Engineering systems. Design of engineering systems for a private house Turnkey house engineering

Building a house is not an easy task, and before starting it, it is necessary to draw up an initial design of the house. An important part of design is communication. Drawing up a separate project of engineering systems will help to avoid mistakes during construction and installation. Such design will save time and allow you to calculate in advance the most safe and suitable configuration of communication systems in the house. A utility project must be drawn up during the construction of large structures and large private houses.

Is it possible to do without designing engineering systems?

If the area of ​​the house is less than 150 m2, then comprehensive design of engineering systems is not necessary, although it will be an excellent help in the installation process. If the house design is typical, then such a house will most likely be suitable for basic package solutions for installing communications. In the case of a non-standard house layout and other nuances related to location and weather conditions, the design of engineering systems and networks will help you remain confident in the reliability of the communication networks.

The larger the area, the greater the responsibility

If small house does not require mandatory preliminary design, then when building a house with an area of ​​more than 150 m2 it is better to immediately order engineering systems design services– more communication means large number small elements and unobvious nuances. This way you will protect your home from potentially unsuccessful installation decisions that will lead to the early need for repairs and replacement of various communication units. Incorrect location of sockets, inconvenient and ineffective distribution of hot water, ill-conceived heating system and air locks in the sewer system are only part of what can be avoided with timely calculation of engineering systems.

Components of a engineering systems project

Engineering systems communications is a flexible concept. When ordering professional design of engineering systems for your home, you receive a set of documents including:

A well-thought-out electrical installation plan, including the selection of the type of circuit breakers for the electrical panel;

Calculation of heating systems taking into account the heat loss of the house and the available type of fuel;

A well-developed plan for the water supply system, taking into account points of water intake and hot water supply;

Calculation of the location and slopes of sewer pipes, calculation of the required volume of the septic tank depending on the number of people living;

A complete and detailed estimate for equipment and materials, as well as their cost for each element.

All of the above are mandatory components for a comfortable year-round residence in a country private house. If necessary, you may also need:

Installation plan for a ventilation system with the possibility of recovery to bring in fresh air and reduce heat loss at home;

Layout plan for the elements of the smart home system: video cameras, security sensors, control panels, and so on.

Why is it worth ordering the engineering systems design service?

As practice shows, without an accurate design, the need for rework arises in 100% of cases, and construction teams always play it safe and order more materials than are actually required for installation. As a result, you risk increasing costs by up to 30% of the original budget. The cost of designing engineering systems is easy to calculate: the power supply project costs 120 rubles per m 2 , A heating, water supply and sewerage – 200 rubles per m 2 . Approximate design cost for a house with an area of ​​200 m 2 will be 60,000 rubles– this is much less than the average budget overrun when installing communications without a project. This way, you will not only avoid unnecessary costs, but also receive a technical passport of all the engineering systems of your home: you will know where everything is, which machine is responsible for what, and so on. The design of engineering systems will also allow you to monitor the work of installation specialists at the site and compare the actual work carried out with the plan.

You can order the design of engineering systems in Moscow and the region from GWDE. Our designers are specialists with 20 years of experience: over 200 engineering projects for country houses have been successfully implemented using their drawings.

Save your time and money - contact the professionals from GWDE and receive a design of engineering systems in a week!

The company "OVeKon-Engineering" LLC specializes in the installation and maintenance of engineering communications in residential buildings, both within the city and beyond. We work with heating, water supply, sewerage, electrical, ventilation and air conditioning systems, taking into account:

  • area, layout and other parameters of buildings and structures;
  • technical and operational characteristics of equipment;
  • requirements and wishes of the customer regarding the features of engineering communications.

We organize the engineering systems of the house on a turnkey basis, that is, we guide the client from filling out the application to completion commissioning works and delivery of the object. We do everything possible to make your country home comfortable and safe. Many engineering communications operate autonomously and are equipped with automation and energy saving equipment.

Prices for engineering systems of a country house

Design, rub

Installation, rub


The cost of installation of the main equipment is approximately 30-50% of the cost of the equipment. The cost of installation of component materials (pipes, shut-off valves, fittings, etc.) is approximately 60-80% of the cost of component materials.

Water supply and sewerage

from 1500/2500-point


21600 for a cottage up to 200 m2

The turnkey price depends on the selected type of ventilation, equipment and other conditions


10800 for a cottage with an area of ​​up to 200 m2

From 6,000 rubles for installation of a 2.0 kW split system

Features of engineering systems of a private house

The scale of a private house, as a rule, differs from an apartment in a multi-storey building, and engineering communications in this case have a more complex design. Only professional design will allow you to take into account all the nuances:

  • the home energy supply system involves organizing the power input location, installing electrical cabinets, meters, switches, sockets, external and internal wiring, etc.;
  • ventilation country house consists of supply and exhaust devices, fans, heat exchangers, filters, humidifiers and dehumidifiers, control units, and the system must serve both the main and office premises;
  • heating system– this is a competent combination of such attributes as boilers running on electricity, gas, liquid or solid fuel, radiators, pipelines, “warm floor” systems;
  • water supply for a private home - this is either a connection to central water supply, or drilling a well with all that it entails: installation pumping station, installation of external and internal pipelines, activation of a water filtration system;
  • sewerage system of a country house includes stormwater and household systems, wastewater treatment plants and storage tanks, filters and pipes for drains, not to mention plumbing equipment, without which no home can do.

Our advantages

The specialists of OVeKon-Engineering LLC undertake to purchase and deliver materials for engineering communications for the home, carry out installation work turnkey, coordinate all actions with the relevant services. Now yours private house will be modern, and the reliability of the equipment is confirmed by our guarantee.

The possibilities of technological progress have freed people from the need to make a painful choice between an organized existence in a metropolis and a free life in nature. Today, you can create comfortable conditions anywhere, and country houses are equipped no worse (and often better) than urban housing.

Utilities for a country house include electricity, cold and hot water supply, heating and sewerage. Even if the house is located far from centralized networks, there is nothing fundamentally impossible in organizing a well-thought-out engineering infrastructure.

A modern home is unthinkable without well-functioning utility networks Source

Overview of engineering systems

Often, owners of a suburban area do not have the opportunity to connect to the main heating main and water supply. Then they are faced with the need to organize their own home life support systems. In a modern country cottage, all basic engineering systems are installed; if their design and installation are carried out without errors, the owners will not have problems during operation.

Water supply

Centralized water supply systems reliably and constantly provide a country house with clean water. The vast majority of private buildings are located far from such a convenient source of water. If main systems are not available, the construction company will develop autonomous system water supply A country cottage can be provided with clean drinking water in two ways:

    Individual well. A simple and fairly inexpensive method of individual water supply. A well is dug if the depth of the aquifer is shallow (up to 30 m), a pump and filter are installed.

The depth of the aquifer for different types water supply Source

    Individual well. The type of water well depends on the mode of use of the housing. If the house is lived in periodically, a sand well (up to 40 m) would be optimal. The depth of the artesian well reaches 200 m; there is enough water from such an aquifer for a small village. To drill an artesian well, you need a license.

A well-thought-out arrangement of water inlet into the house, wet rooms (kitchen, bathrooms, sauna) and wastewater outlet will help to avoid problems during operation. You should also take care of the quality of pipes and fittings; saving on these things is unacceptable.

A couple of decades ago, summer residents heated water in buckets to swim or do laundry. Modern hot water supply is much more practical. Hot water flows from the tap and is heated by a boiler, electric or gas.

Drilling a water well Source


If it is not possible to connect to a centralized sewerage system, the civilized solution would be to install an autonomous system for drainage and wastewater treatment. A practical way would be to install an individual septic tank, a structure capable of treating up to 20 m 3 of wastewater (depending on the chosen model) per day. The septic tank is placed taking into account the height of groundwater and sanitary requirements. The main technological options (we are not considering a cesspool as an obsolete option) are:

    Arrangement concrete septic tank - a system of 1-3 wells that purifies wastewater to acceptable quality. The output is process water suitable for irrigation.

    Station biological treatment . An underground tank, most often made of plastic and consisting of 1-3 chambers. A more advanced and expensive option with a guarantee of long-term (up to 50 years) operation and processing of a significant volume of wastewater. Purified water can also be used to water the area.

One of the options for wastewater treatment Source


No communications in a private house will be complete if it does not have its own heating. Autonomous heating is a popular engineering system, the features of which are:

    Heat source. Heating is realized in various ways, but the main element is always the heating boiler. It can run on diesel, gas, electric or solid fuel energy. Installation of gas or electric heating in wooden house requires increased measures fire safety.

    Device. For heating, heating radiators are installed in the rooms. The most commonly used are aluminum, steel, cast iron and bimetallic radiators.

    Alternative. You can heat your house by adding (or completely replacing) heating radiators warm floors with liquid coolant; They are most often installed in the hallway, in bathrooms or toilets. They prefer to install the system in the kitchen if there is ceramic tiles. Experts advise installing heated floors if the house is being built not on a strip foundation, but on reinforced concrete slabs. For installation of heated floors, metal-plastic or polyethylene pipes; After testing the system, a cement-sand screed is installed.

Gas heating with water circuit Source

electrical work service

    Manufacturability. Modern turnkey heating communications (including wood-fired boilers) operate in automatic or semi-automatic mode, which greatly simplifies management and saves money.

    Variety of models. If the country cottage is small or is used periodically, it is advisable to choose a compact wall model, which is convenient to place in the kitchen. For a large house, a multi-circuit system is suitable, for which you will need to allocate a room equipped with ventilation and a chimney. It will be able not only to heat water for domestic needs and warm the air in the ventilation system, but also to heat floors and water in the pool. A powerful system is capable of heating neighboring buildings.

Installation of electric heated floors under tiles Source

Electricity supply

Construction companies carry out the full range of work on the design and installation of internal electrical networks:

    Calculated wiring parameters country house, taking into account the likely load (number of electrical equipment and household appliances).

    Going to power shield, wires are laid, electrical cables are routed.

    Installed meter electricity.

    Mounted switches, lamps, sockets.

    Mounted electric heated floors.

    At the request of the customer, for safety purposes, a generator(from the usual diesel to exotic wind). Installation possible solar panels.

Outdoor LED backlight- part of the home electrical network Source

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of design and installation of sewerage and water supply. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Ventilation system

An engineering system that is increasingly becoming necessary for a country house. Air circulation in a private house is organized in several ways: there is a natural, forced (using fans) and mixed type. According to the principle of operation, there are supply, exhaust and supply and exhaust systems.

In modern country cottages, forced supply and exhaust air is often implemented. ventilation system. Supply and exhaust ventilation is compact, economical and capable of filtering, heating or cooling air.

Gas supply

Natural gas, one of the most inexpensive and accessible types of fuel, is used in several ways in everyday life. It is used to heat a house and cook food, and recently it has been used for design - gas fireplaces have become fashionable. The easiest way to gasify a house is to connect it to a central gas pipeline. An alternative option is to install a liquefied gas storage tank.

Video description

About laying utilities for a private house in the following video:

Specialized companies carry out gasification of suburban housing all year round; turnkey works include:

    project development gasification of the house, including selection of a suitable boiler, pipes, meter;


    obtaining permits;

    installation of a gas tank and reducing valve, laying a pipe to the house, testing and system startup.

Scheme of autonomous gas supply for a private house Source

Design of engineering systems for a country house: nuances of preparation

Engineering systems and communications are an expensive part of construction; their cost can reach 25-35% of the estimate. Such an expensive component requires special attention during selection and installation; otherwise, the cost of alteration or repair will be too high. The optimal option for arranging engineering systems is to plan and design them simultaneously with the house and install them in compliance with the construction stages. Before starting design, consider the following factors:

    Budget framework.

    Features of home operation. Do the owners want to live in the house permanently or periodically? It is also important how many people will live in the cottage and what home appliances will be installed.

    Features of laying networks. A country house often has two floors and a larger area than a city apartment. The load on utilities will be higher, and more powerful equipment will be required. If backbone networks are not available, an alternative (stand-alone) solution will have to be developed.

Video description

About designing communications for a country house in the following video:

After studying the conditions and wishes of the customer, the following is developed:

    Draft design. Schematic diagram, which includes the necessary systems.

    Terms of reference. Includes a diagram of utility networks, detailed drawings of communication lines, and a preliminary estimate.

During development terms of reference Important details are taken into account:

    Determined relative location of the house, outbuildings, wells (wells) and septic tanks. This will help determine the length of external engineering systems, the method of their installation (open or closed) and installation into the premises.

    Calculated volume of water consumption. This is done based on data on the area of ​​the cottage, the number of residents, and the heating method.

    Calculated power consumption at home (based on calculating the amount of consumption of household appliances and devices). Based on this data, electrical wiring and protective devices, the location for mounting the distribution board is determined.

    Method of supplying electricity. If the nearest pole is far away (more than 25 m), you will need to install an intermediate pole or lay an underground cable.

Ventilation diagram for a country house Source

Cottage engineering communications: automation and reliability

A country house has long ceased to be a place for summer holiday. Many families live outside the city year-round, so impeccable work is required from engineering systems. If in winter the electricity in a city apartment goes out for several hours, it will look like an annoying nuisance that will not seriously affect anything. If this happens in a private house with autonomous communications, the water supply, heating and sewerage systems may freeze, which can only be called a disaster.

The new generation of engineering communications in a private home has a high level of automation. They are able to work efficiently and reliably, coping with the increased demands and stresses of modern life:

    House area. In most cases, it exceeds the area of ​​urban housing, which implies an increased engineering load.

    Quantity of equipment. In country cottages they install not only dishwashers, Jacuzzis and home theaters. Often the house is decorated with an indoor pool or wellness center, and security and fire alarm systems keep order.

Automation greatly simplifies the management of home systems Source

Increasingly, automation of suburban housing is carried out comprehensively (Smart Home system), with maximum control and computer control. The system equipment is not cheap, but in the future it will save time and money, as well as reliably solve several problems:

    Choose the optimal load, with which the systems will work.

    Develop dynamic system with the possibility of flexible management and modernization. Owners will be able to set the operating mode for alarms and CCTV cameras. It is not difficult to set a schedule for turning on and off lamps, blinds, household appliances, computer or music center.

    Set up a prevention system emergency situations (gas or water shutdown) and danger alerts.

A video surveillance system will allow you to look after your home from a tablet or smartphone Source

Turnkey installation of utilities in a private house

Specialized construction companies offer design and installation services for utility lines. The cost of utilities can be estimated after studying the house design; An integrated approach allows you to take into account all technological nuances:

    Correct connection to existing infrastructures, taking into account their proximity and capacity.

    Design of home engineering systems with a safety assessment, reference to the terrain, proximity to highways and seismicity of the area.

    Design external networks . A water supply and sewerage network project, electricity and gas supply are being developed, drainage system. The type of heating, boiler room design, external lighting, drainage system, and communications are thought through.

    Internal network design. Pipe distribution, electrical networks, ventilation and air conditioning systems, filtration and cleaning systems are thought through. At the request of the owners, a fire alarm and security system are added.

    Coordination. All projects are drawn up taking into account fire safety and sanitary standards and are checked for compliance with SNiP and GOST rules.

Video description

About the decisive factors when choosing communications for one home in the following video:

Turnkey engineering communications: sequence of work

The company’s specialists develop engineering communications based on the task and budget determined by the customer; the work goes through several stages:

    Consultation. Studying the house project (may require an on-site visit) and drawing up technical specifications. The customer is informed about the advantages and disadvantages various options communication devices; a contract is concluded.

    Design. The design engineer calculates communication parameters, selects materials and equipment. The customer is provided with a step-by-step estimate.

    Preparation. Materials and equipment are completed and delivered to the construction site. If the owner wants to replace the old system, the contract includes a clause on the dismantling of old communications.

    Installation. The work is carried out by professional specialized installers. Each project is assigned a foreman who is responsible for the timing and quality of installation of equipment and communications.

Fire safety sensor installation Source

    Commissioning work. Ready-made engineering communications are tested and a trial run is carried out. The owners receive instruction in operation. Payment is made after the work is completed.

    Service. The company provides an official guarantee and the possibility of service during the warranty and post-warranty period.

Cost of utilities in a private house

A strong desire to save on utilities can one day paralyze life in the house and test not only the comfort, but also the safety of family members. Such savings often turn into disasters and inevitably lead to new (and very significant) costs. The cost of laying networks depends on several components:

    features of a country house;

    quality of selected materials;

    experience of specialists.

Solar panels could become part of the electricity supply Source

For country cottage(150-200 m2) arrangement of installation of utilities Moscow has the following prices:

    Sewerage: 60-70 thousand rubles.

    Plumbing: 100-110 thousand rubles.

    Heating: 350-400 thousand rubles.

    Power supply: 150-170 thousand rubles.

Depending on the equipment and materials, communications in a turnkey private house will be included in the price (water supply, heating and sewerage):

    Economy: from 2-2.5 thousand rubles/m2.

    Business: from 3-3.5 thousand rubles/m2.

    Premium: from 4.5-5 thousand rubles/m2.

Electrical installation work:

    Economy: from 1-1.5 thousand rubles/m2.

    Business: from 1.5-1.8 thousand rubles/m2.

    Premium: from 2-2.5 thousand rubles/m2.

Thoughtful engineering communications will make life truly comfortable Source


The optimal solution for the owner of a country cottage would be to order all design and installation work from one construction company. This will save money and eliminate the need to find a contractor for each engineering system and subsequent control and coordination of the work. A comprehensive order for such complex projects guarantees high-quality execution and reliable operation of all life support systems of your home.

Construction has been completed and there is a need for utilities - heating the house, water supply and water purification, sewerage and processing of human waste products, electrical, antenna and Internet, ventilation and smoke removal - this is not a complete list of the company’s activities, and all from one source with unified control quality and full warranty. The lights are on, there is water, warmth and comfort in your home!

Constant monitoring of the “engineering communications for a country house” market, studying technology and new equipment, allow us to satisfy the most sophisticated needs of customers in equipping their homes.

The team of the Russian House company consists of highly qualified engineers and certified plumbing specialists; employees constantly improve their level of knowledge by taking courses and trainings from companies that supply the equipment that we use to implement the project. We are always looking for new opportunities to complete the task - construction of a turnkey country house.

Construction of utilities

Construction of utilities for a country house includes:

  • sewerage

    - installation of autonomous sewage systems in the form of a septic tank or wastewater treatment and recycling station
  • heating

    - installation of a heating system for a country house with selection of boiler equipment according to power
  • water supply

    - water supply system for a country house, water filtration and purification
  • well

    - drilling a well and supplying water to the house
  • well digging

    - delivery of concrete rings and digging of a well, supply of water to the house
  • ventilation

    - ventilation and air conditioning in premises
  • pool

    - installation of equipment for swimming pools and hot tubs for baths or saunas
  • electrical wiring

    - inside the house with wiring to rooms
  • TV antenna and internet

  • alarm and security systems

You should not entrust the work on the construction of utility lines to non-professionals and amateurs. Construction company"Russian House" will carry out the entire range of work on the site and inside the house - designing the selected engineering systems and communications that you need so much, selecting the necessary equipment for engineering, installation and commissioning of engineering equipment.

To summarize the above, immediately after the construction of a house is completed, the installation of utilities (engineering), so to speak, the circulatory system of the home, necessary for a person to live comfortably in it, begins.

Installation of utilities

The internal networks of a country house have a complex structure, so installation of utilities and installation work require certain knowledge and professionalism of specialists.

  • Turnkey installation of utilities

    - installation of utilities and selection of equipment for heating and water supply systems is carried out by a team of professionals who are highly qualified and have extensive practical experience in performing all work related to cottage communications from design to installation, commissioning and commissioning of equipment, further maintenance of all utilities in the house. The durability and reliability of the life support system of the entire country house - warmth, comfort and coziness - depends on the installation of communications. Installation teams use high-quality special tools and have all accessories and consumables, which ensures high performance labor and quality of work performed in accordance with the signed contract.
  • Supervised installation of utilities

    - this is an option when the installation of utilities and systems (heating and water supply, construction and maintenance of swimming pools, etc.), in which representatives of our organization carry out installation work by the customer himself or by external organizations under the vigilant control of engineers of the Russian House company (your hands , and technical assistance, methodological materials and consultations are ours). Quality control at all stages ensures compliance with the technical design.

How to order engineering communications for a country house?

How to order engineering communications for a country house? Which engineering communications are needed first, and which ones later? What does turnkey construction look like?

It’s easy to order construction from the Russian House company:
Stage 1 - first choose your favorite sketch of a house, bathhouse or gazebo
Stage 2 - we are preparing a project with all your wishes
Stage 3 - along with the project, an estimate with materials is prepared and stages of work are developed
Stage 4 - a construction contract is concluded

Turnkey construction from the Russian House company is beneficial:

  1. free consultation
  2. reasonable prices for building houses
  3. flawless execution of all work
  4. personal manager - he will supervise your project
  5. regular monitoring of work performed
  6. When concluding a contract, you receive an architectural and design project for free
  7. environmentally friendly application pure materials and technologies
  8. warranty for all work performed

Specialists of the Russian House company will provide you with informational assistance and advise on any questions. Find out the cost of building your turnkey home. We will definitely choose the best option!

External engineering communications

The construction of a turnkey country house includes the installation of autonomous systems and external utilities. For example, this is an autonomous sewerage system (installation of septic tanks and sewage treatment stations), an autonomous water supply system with drilling an individual water well or digging a well for water intake, wall drainage systems and water removal and water reduction systems. garden plot around the house. All external engineering communications are interconnected and complement each other.

External engineering communications, which you have all encountered at the dacha - a regular storm drain with trays and water inlets on the blind area around the house. A simple design, but a very necessary thing to ensure that the foundation of the house is not washed away by abundant flows of water from the roof during rain. Or installation of an external septic tank for autonomous sewerage- easy to maintain and guaranteed to be durable in use. But it is thanks to the septic tank that the country house is equipped and has a toilet and a bathroom with a shower. Well, the most popular option is to lay electrical cables for street lighting with the necessary protection and switches with sensors that respond to the dark.

The project for the turnkey construction of a modern country house also includes a utility project. Namely:

  • heating
  • boiler room equipment
  • water supply
  • sewerage
  • electrician
  • ventilation

A country house is literally filled with various utilities and life support systems that ensure the creation of the necessary level of comfort. The life of a civilized person is unthinkable without a system of hot and cold water supply, sewerage, electricity, and recent years ventilation and air conditioning. Therefore, any construction of a country house requires a utility design. The process itself is extremely responsible, lengthy and includes the coordinated work of engineering staff and highly qualified specialists.

The Russian House company will prepare a project of engineering communications and external communication systems for a country house, industrial and warehouse complexes, office premises - heating and plumbing, sewerage and drains, drainage and dewatering on the site. The undeniable advantage of integrated design is, first of all, the saving of time and money for the customer. Since design various systems is carried out within the walls of one organization and there is no need to interact with allies and subcontractors to obtain the necessary background information when designing. In addition, if you want to install a Smart Home automation and control system in your home, it will be difficult for you to do without the comprehensive design of basic engineering systems, since the performance and functionality of the system directly depends on the selected equipment.

Attention : when you order a comprehensive design from us (heating, water supply, sewerage, electrical, etc.), we will give you a significant discount on the entire engineering communications project!

Maintenance of engineering systems and communications at home

Many private houses have an autonomous heating system, which usually runs on gas, less often diesel, boilers. Typically, water is used as a filler for pipelines, since it has good thermal conductivity properties, has low viscosity and is easily accessible. However, water has serious restrictions on boiling and freezing points, which sometimes negatively affects the wear of pipes and equipment in general. For this purpose, an aqueous solution of ethylene glycol-based coolant is used in the heating network. The Russian House company provides training and other types of maintenance various engineering systems and communications.

In addition to technical and plumbing work, we offer ethylene glycol at retail in Moscow and the Moscow region at discounted prices. There is a cumulative discount system for wholesale buyers. The company’s website has a convenient form of payment; you can buy ethylene glycol in Moscow for cash or choose other forms of payment. For enterprises that use in their economic activity This type of coolant, it is possible to buy 100 liters of ethylene glycol in Moscow or individual bottling in large volumes. The most inexpensive option is ethylene glycol 30; you can buy it in Moscow at the manufacturer’s price in the company’s sales centers and on the website.

If you need to refill heating systems with ethylene glycol, then our specialists will perform a range of work high level. This list of services includes the following types of work: checking the tightness of the heating system, directly filling it with coolant, checking the operation of the pump, if available. Therefore, filling the internal heating system with ethylene glycol should be entrusted to specialists in order to perform a full cycle of preventive maintenance, and, if necessary, repairs. Refilling with ethylene glycol must be carried out in compliance with all safety precautions, since this substance is toxic. There are also less aggressive coolants that are made on the basis of polypropylene glycol, but their cost is much higher, and when purchasing a large volume for a heating network, you can feel a significant difference in the total costs. Manufacturers are currently undertaking various measures safety to prevent direct contact with ethylene glycol - this is a bright color that cannot be confused with water, convenient packaging that does not spill by, as well as providing a complete set of information to the buyer about the product being purchased.

Ecology of consumption. Estate: We consider the priority tasks that are associated with the design of engineering systems in a country house.

The comfort of living in a country house directly depends on how all engineering systems and communications work - electricity and water supply, heating system and sewage system. Moreover, the operational efficiency, durability and trouble-free operation of the “engineer” directly depend on its competent design and high-quality installation.

In this article we will answer the following questions:

  • Where does planning of engineering communications begin?
  • What nuances of introducing sewerage, water supply and electrical systems into the house should you pay attention to first?
  • How does the design of a house affect the layout of communications?

Utility planning

Construction practice shows that engineering systems are one of the most expensive components in a country house. Depending on the cost of the selected equipment, the method of its installation, as well as options for laying communications, the price of an “engineer” can be 25-40% of the total estimate for building a house. Therefore, any mistake made at the stage of selecting or installing engineering systems will lead in the future to the need for alterations and expensive repairs.

Let us remember the main rule: the selection and installation of engineering systems for a country house is preceded by a design stage, which begins with competent planning.

Compliance with this principle will help you avoid mistakes. For example, if the foundation is chosen monolithic slab, or in the future it is planned to make floors on the ground based on a strip foundation, then the place where communications enter the house (water, sewerage) must be designed in advance. Otherwise, after constructing the frame of the house, you will have to rack your brains about where and how to introduce utility networks, even to the point of altering/drilling the foundation or gouging out technical holes in the screed with a hammer drill.

In the absence of sufficient cash, it is possible to install engineering systems gradually, stretching this process over long time. But mortgages for water and sewer pipes, electrics (if underground input is planned), channels, holes in the foundation, ceilings and walls are provided in advance. This will avoid significant financial and labor costs when further work for installation by “engineer”.

So, we have decided that the project is the basis for the construction of utilities. A natural question arises: how to plan everything correctly? To answer, you should break down your actions into a series of sequential steps, moving from the general to the specific. In order not to forget anything, we take a sheet of paper and write down what we need to do, namely:

  • Determine where on the site the house will be located, the outbuildings, the garage, as well as the well/borehole and septic tank will be located in order to determine the length of the supply lines in relation to the existing or planned utilities in the building.
  • Measure the distance from the pole from which electricity is supplied to the house. If the distance exceeds 25 m, then the installation of another intermediate pole will be required, or, as an option, you can enter the electrical cable underground into the house.
  • Depending on the area of ​​the house, heat losses, heating method, water points, number of residents and their preferences, we estimate the volume of water and energy consumption.
  • We calculate the expected load from all electrical consumers, because The choice of electrical wires and protective devices depends on these data.
  • We decide on the place in the house where the equipment should be installed.
  • We calculate how to lay highways (open or closed in grooves) and how they will be brought into the premises. How to penetrate through walls and ceilings.
  • If the installation is carried out on our own, we select materials and equipment for installing engineering systems. Or, having decided on our preferences, we order a project from a specialized organization

This is only general, basic data on the basis of which a pre-design sketch of utility networks can be made. Every little thing matters. If you lose sight of something, then later, for example, when you decide to do landscape design or build outbuilding, it turns out that there is buried in this place electrical cable, water supply or a septic tank with a filtration field installed.

Based on this, when we begin planning and further designing utility networks, we immediately think about what we plan to do and where. Those. “engineering” is a compromise between functionality, reliability of operation, aesthetics of laid communications and reasonable sufficiency without excessively complicating the system.

Nuances of conducting engineering communications

The starting point for designing utility networks is prioritization. Once we have dealt with one task, we move on to the next, without trying to cover everything at once.

The first thing the normal functioning of a country house is based on is electricity and water. Those. a reliable source of water and electricity supply is required, and engineering communications are required for their input and distribution to consumers. Moreover, electricity and water will be required at the stage of construction of the cottage.

Although it is possible to build a country house using a gas generator and imported water, this significantly complicates all construction work.

If electricity is supplied centrally, from the power company, then a reliable source of water in most cases is the concern of the homeowner.

Water can be obtained from a well or from a borehole. Moreover, the well, depending on the depth aquifers and soil structure, it can be drilled “into the sand”, or a full-fledged, but also the most expensive artesian one is installed, or a shallow budget “Abyssinian” is hammered right into the house/box.

Therefore, right away, at the initial planning stage, we figure out where to get the water from, how it will be supplied to the house where it will be located. pumping equipment. For example, inside a house, in technical room or boiler room. Or a caisson with water receiving equipment is installed directly above the well, and from it the water supply is supplied to the house.

Based on this information, as well as having determined where on the site to locate the house, we can calculate the distance of the route from the point of water intake to the point of entry of the pipeline into the house. Depending on the region of residence and the depth of soil freezing (for example, in the Moscow region about 1.5 m), we estimate at what depth to install the pipe so that it does not freeze in winter.

If the water supply is laid above the freezing depth of the soil, then it is necessary to provide for the installation of a heating cable or insulation. For example, a heat insulator for pipes with a “coat” of foamed polyethylene or an expanded polystyrene “shell”.

It is important to determine the entry point in advance. If the pipeline will pass under a slab foundation and exit through its horizontal plane, it is necessary to provide (even at the foundation design stage) an embedded pipe. We proceed similarly with a basement or a buried strip foundation, the only difference being that the pipeline runs horizontally through the foundation wall.

Traditionally, the bottleneck for introducing water pipes into a house is penetration through the foundation. This place must be sealed, and this must be done in such a way that the pipeline does not get crushed due to possible movement/settlement of the foundation.

Can be used as a feed-through sleeve metal pipe, the internal diameter of which is 2 times larger than the external diameter of the water supply or sewer pipe. The sleeve with the installed pipe is sealed on both sides with a moisture-resistant, non-rotting material that compensates for possible movement of the structure. For example, a heel - a resin rope made of flax, jute or hemp.

The assembly of such a penetration is clearly demonstrated in the following figure.

When laying a sewer pipe, several factors are taken into account. This is the depth of soil freezing, the type of septic tank or local treatment plant, the magnitude of the slope on the site, the distance from the septic tank to the house.

It is not recommended to combine the electrical cable entry into the house (if electricity is planned to be introduced underground) with water and sewer pipes. To enter the electrical cable, we install a separate embedded pipe, which goes into the room where the electrical panel is mounted.

So, we take the floor plan and mark on it where and how many sockets, switches, lamps, etc. are supposed to be. We mark the points with the virtual arrangement of furniture. Otherwise, it may later turn out that the mounted socket will be covered by a sofa or closet.

We also count the number of other electrical consumers. These are boilers, pumps, outdoor lighting for baths or saunas, all light bulbs, etc. After that we draw block diagram electricians and calculate the total power consumption of all equipment. Based on this calculation, it will be possible to select the types and cross-sections of cables and calculate the configuration of electrical panels. After this, we select places to place electrical panels, junction boxes and cable routes. We mark them on the plan. Next, we select the equipment and calculate the length of the cables. Then we purchase everything we need and do the installation.

Summing up

Ideally, when designing engineering systems, you need to be able to look at them both through the eyes of the designer and the eyes of the installer, taking into account the material from which the house is being built - wood, aerated concrete, brick, frame construction, etc. Since the properties of the material and the design of the house directly affect the methods and complexity of laying utilities.

For example, aerated concrete can be easily cut with simple hand tools, but to lay a pipeline or electrical network route in brick or warm ceramics, you will have to use a power tool.

Laying communications in timber or log house, it is necessary to take into account the shrinkage of wood so that routes, pipelines and cables are not pinched after 1-2 years. IN frame house It’s convenient to hide communication lines behind the interior decoration.

The design of the house and foundation also influences the installation methods of utilities. If there is an underground floor, then sewer pipes and water supply can be installed in it.

When constructing a shallow foundation (MSLF), water and sewer pipes are laid under the sole of the tape, provided that the soil is not subsident. Next, the pipeline is inserted inside the perimeter of the foundation, rises vertically and passes through the ceiling. When driving the floor through the ground, to maintain the continuity of the vapor and waterproofing layer, we place it on the pipe, to the thickness of the screed. published