Brown rice ghee. Battle: brown rice vs white What is the glycemic index of rice

Many people use rice in their diet. You can use it to make pilaf, porridge, cutlets or add it to salads. For some peoples, this product is the main dish. Sweets are made from it and alcoholic drinks. But few people think that each product has its own glycemic index.

For the first time in the world, it began to be grown in India, but it gained the greatest popularity in China. Rice comes in different varieties. It can be distinguished by color - white, brown, brown.

The ability to increase blood sugar levels will depend on the type of cereal. Buraya has a glycemic index of 45 and is very healthy. U white rice the glycemic index is 65 or slightly more. Even with such indicators, this cereal is a dietary product and very well helps to get rid of excess weight. It can be used in the diet of patients with diabetes.

Cereals contain many vitamins and minerals. These include vitamins B, PP, E. It contains eight types of amino acids.

This cereal is very often included in the list of products that should be used for dietary nutrition. This applies to patients with various diseases and people who want to lose excess weight. This is because brown rice has a glycemic index in the middle of the scale, but this does not apply to all types of rice.

The glycemic index of brown rice is about 40 units. It contains no salt at all. This helps reduce the production of gastric juice. Therefore it can be recommended fasting days on one rice.

Nutritionists say that brown cereals are healthier than white ones. This is proven by studying the composition of brown rice grains. With its regular use, you can cleanse the body of toxins.

Any type of cereal is low in calories. Contrary to this, it has a good effect on the functioning of the digestive system.

Useful properties of rice:

  • improves the condition of skin, hair and nails;
  • is a useful product when following a diet to get rid of extra pounds;
  • stimulates brain function;
  • normalizes intestinal function;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • improves intestinal function.

But the use of cereals in the diet has contraindications. You can’t make up your diet and use only rice. This can affect bowel function and cause constipation.

When using brown rice, the rice shell also enters the stomach. The husk contains phytic acid, which prevents the body from absorbing calcium and iron.

Based on the results of the studies, it was found that rice can be used in the diet of diabetics. But in this case there is a restriction on the use of its white type. It is not suitable for diabetic patients and will increase blood sugar levels. With frequent consumption of this type of cereal, complications of type 2 diabetes may develop. It's better to avoid white rice. Then they replace it with brown, red, black, brown. The grains can be steamed.

Rice brown does not include simple carbohydrates, therefore it is not able to increase blood glucose levels. It contains vitamins and minerals, fiber. Such properties appear due to the fact that during processing the husk is completely removed from it.

Brown rice characterized by its low calorie content. With its help you can cleanse your body and easily get rid of excess weight. There are no contraindications. But to preserve the grain, it must be stored in the refrigerator and this period should not be very long.

Black rice is also called wild rice. According to their own taste qualities it looks like a nut. It is collected manually and therefore is not cheap. This variety of rice is classified as a rare species.

When choosing cereals, diabetics should give preference to red rice. It is able to cleanse the body. It contains large number dietary fiber. When consumed regularly, the level of antioxidants in the body will increase. Another important property for diabetics that red rice has is the normalization of sugar levels in the body.

Depending on the type of cereal, its calorie content will differ, of course, not much. For example, brown rice has 350 kcal per 100 grams, and white rice has 340 kcal. This means uncooked cereal and without adding oil.

The glycemic index determines the effect of a food on glucose levels in the body. When determining this level, it is generally accepted that sugar is 100 units.

Brown cereals are in the middle of this scale, the GI indicator is 45-50 units, while white rice will have the same indicator of almost 85 units. This means that brown rice has less of an effect on blood glucose levels.

  • The glycemic index of boiled unpolished rice is 65 units.
  • The glycemic index of red rice is 55 units.

White contains:

  • proteins – 7 grams;
  • fats – 0.4 grams;
  • carbohydrates – 77 grams;
  • fiber – 0 grams.

Brown contains:

  • proteins – 7.5 grams;
  • fats – 2 grams;
  • carbohydrates – 77 grams;
  • fiber – 14 grams.

Rice can be distinguished by appearance. Brown will have a light brown color, but it will not evenly color the grain. After cooking, it becomes not very crumbly, a little harsh. White should be pure white and can sometimes even look translucent. Its surface is always smooth. It cooks quickly and becomes crumbly.

Types of cereals differ in GI, so when choosing, it is better to give preference to brown rice. This applies not only to patients with diabetes, but also when following a diet to lose excess weight.

When choosing cereals, you must take into account its glycemic index. This will help maintain blood sugar levels and prevent the development of diabetes. This advice should be heeded by people who have a genetic predisposition to developing diabetes. Rice cereal is necessary for diabetics when following a special diet, but before choosing a type, you can consult a doctor and make a choice on this basis.

For many people, such oriental food as pilaf is a favorite dish that they often eat. But few people know that the glycemic index of rice, which is used to prepare this dish, is 70 units. The product is not recommended for people with diabetes due to its high GI. The size of this cereal varies depending on the type of cereal. By preparing a similar dish from brown rice, even a diabetic will benefit and not harm.

How is it useful?

Despite the average and high GI values, rice is beneficial for the body weakened by diabetes. The composition includes a large amount of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, dietary fiber is present and there is no gluten, which provokes allergic reactions. It is also low in salt, which is important for people suffering from water retention in the body.

Cereal promotes:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • the emergence of new cells;
  • energy production;
  • getting rid of excess weight;
  • normalization of blood pressure and nervous system;
  • better functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


Depending on the type of grain, rice is divided into long-grain, medium-grain and round. According to the processing method, the cereal is classified into brown (unpolished, brown), white (polished) and steamed. More often than not, recipes containing rice grains call for white rice. However, diabetics should use this product with caution. Cereals consist of complex carbohydrates, which long time provide a feeling of fullness, but the glycemic index indicates its danger for people with high blood sugar. For such patients, it is better to replace white grains with unpolished ones, since they contain fiber, have an average GI value and contain more useful microelements.

GI and calorie content of different types of rice

Steamed Long Grain Golden

This type of rice can be consumed by diabetics, but in limited quantities.

Parboiled rice is a product that is used to prepare rice porridge. Before grinding, it undergoes steam treatment, thanks to which 80% of vitamins and minerals penetrate into the grain. The result is a healthy cereal rich in B vitamins, calcium, and magnesium. 100 g of this rice contains 350 kcal. Slow digestion of the starch contained in grains delays the flow of sugar into the blood, but the glycemic index of the product is average and is 60 units. Due to its beneficial properties, rice is essential in a diabetic’s diet, but it should be consumed in limited quantities.

Japanese Nishiki

Nishiki is used to make nigiri, sushi, and rolls. Its grains contain a lot of starch and polysaccharides, due to which the stickiness of the product increases after steaming. 100 g of product contains 277 kcal, a large amount of B vitamins and microelements. However, diabetics are advised to exclude Japanese dishes from their diet, since this variety has a high GI value of 70 units.

Boiled in water

During heat treatment, the cereal absorbs moisture, due to which it increases in size and becomes soft. Energy value This porridge contains 160 kcal per 100 g, and the glycemic index depends on the type of cereal. The indicator for white round rice is 72 units, brown - 60, Basmati - 58 units. The product contains a small amount of salt, which is why it is included in the diet of overweight people. Boiled rice useful for pathologies of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys and liver.

Brown (brown, unpolished)

This type of rice will benefit even diabetes mellitus.

Brown - incompletely peeled regular rice. After gentle processing, bran and husk remain in the cereal, so the cereal does not lose its beneficial properties. 100 g of product contains 335 kcal, GI of the product is 50 units. Brown rice is rich in vitamins, macroelements, fiber, dietary fiber and folic acid. Thanks to this, it reduces and maintains normal blood sugar. It also removes toxins, lowers cholesterol, and has a beneficial effect on the heart and nervous system.

This useful product for type 2 diabetes, as it helps normalize glucose and prevents the development of complications.

There are several varieties of rice that have different glycemic indexes. This indicator also depends on the processing of the product and the cooking method.

If you have diabetes, rice should be eaten with caution, as if it is consumed incorrectly, it can cause problems for people with diabetes. Let's find out why various types of rice can have different effects on your sugar levels, let's see how you can make rice more diabetic friendly.

Counting carbohydrates

One serving of cooked rice is equal to half a cup and contains 15 grams of carbohydrates. If you are allowed to eat 45-60 grams of carbohydrates at a time, you can eat half a cup of this grain. However, remember that you should also include vegetables, dairy products and fruits in this meal to diversify the composition of your carbohydrate intake. You can eat rice as a side dish for the main dish or use it as part of a dessert. You can also add it to the broth as part of the first course.

Switching to dark varieties

Some studies conducted in recent years, talk about a possible risk of type 2 diabetes as a result of eating white rice. Some experts take the position that even in minimal doses it can worsen the condition of patients with type 2 diabetes. It is for this reason that diabetics prefer not white rice, but less processed types of rice, as well as Basmati and black.

Basmati rice is sold in both polished and unprocessed varieties. The second version of this type of rice is preferable for diabetics, although it is tougher in consistency.

Brown rice is hulled rice with the hull retained. It contains a lot of fiber, beneficial minerals and vitamins. Unfortunately, it has a shorter shelf life and goes rancid faster.

The following rare varieties are also very useful:

  • aquatica rice;
  • black;
  • red rice;
  • some exotic and wild species.

They contain a lot of fiber, minerals and vitamins, and are characterized by a relatively low glycemic index. However, they are significantly more expensive and more difficult to find in the Russian market. retail network. We can definitely say that unpolished, wild and dark varieties of rice are considered quite safe for people with diabetes of both types 1 and 2, subject to the daily consumption norms agreed with the attending physician.

Glycemic index

As you already know, for a diabetic of any type it is especially important to consume exactly those varieties of rice that break down more slowly into glucose in the blood. The glycemic index value of a certain type of rice is of greatest importance for health, since it determines the variability of sugar levels when consuming this product.

It is also important to remember that the longer you cook any type of rice, the higher the glycemic index of the resulting dish becomes. Accordingly, try not to overcook the rice.

Types of rice vary in glycemic index depending on the types of starch they contain. The two types of starch present in rice are amylose and amylopectin. Less sticky long grain rices that are rich in amylose carry a much lower glycemic load.

Trick! It's good to try combining rice with other types of grains, such as barley or quinoa, in the same dish. This will increase your intake of fiber and a variety of nutrients, as well as reduce the glycemic index of your diet.

Nutritionally, rice is primarily a starch (80–90%). Therefore, this product does not have any particular benefit for the body; it mainly has an energy function. It is necessary to control the portion sizes of rice, and at the same time eat protein foods and vegetables with it. This will add nutrients to your diet and also lower the overall glycemic index of your meal.

Parboiled rice

Experts point out that parboiled rice has a lower glycemic index compared to brown rice or traditional white rice. In the food industry, when obtaining this product, technology is aimed at maximizing the preservation of vitamins and minerals by transferring them from the shell into the grain itself.

The glycemic index of parboiled rice is about 38, which is much lower than white rice (70) or brown rice(50). It is important not to confuse parboiled rice with regular steamed rice, which has a high glycemic index.

Resistant starch

Starchy foods after heat treatment and prolonged cooling in the refrigerator become more resistant (resistant) to digestion. This lowers their glycemic index. Therefore, you can add chilled rice to your salad. This will allow you to get a dish with a low glycemic index and high content of healthy nutrients. Also, resistant starch promotes the development of beneficial bacteria in the intestines and improves immune system And general condition body.

Catering test

Restaurants are notorious for serving overly large portions. Often there is excess rice in these portions. Keep track of how much rice they brought you and do not consume more than normal. Pay attention to what kind of rice they brought you. Steamed, polished white rice has the highest glycemic index.

If you want white rice

If you like the taste of white rice, then instead of the traditional short-grain polished rice, you can use Basmati. There are other replacement options, but they are extremely difficult to purchase in Russia. If you can't buy them, you can cook plain white rice and then refrigerate for at least 16 to 20 hours before eating. As mentioned above, refrigeration creates resistant starches.

What else matters

The glycemic index of a food is not an ideal system for assessing the suitability of a certain type of food, since it does not allow for a comprehensive assessment of a meal for the health of a diabetic. For example, if you cook fried white rice, the glycemic index of the final dish may not be that high.

Also, adding vegetables, eggs and meat helps fried rice digest more slowly. This will prevent the dish from raising your sugar levels as quickly as regular white rice.

You can use a combination of brown rice and black beans to help keep your sugar levels stable, as black beans have a low glycemic index. It is important to properly combine rice with other ingredients that have a low glycemic index to avoid spikes in sugar levels.

Control your diabetes

When eating rice if you have diabetes, it is advisable to monitor your condition for a while to make sure this product is safe for you. Sugar level monitoring is the best way to determine how white rice and other foods affect your body.

Check your sugar levels 30, 60, 90 and finally 120 minutes after eating a serving of plain white rice. Ideally, your sugar levels should remain normal.

If your sugar level rises too much from eating a portion of rice, then try repeating the experiment another time with a smaller portion of this product. If your body cannot cope with even a small portion of regular white rice, then try eating white rice pre-chilled in the refrigerator. Or you can evaluate the effect on you of more gentle varieties of rice - Basmati, brown or black rice - to understand which option is best for you.

The glycemic index (GI) is the rate at which carbohydrates in food are digested and raise blood sugar levels. A GI equal to or less than 35 is considered low. In total, the glycemic index scale consists of one hundred units. The theory was created in the 1980s for diabetics, but is widely used in weight loss diets and healthy eating.

Low GI foods - vegetables, cereals and other variations of complex carbohydrates. They slowly release their energy to the body and are mainly stored in the muscles in the form. In contrast, high GI foods are converted into free fatty acids. Their excessive consumption is associated with both the accumulation of subcutaneous fat and harm to health.

Note that the glycemic index is gradually being replaced by the concepts of insulin index. The GN takes into account both the rate of increase in blood glucose levels and the amount of carbohydrates in a serving of food. In turn, he notes that meat also provokes the production of glucose. AI also suggests that a number of foods (for example, yogurt) cause increased insulin production.

The benefits of low GI foods

Scientific research suggests that regularly consuming foods with a high glycemic index disrupts your metabolism¹. Fast carbohydrates negatively affect insulin production, causing chronic hunger and activating fat deposition in problem areas. Regular and uncontrolled consumption of such products leads to the development of diabetes.

In contrast, low GI foods contain a lot of - it not only normalizes insulin production², but helps reduce bad cholesterol³ and has a number of other health benefits.

What are the benefits of fiber foods:

  • Provides long lasting saturation
  • Normalizes insulin production
  • Reduces bad cholesterol levels
  • Helps bowel mechanics
  • Have a function

The glycemic index of a given food is a comparison of the rate at which blood glucose rises after consuming a serving of that food containing approximately 50 grams of carbohydrates with 50 grams of pure glucose. It is important to understand that GI does not take into account the “density” of carbohydrates in the product, nor the serving size, nor the combination with other nutrients - for example, the presence of lactose accelerates the absorption of sugar.

The high GI of a product means that when it is eaten and further digested, the blood sugar level will rise as quickly as possible. This, in turn, will lead to the production of insulin, with the help of which the eaten carbohydrates will be processed by the body. First, they will be used for use (or will be stored in muscle glycogen), and if there is excess, they will be stored in fat reserves.

The glycemic index of foods is divided into three categories:

  • Low glycemic index - less than 55
  • Average glycemic index - 56–69
  • High glycemic index - more than 70

Brief table of glycemic indexes

High GI Average GI Low GI
White breadBrown breadSweet potato
Sweet pastriesWheat flourUndercooked pasta
White riceBrown riceBuckwheat
Sweet sodasOrange juiceApple juice
ChipsPastaCottage cheese
PineappleBananaDried fruits
SemolinaOatmealQuinoa, buckwheat

Full GI tables

Glycemic index of food

Same calorie content, slightly undercooked buckwheat porridge with a serving and olive oil dressing will have a low GI. Whereas boiled buckwheat in milk with sugar and butter is high. The glycemic index is also affected by the salt content, the presence of lactose in the composition, and even the temperature during consumption (cold food is digested a little worse than hot food).

What lowers GI:

  • presence of fiber, proteins and fats
  • no heat treatment
  • increased acidity (for example, grape vinegar)

What increases GI:

  • fast carbohydrate content
  • overcooking the product
  • adding salt

Foods with a high glycemic index are foods that contain extremely high rates of absorption. They release their calories into the blood in the form of glucose as quickly as possible, literally overflowing the body with excess energy. If this energy and glucose are not currently needed in the muscles, it is sent to fat reserves.

Strictly speaking, it is not the high GI foods themselves that are harmful, but its excessive consumption at the wrong time. For example, immediately after physical training, quickly digestible carbohydrates will benefit the athlete's body, since their energy will provide a direct stimulus for muscle growth and recovery. Gainers with maltodextrin and isotonics work on this principle.

Pros of foods with a high glycemic index:

  • Quickly restore glycogen reserves
  • Easy to digest and assimilate
  • Has a sweet taste

Harmful foods with high GI

The combination of regular consumption of high GI foods and sedentary lifestyle life is one of the key problems causing many diseases. We are talking about both diabetes and increased levels of bad cholesterol. At the same time, the most harmful type of fast carbohydrates is that the body cannot use excess calories otherwise than storing them as fat.

Product GI
White bread100
Butter buns95
Potatoes (baked)95
Rice noodles95
Canned apricots95
Instant rice90
Instant porridge85
Carrots (boiled or stewed)85
Mashed potatoes, boiled potatoes85
(Powerade, Gatorade)80
Muesli with nuts and raisins80
Sweet pastries (waffles, donuts)75
Rice porridge with milk75
Carrots (raw)70
Chocolate bar (Mars, Snickers)70
Milk chocolate70
Sweet carbonated drinks (Pepsi, Coca-Cola)70
Noodles from soft varieties wheat70
White rice70
Potato chips70
Sugar (white or brown)70

Products with an average glycemic index - from high-protein buckwheat to muesli with sugar - are an example of the fact that it is impossible to divide food into healthy and harmful, relying solely on such a parameter as the rate of absorption of carbohydrates. Ultimately, both the time of consumption of this food (in the first half of the week or just before bed) and the total amount are important.

If regular and excessive consumption of carbohydrate foods with an average GI negatively affects general level blood sugar and disrupts metabolic processes in the body (including the mechanism for producing the hunger hormone leptin) - then moderate consumption of such products (for example, oatmeal) can have a positive effect on the body.

Product GI
Wheat flour65
Orange juice (packaged)65
Preserves and jams65
Black yeast bread65
Muesli with sugar65
Rye bread65
Boiled potatoes in their jackets65
Whole wheat bread65
Canned vegetables65
Macaroni and cheese65
Thin crust pizza with tomatoes and cheese60
Ice cream60
Long grain rice60
Industrial mayonnaise60
Buckwheat (brown, roasted)60
Grapes and grape juice55
Canned Peaches55

Low GI foods are primarily natural products that contain a lot of plant fiber. In fact, foods containing most cereals (buckwheat, quinoa, bulgur), seeds, nuts, and green vegetables have a low glycemic index. Fruits, although they have a low GI, still increase the level of insulin in the blood, which is dangerous for diabetics.

Eating foods with a low glycemic index is the basis of most weight loss diets - from regular diets to professional ones for cutting. The benefits of such food are explained, first of all, by the high fiber content, as well as the low level of industrial processing - most of the table is natural products.

Product GI
Sweet potatoes (yams, yams)50
(without pre-frying)50
Basmati rice50
Cranberry juice (no sugar)50
Brown brown rice50
Apple juice (no sugar)50
Fresh orange juice45
Whole grain toast45
Dried figs40
Pasta cooked al dente40
Carrot juice (no sugar)40
Dried apricots40
Wild (black) rice35
Fresh apple35
Fresh plum35
Fresh quince35
Low-fat natural yogurt35
Fresh nectarine35
Fresh peach35
Tomato juice30
Fresh apricot30
Pearl barley30
Brown lentils30
Green beans30
Fresh pear30
Tomato (fresh)30
Low-fat cottage cheese30
Yellow lentils, peas30
Blueberries, lingonberries, blueberries30
Dark chocolate (more than 70% cocoa)30
Milk (any fat content)30
passion fruit30
Fresh mandarin30
Green and red25
Golden beans25
Fresh raspberries25
Red currant25
Soy flour25
Strawberries, wild strawberries25
pumpkin seeds25
Peanut butter (no sugar)20
Soy yogurt20
Brussels sprouts15
Chili pepper15
Fresh cucumber15
Hazelnuts, pine nuts, pistachios, walnuts15
Tofu (bean curd)15
, flaxseed10
Parsley, basil, vanillin, cinnamon, oregano10


The glycemic index shows how fully the carbohydrates contained in a food product are absorbed in the body and increase blood sugar levels. The scale consists of 100 units, where 0 is the minimum (foods that do not contain carbohydrates), 100 is the maximum. Foods with a high glycemic index quickly release their energy to the body, while foods with a low glycemic index contain fiber and are absorbed slowly.

You know very well that a person who is friends with physical activity, you need carbohydrates. And carbohydrates can be simple and complex. Simple ones are those that literally explode with energy in your body. Sweet buns, cakes, all kinds of candies... This is precisely their main disadvantage. Snacking on these carbohydrates is like lighting a match. There's a flash and you're back in the dark. No, you need completely different carbohydrates - complex ones. They are slowly digested and gradually release energy. It's like there's something working in your stomach
small but durable generator. Yes, the light bulb does not shine so brightly, but it shines! For the best product You don’t have to go far from the category of complex carbohydrates. This is ordinary rice. Not only is it full of calories, but it also has fiber to keep your gut healthy. In addition, rice is completely devoid of fat and harmful sodium. And on top of that, rice is insanely cheap.
One problem is that you need to know how to cook rice. If you undercook it, it will turn out tough and tasteless. If you overcook it, it will turn out to be a slimy mess, in which it’s difficult to even guess the rice.

Energy storehouse
For some, compliments about rice may cause confusion. Like, how can this be? There is an excess of starch in rice, but everyone knows that starch makes you fat.
I wonder where this opinion came from. Starch just doesn’t make you fat! He will give you his energy, and he himself will literally turn into steam. By the way,
starch is a unique source of energy. Just as our body “stores” carbohydrates in the form of glycogen, plants also store their energy in the form of starch. Starch expresses the essence of nature, and it is never harmful to humans. Let us repeat, rice is an excellent source of complex carbohydrates, and carbohydrates are the main source of energy for an athlete.
For those who doubt this, let us remind you of a medical fact: when performing any physical exercise At medium and high intensity, a person gets 60-100% of the energy he needs from carbohydrates. Well, for strength training, carbohydrates are the only source of energy. Simply put, if your body doesn't have enough carbohydrates, you simply won't have enough energy for an intense workout.
Some numbers: half a glass of dry rice contains approximately 100 calories, fat - less than 1 g, carbohydrates - 20 g, protein -2 g.

Brown and white rice

In some places in the nutritional literature, white rice is scolded along with fine flour and flour products based on it. Nutritional value these products are indeed lower than their “brothers” that have not gone through the “millstones” of sophisticated industrial processing - brown rice, pasta and bakery products from wholemeal flour.
If anyone is not yet familiar with brown rice, then here are its signs: it has a reddish-brown hue, a nutty flavor, and is also rich in valuable vitamins and microelements - thiamine, B6, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium. Brown rice is rich in fiber and easily surpasses its white counterpart in calcium, vitamin E, chromium, and plant nutrients that have a preventive effect, especially against cancer.
White rice, however, has one advantage over brown rice; it has a longer shelf life because it contains virtually no fat (rice that has not gone through the process of cleaning and polishing contains fat, which is what spoils). While white rice can be stored in the kitchen cupboard as long as you like, brown rice belongs in the refrigerator. By the way, boiled rice will “last” in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days, but if you put it in the freezer, you can store it for six months.

Glycemic index of rice
Among nutritionists, the value of a carbohydrate product is usually assessed by its glycemic index (GI). Formally, the glycemic index of a food shows how quickly the blood glucose level rises after taking it, as well as how long it takes the body to return it to normal. In this sense, rice is supposedly not such a healthy product. His GI is very low. The opinion is fair, but only in relation to peeled rice. Well, in principle, rice has many varieties, the index of which can be either low or high.
If you are a bodybuilder, then your choice is brown rice or white basmati (see below: “Glycemic indices of rice varieties”).
As for other varieties of white rice, they need “justification.” What happens to products in food processing plants? There, the most important components “leave” from them, and the starch structure is often destroyed, fiber and proteins disappear. The end result is a product that bears little resemblance to the original one. In particular, (whose task is to “extract” nutrients from food in the digestive tract) cannot “break through” to starch through the “baked” shells of peeled rice. So it turns out that such rice is digested extremely slowly and supposedly has an extremely low glycemic index.

Factors that determine the GI of individual products:

— Digestibility of starch;
— Interaction of starch with protein;
— Amount and type of fats, sugars and fiber;
— The presence or absence of substances that bind starch;
— Condition or consistency, degree of industrial processing of the product: dry, pasty or liquid; coarse or fine grinding; raw or heat-treated, etc.;
— Compatibility of products (when used together).

Glycemic indices of rice varieties

Rice variety - Index - Effect
Semi-finished product— 48 — Low;
Brown, boiled— 55 — Low;
“Long” white, boiled— 56 — Low;
Basmati, boiled— 58 — Low;
Round, boiled— 72 — Average;
Rice cake— 82 — Average;
Instant cooking
- 87 - Tall.

Rice - a wealth of varieties

Variety - Description - Characteristics (boiled):
"Long"— The kernel is thin and long (length is 4 times longer than the width) — Lightweight, swells well;
Ordinary— Length two to three times longer than width — Moist, tender and slightly sticky;
"Arborio"— The core is large, there is a depression in the center — Soft, but viscous;
"Round"— The kernel has a round shape — Sticky.
The last three varieties have the following varieties:
Sweet— Almost round in shape, the core is white, chalky, opaque — Sticky, lumpy;
Fragrant— The aroma is reminiscent of roasted nuts or popcorn;
"Delta"— Dry, crumbly;
"Jasmine"— Wet, lumpy;
"Basmati"— Kernels are thin and long — Dry, crumbly.