The size of the base rate for compulsory motor insurance. Basic rate of compulsory motor insurance. Basic coefficients for compulsory motor insurance.

According to current legislation, every car owner in Russia is required to take out a compulsory motor third party liability insurance policy. It is prohibited to drive a vehicle without insurance. For violations of the law, administrative punishment is provided in the form of a fine.

Today, you can calculate the cost of car insurance for a specific car in just a few minutes. The payment amount depends on the size of the base bet and odds. In accordance with the instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 5000-U dated December 4, 2018, a tariff corridor has been established - the maximum and minimum values ​​of the base rate of compulsory motor liability insurance, within which insurance companies determine the cost of policies.

Factors in the formation of the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance

To do this correctly, the following parameters must be taken into account:

Vehicle engine power. The higher the indicator, the higher the calculated power factor (PF). So, if for vehicles with engines up to 50 hp. With. it will be 0.6, then for a car with a power of more than 150 hp. With. KM increases to 1.6.

Preferential use territory (CT). Drivers in large cities are more likely to have accidents than those living in rural areas. Therefore, for megacities the coefficient is higher than for regions. For example, MTPL insurance rates in 2019 for car owners from Moscow include a territorial coefficient of 2.0, and for drivers near Moscow - already 1.7.

Age and experience of the driver (PIC). The lower the age and experience of the car owner, the higher the cost of the policy. If it is issued for several drivers, the FAC coefficient will be determined by the youngest and most inexperienced of them. And with an open policy (this is the so-called unlimited list), the coefficient will be 1.87.

Number of drivers allowed to drive vehicles (KO). With an unlimited list, the basic MTPL insurance rate is multiplied by the coefficient KO=1.87. When reflecting a limited list of persons in the policy - by 1.0, provided that these drivers have sufficient age and experience.

Accidents in the past (bonus malus, or BBM). Accident-free driving entitles you to a discount. If you drive carefully for a year, the cost of the policy is reduced by 5%, for two years in a row - by 10%, and so on. Maximum MTPL insurance rates can be reduced by 50% for 10 years.

Possibility of using vehicles with trailers (VTR). This coefficient is relevant primarily for legal entities, owners of trucks, motorcycles and scooters. It does not apply to individuals who own passenger vehicles.

Period of use of the vehicle (KS). It reflects the period of time during the calendar year during which the car will be used. The minimum period of use in contracts with individuals is 3 months.

The value of the base rate of insurance tariffs

The basic rate of the MTPL insurance tariff for individuals and individual entrepreneurs driving vehicles of category “B” and/or “VE” is established on the basis of the following documents:
  • (pdf, 376 KB)
  • (pdf, 746 KB)

Insurance Rate Coefficients

1. Coefficient of the territory of primary use of the vehicle (CT)

Territory of primary use of vehicles Coefficient for vehicles, excluding tractors, self-propelled road construction and other machines Coefficient for tractors, self-propelled road-building and other machines, with the exception of vehicles that do not have wheel propulsors
Moscow 2 1,2
Moscow region 1,7 1
Saint Petersburg 1,8 1
Leningrad region 1,3 0,8
Yekaterinburg 1,8 1
Ufa 1,8 1
Yakutsk 1,2 0,7
Krasnodar, Novorossiysk 1,8 1
Permian 2 1,2
Vladimir 1,6 1

The full list of cities and towns is reflected in the instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 5000-U dated December 4, 2018

2. KBM coefficient

Class at the beginning of the insurance period Coefficient Class at the end of the insurance period, taking into account the presence of insured events in previous insurance periods due to the fault of the policyholder
0 insurance payments 1 insurance payment 2 insurance payments 3 insurance payments 4 insurance payments or more
M 2,45 0 M M M M
0 2,3 1 M M M M
1 1,55 2 M M M M
2 1,4 3 1 M M M
3 1 4 1 M M M
4 0,95 5 2 1 M M
5 0,9 6 3 1 M M
6 0,85 7 4 2 M M
7 0,8 8 4 2 M M
8 0,75 9 5 2 M M
9 0,7 10 5 2 1 M
10 0,65 11 6 3 1 M
11 0,6 12 6 3 1 M
12 0,55 13 6 3 1 M
13 0,5 13 7 3 1 M

3. Insurance tariff coefficient depending on the availability of information on the number of persons allowed to drive a vehicle (hereinafter referred to as the CI coefficient)

The CR ratio for a legal entity is set at 1.8.

4. The coefficient of insurance rates depending on the age and driving experience of the person allowed to drive a vehicle (hereinafter referred to as the KVS coefficient).

Age, years Experience, years
0 1 2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 More than 14
1 16-21 1,87 1,87 1,87 1,66 1,66
2 22-44 1,77 1,77 1,77 1,04 1,04 1,04
3 25-29 1,77 1,69 1,63 1,04 1,04 1,04 1,01
4 30-34 1,63 1,63 1,63 1,04 1,04 1,01 0,96 0,96
5 35-39 1,63 1,63 1,63 0,99 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96
6 40-49 1,63 1,63 1,63 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96
7 50-59 1,63 1,63 1,63 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96
8 over 59 1,60 1,60 1,60 0,93 0,93 0,93 0,93 0,93


With compulsory civil liability insurance for owners of vehicles registered in foreign countries and temporarily used in the territory Russian Federation, the KVS coefficient is set in the following amount:

  • 1.7 - in relation to a vehicle owned by an individual;
  • 1 - in relation to a vehicle owned by a legal entity.

5. Passenger car engine power factor

6. CPR coefficient for a vehicle with a trailer

No. Trailer depending on the type and purpose of the vehicle Coefficient
1 Trailers for cars owned by legal entities, motorcycles and scooters 1,16
2 Trailers for trucks with a permissible maximum weight of 16 tons or less, semi-trailers, trailers 1,40
3 Trailers for trucks with a permissible maximum weight of more than 16 tons, semi-trailers, trailers 1,25
3 Trailers for tractors, self-propelled road construction and other machines, with the exception of vehicles that do not have wheeled propulsion devices 1,24
4 Trailers for other types (categories) and purpose of vehicles 1

7. Vehicle use period coefficient

Full information about the coefficients is given in the instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 5000-U dated December 4, 2018.

You can quickly calculate the cost of purchasing a new policy and apply for it online on the AlfaStrakhovanie website. If you have any questions, please contact our specialists by phone.

Whether you like it or not, every car enthusiast or just a driver once a year has to go through not the most “pleasant” procedure - the procedure for compulsory insurance of his car. And if you are not savvy in this matter, then coming to any insurance company you may be charged the maximum possible amount for insurance without taking into account your accumulated discounts and reduction factors. And in order to rid yourself, if possible, of such deception, we will help you in this article to estimate the amount of compulsory motor liability insurance for your car and deal with all the intricacies of this issue, for which we will try to answer clearly and in simple words to the following questions:

  • What is OSAGO?
  • What payments and compensations are we entitled to under compulsory motor liability insurance in case of an accident?
  • What are the current MTPL rates?
  • What decreasing and increasing coefficients are used to calculate compulsory motor liability insurance and what do they depend on?
  • What is the actual methodology for calculating compulsory motor liability insurance?
  • How can you legally reduce the amount of your MTPL insurance?

We will also make a full calculation of the cost of compulsory motor insurance using the example of my own car. Let's go...


Mandatory Automobile Liability Insurance

"Required" means that according to the Law of the Russian Federation, every driver is required to have an MTPL insurance policy. Lack of insurance is considered a violation of the law and entails administrative penalties.

"Liability Insurance" means that by drawing up a compulsory motor liability insurance agreement, the driver protects not his own car, but the property and health of people injured in a possible accident for which he may be the culprit. Thus, MTPL insurance relieves the culprit of an accident from large monetary expenses associated with compensation for damage to victims.

Payments under OSAGO

In accordance with the rules of compulsory insurance, damage to the injured party is compensated in one of the following two ways:

  • restoration repair of a damaged vehicle at the station maintenance, cooperating with an insurance company

  • payment in cash, and the maximum payment amounts for each insured event are calculated depending on when the MTPL agreement of the culprit was concluded.

  • up to 160,000 rubles in case of damage to the life or health of each victim
  • up to 400,000 rubles for mechanical damage to the vehicle or property of each victim
  • up to 500,000 rubles in case of damage to the life or health of each victim

Example. In my case, I, as an individual insuring my car, should take the values ​​from the 3rd line of the table for the base rate, i.e. (Basic tariff) =.

Preferential use territory coefficient

Kt coefficient– coefficient of the territory of primary use, which is established for each region and locality of Russia and essentially reflects the intensity of traffic in the locality to which the vehicle is attached. At the same time, the territory of primary use for individuals is the place of registration of the owner of the vehicle, and for legal entities - the place of registration of the vehicle.

So for this large city Russia, like Moscow, has a coefficient of 2.0, which indicates the most intense traffic there, and therefore a high probability of accidents. At the same time, for the Moscow region the coefficient is already 1.7. For other large cities of Russia, such as St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnodar – coefficient 1.8. But for rural areas, the coefficient of territory of primary use is mostly set within the range of 0.6 – 1.0. Therefore, of course, it is more profitable to “link” your vehicle to sparsely populated cities and rural settlements.

Example. Despite the fact that I live in the city of Rostov-on-Don with a coefficient of Kt = 1.8, I am registered with my parents in Bataysk (a town 5 km from Rostov), ​​and here I am already coefficient of territory of primary use Kt = 1.3 .

Bonus-malus coefficient

KBM– bonus-malus coefficient – ​​an indicator responsible for rewarding the driver for accident-free driving. It can be either increasing or decreasing depending on the accident rate in previous periods.

To put it simply, for each year of accident-free driving the driver is provided with a 5% discount on the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance. It should be noted that only those accidents are taken into account in which the client was found guilty and there was an insurance payment from the company insuring him.

To be more precise, each driver, depending on his “track record,” is assigned one of 15 established driving classes, each of which has its own KBM. Driving classes and their corresponding KBM coefficients can be found in the table below.

Below Class (beginning)– driving class at the beginning of the insurance period. To view the table on mobile devices, move it left and right.

Class (beginning) KBM
after N insurance payments
0 1 2 3 4+
M 2.45 0 M M M M
0 2.3 1 M M M M
1 1.55 2 M M M M
2 1.4 3 1 M M M
3 1.0 4 1 M M M
4 0.95 5 2 1 M M
5 0.9 6 3 1 M M
6 0.85 7 4 2 M M
7 0.8 8 4 2 M M
8 0.75 9 5 2 M M
9 0.7 10 5 2 1 M
10 0.65 11 6 3 1 M
11 0.6 12 6 3 1 M
12 0.55 13 6 3 1 M
13 0.5 13 7 3 1 M

Let's try to understand this table in more detail and understand how the system of discounts for accident-free driving works. According to the rules, a person who enters into a MTPL contract for the first time receives 3rd class insurance. The table shows that the 3rd class corresponds to a BMR equal to 1.0 (highlighted in the table below green), That. a novice driver has neither incentives nor penalties. Further on the same line there are 5 more values ​​that indicate which insurance class is assigned to the driver after the end of the annual insurance period, depending on the number of insurance payments over the past year. So the owner of the 3rd class, after a year of accident-free driving, will already receive the 4th class of insurance and a bonus-malus coefficient of 0.95 (in the table below, highlighted in blue), which exactly corresponds to the 5% discount indicated at the beginning. If after the next insurance year This driver will not have any insurance payments; he will receive class 5 and a BMC equal to 0.9, etc.

Class (beginning)
KBM Class at the end of the insurance period,
after N insurance payments
0 1 2 3 4+
M 2.45 0 M M M M
0 2.3 1 M M M M
1 1.55 2 M M M M
2 1.4 3 1 M M M
3 1.0 4 1 M M M
4 0.95 5 2 1 M M
5 0.9 6 3 1 M M
6 0.85 7 4 2 M M
7 0.8 8 4 2 M M
8 0.75 9 5 2 M M
9 0.7 10 5 2 1 M
10 0.65 11 6 3 1 M
11 0.6 12 6 3 1 M
12 0.55 13 6 3 1 M
13 0.5 13 7 3 1 M

But if the account of a novice driver (having a 3rd class) by the end of the insurance period includes one accident for which he was found to be the culprit, then with the next insurance he will already be assigned the 1st class of insurance and KBM = 1.55 (highlighted in the table above orange ), which in essence will already be a penalty. And if there are TWO such accidents, then such a driver will fall into the category of “malicious accident sufferers”, having the lowest insurance class M with a coefficient of KBM = 2.45 (highlighted in red in the table above). And in order for such a driver to again receive at least 3rd class, he must drive for 5 years without an accident.

Example. In my case, despite 13 years of experience and one accident for which I was not the culprit, when I first contacted some insurance company a year ago, it turned out that there was no data about my accident-free driving in the database and I was assigned a beginner 3rd insurance class (I suspect many have encountered this situation). But now - a year later, I was assigned 4th grade and bonus-malus coefficient (BMR) = 0.95, thereby I received at least a 5% discount.

Here again, everything is simple, the more powerful the engine your vehicle has, the higher the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance you will ultimately receive.

Example. In my case, my car has a power of 69 hp, which means my power factor Km =1.0.

Insurance period coefficient

KP– vehicle use period coefficient – ​​an indicator reflecting the inability to use the vehicle throughout the year due to its technical characteristics.

It must be said that the concept of an incomplete period of use can only be attributed to certain types of vehicles:

  • snow removal
  • agricultural
  • watering
  • other special vehicles

Even if you use your car only for trips to the country in the summer, you will have to pay for the year-round period.

The value of the Kp coefficient is determined depending on the number of months of use of the vehicle, which is presented in the table below:

Example. In my case insurance period coefficient Kp =1.0.

Violation rate

Kn– coefficient of violations – an indicator reflecting the presence of gross violations on the part of drivers allowed to drive vehicles.

If the driver has no violations, Kn = 1.0, but if there is one of the following violations, then the violation coefficient is Kn = 1.5:

  1. Reporting to the insurance company knowingly false information affecting the amount of the cost of the compulsory motor liability insurance policy;
  2. There was intentional assistance in the occurrence of an insured event;
  3. Causing harm under circumstances that formed the basis for a recourse claim against the causer of harm, namely:
  • due to the intent of the said person, harm was caused to the health or life of the victim;
  • the harm was caused while driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • a person who did not have the right to drive a vehicle;
  • the person fled the scene of the accident;
  • the insured event occurred when the specified person used the vehicle during a period not provided for by the compulsory insurance contract.

There is indeed a very correct and very functional MTPL calculator, and when you select the appropriate insurance parameters, both the base rate and the values ​​of all coefficients are automatically displayed. The only difficulty may arise in determining the minimum class among all persons allowed to drive a vehicle and the corresponding BMC coefficient (bonus-malus coefficient), but you can read about its definition in this article (approximately in the middle).


Due to the almost double increase in the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance in 2015, some of my friends stopped renewing their insurance altogether, citing the fact that it is better to pay a fine several times for driving without an insurance policy than to immediately shell out such a large amount.

Indeed, the fine in this case is only 500 rubles:

Article 12.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation “Failure to comply with the requirements for compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners”: Driving a vehicle during the period of its use, not provided for by the insurance policy of compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners, as well as driving a vehicle in violation of the conditions for driving it provided for by this insurance policy by means of transport only those specified in this insurance policy drivers - entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount 500 rubles.

But, frankly speaking, I am not a supporter of such extreme measures. Because it is only beneficial until you become involved in an accident. And in this case, the problems can be several times greater than paying the cost of car insurance. In addition, when you, having learned from bitter experience, decide to take out compulsory motor liability insurance, you will already be assigned a violation coefficient Kn = 1.5, which will increase the cost of insurance by another 50%. I don't think it's worth it...

That's all, smooth roads and accident-free traffic for all of us...

Reading time: 4 minutes. Views 32.1k.

All aspects of the motor vehicle insurance policy are strictly controlled by government agencies. The calculation is based on a value called the base rate or the MTPL tariff. These tariffs and rates are set by the state at the legislative level, so no company can reduce or increase the cost of insurance. Any discount when purchasing an MTPL policy is legally impossible. Such control is necessary to maintain the affordability of insurance and to guarantee payments in the event of an accident.

What does the term “base rate” mean?

The basic MTPL rate is a fixed amount designated by law in relation to each type of vehicle participating in traffic. Car owners use a constant base rate, regardless of their region of residence and without taking into account the make of the car and driving experience. This base rate is the same for all car owners.

But there is still some impact on the base rate of compulsory motor insurance. It depends on the type of vehicle. Thus, the MTPL tariff for passenger cars will be very different from that for freight vehicles. To determine the rate, they look at the ratio of insurance payments and premiums. The base rate should be such that when selling policies, firms receive an amount in excess of insurance payments.

Base rate changes

Previously, the base tariff was a fixed amount for any company. In the fall of 2014, it was necessary to increase the rate, since car insurance became unprofitable due to the long-term unchanged base rate. Then the rate was raised again in April 2015 by as much as 40%, returning auto insurance to profitability, but not for customers, but on the part of insurance companies.

The base rate, established back in 2003, did not change for almost 11 years, until 2014.

Now the base rate is no longer a constant, fixed value, but a kind of price corridor that allows insurers to change the price of MTPL policies in order to attract clients with offers with reduced prices. Therefore, today it may happen that different insurance companies may charge different amounts for car insurance.

Typically, companies that have existed in the insurance market for quite a long time will not significantly lower the price, but fly-by-night companies can use the minimum basic OSAGO tariff to attract a larger number of car owners. But with such a company you can make a big mistake. Therefore, you should be as careful as possible with your choice.

How to find out the base rate

You can determine the basic tariff for a motor vehicle using the following table:

Type and purpose of the vehicle Basic insurance rate
Minimum bet value Maximum bet value
1 Motorcycles, mopeds and other vehicles of categories “A” and “M” 867 rubles 1579 rubles
2 Vehicles of categories “B”, “BE”
2.1 Legal entities 2573 3087
2.2 IP and individuals 3432 4118
2.3 Used in taxis 5138 6166
3 Vehicles of categories “C” and “CE”
3.1 Maximum weight up to 16 tons 3509 4211
3.2 Maximum weight over 16 tons 5284 6341
4 Vehicles of categories “D” and “DE”
4.1 Number of seats for passengers up to 16 inclusive 2808 3370
4.2 Number of passenger seats more than 16 3509 4211
4.3 If the vehicle is used for regular transportation with pick-up/drop-off of passengers along regular transportation routes or in places not prohibited by traffic regulations 5138 6166
5 Trolleybuses 2808 3370
6 Tram 1751 2101
7 Tractors, self-propelled construction vehicles 1124 1579

The base rate is the basis for the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance, but the final amount will depend on many factors:

  1. Engine power of the insured vehicle;
  2. Vehicle category;
  3. The region in which the car was registered and where it is intended to be used;
  4. The age of the car owner and his driving experience;
  5. The period for which the insurance is drawn up;
  6. Will a trailer be used with the vehicle?
  7. Other factors.

If you have a high driving experience and no accidents, you can save a lot on insurance. The cost of an MTPL policy is also significantly reduced by the refusal of additional options that insurance companies persistently impose on their clients. A fairly common situation is when clients are literally forced to take out a DSAGO policy or additional motor third party liability insurance.

Unfortunately, compulsory motor liability insurance is a mandatory measure; if the car owner neglects this requirement, then he is subject to administrative punishment. Therefore, you will still have to insure your vehicle, and which company is better to contact is entirely up to the car owner.

Our OSAGO Ingosstrakh calculator will help you online calculate the cost of a compulsory civil liability insurance policy.

To calculate the cost of an Ingosstrakh OSAGO policy, you need to fill out a form with information about your city, car and all drivers allowed to drive a car. The cost of compulsory motor liability insurance in Ingosstrakh depends on these data.

Rules for calculating a compulsory civil liability insurance policy

The Ingosstrakh OSAGO calculator uses the official coefficients and tariffs of the Ingosstrakh company.

Advantages of our online OSAGO calculator Ingosstrakh

  • Exact Ingosstrakh OSAGO tariffs for 2020.
  • Instant calculation of compulsory motor liability insurance
  • The simplest form to fill out
  • The opportunity to compare the cost of an Ingosstrakh OSAGO policy from other insurance companies and choose the cheapest and best option.

The cost of compulsory motor liability insurance in Ingosstrakh depends on:

  • Vehicle categories
  • Physical or Legal entity owns a vehicle
  • Cities where the vehicle is registered
  • Driver's age and experience
  • Auto power
  • Car ownership period
  • Availability of an insurance claim

Documents required for concluding an MTPL agreement with Ingosstrakh

  • Application for concluding a compulsory insurance agreement
  • Passport or other identification document
  • Vehicle registration document
  • Diagnostic card

Full name of the company: Insurance Public joint stock company"Ingosstrakh"

Ingosstrakh is one of the largest insurance companies in Russia, providing a wide range of services to legal entities and individuals. The company is a member of 91 professional communities, including a member of the All-Russian Union of Insurers (VSU). Consistently included in the Top 10 insurers of the Russian Federation. Belongs to the category of systemically important Russian insurance companies.

International activities have historically been the most important area of ​​Ingosstrakh’s work, since the company was created in 1947 to represent the interests of Soviet Union abroad. International Insurance Group (IIG) INGO was created in 2004. The group includes insurance companies, as well as companies providing services auxiliary to insurance and reinsurance, the controlling stakes of which are managed by Ingosstrakh. The strategic goal of the group is to create a deeply integrated insurance community with the aim of expanding cooperation in the field of insurance and reinsurance operations. This makes it possible to provide clients of each company with reliable financial protection of their interests.

Year founded: 1947

Manager: General Director - Mikhail Yurievich Volkov