Use of wood ash in the vineyard. Fertilizing grapes with ash: benefits of fertilizer, methods and timing of application Ash as a fertilizer for grapes

I was advised to use woody vine to speed up the ripening of vines on grape bushes. But I don’t know how to use it and which one is better. Tell us about it on the pages of the newspaper.



Wood ash has been widely used as a fertilizer since ancient times; just remember slash-and-burn agriculture, when the ash of burnt plants ensured high yields of agricultural plants grown in cleared areas for several years. The widespread use of wood ash as fertilizer is due to the fact that it is the best phosphorus-potassium-calcium fertilizer, which also contains other elements important for plant life: iron, magnesium, zinc, boron, molybdenum, sulfur, etc. Wood ash is obtained by burning firewood, branches, straw and other plant debris. Ash as a fertilizer is the most valuable of herbaceous plants, for example, sunflower and buckwheat, in which the presence of the active substance K2 O is up to 36%, P2 O5 - 2.5% and CaCO3 - up to 18%, in the ash of straw of stubble crops (wheat, rye , barley, etc.) the content of active substances K2 O - 13-16%, P2 O5 - 4.5-6.5% and CaCO3 - 6-8.5%. Of the tree species, the most potassium is in the ash of deciduous trees, especially birch and oak, and less in the ash coniferous species trees: pine, spruce, larch, etc. Phosphorus and potassium in the ash are in a form easily accessible to plants. The value of ash as a fertilizer is that it contains almost no chlorine, which means it can be used to fertilize grapes, which react negatively to the chlorine contained in the soil.

Wood ash can be used on all soils, except soils with high salinity. Since ash is an alkaline fertilizer, it is especially suitable for acidic soils, poor in potassium, phosphorus, and microelements, on which grape plants develop poorly. Ash not only enriches the soil with nutrients, but also improves it physical properties, especially its structure. In such soil more favorable conditions for the development of beneficial microflora, resulting in increased productivity of grape plants. The positive effect on plant development after using ash lasts up to four years. When digging in the vineyard, an average of 150-200 g of ash per 1 m2 is added. Ash must be buried to a depth of at least 8-10 cm, because, left on the surface, it contributes to the formation of a soil crust that is harmful to plants and microflora. On loamy and clayey soils, ash is recommended for autumn digging, on sandy and sandy loam soils - in the spring. In order to increase the efficiency of using wood ash, it should not be added pure form, and together with humus, peat or compost. This use of ash promotes faster decomposition of organic matter. But it is not advisable to mix it with fresh manure, slurry, or bird droppings, because the addition of ash to these organic fertilizers leads to loss of nitrogen in them. If you mix ash with superphosphate or phosphate rock, then the availability of phosphorus for plants in these fertilizers decreases.

For the same reason Do not apply ash as fertilizer along with lime.

It is very effective to use aqueous extracts from ash for foliar feeding on the leaves of grape bushes and root feeding when watering grape bushes. If extracts from ash are systematically used for spraying vegetative grapes, the plants' resistance to fungal diseases increases and their resistance to the adverse effects of various factors increases. environment. An extract from ash can be prepared as follows: stir 2 liters of well-sifted ash in 8 liters of water and leave for 24 hours, stirring occasionally. Then strain the prepared mother liquor, let it settle, and then it can be used for fertilizing: for root fertilizing, take 1 liter of mother liquor per 10 liters of irrigation water, for foliar fertilizing, 0.5 liters of mother solution per the same volume of water. The use of foliar fertilizing with an extract from ash is very effective for accelerating the ripening of grapevines in the fall, and this solution can replace potash or potassium-phosphorus fertilizers used for the same purposes.

The use of wood ash as a fertilizer is advisable in order to save money, because potash fertilizers are expensive.

The harvested wood ash must be thoroughly sifted, removing particles of debris from it, and if you do not use it immediately, then it must be stored in a dry room, packed in plastic bags, because the ash absorbs atmospheric moisture, and this can lead to leaching of batteries from it , especially potassium.

Absolutely every living plant needs nutritional supplements and substances for its maximum development and fruiting. The well-known grapes were no exception.

The thing is that this plant requires annual care in the form of pruning. Old shoots are removed, and new ones grow and thereby require the maximum amount of useful substances from the soil.

Therefore, the soil on which grapes grow must be constantly fertilized for good fruiting and grape development.

Every plant requires soil fertilization specific types fertilizing Therefore, for each plant there are individual species and the amount of fertilizer needed. Grapes also need fertilization with ash and potash types of fertilizing.

Potassium fertilizers for grapes

Potassium fertilizers for vineyards carry and perform a very important role. Proper Use Potassium fertilizers significantly increase the fruiting of the bush and its growth.

The fact is that potassium is a vital element for the normal development of living plants. Considering the fact that this element is washed away with rain, its constant replenishment is necessary.

That is why potash fertilizers are extremely important and must be used in growing grape bushes.

All potash fertilizers are divided into:

  • chlorides;
  • sulfuric acid species.

Considering the fact that grapes are a source of high concentrations of chlorine (in the leaves), chloride fertilizers must be applied especially carefully. Basically, such fertilizers are applied in the fall and in areas with a lot of precipitation in the form of rain.

Despite the high concentration of chlorine in the leaves, it is still necessary for the normal growth of the plant (taking into account the appearance and growth of new shoots).

Chlorine is very quickly washed out of the soil; sometimes it is strongly recommended to carefully fertilize it with potassium chloride fertilizers. Therefore, the addition of chloride fertilizers is associated with maintaining the necessary balance of chlorine content in the bush.

Potassium sulfate fertilizers not only increase the yield and increase the growth of shrubs, but also contribute to the enrichment of fruits with sugar, which makes them very tasty. Considering that autumn is the rainy season, potassium sulfate fertilizers are applied precisely during this period.

The thing is that this type of fertilizer very quickly penetrates into the soil with water (especially in the fall with rain) and saturates as much as possible. root system typical substances.

Having fertilized a grape bush with potassium sulphate fertilizers in the fall, you can safely expect next year a large harvest from a shrub rich in microelements.

Ash as fertilizer for grapes

Since ancient times, ash has been considered one of the best sources for fertilizing grapes. The fact is that it contains almost the entire necessary set of elements that each bush of a typical plant needs.

This type of fertilizer received particular value due to great content potassium, which is simply necessary for the normal growth of grapes.

Every year in spring and autumn, experienced vineyards use ash for fertilizer. In the fall, about 500 grams are diluted in a bucket of water and poured under one bush. If there are a lot of bushes, then the same procedure is carried out for the remaining bushes.

In the spring, to fertilize grapes, use no more than 2 kg of ash diluted in water per bush. The grape bush is dug in and diluted ash is poured in. Then it is covered with soil on top. Such proportions are necessary in order to avoid chlorosis.

At the beginning of strong spring warming, it is necessary to pour a small amount of dry ash under each bush. This will prevent the development of fungal and other diseases of the grape bush.

In addition, this method will allow you to fertilize the roots of the bush as much as possible when watering or raining.

There is also non-root fertilizer for bushes through outside pollination with wood ash. Sometimes they simply sprinkle it on top of the grape bushes, and sometimes they dilute the ash in water and pollinate the vineyard.

Both methods are effective against various diseases and prevents the desire of harmful insects to spoil and destroy shrubs.

In any fertilizer there are certain proportions and norms. The above proportions of ash are the maximum permissible. But a smaller amount of ash is not recommended, since the grapes will not receive the necessary nutrients.

In one year of fertilization operations carried out using ash, the grape bush receives useful elements for a period of 3-4 years. Therefore, experts in the field of growing grapes strongly recommend interrupting the fertilization process with ash for the above period of time. After this time, the above process of fertilizing with ash is repeated again.

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Autumn fertilizing for grapes, the most important stage of crop care.

After active growth and fruiting, the shrub must replenish lost energy and prepare for winter and the new season.

When is the time to apply fertilizer, how to do it correctly, what microelements to use, at what time.

Fertilizing grapes in the fall will prepare the vine for winter

Mineral fertilizers

Over the years, the soil loses nutrients, so to enrich it it is necessary to add additional nutrition: organic compounds and microelements. What fertilizers are suitable for feeding the plant in the autumn?


An important element in plant nutrition, its supply quantity is necessary for the development of grapes.

If during spring feeding it accelerates flowering, takes an active part in the ripening of berries in the fall, and prepares the plant for winter.

Popular chemical fertilizers include simple superphosphate. It contains 21% phosphorus and gypsum. It is excellently soluble in liquid and is allowed to be used on different types soil.

There is also double superphosphate on sale; its concentration in granules reaches 50%. There is no gypsum, and the element itself is used when the soils are very depleted.


Another main component, without which grapes cannot fully exist.

With its deficiency, the leaves become covered with yellow spots, the berries ripen poorly, remain sour, and the plant weakens.

This valuable substance gives grapes the strength to withstand frost and drought and avoid many diseases. Potassium is represented by several types of fertilizers:

  • Potassium salt is red granules, the content of the main substance is 40%. It also contains chlorine. It is applied only in the fall, combined with other microelements. Over time, it is washed out of the soil.
  • Potassium sulfate is the best in its series; it does not contain chlorine, and it contains up to 50% of the main element.
  • Potassium magnesium includes 30% potassium and 9% magnesium, it contains a small amount of sulfur, it can be used as the main food and as a top dressing. Effective with low magnesium content in the soil.

Calimagnesia is a popular fertilizer for grapes


Fertilizer will ensure the plant's frost resistance, get rid of fungus, and lay the foundation for further growth of the vine.


Grapes often experience a shortage of this element, since there is usually not enough of it in the soil, and after application it is washed out quickly. In the fall, it will allow the berries to ripen faster and become sweeter; next year the bush will be able to develop fully.


Increases productivity, taking care of the presence of zinc should be in places where soil acidity is low.

Zinc increases grape yield

Organic fertilizers

In order for a grape plant to develop harmoniously and produce a good harvest, it is necessary to increase the biological activity of the soil. Ordinary organics can do this:

  • the type of fertilizer perfectly enriches the soil with various microorganisms;
  • necessary microelements;
  • restores the air and water nutrition of the roots;

This creates optimal conditions for the growth of grapes.


It is one of the most popular and well-known types of organic fertilizers. Rotted livestock waste contains a wide range of essential microelements, and grapes respond positively to it.

For a bush this is one of best options for feeding in the fall, but during this period you should not add fresh manure; during this period, there is no need for excess nitrogen for the vine.

Fresh manure is not suitable for fertilizing vineyards


He does not belong to the last place among organic fertilizers. Rotted plant remains have all the necessary substances to enrich the soil composition.

If you additionally add mineral fertilizers to it, compost becomes an invaluable food for grapes.

One of the advantages is its accessibility: you can cook it yourself.


It is a source of potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium. It can successfully replace potassium chemicals, provided that the dose must be 6 times greater than the chemical analogue. The composition of the ash varies depending on the age and origin of the wood.

The burnt remains of fruit trees and grapevines are considered the best.

Ash is a natural fertilizer for the vineyard

When to start feeding

Over the summer, the grape bushes have lost a lot of strength and nutrients, so autumn feeding is very important for the plant. She will help:

  • let the fruits and young branches ripen;
  • withstand the cold for the shrub;
  • will lay the foundation for future growth and fruiting.

The fall feeding scheme looks like this.

The beginning of September is the time of the first autumn feeding, its purpose is to accelerate the ripening of the vine and prepare for the winter period.

During these periods, superphosphate and potassium are required. Per 1 m2 add 20 and 10 g of simple superphosphate and potassium salt, respectively, dry or dissolved in water. They are supplemented with microelements:

  • boric acid – 1-2.5 g,
  • zinc sulfate – 2 g;
  • manganese sulfate, 2 or 2.5 g;
  • if the soil is sandy, you can add 1 g of potassium iodine.

Once every 3 years, during the autumn digging of the soil, it is fertilized with compost or manure.

In late autumn, fertilizing is carried out with potassium (25 g) and phosphorus (25 g), the frequency of application corresponds to the use of organic matter.

Boric acid is applied to grapes in the fall

How to fertilize

Fertilizers can be applied in different ways:

  • Chemical microelements can be dissolved in water, so nutrition occurs more intensely, in this case they are used at 1 m / kV. 40 liters of liquid.
  • When using dry granules, they are scattered at a distance of a meter from the bush and buried 25 cm.
  • When using manure or compost, you can simply mulch the soil, and together with melt water in the spring, the nutrients will be absorbed into the ground.
  • Some gardeners recommend introducing organic elements like this: at a distance of 45-80 cm from the bush, dig a hole 50 cm deep, distribute it evenly and bury it. This way nutrition is delivered more efficiently. If manure was already added to the soil when planting the plant, then there is no need to use it for the next at least 3 years.

If manure was already added to the soil when the grapes were recently planted, there is no need to use it for the next at least 3 years.

To ensure abundant fruiting, mature shrubs can be fed with organic matter no more than once every 3 years. For the 2nd year or annually in late autumn, it is allowed to use it only if the site has sandy loam or sandy soils.

When applying fertilizers, regardless of the timing, you should remember that if you apply too much, the excess can harm not only the quality of the fruit, but also completely destroy the grape bush.


Grapes are such an unpretentious plant that wildlife it can be found growing on scanty rocky soil.

To grow healthy and fruit-bearing grape bushes on your site, you need to know when and how to fertilize grapes.

Nutrient components enrich plants with all the necessary microelements for the formation and ripening of tasty berries.

Grape bushes bear fruit best on nutritious soil. Sooner or later the soil loses its nutritional properties. On depleted soils, grape yields are significantly reduced. In addition, plants develop poorly and become vulnerable to adverse weather conditions.

The peculiarity of this crop is that at different stages of growth it requires different nutrients. Therefore, feeding plants with one mineral fertilizer several times a season will not be enough for normal growth and fruiting.

Experienced winegrowers spent a long time trying to figure out at what time and what microelements should be added to this crop, as well as how they affect it in the future.

Anyone can achieve this with patience and desire, because the result is worth it!

When is autumn grape care carried out?

The plant is fed only in the third year of its growth in the ground. But this rule applies if the soil received fertilizer when planting the plant.

Depending on the time and additive, fertilizer is divided into basic and top dressing.

The main ones are applied once every two to three years, and fertilizing must be done annually.

Root – grape roots are fertilized. Nutrition is applied directly under the bush, closer to the roots of the plant, when watering is carried out. There are several methods of root feeding:

  • Organic – manure, compost.
  • Nitrogen fertilizers - potassium sulfate, ash, synthetic urea, ammonium nitrate.
  • Mineral fertilizers – wood ash.

Foliar – irrigation of grape leaves with useful microelements and substances:

  • Mineral fertilizers - superphosphate, ash, potassium salt, manganese.
  • Inorganic fertilizers - inorganic salt, iron, ammonium sulfate.
  • Microfertilizers – zinc solution and copper.

Feeding grapes in autumn

Processing grapes in the fall is extremely important for the proper and healthy development of the vine, but feeding the grapes in the fall is no less important, since after harvesting the grapes the bushes are deprived of many valuable substances and weakened.

For autumn feeding, organic matter is most often used, adding a small amount of wood ash.

However, it is important not to overdo it in feeding grapes in the fall, avoiding adding excessive amounts of fertilizer.

On the advice of experienced winegrowers, you can mulch the soil around the base of the trunk with a sufficient amount of compost or rotted manure.

It should be taken into account that if fertilizers were immediately added to the soil when planting seedlings, then fertilizing should not be carried out in the next three to four years. And adult bushes need to be fed (once every 3-4 years) for abundant fruiting, enriching the soil with essential microelements.

Fertilizing grapes in the fall should be done as follows:

  • At the beginning of September, foliar feeding of the bushes is carried out (this should be done for the fastest ripening of the vine and a good wintering).
  • 20 g of superphosphate water extract and 10 g of potassium salt are added to the soil per 1 square meter of vineyard. Additionally, you can add one of the following microelements: 1-2.5 g of boric acid, 2 g of zinc sulfate, 2-2.5 g of manganese sulfate, 1 g of potassium iodine or 5 g of ammonium molybdate. Fertilizers can be added dry or in the form of a solution; it should be applied to a depth of 20-25 cm.
  • In late autumn (once every 2-3 years), fertilize with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers (a mixture of 25 g of superphosphate and 25 g of potassium sulfate per 1 m2).

Important to know: It is better to start foliar feeding in early September.

Basic measures for caring for grapes in autumn

The main activities for feeding grapes include:

  • Watering. In October, you should water the soil generously. The rest of the time, it is recommended to organize special ditches near the bush and replenish them with water.
  • Fertilizer. Root feeding is carried out directly into the holes, which are dug 50 cm from the bush with grapes. It is necessary to dig a hole 30 cm deep and fertilize the soil with the selected fertilizer. Be sure to dig a hole! If you apply fertilizer to the top layer of soil, the roots will not receive the required amount of nutrients. At the beginning of autumn, you need to fertilize the soil with wood ash, as well as solutions of 25 grams of superphosphate and 25 grams of potassium salt. Dilute the mixture of solutions in a bucket of water.
  • Mulching the soil. It involves sprinkling the soil near the bush with manure or compost to saturate the plant with nutrients.
  • Loosening. Loosening should be done once a week. This retains moisture in the soil and helps the plant survive the winter.
  • Treatment for diseases.
  • Trimming. Pruning involves removing old and diseased shoots. You need to carefully trim the dried, damaged branches and leave those that have healthy shoots. Pruning is done only after the leaves have fallen. Previously, you shouldn’t even think about pruning.
  • Shelter and insulation for the winter.

What fertilizer should I feed grapes in the fall?

Fertilizers for grapes can be divided into organic and inorganic (mineral) fertilizers. Both are essential for the growth and development of the grapevine, as well as for improving the taste of the grapes.

The most popular organic fertilizer at all times was cow dung and chicken droppings.

It enriches the soil with useful organic substances, makes it nutritious, structured (more loose and breathable), creating the most favorable conditions for fruiting and development of the plant as a whole.

In addition to manure, humus, peat, compost and ash are used. All these substances act like manure, but do not replace it, but only supplement it, while improving the physical and chemical characteristics of the soil on which the grape bushes grow.

  • phosphorus (granulated superphosphate);
  • potassium (potassium salt, potassium sulfate and potassium chloride, potassium magnesium);
  • urea;
  • ammonium nitrate.

Of the multicomponent mineral fertilizers that the plant requires before winter, preference should be given to ammophoska and nitrophoska, which already contain potassium and phosphorus in the required ratio. The preparations are applied to the soil according to the instructions on the packaging.

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Foliar feeding of grapes for a better harvest

Through grape leaves, beneficial substances dissolved in water are remarkably absorbed.

Therefore, in addition to the usual root feeding, it is advisable to also carry out foliar feeding - along the leaves.

This will help the plants develop better, produce maximum yield and tolerate winter frosts well.

Regardless of the fertilization of the root system, the grape foliage is sprayed for the first time with a solution of microelements before the flowers appear to prevent them from falling off and to increase the ovaries, the second time - after flowering, the third time - when the grapes ripen. During the last two sprayings, nitrogen fertilizers are excluded from the feeding composition.

For foliar feeding, you can use solutions of micro- or macrofertilizers, which are easily found on sale in a large assortment. An aqueous infusion of ash mixed with a fermented herbal infusion of herbs is also suitable.

Spraying of foliage should be carried out on windless days in the morning or evening, or at daytime in cloudy weather, so that the plants do not get sunburned, since the solution remains on the leaves in the form of small droplets. For better absorption of microelements, you can add 3 tablespoons to the nutrient solution. Sahara.


How to feed grapes in the fall?

In the fall, when the entire harvest has been harvested and the plant is preparing for winter, it is time to feed and add minerals.

How to feed grapes in the fall in order to enjoy a rich harvest next year and is it necessary to do this at all? If the plant is young, then they begin to feed it only at the 3rd year of life (provided that the soil on the site is in good condition). Grape feeding in the fall is carried out once every 2 or 3 years, not more often.

Autumn feeding of grapes in winter

The stages of autumn feeding of the grapevine in winter are as follows: first, fertilizers are applied, and then mulching is carried out to protect the soil from being washed out by rain, and the roots from subsequent winter cold.

Grapes are a perennial crop with deep roots. Because of this, it may not respond to fertilizing that is applied only to the surface of the soil.

It is advisable to apply it to a depth of approximately 6-7 inches.

To accurately assess which elements a plant lacks, you can conduct a chemical analysis of the leaves in the laboratory.

A little about nitrogen

Grapes don't need large quantities nitrogen in the soil compared to many other crops.

Moreover, a high content of this element in the soil at the end of the season negatively affects the quality of the berries.

Excess nitrogen in the fall can affect the vine's ability to survive a harsh winter.

However, a lack of nitrogen can lead to reduced yields in the following year. But if you are not sure that the plant is experiencing an acute shortage of this mineral, do not add it in the fall.

Fertilizing grapes

Make sure that the plant receives the required amount:

  1. Phosphorus. In spring it is necessary for good flowering. In autumn, phosphorus strengthens the plant, preparing it for winter. To enrich the soil with phosphorus, superphosphate is used; the content of the active element in it is about 21%. The remaining component is gypsum. If the soil is extremely poor, you can take double superphosphate, where the amount of phosphorus reaches 50%, but there is no gypsum in the composition.
  2. Potassium. Feeding grapes with potassium will help the plant tolerate winter cold. Potassium is found in many fertilizers, the main ones being: potassium salt, potassium magnesium and potassium sulfate. The latter is more effective, since the content of the main element in it reaches 50%, and there is no chlorine (it is found in potassium salt). If there is a need to enrich the soil not only with potassium, but also with magnesium, then it is better to take potassium magnesium, since it also contains enough potassium (30%), but also contains magnesium.
  3. Zinc. Needed by fruit crops living in low-acid soils. Classic fertilizer – KompleMet-Zinc. Apply according to package instructions.
  4. Grapes are often fed with ammonium nitrate and urea. They are diluted in water strictly according to the instructions (so as not to burn the roots) and used for watering.

The most popular organics are compost, cow manure and chicken coop manure. They improve the composition and breathability of the soil, making it looser. They are quickly absorbed and improve fruiting next year.

Organic fertilizers can be applied by first diluting them with water and using them for irrigation, or adding them dry while digging the soil before mulching.

Types of organic fertilizers:

  1. Manure. For fruit-bearing bushes, including grapevines, it is the best organic fertilizer. It is not recommended to feed the plant with fresh manure, which is rich in nitrogen. In the autumn, grapes do not experience much need for it.
  2. Compost (plant humus). Rotted grass and leaves contain all the minerals a grapevine needs in the fall. Can be combined with mineral fertilizers.
  3. Ash. Contains potassium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and other elements. Can be used as an organic replacement for potassium-containing drugs, provided that its dosage is increased by 5-6 times.

Fertilizing grapes with ash

When firewood, straw, and branches are burned, ash remains, which contains a high content of minerals, especially potassium. It also contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus, and contains sodium and magnesium in slightly smaller amounts.

Thanks to such a rich chemical composition, ash has been used since ancient times to fertilize garden plots with fruit crops.

It is also important that phosphorus and potassium (which is what the vine needs most in the fall) in the ash are available in a light, easily digestible form.

A distinctive feature of the ash is the absence of chlorine, to which many fruit crops are sensitive, including grapes (as well as raspberries, citrus fruits, currants, strawberries, potatoes).

It reduces acidity, improves soil structure, and promotes the creation of beneficial microflora necessary for good grapevine productivity.

The positive effect of adding ash as a fertilizer can last up to 4 years.

It is recommended to add ash not in its pure form, but by combining it with peat or humus. The result is a high-quality organic mixture rich in minerals. It is evenly distributed over the area, preferably in wet weather.

Helpful Tips:

  • Do not combine ash with manure (dry or diluted), litter and ammonium sulfate.
  • Do not mix ash with superphosphate. This will not lead to fatal consequences, but phosphorus will be absorbed by the plant much worse. This is not advisable.
  • Store ash in a dry place. It easily and quickly absorbs moisture, which is why it begins to quickly lose potassium.

Approximate autumn feeding plan

Excess of nutrients, as well as their deficiency, has an extremely negative effect on the health of grapes. Therefore, more does not mean better. It is better to feed grapes in 2 stages.

The first stage is organic, when a small amount of dry litter, compost or manure is added to the dug up soil. This will enrich the soil with the necessary elements and replenish the nutrients that the grape bush lost during fruiting. It is better to do it at the very beginning of autumn.

The second stage is the main mineral supplement. It should be done a few weeks after adding organic matter.

If the acidity of the soil is normal, then you can get by with only potassium and phosphorus.

These elements combine well and are often used in combination (as part of multicomponent ammophoska and nitrophoske fertilizers).

You can prepare your own potassium phosphate fertilizer, which will be no less effective. To do this, you need to mix 20 g of superphosphate and 10 grams of potassium salt, dilute it in 10 liters of water and water the bush.

If the soil condition is good and this is just another scheduled fertilizing, you can limit yourself to a mixture of ash and peat, without adding manure and chemical fertilizers.

From it the vine will receive all the necessary substances, including potassium.

Spread the mixture over the area, or mix it with a small amount of soil and mix it into the soil near the vine roots.

Mulching grapes after fertilizing

Before frost, while the earth has not yet frozen, mulching is carried out. This is the final stage in autumn grape care. A layer of mulch will reduce the leaching of minerals during autumn rains, and in winter it will protect the root system from freezing.

If the mulch is organic (pine needles, grass clippings, last year's compost, rotted manure, etc.), then it will also be a kind of light fertilizer for grapes. Its effect is cumulative, since nutrients from natural mulch enter the soil gradually.


Caring for grapes in autumn: work in the vineyard

Caring for a vineyard in the fall includes measures to ensure high yields of varieties late date maturation and preparation for the coming winter.

If autumn is delayed, it is better to sacrifice part of the harvest and unload the vine.

Work with grapes in the fall includes tying and pruning branches, feeding the bushes with fertilizers, and spraying with effective preparations to ensure better fruit formation for the next year.

What to do with grape bushes in autumn

When caring for grapes in the fall, all the same work is carried out as in August for early and medium-ripening varieties.

The winegrower's special attention should be directed to measures that accelerate the ripening of the crop and the ripening of the vine.

The next year’s harvest and the degree of damage to the buds and wood of the bushes depend on how early and well the vine ripened in September, how much it stored and accumulated carbohydrates.

What to do with grapes in the fall to prepare the vine for winter? Considering that the carbohydrates produced by the leaves are, first of all, used for the ripening of fruits and only after that for the ripening of the vine, special care is taken to ensure that late-ripening varieties are not overloaded with the harvest. How to care for grapes in the fall to preserve as many berries as possible? To do this, it is better to underload the vine with fruits than to overload it, since frost resistance during overloading decreases so significantly that the first autumn frosts damage the above-ground part of such bushes.

Therefore, when prolonged cool weather sets in, it is sometimes advisable to sacrifice part of the unripe harvest, remove it from the bushes in advance and allow the remaining fruits on the vine to ripen.

If for some reason the winegrower is not satisfied with the bush (it grows poorly, is sick), then regrafting it is not advisable. When working in the vineyard in the fall, such bushes can be uprooted already at the end of September after the harvest.

The higher the harvest, the more nutrients are required for the formation of normally developed clusters, high-quality berries, for the formation of fruit buds and fruiting for the next year.

What to do with grapes in autumn in conditions middle zone? Fertilization of grape plants occupies an important place in the complex of agrotechnical measures aimed at obtaining high grape yields.

The role of fertilizers is especially important on low-humus soils.

Caring for grape vines in the fall: spraying to prepare for winter

Due to the fact that grapes grow in the same place for many years, the supply of nutrients in the soil is gradually depleted. How to properly care for grapes in the fall to restore soil fertility?

Restoring the fertile qualities of the soil is possible only by applying fertilizers, mainly nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. In addition, the soil must contain, albeit in smaller quantities, calcium, iron and so-called microelements - magnesium, manganese, boron, copper and others.

With proper care of grapes in the fall, you need to carry out foliar feeding by spraying the bushes with fertilizer solutions.

Such fertilizing ensures better formation of fruit formations for next year's harvest, contributes to more complete formation of bunches, increased sugar content of berries, and better ripening of the vine.

How to care for a vineyard in the fall to provide the vines with nutrients? For foliar feeding, macro- and microfertilizers are used, the composition of which most fully satisfies the requirements of the plant. Fertilizing of grapes should be carried out at the beginning of active periods of vine development: before flowering, immediately after flowering, during the filling of bunches and the beginning of ripening.

Foliar feeding can be combined with caring for grapes in the fall by spraying against diseases and pests - it is better to carry them out in the evening, when the temperature is much lower than during the day, the stomata of the leaves are open and the likelihood of burns is least.

After harvesting, assimilation and outflow of nutrients from upper parts bush to the lower ones.

Organic substances formed due to photosynthesis in leaves accumulate in roots, shoots, mainly in nodes.

If there is no frost, the leaves remain green and photosynthesis is mainly aimed at preparing the plant for winter, further forming buds in the eyes, and maturing shoots.

In most grape varieties, shoot ripening begins during the berry ripening period, that is, at the end of July and August.

In a number of varieties, the shoots begin to ripen before the berries, and in some Central Asian varieties, on the contrary, the berries ripen before the shoots.

The ripening of shoots is facilitated by a decrease in daylight hours and a large amplitude of fluctuations in day and night temperatures.

Typically, in most varieties, shoot ripening begins when their growth sharply slows down, at an air temperature of +8... 10 C.

Plants enter a state of physiological dormancy, starch accumulates in them and the amount of water decreases, cork cambium forms, the outer layers of phloem dry out and bark forms.

With proper care of the grape vine in the fall, well-ripened shoots withstand winter frosts better, and the bush produces a higher yield the following year.

Eyes on immature shoots during early autumn frosts die at -6...8°C frost, and after hardening they can withstand 16...18°C frosts.

“Caring for Grapes in Autumn” will help you better imagine the volume of autumn work in the vineyard:

Caring for grapes in the fall: pruning for the winter (with video)

What should you do in the fall with grape bushes so that the plants do not die in winter?

To care for grapes in the fall and prepare for winter, you need to start removing the bushes from the trellis and pruning from the varieties early date ripening, where the shoots ripen better. They are untied from the wire and the bush is lowered to the ground, first they cut out the unusable, old sleeves at the base and begin to trim the remaining ones.

When caring for grapes in the fall, pruning grape bushes for the winter is one of the main agrotechnical techniques, which ensures the correct relationship between the root system and the above-ground part of the plant, regulates growth and fruiting. When pruning, part of the perennial wood and 60-70% of annual growth are removed annually. It comes down to cutting out fruit shoots with all the shoots that have grown on them over the summer. And from the shoots grown on the replacement knots, new fruit links are formed, that is, the lower shoot is cut into two eyes as a new replacement knot, and the upper shoot is cut into 8-10 eyes when forming in a fan pattern and by 4-5 eyes when forming according to the “scheme” vertical cordon."

When caring for grapes in the fall, the pruning shears must be sharpened well before pruning. The cut should be even and smooth, with the cutting side of the pruner facing the rest of the shoot.

If, during fan formation, the bush becomes strong, the shoots grow very long, more than two meters, it is necessary to increase the load on the bush, that is, increase the number of fruit links.

To do this, in the fall, leave one or two strong shoots that grow from the root or from the base of a bush from perennial wood, and cut them each into two eyes at a height of 30-40 cm. A new fruiting link is formed from the grown shoots.

The same is done when replacing dead or outdated fruit links.

To replace an old sleeve on which annual shoots grow poorly, or to grow a new, additional sleeve if there are no suitable shoots or tops, an injection is made with pruning shears at the base of the sleeve or on the trunk, which will cause the development of dormant buds below the injection, and next year several shoots will grow that can be used to grow new sleeves.

Watch the video “Pruning when caring for grapes in autumn” to better understand the technology of the process:

Feeding grapes with fertilizers for the whole season

Below is a table of the main fertilizers applied to grapes for the entire season:

Time Plant development phase Types of fertilizer Norm (g) per 1 m2 of tree trunk circle Note
April Swollen buds Ammonium nitrate 20-25 Definitely one of these nitrogen fertilizers. If the plants are weakened, fertilizing must be repeated at intervals of 8-10 days, alternating fertilizers.
Urea 15-20
Calcium 30-50
Sodium nitrate 30-50
ammonium nitrate ammonium sulfate 25-40
May 4-5 leaves Agrolux, Solution, Humatized urea 20-30 g/10 l water Foliar feeding with one of these water-soluble fertilizers. Can be combined with medications for diseases
Budding Universal or any complex mineral fertilizer (ammophos, diammophos, nitrophoska, nitroammofoska, etc.). According to instructions In funnels made with a rod or crowbar, to a depth of 25-35 cm in dry form, followed by watering.
June-July After flowering Infusion of mullein or bird droppings or organomineral fertilizer Universal, Agrolux, Mortar, Aquarin, Ryazanochka or other water-soluble fertilizer. At the rate of 10 liters of diluted infusion per 1 sq. m of bush feeding area according to instructions The fermented infusion is diluted with water 10 or 20 times, respectively, and applied to the root zone. Foliar feeding. Repeat after 2 weeks twice or thrice depending on the condition of the plant.
August Pouring grapes Potassium phosphate or potassium monophosphate. 50-60 g/sq.m According to instructions Twice a month dry in funnels, between bushes and in rows.
September-October After harvest Phosphorus-potassium 60-70 In funnels or under loosening the soil.
Superphosphate 70-80
Potassium chloride 25-30
Wood ash, 500-600 Foliar feeding for better ripening of the vine.
Potassium sulfate 20 g/10 l water

The unpretentious crop grows and bears fruit even on sandy soil. Of course, this affects the yield, so winegrowers try to create favorable conditions for the plants. In autumn, grapes need to be fed. The supply of nutrients needed at this stage in the appropriate form and quantity will ensure productive fruiting in the next season.

Features of autumn nutrition

During the growing season, grapes grow a large above-ground part. The plant takes the necessary elements from the ground, so fertilizing should be done 3-4 times per season. Enrichment is carried out in autumn nutritional composition soil, providing the bush with everything necessary for recovery after fruiting and spring awakening.

During this period, the crop needs increased amounts of potassium and phosphorus. The first nutrient promotes timely ripening of the vine, increased immunity, resistance to drought and frost. Potassium fertilizers improve the taste and aroma of berries. Phosphorus strengthens the root system, participates in metabolic processes, and is necessary for plant growth, development and seed formation.

When preparing grapes for winter, microelements must be present in the autumn fertilizing, especially if in a given region the soil does not contain them in the required quantities.

Sandy soil protects bushes from moisture retention, provides air exchange, but does not retain useful elements. For this reason, on sandy loam and sandstone, the addition of additional components in the fall is mandatory.

Boron promotes rapid ripening of berries, increases their sweetness, and is necessary for the full development of the bush. Copper protects against fungal infections, is required for vine growth, and increases frost resistance. Zinc increases productivity; this element is important to add to soil with low acidity. Calcium promotes the growth of the root system and participates, together with magnesium, in the formation of chlorophyll. Manganese is necessary for the fusion of the rootstock with the scion, increases sugar accumulation, accelerates growth and fruiting.

Thus, in the fall, grapes need to be provided with:

  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • microelements.

The only nutrient that cannot be actively fed to grapes in the fall is nitrogen. The mineral causes the growth of green shoots and is required only in spring, in the first half of summer. If you add it after this, the plant will grow leaves, and not pour berries, the vine will not have time to ripen. A small amount of the element should still be supplied in the fall, since nitrogen promotes the absorption of phosphorus and participates in metabolism. But there is enough of it in organic supplements, so it is completely excluded from mineral supplements.

Timing of fertilizing

In autumn, grapes are fertilized after harvesting, when the leaves begin to become covered with brownish spots and are easily separated from the shoots. Depending on the variety and growing region, fertilizing is carried out from the end of August to the last days of October. The plant must receive nutrients before the cold snap so that it has time to grow the root system, complete metabolic processes, and stock up on the necessary nutrients for a successful winter.

Also, once every 3-4 years, organic fertilizers are required to improve the soil structure (rotted manure). It is recommended to perform it 2 weeks after the annual procedure. Phosphorus fertilizers are needed from mid-August to early September, when the berries ripen. Potash - after harvest, starting at the end of September.

If the ripening of grape bunches or vines is delayed due to the absence of any element, foliar fertilizing with the required nutrient in chelated form is carried out in the fall at least 2 weeks before or after the expected harvest.

The procedure cannot replace the root method of application; it is used as an emergency aid; it can be combined with preventive treatment against diseases. The leaves will absorb and distribute the necessary component faster than the roots, but will not be able to receive it in this way. on an ongoing basis, therefore this is an additional method that does not replace the use of root fertilizer.

How to feed grapes in the fall

It is practiced to add the necessary components in liquid and dry form. When a rapid supply of substances to the root system is required, nutrient irrigation is carried out. To gradually dissolve fertilizers, the hole method is used (laying to a depth of 35-40 cm), digging, burying dry granular complexes around the trunk at a distance of 50-70 cm. The set of additives depends on the structure and composition of the soil, climatic conditions, and varietal characteristics of the grapes.

In most cases, complex fertilizing with several means is carried out in the fall. The dosage of fertilizers is calculated on the condition that the plant receives about 60% of the additive, the rest will be wasted by the soil, microorganisms and weeds. At the same time, phosphorus is absorbed even worse (about 40%).

In autumn, you can fertilize grapes with the following additives:

  • minerals;
  • organic compounds;
  • complex ready-made mixtures;
  • means according to folk recipes.

Lime fertilizers can be applied once every 3-4 years. Scatter within a radius of 1.5 m from the vine, dig up. An adult grape bush requires 300-500 g of lime. In parallel with its introduction, it is necessary to increase the volume of potassium supplements by 25-30%, because the calcium contained makes it difficult for the intake of this substance.

Mineral fertilizers

In autumn, grapes can be fed with phosphate rock, regular or double superphosphate, potassium salt, potassium magnesium or potassium sulfate. Basic mineral nutrients can be combined and added to the soil at the same time. For example, a mixture of superphosphate and potassium salt can be applied by digging or using the hole method.

  1. Phosphorus flour recommended only for acidic soils, since it dissolves in acids, not water, and contains up to 23% of the active substance. Regular superphosphate contains 20% phosphorus, double superphosphate contains up to 40%. The substance is soluble in water and can be used on all types of soil. In the fall, you can use it dry, sprinkling it around the bush and digging it in a little.
  2. effective together with microfertilizers, suitable for podzolic soils.
  3. in the fall, apply after harvest to restore the supply of minerals, when preparing grapes for winter - to strengthen shoots and roots, increase resistance to dehydration and soil freezing.
  4. promotes the accumulation of active substances in the soil, but increases acidity. The drug cannot be used on heavy soils, otherwise the chlorine will not have time to be neutralized before spring.
  5. In sulfate salt additionally contains sulfur, calcium and magnesium; it is not used for soil with an acidic environment.

Ready-made mineral complexes will provide grapes with all the necessary nutrients. It is important to choose formulations whose packaging indicates that they are intended for autumn feeding. Use strictly according to the instructions; an excess of substances will also harm the grapes, as will a deficiency. The advantage of ready-made complex fertilizers is that the substances are in an easily accessible form, the mixtures are rich in microelements necessary for the formation of immunity and winter resistance, and are easy to use.

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Apply once every 3 years in an amount of 10-20 kg per bush. It is not worth using more often, since such fertilizing acidifies the soil, and excess has a negative effect on the plant.

Fresh manure It is prohibited to use it in vineyards because it will burn the roots, often contains weed seeds, harmful bacteria, and pest larvae, but does not bring any tangible benefit.

Compost and humus should decompose well and sit for at least 1-2 years. Experienced winegrowers additionally water them with special products containing soil microorganisms - Baikal EM-1, BakSib, Stimulin, Rizoplan. Scatter the prepared fertilizer within a radius of 1 m from the trunk and incorporate it into the soil. When making mineral complexes– reduce their quantity, since with organic matter the grapes will additionally receive some of the beneficial nutrients.

Winegrowers also use it quite often for feeding. Among organic additives, it is the most concentrated, contains many nutritional components, therefore it is applied in the form of a solution infused for several days, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.

Contains phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen, serves to improve the structure of heavy soil. Before using this fertilizer for grapes, it is recommended to compost it with slurry. To reduce acidity, add phosphate rock, slaked lime or ash to the mixture.

bone meal can be used on acidic soils in an amount of 15-25 g per 10 kg of land. Wood ash contains all the necessary substances, reduces the acidity of the soil, therefore it is also recommended for feeding grapes in the fall. The substance can be diluted with water or used dry.

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Folk recipes

Such products are time-tested, prepared from available materials, and in most cases are environmentally friendly and safe. As lime fertilizers in the fall, you can use dolomite or bone meal, ash of deciduous trees, eggshells.

Fertilizers containing plant components should be prepared only from healthy specimens. If there are signs of infection, it is better to burn them and use them together with wood ash.

Nutrition for the plant will be provided by infusions and solutions with the addition of:

  • bread;
  • yeast;
  • green manure;
  • weeds;
  • grape leaves.

The fermented infusion of bread can be watered at the root not only in the fall, but throughout the entire growing season. To prepare the solution, cut a stale loaf or crackers into small cubes, add water, cover with a lid with a weight so that they do not float, and leave for 5-7 days. To prepare the fertilizer, add fresh compressed yeast to water in a proportion of 100 g per 10 liters. Leave in the sun for 3 days.

To prepare a nutritional composition from grape leaves, they should be torn into several parts and filled with the resulting material into ¼ of a container prepared in advance. Fill to the top with water, install the weight, leave for 10-14 days. The resulting solution is considered safe, but contains almost no microelements, so add 0.5 liters of ash to 1 liter of infusion.

In the fall, it is imperative to fertilize the grapes. Actively fruiting bushes need to restore their mineral reserves and prepare for wintering. A sufficient supply of substances necessary at this stage will ensure high yields in the next season.

In the successful cultivation of grapes, a special emphasis should be placed on the question of feeding them. The health of the plant and its 100% fruiting depend on this.

Grapes, like all plants, love, first of all, organic fertilizers: farm animal manure, bird droppings, rabbit droppings, compost, high-moor, lowland, transitional peat, wood ash, sawdust, bark, foliage, pine needles, green fertilizers / nettle infusions , burdock, etc./, green manure plants /plowing into the soil/, silt and silty compounds, algae /sapropel/, bone meal, blood meal, from horns, experience, feathers, fish bones, crab shells, shrimp, ready-made vermicompost, offered fertilizer manufacturers.

Knowledgeable gardeners and gardeners know that for the successful growth of grapes, for example, all biologically significant substances are needed - macroelements /biogenic or organogenic: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen; potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine/ and basic trace elements /bromine, iron, iodine, cobalt, manganese, copper, molybdenum, selenium, fluorine, chromium, zinc/.

Of course, all amateur gardeners watch their pets, and even more so their grapes. By the appearance of the plant you can almost immediately see whether it is doing well or not. If the grapes have few leaves on the bush, stunted shoot growth, or poor bunch setting, this is a signal of nitrogen starvation.

A lack of phosphorus is immediately noticeable - the leaves of the grapes become small, their edges are bent or curled into a tube, and later loose clusters are formed with their further shedding.

But the most deadly thing for grapes is a lack of calcium. A picture of dying grapes: the leaves turn yellow, brown spots form on them, and they slowly but surely fall off. Gradually all the growing points die off and the grapes die.

Experienced gardeners will not allow this to happen and will notice signs of starvation in time. They will guess which macro- or microelement is not enough for the bush.

Ash is an additional source of macroelements

Wood ash does not have all macro- and microelements in its chemical composition, but it will help if grapes experience abnormal yellowing or whitening of leaves, their falling off, the appearance of brown spots on mature leaves, signs of chlorosis - dark spots between the veins on young leaves.

As a fertilizer, wood ash contains:

Calcium salts /calcium carbonate, calcium sulfate, calcium chloride, calcium silicate/ - carry the functions of moving and binding substances in plant cells, are responsible for the rapid absorption of substances and for the harmonious development and growth of the bush.

Potassium salt /potassium orthophosphate/ – helps regulate water balance plants.

Magnesium salts (magnesium carbonate, magnesium sulfate, magnesium silicate) are responsible for the activity of the photosynthesis process and the collection of green mass of the bush.

Root feeding of grapes with ash

Dry root feeding is the least labor-intensive method. Fresh dry ash, in pure form or mixed with peat or humus, is scattered on the surface of the ground, around the bush or in specially made grooves. Cover with soil and mulch. The mulch layer is about 10 cm. The dose of dry ash is about 2-3 kg per adult 3-4 year old bush.

Feeding with an ash solution requires knowing the standards for preparing the solution and the ash content in different containers:

1 tbsp. l. – 6 gr. ash

Faceted glass – 100 gr. ash

Liter jar – 500 gr. ash

The ash is dissolved in cold water. For 10 liters about 100–300 g. ash. After thoroughly spilling the soil around the bush, pour a bucket of solution under the bush.

Timing of root feeding

In spring, during the period of growth of young shoots, leaves and formation of inflorescences

At the end of summer, during the ripening process of berries

In autumn, after harvesting

Foliar feeding of grapes with ash

Foliar feeding by irrigation or spraying is something that grapes always like. The leaf area of ​​the grapes is large, absorption is 100%.

Preparing the solution (extract from ash) will take some time, since it is created in advance and infused for 3 to 5 days. 2 kg. 6 liters of ash are poured cold water. After 3 days, mix, settle and filter. The resulting concentrated solution is diluted to 10 liters. For better adhesion of the solution to the sheet, add a portion of dissolved laundry soap– 50 gr. for 10 liters. Ash extract can be stored for about 2 weeks in a tightly closed container.

The grape bushes are irrigated 10–15 days before flowering and, if possible, combined with root feeding. Irrigation time is chosen in the morning or evening. The weather is not hot, moderately humid, windless.

It is more advisable to carry out foliar feeding once or twice before the bush blooms. To prevent the solution from drying out on the leaves, they need to be sprayed with plain water every morning, thereby improving the absorption of nutrients by the grape leaves.

Some features of using ash

1. Ash suitable for fertilizer after combustion:

- firewood, straw, hay, branches, dry weeds

Coal purchased in stores (if it is indicated on the package - wood, for example, birch, oak, and other tree species).

2. Ash unsuitable for fertilizer after combustion:

Coal and oil shale

Polymer materials, colored paper, rubber, etc.

3. There is no chlorine in the ash, which makes it safe for all types of plants.

4. Ash should not be applied to weakly or strongly alkaline soils.

5. Ash is a slow-release fertilizer, that is, a long-acting fertilizer. The usefulness of the added ash substances lasts for about 4 years, which makes it possible not to add ash every year.

6. Ash is a self-sufficient fertilizer; it does not need to be mixed with mineral fertilizers (ammonium sulfate, superphosphate, ammonium nitrate, urea) or with organic fertilizers (manure, litter).

7. Ash is a chemically fragile substance. The potassium, calcium and magnesium salts contained in it lose their original properties over time and may turn out to be useless. It's always good if the ash is fresh, straight from the stove or from the fire.

It is safer to store in warm household or utility rooms with slightly above-zero temperatures and low humidity.

In nature, everything is very harmonious and balanced, but at the same time complex. Every gardener and plant lover has his own rules, methods, methods and recipes for every occasion. Intuitively feeling their pets, vigilantly observing them, they make decisions and achieve certain positive results.

For grapes, especially cultivated ones, all growing conditions are important. Where he is comfortable and has plenty of everything, there he pleases his master with high yields and unparalleled taste qualities berries