Russian language assignment, a story about a word. Presentation for primary school"Проект по русскому языку. Рассказ о слове". Вопросы, направляющие проект!}

Project “Story about the Word”

Recently, the school has paid much attention to research and project activities of students. The Russian language project in grade 3, “A Story about a Word,” helps students work on enriching their vocabulary, selecting information about a word and its “environment” from various sources, and compiling a dictionary entry about a word, which reveals the lexical meaning of the word. The project includes riddles, proverbs and sayings.


say ul[p]ka

record smile

Mimic movements of the face, lips, eyes, showing a disposition to laugh, expressing greetings, pleasure or ridicule and other feelings (S. Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary)

2. Similar words: smile, smile, smile, smile, smiling, smiling, smiling, smile...

3. Synonyms: grin, grin, grin, smile, laugh, smile.

Antonyms: smile - tears

Phraseologisms: Smile of augurs (smile of liars or deceivers)

In Rome, augurs were the name given to priest-foretellers who predicted the future by the flight of birds, their singing, and also by the way the sacred chickens that lived near the temple pecked grains. Many people believed the augurs' predictions, but there were also those who were skeptical about these prophecies, considering them quackery.

4. Word compatibility: beautiful, chic, bright, radiant, crafty... (smile)

5. Proverbs and sayings: Where there are words of hello, there is a smile to answer.

Happiness is like the sun: it smiles and disappears.

There is no prohibition on smiling. Looking at each other, you smile; Looking at yourself will only make you cry. A smile will make everyone brighter. A mistake is a smile for the young, a bitter tear for the old.


Joy has a friend

In the form of a semicircle.
She lives on her face.
It will suddenly go somewhere,
then it will suddenly return.
Sadness and melancholy are afraid of her!

What is this?

It blooms on the face - it grows with joy.


U the smile is very multifaceted -
She is a healer, a friend, an executioner...
Countries are conquered with a smile
And they interrupt her crying.


A smile makes a gloomy day brighter,

A smile in the sky will wake up a rainbow...
Share your smile
And she will return to you more than once.

(M. Plyatskovsky)

My mom has the most beautiful smile.

Prepared by a 3rd grade student

Drepa Valentina


pronounce labor[t]


record the work

1. Lexical meaning of the word.

Work- Purposeful human activity aimed at creating, with the help of production tools, material and spiritual values

Work- Work, occupation

Work- Instilling skills in some professional, economic activity as a subject of school teaching

Work- Effort directed towards achieving something

Work- Result of activity, work, work

(explanatory dictionary by S. Ozhegov)

2. Similar words: toil, laborer, laborik, difficulty, hard worker...

3. Synonyms: work, occupation, business, effort.

Antonyms: labor - laziness, idleness

Phraseologisms: Monkey's work is useless work, wasted effort.

4. Word compatibility: mental, physical, hard...(labor)

5. Proverbs and sayings: White hands love other people's works. Patience and work will grind everything down. You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

Labor feeds, but laziness spoils.


They call you well done
If you really love... (work)

Hey, get up, couch potato,
You're not tired at all.
Success and good luck await you.

And it will help you...(work)

6. Sentences with this word.


Children! Children! Don't be lazy!
Labor always bears fruit:
You will work from a young age -
You will meet old age without worries.
(Yakov Grot)

Labor made a man out of a monkey.

Prepared by a 3rd grade student

Miller Alexey


pronounce [sugar]

write down sugar

Similar words:sugar ny, sugar OK, sugar it, sugar osa, sugar face...

Synonyms: refined sugar, glucose, granulated sugar.

Antonyms: sugar - salt

Phraseologisms: Life is not sugar - this is what they say when there are certain difficulties in life.

Matching words: cane, beet, lump, dairy...

Proverbs and sayings:

One hand is in honey, the other is in sugar. Here is a piece of sugar for you, shut your mouth! Boil the heating in sugar, and that’s sweet.


N and the field was born,
Brewed at the factory
Dissolved on the table.

A white stone melts in water.

White as snow
In honor of everyone.
Got it in my mouth -
There he disappeared.

Sentences with this word.


One-two-three-four-five -
Sugar went out for a walk.
A spoon flies past -
Sugar in a cup dissolves:
- Ding-ding!..
Need a painted gingerbread!

M. Yasnov

I like to drink tea with sugar.

Prepared by a 3rd grade student

Vyskubov Miller Alexey

MBOU "Nizhne-Solotinskaya secondary school"
“A story about a word.
Project creators: 3rd grade student Nikolay Sadkeev
Project leader: primary school teacher
Boeva ​​Inna Alexandrovna

pronounce s[a]baka
write down dog

Lexical meaning of the word.
1) A domestic animal of the canine family.
2) Names of predatory mammals of the canine family.
3. About an evil, rude person.
4. An expert, a dexterous person in some matter.
Similar words: dog, dog, little dog, dog, dog breeder,
dog breeding, dog breeding...
Eat a dog (the man has seen and experienced a lot).
This is where the dog is buried (find out the truth, find what you are looking for).
Live like a cat and a dog (in constant hostility).
Like a dog in the manger (he doesn’t use anything and doesn’t give it to others).
Synonyms: dog
Combination of words: service, yard, hunting, guard... (dog)

Proverbs and sayings:
Every dog ​​is the mistress of her own yard.
Don't be afraid of the dog that barks, but be afraid of the one that is silent and wags its tail.
A dog is man's friend.
And the dog knows a kind word.
Don't tease a dog - it won't bite.
A good dog will not be left without an owner.
With a faithful dog, the watchman sleeps.
1. The living castle grumbled, 2. He is friends with the owner,
He lay down across the door. The house is guarded
Two medals on his chest, he lives under the porch,
It's better not to go into the house. And the tail is a ring.

3. I won’t let a stranger into the house,
I'm sad without my owner.
6. Suggestions about dogs:
Owning a dog is no joke.
She needs to build a dog house.
“I spent the whole day crafting and building Hurray!
The kennel is ready for my dog."
The dog waves its tail welcomingly -
So you are a friend, you can go into the house!
Dogs serve at the border.
The intruder fears them like fire.

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Bushevetskaya

elementary school"

Project “Story about the Word”

(Russian language 3rd grade)

Prepared by 3rd grade students

Head - primary school teacher

Fedorova Larisa Zinovievna

Project goals:

find out the lexical meaning of a word;

choose synonyms and antonyms for it;

find related words, phraseological units;

from additional literature, choose proverbs, riddles, signs related to winter.

The next Russian language project in 3rd grade is called “Project about the word.” In order to describe any chosen word, students were given a plan. According to this plan, they had to consistently describe the word.


Lexical meaning of the word.

Synonyms and antonyms for this word.

Find related words.

Select phraseological units, if available.

Find proverbs about the word.

Pick up the riddles.

Signs associated with this word.

Write passages of poems where the chosen word appears.

Come up with a sentence using the chosen word.

For a sample in class we chose the word"WINTER".

Lexical meaning of the word "winter".

The coldest time of the year, coming after autumn and giving way to spring. Harsh winter. Snowy winter.

Old Slavonic - winter.

Lithuanian - ziema.

Greek - chion (snow).

In the Old Russian language the word was used from the 11th century. It came from the Old Church Slavonic language. The adjective winter has been known since the 10th-12th centuries. The original meaning of the word is “time of rains”, “time of snow”.

2.Synonym- winter.
Antonym - summer.

3. Related words formed from the root “zim”.

Winter - winterer, winter, wintering, wintering, wintering.

4. Phraseologisms

1). How many years, how many winters (haven’t seen each other; colloquial fam., said when dating) - a very long time ago [a pun based on the double meaning of the word years - years and seasons].

How many years, how many winters, old man, haven’t seen each other!

2). Where crayfish spend the winter - an expression of threat.

5. Proverbs.

Fear the wolf in winter, and fear the fly in summer.

Winter scares summer, but it still melts.

Winter builds summer.

Winter freezes the idler.

There is no change between winter and summer.

The winter wind is a helper to the frost - it makes it even colder.

6. Riddles.

I will paint the branches with white paint,
I will throw silver on your roof.
Warm winds will come in spring
And they will drive me out of the yard. (Winter)

Even though she herself is snow and ice,
And as he leaves he sheds tears. (Winter)

Powdered the paths
I decorated the windows.
Gave joy to children
And I went for a sledding ride. (Winter)

7. Signs about winter.

If a cat in the house stands up on its hind legs and starts scratching the walls, then you should expect a blizzard.

If the most severe frosts of the entire winter occur on the Epiphany holiday, then the year will be fruitful.

Big snowflakes are falling - a thaw.

Trees in the forest are cracking - before a strong cold

Firewood burns with a bang - it means frost.

A bullfinch chirping under the window in winter means a thaw.

If smoke comes out of the chimney in a column, it will get colder.

On which day of winter there will be a storm, on the corresponding day of summer there will be rain.

8. Poems about winter.

Enchantress in Winter
Bewitched, the forest stands,
And under the snow fringe,
motionless, mute,
He shines with a wonderful life.

Fedor Tyutchev


Happy winter has come
With skates and sleds,
With a powdered ski track,
With a magical old fairy tale.
On the decorated Christmas tree
The lanterns are swinging.
May your winter be merry
It doesn't end any longer!
I. Chernitskaya


Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,
On the firewood it renews the path;
His horse smells the snow,
Trotting along somehow;
Fluffy reins exploding,
The daring carriage flies;
The coachman sits on the beam
In a sheepskin coat and a red sash.
Here is a yard boy running,
Having planted a bug in the sled,
Transforming himself into a horse;
The naughty man has already frozen his finger:
He is both painful and funny,
And his mother threatens him through the window.

A.S. Pushkin

9. Sentences with the word “winter”.

This year the winter promises to be snowy and frosty.

It’s not for nothing that winter is angry, its time has passed.

To describe a wordThe students chose words such as“WIND”, “DOG”, “CAT”, “WATER”.

Guselnikova Carolina.

I chose the word “WIND”.

Wind is a flow of air. Which moves quickly parallel to the earth's surface. On earth, wind is a flow of air that moves primarily in a horizontal direction.

Breeze. Windy. Weathered.

Synonyms - storm, tornado, hurricane, storm, whirlwind. Antonyms - calm, calm.

Proverb: The wind blows and covers its tracks.

Proverb: Don't waste your words.

Riddle - it’s not the horse that’s walking in the field. Flying in the field, but not a bird.

Sign - thunder in winter - to strong winds.

Phraseologisms are the wind in your head, as if blown away by the wind. How the wind blew it.

The wind flies from the north

Yellow autumn is on its way.

The wind carries clouds in the sky,

The first snow will fall to the ground.

Golden leaf fall

He will lie down behind the garden. (Gurina I.)

There was a strong wind this morning.

Dmitriev Ruslan chose the word “DOG”

A dog is a domestic animal from the family of carnivorous mammals, Dog, canine, dog breeder. which also include the wolf, fox, etc.

Dog, doggy.. doggie, dog breeder, dogging.

Synonyms: mongrel, dog, puppy, pug.

Proverbs and sayings.

It is a sin to call a dog by a human name.

They only kiss the dog on the face, otherwise it will get fleas.

Lightning does not strike houses where a black dog lives.

In the hut there is a pie, and in the yard there is a roll.

Don't tease a dog - it won't bite.

Not all dogs that bark bite.

If you are sitting on an elephant, there is nothing to be afraid of a dog.

A phraseological unit is like a dog in a manger (it doesn’t use it itself and doesn’t give it to others).

Verse - a bulldog growls at a taxi driver:

“I won’t give you anything!”

Bulldog runs after a taxi

And the taxi is from him.

I walked slowly down the street. And the dog ran ahead of me.

Krivenkov Dmitry. The word "CAT".

Cat -1). a domestic animal that catches mice and rats. Female cat.

2).This is a predatory mammal of the cat family.

3). Belt whip with multiple tails.

4). Small anchorspec.

5). A type of iron spikes worn on shoes for climbing poles on steep slopes.

2. Cat person, cat lady, kitty, cat.

3. Synonym - pussy, kitty, kisulya, cat, scratchy, murka.

Antonym - Rat, mouse. Dog.

4. Signs. The cat is washing itself - inviting guests.

5. Riddle.

Comes up to us purring

Drinks milk from a bowl

She can be wild.

We call her…….

6. Proverbs and sayings.

The cat knows whose meat it ate.

A kind word also pleases the cat.

At night all cats are gray.

7.Phraseological units.

Like a cat and a dog. (constantly quarreling, feuding).

Cats are scratching at the soul (Someone is sad, restless)

Looking for a black cat in a dark room (On the futility of actions).

8. Poem.

Cats try to live independently

They always land on their feet,

Cats have grace, intelligence and stature,

We need to take cats as an example.

Likhotkin Dmitry spoke about the word “WATER”.

Water is a liquid substance.

Water, water, water.

Synonym: sputum.

Riddles. It flies to the bottom in droplets, and to the top - invisible. On a hot day it is the most desirable.

Proverbs and sayings. April with water. May with grass. Without water, the mill does not turn.

Phraseologisms. Like he filled his mouth with water (he’s silent, doesn’t say anything).

Water is a natural gift

Water in the seas and oceans,

Lakes, rivers and ponds.

And we can’t do without her

Neither in villages nor in cities.

Appreciate water, take care:

This is the natural gift we have been given.

We write down the dog

Lexical meaning of the word.

1) A domestic animal of the canine family.

2) Names of predatory mammals of the canine family.

3. About an evil, rude person.

4. An expert, a dexterous person in some matter.

Similar words:dog, doggy, little dog, canine, dog breeder, dog breeding, dog breeding...


Eat a dog (the man has seen and experienced a lot).

This is where the dog is buried (find out the truth, find what you are looking for).

Live like a cat and a dog (in constant hostility).

Like a dog in the manger (he doesn’t use anything and doesn’t give it to others).

Synonyms: dog

Matching words:service, yard, hunting, guard... (dog)

Proverbs and sayings:

Every dog ​​is the mistress of her own yard.

Don't be afraid of the dog that barks, but be afraid of the one that is silent and wags its tail.

A dog is man's friend.

And the dog knows a kind word.

Don't tease a dog - it won't bite.

A good dog will not be left without an owner.

With a faithful dog, the watchman sleeps.


1. The living castle grumbled, 2. He is friends with the owner,

He lay down across the door. The house is guarded

Two medals on the chest - Lives under the porch,

It's better not to go into the house. And the tail is a ring.

3. I won’t let a stranger into the house,

I'm sad without my owner.

6. Suggestions about dogs:


Owning a dog is no joke.

  • What can we tell you about the word? Let's see what words “surround” the word frost.

1. Lexical meaning of the word:
Severe cold (with air temperature below 0°).
Cold, winter weather.

2. Similar words: frost, frost, frost, frosty, freeze.

3. Synonyms: frost, cold, cold.
Antonyms: frost - heat, frost - heat.
Phraseologism: Frost on the skin (on the back) hurts (runs through, goes). There is a chill caused by a feeling of fear and excitement.

4. Combination words: strong, cruel, first, January, Russian, Siberian... (frosts).

5. Proverb. The frost is not great, but it is not good to stand.
Mystery. Draws without hands, bites without teeth.

6. Sentences with this word.
Frost flashed. And we are glad
To the pranks of Mother Winter. (A. Pushkin)

Make up the same page with a word. Illustrate your page. Share your chosen word in class.


We pronounce: [zar'a]
We write down: for rya (dictionary word).

A polysemantic word.

1. Lexical meaning of the word dawn:

1. Bright illumination of the horizon before sunrise and after sunset.

2. The time of appearance of this illumination on the horizon.

3. (translated) The beginning, origin, early time of something (usually pleasant, joyful, desired).

4. (military (also dawn)) A military signal on a drum, bugle or trumpet during the hours of rising and going to bed.

5. (military) military ceremony.

6. (nerd. (also dawn)) A genus of perennial herbaceous plants of the Apiaceae family with yellowish flowers; lovage

Direct meaning: A new dawn was breaking in the east.
Figurative meaning: At the dawn of history - the Cimmerians, Scythians and Sarmatians.

2. Similar words: dawn, lightning, lightning, illuminate, illuminated, glow, robin.

3. Synonyms: dawn, early, before the dew.
Antonyms: late, sunset.
neither light nor dawn
(very early in the morning) from dawn to dawn(from early morning to late evening).

4. Word compatibility: morning, evening, ruddy, scarlet, crimson... (dawn)

5. Proverbs:

The dawn will shower you with gold.
As is the evening dawn, so is another day.
I can't get enough of a shirt to sleep through the dawn.


The red girl looks in the mirror. (Dawn)

6. Sentences with this word.

The pale dawn is just glimmering,
I watch the snowflakes flicker. (A. Blok)

I see the edge of heaven in the vast distance
And a clear dawn. (Z. Gippius)