Documents for maternity capital in the year. Implementation of social support for families with children in the coming year

One of the main types of financial assistance to young families throughout recent years is the provision of maternity capital. For 2015, his payments are set at 453 thousand rubles. Termination of the program after the statutory deadline of December 31, 2016 could have a negative impact on the birth rate. Everyone who is thinking about expanding their family in the coming years hopes for an extension of the project, which, during its operation, as of mid-2015, has already included 6.3 million Russian families.

May 5, 2015 branches of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) in the regions began accepting applications for a one-time payment 20 thousand rubles under a certificate for maternity capital, approved by federal law as part of the anti-crisis government Plan to ensure sustainable economic development and social stability.

Size and indexing

In just 8 years of the program, the size of the mat. capital increased by 72%. In 2007, the amount was 250 thousand rubles, and by 2014 it increased to 429,408.5 rubles. Regular indexation of the subsidy allows it to correspond to the level of current inflation.

According to the law on the federal budget for 2015, the amount of maternity (family) capital, provided by law dated December 29, 2006 No. 256-FZ “On additional measures of state support for families with children”, subject to indexation by the amount 5,5% , which amounts to RUB 453,026.0.

News and changes in 2015

The most discussed issue in 2015 is the issue of ending the maternity capital program or extending it for another 10-year period after 2016.

If the State Duma adopts a law to increase the life of the project, a number of changes are possible. These may include the following:

  • Narrowing the circle of those eligible to participate in the program (this may affect wealthy families to a greater extent).
  • Identification of target groups based on need.

You can find out the main news and changes in the maternity capital program in 2015 on our website.

Use of funds

Until recently, at the birth or adoption of a second or subsequent children, mat. capital could be spent on , or on .

There is no single line or consensus on this issue. If events develop favorably and the economy stabilizes, the list of proposed directions may be expanded. Otherwise, the list will consist of a single item - improving living conditions.

The following options are under consideration:

  1. Exclusion from the list of items about mother's education and pension.
  2. Providing high-tech medical care, treatment of seriously ill children.
  3. Issue of mat. capital in cash.
  4. Gasification of housing.
  5. Purchasing a family car.
  6. Allocation of funds for mother's education.

The government is monitoring the situation at all levels in order to make the most informed decision on this issue, which would suit the maximum number of citizens of the Russian Federation.

News in the regions

Parents in the Russian Federation have the opportunity to receive government support not only from the federal treasury, but also from regional budgets. Each of the federal subjects has its own possibilities and rules for using this subsidy. Over the past couple of years, several dozen regions and autonomous entities have adopted legislation to make support for motherhood and childhood more effective.

In many regions of the federation, in addition to cash subsidies, various benefits and specific assistance are provided in paying utility bills and providing school-age children with everything they need. Free (preferential) services in the field of education and medicine are also provided.

Duration of the program

At the moment, regarding the duration of the program “ Maternity capital"The following is known. According to the law, payments under this project must cease.

The government is aware of the social significance of this type of government support and is looking for opportunities to extend the program. It may be necessary to make some restrictions in the area of ​​​​direction of the use of allocated funds or in other matters. The main thing is that millions of Russian families can count on such significant and much-needed assistance. Optimistic forecasts allow us to expect the project to be extended until 2025-2027.

Let's start with some definitions. What is the essence of maternity capital?
Maternity (family) capital– these are funds that since 2007 our state has provided free of charge at the birth (adoption) of a second and subsequent child. The payment amount started at 250,000 rubles, is indexed annually, and in 2014 it amounted to 429,408.50 rubles.
The amount of maternity (family) capital is reviewed annually taking into account the rate of inflation growth and is set for the corresponding financial year.
A change in the size of maternal (family) capital as a result of its revision taking into account the rate of inflation or in the case of disposal of part of it does not entail a replacement of the certificate.

The document confirming the right to receive maternity capital is called a state certificate. ( Art. 2 Federal Law of December 29, 2006 N 256-FZ (as amended on July 2, 2013, as amended on June 23, 2014) “On additional measures of state support for families with children”)

The federal law comes into force on January 1, 2007 and applies to legal relations arising in connection with the birth (adoption) of a child (children) in the period from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2016.

Who has the right to maternity capital?
Art. 3 256-FZ)
This right arises starting from January 1, 2007, upon the birth (adoption) of a child (children) who has citizenship Russian Federation, for the following citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of their place of residence:

  1. women who gave birth (adopted) second child;
  2. women who gave birth (adopted) a third child or subsequent children starting from January 1, 2007, if they had not previously exercised this right;
  3. men who are the sole adoptive parents of a second, third child or subsequent children who have not previously exercised the right to additional measures of state support, if the court decision on adoption entered into legal force starting from January 1, 2007.
This right may also arise for the child himself, under certain circumstances.

Use of maternity capital funds
(Article 2 256-FZ):

  1. improvement of living conditions;
  2. getting an education;
  3. increasing the level of pension provision, taking into account the features established by law.
Maternity capital funds can be used in full or in parts and simultaneously in several directions.

Deadline for exercising the right to receive maternity capital funds
(Article 3 256-FZ)

The right to maternity capital arises from the date of birth (adoption) of the second, third child or subsequent children, regardless of the period of time that has passed from the date of birth (adoption) of the previous child (children), and can be exercised no earlier than three years from the date of birth (adoption) of a second, third child or subsequent children, with the exception of the need to use maternity capital funds to repay the principal debt and pay interest on loans or borrowings for the acquisition (construction) of residential premises, including mortgage loans provided to citizens under loan agreement(loan agreement) concluded with an organization, including a credit institution.

How and where to get a certificate?

Authorized bodies: territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence (stay) or actual residence or a multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services (citizens of the Russian Federation who have left for permanent residence outside the territory of the Russian Federation and do not have a place of residence or place confirmed by registration stay on the territory of the Russian Federation, submit an application directly to Pension fund Russian Federation).

You can apply for a state certificate for maternity (family) capital at any time after the right arises.

An application for a state certificate is submitted in the prescribed form (you will receive the form upon registration along with a sample for filling it out) with the following documents attached:

  • identification, place of residence (stay) or actual residence (persons who do not have a place of residence (stay) confirmed by registration within the Russian Federation indicate in the application the place of their actual residence on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • confirming the citizenship of the Russian Federation of a child, in connection with whose birth (adoption) the right to maternity capital arose;
  • identification, place of residence (stay) or actual residence and powers of the legal representative or authorized representative;
  • confirming the birth (adoption) of children;
  • certificate of the insurance number of the individual personal account of the insured person in the compulsory pension insurance system of the Russian Federation (SNILS).
The specified documents are presented in ordinary cases; in the presence of a non-standard situation, the list of documents increases depending on the specific case.
After submitting the documents, a corresponding receipt is issued indicating the registration number of the application. Within one month from the date of receipt of the application, a decision is made to issue or refuse to issue a certificate, of which a notification is sent to the applicant. Based on the notification received, you can receive a finished certificate at the place of application
In the event of a change in the last name, first name, patronymic of the owner of the certificate or the details of the identity document, the owner of the certificate has the right to contact the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to make appropriate changes to the certificate with the presentation of documents confirming these changes.
(Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated October 18, 2011 N 1180n “On approval of the Rules for filing an application for a state certificate for maternal (family) capital and issuing a state certificate for maternal (family) capital (its duplicate) and the form of a state certificate for maternal (family) capital ".

How to formalize the disposal of maternity capital funds?
Authorized bodies: territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence (stay) or actual residence or a multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services.

An application for disposal of maternity capital funds is submitted in the prescribed form for each specific case of disposal (you will receive the form upon registration along with a sample for filling it out) indicating the direction of use of maternity capital and attaching the following documents:

  1. certificate (its duplicate);
  2. insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance of the person who received the certificate;
  3. identification documents, place of residence (stay) of the person who received the certificate.
The list of other documents depends on the selected order option.

After submitting the documents, a corresponding receipt is issued indicating the registration number of the application. If the application is satisfied, the transfer of maternity capital funds is carried out by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation) no later than 2 months from the date of acceptance of the application.

The maternity capital program continues to operate. There were rumors among the people that the Russian treasury lacked sufficient funds to pay families who were helping Russia change better side the current demographic situation, in reality, is not confirmed. In 2015, maternity capital finds its recipients according to previous schemes. Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets in her speech even voiced the idea that women who gave birth to a child in 2017 also have the right to maternity capital.

But soon this news was called hastily announced and unfinished. Apparently, the state will limit itself for now to 2016 - the year when the law on maternity capital will cease to operate. The amount of maternity capital for 2015 remains unchanged.

Why do Russian families need maternity capital?

It should be noted that such government support for young families turned out to be very helpful. After all, if during the heyday of the Soviet Union almost any family could count on free square meters of housing from the employer, the party or the city, then after the collapse of the Union, independently purchasing an apartment for young people turned out to be an almost impossible task, unless, of course, there are wealthy relatives who want pay for this living space or inherit it. The amount of maternity capital in 2015 is expected to increase to 450 thousand 878 rubles. The amount is large, so solving your housing problem has become much easier.

What awaits matkapital in the near future?

Thanks to the indexation of maternity capital, which takes into account inflation, this one-time benefit has increased by about five percent over the year. Over the eight-year period of the program, the value of the certificate has almost doubled, and the conditions of the program have undergone changes several times. The coming year so it will not go unnoticed by legislators.

Changes in the amount of maternity capital in 2015 are being discussed by all interested parties. On the one hand, families wishing to have a second or subsequent child express their wishes to extend this program to support young families. On the other hand, studies have shown that the demographic rise of the Russian Federation has nothing to do with state support and the country is pointlessly spending billions of rubles. Be that as it may, the Russian President announced that the program was designed for ten years, and it will not end ahead of schedule. Vladimir Putin also noted that programs to support a normal and decent life will always work for families on the verge of poverty. However, families with a good stable income may find themselves without government support at all after 2016. The economic situation in the country leaves an imprint on everything that happens inside: there are no extra funds, so the continuation of exactly the same maternity capital program most likely will not happen. The assistance will be more targeted and only low-income large families will be able to receive it.

Useful video on the topic:

The changes will probably affect the ability to pay for treatment with a certificate. Currently, maternity capital cannot be used to pay for medical care, although there are many families in Russia who need financial assistance specifically in the healthcare sector. Indeed, what kind of training or new housing can we talk about if a child is seriously ill? This issue is being carefully studied by the government, and, probably, in 2015, maternity capital can be spent on treating a seriously ill child.

It is quite possible that in the coming year 2015, the opportunities to spend maternity capital on buying a car will be expanded in other areas; now only five regions of Russia can take advantage of this right.

Also, most likely, in next year The opportunity to save maternity capital for the mother’s pension will disappear, since a tiny proportion of mothers have chosen this option to use their certificate.

Many families plan to receive maternity capital in 2015. But it is important to remember the basic rules for receiving maternity capital: the family receives capital for the second and subsequent child, the baby and his mother must be citizens of the Russian Federation, and it can only be spent on purposes specified by law and it is impossible to cash it out.

The amount of maternity capital is reviewed every year, taking into account the growth rate of inflation and is established by the law on the federal budget for the corresponding financial year.

In 2015, the Maternity Capital program will still be available to all those who are expecting the birth (adoption) of a child in the near future, or are already taking care of a new baby in the family, and read about the changes in 2015 at the bottom of the article.

Family (or maternal) capital (MC) are cash payments from federal budget, aimed at helping families with the birth of a second child, as well as subsequent children. State support is confirmed by the one-time issuance of a certificate for the right to use maternity capital, providing the opportunity to spend on it after three years from the date of application.

When issuing a certificate, the following conditions are met:

  • the child born is the second in the family or subsequent;
  • Previously, the family did not use the right to additional benefits and measures to improve living conditions, receive educational services, or increase the retirement age (256-FZ Article 3 Part 1);
  • the mother and the born child must have Russian citizenship;
  • the child’s parents must not have criminal convictions for crimes committed against children;
  • parents should not be deprived of rights in relation to their children;
  • the child must be at least a week after birth at the time of applying for a certificate.

State support is provided to women and men for their own and adopted children (in accordance with Article 3, Part 1 of the 256-FZ), as well as to male adoptive parents (including those who do not have Russian citizenship).

Families where twins and triplets were born can receive a certificate, but women will not be provided with maternity capital for their husband’s adopted children. Pay income tax on benefits received individuals not necessary, and the source of funding for the program does not matter.

What changes await the program in 2014?

Since 2007, the program has undergone almost no changes, and all conditions regarding receiving and spending payments have remained the same. In the future, the State Duma plans to make adjustments to the document regarding the improvement of housing conditions, and is also considering a bill to expand the possibilities for using benefits received under the Maternity Capital project. We are talking about using funds to purchase land plots, overhaul existing housing, and also as payment for expensive treatment without a three-year waiting period.

At the moment, a family that has received family capital has the opportunity to use it only after the expiration of the three-year period established by law. An exception is the repayment of a housing loan that was issued before receiving the certificate.

The new bill includes the concept of “reliable parents”, who will receive maternity capital immediately after the birth (adoption) of a child. The degree of trustworthiness will be determined by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

The draft law, which dealt with payments of family capital for the birth of the first child, was rejected. State Duma Justified this by the fact that such expenses were not included in the state budget.

Another proposed innovation is the creation of a special account with interest accrued to the owner of the MK certificate. It will not be possible to immediately withdraw capital from such an account, but you can use the accumulated interest.

According to the current terms of the program, funds can only be spent on children’s education. The new bill of 2014 considers the possibility of spending capital on the education of parents, as well as on the treatment of children.

What will not change in the program?

The following conditions will not be affected by the changes:

  • the amount of family capital can be spent in the previously indicated areas: to improve the family’s living conditions by purchasing residential real estate, construction, repairs and reconstruction with an increase in living space, educating children, or forming a funded part of a pension;
  • subjects who have the right to receive a certificate will remain the same: women who gave birth (adopted) a second child and subsequent children, male adoptive parents of a second (subsequent) child, as well as the child himself, if his parents (adoptive parents) are deprived of the right to receive a family certificate capital;
  • The requirements for Russian citizenship and the timing of registration of MK after the birth (adoption) of children will remain the same.

Maternity capital amount

At the start of the program (since 2007), the total amount of payments was 250 thousand rubles. It is quite logical that the amount of maternity capital is indexed annually. However, the amount of assistance is quite impressive, if you take into account maternity payments, the amount of which in 2012 amounted to 168.4 thousand rubles.

The data below demonstrates the dynamics of indicators of the size of maternity capital by year, as well as the calculated coefficient:

  • 2007: capital amount - 250 thousand rubles. (Part 1 of Article 6 256-FZ dated December 22, 2006), coefficient – ​​1;
  • 2008: capital amount - 276.25 thousand rubles. (Part 1 of Article 11 198-FZ of July 24, 2007), coefficient - 1.105;
  • 2009: capital amount - 312,162 thousand rubles. (Part 1 of Article 11 204-FZ of November 24, 2008), coefficient - 1.13;
  • 2010: capital amount – 343.379 thousand rubles. (Part 1 of Article 10 308-FZ of December 2, 2009), coefficient - 1.1;
  • 2011: capital amount - 365,698 thousand rubles. (241-FZ dated July 28, 2010), coefficient - 1.065;
  • 2012: capital amount - 387,640 thousand rubles. (No. 371-FZ dated November 30, 2011), coefficient - 1.06;
  • 2013: capital amount - 408,961 thousand rubles. (Clause 2 of Article 10 N 216-FZ dated December 3, 2012), coefficient - 1.055;
  • 2014: capital amount - 429,408 thousand rubles. (Article 9 No. 349-FZ dated December 2, 2013), coefficient - 1.05;
  • 2015: capital amount 450.878 thousand rubles., coefficient - 1.05

If the amount of family capital changes, replacement of a previously issued certificate is not required.

How to get maternity capital

To draw up a document to receive maternity capital, you must submit an application to the regional office of the Pension Fund at the place of registration (permanent or temporary) of the parents, or actual place of residence.

The application must be accompanied by the passport of one of the parents (recipient) and the child’s birth certificate. Fund employees check documents and make copies of them.

Deadlines for submission and receipt

The law does not limit the period for applying to the Pension Fund, and you can apply for a certificate at any time. Consideration and decision-making on the issuance of maternity capital takes place within 30 days.

It is possible to send an application by mail, attaching copies of the required documents, and the signatures on them must be certified by a notary.

If the certificate is lost, it is possible to obtain a duplicate, which is issued by the territorial body of the Pension Fund.

How to use

Since the funds received under the Maternity Capital program are provided to the entire family, they can be spent on the needs of any of its members.

MK is not issued in cash, but funds can be used for the following needs:

  • build or purchase housing, apartment;
  • pay for your child's education at any educational institution Russian Federation (up to 25 years of age);
  • allocated to increase the funded part of the pension.

One of the most attractive options for using government assistance is to improve housing conditions. Investing your benefits into education or pensions after three years is a less interesting option for most families. Many banks are ready to provide loans secured by maternity capital, since in this case the solvency of the borrower is guaranteed. MK funds can be partially spent on various needs, and the balance that has not been spent is subject to annual indexation.

Maternity capital cannot be used for:

  • purchase of plots of land;
  • carrying out repair work, purchasing building materials;
  • repayment of targeted loans spent on the purchase of a car and household appliances;
  • repayment of debts on utility bills;
  • medical care and treatment.

Sale and cashing out of maternity capital

Cashing out the certificate is not permitted by law, and maternity capital is not issued in cash. However, quite often there are advertisements providing the service of purchasing MK. In most cases, it is proposed to conduct fictitious transactions with the purchase of real estate, where one of the parties to the contract is a relative or a family friend.

But in any case, all transactions for cashing out maternity capital are considered fraud, and participants in the purchase and sale may be held accountable.

Use family capital to pay off mortgage loan possible almost immediately after receiving the certificate. However, in this case, you should be careful: intermediaries may offer a suspiciously small percentage and the shortest terms for returning MK.

At the same time, the scheme is very doubtful, since you can be left without housing and without money. Contacting law enforcement agencies means admitting to committing fraudulent acts. It is better to avoid such offers from dubious companies altogether, since the risk of losing everything is great.

Validity period of the Maternity Capital program

The government has designated the duration of the program, which began in 2007, and its completion date is expected to be December 31, 2016. These conditions are stipulated in the law on MK.

After the end of the period, this form of state assistance will not exhaust itself, but can be modified and aimed at regions where families with low incomes live and need state support.


Maternity capital in 2015

In 2015, the program for using maternity capital was revised. Now part of the targeted assistance to large families can be cashed out. This opportunity was adopted to support households with several children during periods of economic instability.

In times of crisis, mothers entitled to receive family capital can receive 20 thousand rubles in their hands. They can use these funds for any needs of the family.

Reference! In 2009-2010 this possibility has already been practiced. Then the state gave out 10 thousand rubles. S. Velmyakin, Deputy Minister of Labor, noted that almost everyone took advantage of the vested right during that period.

The government has adopted a bill protecting earmarked funds from fraudulent cash withdrawals. Since 2015, microfinance organizations have not been allowed to participate in the project, and the criteria for credit cooperatives have also been tightened. Recipients of maternity capital who previously entered into an agreement with microfinance organizations will not be affected by the changes.

This year, targeted targeted support for large families will amount to 453 thousand rubles. The project runs until the end of December 2016. His further fate is not known.

In Russia, the maternity capital program started in 2007 as an embodiment of additional government measures to support families with children. Implementation takes place in accordance with Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006 through the one-time issuance of a state subsidy provided for the creation of conditions that ensure a good standard of living. At the beginning of this year, more than 5.5 million certificates have been issued.

Additional ways for the state to support families with children are aimed at gaining the opportunity to improve living conditions, get an education or increase your pension level in cash federal budget, which are transferred to the country's pension fund.

On January 27 of this year, Dmitry Medvedev approved a proposal for a one-time payment of 20 thousand rubles from maternity capital funds. The measure is being taken in accordance with an anti-crisis plan designed to maintain financial and social security in difficult economic conditions.

Features of the program implementation and the amount of maternity capital in 2015

Calculated social program for a ten-year period: from the beginning of 2007 to the end of 2016. From a practical point of view, this means that in the situation of adoption or the birth of a second and subsequent children this year, no difficulties may arise in obtaining a certificate.

Pay attention! According to the rules prescribed in the current law, the restriction until the end of 2016 does not apply to the direct ability to dispose of financial resources. This restriction only regulates the time for the adoption or birth of a second and any subsequent children for whom a state-issued certificate can be obtained. As before, the amount of maternity capital in 2015 can be used after the child is three years old.

In addition, the regulations do not establish any time frame for obtaining certificates. The required package of documents for registration is submitted at any time until the child turns 23 years old. You just need to collect the basic papers and go to the PF branch located at your place of residence. From the moment all documents and the application itself are submitted, the issue of extradition is resolved within 1 month.

On September 30 last year, the Russian media published plans of the Ministry of Economic Development aimed at optimizing budget spending in 2015 and the next two years. The proposals directly related to the closure of the maternity capital program this year due to its low efficiency. Ministry employees have calculated that this will save about 300 billion rubles a year.

However, such plans were not supported by the Russian Government, so for 2015-2017 the federal budget has already allocated funds in full for maternity capital payments.

Indexation or how much maternity capital is in 2015

Most often, fixed payments are indexed to match their purchasing power with annual inflation. Such a mechanism is also used in this program, because not all families are ready to manage their finances right away.

According to the draft Federal Budget Law, for 2015 it is planned to increase the amount of maternity capital by 5.5% and bring it to 453 thousand 26 rubles. Below we outline in more detail how much maternity capital is in 2015 and what changes have occurred with the amount of funds over the past years.

At the start of the program, the amount of maternity capital was equal to 250 thousand rubles. A year later, with an indexation of 10.5%, it increased to 276 thousand 250 rubles. In 2013, the increase reached 13%, and the amount reached 312 thousand 162 rubles. Then payments increased by 10% and amounted to 343 thousand 378 rubles. Gradually, the amount of indexation decreased: in 2011 at 6.5% and 2012 at 6% the amount was respectively 365 thousand 698 rubles and 387 thousand and 640 rubles. With an increase of 5.4% in 2013, the amount reached 408 thousand 960 rubles, and in 2014 – up to 429 408 rubles from 5%. In 2015, the amount of maternity capital amounted to 453 thousand 26 rubles.

In the future, it is possible that the increase in the amount of the amount will slow down due to negative factors in the Russian economy. For example, forecasts from the Ministry of Labor indicate that with a long-term decrease in federal budget revenues, the indexation of payments for 2016-2017 will be made in a smaller volume: by 4.5 and 4.3%, respectively, so payments will cross the line of half a million rubles no earlier than 2018 year.

Experts, taking this factor into account, predict a noticeable decrease in the purchasing power of maternity capital after this year and recommend that all families who have received a certificate plan to use the assistance as soon as possible. You can learn more about the prospects for reducing the purchasing power of payments under the program in a special article on this topic.

Changes in the maternity capital program

Last summer, deputies of the Belgorod Regional Duma sent the State Duma a proposal for a bill extending the duration of the program for paying assistance to families until December 31, 2026. But in the situation of crisis processes developing in the Russian economy, the introduced project was considered inappropriate.

Prior to this, in accordance with the order of the President of the country to assess the possibility and need to extend the maternity capital program after 2016, the Russian Government announced the advisability of continuing measures to provide state support to families who have adopted or have had a second or subsequent children. Information from the Government of the Russian Federation indicates that the provision of maternity capital was the reason for the increase to 1.7 general coefficient birth rate in Russia.

At present, no final decision has been made. It is logical that the issue will become clearer in the next couple of years. Doubts and difficulties in determining the country's social policy are strongly influenced by economic instability, combined with Western sanctions imposed on the Russian economy and the deterioration of the general trends of the global financial crisis. Still, many hope that the country will be able to avoid the forced curtailment of social support from the state.