ansuz lane, Turs, Tours lane, Eyvaz, Dagaz, Laguz, Laguz lane.

In the place where the candle lining can smoke, the flame may not lead normally, sway, or lean in any direction.

The formula not only shows the lining, but also deactivates it.

Decoding the stav

Ansuz is the Rune of the gods, and its first aid is communication with the gods.

This is an attempt to gently draw a person’s attention to the most important elements of what is happening, on which everything depends; in our case, it draws our attention to the negativity that exists, including the lining.

To obtain information in our case on the negative.

For the emergence of effective magical energy that can help us in solving the elimination of negativity.

This is the rune of the Air element.

Tours - Rune of the element Fire, it will help us, with the help of a candle, to see the presence of negativity.

To protect your interests. To take measures to counteract negativity and lining, if any.

It will provide protection from hostile magic and curses (including on housing) also in situations where circumstances are beyond your control; in this case, we cannot control the presence of negativity on housing, or the presence of lining.

Helps clarify a situation that is unfavorable for you and directs the course of its development in your favor.

Helps neutralize the actions of your enemies.

The action will be manifested in the work of the candle itself.

Eyvaz - advances towards the goal, blocking opposition (promotes us to cleanse our home of negativity).

For protection. Allows us to trace the situation as a whole, to establish a complete picture of the world (we see and understand where the lining or other negative is located).

The transformation rune changes the situation that we currently have in housing.

Acts as a rune of protection, or rather as a rune of active defense.

We radically change the threat into something useful for us (the enemy fights with his own weapons).

The minus sign is converted to a plus sign.

Those. negative is transformed into positive for us.

Relating equally to the elements of air and earth.

, but the main thing is that this is a Tree...

Dagaz - The Dagaz Rune itself will act as a powerful explosive mechanism aimed at changing the situation by destroying existing circumstances and creating the preconditions for a new one.

Dagaz is very useful as a compass, in order to decide which way to go.

Brings the end of a dark period in your life closer and ensures successful outcome situations related to cleaning the home and finding negativity.

Gives us the wealth we need in the house.... Element of Time

Laguz - Laguz is the rune of the water element, a fluid force rising from the well of the Subconscious.

It cleanses and refreshes all levels of being, for it is a carrier of vital energy.

It will wash away all the negativity that will be found in the premises,

and send it to the remaining runes for destruction.

Stops quarrels and discord that arise in rooms as a result of negativity.

Effective for finding or revealing what has been hidden from our eyes.

As we see, in this stav there are all the elements that will help us in our work, and thanks to these elements we will carry out the cleansing, in addition, activation by fire will give us an additional impetus to awaken this stav.

This stave will move clockwise in space - rotate, and the fire will give the necessary charge that the stave needs.

Second option. The formula consists of two runes Eyvaz and Evaz, all the rest are secondary.

The interpretation of the runes is the same and the application is the same, only Evaz speeds up the entire work of the formula.

You can apply it to a large candle and walk through all the rooms (if there are many of them). The negative will return much faster than in the first option

We put protection (Tanya) quick ritual

Tanya! For you.

You have an enemy at work. You know that this is a vile person and he will not leave you alone. It will be “throwing mud”, but “you can’t throw a scarf over someone else’s mouth.”
We will provide you with protection. Those. You will do the protection yourself, and I will now tell you how this process can be done very quickly.

You are new to rune magic. But that doesn't mean you won't succeed.

Here is some information about the runes of the Northern Tradition. I am writing today only about them, because... These are the only ones we will use for now.
The Elder Futhark rune set (as Scandinavian runes or Northern tradition runes are called) consists of twenty-four runes (24 runes).
The Elder Futhark is divided into 3 Attas with 8 runes in each Atta. This is for general development. Then I'll tell you in more detail. See the picture for what the runes look like and what they are called.

a small sheet of paper (cardboard),
lighter (candle or box of matches),
a cigarette from my husband, some water in a cup
and a little soil from a flower pot.

Now you will take a sheet of white paper, or even better, a small piece of clean cardboard (for example, the inner packaging of tights) and write runes on it from left to right with a marker or felt-tip pen.

When you start writing runes, read the following spell: (don’t ask yourself or me questions, why? It’s necessary!)

“I also know the third thing,”
It will protect
In battle with enemies,
I dull their blades,
Their swords and clubs
Useless in battle."

For general education I inform you:
The third spell is designed to fetter enemies, and therefore can be called “the shackles of war,” or, in terms of modern psychology, a means of limiting actions. According to tradition, the runes Thurisaz, Isa and Nautiz have this effect. Isa opens access to the energy of Jotunheim - the world of ice, home of the Frost Giants. The Nautiz rune serves as her support, providing a binding effect. The Thurisaz rune in this case is used in its passive form - with its tip facing to the left.

Did you write the runes?

Now cross out the runic formula (these three runes written in a row are called the “runic formula”) with lines above and below, and write your name on the reverse side.
When drawing the top line, you must say: “In the name of Odin!”, and when drawing the bottom line: “So be it!”

Now take a candle, lighter or match and holding the leaf over the fire three times, say: “I consecrate you with the power of fire!”

Now run your finger moistened with water or (as a last resort) saliva three times over the leaf, saying: “I sanctify you with the power of Water!”

And at the end, run your fingers that have been in a pot of flowers (that is, touched the ground) three times according to the runic formula with the words: “I consecrate you with the power of the Earth!”

Then say this disclaimer:
By the power of the runes Thurisaz, Isa, Nautiz, I receive protection from all ill-wishers and enemies, visible and invisible. This protective shield will repel all attacks and render my enemies and ill-wishers powerless. So be it! In the name of Odin!"
After this, you need to exhale, using the belly breathing technique, for as long as possible on the amulet, charging it with the power of your spirit. (This will revive the amulet).

After all this, fold the piece of paper so that the name on its reverse side and the top of the runescript coincide in the top-top and bottom-bottom positions. Put the amulet in your pocket with the words: “So be it! In the name of the great Odin!”

The power of runes is not known to many. This is secret knowledge that is revealed to those who are ready for anything. They can heal, cause love and attraction. These same symbols in the right combination can create very strong damage and curses. If you decide to use runic damage, then be very careful. It is necessary to accurately perform the entire ritual from beginning to end. If you do not treat the runes with sufficient respect, the Scandinavian gods will play a cruel joke on a person. There is a whole family of runes that carry powerful destructive meaning. Their energy works at a distance. You will need a photograph of the person or a personal item. Anyone can perform the ritual - follow the instructions carefully and prepare. You need to be absolutely sure that this method is right for you, because the effect comes quickly and is difficult to reverse.

The power of the Scandinavian runes

The meaning of some Scandinavian runes is very negative. They can only be used for destructive actions:

  • Curses;
  • Damage;
  • Damage to death;
  • Driven crazy.

The most famous of them are Hagalaz and Uruz. They carry a force that is difficult for a person to withstand. The target becomes weak, nervous, depressed and angry. His anger tears him apart from the inside, destroys him. Very often the consequences are irreversible - the person goes crazy. Strong damage to death is not advisable for those who have just begun to get acquainted with runes.

How to cause damage using runes

Runes need to be drawn with a pen, marker or razor on a photograph of a person. If it is not there, a personal item is used. This could be a pen, a scarf, or an item of clothing. The damage is strong and unfolds very quickly. Rapid action can occur in 2-5 days. All effects are designed not for a single impact, but for a long time.

Nautiz. Hagalaz. Uruz. Isa

Corruption of Nautiz-Hagalaz-Uruz-Isa

This is one of the simplest but most powerful damage. It destroys a person from the inside and does not even give him the opportunity to recover. Rune Isa means ice, freezing. It preserves the situation, does not allow the object to get out of the icy shackles of this damage. It can be described as constant destruction of personality, suppression of all possibilities, closing of paths. A person loses all his strength, loses the ability to stand up for himself. You can cross out his successful, happy life once and for all. You will need to activate this becoming with your blood. Little blood is needed, literally to cover the written runes. The Uruz rune carries the burden of suppressing personal will. Be particularly clear about its impact.

Corruption of Isa-Uruz-Uruz-Isa

It is applied as follows:

  • Two Uruz runes are applied to the face of the subject in the photo, one above the other in an inverted position.
  • Large Isa are drawn on the right and left.

If you look closely at the shape of the resulting ligature, you will see Hagalaz. This effect enhances the effect of the entire ligature. The two ice runes show a cyclical repetition that will not stop. Troubles begin that drive you crazy, calling for aggression and anger. Sometimes, prolonged exposure to this ligature leads to the fact that the object does not control itself and can start a fight. The inverted position of the runes leads to complete collapse in all areas of life. A person can be fired from his job at the same time, he will lose money, his family will fall apart, and important property will be lost. This is cruel damage. Activated by saliva.

Corruption of nightmares by ignorance

A person cannot sleep peacefully; he is tormented by very real visions. Every night becomes a terrible ordeal for the object of corruption. Many people start drinking and using drugs, but this only enhances the effect of damage. Constant lack of sleep makes a person very weak and tearful. He makes mistakes at every turn. After sleep, bruises, scratches, and bruises may remain. Damage is applied to any personal item in the following order:

  • The top is Isa.
  • The second level is an inverted Perth.
  • Third level - lane. Soulo, Pertro lane, Manaz, Perth lane, Evaz.
  • The fourth level is Perth lane.
  • Last level - Fehu lane

Perth, Soulo, Manaz, Evaz

In the center of the ligature is the Manaz rune, which personifies a person. He is affected by the negative positions of the Perthro runes - fears, nightmares in his sleep. Soulu - lack of help from higher powers. Fehu personifies constant fears and mistrust. Evaz destroys a person’s connections with his family and friends. Activation by blood.

Damage to failure

The combination of the runes Hagalaz - Yera - Hagalaz attracts failure to a person. All his endeavors will be destroyed. He loses money, business, position in society. Applied to the photo, activated by saliva. Yera - inspiration, clarity of mind. All this is covered by the powerful negative influence of the two Hagalaz runes.

Destruction of relationships

The formula Nautiz - Hagalaz - Gebo - Hagalaz - Nautiz will help to separate two people and forever close their path to each other. This damage can be used to separate a husband from his rival. At the center of Gebo is the relationship between a man and a woman. If there is a joint photo, draw between them. If not, print out a photo of your husband and rival on one sheet of paper, write the formula between them. You can add the Uruz rune on top to speed up the effect. Activate with blood on Loki's day.

Scandinavian elemental ritual

Choose damage and begin the ritual. Writing runes must be learned by heart. During the ritual, you must act confidently and clearly. You cannot look at a piece of paper or at your phone screen.

Protecting yourself against kickback

You can protect yourself with runic script- Helm of Horror. It needs to be drawn on the forehead with charcoal. If you look closely, you will see the runes Hagalaz and Isa in it. They will protect you. It must be on you before the ritual begins. It is forbidden to wash it off afterwards. The rituals are carried out in the evening or at night, so you will need to go to bed with a protective symbol on your forehead. He must wipe himself off his face. Most often, this happens in the morning.


A helmet will help you protect yourself from side effect damage - rollback. Rollback - returning part to you negative energy from the ritual. This is a kind of price that must be paid for successful damage. You will pay your price, but not with a kickback, but with a sacrifice to the gods. If they like it, it won't be for you. negative consequences. The only thing that cannot be done is to inflict runic damage on a pregnant woman. Even the powerful Helm of Terror sign will not help us against such a rollback.

Choosing a day to work

Each day of the week is dedicated to a specific Scandinavian God. Any rituals with runes are prohibited on Sundays. You have 6 days left in which you can perform rituals. Responsible for revenge, damage and deceit Supreme God Odin and the god Loki. Both of them can help you punish your enemies and inflict powerful damage on them. Before starting the ritual, be sure to contact the chosen god:

  • Monday is Odin's day;
  • Thursday is Loki's day.

The appeal usually takes place in poetic form. Visas are ritual appeals to the gods. You can create your own, or use ready-made ones.

Appeal to Odin

"The name in Odin's brotherhood
I rarely hide
because people
they can guess.
Who is skilled in songs,
he can feel it
in the hang that I folded,
discover the secret."

Appeal to Loki

"Loki the great, the clown mockingbird,
You are the equalizer of the sinless with the sinner,
Became a brother-in-arms of the Supreme Ace,
Messenger of the gods and the last hour.

By changing yourself, you change worlds,
You intoxicate people with the poison of madness.
Wise joker, come to my aid -
Turn your deceit on your enemies.

Entangle their souls with a cunning net -
Make me listen to my sentence in silence.
We'll play a cruel joke on them -
What was their paradise will seem like hell.

Turn your flaming gaze to them -
May my sentence be fulfilled! "

The texts must be memorized. The address should be polite, but confident. You must invite them to your ritual, and then make a sacrifice. This is a prerequisite for any runic ritual.

Preparing the altar

The Scandinavians believed in the power of the elements. You will need:

  • Water in a bowl (take not boiled water);
  • Salt (Earth element);
  • Fire (wax natural candle);
  • Air (incense stick with forest or sea scent).

These elements must be arranged clockwise. A photo or personal item of the person being damaged is placed in the center of the altar. Place a pen or marker there that you will use to apply runes. If the ritual requires blood, place the blade or knife in the center of the altar. This is to ensure that all items receive energy charge elements. You can draw the Uruz symbol on the candle so that the effect occurs faster.

Runes are a very powerful tool for working in various directions.

Lesser Runic Ritual

To cause damage, a small, shortened ritual is enough. It is carried out according to a simple scheme:

  • Stand in front of the altar, turn to god or gods.
  • Lift up right hand up.
  • Point her to the elemental elements one by one and call them to work with the words:

Water, I ask you to take part in my ritual.

  • Once you have summoned all 4 elements, you can begin.
  • Get on your knees and write a runic sign on the photo so that it is in the area of ​​the person’s head.
  • Be very clear about the action of each rune. When you're done, activate the runic stave. The activation method is indicated for each damage: breath, blood, saliva. When activating, say:

From now on, I will activate the power of the runes. When I decide to finish their impact, I will burn this photo.

This completes the small ritual. Now thank each of the elemental elements, thank the gods.
After performing the ritual, you need to make a sacrifice.

Sacrifices to the gods

For Odin - light beer, honey. For Loki - dark beer, fire. You must take the gifts outside, the beer is poured under the tree. The ritual fire is a small candle that you will also place under the tree. You can put it in a glass. Before pouring out the beer, take one big sip. You must go to the sacrifice in silence and return silently. Do not speak to any person, do not answer questions. On the ground in front of the tree, draw the Hagalaz rune as a symbol of destructive damage.

If you are absolutely sure and have protected yourself, start working with runes. The more you use them, the more you see the effect. Practitioners recommend making or buying a set of runes for fortune telling and diagnostics. This will help you track the effect of any of your influences. Working with runes is not suitable for everyone, but doing simple damage is not difficult. All runic damage carries enormous power of destruction of personality and drives you crazy.

If the black line persists, make sure you don't walk along it

Our experts will help you find the right direction.

If the black line is prolonged, make sure you don't walk along it.

Runic formulas. Make him pay back the debt.

Due to numerous requests from workers, I propose to discuss the problem of debt repayment from the point of view of runic magic.

To begin with, as always, let's try to build an algorithm for the situation. So, with a detailed analysis, the situation related to debt repayment breaks down into two substructures:

1. From the position of a creditor, money comes to a person not for him to give it to others, but if he does this, it means he doesn’t need it and therefore, by choosing the path of “lending,” we choose not to have it, everything else We leave it up to the one who has to repay the debt. There is also the opposite opinion - by lending, we release the energy of money, and force it to take part in the “circle”, but only living energy, i.e. “circulating” monetary energy returns with fruits. There is “something” in both points of view, so our task is to develop a compromise solution.

2. From the position of the debtor, money borrowed transfers a person’s consciousness into an altered state of “monetary debt”, in which a person is faced with the temptation of not repaying the debt and “forgiving the debt” to the creditor. This phenomenon is associated with the need to give your own money, although you took someone else’s. For this reason, many debtors do not repay their debts, although their financial situation allows it.

Thus, with the help of Runes it is necessary to influence both substructures:
For the first, the mechanism of action will be aimed at increasing the welfare of the creditor, i.e. attracting cash flow associated with obtaining results from actions to “transfer” money into circulation.
For the second, it is to awaken the “voice of conscience” of the debtor and persuade him to painlessly part with his money.

Based on this, the following variants of formulas are possible (some are mine, some are borrowed, some are “folk in literary adaptation” ;D):

1. Dagaz – Fehu – Yera
A twist of Fate that returns the investment as a “harvest.” Here you need to pay attention to the writing of the Yera rune (see the topic on the development of determination, etc.), so as not to turn receiving what is due into another installment plan.

Fehu - Odal – Vigna
Runes of general action to improve well-being.

2. Nautiz - Ansuz - Nautiz
“Braining” for the debtor ()

Elm Kenaz – Ansuz – Nautiz – Tire – Yera
“Tur of Speeches” (author Zigwult, ) - if you need to carry out explanatory work with the debtor. According to reviews, it works.

Elm Thurisaz – Nautiz – Fehu (inverted) – Gebo
"The Conscience of a Debtor" (by Zigwult, ). According to the author, Gebo sets into motion the Law of Balance, violated by the debtor, triggering a chain of events that results in a situation where the debtor is forced to repay the debt. And it is the result in this connection: the Law is fulfilled. It may work, but, in my opinion, the mechanism of action does not correspond to the description - I actually don’t see “conscience” here. And the inverted position of Fehu here is not entirely clear if we are talking about the circulation cash according to the Law of Equilibrium. But you can try, incl. and in combination with the “Alarm Clock of Conscience” (see the topic about instilling feelings of guilt)

Nautiz – Fehu (inverted) – Yera
Forced parting with money and returning it to the original owner. You can add Gebo to make the refund process feel mutually beneficial:

Nautiz - Fehu (inverted) - Gebo - Yera
/Handle Yera carefully, as in the first formula/
These formulas are based on an “awakened conscience,” but more aggressive ones are also possible:

Turisaz – Fehu
"Knocking out money." This formula is considered tested and effective (), but I would add Evaz and Yera (we still treat Yera with caution):

Evaz – Turisaz – Fehu – Yera
Those. in this case, objective circumstances will develop in such a way that the money will be “shaken out” from the debtor in order to return to its source of origin - i.e. to the creditor.

Some script options can be viewed here.

Runes of protection are ancient symbols that can protect from evil and return it to the one who created it. Runic amulets, staves and talismans can serve both to protect the house and to clean it from foreign influences or directly to diagnose the induced evil. At the same time, these signs work with the fundamental energy of the Universe and have virtually limitless power.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the final purpose of the application runic protection. You can make or purchase a magic sign for yourself, protecting your home from enemies and any negativity.

Magic signs are important for successful work, because it is here that our successes and achievements haunt our colleagues. Streams of evil, negativity and corruption can haunt you at the slightest success in your career.

Interesting fact: Please note that for effective and reliable protection It is advisable to use narrow action symbols. For example, signs aimed specifically at home, health or work are much more effective than general symbols that protect against negativity.

Formula Prosperity, protects and gives well-being.

Rune combination:

  • INGUZ – Rune of fertility, rune of male power.

The formula protects and preserves. LAUKAZ – the formula translates as “wild onion”, which was revered as a sacred plant and was considered to have great magical power, mainly of a protective and protective nature.

Rune combination:

  • ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.
  • ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and protection of the gods.

A strong protective spell that protects against the envy of others, which undermines the energy of the home. Prevents negative energy from entering the house. Protects from accidents. It is used to strengthen the home and household, strengthening its status and well-being. A talisman with this spell should be placed at the entrance, on the gate, on the porch, above front door outside.

Rune combination:

  • ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and protection of the gods.
  • ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and protection of the gods.
  • TEYVAZ - Warrior Rune. The will to win, strength and success in the fight.

An ancient protective spell to protect the family from witchcraft and damage. A magical word that means "horse" and is an invocation of the good power of the sacred horse.

Rune combination:

  • OTAL (Otila) – Rune of inheritance and tradition. Symbolizes home, clan, family, homeland.

To deactivate the enemy shield, they use staves consisting of runic symbols of Scandinavian origin. Protective runes can be applied to things belonging to a person, or even documents - the main role is played by the purpose of application.

This protective Formula is ideal for creating a powerful protective barrier, neutralizing targeted energy attacks and negative energy from others.

Rune combination:

  • TEYVAZ - Warrior Rune. The will to win, strength and success in the fight.
  • TURISAZ – Rune of military initiation, rune of self-discipline and control, rune of aggressive magic.

The palindrome formula is for reflection and protection. A protective spell operating on the principle of a mirror - any impact is completely reflected - is sent back unchanged.

Rune combination:

  • KANO (Kenaz) – Rune of embodiment and revelation, rune of Inspiration.
  • HAGALAZ – Rune of Destruction, rune of rupture, including breaking a vicious circle.
  • KANO (Kenaz) – Rune of embodiment and revelation, rune of Inspiration.
  • ISA – Rune of Ice, rune of freezing, binding.

Formula for protection against witchcraft, evil eye and damage. An ancient formula for mirror runic protection against magical influence and astral attack. Any malicious message is reflected and sent back to its sender. Helps in magical duels, protects the magician from an opponent's attack.

Rune combination:

  • HAGALAZ – Rune of Destruction, rune of rupture, including breaking a vicious circle.
  • LAGUZ - Rune of Intuition, rune of what leads, rune of flow and pure flow, rune of the inner circle of magic.
  • EVAZ - Rune of change and movement, rune of internal transformation and progress - getting off the ground.

The formula protects against damage and the evil eye. Powerful amulet for travel. Protection from accidents and disasters. Able to warn the owner of impending danger. It will help you avoid troubles along the way. Good for motorists.

Rune combination:

  • ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and protection of the gods.
  • ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and protection of the gods.

Travel formula. A strong talisman for pleasant, fun and safe travels.

Rune combination:

  • RAIDO – Rune of the Path (in every sense), rune of the road and travel.
  • VUNIO – Rune of joy and happiness.

Formula for protection against hostile forces. This protective spell is designed to destroy energy and psychic attacks and destroy hostile forces that threaten the owner of the amulet.

Rune combination:

  • HAGALAZ – Rune of Destruction, rune of rupture, including breaking a vicious circle.
  • ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.
  • GEBO – Rune of Gift and Gift of Reciprocity, rune of partnership and cooperation, rune of the unity of opposites.
  • ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.
  • LAGUZ - Rune of Intuition, rune of what leads, rune of flow and pure flow, rune of the inner circle of magic.
  • URUZ - Rune of power, vital and magical energy, rune of action and success.

Protective function runic staves– deactivation negative energy, returning the negativity to the offender and reducing the loss of the person to whom the negativity was directed.

To activate runes of protection against negativity, it is possible to use energy visualization. Rub your hands over the signs until heat appears, and then hold your hands over the runes. Feel how your energy charges the signs. As a rule, runes are applied for one year, but it all depends on how strong the runologist is.

Runes of protection and counterstrike can be applied in several ways. To protect against negativity, the runic formulation is applied to the photo. Paints, felt-tip pens and pens are suitable for marking.